CItu uPew haven SAGA aupport Services December 16, 2014 p A WHAT \XJE Season BELIE VE AND HOW clu up bId rn° P tPfl BEHAJE UI tO DE.J ERMINE S WHAT \XJE Affordable rare Act Premiums & Credits may atTest ysur resend k rlpt , a It 0 lit u P rt BECOVE ifltUI wwwirsgov/AffordabbTari&Act/AffardabItCartAet4axPrnvisjans IotA fi those es than $55:, 0(20.: a r:ar WTA may be an option for fifing your tax return and saving paid tax preparer f5:P5 -. JrQI 4 w f reetaxhelpnew w w have.n .org *ioformrtion takc:n from: taxes.aboui*com •H.&R Block: S 192 per retoro. arerage. 2(112 00101 HELPFUL NUMBERS Adult Social Work of The State Dept. Social Services waiting for new number (emergency services, essential services) Alternate Care Program 1-(800) 445-5394 (in home skilled nursing assistance) Catholic Family Services (203) 787-2207 501 Lombard Street, New Haven, CT 065 1 3 Community Action Agencies; Valley New Haven Community Action Agency (203) 387-7475 TEAM, Inc (203) 736-5420 West Haven WHEAT (203) 93 1-9877 — - — CONN PACE 1- (800) 423-5026 (prescription program for elderly and disabled) Connect-ability 1- (866) 844-1903 (employment related services for disabled) CT INFO Line 211 information regarding a variety of statewide community services Statewide Legal Services 1- (800) 435-3320 Department of Social Services: New Haven Legal Assistance (203) 946-48 11 www. Ct. gov/dss www, connect. Ct. gov NewC//ent/nformationLine 1-855-- 578-4515 or 1-855 626-6632 Fax:(203) 789-6930 50 Humphrey Street, New Haven, CT 06511 — Applications for taken Monday Friday 8:00 11:00 am. Office hours 8:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday On Wednesdays & Thursdays from 12:00pm. on DSS workers are not available for client services - — — or calls Department of Social Services Central Office 1- (800) 385-4052; I- (800) 842-1508 Energy Assistance 1 800 842-1 132 (winter heating assistance) Fair Haven Community Hea/th Center (203) 777-741 1, 374 Grand Avenue, New Haven, CT 06513 Hill Health Center (203) 503-3683 Nancee Carpenter DSS ELIGIB/LITY COORDINATOR (203) 503-3568 Lou Bradley Patient Advocate Mental Health Services (203) 503-3660 913 State Street, New Haven, CT 065 11 Prescription Delivery (203) 503-3021 462 Columbus Avenue, New Haven, CT 06519 Hispanic Clinic (203) 974-5800 CHOICES 1 (800) 994-9422 (assistance with Medicare D RX program) Social Security Administration: 1 (800) 772-1213 (administers SSI, disability, retirement and Medicare Benefits) Federal Building (203) 773-5201 1 50 Court Floor NewHaven,CT 06510 SAGA/Husky D Hea/th Insurance Client Assistance Center if you would like to find out which providers participate in Medicaid LIA in your area call 866 409-8430 or visit the web Dental Call the Connecticut Dental Health Partnership 1-866-420-2924 for help. Pharmacy 866 409-8430 Medical Transportation Call LOGISTICARE 1 (888) 248-9895 about transportation to your Medicaid LIA Husky D covered medical or clinic appointment. Call at least 10 business days in advance & have all information about your appointment available for the call. Substance abuse treatment / 1 (800) 606-3677 Some services that are not covered by Medicaid may be covered by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. SAGA Support City of New Haven (203) 946-8523 (services for active SAGA clients — transportation, ID, licenses, gas) The City of New Haven does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of programs, services, or activities. Individuals who need an accommodation, publications in alternate formats or who need auxiliary aids for effective communication in programs and services of the City of New Haven can make such requests by calling (203) 946-7833 or TTY/TT (203) 946-8582. Find the weekly “Careers” publication each week on The City of New Haven website Con’mut/ty Services ,Ldrnntstration SAGA Support Services j j)\j1€i€i r www.cityofnewhaven.Com scroll down under “News You Can Use” to download the PDF document for reading on-line or print out just the pages you need Are Mayors Message. De.arFhends, As winter and its incJement weather persist. I’d like to remind New Haven residents of a free serwce the Cdv provides in the event of severe weather or other potential crisis situations emergency alert notificationw Sr signing up for the Ciks Emergency Alert Notification system. you can select to reneive email andior pie-recorded phone call alerts with up to date information about safety, parkng bans, clean-up progress and more in the event of severe weather or other potential crisis situations Per7ormance Evaluation Report (CAPER) arid supplemental reporting requirements in accordance with 24 CFR Part 570. The Ciks CAPER provides pertormance reports, narratives and supplemental ir-iformation for the programs and activities MlPttAc sionc Download Document. Important Information for New Haven Residents about the Affordable Care Act. nr’ 1kg n healtn c r xx rg thi r ugh w c Ith rtT i ea y Al ttl plar wr can iii k it mn s er I a e u t is haridxut to I p u pwpare Download Do urn It. Folios this link for more information. THE N W HAVEN PRESCRIPTION DISCOUNT CARD TI It xx Haxer Pre option i wunt Card avaib bl t all N Our re idents t no co-f ndx ith ut r card to ag in me h d heath in ur nL I tu he rard provid n v r ge f o% o on pm nptione a dell as am s n vi ion and n er ar T Cdv uf Ne’ I Haen To sign Lip. please click here fd also lke to introduce you to New Haven’s new Shop-Dine-Park debit card program. which allows use of one card for Car Taxes Or Parking lickets? f’ ou owe car taxes or have outstanding pwkr sets you are at risk of having your cam booted or towed, Follow this ink for more infor on. WeekJy Careers PubHcation Where the jobs are Download Document. Screen shot front page of www cityofnewhaven. corn DO YOU KNOW IF YOU COUNT? The unemployment rate for the City of New Haven is reported at only 88 %* The State of Connecticut Department of Labor using the following definitions determines that figure; LABOR FORCE CONCEPTS (As reprinted from DOL Office of Research) The civilian labor force comprises all state residents age 16 years and older classified as employed or unemployed in accordance with criteria described below. Excluded are members of the military and persons in institutions (correctional and mental health, for example). The employed are all persons who did any work as paid employees or in their own business during the survey week, or who have worked 1 5 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a family member. Persons temporarily absent from ajob because of illness, had weather, strike or for personal reasons are also counted as employed whether they were paid by their employer or were seeking otherjobs. The unemployed are all persons who did not work, but were available for work during the survey week (except for temporary illness) and made specific efforts to find ajob in the prior four weeks. Persons waiting to be recalled to ajob from which they had been laid off need not be looking for work to be classified as unemployed. The unemployment rate represents the number unemployed as a percent of the civilian labor force. With the exception of those persons temporarily absent from ajob or waiting to be recalled to one, persons with riojQb and who are no actively looking for orJeare counted as “not in the labor force”. Over the course of a year, the size of the labor force and levels of employment undergo fluctuations due to such seasonal events as changes in weather, reduced or expanded production, harvests, major holidays and closing of schools. Because these seasonal events follow a regular pattern each year, their influence on statistical trends can be eliminated by adjusting the monthly statistics. Seasonal Adjustment makes it easier to observe cyclical and other non-seasonal developments. The state Job Service is where you would traditionally receive help in seeking out employers who are hiring and receive other services to help prepare for the job market. MAKE SURE YOU COUNT! Go and get registered with the State of Connecticut Department of Labor 37 Marne Street as a Job Seeker. Keep in monthly contact stay included in the unemployment rate. - *(DOL November ‘14 — only 5,170 people in New Haven without a job) As of January 1, 2015 Minimum Wage will be $9.00 in Connecticut (presently $8.70) SAGA Support Services JJhtIce of the J’tec Free services to active recipients of DSS benefits by appointment Notarize documents Marriages Call (203) 946 8523 For an appointment — — 1’ Litisi .. DEC 21 hA 5P tip -F L4 II HP its.!’ I, 01 b 1 ,. . Di 1 • .( J ) 1 (JIB %k JI ( ci liP: V[cs. Claus BATTLE OF iIIEDJ’s 4 Tea.n [DJ Jetset Cren awl the Duubl Trouble C reuJ ic ;t lñ.} ..i.C. 34 3 S The Sound of J{&B EfEfltertaincrs from I :11 ,3’ ida around the City] :. • A FOR MORE INFORMATION OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A SPONSOR OR A VENDOR, PLEASE CONTACT RAE JOHNSON •‘ä 203.946.7173 ( ( Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology invites you to pre-register for our Information Session and Assessment. Come find out about our school, the Medical Billing and Coding Program, and our admission requirements. Pre-Registration Required: Monday Friday 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. ConnCAT, 4 Science Park, New Haven, CT - You MUST bring BOTH an Original and Copy of the following required documents: • High School Diploma/Transcript! • Birth Certificate GED Certificate • Valid State Issued Photo ID • Proof of residence (utility bill) • If you are not a U.S. citizen, please bring an unexpired Visa or Green Card INFORMATION SESSIONS • Dec. 8, 2014 You must p re-register by Dec. 4 t h • Dec. 15, 2014 You must pre-register by Dec. th 11 • ian. 5, 2015 You must pre-register by Dec. th 19 • Jan. 7, 2015 You must pre-register by Dec. th 19 • Jan. 12, 2015 You must pre-register by Jan. 8 t h • Jan. 14, 2015 You must pre-register by Jan. 8 t h Information Sessions will be held on the above dates at 4 Science Park from 12:30 p.m. (sharp) to 2:30 p.m. Contact Stephanie Mallard or (203) 823-9823 ext. 101 with questions. r ; ‘, ;. families get aha A four hour per week commitment during tax futnq season Volunteers receive IRS sponsored training materials, on-line tutor cllS Suppler-nented with class sessions to cer tily in preparing basic tax returns on IRS soltv.’ai e n ii New I Liven VITA Coahtioi pcli tner s; Lntty Action Agency t NL’i I Liven BeIftvt- In I ‘k Flit Hay -r Commui C Emanuel Lt irheran Church New it anc a! Life The New Haven Free Public Lrhrciry Southern Cunnec hut Stite UnrvL’ruty The Spanish Arnerir an Met ci iants Associatior STRIVE/ Career Resources Quinniprac University Law School Yale Hunger And Homelessness Pctiun Pi cc’ct Joir _ E—MAIL; \jjJ,’’ ,—.‘ iIi ( iii o/ -\ ew “v’u Energy Assistance bnp:. x \v\vct.eov/dss Winter Heating Assistance Program The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is now open at community action agencY sites around the state. To schedule an appointment, please call your local community action agency at the phone number provided below. You can also contact 2-1-1- Infoline or the DSS Office of Community Services at 1-800-842-1132 for contact information of intake sites closest to where you reside. The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program is designed to help offset the winter heating costs of Connectjcuts lower income lnuseholds. specifically those households whose incomes fall at or below 150 percent of the lderal poverty euidclines as xveii as households with elderly, disabled and/or children under the age of six. with incomes between 150 percent and 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. Households with incomes below 60 percent of the state median income who are not eligible to receive assistance under CEAP may he eligible to receive assistance under the Contingency 1-leating Assistance Program. General information: On behalf of eligible households, the winter heating assistance pays for such heating sources as oil, natural gas. electricity, propane, kerosene, coal, wood and wood pellets. 1-homeowners and renters may apply. Households eligible for the winter heating program may also be eligible to receive \veatherization assistance. This can help conserve energy and lower heating bills. The Cr) nneclicut Energy Assistance Program and the Contingency Heating Assistance Program are administered h the Department of Social Services, and coordinated by- regional Community Action Agencies, in cooperation with municipal and other non-profit human service agencies. Community Action Agencies: The Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut, Inc. (203) 748-5422 New Opportunities, Inc. (Waterbury area) (203) 756-8151; (Meriden area) (203) 235-0278 Bristol Community Organization, Inc. (860) 582-7490 Human Resources Agency of New Britain. Inc. (860) 223-2288 Community Renewal Team. Inc. (Hartford area) (860) 560-5800 or 1-800-798-3805: (Middletown area) (860) 347-4465 ACCESS. Inc. (Willimantic area) (860) 450-7423); (Danielson area) (860) 774-0418 3 barnes Valley Council for Community Action, Inc. (Norwich-New London area) (860) 425-6681 Community Action Agency of New Haven, Inc. (203) 387-7700 TEAM. Inc. (Derbv-Ansonia-Shelton area) (203 736-5420 01 t on F Bi idgLpolt C ommunitx DL\ LlopmLnt [nc (Bi idgepoit aie ) (20 ) 354—6904 NorualkiStamford areas; phone contact numbers to be announced). ( iko Lo\ LO 14 Receiving State Benefits ? What you should know about Reporting Changes Changes which affect your program eligibility must be reported to the Department of Social Services within 10 days. You can report these changes to your worker by telephone, fax or you can mail verification to your worker explaining these changes. Be sure to include your name, client ID numberand the name ofyour workeron all correspondence. Your worker may ask you to send in verifications of these changes. When in doubt about reporting a change, contact your worker. Examples of changes you should report are: Changes in income You start employment You change employers You end employment You start to receive unemployment compensation Your unemployment compensation ends You start to receive social security You start to receive child support payments Any other changes in income over $100.00 per month Changes in living arrangements Someone moves into your household Someone moves out of your household You move You get married You get divorced You become pregnant You give birth You enter a drug treatment program, rehabilitation facility or hospital for over 30 days Other changes You You You You You receive an inheritance receive a lawsuit settlement open or close a bank account buy or register a motor vehicle enroll in school, change schools, quit or graduate The new customer phone line: 1-855-578-4515 NEW HAVEN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION R FFF RRAI. SIRwF LAwYER REFERRAL SERVICE P0. Box 1441 NEW HAvEN, CT 06506-1441 OFFICE (203> 562-9652 , LRS REFERRALS (203> 562-5750 FAX (203>624-8695 E-MAIL ASK-A-LAWYER We provide members of the community with general legal information; an attorney meets with the participant and provides a free 10-15 minute consultation. If the individual requires additional assistance, they are referred to the LRS for a referral to a LRS attorney or a social service agency. NEW HAVEN r @ the New Haven Free Public Library, 133 Elm Street, 5:30— 7:00pm July August September October November December February March April May June 5 5 2 7 4 BRANFORD @ the Blackstone Memorial Library January February March April May June 16 20 20 17 15 19 @ the Hagaman Memorial EAST HAVEN January February March April May June NORTHFORD 3:30-5:30 6:00-7:45 3:30-5:00 6:00-7:45 3:30-5:30 6:00-7:45 — 2 6 3 1 5 3 758 Main Street July September October November 17 21 18 16 20 3:30-5:30 6:00-7:45 3:30-5:30 6:00-7:45 3:30-5:30 December 18 6:00-7:45 August Library, 227 Main Street, 5:30 15 July 15 19 August 20 19 16 21 18 September October 17 15 19 17 November December @ the Edward Smith Library — 29 26 July September 30 24 May 28 November 26 NORTH BRANFORD 26 April June 30 25 YALE @ the Atwater Memorial @ Yale University Library, 1720 Foxon Road, 6:00-7:3Opm August 27 October February 17 April 21 location TBD, 5:30-7:3Opm July August September October June 16 November December January 20 — 7:30pm 3 Old Post Road, 6:00-7:3Opm January March February — 29 21 18 15 20 17 15 www. ( monstercom) INEW HAVEN REGISTER Traditional Classifieds December 16, 2014 HVAC Technician New Haven This position is with Winstanley Enterprises LLC for an HVAC technician that will provide facilities support for several office buildings in and around New Haven, CT. This individual will report directly to the Director of Facilities Management in New Haven, CT and will also work directly with tenants, so must be extremely customer oriented. This position is 40 hours/week and requires some off hours work/overtime. Job requirements are as follows: HVAC experience that also includes controls (see Technical requirements below). Minimum of 5 years experience in a commercial setting. Work at all New Haven and surrounding area properties as needed. Willing to respond after hours. An S-2 license is required. Knowledge of JCI BMS systems a plus. Technical requirements: Troubleshooting skills to diagnose and resolve problems involving HVAC principles. Ability to install, maintains, and repairs all types of heating. cooling, air distribution and refrigeration equipment. Familiarity with VAV boxes. digital controllers, and building automation systems. Ability to perform preventative maintenance on all types of equipment including split systems. air handlers, condensers, thermostats, fans, vaporators. and Lab MbA units. Competence in HVAC test equipment. gauges. meters, and measuring instruments is needed. Experience using standard HVAC hand tools, and the ability to conduct leak detection and repairs. Dther requirements: Willing accept changes in work schedule- both temporary and permanent. Computer proficient- knowledge of Microsoft Dffice programs Communicates effectively verbally and in writing Must be local to the New Haven area as there will be times he/she will be on-call 24/7 Must have reliable transportation. Compensation/Benefits: Salary: Negotiable Health care and dental Employer 401(k) matching benefits contribution Three weeks of vacation Apply on-line - - Allstate Insurance Company Experienced Field Auto Technical Adjuster in New Haven, CT! Combine your skills working with people and working with vehicles! Customers need us the most when they are involved in an accident. As an Allstate Field Auto Technical Adjuster you will play a vital role to ensure we deliver on our promise to help restore people’s lives after they’ve had a loss, You will be responsible for inspecting damaged vehicles and preparing itemized damage appraisals to return customers’ vehicles to their pre-loss condition. You will meet with customers in person to guide them through the settlement process in a caring and professional manner. You will be challenged to manage multiple cases simultaneously, and solve problems in a fast-paced workini environment. You will be measured on your ability to provide accurate estimates and reach fair and efficient claims resolutions while managing costs. Your success will be rewarded with our Total Rewards package which includes base pay, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement. Specific responsibilities include: Delivering exceptional and courteous customer service Investigates muderatiny complex files, reviews damage, takes photos, and determines reparability or total loss Prepares damage estimate: and locates parts Prepares. reviews, reconciles and/or approves supplements Conditions vehicles and prepares report for customer May determine valuation of salvage Evaluates diminished value in a basic claim Traveling to the location of damaged vehicles and/or conducting assessments at one of Allstate’s drive-in claims centers Accurately documenting estimates on Allstate’s state-of-the-art, computerized NextRen claims system Providing clear, written correspondence as necessary Working well with others in a fast-paced, collaborative environment Achieving targeted performance goals to support Allstate’s industry-leading operational standards Begin a challenging and rewarding career in claims! This is your chance to use your compassion and intellect to help make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Join the thousands of people who work in the claims industry in highly stimulating work that will require you to assimilate data, evaluate facts and negotiate solutions to complex problems. Every day presents different learning and growth opportunities. You will be exposed to a variety of specialized industries, including legal, medical and construction, as well as advanced computer and IT systems. in the process, you will gain a broad range of professional skills that will be equally applicable and highly valuable no matter where your career takes you. Working environment: Please note that, since this is a field service position, you will need to have a valid driver’s license and a reliable vehicle. You will also be required to work a flexible schedule, between 8:DD am. and 4:3D p.m. Monday through Friday, with some late duty and possible rotating weekend and holiday shifts as necessary. Compensation and other important information: Excellent benefits starting on your first day of employment. including 4DIK. health, dental, vision and life insurance. Training Gualifications High School Diploma/General Education Diploma WED). plus three years’ experience writing estimates for an insurance carrier or in an auto body shop. DR. a four-year degree with a proven record for delivering outstanding customer service. Excellent written and verbal communication skills Strong organizationa and computer skills Ability to be a self-starter and work independently Previous experience using a computer estimating system such as ADP. CCC or Mitchell is a definite plus ICAR platinum certification, ASE certification andi or an Adjuster’s license are especially desirable Bilingual candidates are strongly encouraged to apply Careers )Allstate Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedln to find out for yourself... or hear from some of our employees in our short video: Good Work Across The Nation Benefits ÷ Rewards + Balance As part of the Allstate team, a competitive salary is just the beginning. Dur Total Rewards package also offers benefits like medical and dental as well as a robust pension and 4D1(k). It also packs in some of the most fulfilling work/life programs you’ll find anywhere. And, you’ll be compensated and rewarded along the way. Pension plan PLUS 4DIK Career path/succession planning Mentoring programs Tuition reimbursement Inclusive work environment Flexible schedules Generous paid time off (with option to purchase additional days) Medical, Dental, Vision, Life and Long Term Disability Insurance Health and wellness benefits, including: nutrition/weight management. smoking cessation program, stress management, lifestyle coaching, financial resources Adoption assistance program Comprehensive health insurance plans Flexible spending accounts (FSA) Employee Resource Groups including Allstate Women’s Information Network (AWIN). Professional Latino Allstate Network (PLAN). Allstate Asian American Network (SAN). Allstate Network of Gay and Lesbian Employees and Supporters (ANGLES). African American Working Network (AAWN). Young Professional Drganization (YPU). Parents Working Together (PWT). Allstate Adoption Network (AAN) and Allstate Veterans Engagement Team and Supporters (AVETS) Apply Dn-tne - - www. nhregistercom ( Town of Clinton Is seeking applications for a clerk in the Town Clerk’s Office Part-time l9hrs/wk Mon—ThurslO—2, Fri 12 Application and jab requirements are available on our Or by calling the First Selectman’s Office — (860) 6R-9333 And will be accepted until 4 p.m. on December 23, 2014. EDC Technicians All skill levels Full benefits Grossman Chevrolet Nissan (860) 388-3434 ext 143 — Electra Mechanical Assemblers and Lead Persons Inspectors Shipping a Receiving Person Welder (TIGIMIG) Carlin Combustion A division of C. Cowles and Co. 126 Rally Road. North Haven Email: Administrative Assistant Plumbing company needs A full-time Multi-Tasker Word, Excel, Customer Service Call Matasha (203) 878-7762 Or email Driver shoreline fuel co. oil truck driving exp. Req’d CDL Hazmat, Twiz a Medical card req’d. Full a Part Time. Gall (203) 488-266, S a.m 4 p.m. — — WAREHOUSE/FORKLIFT F/T, shift, S12/hr 2yrs exp. Shipping,receiving, inventory, unloading, loading. Gall Natasha (203) 878-7762 or Email ntbestworkWgmaiLcom 4*— Q.ictI4LuIW — -- Apply on-line Residential Sales Associate- New Haven are We also accepting Applications from the Derby. CT H Orange. CT Areas for this Position We know what you want a career opportunity where you can put your sales skills to use and have an unlimited earning potential. Well, you just found your perfect match. As a Residential Sales Associate with The Home Depot At Home Services, Inc. you’ll reach out to an everexpanding number of ‘do it fur me customers, all cf whom look to us to provide solutions to their home improvement needs. THD At Fume Services, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Home Depot. offers a (uP line of kitchen H bath remodelino and in home stsrac ’o 1 units. As a Residential Sales Associate, you will use your sales skills to generate leads, conduct in-home sales presentations and help your customers improve their home. Your wage is commission-based, so nothing will stand in the way of you reaching your earning goals. WHY THIS CAREER IS FDR YOU Unlimited earning potentia There’s no limit to what you can earn as commissionbased sales professional. Bonuses Hit your sales numbers, and you could be eligible for additional bonuses (including an annual sales trip!) Top of the line products ARE Y[U THE NEXT RESIDENTIAL SALES ASSOCIATE? Are you focused on customer service and dedicated to meeting your customers’ needs? Do you have one year of sales experience? Are you detail-oriented? Do you have great communication skills, an exceptional work ethic and enjoy winning? Do you have reliable transportation and a high school diploma/DED? MAJOR TASKS. RESPONSIBILITIES AND KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES -to generate leads, conduct sales presentations in the home and accurately measure and price product. Previous experience in home improvement sales, financial sales or self-employment a plus but not required. You’ll also attend and participate ii sales meetings. training sessions, and territory and branch meetings. You will also be completing relevant paperwork accurately and in a timely manner and continually updating your product and market knowledge. MINIMUM OUALIFICATIDNS lB years of age or older Must be able to pass a drug test Must be able to pass a background check Access to reliable transportation to reach customers’ homes and local Home Depot stores EOUCATION REQUIRED High School Diploma/DED YEARS OF RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE: I PHYSICAL JOB REDUIREMENTS Ability to lift up to 55 Ifs - New Haven, CT Driver Truck CDL (Class A) Iran sportation Training Provided CR. England has been hiring and training drivers since 920. and has never laid anyone off for lack of freight. We are also the oldest and largest refrigerated trucking company in the nation. The majority of the freight you haul for us is no-touch our clients will do all of the loading and unloading. You can choose to drive solo (DIR. regional. dedicated or intermodal) or as part of a team (0TH and regional). Experienced drivers also have the opportunity to earn extra income by becoming a truck driver trainer for the CR. England team. There are many dedicated routes available fur experienced CR. England company truck drivers. Dedicated runs provide a stable income and predictable home time. Over the last few years. the Dedicated division has grown swiftly and will continue to grow in years to home. Benefits: ‘Dreat Training ‘Competitive Pay ‘Top of-the-line Equipment (You’ve seen our trucks and tractors) ‘Strong Driver Support Program •Oraduated Pay Scale experienced drivers earn higher base pay. so start nowl ‘Mileage. Safety and Fuel Saving Bonus Awards for Safe fiberal Family Hider Policy ‘Health and Life Insurance ‘Vacation ‘Retirement Plan 401k w/Company Participation ‘Home Time-CR. England is a family oriented business and values both our employees and their families. ul> CR. England does not currently accept applications from Alaska, Florida, Hawaii. Montana, North Dakota, or South [akota. If you want an exciting career as a truck driver, CR. England. Inc. is the place for you. Start your new career todayl - December 16, 2014 - — — — - - - If you are not ready to apply. visit www. c reers. home depot. corn \s e rv ices to learn more about Home Services at the Home Depot. wwvv. ( Vent Oleaning Technician Earn $I9O.0O daily, will train Right now our company is training and hiring residential dryer vent cleaners in your area. We have been in business since 1983 and accredited with the Better Business Bureau since 1997. The work is very enjoyable. easy to learn, and training is provided. Job Advancemert Available. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Call to Apply I-BDD-9D3-4103 Cleaning and Maintenance Services. We do not accept on-line applications Job Requirements: I. You will need transportation to drive to the customers, jobs will be in your local area. 2. Start working with us part-time, the hours and days are flexible and be adjusted to your needs. full time may be available later if you are interested. 3. 18+ years old, work well without supervision, help with some marketing in your area. 4. If you’re hired as a service technician you will need dryer vent cleaning equipment. business supplies, business cards, training, marketing supplies, and advertising. The total cost for your business supplies is three hundred and sixty five dollars. This cost is reimbursed and paid back to you as you work. If you would like to apply call 1-800-903-4103. We are also hiring chimney cleaners and air duct cleaners. If you have 2 years of experience and your own equipment. Apply on-line - — EW HAVEN RECISTER Traditional Classifieds Meineke Automotive Technician/Mechanic - W. rkforce Alliance If you are unemployed and seeking work you should connect to services coordinated by New Haven’s — Workforce Alliance 560 Ella T. Grasso Boulevard New Haven, CT 06519 Meineke Automotive Center Manager Job Code : D65lD2 kocution : New Haven CT US CR510 - Job Code : 0651W Location : New Haven CT US 065.10 Job Type: full Time/Part Time Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Education : High School or equivalent Category : Automotive/Repair/Maintenance Automotive Technician Job Description: Looking for a great place to work? See why thousands of Auto Technicians have chosen to work with us. We offer competitive compensation and an excellent benefits package. Our automotive centers are run and staffed by professionals who enjoy what they do. Our automotive techs keep busy during the day. They diagnose customer vehicle problems. accurately prescribe the correct repairs needed, and then go about making those repairs. If you’re the type of person who likes to start something and see it through. maybe we’re a good fit for each other. What else will you do? Well, you’ll keep learning. for one thing. We believe a well trained Auto Tech is a great Auto Tech, so well keep you up to date on new technologies and give you easy access to digital manuals and reference materials. You’ll cross-train with your team, sharing your knowledge and learning from each other. Safety is a priority, so well make sure you’re fully trained on something before letting you loose on it. Job Requirements * High School/Tech School Diploma or OEO Skilled/Certified in two or more automotive specialties * 2 years of repair experience * A valid driver’s license and a clean driving record Preferences: Recent Tech/Trade School Oraduate? We’d love to have you! *Advanced education *A5E Certified Your own tools *A genuine love for cars and trucks it’s never work when you love what you do We recognize and appreciate that applying to work for us takes time. Thanks in advance. Please know that we take your application seriously and that we’ll respond to qualified candidates as quickly as possible, usually within 2-3 weeks. The application takes around 10 minutes to complete we ask you S questions about your experience and ask for your resume that’s it! Thank you again for applying. It’s a great time to join the company. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply on-line - - - - December 16, 2014 - Job Type : Full Time/Part Time Career Level : Manager (Manager/Supervisor of StuFf Education : High School or equivalent Category : Automotive/Sales/Retail Job Description Automotive Center Manager Job Description: Looking for a great piace to work? See why thousand: of Automotive Center Managers have chosen to wor with us. We offer competitive compensation and a: excellent benefits package. Dur [ucat:cns are run ur staffed by peopie like you profess:onas who evtv what they do. Our managers own their location. Sales, inventory customer retention. scheduling. environmento compliance and most importantly, safety youll be ii charge of all of it. Training and mot:vating your tean will be an everyday occurrence. If you ike to put you stamp on something, maybe we’re a good fit for eacl other, No one in this business works alone. You may have a: assistant manager. a service writer. musty technicians and auto techs reporting to you. You’! , aisi 1 have brand new technicians working in your shop on: of our hopes is that you’ll help them grow their caree with us. You’ll make sure that things are runnin: smoothly from the front service counter .o the back o the service area, and be able to correct them who: they’re not. Can you create accurate and reliabli estimates for customers? We appreciate that as mud as our customers do, Job Requirements High School/Tech School Diploma or RED 3+ years’ evperience in an automotive repa: environment/business * 3+ years’ experience managing a team or staff Preferences: For you to be an exceptional listener am communicator *Sales Experience *An old school work ethic this isn’t a 9-5 kind of job *Strong computer and Internet skills *Point_of_sal,e and electronic media skills *The strongest possible customer service skills *A genuine love for oars and trucks it’s never wor when you love what you do We recognize and appreciate that applying’ to wont: En us takes time. Thanks in advance. Please know that, w: take your application seriously and that we’ll rosponi to qualified candidates as quickly as possible, usuall’ within 2-3 weeks. The application takes around II minutes to complete we ask you 6 questions ubru your enperience and ask for your resume that’s it! Thank you again for applying. It’s a great time to joii the company. We look forward to hearing from Oi soon! Apply on-line - - - * * - - — — - - or iORF :r:ui: w. 1:3 u - it 13 ci CO T c a al.r L i’. coin -cuz fli€- — - ....:1:’r. al ci Lijihl t :iic :-uaa L. q.a_ ler r de C - u a .t he - ter oc ta C. ‘ ‘timtc ce a_a 313013 Reiot in a otT 1 razed IC ad: to the tar t c p h t. -. lu ra :- -- itt i - ci rn a I lod tat- _i i tot apphcah- o j-j c.aa c_ acn’a :- .ut Ce”. ] etad alkO icliL oat ea a 1ee tiepit itoeitt -uc1 r _i: 1 i uti€:t - -jri:rr dp pe a Lc it :Lr :-tu- :t— :. pt -at 3 ci RIMCI U. rt -- atat qu — .:: — - -qtu a:c-1 .. o o h_o-L ‘el cat e -cc rtn: :-ir 0: c_- a - --: It U. C1PFORT ‘etFLCI’aTR\ITII i lS aeqtuae h hanur i uI iatitu 1.t.e pot tb nalvazcez.aetaa UI 0 CCII PICU Euflen ci-ot 1 -- r Cnbui _iEp a-oic a— ruaaraoo or hre t I uz-oao 2aa u’: T- ctiLZ ineu: t a. ma ‘cn :--L.±:--nr:a-irc - . :atuu. u---tv::- h’rt ±:--±ir- ,----- c ii -uui o1,±i:1-: — atfl-J2itc: utmu _i c-p -ii --. c-ic azL—a—, L L ui lo:L3 t.:L:t’ :rF:_ IdottL _i c- a t La- dare \fl 1 ubtuor tad Ii oat d bet C- r-v -ca taut an otccr u’ct L d al-a ccii: :-r r—--cneca I a..u: a :cc U Ii - _iti tua.. - _. tfl €:‘jen :cczzo:i €1 zic ‘eu e u La nv ca_ f ,:1. ci t_-.u 1 c- i-pto tI 1 t ,Lt Ll Ltz:Lc. :z=e cuu:uzz’ .u .um nFjn-Thi. i-- t Luo—.t 2unuir tt Ldpcii.1.tL nj--tz. _t MI 1\IUMF Ltlr\ -t L:D0 ui rnct t- Tnvrz:u_i .-uj: ‘skTtT POSIT ION: ‘UPLR ISING LIBR-RIAN M-4°3 NOT TETLD DEPARThE’.T NEW HAVEN FREE PT EL ( LIBRkRY SALARX: RA) E flN S4 YN ALILED JH )UR PER WEEk HOURS: 4 E\ RALFFNDS FUNDPG: Pt*TED LE( EtBER 1. 4 EMU\ L i)ATE TM.R’i 1. 21 (JTY(tF V HEE’ DEPRflIEVI UT H1 1 RLct)UR(E F_\OE IET NEW h-Ec. :- _u - cc :cctteuil,rtolLaua uUit3i_ci1—. - Ii Jci V_- - La-i-__2 -._n ‘ui. - ‘ to ‘totit in rb 0--tJOt)3 ee-a:un . C r .eThatJ]c’ tL - 1 -. n_i-nc.- tlUPt-° t0I- ran e.--o- ;- - OQ- cit ccl- ‘: —- u-- too ‘ 0 toan-: Piae pe .t rita 3OnJtOuptat in a ct topIcuica Lan -- .: Ibeat ri. u c o-n: —- - :i-:. ‘. are_n .i ;_.otoec’ci---nci - r ni then the Er-pr raneor BuHein EL — ci ‘elI Ii L - -:u_ ocici: - .‘aiL-. -n_i _iir I. canu. Ja*—.ca. ctciirn L cooL t.- a _. -rnc_inrn_i. -1.E_i.t aaratrt e -_a -a:’ -. -,a:LrL: ::Pe: TtN1T’e EMIT AN Er) U. tP ol Aer -of lilt qraacit the batruta ot a 10 :- ou.rnt ‘c’ - 1-ziL.U. :-aat ut._ia-: aazcim::anc: -::.cia. :atL:_. uo-bc:-- oio:u.,’.::L:oirLa_i:::aaccn_. e:e-nnn -- -- - Inn :c_ean’ II L_:a- t_ - :nCi_. c_iic—Ea-; e— a t e’-ci aani ‘rc’r_ucc_ioi:utO_i:’::: _-n::-v,.o-zc3va:’ rn_i:cic. i-acici p--a: r a -, l - LcnT- L__u_- a ‘:na aait’rn_i. e:-’l:-na cccv—ci: :o_:nrot--ci ci n_i_i: -:eci con— to Lnttce:ratwo Ret_in tad t - :tL _i:lvn:UI_. cnt_i: 1 cc an flL:nxn eci:ea:’ aiLa uaciuoti-a:fl : tie _eiacJF ii: REç1REW TE OF WORK: . _Lin :‘-rt : a cat ar_ ‘via it nun :;ncn -cci :uae:c1u_:-cL — i. n a - u:rn::it—i:rnt__ L-Luc:uo_i-cor.1 a_i-u1rc rairn inaC----::cccziaao o_i2; pcrnV’_in ‘ii.. tacrn:e -eu cL_in cL::1rn _i:iaaein.-n- oicnin:cl:te:: — LOYVIEN CO’\TD VIE TIiX\ A JL-2IUT\ OF FUTRE F \ NATLET OF W ORK LDtcz::ran_-r:aTornPtno- taoizaa-Oniun :-—-i:un::_ua naoocit .a e r i— — U c — a — — — (OMT\YED £ CONE\JEUE’eTfl SERVICES ADMIMSIR4YION DEPART’eENE: SALARY: HOURS: FUNDPG: YM IJJZID bR-’N F liii ‘J[\ tT flU TI\IE “ HOUR- PER WEEK PROJECT MANAGER (NON-TESTED I POSITION: SPEC LU FUNDS :. POTEL) DEC ENIBER 1 Ei4 REMOVAL DATE •LOXI:ARV 1TY OF NEW HAVEN DEPARTMENT Of HUMAN RESoiTC ES U t-’ £ZEET TW E 1 www. ( \E\V FIA’EN HE(1S’FEII Traditional Classifjeds December 16, 2014 Panera Bread New Haven someone who has hiLl] standards quality for cultivates and tnp-perfurrrin g teams. if yuor’e Coordinator New Haven, CT performer in the industry and know what it takes to be successfu] high 06511 especially when things get hectic, then we want to talk to you. Bring you The VNA of South Central expertise and passion to Panera Bread! What Makes Being a Panert Connecticut is hiring a new Manager Different? You make it happen. it’s simple our customer: member to staff their Nurturing love our food and we love our customers. It’s up to you to create at Families Network, Nurturing everyday oasis for them to meet friends, celebrate special occasions o Connections staff. complete an important work project while enjoying a meal in our bakery cafe. We’re Growing. We have consistently opened more than 101 This is a part time position at 34 bakery-cafes annually fur the past few years and are not stoppint hours per week. Salary 14.00 anytime soon. New location.s arid growth equals new opportunities arv 7.00 $ /year advancement for our top performers. We keep it real. Our custorve The position does include service is as authentic and pure as our food quality ingredients xiv benefits. relationships without the filler. Check out our Food Policy here to learn more 150% Accuracy. Okay, maybe that’s not poss:ble, but that won’t stan us fran Position includes screening first trying to achieve it! We continually invest in and develop our cafe teams on time families into NFN services at tools to help execute flawless service and allow more time for interacting wit] Griffin Hospital and Milford customers. our No Fryers. We’re known for our artisan breads, quality soups Hospital as well as community salads and sandwiches resulting in a orease- and alcohol-free nnv:ronmnv outreach. to lB towns and cities for our associates. covered by the program to obtain Perks for Our Family Members Include: Competitive salary program referrals. Incentive opportunities monthly, quarterly, and long-term payou Coordinator will also recruit and based programs Medical, dental and vision insurance available thi over see volunteers who make month after you start 401(k) plan with a company match Associoti weekly phone calls to HEN stock purchase plan families. Paid vacation Product discounts Development opportunitie: including our Joint Venture General Manager Program Associates Degree in related field required. BA in related field Job Requirements: We’re looking for restaurant pros with 3÷ years o preferred restaurant management experience. A college degree is not requiret but can be useful. More importantly. you must seek mastery aru Experience working with children personal growth through con stant learning. We need leaders who cm and families preferred. guarantee operational excellence and consistently exceed customers A synopsis of the job description: expectations! The Nurturing Families Network interested? For immediate consideration, please apply online today! (HEN) Connections/Community Still Want to know more about Panera Bread? Outreach Coordinator provides With over 1.800 bakery-cafes in the Panera BreadiW family. and mon consistent, ongoing community opening all the time. it’s no wonder that our company has been at outreach to all lB towns and excellent source of career and personal growth opportunities for mom cities served by the program to than 25 years. obtain referrals as well as screen In neighborhoods across the U.S. and Canada. our customers enjo’ first time families into HEN flavorful, handcrafted meals with a focus on our always freshiy bakei services at Griffin Hospital and artisan bread. We’re committed to creating great-tasting. quality foe Milford Hospital. The purpose of you can served trust, in an atmosphere of warmth and welcome in cool the program is to assist new our of bakery-cafes . parents in transition to It’s this warmth that you’ll find when you join Panera Bread. From ou parenthood to reduce the risks competitive compensation and benefits packages to our unique culture for abuse and neglect. This values (No Jerks!). we’re confident you’ll find us a rewarding and eve person will report to the fun place to work. Nurturing Families Network Program Manager/Clinical To learn more about our company. including our passion for giving bac Supervisor. to our communities, visit Panera is on Equal Opportunity Employer. Apply on-line Nurturing Connections / Community Outreach — in our managers. we look for the total package — - Dry Van OTR CDL A Tractor-Trailer Truckload Driver (HazMat REQ) New — Haven UPS Freight Truckload is hiring individuals to work as Full-time OTR Drivers. This position involves the driving of a tractor-trailer for the overthe-road delivery of freight to two or more locations. OTR drivers may take a load from any of our shippers, and deliver North and South east, and as far west as Waterloo, IA. These drivers are typically on the road 10-14 days at a time and normally pull 53’ van trailers. OTR Drivers must pass a DOT physical and successfully pass a UPS Freight road test. Qualified applicants must have a valid Class A Commercial Drivers’ License with Haz-Mat endorsement. OTR Drivers are expected to comply with all appearance standards. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age. Applicants must be able to read, write and speak the English language. Applicants must also meet the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Company mental and physical requirements; and must be physically and mentally able to safely perform the essential job functions without obvious risk of injury to the employee or co workers. Applicants must receive satisfactory results from a background check, as conducted in accordance with applicable laws; and must pass a drug screening. This job posting includes information about the minimum qualifications (including the UPS Uniform and Personal Appearance Guidelines), locations, shifts, and operations within the locations which may consider my application. An applicant or employee may request an exception or change to, or an accommodation of, any condition of employment (including the UPS Uniform and Personal Appearance Guidelines) because of a sincerely held religious belief or practice. Reference Code: CTNWH 105 - Apply on-line - — - — — -- - - www. ( EW F1AVE\ HE(1S1’Ell Traditional Classifieds December 9, 2014 First Thnsit Legal Secretary Hamden Driver’s Letizia, Ambrose H Falls of New Haven, Cunnecticut s PART-TIME BRAND AMBASSADDR NEW HAVEN AND Job Purpose: Drives and maintains the looking for full or part-time (25 hrs or more a week at HARTFDRD CDUNTIES appearance of the interior of the bus. least 5 days in the office) anytime between 8:3D am. Dietz H Watson strives to prepare the highest quality Provides safe, raTable, and efficient and 2:3D p.m to fill positions listed below. Before you deli meats and artisan cheeses in America. At Dietz transportation. apply please note we are a busy law firm whore H Watson, our employees’ talent and dedication to professionalism: and accountability is a cornerstone Responsibilities: -Drives one of several world-class sales and customer service are key different roach/buses or company nunYou must have minimum 3-years’ experience in a contributors to our success. You will find that our revenue vehicles in a safe, courteous. and bLsiness or legal office as a secretary. Hor legal company’s energetic environment and fast-paced ratable manner throughout the contracted secretary experience preferred, but nut requirco work ethic are vital pieces that continue the growth service area within a daily assigned time However, experience most include prior work as a and development of Dietz H Watson. Looking for these schedule. -Maintains a strong attendance secretary in the past 3 years. talented and dedicated individuals, if you feel you record. -Performs pro/past trip vehicle have the experience and resources to become an Secretary: Responsibilities consist of: ED% typing (81+ inspections as required. -Possess a integral part of the Dietz H Watson family. we want to wpm. ability to track changes. create footnotes, use functional knowledge of the demographics of hear from you. Dietz and Watson is currently seeking Microsoft Dffice, etc.) and transcription from tapes. E the service area. part-time a Brand Ambassador to promote, sample. mail and internet knowledge (eu.. attaching documents -Stops at designated points to load and/or and sell our products within the surrounding adding links, cut and pasting) is a must. Attention to unload passengers. -May assist in the supermarkets in the New Haven and Hartford detail and proofreading is expected. boarding of passengers using wheelchairs or counties area. We are looking for someone who is THIS IS NDT A PARALEDAL PDSITIDN other mobility aids and is required to eager. outgoing. has teamwork skills. and a flexible BENEFITS UFFERED TD FULL AND PART-TIME lOVER 3D HOURt properly secure wheelchairs and scooters. work schedule to join our team! EMPLDYEES ODUSIST OF THE FDLLUV/IIIS: PARKIUrd. PAID Notifies cispatch of deviations, overload, Duties: Interact directly with current and potential LUNCH (4 DAYS A WEEK FOR FULL-TIME). COMPETITI’IE SALARY accidents, passenger incidents, Ir,i ru nur’+n,u ‘r,,r ru,, nruurrurf’ ,r, customers in the supermarket Be knowledgeable of flEHL II. UEu+ I RL. UIaRDILI O[H[I’I I ruLL I II’IC UHLT medical/behavioral problems, or bus our product line and nutritional values Promote and 401(k) PE[ISIDN (WITH UP TO 5% EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION. mechanical/electrical trouble. inform customers about our products Demonstrate AND PTD TIME. -Assures that fares are deposited into the and Sell premium deli meats and cheese Please clearly note which position you are fare box and dispenses information, Advises applying for: Please clearly specify your WPM in Requirements: Possess excellent customer service passengers of rules and regulations when cover letter.’ your Please include your preferreJ and communication skills Prior sales experience a necessar. -Completes and submits written salary range or hourly rate of pay. plus Must have a flexible schedule and also must reports concerning passengers and all have the availability to work nights and weekends ONLY APPLICANTS THAT ARE BEIN’C CUNSIDERE At accidents. INTERVIEW WILL BE CONTACTED BY TELEPHONE HRST Must be able ard willing to travel Must possess -Uparatos on-board computer fare foxes and destination signs. -Assumes any and all valid driver’s license and have reliable transportation Please send resume and cover letter to other duties assigned. Deanna Perciballi We are looking to fill this position immediately! Education/Certifications: High school Apply on-line diploma or equivalent -Must possess CDL Dperator’s license with required Rent A [enter ustnmer Account Representative #1137 NEW HAVEN, CT How’s your Duality of Life?’ Are you looking for a job or a real career? Do you worry about getting laid off? endorsements Are benefits, 401k H paid time off programs important to you? Would you like to be rewarded for working hard’? Experience/Skills: -Duod verbal communication skills. -Ability to read, write, We are looking for a talented, career-oriented Customer Account Representative to join our team and take great and speak English and perform basic care of our customers’ product, payment and service needs. mathematical procedures. -Ability to work Key responsibilities include: Delivering and setting up products in customers’ homes Using our collections under stress and meet strict timelines. -The program to ensure timely customer payments Servicing, picking up and refurbishing customer’s product Assisting with sales, merchandising and store maintenance activities ability to work early morning hours. -Must be able to work without direct supervision. Top performing Customer Account Representatives will get their careers going by earning a promotion to Must read and understand street signs, Assistant Manager!. In addition to great career opportunities, our Customer Account Representatives’ Doai,ity of route sheets and maps. -Excellent Life is improved by: Paid sick/personal H vacation days’ Employee purchase program Comprehensive benefits communication skills including medical, dental, disability/life insurance H a 401k plan -Able to work shift hours and days assigned. Dualifications Need to be at least 2D years old, with a high school diploma or equivalent Must have a valid Req. Dude : 25l-NewHaven driver’s license with a good driving record Have some experience working in a retail, restaurant/fast food, or Division/Department : First Transit service business Are willing and able to deliver and pick-up our great merchandise Bilingual in Spanish/ English is a must! Apply on-line Apply on-line - — - flU+ITAI IT1 I, — - - — - - - - - ‘ - . - - - CITY OF NEW HAVEN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 200 ORANGE STREET. NEW HAVEN, CT 06510 www.citvofne POSTED: DECEMBER 8, 2014 REMOVAL DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2014 POSITION: PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, Part Time (M-1095) (NOT TESTED) DEPARTMENT: SALARY: HOURS: TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFiC & PARKING S 18.27 per hour PART TIME, 19 HOURS PER WEEK Vacancy may include evening and weekend hours GENERAL FUNDS FUNDiNG: NATURE OF WORK This is PART TIME, responsible traffic enforcement work for the City of New Haven. Work involves assistance in traffic control and the enforcement of traffic laws pertaining to pedestrians as vell as vehicular traffic. Work is performed with considerable independence according to ordinances and established policies. Work is reviewed and supervised by an administrative supervisor. M1j)1UMREU1IEMENTS. Graduation from high school; or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the necessary knowledge. abilities and skills as stated in the job description, including but not limited to: Ability to he tactful, firm. and courteous in all dealings with the public; Ability to become familiar v ith the City’s traffic laws. and regulations; Ability to assess evidence and make decisions concerning enforcement violations; Ability to assemble detailed information in a written report: Ability to work on rotating shifts under all weather conditions; Ability to keep all matters confidential. NECESSARY SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Must posses and maintain a valid Connecticut Motor Vehicle Operator’s License. Employment is contingent upon the successful completion of: (I) a background check, (2) a physical examination, including drug screening, and (3) a 120-day probationary period Applications and job description may be picked up at the Department of Human Resources at 200 Orange St., Floor, Monday through Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. Applications and/or resumes must be received by the Department of Human Resources, No Later Than 5 P.M. on REMOVAL DATE. AN EOtJAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MIF/D Control Act of 1986 require the hiring of only American Citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States. Please post this announcement in a conspicuous area on the Department Bulletin Board. Immigration Reform k PUS and lINUS 2” I-i PuSI1\US PARKI\(i LNPORCEME\f 0001(015. P \RT Ti\IE 12-08-14 thru I2-I9-l4id www. ( Ranstad Medicare Medicaid Billing Specialist. Cur vi:vnt is currently seeking a wellorganized professional with high attention to detail to join their team. This povitiun is an immediate need with an organization ore can grow with. Please emoil your resume to joh n.north rop/ Fur immediate consideration. Benefits. Randstod offers benefit options from week one! Working environment is easily accessible end offers a family-oriented feel! Position WILL become permanent for the nght match Ideal candidates will have minimum 2 years of billing experience in a medical field. The Medicare and Medicaid Billing Specialist. All candidates must also possess strong written and verbal communication skills. Job Duties: Enter charges using correct diagnostic and procedure codes Interact with insurance companies to resolve unpaid claims. Contact patients concerning unpaid bills and resolved billing problems. Balance payments for office, including cash, checks, and credit payments for deposit. Working hours: 8-5 Requirements: Bachelor degree is required Minimum of 2 years of experience in medical field Strung written and verbal skills a must Must be familiar with Excel, Microsoft ElEf ice, and business-related software. Home care experience a plus Randstod is a world leader in matching great eoo:e tt’;ti’: crent ucm.ronies. Our exernced aqents wh isten carefully to roar employment needs and then worK dilcgently to match your skills and qualifications to the right job and comoony. Whether you’re iooking for tempcrarv. temporary-to-permanent or pormanent opportunities, no one works harder for you than Randstad, EEO Employer: Race, Religion, Dolor, National Origin, Ditizenship, Sex, Ave. Dlsubwt. Ancestry. Veteran Status. genetic lnfarmatjo,v, Service in the Uniformed Servmes or any other classIfication \FW F[WE REGISTEH Traditional Classifieds December 2, 2014 Delivery Drivers / Couriers - Partsfleet II is seeking professional, quality focused independent contractors! owner operators in the New Haven area for same day deliveries. Experience with a scanner is a plus. **MUSJ OWN reliable car. Routes available Monday Friday. — Must live in the New Haven area. Independent contractors are subject to background checks, drug screens, and/or motor vehicle checks. i,f you are interested in learning more, call -877-476-4555 or visit Respond online today. Ad#: 18861 fcn ni. phases n’ the sjrnesr: 3 The Technical Analyst has prnnarp respr introduction to and on-going operations of Events Management and Room Schedulin! software by the diverse Yale academic and administrative community. As part of thi:[ity. the Technical Analyst will: • Communicate soiutun v/u: proposition to clients • Ensure smooth transition and onboarding for clivnts Drive the user community of practice around offerings Support underiyirv technology Er configuration of each solution Responsibilities Develop and maintain an in-depth understanding 0f the setup configuration and functionality of the software. Develop and maintain principle: for approvals. security, and provisioning. Understand the “system admin approvals, security and provisioning requirements of Schools, Departments Programs. Institutes, and Centers (collectively. “Units”) and translate them inti software setup and configuration instructions. • Audit software usage to ensuri the principles for “system admin” approvals, security and provisioning an appropriately enforced. • Coordinate with Infrastructure Services am Information Security to provide appropriate infrastructure and secure access. Coordinate patches. versioning. and outages with users. • Provide traininc functionality assistance and technical assistance to Help Desk, Infrastructum Services, Information Security and users Provide technical assistance to I partners in user Units to integrate local systems and query the database fo reporting. • Lead the technical delivery for (a) projects providing net functionality and (b) post-implementation technical support. inciud::n coordinating break/fix activities with the vendor. Work under direction u Associate Director of CCT Development Er Operations team to complete work ni schedule. . Ability to liaise and influence in a mixed environment Drive ciien engagement and interest around product offer: ing Document architecture an specify infrastructure configuration based ongoing work • Utilize ServiceNow am JIRA ticketing system to track requests, incidents, and changes Configuni accounts, access. and business processes Utilize existing practices am methodology for integration Identify, communicate, and mitigate technical risk.: Support testing, including data preparation, environment refresh Er population application fixes, etc. Communicate technical and client related issues to uppe management • Ability to manage multiple concurrent request Orea prioritization and documentation skills Technology Knowledge and Experience . Expert SDL language writing queries reporting. and ERD analysis (MS SOL Server Er MySOL) Programming expertisi in J2EE, Jenkins, JBoss 4.2.3+, Hibernate libraries, Subversion (Bedewon Application) • Superb knowledge of Eclipse IDE and Maven Erood configuratioi skills across complex applications (DEA Event Management System) Experienci working with cloud vendors and vendor technical support (Cvent Application) Designing and implementing Flow services for Software AD’s webMethods • Desired experience with DEA Event Management System Soft Skills Strong interpersonal and leadership skills Strong written an: verbal communication skills Positive attitude Ability to work successfully in multi-task matrix environment Problem periodization and resolution skills hi successfully resolve both functional and technical issues • Prior experience ii sales, working with clients, or leading community of practice desired Education Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience • At least 3 years directly working with Eclipse. J2EE, JBoss/ Hibernate, Mayer SOL EED Employer: Race, Religion. Dolor, Sex, Disability. National Origin Age, Peneti: Information, Protected Veteran Status, or any other legally protected group status. Apply On-line ‘ PET SUPPLIES PLUS MANAGEMENT! SHIFT SUPERVISORS needed for busy Pet Supplies Plus store in Orange. Connecticut. Orocery and/or retail experience preferred. Come and be part of our winning team! Email resume to: HR4-CIPSP) ‘ ‘ * pvotected by law. Randtad Technical Analyst (Calendar Er Events Manaviement and Rcom Schedukng) PETRD HOME SERVICES HVAED Sales Erreat Opportunity. Base + Commission Medical/4DIK Microsoft Excel Essential E Mail Resume To S1-38714l HOD 83 - * ‘ ‘ * - - www. ( \EW HAVEN REGISTER Traditional Classifieds November25, 2014 CDL Furniture Delivery Driver Hamden Job Summary: The qualified candidate for this position will make deliveries to W.B. Mason customers with a focus en timeliness and customer service. The Furniture Delivery Driver will off-load materials at each stop, deliver and place products to the customers specifications. If you are a motivated self-starter and are interested in learning more about joining our growing team, a career with W. B. Mason may be the right fit for you! Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Develops and maintains outstanding working relationships with customers to ensure customer satisfaction. Outstanding customer service and communication skills Must be able to work independently and manage time appropriately to meet deadlines, Education and/or Experience: High School or equivalent Valid Drivers License CDL License required Req. Code 215B Division/Department : W.B. Mason Company. Inc % of Travel Required : None Skills : Customer Service -> Face-to-Face Support - Apply on-line — EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVERS- New Haven NEW PERFORMANCE PAY INCENTIVES Call TODAY for more details! Start your career at Swift! Flatbed, Regional, Intermodal, and Dyer the Road opportunities are ready and available NDW. Call TODAY and start tomorrow! Dreat Miles = Creat Pay Late-Model Equipment Available Regional Opportunities Creat Career Path Paid Vacation Excellent Benefits call: 86B-47D-8323 Teamwork Balance Respect Winning Attitude The steps in our journey to be Best-In-Class. — — — Dental Office Administrator Hours: 3D hrs. Location: New Haven suburbs. Compensation: Negotiable. Skills: Excellent interpersonal skills for scheduling and collections. Email resume to Plant Operators Synagro. residual management services currently seeks Plant Operators in New Haven area. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Inspect. maintain, and control process equipment and perform mechanical maintenance within the plant. Monitor and control plant operations in accordance with company policies. Maintain records of plant operations (hourly operating data, plant violations, and abnormal operating conditions). Enforce and maintain standard safety procedures within compliance and maintain a clean work area. KNOWLEOCE. SKILL AND ABILITY REDUIREMENIS: High School diploma or CEO equivalent Mechanical B electrical aptitude required. Dualified applicants should provide a resume to Careerst SECURITY OFFICERS NEEDED FOR OUR CLIENT CONTRACT IN NEW HAVEN, Security Officers will be responsible for (I) Access Control; (2) Security Patrolswalking; (3) Customer service: (4) Completion of daily security reports; (5) Emergency response: (B) Completion of incident reports and facility logbook entries: (7) Maintaining a positive image that reflects upon the professionalism of the company and client: (B) Enforce a drug free, alcohol free, violence free, harassment free and discrimination free work environment at all times; (9) Maintaining the confidentiality of both Company and Client information; (ID) maintaining a safe and secure work environment; and (II) perform all duties and assume all responsibilities as needed for any possible scenario that may arise during the course of your shift at your specific client location. - Please email HR Director Michael Endres mendres[ with any questions or comments. Seasonal Supply Delivery Driver Hamden W.B. Mason: Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Drives truck to deliver customer orders. Records delivery information on a delivery record. Listens to and reports service complaints. Resolves issues when appropriate. Places stock on shelves or racks. Loads and unloads truck Issues or obtains customer signature on receipt for pickup or delivery. Cleans inside of truck. Performs routine maintenance on truck. Other duties may be assigned. Job Requirements: Skills necessary: Problem Solving Identifies and resolves problems in a timely manner: Dathers and analyzes information: Customer Service - Responds promptly to customer needs: Responds to requests for servic and assistance. Interpersonal Skills - Focuses on solving conflict, not blaming: Listens to others without interrupting. Oral Communication - Listens and gets clarification: Responds well to questions: Reading Comprehension — Must be able to read and understand a map: Attendance/Punctuality - Is consistently at work and on time: Makes deliveries on time: Dependability Follows instructions, responds to management direction; Takes responsibility for own actions: Keeps commitments: Commits to long hours of work when necessary to reach goals: Completes tasks on time or notifies appropriate person with an alternate plan. Drivers License: The employee must have e valid drivers license in the state which he/she seeks employment and a good driving record. Education and/or Experience: High school diploma or general education degree (CEO); or one to three months related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Language Skills: Ability to read and comprehend simple instructions, short correspondence, and memos. AbiIit to write simple correspondence. Ability to effectively present information in one-on-one and small group situations to customers, clients, and other employees of the organization. Mathematical Skills: Ability to add and subtract two digit numbers and to multiply and divide with lOs and DO’s. Ability to perform these operations using units of American money and weight measurement, volume, and distance. Reasoning Ability: Ability to apply common sense understanding to carry out detailed but uninvolved written or oral instructions. Ability to deal with problems involving a few concrete variables in standardized situations. Physical Demands: While performing the duties of this Job, the employee is regularly required to walk; sit; use hands to finger, handle, or feel; reach with hands and arms; climb or balance: stoop. kneel, crouch, or crawl and talk or hear and push and pull over 150 pounds occasionally. The employee is frequently required to stand. The employee must regularly lift and /or move up to 75 pounds. The employee must be able to pass as DOT physical examination. Work Environment: While performing the duties of this Job, the employee is frequently exposed to outside weather conditions. - Apply On-line - ‘ ‘ - - A fresh start for your caree by SUSan lyum, Monster Q3ninhnitin Writer What do you need to do to find the kind of enjoyment or ments to your resume, which you should be updating regularly. CULTIVATE FRIENDSIIPS progress you want in your career? Joel Garfinlde, founder AT WORIC of Dream Job Coaching, a con Your coworkers can under sulting firm specializing in per stand and appreciate what life is sonal fulfillment and like in your office better than professional transformation anyone else. Take the time to based in Oakland, California, develop friendly relationships offers these suggestions. with them. You’ll benefit per sonally and professionally from DETEiitliE WHICH ASPECTS the time you invest in getting to OF YGW JOB YOU LiKE know them. Then find a way to do more SEE THE BIG PICTURE AND THE of whatever that is. When you LiTTLE PICTURES are engrossed in a project you What is the big picture— like, your workday will be ener your overall vision—for your gizing rather than draining. You may also find that the tasks you professional life? Now what are the small daily steps or little enjoy are the same ones a coworker or boss dislikes. Find pictures that will get you there? out if you can work out a win- Make a small goal. like joining a professional organization or win situation, finding a mentor—something LEARN FROM THE BEST you can accomplish today. AROUND YOU MAXE SURE YOU’RE ON Who in your office seems to ThE RIGHT PATH reafly enjoy—and excel—at their work? What can you learn Are you really doing what from them? People who like you want to do? Does what you coming to work radiate positive think you should be doing energy, and their spirit can be interfere with what you want to infectious. Let the energy rub be doing? None of the above off on you. suggestions will work if your career isn’t aligned with your IETERdINE YOUR true interests, personality traits CAREER SIGNATURE and natural abilities. If a career Ii you had to write down one assessment is in order, make statement that would encom this your first priority. pass who you are (or want to Copyrighr 2014 Monster be) professionally and personal Worldwide, Inc. AU Rights ly, what would it say? Take Reserved. You may not copy, some time to clarify your reproduce or distribute this article unique signature. and use this without the prior written permis statement as a guiding force in sion of Monster Worldwide. This pursuing what you want to do article first appeared on Monster. and whom you want to be. corn. To see other career-related RECOGNIZE WllAT YOU CAN articles, visit http://career-advice. AND CANlOT COlifROL monster. corn. For recruitment articles, u’sit http:/,’hiring. mon Write down the things that ster. corn/hr/hr-best-practices. aspx. stress you out at work. Circle the ones you have control over, and cross out the ones you don’t. Vow to stop spending energy on the crossed-out items redirect your energy on finding solutions to the problems you can change. DO ThE JOB ABOVE YOUR CURRENT POSITiON Otfer to take on some of the responsibilities in the position just above you. Becoming famil iar with that role makes you an obvious choice for future pro motion. ACCOMPUSH PROJECTS THAT DIRECTLY AFFECT YOUR RESUME When taking on new proj ects, try to select those that will most likely benefit you. Be sure to quantify the results of your work and add these accomplish- - 1 How to Effectively Market Yourself for a Job When You’ve Been Long-Term Unemployed www.shrmorg Rcr ie.:’ ,ei: l ong Djuh IS a devastatIng experience. Not findng one right away 5 even more, eut the 1 ‘LI r s:CrcJ lOoicrnq and the more dedcated you cc, the more likciy your search wir ne a posit Jc experrencc 5: Hi Manage; er it (SHRM s l.hc Jar qest HR assor ‘tiOn in tOe wet Id, yule flare thee 27 5,OC( a; oress:oflaSs eu; gan ,‘eL•ur esenling eH LI/CL and odie Cu’s. ecucn.’e Ii’ ‘I as ou’ vn urn, a’ unprrn ence [cc numhci 01 Amer:cans he Deco Lee! ee’ yrn fur 1 mo “. :; 5 ,u Resource s ‘ .ee,. S c no - DOeS s ;epr er’ ‘,:. nemOc: S on how ti eview thc,r urganizJLuns hiring D ocedures to ensure flev do our irflentuI1 ‘is consideraton to cci rain job cancudatcs based solely on their unemployment status. Nevse theess, I iS’/’D iso eaps fl work hstory can pose a challenge for the Jon seeker. Tnis cnallenge is not insurmounteeu’, and Si ;‘‘crrcr..- c’,urn‘ram;; -r c ,,.,: give the to:Iovving adv:ce to help you, as ajob seeker, put your best foot forward. her Step 1: Approach yourjob search as though it WERE yourjob Dee-u:’ ma— i. Ira eight hours a day——to finding ajob. Set a schedule with daily tacKs fl order to csehlih DI SOLC turerl r ‘Dctt 1.’’ a hediule makes eopk: moc.; effc!enl. G:ving \/OLi;5Clf a deadlIne by, Say. lioC c;ng c,l 7 .fl I to ..flI 1. Cl .11 a: :tiCi 0! CKe ynLir ca:s is better then saying yoWl get at ounci to it as soon as ‘,‘ou car;. Iiy I’ rn ‘‘fltD!fl a :e,’.,bie atetu Ic, and project a wliiingiess to learn. Youi o:d on, career may not west anyrrerL-, so voL ne. ‘ ‘ - ‘ to ce”clep new skris or apnlv the old ones n a different way. if you crc feelng stuc!o seek out groups of people who are in the same situatIon. Many community centers, re.’gious e: and otnel cigan;zcrions nost meetIngs forjoh seekers. It may help YOU to discuss your efforts with others. need LCCS Step 2: Stay active by engaging in productive activities ed as L ‘ ‘:, to show mat you are still engaged in your community end focused on gain;ng skills arid quelllocti in;. Ac C :sa resume, snoviing employers that you haven’t been stagnant since you left ‘/0cr p: evIoc’s fl0’. ,i ii. n :w; , • - Personal Development or Professional Development CIcis;Ls at a community college, university or training program can keep you Lip-to-date with technology and othei trench in ‘aurfiee so that you’ll be informed when you do go on interviews or even chat informally with employers. Man,’ aducatona! institutions have career centers with well-connected advisors who know what cmployeis arc ocikrng far :ncl who is hiring. Consider a training program or temporary position, offered by many employers. Short-term positcons gac you i chance to test clove a spec fcc job or company. Development Through Volunteer Lngagcrnent Vcuunceer’ng tarn nvoive much more than planting trees and painting buildings: it’s also a great way to ica r,lfl clesqn a wc’buk’, organize an ii event, write letters on behalf of the organization or have any variety of otnc-r new s:cHs You ; esuonslbdil,e Volunteering can give you exposure to a new field or allow you to try out a new career. Volunteering at a specifrc erganizalon you want to work for is an excellent way to get your foot in the door and make a notable first impression. If you can show you are a valuable and effective volunteer, employers will think you may make a valuable and effective employee. Volunteering enables you to expand your network. By working on a cause you are passionate about, you v/li meet lIkeminded oweple, some of whom may be able to help with your job search. Voluirewcng is a fun and valuable way to break up the monotony and provide you wIth en anchor while you rook for 5 1j0b. 11 an uRn or ;v’r’le sr sense of ccc umniishment. Step 3: Update and revise your resume Understand the online application process before submitting your resume. Applying for ajob today requires tnat you tjior your resume to the specific position. Before submitting your resume, make sure it contaIns some of tne key vo us that Ci C ouuineci ;n Inc job description. Use terms that apply to the specificjob and/or industry. Sprinkling in newer terms can show that you’re current with the technology ann other trends of the field, lnclLell.’ accampIshments— botn at work and outside of It—So employers can see how you’ve done, not just v,’h it ‘ouvc ‘1’’: Ouantv’ your cxperlenc es. Use numbers to communlcate changes or improvements you have medic over u spccif’c pCr: Dcl Examples nc:udc quantitative gains in production or performance, notable customer satisfaction, greater orgs’inizet’ana performance, cost reductions co cost avoidance. include’ iegitcmute volunteer or nontraditional woik experience, to eliminate or decrease any gaps in employment. If your formal education occurred more than 10 years ago, consider taking dates oft and adding other traIning or educatre’, ‘,-ou Crave obtained since then. - — Step 4: Network, network, network f’-latwu’ k:i c’ s still the most effective way to find out aboutjobs. Prepare your “elevator speech,” in wnlsh you clc’sc nbc you,,.’:s cc-: c cail’; n tvfo minutes Preparing ahead helps you take advantage of’ opportunItIes 10 talk, at a niolnc’crt s reID’S’, 1 nc’’,’,’po may in a position to help you tie Reach out to family, friends, neighbors and associates. Us your connections to your udvantage. The more people you know, the better your chances of finding and landing a laIR w;rh ‘our previous employers and co-workers. People v-mo have seen you at work before and are n you fIeld of cxix’ i’ can he best pc’opie to know. — Seek out community groups for assistance, including those for unemployed people, who help one another with leads, references and other support. Programs, both formal and informal, have started in communities nationwide. If you can’t find a group in your community, start one. With nearly a quarter of Americans laid off at some point because of the recession, you do not have to be alone in your search. Be willing to help others in your groups. Paying it forward can be of great benefit when your colleagues get settled in a new role. Not only will it help you, but it looks great to businesses if you let them now you started a group or are active in one that helps people in the community. • Use online sites, including Linkedln. If ye.u don’t have a Linkedln profile, create one. Employers use this site to look for new talent so make sure your profile contains keywords that are relevant to jobs that interest you. Use the search function on Linkedln to find profiles of people seeking positions similar to what you are interested in pursuing. Then use these profiles as templates to modify your profile. See what companies your connections and their connections have worked for. Those who worked at a company a few years ago likely stiil know people who work there. Join groups that apply to you. Many industries, regions and even companies have their own pages. These are a great source of information and a way to keep current with what’s happening in a particular field. • Reach out to employers that interest you. Many companies host open houses or exhibitions to showcase their work. If it looks interesting to you, check it out. Ask questions and make some contacts, too. If you want to talk with someone at an organization, go for it. Reach out to a firm you have great interest in and ask to come in and learn more about it. Don’t mention employment in the first conversation. A good first impression can lead to that important referral or helpful information. • Look for local nonprofit or government organizations that can help you with yourjob search. Never pay an organization to find you a job—most likely it is not a legitimate business. Take advantage of the services that government-funded Career One Stop centers offer. These centers provide free assistance to job seekers. More information is available at http/ I earn about local r. onprofit organizations serving the long-term unemployed. The programs are as varied as the communities they serve and can be researched online. Step 5: Become More Technologically Proficient Its no secret that many employers look up their applicants online. While most people know to keep offensive pictures and posts off Facebook, you can take this a step further by creating a brand for yourself. Use Linkedln as your primary tool, but ieam more about how to effectively use Twitter and Facebook as a means of “branding yourself.” Social networks are an excellent way to interact with potential employers. Sharing information via a status update on Linkedln or re-tweeting or tvveeting at an employer or sending messages on Facebook with relevant information can get you noticed. Scanning blogs on relevant topics allows you to stay up-to-date with the industry and hear different perspectives. Commenting on blogs and engaging with their authors are other valuable methods of gaining contacts in the field. Joining istserves is a great way to crowdsource your information gathering. People often mention opportunities they heard of or topics they think are worth sharing. Although it’s efficient to comb through the larger online job boards, it’s worth noting that many listings receive hundreds of applicants. One way to find less visible opportunities is to research what companies you might like to work for and search their sites for vacancies, It takes longer to do this, but you mayjust find that perfect under-the-radar opportunity. Following up your application with a message to the company contact person further enhances your potential of being noticed. If you need help in navigating the world of computers or even getting access to a computer consider a local library. Most iihraries have computers available to the public, and some offer free resources like classes or coaching. Career One-Stops also offer classes and computers for public use. Step 6: Prepare for your future interview Get fit by exercising and eating right. When you feel good you will come across well in an interview. Consider how you look. A good haircut and neat, clean business attire are a way to say “I respect myself.” You don’t have to buy expensive suits if you don’t have the budget; just scour the resale shops, and make sure the clothes fit and are clean and ironed. Address gaps in your resume’s work history upfront. Offering an explanation prevents a potential employer from making assumptions that may be incorrect. Similarly, take the opportunity to address any possible concerns about your being overqualified for the position. When a candidate raises the issue, this can help put an employer’s mind at ease. Never underestimate the value of a handwritten note. Send one to each person who takes time to meet with you in an interview or with whom you have a key networking conversation. In a high-tech world, the high-touch approach always gets noticed. Online Resource for the Job Seeker —SHRM developed this webpage to house information about workforce readiness and long term unemployment. Information on this site can give you a better understanding of how HR professionals view these issues. 5 Qus6ons Every Candidite i1d Ask in. a Job Inten4w ffiJoniniqur Rodcrr’c Mfzisfer obuHngWritPr For many job seekers, the”Do you have any questions for me;” portion of an interview signals the end is neat. It’s tempting to just sav”no”and get out of the hot seat as quickly as possible, but fight that urge. Asking questions shows the interviewer you were listening while they were talking, con vevs your interest in the corn pany and helps you decide if it’s where you want to work. After all, interviews are a twoway street the hiring team decides whether you’re what they want in an employee, and you decide if the company culture and specific role are where you want to devote your time and energy for the foreseeable future. -- FTere are five essential ques tions you should ask In a job interview, 1. “flow do you define uc ce for this Job?” This question helps you get a clear understanding of what the job entails and the expêc tations the company will have for you in it, says John Crossman, president of real estate management firm Crossman & Company. For example, if you’re apply iñg for a sales position. an answer to this question might be that you acquire 10 new cli erts in the next 90 days. It may also he that ‘ou upsell current custothers by 25 per cent over 90 days. As a candi date, you’ll wart to know whether you’ll be cold-calling prospects or focusing on exist ing customers before you make your decision. 2. Snmefithg specific about the organization It’s always a great idea to ask a question that shows you did your research before the inter view says Chris Delaney, author ofThe 73 Rules of Influencing the Interview.” He recommends building rapport and showcasing your research skills with a technique he calls “share expertise, ask ques tion.” His example: “1 recently read that the organization is look ing to break into Europe. What do you foresee as the main barrier with this proj 3.”Can I have a quick tour?” See also:”Can I meet some people I’d be working with?” Both questipns will get you out of the interview room and allow you to get a better look at the office. This will give you a chance to gauge co-worker interaction, workspace design (lighting, noise level, cleanb ness) and the deoartment as a whole, says Michelle Corner, practice area leader and vice president at the Messirta Group, a staffing consulting firm. Requesting a tour or a quick introduction to potential co workers also “signals to the interviewer that a candidate is taking a vested interest in the position,” she says. 4. “What is your favorite part about working here?” “Companies, like job candi dates, are putting their best foot forward during the inter view process, often highlight ing all of their corporate perks. By asking every person you interview with what they like best about working at the company you’ll get a better sense of the perks that people regularly experience versus the perks that live only on paper,” explains Sherry Dixon, a senior vice president at Adecco Staffing US. “If the interviewer responds that they love how they can make their vega class each night and log back onto work from home if ne’ded, then you know the company takes work-life balance seriously,” she explains. 5. “Do you see any reaon T might not he a good fit for this position?” It may seem counterintuitive to inquire about your poten tial flaws during an intervie but it’s actually a great thing to bring up at the end of the interview says Morgan Nlich ols, rnanagiug partner at Chi cago-based recruiting and staffing firm Torrev & Gray. “This gives you an opportuni ty to know that the interview er is thinking about you and gives you a last chance to clar ifv any misconceptions they may have or elaborate further on something important.” .4 (‘‘_ 4•_ ‘U t .‘-‘i”. ••‘.q 1 I Cathen’ne Corla.n, There tire lots (0 advantages to working at a small husk ness—if von have what it takes. You need to be ready for in thing and willing to use a van o’tv of skills but working for a small business can help von in a lot of big ways, Consider these ix powerful reasons to apply fr a fob at a small business YOU’LL REALLY FTTZR Small businesses offer employees j oepnrtu&tv to be more than a cog in a massive organ’ztionat machine, With fewer people on board, every one gets to do more and have a greater say in how things get done. “T1ave your voice heard. Cre ate an impact. Learn more about more:’ says Michelle Cciii of Xperience Oavs, “These are ust a few of the reasons why von should work for a small business, When it comes to qualitative impact and personal growth, the ability for employ ees to have their opinions heard and implemented can he more rewarding than a paycheck at times.” YOU’LL LEA flN A LOT When von work with a small group of people. von get more face time with each of them— the big boss,” You get to learn from the top,’ stvs Mayer Dahan of Dahan t’roper tws. ‘Small I cineses work closely together and von have a chance to learn valuable lessons directly from your boss,” (.arf DsC,nda. director of business development at the National Autism Network, agrees “One of the main berm fits is being able to work closely with the crvitor of ‘he compa or’. It ttkec 1 PCtSOfl with. mario skill sets to e”eate a company that can carry employees, and there is a great to •‘ %“EThC.’ earn more than the specified t lob decription.” YOULL GAil LYPERltlCE FAST life at a small business is fast-moving. If r’on’re a hard worker and a quick learner, you’ll get new opportunities en a regular basis and gain vain able experience fast, “An entry-level pcsition in a small business is pure reId for a recent college graduate, espe ciailv if he or she is not entirely sure what they want to do with their career,” says consultant Alfred Poor, “Small business will make it much easier to he directly involved with more aspects of the company’s opera tions. In a corporate setting, von may get walled off in a sin gle department, but the ‘jack-ofall-trades’ requirements of most small businesses will give you more exposure to a larger van clv of tasks,” YOU’LL LEAIPI TO E EFF!tiEJfl Young startups often find themselves in crisis mode, hav ing to deal with tight deadlines. small budgets, and lots of com peting demands on their time and resources. Getting experi ence in this sort of environment can pay off for the rest of your career. “Working in the 5. malbhusO ness world trains employees to work with limited resources and tim lines,” says consultant Coup Mitchell. “No rv,tte where von go during our career, you’ll exude ‘get ‘or done,” YO!J’IL GET MORE Sr-O.!o1uTT EASTPR “Small businesces tend to be more nimble, and can make adjustments based on a work er’s skills and aptitudes than a larger corporation might be aNe to do,” Poor says, “As a result, you may find yourself being given more respensi.biiity .a.nd opportunities more quickly in a I small cornn,inv tRW1L RA’! FLE4TY PF opr’ORr’mES FtR PFJSOJJ..L GROWTH With evers’ employee invest ed in the comrwnv’s success, the pavof can he sizeshie. says Chris Son icow Cf LcwePnn’:On line. “.ln most small Nwirws es, each employee is or partially responsible for the hot low, so when the cq’onanv crows ftc easer to reep she nsonetarv rersards. As the curpo rate giants, you’re lust anot.h en cog in the machine who can go overlooked.’ Worldwide, [crc. ,A,ll Rt,rfsts fi•ceniii ‘5011 TOOt! r,.’rn’e, v 4 ’,’ Os’ flOp ,r.Jv d:sn’out’ 5 rcvt the puer n’nir ye, son of ,‘YDrrscr’r tt’orsn’n!e. article first appeared on. Monster. corn. To see other career-related omeles. s’isst 1’s’:.’,’core’r-c is:.: O?e”sO.’r “vu. her r’cninoa.’ ‘‘‘‘ stcr.cOrTrOt5/hr-&’ieSt’VTt7ct.cES.U.’PX. http://doleta. gov/readytowork/ Ready To Work Program summery On October 1 5, 2014, the U.S. Department of Labor announced SI 69,771,960 in grants to expedite the employment of Americans struggling with long-term unemployment. The grants are part of the Ready to Work Partnership (Ready To Work) initiative to support and scale innovative collaborations between employers, nonprofit organizations and federal job training programs to help connect ready-to-work Americans with ready-to-be-filled jobs. (in CT S 12 million) - This program responds to the President’s call to action to support and expand public-private partnerships that are helping long-term unemployed individuals get back to work. The Ready To Work grant program will provide those experiencing long-term unemployment with a range of training and supportive and specialized services leading to rapid employment in middle and high-skilled jobs. Ready To Work projects are built around a comprehensive, up-front assessment of long-term unemployed individuals’ needs and skills, resulting in customized interventions across three tracks: I) intensive coaching and other short-term, specialized services culminating in directjob placement into middle and high-skilled jobs; 2) short-term interventions leading to employment into middle and high-skilled jobs; and 3) accelerated skills training along a career pathway to middle and high skilled jobs. Projects incorporate work-based training models with earning components for long-term unemployed workers through models such as on-the-job training (OJT), paid work experience, paid internships, and Registered Apprenticeships. These programs also include tangible commitments from employers and other partners to provide employment opportunities, technical skills training, and on-the-job training and other paid work experience for H-i B occupations, while also addressing the barriers, income needs, and supportive service needs unique to long-term unemployed workers. To find out more about opportunities for you in the New Haven area - Workforce Alliance Main Office New Haven: 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. I Phone: 203.867.4030 Voice/TDD 203-624-1493 x258 CT Works Career Centers Hamden: 37 Marne Street I Phone: 203.859.3200 Meriden: 85 West Main Street I Phone: 203.238.3688 New Haven: 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. I Phone: 203.867.4030 Email: Wrkforce A Ili http://www.workforcealliance. biz/ U 31 — contact: WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT What is WIA? “WIA” stands for the “Workforce Investment Act.” This legislation, passed by Congress in 1998, provides federal funds for employment and training assistance. WIA services help people improve their opportunities for getting a job, increase their wages, and provides money for job skills training. The WIA program is administered by a Workforce Investment Boards (or WIB) in each region of CT. WIA procedures vary depending on the region of the state in which a person lives. But the basic procedure is: • Contact a CT Works office and tell staff that you interested in WIA training. • You will be scheduled for a WIA orientation/overview session. After the WIA orientation/overview session, you will be scheduled for another meeting to see whether you are eligible for WIA. For adults, WIA funds are divided into 2 categories. If you meet the requirements of one of these categories, you are eligible. Adult have low income and lack job skills that are currently in demand, or Dislocated Worker have been or will be laid off because of the current economic situation (as opposed to leaving a job for personal reasons) and need job skills that are currently in demand. — — If you are eligible, a case manager will review training options with you. Please note that WIA funds are limited. Even if you are eligible, training funds are not guaranteed Get Started — visit a CT Works Office or go to: www w 1 orkforcealflance. biz A I - 7- Workshop Schedule , iSrituH S - Ts. [c 2, 12:00-3.00 2 TOurs, Oss. £00-1200 TOs.s. Ir 9 2:00 Lu 10 100 2fl0 TIm 11.000-12.00 De 16. 1203-3.00 O;RS 40555 S C rsici.l•co 1: in.c:.14.ides Ds:c., IT 10:00-12.00 Dec 15, 1000-1138 Dec. 1 10:00-12:00 [I: 1:30-6:31! 14’ :‘siIs -s. 8300 :114:50 00 1W!! 3 TO urs 0c 18, 9::•00-12:00 T 0 2 1oo sun W10 Dc 24.. 1I•0- 12:00 30. 12.00-3.00 /O Ds. 31, 3:00-1200 4 ‘. Ms ITs’s. Mc’ Mc::. I scrv.ess — . 1 (I 2 t: I .ii.Huoes: ml fi..Fs ‘.: H Usc. 10 1:30-020: IVlcc. [lOc. 15, 1.00-3:14.1 iS’2. — ii i•ct.s.s F [100. 5.3, 55.30-4051 I . kiilO• •:i.’I.1 015: 1-3: •‘1•,,,.,, I 111 sec M:Oceic. el’s: :5{: ‘.,. I: is: icesilss 4: :34. 1:60 ‘4’:. 0-:. 17, [iso. 0 [‘p— - 8! i!S1 ‘uu 4 1,-MCi (1 TM Is 1 L (1 1” 101 IL ‘i - II 3 I 4 4C 11 fl-!-lz 00 . 0.0 033 1’’ F 1,,1 U - [‘ r 1 11 1 1 II 11, - 400 1 MO 11 F 1 2, 1 ‘Isi 14,100 lO U LI 1 10fl 0 - T:— 151 2 o: ‘- ‘1 L( 1 0 14 1 10 D 12 3 12 [I*c 17. 1:00-3:00 Fri. [soc. 5., 9:013-12:0.0 400 16 9:00-11:30 ‘200 0c 10 000 1 WiSh.. 0 C 17 1 0(0—TOO [i-sc.. 22, 3:30-1200 Thurs. Do. 13. 1:00-TOO Tii [:u 9 3:00-11:00 Tuss Usc’ 30 1.08-3:06’ F 1. [s 11 1 00-00 F! D F 1!0 121 Tiiss. DiSC. 23. 100-4400 - CTDOL Wo,’kforceAlliance CT Works 1i- r c. Ez i ‘i-, 11! — I Fh 1 54 IS HIS 41- 10,:’ 144 [i [3 Ti H- 1 :c Lr rII — - U 0 40 .3 /)OiIlt/r lii Ii )oiir stuiiiii Ii 6 13 1 23 0u I 1000 12n F 1000100 r [L_ L’ [‘f— 0EM ii TUr -r I ii, F F .••Tl :30.00:0 Toss. fl’ 10. 1:30-.3:31: iO;.i.::i’:;.. Mon Oss Si. 1.30-3:31 IWo. Usc. 24. 10:00-1200 31 s 1 1 ‘I F—i [s—. 10. 1 33—4.6-0 Mon. [Is: 23, 5:00-TOO — 8, 500-5500 F-n. [is: 12 10-2-300 _ 1 T Mon. [usc. Tnu:rs., 14 s-c. 11. 1:30-3.0.0 L1tiil reudi (111(1 l)(1L’k to h’orh.’ . Y1’c:• lOs—c’ 3, 101:00.—i 3:00 lsi:.o.n.. De:c. 15, ‘2 00.—•.3:00 - 0.. 01 ci—- : OHO-i--” [i. U- rU— II Fri.. Usc 19 1000-MOO 2 Thur:..s... Dec. 18. 1 Fr! le -‘ 14,. fr LOCATIONS New Haven 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. (203) 624-1493 Open 8:30 am. to 6:00 pm. Monday & Wednesday. 8:30 am. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. Thursday and Friday. H a mden 37 Marne Street(203) 859-3200 Open 8:00 am. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Rides ToW rk Rides To Work Gets You To Job Interviews Congratulations. You have a job interview at a business in another town. How are you going to get there? Check out RTW. I’ — The road to employment starts with an interview. Today’s jobs are often many miles away from where people live. RTW may provide transportation to job interviews or job fairs, across town or 30 miles away. In many cases, the job fairs are on-site at employers that also have regular transportation available for workers. 4. rj L LL : 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd, New Haven, CT 06519 T: 203-867-4030 x245, F: 203-562-1106, E: The Workforce Alliance and the CT Department of Labor often arrange on-site job fairs at an employer’s location. Job fairs are a big help for employers. Reading your resume is not enough; employers must meet and interview job-seekers. Job fairs save employers time and money, and increase your chances of landing a good job. The RTW Auto Emergency Fund Car repair bills and the rising cost of insurance can take a big chunk out of a paycheck. Sometimes, it’s just too much. The RTW Auto Emergency Fund offers one-time grants up to $600 to help you keep your car on the road. Use it for repairs, registration or driver’s license fees, or to pay car insurance. Don’t let a bump in the road keep you from getting to work. - Start Right Don’t let the cost of commuting keep you from taking a job. Try “Job Starter”, the RTW program that provides free transportation for your first month of employment. “Job Starter” gives you time to catch up and begin affording the commute. — Eligible employees can also get ongoing subsidized shuttle bus service to jobs on heavily traveled routes along the shoreline from Milford to Old Saybrook. Who Can Get A Ride? Rides to Work serves eligible low-income residents in South Central Connecticut. Do you see yourself? I am on public assistance I am not on public assistance, but I support minor children Areas Served The South Central region of Connecticut ranges from the cities of New Haven, Meriden and Middletown to the suburban areas of Milford, Derby, Hamden, West Haven, Orange, East Haven, Branford, Guilford, Madison, Westbrook and Old Saybrook. The region divides between the two large urban areas of New Haven and Meriden. Rides to Work has developed specific projects for many of the cities and towns throughout the region. Some of the projects connect city to city or include the entire region. New Haven Greater New Haven Transit District Donna Carter, Executive Director 203-288-6282 Middletown, Meriden Middletown Transit District Thomas Cheeseman, Administrator 860-346-0212 www.cityof middletown/Transit/tra nsit. htm Mi Iford Milford Transit District Henry Jadach, Executive Director 203-874-4507 W rkforce Affiance Rides To W rk Ex.Offenders Programs The Workforce Alliance supports four CTWorks Career Centers, providing services for job seekers and employers within the South Central Connecticut region. There are 20 CTWorks Career Centers, statewide. Job development job fairs have the people you need. Workforce Alliance offers an array of job development services to employees looking for jobs and careers, through our employee services professionals at the four CTWorks Career Centers. Job Fairs can be a great source of information. Cc k here to for Information on upcoming job fairs. Job-seekers can visit our comcu tar lab, workshops or make an appointment to meet with an employment specialist, who may suggest training opportunities. If you are looking for the ideal job or help with writing a cover letter check out our career resource library. - C Career CcarrC1Lcn is a good tool for students, teachers, counselors, job developers, job seekers, and anyone who wants complete information on jobs and careers. The Job & Career ConneCTion also provides help in writing a résumé, getting through the job interview, and finding day care for your children. CTWorks’ Jobs First Employment Services (JFES) offers employers the opportunity to hire eligible participant for 16 weeks of employment at no charge. Employees are paid $8 per hour for up to 20 hours work per week during the program. Learn More The CTWorks Disabiiit Proc rem Navigator is a central point of contact and information for employers and employees with workplace issues. The Navigator is ar excellent resource on any program designed to help people with disabilities to enter and remain in the workplace. An entirely new set of workers, many with skills and capabilities much-sought-after in the labor market, are contributing to the state economy. The CTWorks Career Centers are operated by HRA, Inc. The CTWorks Career Center in New Haven is open Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. until 6:Cq p.m. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. CTWorks in Hamden, Middle own and Meriden are open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Workforce Alliance Main Office New Haven: 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. I Phone: 203.867.4030 Voice/TDD 203-624-1493 x258 CT Works Career Centers Hamden: 37 Marne Street I Phone: 203.859.3200 Mcriden: 85 West Main Street I Phone: 203.238.3688 Middletown: 645 South Main Street I Phone: 860.754-5030 New Haven: 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. I Phone: 203.867.4030 Email: info(iwor orceaiiiancebz http://wwwworkforceaIIiancebiz/ Suppiementai Nutrition Assistance Program ‘3_ Putting Healthy Food Within Reach Employment and Training Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps) recipients throughout Connecticut may be eligible to participate in an Employment and Training Program. The Employment and Training program was created by Congress in 1987 as a means to assist able-bodied clients in obtaining employment. From the start, the purpose of the Employment and Training program has been to help SNAP households gain skills that will increase self-sufficiency. States are allowed flexibility in designing and operating their Employment and Training programs. If you are receiving SNAP in Connecticut, and not receiving financial assistance from the Temporary Family Assistance program, you may be eligible to participate in one of the following activities; English as a Second Language, General Equivalency Diploma, Adult Basic Education, Work Experience or Structured Job Search Skill Training. The Connecticut Employment and Training program also offers short term vocational programs at several area colleges and nonprofit providers. DSS has currently partnered with ten organizations to provide these Employment and Training program services. They are: i. Career Resources Bridgeport 203-610-8677 2. Community Renewal Team Hartford 3. Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board Franklin 860-560-5765 860-859-4100 ext. 22 4. The Kennedy Center Waterbury 203-365-8522 ext. 239 5. Capital Community College Hartford 860-905-5029 6. Opportunities Industrialization Center New London 860-447-1731 7. Gateway Community College New Haven 203-285-2408 8. Asnuntuck Community College Enfield 860-253-3128 9. East Hartford 860-727-6793 New Haven 203-624-1493 x270 Goodwin College 10. Workforce Alliance All nine have entered into agreements with DSS to help eligible SNAP recipients gain the skills they need to find employment in the currentjob market. All ten do their own recruiting and will be happy to discuss their programs with Connecticut SNAP recipients. Interested persons do not need to live in the town where the services are provided and may self-initiate at any location. For information on the E&T program, go to the Employment & Training www.fns. usda .gov/snap/ rules! Memo/Support/employment-training.htm Content Last Moditied on 5/12/20 I 4 12:32:13 PM CAREER RESOURCES Preparn Vorkes 1cr Life Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment & Training Orientation and Informational Workshop Do you need help finding a job? Do you need training for a new career? If so, we are here to help you. The Department of Social Services encourages all working age SNAP participants to seek jobs that provide financial self-sufficiency. To find out how Career Resources, Inc. (CR1) can help, you are invited to attend the SNAP Employment & Training Orientation and Informational Workshop. CR1 is offering several opportunities to eligible SNAP recipients so that you can gain skills, training or experience that will increase your employment prospects and jumpstart your career. During the orientation, you will learn how we can help you to: Improve your ability to obtain regular employment where you can grow Increase your income earnings to better provide for yourself and your family Identify the different types of employment activities you can get involved in...for free Understand what you must do to remain eligible to take advantage of our program and services If you are interested in attending an orientation, please call for information regarding our upcoming workshops We look forward to seeing you at the orientation!! Jessica Cardenas, SNAP E&T Program Coordinator (203) 624-1493 ext 270 ABOUT NEW HAVEN WORKS In January 2012, the New Haven Board of Aldermen created a Jobs Pipeline Working Group to investigate solutions for New Haven’s unemployment and under-employment and regional employers’ needs for well-trained job applicants. The Working Group, which included individuals representing the business and institutional community, labor, elected leaders, city officials, foundations, the workforce system, un- and under-employed residents, and youth, advocated for a new program called New Haven Works” that would partner with employers, seivice providers and the workforce system to match qualified New Haven residents to regional job opportunities. New Haven Works seeks to grow the local economy and improve economic stability in all communities by providing employers with a trained and qualified workforce and connecting residents to goodjobs. Established in October 2012, New Haven Works is governed by an independent board of directors, and will be funded by public and private sources. New Haven Works opened an office at 205 Whitney Avenue —just one year after the first convening of the Board of Aldermen’s Working Group! 09 Ernp1 0 .5’, “p C’ o/ 0 CD \ NEW HAVEN WORKS ( 2t% > 302—()t)O() Established in October 2012, New Haven Works seeks to grow the local economy and improve economic stability in all communities by providing employers with a trained and qualified workforce and connecting residents to good jobs. More economic security for New Haven families means... Regular paychecks that flow back into the local economy and support small businesses Access to healthcare, which reduces overall healthcare costs/emergency room visits Better educational outcomes Reduction in crime and violence Access for businesses to a trained, qualified, skilled local workforce means... Attracting new businesses in technology, manufacturing, bio-sciences, and healthcare A stable employment base and lower turnover, recruitment, and training costs A new vision of corporate citizenship and community involvement for local businesses— contributing to a safer, more economically stable city while meeting workforce needs CONTACT US st 205 Whitney Avenue, 1 floor, New Haven 06511 (203) 562 9000 — NEW HAVEN WORKS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jorge Perez CHAIR OF NHW PRESIDENT NEW HA VEN BOARD OF ALDERMEN Bob Proto PRESIDENT CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL Bruce Alexander YALE UNIVERSITY Denzel Walker YOUTH, HILLHOUSE HIGH SCHOOL Jim Torgerson UIL HOLDINGS CORP. John DeStefano MA YOR, CITY OF NEW HA VEN Desi Kelly COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVE Joey Rodriguez SMALL BUSINESSES OWNER Laurie Kennington PRESIDENT, LOCAL 34, UNITE HERE AT YALE Tony Rescigno CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Vincent Petrini YALE NEW HA VEN HOSPITAL Want to expunge an old record? Want to learn more about Connecticut’s pardon system? Come to a Free Pardons Information Session Generally held on Wednesday Evenings > Intro to Connecticut Pardons One-on-One Pardon Assistance Held at New Haven City Hall 165 Church Street Meeting Room 1 on 2 floor - Attend one or both sessions for help completing your pardon application. Volunteers will be available to provide one-on-one, informal assistance with pardons applications. To find out about the next scheduled session call (203)946-7821 Or e-mail: or (203)946-7175 cjacksonseentry@gmaiLcom Project Fresh Start CityofNewHaven Ton/N Ha/p. Mayor 2008 P i’ ;E: — If you have a library card or resident ID card —it H - The New Haven Free Public Library invites you to browse our pages and visit our branches for a world of knowledge and information at your fingertips. Through its collection, media, services and programs, the library promotes literacy, reading, personal development and cultural Ives (main branch) 133 Elm Street (203) 946 8130 ,,nrIrct.nr1irin frr th inr1iiii4,,I RnrI th niimmi,niti, t Irn - - http:!/www. cityofnewhaven. corn/Library! Find interactive career planning and job search assistance through the library’s website: Career Ci’LJIEJ Found under the “Databases” section of their site. Career Cruisina is an interactive career resource designed for people of all ages. Explore different career options and plan future education and training. Career Cruising is available online from your home or office computer as well as at any library computer. Please call Business, Job and Nonprofit Services at the Main Library (203) 946-7431 for more information and details. Found pif fhpi htThm of thtir mpiin wh orip Español English Job Live, anytime, anywhere job assistance, including up-to-date nation-wide and local job search engines, professional resume critique and proven interview techniques. Experience personalized career center seamlessly integrated with advanced virtual technology to help job seekers of diverse backgrounds and needs. Need technical assistance or have questions? Contact Brainfuse at 1-866-BRAINFUSE (1-866-272-4638) or send an email to info( When contacting Brainfuse, please provide an email address and the name of the library from which you are using the Brainfuse service. There’s a branch of the New Haven Free Public Library near you — ;J -ww; -: Mitchell 37 Harrison Street (203) 946-8117 - Wilson 303 Washington Avenue (203)’946-2228 - Fair Haven 182 Grand Avenue (203) 946-8115 - - Stetson 200 Dixwell Avenue (203) 946-8119 Libraries are open on the following days & times: MAIN: Mon 12-8 I Tue 10-8 Wed 10-8 I Thu 10-8 Fri 10-5 I Sat 10-5 I Sun Closed FAIR HAVEN: Mon 10-6 Tue 10-6 I Wed Closed I Thu 12-8 I Fri Closed I Sat 12-5 Sun Closed MITCHELL: Mon 12-8 Tue Closed I Wed 10-6 I Thu 10-6 Fri Closed I Sat 12-5 I Sun Closed STETSON: Mon 10-6 I Tue 10-6 Wed 12-8 Thu Closed I Fri Closed I Sat 12-5 Sun Closed WILSON: Mon Closed I Tue 12-8 I Wed 10-6 Thu 10-6 I Fri Closed Sat 12-5 Sun Closed - 129 Church Street, Suite 230 New Haven, CT 06510 Phone: (203) 752-9711 or (203) 751—9777 Who We Are - Our Mission - Our Services NCD is a group of college students committed to bridging the gap between the college community and New Haven at large. We offer a welcoming environment providing case management for low— income and homeless clients. NCD is run entirely by volunteers, with cooperation from several gracious community partners. No Closed Doors aims to harness the skills of college students to break down barriers and open doors between people and the resources that they need to succeed. We believe that everyone in our community should have access to the services, opportunities and attention they need to achieve personal success. Our service is unique in that it has no eligibility requirements for clients. We do not turn anyone away, unless they pose a security threat to themselves, other clients or volunteers. In addition, there is no limit on the services that clients can receive from us. All of our volunteers are passionate and friendly college students, eager to provide flexible and comprehensive assistance that complements the more specialized services provided by other community organizations. Our program is also unique for students, as it provides an outlet for them to make a direct, substantial, and meaningful impact in the community in which they live and study. NCD WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL THE WEEK OF JANUARY 201 5 PLEASE PLAN OF CONTACTING THEM AT THAT TIME 2ND We welcome walk—ins, though to ensure that we can fit you into our schedule we recommend that you call us at (203) 752—9711, e—mail us or fill out the form found on our website: under the clients section. NCD’s success is contingent on successful partnerships with other community service agencies from around New Haven. Please let us know if you are interested in referring clients to our organization, having us refer clients to you, or partnering with our outreach team to connect with our city’s most marginalized citizens. We are grateful to the outstanding organizations we already work with, including: Liberty Community Services SAGA Support Services Community Action Agency Columbus House NCDisaprojectofthe Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Proiect apart of pwig/it HalLat Yale Haven’t had successes on your own seeking work?? May be time to try a new approach.... “This is exactly what I needed, a push to polish and refine skills I allowed to lay dormant.” Le nn i e - ‘i CAREER RESOURCES repan:g Vorke’s fc L ;1t? 746 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT STRIVE-New Haven, part of Career Resources, Inc. conducts employability skills training workshops that assist job seekers in obtaining and maintaining employment. The STRIVE program is a three week, 105 hour workshop designed to better prepare people to market themselves, close the deal at the interview, and successfully transition back to work. STRIVENew Haven began operation in September of 2000, and is an affiliate of STRIVE New York, and a network of STRIVE sites located in 17 cities throughout the country, as well as Israel and the United Kingdom. The STRIVE modelfocuses on attitude and soft skills development to assist job seekers in their quest for employment. Graduates of the program earn lifetime job placement assistance, as well as access to supportive services advocacy. STRIVE maintains a 75% job placement rate for its graduates, proving the effectiveness of the training model and service delivery. - Seating is limited, first come, first served. Call (203) 777 1720 to pre-register — Department of Social Services Medical Coverage for Single Adults including 18—20 year-olds — Now called Medicaid LIA Medicaid for low-income Adults, also known as HUSKY D. Check with your primary provider on changes to services covered under this again revised plan. — Non-Emergency Medical Transportation is available to SAGA clients for medical appointments or who are receiving out-patient clinical care. Transportation is coordinated through L-O-G-l-S-T-l-C-A-R-E Call to learn about how you may receive rides or bus passes to your regularly scheduled appointments at: 1—888—248-9895
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