TMJ-Arthroscopy-Course 2015 Date: Time: 18 th April, 2015 Saturday 07.45 am to 04.30 pm Location: Greifswald University—Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology (Head: Prof. Dr. K. Endlich) Lecture Room /Course Rooms Friedrich-Loeffler-Street 23 c, 17475 Greifswald, Germany Course Language: English Course Fee: Registration & Payment until 4 weeks before course date: 450,- € On site Registration & Payment: 700,- € Bank transfer: Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Kaduk IBAN: DE13300606010003986624 Swift BIC: DAAEDEDDXXX Reason for payment: TMJ-Arthroscopy-Course 2015/ name of participant Bank transfer costs must by covered by the payee, otherwise you will be charged for them on site! Please put your full name and address on the bank transfer documentation for identification of payment! Number of participants: max. 16 persons (In order of application and after payment of course fee!) Information and Registration: Mrs. K. Böttger Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Str. DZ7 17475 Greifswald GERMANY eMail: Phone: +49 (0)3834 867160 Fax: +49 (0)3834 867316 Endoscopy in Maxillofacial Surgery TMJ-ARTHROSCOPY-COURSE Scientific Management Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Kaduk (Maxillofacial Surgeon and Orthodontist) Department of Maxillofacial Surgery/Plastic Surgery Greifswald University F.-Sauerbruch-Str. DZ7, 17475 Greifswald, Germany eMail: Certified by the German Association for Maxillofacial Surgery and the Medical and Dental Councel of the country Mecklenburg/Vorpommern Greifswald University TMJA RT H R O S C O P Y COURSE 2015 Registration Form Please refer the course fee and send this registration form per fax +49 (0)3834 867316 or eMail: Course Date: 18 th April, 2015 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Plastic Surgery Title:............ Family name: ............................. First name: ................................ Speciality: ....................................................... Institution, Address: ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Phone: ............................................................. Fax: ............................................................. eMail: ............................................................. 18 th April, 2015 Hanseatic City Greifswald Dear colleagues! With the course presented we offer you to pass on our clinical experience and our research results in the field of arthroscopic TMJ-Surgery. Theoretical explanations focussing particularly on the arthroscopic use of a laser and a new hydro jet dissector will be followed by live surgery in pigs in general anaesthesia, so you can learn individually or refine your arthroscopic skills. Additionally we provide the possibility to inform yourself about other endoscopic techniques in maxillofacial surgery. A German or an English class book is available. The live surgery is supervised by our senior staff. 18 th April, 2015 Program 07.30—07.45 a.m. Registration (flying lunch and coffee break’s all over the day!) Early Morning Lecture Our thanks go to Prof. Dr. K. Endlich (Head of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Anatomy) for the possibility to run our TMJ-Arthroscopy-Course in his institute. With kind regards 08.00—08.15 a.m. 11.00 a.m.—04.00 p.m. Particular demands of disinfection and sterile cover for TMJ-Arthroscopy Instruments Craniofacial development and TMJ TMJ-Arthroscopy-Live-OP-Training Welcome and Introduction Prof. Dr. Dr. Kaduk 08.15—09.30 a.m. Endoscopic Techniques in Maxillofacial Surgery TMJ-Diseases — Diagnostic and Treatment TMJ-Arthroscopy — How to do it Workshop briefing Prof. Dr. Dr. Kaduk Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Robert Metelmann Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery/ Plastic Surgery, Greifswald University 09.30—09.45 a.m. Discussion 09.45—10.30 a.m. Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Kaduk Vice Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery/ Plastic Surgery, Greifswald University Workshop on pigs in general anesthesia 07.45—08.00 a.m. Prof. Dr. Koppe We would be happy to welcome you at our TMJArthroscopy-Course in Greifswald. 10.30—11.00 a.m. Coffee break Anatomy-Demonstration and TMJ-Puncture on isolated pig heads Prof. Dr. Koppe, Prof. Dr. Dr. Kaduk (puncture and instrumental access, systematically TMJ assessment, triangulation, Hydro Jet and Laser applications, HF-Surgery) Böhringer, A. Hauschild, M. Hauschild, Hawali, Kaduk, Kindler, Koppe, Lucas, Podmelle, Rutkowski, Schriewer, Schuster, Seebauer Management of general anaesthesia and pigs: R. Schwärmer, M. Lehmann Department of Experimental Surgery with central animal care. Rostock University (Head: Prof. Dr. B. Vollmar) 04.00–04.30 p.m. Discussion, Evaluation forms, Certificates, fare well Prof. Dr. Dr. Kaduk
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