More information on The Gold Sniffer

The Gold Sniffer
Jim Kendall, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
The Gold Sniffer
December 16, 2014
The Gold Sniffer
 The Gold Sniffer is a portable optical gold detector
 For use in the field for exploration and mining
 Currently no device can do this function
 Detects the unique colour of gold
 Can detect micron sized gold particles
 Provides gold analysis on-site in minutes
 Presently days to weeks to use an assay lab and
scanning electron microscope
 Makes mining and exploration more profitable
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
The Gold Sniffer
 Gold Sniffer uses Canon 70D camera, MP-E 65 lens,
custom LED flash and proprietary gold detection
 Useful in a core shack for drill core analysis
 Can be used in the field and in mines
 Gold Sniffer on sale April 2015 for $55,000 Cdn
 Gold Sniffer being developed by Kendall Technology
in collaboration with Conestoga College and
Laurentian University, with support from several major
Canadian gold mining companies
 For more information see
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
The Unique Optical Properties of Gold
 Gold (Au) has a unique colour
 Colour of electrum Gold - Silver (Ag) also unique
 Detect both using colour at micron dimensions
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
The Problem
Gold Mineral Exploration
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
Gold Mineral Exploration
 Picture of exploration camp Jim Kendall built and
operated camp as CEO
 Located in NW Ontario
 Operating cost $100-200k / month
 Gold Sniffer’s gold analysis on-site in minutes can
save weeks to months of exploration
 Saves $100k’s in exploration costs
 Find gold deposits faster and less expensively
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
Mineral Exploration Savings
 At $100k per month, exploration cost is $3,300 / day
 Gold Sniffer does on-site gold analysis in minutes
 Geologists can make better exploration decisions
 If 17 days are saved then Gold Sniffer at $55,000
pays for itself
 Gold Sniffer can screen assay samples for no gold
 If 50% of assays have no gold at 2000 assays per
year then Gold Sniffer saves $25,000 per year
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
The Problem: Gold Mining
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
Gold Mining
 Picture of mining face in a gold mine
 Gold Sniffer can provide gold grades at the face
 Miners know what is there before they blast
 Leads to more efficient mining and ore processing
 More profitable gold mining
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
Gold Mining Savings
 Gold Sniffer can be used by mine geologist to
measure gold grades across the mining face
 Information used for disposition of ore to crusher for
high grade, run of mine heap leach for low grade, or
waste pile
 In open pit mine a bench can be blasted and divided
into sections for more accurate disposition
 With a 1% improvement in gold recovery for a
100,000 ounce per year mine at $1200 / ounce
break even time for Gold Sniffer is 17 days
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
The Problem: Seeing
Gold Particles
Gold Sniffer Inc.
Kendall Technology Inc.
September 23, 2014
December 16, 2014
Seeing Gold Particles
 Picture is a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
 Used to observe gold particles
 SEM is $1.5 million and can only be used in a lab
 Gold Sniffer observes micron sized gold particles
 Gold Sniffer takes SEM-like capability into the field
 Unpolished drill core optically best for Gold Sniffer
and this is the primary application
 Reason is that gold particles reflect light like
mirrors while rough surface scatters light
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
Gold particles (5–50um) on pyrite from unpolished core:
Gold Sniffer
Kendall Technology Inc.
Scanning Electron
December 16, 2014
Gold Sniffer vs. SEM
 Gold Sniffer detects gold particles similar in size,
shape and location to those detected by the
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
 Gold Sniffer moves the analytical power of the
SEM into the field for exploration and mining
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
Gold in Quartz
The Gold Sniffer detects the surface features of a gold
particle in quartz measuring 74 um wide x 81 um high with
micron resolution of detail (gold shown as magenta).
Sample was cut by a diamond saw and is unpolished.
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014
Intellectual Property
Kendall Technology Inc. owns the following granted IP:
– Canadian Patent 2,746,605 J.D. Kendall, “Method and
Apparatus for Gold Detection”, Oct. 9, 2012.
– US Patent 8,416,418, J.D. Kendall, “Method and
Apparatus for Gold Detection”, April 9, 2013.
– PCT Application WO/2013/006955, J.D. Kendall, J.H. Cole,
A.J. Bucek, “Method and Apparatus for Gold Detection”.
– Canadian Trademark 1,541,436 “Gold Sniffer”
– Australian and South African Trademarks “Gold Sniffer”
The following IP is pending:
– Canadian, US, Australian, South African and European
patents derived from PCT application
– US Trademark “Gold Sniffer”
 Gold Sniffer makes exploration faster and more
 Provides more gold analysis data to increase
operational mining efficiency
 Makes mining and exploration more profitable
 For more information see
 For sales inquiries contact
Kendall Technology Inc.
December 16, 2014