BEAUMONT & DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER BADAS is 25 – Doesn’t time fly! December 2014 Development Committee AGRI‐RECREATIONAL CENTRE NOT FEASIBLE BACKGROUND A 20 year dream of BADAS came to an unsuccessful conclusion this year. Your Ag Society worked very hard to respond to the significant demand from equine, canine and other livestock groups in addition to more urban-based community volunteer organizations in our District for facilities to meet their programming requirements. Unfortunately, BADAS was not able to leverage their pleas into the momentum needed to establish private and public partnerships for the classrooms, storage and covered arena that comprised the Agri-recreation Centre Project. While this Project has come to an end for us, BADAS wishes nothing but the best to groups in other jurisdictions in the Edmonton Region who carry on this long struggle. There is no doubt an Agri-recreation Centre is so needed in Alberta’s Capital Region! Your non-profit society was registered in January, 1990, under the Agricultural Societies Act of Alberta. Along with nearly 300 other Ag Societies across the Province, BADAS offers agricultural, recreational and cultural opportunities to our district and Alberta’s Capital Region. This exceptional organization fully owns the 71-acre Fairground parcel just west of Beaumont. Change has been the only constant in our history and the coming year will be no exception. Read on and ponder why on earth you haven’t joined a not-for-profit organization that does so much and still has fun doing it after two and half decades!! Annual General Meeting BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER‐ MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT COMING AT AGM The AGM will be at Beaumont’s Community Protective Services Building on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 7:30 PM. Three groups will be coming together to sign a Letter of Understanding and Terms of Reference on a project to bring a heritage barn to the BADAS Fairground. Members of the Gobeil Family, the Beaumont and District Heritage Society and BADAS will work together on this project. Find out more on the last page of this newsletter! And pass the word – everything old is new again INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 FUTURE CONFIGURATION OF FAIRGROUND(S) BADAS – Background This year, your Ag Society Board invested a significant amount of energy into consideration of future development in our District and how urban expansion pressures will impact the operation and development of the Fairground. Along the way, BADAS turned down an invitation from a major development company regarding sale of all or part of the Fairground. The Board did reach the decision that roughly 15-20 acres of the Fairground will NOT be for sale going forward. Further, several action items in the coming year were identified through our mandatory annual business planning process: a visioning exercise with our membership to consider future development of the Fairground on a smaller footprint; examination of large land parcels within our District suitable for an equine cross-country course; and, the resource requirements that would be needed to manage the operation of your Ag Society on multiple parcels and with additional facilities. Looks like it’ll be another busy year for the Development Committee! AGM Announcement Development Committee 2 Finance Committee Operations Committee Membership & Promotions Committee 3 Last Year’s Board of Directors Major Events Coming in 2015 Gerry Patsula Community Gardens (GPCG) News Beaumont Horse Trials – 2014 4 5 6 Treasurer’s Report and Budgets Membership Form – Sign & Return without Delay AGM – The Gobeil Heritage Barn Project! Beaumont & District Agricultural Society 1 Newsletter, December 2014 Finance Committee analysis of how the equine facilities are used. Results are: Total number of equine bookings in 2014 – 100; including 23 bookings for regularly scheduled lessons; 10% more bookings than in 2013. Estimated rider-days (sessions) for the year – 962; 11% more equine rider-days than in 2013. Events booked (camps, clinics, competitions) – 10 (10% of total bookings); 1 of which was cancelled. Estimated rider-days for events – 472 (49% of total riderdays; about 10% lower than in 2013). The Finance Committee oversees budgeting, grant applications, fundraising efforts, and review of financial activity for BADAS. Revenue for the 2013-14 fiscal year was respectable (see Treasurer’s Report on page 4 for details). Main sources were: Alberta Agriculture & Food – $21,317 operating grants, higher than in 2013 but below the prior 4-year average. Leduc County – $5,900 operating grants for 2013 & 2014. Facility rentals – $17,645, about the same as last year and over $4,000 higher than in years prior to 2013. Operating expenses for the 2013-14 fiscal year, at $25,111, were considerably lower than the average of the previous 4 years. The big-ticket item was Fairground operations, including payroll. We also have figures on the number of X-Country Schooling bookings (75% of total) and rider-days (39% of total); on sand ring, jumping lesson, and hack riding bookings and rider-days; and on events that required use of multiple equine facilities. These figures underscore the importance of the BADAS Fairgrounds as a destination attraction for equine enthusiasts in north-central Alberta. Our Equine Cross-Country Course is the only such facility in the capital region. In 2014, it attracted users from areas as far away as Drayton Valley, Edson, Bonnyville, and the Calgary region. Many clubs, stables and farms in the capital region used our facilities. The last half of May had the heaviest use (30% of bookings); later summer and fall months averaged 15 bookings each until October (10 bookings) when the season wrapped up. Adding in capital expenditures – $14,500 for a John Deere 4240 tractor with loader purchased at auction; $7,999 for a New Holland MC22 72-inch, front-mount mower; and $3,500 down payment for a John Deere MX15 15-foot, flex-wing mower – brought total expenses for 2013-14 to just over $51,100. Operations Committee The Operations Committee report for 2014 includes sketches of maintenance and grounds-keeping activities, major events, and analysis of both equine and canine booking and user numbers. Revenue from rental and user fees for all Fairground facilities reached $17,645 in 2014, and exceeded operational expenses ($15,215) by $2,430. At last a bit of profit! Maintenance and grounds-keeping were handled much like they were in 2012 and 2013. Four students – Trish Hiley, Sydney Schiewe, Danielle Ostapek, and Aaron Fensky – performed most of the work, starting in mid-May and ending in October. They were supervised by a subcommittee of the Board. They looked after the sand rings, trapped nuisance moles, monitored/ordered supplies and services, cleaned up garbage and manure, mowed and weed-whacked grass and weeds, and took on painting and general maintenance of buildings and Cross-Country jumps. Most of the students travelled during the summer and held other jobs, so didn’t accumulate many hours. With the help of significant volunteer effort, the grounds generally looked in top shape. Getting an early start on maintenance activities was a key factor. Many thanks to all workers and volunteers for helping keep our Fairgrounds in great condition. Major events held on the Fairgrounds in 2014 included: Beaumont Derby (May 25) preceded by cross-country and stadium-jumping clinics (May 24); Beaumont Horse Trials (June 7-8; see report on page 3); Alberta North Region Pony Clubs Camp (June 22); Klondike Carriage Classic (August 9-10) followed by Alberta Carriage Drivers Clinic (August 11-12); Strathcona Pony Club testing (September 27-28); and ANR Pony Clubs testing (October 4-5). The BADAS 4-H & Open Horse Show, booked for June 14, was cancelled due to lack of pre-registrations. Promotions and Membership TOWN & COUNTRY DAZE: Once again BADAS partnered with the Town of Beaumont’s Promotions Committee to stage another successful Town & Country Daze weekend at the end of June. BADAS focused on hosting the parade (June 28); numbers were down a bit, perhaps due to the late date. Weather was blustery but not too wet. FACILITY BOOKINGS For the first time, BADAS welcomed a canine group to the Fairground in 2014. Dynamo Dog Sports group is involved in agility trials and competitions for dogs of all sizes and shapes. They booked the “front lawn” area as an outdoor practice facility, which they used 6 times in 2014. The group plans to continue using the practice area in 2015. MEMBERSHIP: BADAS ended 2013-14 with a total of 140 members – 96 Full (regular adult), 29 Junior (12-18 years of age), and 15 Lifetime. Renew your membership for 2014-15 by filling in the form on page 5 of this newsletter, or on the website, and returning it with the appropriate funds, to the Ag Society. Please pass the word around to help increase our membership. Folks can visit, go to the Contact and Join Us page, and download a copy of the membership form. You can also visit us on Facebook. Equine use of the Fairground still generates the most bookings, user numbers, and rental/fee revenue. BADAS collected booking and user information that permitted, for a second year, Beaumont & District Agricultural Society 2 Newsletter, December 2014 GERRY PATSULA COMMUNITY LAST YEAR’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Hiley President Bruce Walker Treasurer Shannon Morin Secretary Lois Watson 1st Vice-President Alan Knowles 2nd Vice-President Bill Ostapek Past President Grant Tolley Director Loretta Martin Director Adele McCook Director MaryAnn McDonald Director Don Schiewe Director Charles Fensky Director Harry Zuzak Director GARDENS (GPCG) NEWS 2014 was a great year for GPCG due the support and help of our many volunteers. The weather was favourable this year, and we had success growing more creative vegetables such as eggplant, artichoke, and fancy squashes. One challenge in 2014 was Colorado Potato Beetle, which had severe outbreaks. Control of this pest will take a combination of education and group effort for several years. In 2015 we will continue our focus on soil health with the fallow plot program to rejuvenate older, tired plots. The goal of fallowing some plots is to improve soil fertility and tilth. Overall, we strive to enhance the family gardening experience. Like more info? Email Charles Fensky at the Gardens email account – The Ag Society thanks the Councils and Administration of Leduc County and the Town of Beaumont for their contributions in 2014! Please pass the word around – we are always looking for new Directors and ideas. One action item in the past year was a search for new Directors who are half the age of our Board average – that would be new Directors less than 30 years old. Stay tuned! WHO ARE OUR FRIENDS AND SPONSORS? Visit our Friends and Sponsors website page to find out more! BADAS IS A REGISTERED CHARITY, TOO! Just in case you are considering year-end financial contributions to improve the state of agricultural, cultural and recreational opportunities in our District, we’d be thrilled to hear from you! Visit our Promotional Opportunities website page. BEAUMONT HORSE TRIALS – 2014 Clearwater Valley Pony Club (CVPC) hosted the 8th Annual Beaumont Horse Trials at the BADAS Fairgrounds on June 7 & 8, 2014. The event drew 150 competitors competing in each of the 3 disciplines included in Horse Trials: Dressage, Show Jumping, and Cross Country. With the help of over 60 volunteers, the weekend was a huge success. MAJOR EVENTS COMING IN 2015 FOR UP‐TO‐DATE DETAILS, CHECK OUR EVENTS/BOOKINGS CALENDAR AT Clearwater Valley Pony Club was happy to welcome 4 new members this year. We had a smaller than normal showing at the Regional Show Jumping and Dressage competitions, with 4 members competing in Show Jumping and 3 in Dressage. Those members who did attend had a great experience, with Taylor Schiewe and Adele Ariss both bringing home 1st Place ribbons in their respective Show Jumping classes. JANUARY 5 – BADAS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) MAY 23 – CROSS‐COUNTRY & STADIUM JUMPING CLINICS MAY 24 – BEAUMONT DERBY (TENTATIVE) JUNE 6‐7 – BEAUMONT HORSE TRIALS JUNE 14 – BADAS 4‐H & OPEN HORSE SHOW JUNE 19‐21 – BEAUMONT TOWN AND COUNTRY DAZE WEEKEND, INCLUDING BEAUMONT BLUES & ROOTS FESTIVAL Our club was very proud to have Amanda Hughes represent Alberta North Region in the National Quiz competition held in Winnipeg, MN. Amanda joined the Alberta South Region team and helped them achieve 3rd place in team standings. JUNE 20 – TOWN & COUNTRY DAZE PARADE, HOSTED BY BADAS AUGUST 8‐9 – KLONDIKE CARRIAGE CLASSIC In preparation for Beaumont Horse Trials, CVPC upgraded several Cross-Country Course jumps with new or refurbished jump elements, at a cost of $2,927. These were donated to BADAS, and will continue to be a part of the Course. SEPTEMBER 26 – FAIRGROUNDS FALL CLEAN‐UP WITH VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION EVENT (TENTATIVE) OCTOBER 10 – GPCG FAMILY FALL HARVEST POTLUCK SUPPER Beaumont & District Agricultural Society 3 Newsletter, December 2014 Treasurer’s Report & Budget The Treasurer’s report for fiscal year 2013-14, compiled prior to the accountant’s review, is provided below. The general budget for 2014-15 is also presented. A financial report (Actual, 201314; Budget, 2014-15) on Fairground Development and a budget (2014-15) for the proposed AIP Maintenance Grant are also presented. A review engagement year-end financial statement prepared by an accountant will also be presented at the AGM. Treasurer’s Report GENERAL ACCOUNT: Revenue: Interest AARD Annual Op Grants AARD Prog. Grant (Safety,) Municipal Op Grants AIP Maintenance Grant Casino Income Membership Facility Rentals/Fees Fundraisers/Special Events Sponsorship/Contributions Donations/Miscellaneous Op. Revenue Subtotals ACTUAL ($) BUDGET ($) 15 21,317 0 5,900 0 0 1,010 17,645 4,240 0 0 $50,127 30 22,000 0 3,100 33,000 22,000 1,100 18,000 5,270 500 1,000 $106,000 GST Rebate (not income) Bank balances Capital grants (e.g. CIP) Capital Reserves – Partners Short-term financing (LOC) 603 33,788 0 0 0 800 32,981 16,500 0 0 Revenue TOTALS Expenses: Fairground Operations Contract Staff or Payroll Frgd Maint. Upgrades (AIP) Office Supplies/Postage Telephone Website Maintenance Advertising & promotion Edu/Aware/Leadership Leadership/Safety Courses LOC/Bank Interest Town & Country Daze Membership (AAAS) Accounting Fees GST 50% add back Legal Fees Donations Insurance (liab./prop.) Fundraiser/Event Expenses Volunteer/Casino Expenses AAAS Convention/Mtgs Long-service awards Miscellaneous Op. Expenses Subtotals $84,518 $156,281 11,018 2,921 0 241 220 295 270 500 0 0 613 300 2,600 603 0 0 2,525 1,634 95 1,275 0 0 $25,111 21,000 6,000 33,000 300 0 300 300 1,000 0 0 1,000 300 2,000 800 500 100 2,600 2,200 2,000 2,000 300 100 $75,800 22,499 3,500 33,000 5,416 Expenses TOTALS $51,110 $114,216 Operations Net (Subtotals) Combined Net (TOTALS) $25,016 $33,408 $30,200 $42,064 Fairgrounds Development Loan principal payments BANK BALANCES AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2014: General Account (Chequing) Plan 24 Account Casino Account Total Beaumont & District Agricultural Society Fairground Development Financial Report Maintenance equip't (e.g. large mowers) Tillage equipment (Gardens) Gobeil Heritage Barn Project Stabling (another Pole barn) Stabling (expand Day Stalls) Road extension Tractor w/loader (85+ hp) TOTALS Actual 11,499 0 0 0 0 0 14,500 $25,999 Budget 0 1,000 32,000 0 0 0 0 $33,000 Note 1: For capital (development) projects, BADAS will apply for a CIP grant in 2015. Some facility “enhancements” are eligible for an AIP Maintenance & Upgrade Grant (see box below). Note 2: Clearwater Valley Pony Club upgraded some Cross-Country Course jumps, at a cost of $2,927, which were donated to BADAS. Proposed AIP Maintenance Grant (Application) BADAS Executive will apply to Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development for this matching grant in 2015. If awarded, projects can be undertaken over a 2-year period. Budget (2014-15) Front Entrance – complete Electrical – complete Phase 1 Sand Ring (1) – re-grade & re-sand Paddock – complete landscaping Roads – maintain & improve Front (repair) & Perimeter Fencing Other electrical (e.g. lighting) 30,263 592 2,126 $32,981 Total 4 18,000 5,000 15,000 6,000 7,000 15,000 0 $66,000 Newsletter, December 2014 Beaumont & District Ag Society — Membership Form Membership (Fiscal) Year: 2014-15 Contact Information: Please provide contact information, under one or two names (e.g. Jones, Bob & Betty) for mailings, telephone, and email contact. Individual member names (family list) will be linked to the family name via the telephone number. Individual email addresses can be used for email messages if requested. Please print clearly & avoid follow-up calls/emails! Family Name: First Name (main contact): Mailing Address: Box/Street: City: Postal Code: Email (Main): Renewal Telephone (Main): New Revision Club Affiliation: Membership Type (Age Group) – each member: Membership Fees: • Family rate – $25.00 Junior – Youth (age 12 to 18) OR Full – Regular (adult over 18) OR Junior – $5.00 Full – $10.00 Individual Members: Individual (Family Member) Name Surname First Name Membership Type (Required*) Individual Email Address (Optional) Office Use Only Full Full or Junior Full or Junior Full or Junior Full or Junior Full or Junior Full or Junior Payment Details: Enclosed/attached: Cheque Cash/Coin Amount: $25.00 (Family) OR $ Delivery Information: Return this completed form, along with the correct fee, to an official of the Ag Society, or mail to: Beaumont & District Agricultural Society 5010A – 52 Avenue Beaumont, Alberta T4X 1E5 Privacy Policy: Membership data collected and held by the Beaumont & District Agricultural Society will be used only for contacting and informing members regarding Ag Society matters. The Board of Directors and administrative staff/volunteers will make all reasonable efforts to protect digital copies of the membership database, and not distribute or supply same to outside individuals or organizations. Board of Directors names and contact information are supplied on paper to the Agricultural Societies Program, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Office Use Only: Date Received: Beaumont & District Agricultural Society Membership Fee Received by Date Logged: 5 Payment Processed: Newsletter, December 2014 TheGobeilFamilyownaheritagebarn,about80yearsold,stillproudlystanding onprimeagriculturallandaboutthreekilometresnorth‐westofBeaumont.The barnisdistinctlyrepresentativeofthehumanhistoryandagriculturalheritageof ourareaduringtheearlydecadesofthe20thcentury.TheProjectwillexamine howthebarncanberelocatedtotheBADASFairgroundandwhatrenovations willberequiredsothatthebarncanbeusedforpubliceventssuchasweddings, dancesandothercelebrations.Afterthepresentation,aLetterofUnderstanding willbesignedbythethreemajorpartners–theGobeilFamily,theBeaumontand DistrictHeritageSocietyandtheBeaumontandDistrictAgriculturalSociety! Beaumont & District Agricultural Society 6 Newsletter, December 2014
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