TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 421 North Main Street Greenville, SC 29601-2090 A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America December, 2014 421 North Main St. Rusty Kehl Vicar/Pastoral Intern John L. “Jan” Setzler Pastoral Associate Amy R. Brown Director of Educational Ministries David E. Rhyne Director of Music Ministries Mandi T. Whitley Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries Kay M. Cook Office Manager Lani F. Wise Accountant and Publications Coordinator Karen M. Craig Administrative Assistant Leonard Harrison Custodian Beth C. Oswald Nursery Attendant Greenville, SC 29601-2000 In the News at Trinity CHURCH STAFF Susan J. Crowell Senior Pastor Volume 66, Number 12 Order Your Poinsettias Poinsettias will be used to decorate the Church at the 3:00, 5:00, and 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Services. If you would like to give a poinsettia in honor or memory of someone, complete the form below and return it with $15.00 for each poinsettia no later than Wednesday, December 10. Poinsettias may be picked up immediately following the 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service, after the 11:15 am service on Sunday, December 28 or on Monday, December 29. 2013 POINSETTIA ORDER FORM Enclosed/attached is my $15.00 for each poinsettia given. in ( ) honor of 1.____________________________________________________________ _ 2015 Envelopes Adult Mission Trip Advent Food Collection Annual Meeting Children’s Christmas Drama Christmas Eve Candlelight Services End of Year Giving 2. ____________________________________________________________ Festival of Music 3. ____________________________________________________________ Gifts of Hope in ( ) memory of 1.____________________________________________________________ _ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ Given by: _____________________________________________________ Ornament Exchange Project Host Soup Kitchen FAX 864.242.6442 Dear Members of the Trinity family, Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 The Advent Season is a time of peace, stillness, and quiet. It is a time for prayer, meditation, and reflection. It is a time of hoping, waiting, and preparing. It is a season of stillness. As I prepare for this season of watching and waiting, I am keenly aware of the busyness of the season – all the things that keep me from being still. There are so many demands and expectations. There is a tree to decorate, gifts to buy, cookies to bake, traditions to keep, presents to wrap, cards to address, as well as concerts and parties to attend. And, of course, there are all the normal, non-seasonal chores and tasks that must be done. In spite of all this busyness, Advent is a season of stillness – a time to be still in our bodies, in our souls, and in our hearts. It is a time to carry the stillness within us. In the hurry and chaos of the season, the longawaited Christ child is calling us to stillness. “Be still,” the Scripture says, “and know that I am God.” Advent is an ideal time to practice the spiritual discipline of stillness. Take time each day to be still, to read scripture and devotional materials, to pray for your family and our church family. Strive to be at peace with yourself, your family, your world, and God. When your heart and your hands are still, when your mind is free from worry, fear, and anxiety, when your body is calm and at rest, you will discover the gift of Advent peace. May God bless our homes and our hearts with the stillness and peace of the Christ child. Peace, love, and joy, Reception for David Rhyne Sharing Tree 864.242.5702 Pastor Susan Crowell Council Notes WITHIN THE TRINITY FAMILY . . . At the November meeting of the Congregation Council, the council ---noted that expenses for October were $2,253 less than anticipated; ---approved the Stewardship Committee’s proposed budget of $1,207,467 for the year 2015 and recommended its adoption to the congregation; and ---accepted David Rhyne’s letter of resignation, effective December 31, 2014. Hospital Patients Susan Cline - 533, St. Francis Tim Crowe, Dale Hamann, Bobbie Moyer, Mary Valenti and Chris Wunderlich have been discharged. Deaths All members of Trinity Lutheran Church are invited Jim Bell on November 13 to a reception honoring David Rhyne Membership Changes on Sunday, December 21 at 10:00 am in the Multipurpose Room. A brief program will be held at 10:15 am. Rick and Gretchen Mullinax and their son, Eric, to NewSpring Church, Greenville, SC Sunday School classes will not meet on this day. Attendance for November Children and adults are encouraged to attend. 2015 Envelopes Annual Meeting The Congregation will meet in the Gym on Sunday, December 7, at 10:00 am to adopt a budget and elect members of the Congregation Council. The ten nominees for the five three-year terms are Rachel Balck, Ralph Born, Randy Brown, Louise Fletcher, Ashley Rudisill Forbes, Lura Godfrey, David Potts, Todd Reichard, Bill Renninger and Megan Reed. The nominees for the one-year youth term are Patrick Childers and Kayla Rose. Those who attend the meeting are asked to bring a breakfast finger food for the brunch, which will follow the meeting. Coffee and juice will be provided. The offering envelopes for next year will be available in the Gym at the Congregation Meeting on Sunday, December 7. The envelopes will be on tables in alphabetical order for members to pick up before and after the meeting. The following Sunday, the envelopes will be available in the Multipurpose Room. Envelopes not picked up on that Sunday will be mailed the following week. Please wait until the new year to begin using the new envelopes. Note that those who contribute by bank draft will not receive envelopes, but are welcome to use the envelopes in the pew racks for additional offering. 7:45 9:00 11:15 TOTAL 11/2 25 185 111 321 11/9 25 183 124 332 11/16 21 159 161 341 SUNDAY SCHOOL LCY 121 50 134 46 144 42 Offering Summary for November (Summary does not include November 23 and 30) November Needed for Budget Given to Budget Difference Given to World Hunger YTD 102,500 59,269 - 43,231 1,127,500 958,740 - 168,760 1,131 13,654 Advent Food Collection Trinity will collect food and toiletry items during Advent for AID Upstate. AID Upstate is a non-profit organization that provides case management services to HIV-positive clients and HIV testing, counseling, and education to the general public. Bags with needed items are available in the Narthex, Breezeway and the Multipurpose Room. Please bring some of the items on the list to the Narthex during Advent. For more information, contact Bonnie Bridges at 675-6614 or David Nichols at 2880890. Project Host Soup Kitchen On Sunday, December 7, the Outreach Committee needs twelve to fifteen volunteers to staff the soup kitchen from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Volunteers must be middle school age or older. If you are interested in helping, please contact Mike Wilson at or Greenville Area Interfaith Hospitality Network Trinity Church will host guests from the Greenville Area Interfaith Hospitality Network Sunday, December 7 through Sunday, December 14. Volunteers are needed in all areas including setup, breakfast and dinner preparation, evening and overnight hosts, day center, and takedown. Contact Lynne Hunter at or 288-9120 or Maureen Rose at or 609-5470 for additional information. Contact volunteer coordinator, Terry Morgan, at 230-6252 or if you would like to volunteer. Food items are needed to pack lunches and provide snacks for GAIHN guests during host week. A display containing a list of needed items as well as a sign up sheet is located in the Parlor. The items should be returned to the Kitchen in the Activities Building no later than 11:00 am on Sunday, December 7. Morning Session: A Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship Group led by Pastor Crowell will meet on Thursday, December 4 at 9:30 am in the Multipurpose Room. The group will continue to meet on the first Thursday of the month. During the year participants will be exploring the topic Holy Moments in Scripture and in Daily Life. All women of the congregation are invited to enjoy refreshments, study, prayer and fellowship. Those who wish to participate in a cookie exchange this month are invited to bring a United Ministries Trinity continues to receive food for the United Ministries Food Pantry on the first and third Sundays of each month. Evening Session: A Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship Group led by Pastor Crowell will meet on Thursday, December 4 at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room. The group will continue to meet on the first Thursday of each month. During the year participants will be exploring the topic Holy Moments in Scripture and in Daily Life. Everyone is invited to bring refreshments to share with the group. All women of the congregation are invited to enjoy refreshments, study, prayer and fellowship. Prayer Group Men’s Bible Study and Fellowship Trinity’s fellowship group for men continues on Tuesday, December 9 at noon. All men of the congregation are welcome to attend. Contact David Rhyne at to be included in the email reminders and to receive more information. End of Year Giving Counseling Services Because Trinity Lutheran Church participates in a Membership Assistance Program with Canterbury Counseling Center, members of the congregation pay a fee of $25 per session for the first four sessions of counseling. To make an appointment, speak with Pastor Crowell or call the Canterbury Counseling Center at 2357501. Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship Groups According to IRS regulations, gifts should be made on or before December 31 to be considered taxdeductible for the year 2014. During the last week of the year, the Church Office will be open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Monday, December 29, Tuesday, December 30, and Wednesday, December 31. A prayer group meets at 11:30 am in the Library every Wednesday. The group meets for thirty minutes to share prayer concerns and celebrations and pray for individuals and ministries in the life of Trinity. Prayer requests may be emailed to Merry Mulcahy at All are invited to attend. TLC4TLC Adults are invited to gather once a month for TLC4TLC (Tender Loving Care for Trinity Lutheran Church) to write notes and cards for members who are ill, grieving, or unable to attend worship, as well as celebrations. The group will meet on Sunday, December 14 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in the Library. For additional information, please contact Mary Valenti at 322-5450 or Tracey Hoffert at 9918547. Annual Festival of Music On Sunday, December 14, at 5:00 pm, the Adult Choir, Youth Choir, and Children’s Choirs will lead a celebration of the season through music. Joining Trinity’s choirs will be the Cantus Chamber Choir and the Sinfonia String Orchestra from the SC Governor’s School. This year’s program features carols and seasonal music from America and England. The music will include American Folk Music featuring portions of Malcolm Dalglish’s Hymnody of Earth sung by the Youth and Children’s Choirs. The adult choir will join with the Governor’s School ensembles to present Vaughan-Williams’ Fantasia on Christmas Carols. Music from the American Gospel tradition will round out the evening’s program. The story of hope for Jesus’ coming and the joy of His birth will be told through these varied expressions and faith traditions. Trinity welcomes all to enjoy the words and music of the season. Christmas Eve Candlelight Services December 24, 2014 3:00 pm Holy Communion - Children and Youth Choirs 5:00 pm Holy Communion - Adult Choir 7:00 pm Holy Communion - Adult Choir Instrumental accompaniment will include strings and organ at all three services. (A nursery will be provided at the 3:00 and 5:00 pm Services.) Children’s Christmas Service and Drama The Children’s Christmas Program will be held Sunday, December 21, at 9:00 am in the Gym. Children’s Choirs, Sunday School Classes, and soloists will lead the congregation through the story of Jesus’ birth with drama and song. Children from age 2 through Grade 5 Sunday School classes are invited to participate as speaking roles for a donkey, cow, sheep and dove. A brief rehearsal will be on Sunday, December 14 during the Sunday School hour. Students should go to their regular Sunday School classes and their teachers will accompany them to rehearsal, and then back to the classroom. Costumes will be provided. On the morning of the drama, choir children should report to the choir room and all other children participating should report to the Activities Building at 8:30 am. Gifts of Hope: A Season of Giving Gifts of Hope is an alternative gift-giving program in the SC Synod (ELCA). This Christmas give gifts to family and friends that give hope to others. The gifts are represented by institutions and Social Ministry Organizations affiliated with the SC Synod and South Carolina companion foreign synods. Every penny of Gifts of Hope will be distributed to help the poor, educate students from elementary school to seminary and support the elderly here and throughout the world. The Outreach Committee is offering an opportunity to participate in Gifts of Hope. Continuing through December 21, Gifts of Hope may be purchased at Trinity each Sunday morning in the Multipurpose Room during Coffee and Conversation. The Gifts of Hope catalog will offer 38 gift choices ranging in price from $10 to $130. Included are choices such as new shoes or a backpack for impoverished children, transportation for a homeless Veteran, or food for a refugee family. For each gift that is purchased, a gift card and an insert describing the chosen gift will be received. These may be sent to a friend or family member. To review the gifts that may be purchased, please visit For more information, please contact Karla Koon at 609-6617 or Sharing Tree The Outreach Committee is sponsoring a Sharing Tree to provide Christmas gifts for needy persons in the community including the teen girls at Pendleton Place, the boys at Generations Group Home, residents at Towers East, GAIHN families, Trinity’s Aids Care Team family, as well as other families through United Ministries. Trees with ornaments listing gift choices are in the Church Parlor and Multipurpose Room. After taking an ornament and making a purchase, please place the item in a gift bag with the ornament attached and return to the Parlor by Sunday, December 14. If you have questions, please contact Brenda Bridges at 2923640 or Melanie Wessinger at 228-0368. Winter Weather Policy When there is an accumulation of snow, sleet or ice on the roads on Sunday morning, the 7:45 am Service, the 9:00 am Service, and Sunday School will be cancelled. A Service will be held at 11:15 am if it is safe for the pastors and staff to travel. When the 11:15 am Service is also cancelled, attempts will be made to announce that decision on local television stations and their websites. Information will also be added to the church voice mail message. Lutheran Church Youth Lutheran Church Youth is Trinity’s ministry program for youth in grades 6-12. All youth in these December 7 – TACKY CHRISTMAS SWEATER BOWLING LCY will meet at 6:00 pm at the Red Canopy Door to travel by bus to Star Lanes on Pleasantburg for pizza, bowling and a tacky sweater Christmas party. The cost is $16.00 per person. Youth must sign up no later than Sunday, November 30. Pick up time is 8:30 pm at the Church. Christmas Party and Ornament Exchange Adults of all ages will gather at 7:00 pm on Friday, December 12, for a Christmas Party and Ornament Exchange at the home of Mike and Maggie Boliek, 24 Parkins Mill Court. Participants are asked to bring an appetizer or dessert to share with the group and a wrapped Christmas tree ornament for the gift exchange. Soft drinks will be provided. Reservations can be made by calling the Church Office by Wednesday, December 10. December 14 – CHRISTMAS SERVICE PROJECTS AND GAMES After dinner, youth will work on a variety of service projects, which will then be distributed to those in need in our community. The group will also play some Christmas games. Book Group December 21 and 28 – NO LCY DUE TO CHRISTMAS BREAK Mark Your Calendars - LCY’s annual Ski Retreat will be Friday, January 23-Sunday, January 25, 2015 at Lutheridge. Information has been emailed to parents. Registration forms and payment are due to Mandi Whitley no later than Sunday, January 4. High School Small Group Kids’ Stuff and Club 345 Kid’s Stuff is Trinity’s group for children in grades K5, 1 or 2 and Club 345 is Trinity’s group for children in grades 3, 4 and 5. Both groups gather once a month for fellowship and fun. All events are from 2:00-4:00 pm unless otherwise noted. The remaining dates for the 2014-2015 program year are: December 7, January 11, February 20-21 (sleepover), and March 8. All youth in grades 9-12 are invited to high school small group. The group meets on Wednesday nights from 6:00 -7:15 pm in the Youth Center for Bible study, devotions and service projects. Those attending should bring their own dinner. Drinks are provided. This month the group will meet on Wednesdays, December 3, 10 and 17. The group will break for Christmas and resume on Wednesday, January 7. On Sunday, December 7, Kids’ Stuff and Club 345 will gather in the Activities Building from 2:00-4:00 pm for Christmas fun. The groups will enjoy a snack, work on a service project, play games and make a craft. Parents interested in helping with this event should contact Mandi Whitley. Basketball Practices and games continue through the month of December. Furman LSA December 4 is the last LSA dinner meeting for the Fall 2014 Semester. Thanks to the many Trinity volunteers who provided a meal for our weekly campus ministry. These home-away-from-home meals and the extraordinary fellowship in the group provided new students by upperclass students is a joy to watch! Samantha Menapace, LSA Peer Minister, provided great leadership and a very special ministry when Pastor Setzler was not present. LSA members ended the semester shopping for Christmas Stocking Stuffers to fill stockings for children on Trinity's Christmas Sharing Tree. With great care LSA members filled each child's stocking with $20 in gifts age-appropriate for each child. The Trinity Book Group meets in the Parlor at 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of even numbered months. Adults of all ages are invited to come and discuss a variety of books. In December, the group will have a holiday gathering on Thursday, December 18 at the home of Nancy Jones, 340 Pimlico Road, Greenville, to discuss Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed. Those attending are invited to bring a new, wrapped paperback book they think members of the group might like to read. The books will then be exchanged and swapped. Participants are also invited to bring an appetizer or dessert to share. The next meeting of the group will be on Thursday, February 19, to discuss Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. Leisure/Action The Leisure/Action Group is for retirees or those who would like to be. The group generally meets once a month for outings to places of interest. Adults of any age are always welcome to join the group. From December 5 through 9, members and friends will explore the sights and sounds of New York City, including Sunday worship at Trinity Lutheran Church in Astoria. The group will have a Christmas covered dish luncheon on Wednesday, December 17 at 11:45 am in the Multipurpose Room. Those attending are asked to bring meat, vegetables, side dishes or dessert to share. Call the Church Office by Monday, December 15, if you plan to attend. Loving Threads Loving Threads is a ministry that knits and crochets handmade prayer shawls, baby blankets and bandages for those in the community and around the world. Most work is done at home, and members gather quarterly to enjoy fellowship and to pray for those receiving the shawls. Anyone who can knit or crochet, or would like to learn, is invited to participate. The next meeting at the Church will be in the first quarter of 2015. For more information, contact Amy Brown through the church office. Lydia Group The Lydia Group will meet on Tuesday, December 9, at 10:00 am in the Parlor. Beverly Henderson will have a Christmas Devotional, closing with the group singing well known Christmas carols. The group will then have a finger food lunch. All women of the congregation are welcome. Sunday School Adult Mission Trip Sunday School is offered for all ages every Sunday. Classes are provided for children two years old on or before September 1 through those in Grade 12, as well as adults. A nursery is provided for infants and toddlers who miss the September 1 deadline. Young adults who have graduated from high school are invited to attend adult classes. Greetings and Peace, Brothers and Sisters in Christ. At 9:50 am adults of all ages are invited for coffee, conversation, parish announcements and prayer in the Multipurpose Room of the Activities Building. During the Advent and Christmas seasons in December, adults will meet together as one class in the Mulitpurpose Room to participate in the course Under Wraps: The Gift We Never Expected. This video based course explores four characteristics of God which are revealed in Jesus: God is expectant, God is dangerous, God is jealous, and God is faithful. Students will be given a free devotional book which accompanies the course. Quilting Group Confirmation The Quilting Group meets in the Activities Building at 9:30 am twice a month, on the first and third Mondays. The group makes quilts which are distributed by Lutheran World Relief. Participants do not need to know how to sew in order to make quilts. Willing volunteers who can cut fabric, iron, thread a needle or tie knots are welcome. Some group members bring their lunch to the gatherings. Work is usually finished around 2:00 pm, although participants can work as little, or as long as they like. There are also at-home sewing opportunities for those who cannot come to the gatherings. The group will not meet in December, but will begin meeting again on January 5. For more information, contact Sarah Weeks at 246-7862 or Amy Brown at 242-5702. All seventh, eight and ninth graders and their parents are reminded of the confirmation classes that will be held on January 10, February 7, February 28 and March 28 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Those who successfully complete the program will be confirmed at the 11:15 am service on Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015. Luke shares with us in Acts 20:35, “In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, ”It is more blessed to give than receive.” In the spring of 2015, as a part of fulfilling my internship here at Trinity Lutheran, I will be leading a mission trip to Crisfield, Maryland. This town still suffers from the effects of hurricane Sandy. The group will be working to restore people’s homes and in a sense helping to return their life to some degree of normalcy. Situated at the end of a road and on the waters of Chesapeake Bay, Crisfield was deemed the “Forgotten Town.” It is my desire to reinforce to the people of Crisfield, with your help, that God has not forgotten them. Crisfield, once known as the “Seafood Capital of the World,” is the poorest town in Somerset County, which is the poorest county in Maryland. It is our plan to travel, using personal vehicles, to Crisfield on Sunday, May 10 and return on May 16. A facility is provided in Crisfield that will house us during our stay and can hold up to 25 people. It is also in our preliminary plans to take one day, Friday May 15, as a free day and go on an adventure. The cost of the trip is $150.00 per person and covers all expenses other than meals up and back, and any other monies spent for personal use. Registration is currently open, and you can do so by contacting the Church Office. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the church office or by email at I look forward to working with you on this journey of Christ’s love. God’s peace, Vicar Rusty Kehl Sunday Tuesday Monday 9:00 STAFF MEETING 1 Thursday Wednesday 3 2 11:30 PRAYER GROUP 6:00 I-MITES BB PRACTICE 6:00 JUNIOR BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MITES GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MIDGET GIRLS BB PRACTICE SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT EMERGENCY FOOD SUNDAY 7 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 8:30 TRINITY QUARTET WARMUP 9:00 HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 PROJECT HOST SOUP KITCHEN 10:00 CONGREGATION MEETING 10:45 TRINITY AND YOUTH CHOIR WARMUP 11:00 GAIHN SETUP 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION 2:00 KIDS’ STUFF AND CLUB 345 4:00 CHOIR SCHOOL 5:00 YOUTH CHOIR 6:00 LCY 9:00 STAFF MEETING 9 8 LEISURE/ACTION NEW YORK TRIP RETURNS 10:00 LYDIA GROUP 6:15 MITES BOYS BB PRACTICE @ ST GEORGE 11 21 15 9:00 STAFF MEETING 6:00 HIGH SCHOOL SMALL GROUP 6:30 MIDGET BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 TRINITY CHOIR REHEARSAL 7:30 SENIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE INTERFAITH AREA GREENVILLE 6:15 FURMAN LSA 6:30 JUNIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:30 12 13 9:00 CHRISMON TREE DECORATING 19 20 26 27 18 11:30 PRAYER GROUP 11:45 LEISURE/ACTION CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON 6:00 I-MITES BB PRACTICE 6:00 JUNIOR BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MITES GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MIDGET GIRLS BB PRACTICE 21 22 8:45 STAFF VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 9:00 MEETING 9:00 STAFF MEETING 6:00 HIGH SCHOOL SMALL GROUP 6:30 MIDGET BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 TRINITY CHOIR REHEARSAL 7:30 SENIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 23 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD CHRISTMAS EVE 11:30 PRAYER GROUP 24 6:15 FURMAN LSA 6:30 JUNIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:00 BOOK GROUP 7:30 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD CHRISTMAS DAY OFFICE CLOSED 2:15 CHILDREN & YOUTH CHOIRS WARMUP 3:00 HOLY COMMUNION 4:15 ADULT CHOIR WARMUP 5:00 HOLY COMMUNION 7:00 HOLY COMMUNION 4:00 CHOIR SCHOOL 5:00 YOUTH CHOIR 28 6:15 MITES BOYS BB PRACTICE @ ST GEORGE 7:00 CHRISTMAS PARTY AND ORNAMENT EXCHANGE NETWORK HOSPITALITY 17 16 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 8:30 DRAMA PARTICIPANTS GATHER 9:00 WORSHIP AND CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS DRAMA 10:00 RECEPTION FOR DAVID RHYNE 10:45 TRINITY CHOIR WARMUP 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 HOLY COMMUNION 9:50 COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:10 SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION 6:15 FURMAN LSA 6:30 JUNIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 6:30 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY AND FELLOWSHIP GROUP 7:30 10 6 LEISURE/ACTION NEW YORK TRIP DEPARTS 11:30 PRAYER GROUP 12:00 STAFF CHRISTMAS LUNCH 6:00 I-MITES BB PRACTICE 6:00 JUNIOR BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MITES GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MIDGET GIRLS BB PRACTICE 14 7:00 GAIHN TAKEDOWN 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 8:30 TRINITY CHOIR WARMUP 9:00 HOLY COMMUNION 9:50 COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:00 REHEARSAL FOR CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS DRAMA 10:10 SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:45 TRINITY QUARTET WARMUP 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION 3:00 INTERN COMMITTEE 3:00 ADULT CHOIR WARMUP 3:30 CHILDREN & YOUTH CHOIR WARMUP 3:45 CONGREGATION COUNCIL 4:00 OUTREACH COMMITTEE 4:00 TLC4TLC 5:00 FESTIVAL OF MUSIC 6:00 LCY FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS 9:30 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY AND FELLOWSHIP GROUP 5 12:00 MEN’S BIBLE STUDY & FELLOWSHIP THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT EMERGENCY FOOD SUNDAY 6:00 HIGH SCHOOL SMALL GROUP 6:30 MIDGET BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 TRINITY CHOIR REHEARSAL 7:30 SENIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE Saturday Friday 4 29 9:00 STAFF MEETING 30 31 6:15 MITES BOYS BB PRACTICE @ ST GEORGE 25 OFFICE CLOSED Responsibilities for December 7th David Crigler Brent Amyette Eliza Stockman 14th David Nichols Helen League Russ Wise 21st Caroline Massey Eliza Stockman Susan Troutman John Otten Tim Keaton Lynn Ritchie Maggie Matters Melanie Matters Debbie Varner, Todd Wetzel Charles Wyatt Ashley Macek, Ryan Macek Kayla Rose Donna Potts Mike Wilson Russ Wise Daniel Fisher Grace Kirven Jack Lindler, Linda Nagel David Nichols Marianne Childers, Pam Reichard Abigail Smith Kris Ballew John Beckford Sunday School Nursery NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Brenda Bridges NO SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:15 am Lector Prayers Cantor Acolytes Ryan Macek Henry Wilcox Melissa Wells Caitlin Littlejohn Lauren Miller Brenda Bridges, Susan Burton Eric Glass Brenda Bridges, Karen Craig Mia Dillon Mark Allen Darwin Cline Gilbert Ritchie Mia Dillon Marshall Westbrook Barbara Corell, George Corell Marilyn Koerber Karen Craig, Melanie Wessinger Bailey Hoffert John Hunter Lisa Panhorst John Park Will Baur TJ Woodard Terry Morgan, Beth Renninger Bill Renninger Karen Craig, Lynne Hunter Reagan Hoffert 7:45 am Lector Prayers Cantor 9:00 am Lector Prayers Cantor Acolytes Greeters Nursery Nursery Aide Greeters Nursery Nursery Aide Communion Fill Communion Clean-up (9:00) (11:15) Ushers 7:45 9:00 11:15 Caroline Massey (Intinction) Lisa Darby Nancy Jones Bonnie Bridges Mike and Maggie Boliek Philip and Melanie Wessinger Betty Collins, Karen Nichols Chris Jefferson (Captain), Ralph Born, Jeanette Peterson, Dick Young Terry Morgan (Captain), Jeff Balck, Bobbi Metz, Mike Metz Offering Tellers Team 1 Susan Troutman (Captain) Tim Keaton, Lara Wannemacher Team 2 Dale Hamann (Captain) Sandra Hamann, Peggy Schotsch Lector Prayers Acolytes Megan Koon Mark Allen Elizabeth Allen Turner Johnson Ushers Richard Delap (Capt) Mary Margaret Delap Scott Panhorst Michael Spiers Comm Clean Ben and Amy Johnson Nursery Amanda Mast, Beth Oswald 5:00 pm service Lector Prayers Acolytes Tim Keaton Susan Troutman Caitlin Littlejohn Abigail Smith Ushers Tim Keaton (Capt) Mike Paker Melanie Wessinger Philip Wessinger Comm Clean Tim Keaton Nursery Lynne Hunter, Beth Oswald 7:00 pm service Lector Prayers Acolytes Roland Baird Mike Wilson Daniel Fisher Rachel Haltiwanger Ushers Susan Burton (Capt) John Glymph Henry Wilcox Robyn Wilcox Comm Clean Kay Cook Randy & Linda Brown Lisa Black, Ellen Boler 28th Betsy League Betty Collins Eliza Stockman Ashley Forbes John Park Alex Mason Micaela Peterson Kayla Rose Marianne Childers, Merry Mulcahy Lisa Osborn Lura Godfrey, Mark Godfrey Anna Lee Henry Jennifer Johnson Jeff Rehm George Corell Annabelle Martin Will Baur McKenzie Fletcher Harriet Ligon, Sam Ligon Chris Sorenson Amy Forde, Eric Glass Ali Landreth Betsy League (Intinction) Carolyn Wyatt, Margaret Wyatt Dale and Sandra Hamann REMINDER FOR WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS If you are unable to be here on your scheduled week, please find a replacement and notify the Church Office as soon as possible so that the bulletin may be corrected. FESTIVAL OF MUSIC - Sunday, December 14, 5:00 pm Dale Hamann, Keith Jones CHRISTMAS EVE 3:00 pm service Anna Lee Henry Emma Jefferson Sally Boliek, Beth Henry John Henry M M Delap, Richard Delap Conyers Wingard Nursery Captains Ushers 2014 9:00 SS 11:15 Margaret Roth Lynne Hunter Melanie Wessinger Audio Ministry David Troutman Visiting First Time Worshipers Betsy League, Melanie Wessinger Sanctuary Preparation Mike Parker United Ministry Food Baskets Debbie Varner
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