Feasibility Study for the University of Massachusetts Lowell Carport Photovoltaic System by A.R.K.D. Engineering Samir Ahmad Andres Reinero Pooja Kapadia VamshiKrishna Domudala 1 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary............................................................................................................3 2. Background Information 1. Site Overview.........................................................................................................4 2. Project Rationale....................................................................................................6 3. Project Budget…....................................................................................................6 4. Utility Service.........................................................................................................6 5. Permitting and Community Concerns....................................................................7 3. Technical Analysis 1. Modules..................................................................................................................7 2. Inverters..................................................................................................................8 3. Carport Racking......................................................................................................9 4. Other Hardware......................................................................................................9 5. System Design......................................................................................................10 6. System Results......................................................................................................13 4. Financial Analysis 1. System Costs.........................................................................................................15 2. Incentives..............................................................................................................17 3. Simple Payback.....................................................................................................17 4. Net Present Value..................................................................................................17 5. Recommendation..............................................................................................................19 6. Appendix I – Data Sheets 7. Appendix II – System Drawings 8. Appendix III – NEC Calculations 9. Appendix IV – Sources 2 I. Executive Summary We were asked by The University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) to study the feasibility of a commercial scale carport photovoltaic (PV) system located over the North Campus Athletic Fields parking lot (hereafter, the 'Site'). This study looks at a proposed 761.6 kW carport system which will cover approximately 49% of the total Site area. Overall this would be a good location for a PV system, with the main roadblock being securing the capital and financing. The report is split into three main sections, background in section II, technical analysis in section III, and financial analysis in section IV. The background will review the Site characteristics, and background information relevant to the Site owner. The technical analysis will review the materials used, system design and layout, a one-line drawing, and other technical details of the system design. The financial section will review the estimated costs and returns of the designed system using simple payback, and net present value approaches. The financial analysis will include three scenarios with varying assumptions from conservative to optimistic. This report will reflect a best estimate on a probable design and financial return of a commercially sized PV system located at the Site, however should this project move forward, it is likely that the technical and financial options reviewed here will change. This report does not guarantee its results and should only be used as a general guide by UML officials. 3 II. Background 1. Site Overview The Site, outlined in yellow below, is located at the north end of the UML North Campus at coordinates – 42.66° N 71.32° W at an elevation 24.23 m (79.5 ft) above sea level [1]. The street address of the entrance to the lot is at 35 Sparks St., Lowell MA. The Site is oriented 10 degrees west of south (the bottom of the image is due south). The Site contains 257 parking spaces distributed over 7382.5 m2 (79464.9 ft2) Fig. 1 (Google Earth) The gray shaded area indicates the approximate PV coverage, and the shaded blue area indicates objects that will create significant shading. Shaded in green is the location of the equipment pad. Directly south of the Site is a large playing field so the arrays will have excellent southern exposure. The Site also has a 1 degree slope running east to west so that the eastern 4 edge of the Site is about 1.524 m (5 ft) lower than the western edge. The support structure can compensate for this slope so that the arrays are level. The shaded blue obstruction to the east of the Site are elevated bleachers and a press box. The bleachers rise approximately 5.18 m (17 ft) above the ground, the press box sits on top of the bleachers increasing the height in the middle of the structure by 2.98 m (9.79 ft). Both the bleachers and the top of the press box are bordered by fencing bringing the maximum height of the bleachers to 6.50 m (21.33 ft) and the press box to 9.08 m (29.79 ft). This obstruction will only be an issue in the early mornings during the winter, and even less so during the autumn and spring. In the center of the Site is a lighting tower for the parking lot which will need to be removed in order to construct the proposed system. This lighting can be replace by installing lighting (such as LEDs) on the underside of the carport structure. There are no obstructions from trees or other vegetation and no other site preparation is necessary, excluding digging trenches for conduit and post holes for the carport structure. According to our PVSyst model average ambient temperature ranges from -2.91 °C in January to 22.72 °C in July. The table below lists the average monthly global horizontal irradiation at the Site. January February March April May June Global Horizontal (kWh/m2) 59.2 76.0 115.8 142.6 176.4 184.1 July August September October November December 5 Global Horizontal (kWh/m2) 185.8 166.1 127.7 93.9 56.2 47.4 2. Project Rationale UML is interested in this project for several reasons. First, the school hopes to generate income and lower its electric bill. Second, they hope to increase the visibility of their renewable energy efforts, and third, they hope that students in the solar energy engineering program can use the installation for educational purposes. Keeping in perspective the universities objective for 30% carbon reduction by 2050 which was shared to us by the UML sustainability and the parking department thus it is imperative the university go solar! The university has a large fleet for buses and vans which operate between campuses and consume a considerable amount of gasoline. The university intends to buy a large fleet of EV vehicles in the future and to test this concept they have already started talks for starting a beta test for this concept. In order to supply the electricity needed to charge these vehicles the university would prefer using the sustainable electricity they are producing at their parking lot. Quantifying the energy used by cars and resulting savings by not buying gasoline is premature to determine at this stage. 3. Project Budget As a large university UML has a sizable endowment and can raise significant amounts through capital campaigns. In addition, being a large successful public university means financing should not be difficult to obtain, therefore we will not adhere to a limited project budget. 4. Utility Service National Grid is the utility that services the UML campus. The grid interconnection point for the UML North Campus is located near the Pinanski Energy Center, just south of the main reactor building. This location is quite far away from the Site and would require approximately 6 600 m (1968.5 ft) of high voltage wire. To mitigate this cost we will assume a grid interconnect substation located next to the Site. 5. Permitting & Community Concerns The permitting process in Massachusetts involves going through several step. First the project must go to the zoning committee to ensure the project is within the property boundaries and does not violate the specified land use. Second the project must be reviewed by a conservation or environmental committee to ensure habitats and/or endangered species are unharmed. Next, the project goes to the municipal permitting agency who will ensure the project meets safety requirements and local ordinances. Finally the project goes to the utility company, in this case National Grid, so that they can confirm that the project will not disrupt their service. Since the location identified for our carport project is near a residential area, there is a chance that residents will raise concerns, such as the project is an eye-sore which will cause property values will go down, the system will create sound that will cause disturbances, or possible hazardous materials can cause problems for healthy living. However most concerns are due to a lack of education on PV systems which could be rectified at community meetings. III. Technical Analysis 1. Modules PV modules are the source of power production in the system which converts sunlight into electricity. PV modules are comprised of a series of PV cells which are wired together, standard modules typically contain 60 or 72 cells per module. PV module are one of the main expenses for a PV system so care must be taken in balancing cost and performance. The modules 7 used for this study are from the Yingli Solar YGE 60 Cell Series. We used the YL260P-29b modules which are polycrystalline and rated at 260 W. The table below gives a brief overview of the technical specification for the module, for the complete data sheet see Appendix I. Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) Short Circuit Current (ISC) Max. Power Point Voltage (Vmpp) Max. Power Point Current (Impp) Module Efficiency (η) Module Length Module Width 37.7 V 9.09 A 30.3 V 8.59 A 16.0 % 1.64 m 0.99 m Yingli modules were used since they are one of the largest and least expensive PV manufacturers allowing us to lower our costs and maintain reasonable performance. 2. Inverters After the PV modules, the inverters are the next most critical piece of a system design. An inverter converts the direct current output of a PV module into alternating current that is required to connect to the electric grid. Because the inverter connects the power production to the power distribution grid it is critical for proper functioning of the PV system, so a higher price for quality products is acceptable. We will be using string inverters from SMA Solar Technology AG. SMA is one of the leaders in solar inverter technology. Our design will utilize the SMA Sunny Tripower 15000TL-US and the SMA Sunny Tripower 25000TL inverters rated at 15 kW and 25 kW respectively. Both inverters are transformerless which greatly reduces their size and weight, and operate at 1000 V so care must be taken to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Both inverters also have dual maximum power point tracking inputs to ensure optimal power production. Since PV module power output is rated at unrealistically ideal conditions, it is standard to slightly undersize the inverter for a module to inverter power ratio of 1.2 to 1.3. This 8 allows for smaller, less expensive inverters without sacrificing power production. See Appendix I for detailed data sheets. 3. Carport Racking The carport racking is what distinguishes this system from standard rooftop or ground mount systems. Parking lots create large areas of essentially wasted space, but by covering a lot with PV one can generate electricity (money) and shade the cars underneath. Additionally, many parking lots, like those around big box stores, have little to no obstructions on the southern horizon making them ideal locations to increase PV penetration. Our design will utilize the Single and Double Beam Over Carport structures from Carport Structures Corporation. The Beam Over design uses evenly spaced central T-shaped supports which are posted several feet into the ground. Mounting beams run perpendicular across the top of the T supports. Arrays can be tilted from 0 – 10 degrees and can have up to 10 feet of overhang at each end of the array. The Single Beam Over is 20 feet wide which can accommodate 6 modules in landscape orientation, and as the name implies can cover a single row of parking spaces. The Double Beam Over is 40 feet wide which can accommodate 12 modules in landscape orientation, which can cover a double row of parking spaces. For details see Appendix I. 4. Other Hardware In addition to main pieces of the system listed above, various other components are required. Combiner boxes take electricity from multiple conductors and merge them into a few or a single conductor. This is required since inverters and grid connections will have only a limited number of physical connection points. Our design will utilize Bentek Solar Integrated Disconnect Combiners for use in Ungrounded Systems. In this case 'ungrounded' indicates that the negative side of the PV source circuit is not connected to ground, not that the entire system is 9 ungrounded. This setup is required for use with transformerless inverters. In addition to the combiner boxes, other hardware required are AC disconnects and fuses, a data acquisition and monitoring system, wiring, conduit, and grid connection hardware. 5. System Design With the modules and carport structure selected and a our desired area coverage at the Site, a quick to-scale sketch was done in AutoCAD to determine the system size and placement. Our initial estimate was a 575.64 kW system comprised of 2214 modules arranged in five arrays, four double rows of parking and one single row of parking, however due to space constraints and string - inverter matching this was reduced to a 561.6 kW system comprised of 2160 modules in a similar five array layout (see Fig. 2 below). Fig. 2 10 As shown in Figure 2 the black lines indicate the existing parking layout. The blue boxes indicate the extent of the PV system, and the blue dots indicate where the T support beams will be located. The orange square indicates the location of the current lighting tower that will need to be removed. Array #1 will use the Single - Beam Over structure and is comprised of 6 x 36 modules in landscape orientation. Array #2 will use the Double - Beam Over structure (as will Arrays #3 - #5) and is comprised of 12 x 36 modules in landscape. Arrays #3 - #5 are comprised of 12 x 42 modules in landscape. Constructing a project at a site which is used very frequently by the general public especially students at the university is a challenge and the time of the year has to be carefully chosen. This itself can be a challenge. Maximum effort has to be made for minimum demolition work. However trenching for wires and the removal of the lighting posts will be necessary to accommodate the carport structure. The location of the new light post will be decided with approval of the property owner. After using PVSyst to develop the system design, we settled on the following string and inverter layout: Array #1 will be split in to strings of 18 modules (three columns of six) with four strings running to a 15000TL-US inverter with two strings per MPPT input, for a total of three inverters. Array #2 will also be split into strings of 18 modules (one row of 18) with four strings running to a 15000TL-US inverter with two strings per MPPT input, for a total of six inverters. Arrays #3 - #5 will be split into strings of 21 modules (one row of 21) with six strings running to a 25000TL inverter with three strings per MPPT input, for a total of four inverters. We decided to use a string inverter based configuration instead of a central based configuration because string inverters provides several important advantages. There is less impact due to shading compared to central inverters, more MPPT inputs for every string will 11 give higher yields, operating and maintenance costs are reduced due to the ability to pinpoint individual malfunctioning modules from the whole field, and string inverters can avoid some trenching which is advantageous when working in an urban environment. A graphical depiction of the string and inverter layout can be found in Appendix II. The DC:AC ratio for Arrays #1 and #2 is 1.25, and the ratio for Arrays #3 - #5 is 1.31 both are within standard design limits. Based on a shading analysis of the the array spacing we decided on a 3 degree tilt, with the low end of the array elevated about 2.74 m (9 ft) above the ground at the western end of the array. The eastern end of the array will have a higher elevation above the ground to compensate for the slope of the Site. The low tilt angle will minimize the arrays from shading each other during the winter. This system design was entered into PVSyst and the results are reviewed in the next section. We made several assumptions in PVSyst in order to model the energy production. We assumed a monthly soiling loss of 2% to account for dust and snow, especially since the arrays have a low tilt angle so soiling will be slower to wash off. We assumed 1.5% AC wiring losses (at STC) for wiring between the inverters and the grid connection. We will also need to transform the power to connect to the grid and we assumed 0.98% losses (at STC). For the summer months we set the Site albedo to 0.1 for the asphalt, and during the winter and early spring we set the albedo to 0.55 to account for more reflective snow. 12 6. System Results To recap, the following table shows the basic system design. Parameter System size (KW) Modules Modules per string Inverter Racking Azimuth Tilt Total number of strings Number Transformer Grid interconnection voltage Total Busbars Value 561.6 2160 x Yingli 260 Watt Variable (21 and 18 strings/inverter) 21 SMA Tripower (15KW and 25KW) Carport Racking (double and single overhang) 10 Deg 3 Deg 108 Strings (two types) Grounding transformer, Step up transformer 13.8 KVA 6 We obtained the following results after running the our proposed design through PVSyst. Our system produced 696.5 MWh of electricity in the first year, with a performance ratio of 84.3%, and a specific production of 1240 kWh/kWp/year. The most significant loss, is of course, the efficiency of the module, which for the Yingli YG206P-29b module is 16%. An other significant loss is the IAM loss due to air mass, which is unavoidable, but it is important to 13 remember how important atmospheric conditions are for PV system production. We assume a year-round 2% soiling loss due to snow and dust which is important to consider given the very low tilt angle of the system. We spent a considerable amount of time assessing the shading of the site when analyzing the system. Since the location of the arrays is fixed above the parking area our arrays had to be very closely spaced, thus the low 3 deg tilt angle. In addition to array self shading, the nearby bleacher seating and press box provided significant shading during winter mornings. To try and compensate for the sources of shade, various string layouts were reviewed. However, despite significant differences in string layout, the system production was largely unaffected. A 3D rendering of the proposed system was drawn using Google Sketch Up and is shown below to give an idea of what the system might look like. 14 IV.Financial Analysis Financial analysis of the system has been carried out over a period of 25 years, assumed productive life of the system, including installation cost, incentives and financing. It can be assumed that the installed system cost will not exceed $3/Wp. 1. System Costs Photovoltaic modules cost the most of all the PV system components. The power rating of the selected Yingli module is 260 Wp at STC. The average module cost is $0.73/W hence the modules for 561.6kW PV system will cost $409,968.00. Selected panel is 16% efficient and it has a linear power warranty of 25 years. Inverter is usually the single point of failure in a PV system; hence it needs to be selected carefully. SMA string inverters, 12 25000TL and 9 15000TL-US, have been selected for DC to 15 AC power conversion. Considering cost inverters to be approximately $0.16 per watt of rated power, total cost of all the inverters is $69,600.00. Michigan based, Carport Structures Corporation custom designs the carport structure for each specific parking lot. The typical cost is $0.85/W, which has been divided into materials’ cost, engineering and design cost and installation cost. Other installation costs including but not limited to the interconnection fee, electrical equipment are considered with reference to a study conducted by NREL on PV System Prices in the United States [2] and class lectures. These figures are given in the following table. Hard Costs Soft Costs Module Inverter Electrical Installation Materials Extra Installation Engineering Permitting and Commissioning Installer Overhead Installer Profit Supply chain costs Tax Interconnection fee 0.73 $/W 0.16 $/W 0.64 $/W 0.1275 $/W 0.2 $/W 0.2125 $/W 0.425 $/W $409968 $69600 $359424 $71604 $112320 $119340 $238680 20.86% 3.54% 18.29% 3.64% 5.71% 6.07% 12.14% 0.15 $/W $84240 4.29% 0.08 $/W 0.08 $/W 0.49 $/W 0.235 $/W 4.5 $/kW-ac up to $ 7500 $44928 $44928 $275184 $131976 2.29% 2.29% 14.00% 6.71% $7500 0.38% $1969692 100% Total Component Costs 16 2. Incentives The proposed carport system is eligible for Federal Renewable Energy 30% Investment Tax Credit (ITC). The system is also eligible for Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs), a very valuable income that will balance out the installation cost of the system. Under the Solar Carve-Out II program, systems are differentiated by generation unit type and are assigned a particular SREC Factor. The proposed PV carport system would receive 1 SREC for every MWh it generates. Market Sector A Generation Unit Type SREC Factor 1 Generation Units witha capacity of <= 25 kW DC Solar Canopy Generation Units Emergency Power Generation Units Community Shared Solar Generation Units Low or Moderate Income Houseing Generation Units Assignment of the proposed Generation Unit to a particular market sector [2] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.Simple Payback Payback period predicts the economic value of the system. It is the number of years the system will take to pay for itself. The simple payback period without considering the SREC income is around 21 years and assuming the energy cost to be $0.09 per kWh. This figure conveniently reduces to around 5 years considering the SREC value as $300/MWh for the year 2014 [1]. 4.Net Present Value Net present worth is the value of money brought forward to their worth in the present day. For the evaluation of Net Present Value of the 561.6 kW PV carport system has been done for three different scenarios. Following fixed inputs are used in the NPV model: 17 Fixed Inputs Degradation rate Value 0.50% Maintenance cost $11,232 Estimated property tax Total annual cost per space Total annual cost Increase in property tax 3133.344 Increased asset value Inverter replacement cost Replacement period Income tax rate 384 98688 10% 32477.583 0.25 $/W 15 years Comments The selected module has efficiency 16% and a linear warranty of 25 years. $20/kW - found to be in the range of 15-20 $/kW [3] [4] $31.75 per $1000 - property tax rate of MA found on the Assessor page of lowellma.gov [5] Estimate found in a case study regarding parking tax [6] Total annual cost per space*total spaces (257) Estimated property tax/increased asset value Hard cost of the system is taken into consideration to calculate increase in the asset value Found in a case study [7] Considered the value which was already in the 35% model Fixed input Values for NPV evaluation To generate the three NPV scenarios (conservative, likely, and optimistic), SREC value, per unit energy cost and market discount rate has been changed. SREC value fluctuates every month. It is evident from the above table that it plays a major role in reducing PV system cost compared to cost figures obtained without considering SREC. For the conservative scenario, 181.5 $/MWh has been used because it is the least value that SREC has assumed since it was launched [8]. The highest value assumed by SREC is 500 $/MWh but this value gives an over optimistic evaluation, therefore, a reasonable value of 300 $/MWh has been taken for the optimistic NPV evaluation. Different values of market discount rate, which is the rate at which money can be borrowed, and the inflation rate, rate at which monetary value of the system changes each year, have been considered in different scenarios. 18 Conservative Likely Optimistic 181.5 274 300 1 2.0 2.0 Inflation rate (%) 1.00 1.5 2.00 SPB w/o SREC (Years) 20.8 20.8 20.8 SPB with SREC (Years) 7.1 5.4 5.0 NPV w/o SREC ($) -$520,780.85 -$401,477.60 -$332,187.01 NPV with SREC ($) $644,097.01 $1,267,025.52 $1,494,641.23 LCOE w/o SREC $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 LCOE with SREC $0.04 -$0.01 -$0.02 Value of SREC ($/MWh) Market discount rate (%) V. Recommendation Based on our work we believe that this project is technologically feasible, and with Massachusetts' SREC program financially feasible, if UML can raise the capital to do the project. The project will be a visible symbol of the University's commitment to renewable energy and would proved excellent educational value on top of it financial and environmental benefits. If UML decides to go ahead with they project, it would be better to start sooner rather than later since the financial payoff requires the SRECs which is subject to market and political volitility. 19 Appendix I Data Sheets PV Module YL260P-29b Module 20 Inverters Sunny Tripower 15000TL-US 21 Sunny Tripower 25000TL 22 Carport Structure Beam Over - Single 23 Beam Over - Double 24 Appendix II Design Drawings DC One Line Diagram AC One Line Diagram NEC Calculations: 690.7 Maximum System Voltage = Number of modules per string * maximum module voltage dT = Temp. difference between ASHARE cold temp and STC temp = -18-25 = -43 deg C dT * TVoc = Voltage increase because of temp below STC = -43 * (-0.32/100) * 37.7 = 5.19 Volts Maximum module voltage = Voc + dT * TVoc = 37.7 + 5.19 = 42.89 Volts Maximum system voltage = 18 * 42.89 = 772.02 Volts = 21 * 42.89 = 900.69 Volts As per the NEC code standards the calculated value falls below the limit which is 1000 volts. 690.8 Circuit sizing and current: 690.8(A) Maximum DC circuit current is to be calculated for two different configurations Configuration 1: # of strings = 4 PV source circuit current Imax(a) = Isc * 1.25 = 9.09 * 1.25 = 11.36 Amps PV output DC circuit current Imax(b) = I max(a) * # of strings in parallel = 11.36 * 4 = 45.44 Amps Configuration 2: For # of strings = 6 PV source circuit current Imax(a) = Isc * 1.25 = 9.09 * 1.25 = 11.36 Amps PV output DC circuit current Imax(b) = I max(a) * # of strings in parallel = 11.36 * 6 = 68.16 Amps 690.8(B) Conductor ampicity calculations: To find current carrying capacity of a conductor, NEC code has two articles 690.8(B)(1) or (2) Method 1: Configuration 1: PV Source circuit current = Imax(a) * 1.25 = 14.2 Amps 27 PV DC circuit = Imax(b) * 1.25 = 56.8 Amps From table 310.15(B)(17), at 90 deg C temperature size of conductor is selected as 18 AWG for PV source circuit current carrying conductor. PV DC circuit current carrying conductor 6 AWG size is selected, from table 310.15(B)(16). Configuration 2: PV Source circuit current = Imax(a) * 1.25 = 14.2 Amps PV DC circuit = Imax(b) * 1.25 = 85.2 Amps Similarly for configuration 2, 18 AWG for PV Source circuit conductor, 4 AWG for PV DC circuit conductor is selected from tables 310.15(B)(17) & (16). Method 2: Configuration 1: PV Source circuit current = (Imax(a) * 1.25)/temp. correction factor = 14.2/0.65 = 17.48Amps PV DC circuit = (Imax(b) * 1.25) /temp. correction factor = 56.8/0.65 = 69.91 Amps From table 310.15(B)(17), at 90 deg C temperature size of conductor is selected as 18 AWG for PV source circuit current carrying conductor. PV DC circuit current carrying conductor 6 AWG size is selected, from table 310.15(B)(16). Configuration 2: PV Source circuit current = (Imax(a) * 1.25)/temp. correction factor = 14.2/0.65 = 17.48Amps PV DC circuit = (Imax(b) * 1.25) /temp. correction factor = 85.2/0.65 = 104.86 Amps Similarly for configuration 2, 18 AWG for PV Source circuit conductor, 3 AWG for PV DC circuit conductor is selected from tables 310.15(B)(17) & (16). 28 690.9 Over current protection: Configuration 1: PV Source circuit current = Isc * 1.56 = 9.09 * 1.56 = 14.18 Amps PV output DC circuit = Isc * 1.56 * # of strings on parallel = 14.18 * 4 = 56.72 Amps From article 240.6(A), over current protection devices must be selected from standard ratings. For the PV source circuit and output DC circuit 15 Amps, 60 Amps OCPD’s are to be selected. Configuration 2: PV Source circuit current = Isc * 1.56 = 9.09 * 1.56 = 14.18 Amps PV output DC circuit = Isc * 1.56 * # of strings on parallel = 14.18 * 6 = 85.08 Amps Similarly, for configuration 2 15 Amps, 90 Amps OCPD’s are to be selected Table 8: Voltage Drop Calculations: Voltage drop = Length = 50 ft – PV source circuit to combiner box Resistance = 5.08 ohm/Linear foot I = 11.36 Amps V.D = 5.77 which is 0.75 % of maximum voltage Similarly for 6,4,3 AWG voltage drop calculations are 1.16, 0.73, 0.58 volts which are less than 2% and are within NEC code limits. 29 Appendix IV Sources [1] http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/53347.pdf [2] http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/incentive.cfm?Incentive_Code=MA136F&re=1&ee=1 [3] http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/60599.pdf [4] https://financere.nrel.gov/finance/content/cost-utility-scale-solar-one-quick-way-compareprojects [5] http://www.lowellma.gov/Assessor/Pages/default.aspx [6] http://www.vtpi.org/parking_tax.pdf [7] https://financere.nrel.gov/finance/content/cost-utility-scale-solar-one-quick-way-compareprojects [8] http://www.srectrade.com/srec_markets/massachusetts 30
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