Christmas 2014 - Wings of Providence

Women in Need Growing Stronger
Dove Tales
Merry Christmas!
Christmas 2014
Merry Christmas from the President
“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” – Charles Dickens
As we approach the Christmas Season it is a good time to reflect on the accomplishments of the
past year – at WINGS we have much to be thankful for. We are especially thankful of your support as volunteers and donors – which is what makes the services provided to families at WINGS and the Home Next
Door possible!
Over the past year, programming for families has continued to expand and we have achieved a
number of milestones. Both WINGS and the Home Next Door continue to provide crucial programs and
support for families creating violence-free futures. It’s hard to believe the Home Next Door is now two
years old, and both WINGS and the Home Next Door continue to be at full capacity.
A major achievement this year was the opening of the Home Next Door’s Rocky Forest Daycare in
the spring of 2014! Providing day care services for families living at the Home Next Door has been a
longstanding goal and one of the key support services required to help families achieve independence. We
welcome the new staff of the day care and look forward to adding out-of-school care services over the next
few months.
It is with mixed feelings that I share with you that Linda Churchill, Manager of Resources and Development, will be retiring in December, 2014. While we are very happy for Linda and Ken as they embark
on retirement and warmer winters, we are saddened by her leaving. Linda has been with WINGS from the
beginning – 28 years! – and has been instrumental in building WINGS from a small program for 12 families
to exemplary second-stage shelter and now affordable housing and services for 49 families. Words cannot begin to describe how grateful we are for Linda’s leadership, dedication and service to WINGS –
Thank you, Linda!
On behalf of the Board and staff at WINGS, I would like to wish all of you a joyful holiday season
and thank you for your continued support of the families at WINGS and the Home Next Door!
Alan Knowles
Season Greetings from the Director...
This is the time of year when the families and staff at Wings are privileged to see the generosity of a caring community of people in supporting women, children and youth to have a peaceful and
safe Christmas. Wings is a fast paced environment and this pace accelerates at this time of year with
many Christmas activities and outings; an exciting party and visit from Santa, a children’s store operated by Wings’ staff where children can pick out a gift for their mothers. I think I like this the best as children look over the gifts carefully and choose the perfect gift for mom. They are so proud and excited.
The youth living at Wings then assist the children with their wrapping. For many families this will be the
first Christmas without family violence, homelessness and poverty. It is my hope that we are supporting families in creating happy memories of love, kindness and fun! We could not do this without your
support as we need gifts for all ages of children and the women involved in Wings’ programs. I can tell
you from past Christmas’s the families cannot believe how the community supports them. Sadly for
many they are not used to people caring. Thank you to all who make a difference to people in need at
Christmas. Happy New Year !
Patricia Garrett
Executive Director
Women in need growing stronger...
Looking back to when I first entered WINGS to now, I have grown so much, in so many ways.
And it has not only been me that has changed. My children, my friends and family around me, the way
I view relationships, and myself-all these things changed.
When I think of myself six months ago, I was making changes, but I didn't understand the
changes I was going to make. I was scared. Not just of my ex, but of people, male and female alike. I
was faking courage and happiness, and praying I was passing it off as real, and in many ways it was the
closest I was to real happiness. I was desperate for acceptance but I was unable to accept myself. I
hadn't had a drink in 8 years, hadn't touched drugs in 16 and they looked like viable options 6 months
ago. I would never admit to that though. My biggest decision when I came was that I was going to treat
this as a job. As if I was being paid to change myself, my life and my children’s future. I didn't want to
waste the opportunity.
I remember thinking when I got here with my one suitcase of clothing for 4 people that I had
made a mistake. I remember thinking as I was starting group that I had made a mistake. I remember
meeting workers and clients and thinking I had made a mistake. I also remembered what the person
who did my intake said to me: I would get out of the program what I put into it, the amount I change or
don't change was my responsibility. And the most important thing she said was that my being there was
NOT a mistake in any way.
I don't know exactly when I started changing, after a while I realized that things were just easier.
I was enjoying group, the learning, the teaching, the healing. I had made a friend and I really liked her,
like a genuine friendship that is not superficial. I realized and started accepting boundaries and that
they were a good and integral part of life. I started to take care of what I needed and some of what I
wanted instead of just barely giving myself what I needed to survive in self care, sleep and me time. I
started to place boundaries and stick to them with my ex and family. I started to like myself. I started to
understand what my part and my responsibilities were and are and not what I "feel". I began to love
myself, accept my faults, and truly find contentment and joy.
The staff and support at WINGS were instrumental. They are patient, kind, straight forward,
and funny. I love that the staff would allow me to make my own choices and guide me to what was the
right choice. I wasn't in a cookie cutter program. I appreciated when I was told like it is even when I
didn't want to hear it. The hugs and open listening helped me to grow as a person, and I learned to hug
and listen in return. And when all else failed good or bad I learned to laugh, sometimes there is just
nothing else to do but laugh, and it made the hard decisions and days go a little easier. Some days I
needed to learn that I didn't have to have an opinion on others business and some days I learned that
others don't need to have an opinion on my life and choices. There is no end to what was taught, and
instilled into me. I'm so grateful of everything I learned that I will continue to use and improve on. I am
so grateful for the home that was provided that was safe and stocked. It had everything that I needed to
start over with my children. It was safe and secure, and I could sleep with both eyes closed for the first
time in years.
WINGS of Providence, PO Box 32141, Edmonton AB T6K 4C2
Phone: (780) 426-4985 · Fax (780) 424-3625 · · BN 119300549-RR0001
My children are talking, playing, laughing and fighting. They don't cower in fear of what might happen.
My youngest will initiate and engage in play with other children. My middle child is looking forward to
challenging herself and trying new experiences. My teenager is developing friendships and boundaries.
All of these changes were incomprehensible 6 months ago. It is so exciting to see the way they are
growing and my dream for them is that they will only be better, make better choices, make informed decisions so that they will never be in my position. The confidence that is growing in them, the parenting I
learned will continue to lead them to make these choices. The daycare and children staff are incredible,
insightful, kind, patient and loving. My family is better because they are here.
And with everything I have learned, I have so much more learning and growing to do. I now am
starting another exciting chapter with my kids. I'm moving another step closer to independence. I'm still
scared I'll make a mistake, or forget something, but I have confidence that I can do it, and not just to live
and make choices, but to live well and make informed choices. I get to pick a career that I will be successful in. I will have my own home to maintain. I have a new community to learn about and from. And
most importantly I am no longer on my own. I don't have dirty secrets that will stop me from making
friendships and connections. I can have people over and not wonder if I am wrong or embarrassed or
worried that someone will figure something out. I am okay and I am real. I love my life and I love
me. Thank you WINGS for helping me to change my life.
~ A Mom at Wings
Christmas Wishes at Wings’ Home Next Door
Christmas … it is coming around again and boy are the children excited! With 29 families at our
Home Next Door (HND) and other outreach families in the community, we’re beginning to feel the excitement of the holiday season. However, many of the moms at HND are feeling anxious. They have had
to leave their homes and belongings behind and are busy catching up with the changes in their lives.
Their incomes are very limited and they are forecasting having to be very creative with their children’s
Christmas wish lists.
Here’s how you can help! Please consider sponsoring a family at our Home Next Door this
Christmas. Being a Christmas sponsor entails providing a few gifts for the children and their mom, a gift
card for Christmas Dinner, and groceries for one of the families at our Home Next Door. Individuals,
families, offices and companies make up our sponsors. Another option is providing one or more unwrapped new gift(s) for a child or mom directly to Wings. We use these gifts to provide hampers for the
families who we are unable to match up with a sponsor. You could donate gift cards for Safeway, Sobeys, Superstore, Wal-Mart or Costco, movie passes or pizza coupons; these are also added to hampers for families who aren’t matched up with a sponsor.
Thank you so much to all of Wings’ long time supporters and new ones too. Without you,
Christmas would be very different at Wings. Blessings to you all, this holiday season.
Chantal Hunter
Outreach Coordinator
Happy Halloween from Wings’ Child Care!
Cute little monsters decorating
L-R, Wings’ staff Ashley and
Penny in the Halloween Spirit
Despicable Me!
L-R – Tammy Salvataggio and Rhonda Janzen – Thank you Halloween Alley!
More fun in Child Care
Zoom Zoom!
Wings’ little drummer boy
WINGS of Providence, PO Box 32141, Edmonton AB T6K 4C2
Phone: (780) 426-4985 · Fax (780) 424-3625 · · BN 119300549-RR0001
Thank you to all our friends who donated to Wings’ Online Auction!
L-R, Keith Hamilton and Dan Crucil from TC
L-R, Rhonda Janzen and Simone Marshall from BELAY ADVISORY
Wings has the greatest friends!
A big thank you to Nas and Farzan Ghalehdar from
Teddy’s for donating this generous cheque! L-R, Nas,
Farzan, Wings’ Dr. Moira Walker and Pat Garrett.
THANK YOU to Saniya Ghalehdar and the
Creative Edmonton team for choosing Wings as
Brewfest’s charity of choice – what an awesome event! L-R, Dr. Moira Walker, Saniya
Ghalehdar, Farzan Ghalehdar, Rhonda Janzen
Our Mother’s Day Tea will be Saturday May 9, 2015.
Spring Fling will be in April 2015
Our AGM will be on June 9, 2015.
Families at Wings struggle constantly with poverty and all the barriers
that brings. This is especially a stark reality at Christmas. Please support
Wings. Cheques payable to: Wings of Providence, or you can donate by
credit card, or you can donate online at
$5 Membership
_____ $150
____ $75
Surprise Us
I would like to support Wings with a monthly contribution
(tax receipt issued annually in December)
VISA/MC # _____________________________________ Expiry Date (Month/Year) _____________
Name (as it appears on Credit Card )_______________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
E mail ________________________________________________ Phone ______________________
THANK YOU for your gift. Together we can make a difference.
From April 1, 1987 to October 30,
WINGS has accommodated
1068 families
including 2465 children
For a total of 3533 persons
We are trying to make it as easy as possible for donors. You can now make monetary donations to
Wings of Providence online! Just visit our website and click on the icon
“Donate now’ through It is that
simple. Thank you for your support.
For the latest news on upcoming events
Like Wings of Providence on facebook!
WINGS of Providence, PO Box 32141, Edmonton AB T6K 4C2
Phone: (780) 426-4985 · Fax (780) 424-3625 · · BN 119300549-RR0001
Child Care Chatter ...
Today we celebrated Thanksgiving Day. We had been discussing what Thanksgiving Day is all
about and what we are thankful for. All week the children looked forward to the celebration or “party” we
were going to have with our Moms. Each time staff asked what special day was coming, one little two year
old boy would say “my birthday party!” So when our celebration day came and the children wore their
handmade turkey hats and sang for all the Moms, I took him aside after and asked him “what special celebration are we having?” He turned to me with a little grin on his face and said, “A good one!” Needless to
say our families were very thankful for being at Wings and for the opportunity to have a celebration that
was “a good one!”
When living with family violence it is those special days that are full of tension and anxiety. So
while providing these days of celebration for our families, it is our hope that they will have a positive experience and perhaps begin new family celebrations and traditions.
After our Halloween “party” later this month, our focus will turn to our Christmas celebration. The
Christmas season is a difficult time for our families as so many emotions come up during this time. Staff
members strive to make Child Care a fun, loving, magical place especially at Christmas for our little ones
who have been in the midst of turmoil and trauma in the past. We look forward to decorating Child Care,
making Christmas crafts, counting down to Christmas Day, singing Christmas songs, our annual Christmas
lights tour, and finally our Christmas party with a surprise visit from Santa.
And we could not do this without you! We are so grateful and cannot thank you enough for your
support and generous hearts, all year long, and especially at Christmas so that our families can have a
wonderful, joyful Christmas celebration free of tension, sadness and violence. What a priceless gift to give
to these precious, innocent children!
From all of us in Child Care, we wish you a very blessed Christmas this season!
Jane Kooistra
Child Care Supervisor
A Christmas to remember…
To date we have many programs at WINGS for the women, for children and for teens. We are always growing and always trying to better meet the needs of our families. We are inspired by the courage
and hope of our women. We are able to take delight in the giggles and laughter of the children. When I
look in their eyes I know that everything is possible. Every effort is required to ensure they are safe and
have joy.
Christmas is exciting for the families. Early on the children enquire as to whether or not Santa will
come to WINGS. We assure them that he knows the address and loves the children at WINGS. I tell them
“we have the best kids at WINGS!”
We have families of many cultures and faith traditions but all welcome the celebrations. Many
have never had happy family celebrations. They may have been raised in homes with addictions and mental health issues. They then moved to homes with abusive partners. This year will be different. This year
everything will be new. The women are as eager and excited as the children wondering what will happen.
Grief and loneliness can also be part of Christmas. They can feel like they don’t belong. They often feel forgotten and abandoned by people who they expected to love them and support them. This pain
is real and very deep. The pain is not of being alone, but of being forgotten and discounted. They feel it is
their fault that they are not loved. Most of the women have deep shame and feel they are not good
The women are overwhelmed at Christmas by your generosity. Not only the generosity of gifts and
donations, but of being remembered. They wonder why people, strangers, care? People whom they will
never know and who do not expect anything from them in return. They feel they are able to provide a
Christmas for their children. They feel a sense of dignity and a sense of worth because they were remembered. When people remember us, we feel loved and valued.
Christmas isn’t about “stuff” but; the presents, food and parties are some of the many ways you
reach out say to these women and children; “We do remember you. You are loved!”
Thank you for all you do to make the miracle happen at Christmas and throughout the year.
Merry Christmas
Karen Kingdom
Program Coordinator
Thank You
Adelle Prather – Arbonne
Allstar Construction
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite
Anova Holdings Inc.
Atco Electric-EPIC
Axis Mundi Artistry
BAMSS Contracting
Bath & Body Works
BELAY Advisory
BJ Electric Supplies
Bruce Sembaliuk
Cameron Development Corporation
Canadian Women’s Foundation
Caron Transportation Systems
Century Hospitality Group
Christina Lawrence
Citadel Theatre
City of Edmonton, Community Services
CJ de Jong
Clark Builders
Connie Lloyd
Construction & General Workers Union Local 92
Creative Edmonton
Creative Window Coverings
Crystal Glass Canada
CWL-Sherwood Park
Dacro Industries
Dale Joslin
Darlene Fitzgerald
Darlene McKibbon
Delton Cabinets
Double Diamond Electronics Ltd.
DoubleTree by Hilton West Edmonton
Douglas & Sharon Barbour
Dr. Alan Knowles
Earls Kitchen + Bar West End
Edmonton Petroleum Golf and Country Club
Elaine Andrews
Fran Ostashek
Fran Weekes
Frederick & Phyllis Beairisto
Freedom Ford
Gary Tansem
Greg Hogge
Halloween Alley
HBC Foundation
Hunter Douglas Canada
Ideal Safety Consulting
Int. Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Irene Fehr
Janice Park
Junior League of Edmonton
Karen Chambers
Keith Peterson
Kelly Keylor
Kentucky Blue Grass
Kevin Pasini
Kingston Ross Pasnak
KKM Restaurants Ltd.
Kris Keylor
Laurie Blakeman
Lois Hingley
Lucy Lewis
Marc & Andrea Roy
Marcelle Desrochers
Margaret Van De Pitte
Mark Hughes of Sintra Engineering
Marne Edwards
Matt Hall
Moving Forward Together
Muriel Hole
National Oilwell Varco
New Image Cosmetic Medical Centre & Spa
Normands Bistro
Nu2You Fashion Boutique
Park Memorial Ltd.
Pat Long
Patti Kostiuk
Petro Comm Industries
Ralph Friederichsen
Ram Mechanical
Ray & Helen Taillefer
Raymond Caron
Red Arrow Motorcoach
River City Financial
Roger Malenfant
Rosalyn Delehanty
Running Room
Segue Systems
Sherwood Park Windsor Plywood-Keith Parker
Sisters of Providence
St. Josaphats Ukranian Catholic Cathedral
Stephanie Thomey
Superior Industrial Frictions Ltd.
Surecan Construction Ltd
Tami Wetmore
TC Hydrovac
Teddy’s Pub
Telus-Team Telus Cares
The Brick
The Cat’s Glass
The Catherine Donnelly Foundation
The Cellar Group
The Edmonton Opera
The Royal Alberta Museum
The Sutton Place Hotel Edmonton
The Thrift Shop-St. Andrews United Church
Theatre Network
Trail Appliances
Upper Crust Café
Vicki Acheson
West Edmonton Mall
Women of the United Church
WINGS of Providence, PO Box 32141, Edmonton AB T6K 4C2
Phone: (780) 426-4985 · Fax (780) 424-3625 · · BN 119300549-RR0001
Women in need growing stronger at Home Next Door...
It is hard to believe that it’s the end of October and that means Wings’ Rocky Forest Daycare has
been open for 5 months! In this time there have been so many exciting things happening in the daycare in
large part because of the wonderful people who have supported us.
In the past 5 months the daycare has grown to where we need to use all our rooms for the children.
Most exciting of all is that we now have 2 babies in the baby room! We have had the chance to learn many
things about our children in these past few months; most importantly that each of them are so special.
Our recent Halloween party was very exciting! Each of the children were dressed up in a costume
that fit them and their personalities so well – from Dracula’s to Lady Bugs, our little friends were decked out
in special costumes and having fun all day long.
Thank you once again to all those who make these special moments in the daycare possible, we
look forward to many more wonderful holidays to come. Have a Merry Christmas.
Rocky Forest Daycare Staff
As we wait for Santa…
Joy and Perseverance, two words that keep coming to mind as I spend time with the kids here at
WINGS. Most of them don’t know what to expect when they arrive at the shelter, and it’s true that moving
forward from a life of family violence is challenging. I love that WINGS gives them the chance to excel. As
we head into the Christmas season, our youth have been busy! In group they play games, talk and learn
about a variety of different topics that can help them in their lives. One of the favourites this fall involves our
brand new D-I-Y puppet theatre! It was painted with love by WINGS’ Missionary friends, and decorated by
all the kids for craft day. Then, the star actors in our older Kids Group practiced a lively performance of Alexander’s Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, to perform for their younger peers. With fun, engaging
activities like this, the youth here share ideas with each other on how they can best deal with their big feelings.
I wish all the best this Holiday season to WINGS supporters. Christmas will be a special time here,
and we’ve assured the kids that yes, Santa will be able to find them here!
Amanda Strachan
Youth Worker
Gift Wrapping – Volunteers Needed
Dec 16th & 17th
If you can help - please call ahead and
arrange it.
Contact Rhonda 780-426-4985
Christmas for Everyone
As Christmas approaches Wings’ staff busily prepare for all the hustle and bustle the holiday
season brings! We are so appreciative to have such amazing Wings’ supporters throughout the entire
year, however, it is during the Christmas season that staff are joyfully overwhelmed with the question –
“how can I help?”
There are so many ways to help Wings’ families. There are women and children of all different
ages. Our wish is that each family has a happy, memorable, and safe holiday season – filled with love
and support! One way to help this Christmas would be to sponsor an age group. We have children of
all ages (0-17yrs). Wings’ teen group often has a wish list more unique than the other age groups and
as a result, it’s sometimes more difficult to fill their stockings. Like most teens, they like to receive gift
cards to places like Walmart, BestBuy, Target, Cineplex Odeon and they love their electronics etc – for
more information about the teen wish list – please contact Rhonda at Wings. This Christmas, Wings will
serve 49 women with their children. Many of the Moms have not experienced a joyful Christmas for
many years (if ever) and they are anxious, scared and worried about how they will make Christmas a
happy time for themselves and their children. Often times, the women are so focused on their children
that they forget about themselves. Let’s not forget about Wings’ Moms this Christmas! From past
Christmas seasons we know that will not be alone, our community is thoughtful, warm, and giving – and
as long as we have your support, every woman and child will have a wonderful holiday season. Merry
Christmas everyone, thank you for your generous Christmas spirit each and every year.
Rhonda Janzen
Fund Development Assistant
Victoria Smith and Lindisfarne Productions’ Colleen Nuc and camera man Dave
who created Wings’ Make Believe Ball promotional videos – they are amazing,
check them out on Wings’ facebook page. Plus Marta Burns who kindly donated
the use of her lovely home for the video shoot – and to all the talented actors: Dylan, Erin, Tania, Sarah, Alexandra, Sam and Kirsten – you are the best, thank you!
(Newsflash - you can still buy tickets to the Make Believe Ball if you like. Just call
Jennifer Bradshaw, Dianne Taillefer and committee – another successful ‘Girls
Night In’ at the Derrick Club – the courageous story of Amanda Lindhout, Speaker Series – an incredible night and such a powerful story – thank you for all your hard work.
Ellie Merrick, Dr. Moira Walker, Jeff Herbert, Leigh Newton, Jenny Fundytus and our amazing Special Events Committee for your endless hard work!
Connie Lloyd and her legion of talented and dedicated friends who organize the Bonnie Doon
Christmas party – we can’t thank you enough.
Important Dates to Remember
Volunteers needed for Gift Wrapping Tues Dec 16 and Wed Dec 17, 2014
65 volunteers for Oilers 50/50 Mar 18, 2015
Phone Rhonda at Wings 780-426-4985 for more details!
WINGS of Providence, PO Box 32141, Edmonton AB T6K 4C2
Phone: (780) 426-4985 · Fax (780) 424-3625 · · BN 119300549-RR0001
Wish List (*** priority items)
NEW Toys (kids ages 0-17 yrs)
Gift Certificates for TEENS – Best Buy, Walmart,
Cineplex Odeon etc.
New Gifts for Moms – bath robes, slippers, scarves,
gloves etc.
Grocery Gift Cards – Sobeys, Superstore, Walmart,
Turkeys or Hams
Christmas Oranges
Winter Boots – all sizes
Winter Coats and apparel (all sizes) - toques, scarves,
ski pants, warm + waterproof mitts
Teen/Kids/Baby winter clothing
Bus Tickets
Diapers, baby formula
Wings will no
Feminine products
longer be acceptNon perishable foods
ing used donaWrapping paper, gift bags, tags, bows tions from Nov
, 2014 – Jan
Twin Comforters, Twin Sheet Sets 20
2015 to make
(ea. 48 bedrooms have 2 twin beds)
room for ChristSingle mattress pads, pillows
mas items – thank
Wings has 20 furnished apartments)
Thank you
Diane Keddy & Tammy Salvataggio
Halloween Alley for collecting
and donating costumes for
WINGS Families
Spook – tacular Job!
Home Next Door Wish List
(Wings’ Home Next Door
has 29 furnished apartments)
IKEA Gift Cards
Plastic shelving units
Mops, Brooms, Dustpans
Dream List
No more family violence
Peace on earth
Burn the mortgage–Home Next Door
Volunteers – Oilers 50/50 March 18th , 2015
Thank You to Everyone who Donated
School Supplies &
Indoor Running
A special thank you to our Grey Cup ticket sellers especially Michelle Rousselle who sold at least 500 tickets, WOW!
Alan Knowles, President
Ellie Merrick, Vice President
Holly Mah, Treasurer
Dr. Moira Walker, Secretary
Alice Keylor
Jenny Fundytus
Leigh Newton
Sr. Germaine Chalifoux
James Cregan, Q.C.
Jonathan Kitteringham
Jefferey Herbert
Dana Pearson
Carole Noland
Sarah Ramsey
Marta Burns, Past President
Patricia Garrett, Executive Director
Linda Churchill, Mgr Resources/Develop
Karen Kingdom, Program Coordinator
Chantal Hunter, Outreach Worker
Penny Giacomoni, Support Worker
Ashleigh Muchortow, Support Worker
Jody George, Facility Coordinator
Jane Kooistra, Childcare Supervisor
Dianne Devereux, Childcare
Eleisha Amoyan , Childcare
Rhonda Janzen , Fund Dev.Assistant
Sharon Harding, Accounting
Amirtha Santhiran, Accounting
Amanda Strachan, Youth Worker
Patricia Clark, VON
Stephanie Mahe, Security/Reception
Dionicio Barrales, Security/Reception
Christie Rehill, Security/Reception
Morgan Milne, Security/Reception
Alyssa Sawa, Security/Reception
Shauna Blais, Security/Reception
Halle Ross, Security/Reception
Roger Malenfant, Maintenance/security
Daniel Lower, Caretaker—HND
Thank you to all our supporters.
Every gift large or small is important to the families living here.
WINGS of Providence, PO Box 32141, Edmonton AB T6K 4C2
Phone: (780) 426-4985 · Fax (780) 424-3625 · · BN 119300549-RR0001