Fact or Fiction? A Mixed-Method Investigation of the Hunchback Hypothesis of Emotional Expressivity among Members of Low Status Groups Chuma Owuamalam1; Mishaari Weerabangsa1; Minnallah Mamdouh1; Jaya Kumar Karunagharan1; Mark Rubin2 University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus1 University of Newcastle, Australia2 Background A lay belief in parts of Western Africa is that “mkpu-mkpu azu” (an Igbo expression for a hunched back) is an accumulation of negative experiences that one has encountered in a previous life. This burden of negativity is thought to make individuals with a hunched back more prone to emotional outbursts (e.g., anger). Surprising, as it might seem, this lay belief is not far removed from a widespread assumption in many societies: that members of disadvantaged groups are more emotionally ‘leaky’ than their higher status counterparts. In the West, for example, members of disadvantaged communities are thought to hold a grudge over the negative experiences they face (i.e., “chip on the shoulder”) and are portrayed as too emotional and violent when they seek redress to social inequity (Owuamalam, Issmer, Zagefka, Klaβen, & Wegner, 2013). Members of high status groups, on the other hand, are generally portrayed as calm and civilized - relying more on intellect than raw aggression (Loughnan, Haslam, Sutton, & Spencer, 2013). We refer to this tendency to attribute greater emotional displays to members of low status groups than to their higher status counterparts as the hunchback stereotype. An aim of this investigation is to test the existence of this hunchback stereotype and to then examine how accurately it matches reality. Relevance and Impact The question of whether or not members of privileged and underprivileged groups are more/less expressive of excitable emotional states (e.g., anger) is important, particularly because of the societal sanction against the expression of such emotions. Previous research 1 has shown that people who express anger and frustration generally face negative evaluation and social isolation (Kaiser & Miller, 2001), and this can have far-reaching consequences for members of underprivileged social groups not only in terms of their psychological wellbeing, but also in terms of their life outcomes. Within the judicial system, for example, it is conceivable that activating the hunchback stereotype may cloud jury decisions and this could cause disproportionately higher conviction rates for low (rather than high) status members on violent crimes. Similarly, activating the hunchback stereotype can result in greater numbers of arrests or, in extreme cases, may result in fatalities during police apprehension of suspects from disadvantaged communities (e.g., the recent police shooting of an unarmed Black teenager in Missouri, USA - CNN, 2014). Despite these potentially deleterious outcomes, we are far from understanding how these ‘emotional’ stereotypes come about in the first place and whether or not they are based on facts or fiction. Previous Research The evidence so far, for the existence of the hunchback stereotype is mixed. Some have shown that people expect members of low status groups to display less anger than their higher status counterparts (Tiedens, Ellsworth, & Mesquita, 2000). Other correlational evidence has shown the opposite: that members of low status groups display anger more than their higher status counterparts (Park et al., 2013). The confusion in the evidence so far often is because previous studies on status-based emotional displays have relied mainly on: (a) retrospective accounts of emotional expressivity of high and low status groups members that may be prone to mis-recollection (e.g., Park et al., 2013); (b) judgments of emotional expressivity of members of high and low status groups by third parties, and have not directly tapped the emotional experience of members of low and high status groups in situ, when exposed to the same emotion arousing conditions (e.g., in Plant, Hyde, Keltner, & Devine, 2000); and (c) extensive use of self-reports that might itself be vulnerable to existing stereotypes concerning the emotional expectations of people who are high or low in status. Hence, in the current investigation we aimed to go beyond the traditional third-party judgments of emotional displays and self-expressed emotions to also include novel: a.) psychophysical measures - in terms of judgments of the intensity of the voices of members of high and low status groups. We reasoned that people’s voices provide signals to 2 others’ emotional states and the intensity of peoples’ voices might be one physical property from which judgments about others’ emotional states can be reached. b.) IAT measure - to uncover the implicit manifestations of emotional stereotyping of members of high and low status groups. Theoretical Underpinnings of this Investigation. Extant theoretical perspectives agree that underprivileged groups are more emotionally leaky due to the chronic frustration they face in their daily lives (cf. Berkowitz, 1984). In contrast, their privileged counterparts are presumed to be calm, even in the face of adversity, and this is thought to be a state that allows their supposed competence to manifest (Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002). Also in line with the hunchback hypothesis, Keltner, Gruenfeld, and Anderson’s (2003) power, approach and inhibition theory of emotional displays assumes that high status is associated with the experience and expression of ‘positive’ emotions (e.g., calm) and low status is associated with the experience and expression of ‘negative’ emotions (e.g., anger). However, Keltner et al. (2003) also proposed that members of low status groups are generally more inhibited in their behavior - although, it is somewhat unclear under this framework how the ‘showy’ negative emotion of anger is observed in low status individuals when such emotions are presumably suppressed. Is the hunchback hypothesis a fact or fiction? An anti-thesis to the hunchback stereotype is that it is a common social myth that has no basis in fact. In line with the social identity theory (SIT; Tajfel & Turner, 1986), we reasoned that members of underprivileged groups have the strongest motivation to disconfirm negative ingroup stigma surrounding emotional outbursts, and should deliberately suppress their display of anger particularly before an audience comprised of higher status group members. We further reasoned that members of privileged groups may not be as constrained by such emotional stigma in the manner that their underprivileged counterparts are and, as a result, may be more disinhibited in their emotional expressions than the latter, provided the emotion trigger is perceived to be illegitimate and the source of this trigger is relatively inferior to their ingroup. That is, high status members should have the greatest motivation to re-assert their superiority when this is illegitimately challenged, by displaying the very emotion known to convey authority – i.e., anger (Tiedens, 2001). 3 Rationale For the Proposed Replication In a previous study we showed that people generally perceive members of low status groups to be more expressive of anger and less of calm compared to their higher status counterparts. In that study we operationalised status in terms of race and perceivers were asked to rate the extent to which they expected either a low status (African targets) or high status (Caucasians targets) to be expressive of anger and calm. Although the results confirmed our theorising in terms of the hunchback stereotype, the specific racial context we used may be conceived by some as having pre-existing stereotypes regarding emotional expressions. That is, Black Africans are generally perceived to be more aggressive than Caucasians and this racial bias introduces another explanation to the patterns we found, over and above the theorised hunchback effect. For this reason, we plan to replicate the same experiment using the same racial context, but this time introducing another status variable weight. Weight is generally negatively regarded in most societies and people often attach low social status to those who are ‘large’ compared to those who are thin. Note that individuals who are large generally score highly on warmth (Durante et al., 2014) and this physical feature provides a stringent test of the hunchback stereotype rather than a biased test of it, because the positive warmth perceptions should work against a negative anger perception. That is, if the hunchback stereotype is true, then beyond an effect of status based on race, one should also see a similar effect based on size – such that large people of any of the two racial groups would be expected to be (a) more expressive of anger, and (b) less expressive of calm, compared to thin targets. For applied reasons, we would also include clothing type (formal vs. casual) to explore whether or not members of low status group (race and size) are buffered against the hunchback stereotype if they are dressed in clothing that is presumed to accord high status in society (formal attire). Method Design The experiment will consist of two parts. Part one will utilize an adapted computer-based classic IAT paradigm - designed to replicate the effect of status that is based on race and to extend this by including another status dimension based on attire. Part two of the investigation will be an extended computer-based self-report questionnaire similar to the 4 previous study we conducted – except that this time participants will be exposed to carefully selected targets of either Caucasian or African decent that varied in size (large vs. thin). The IAT aspect of the experiment will precede the explicit self-reported aspect in order to reduce familiarity effects in the IAT. For this reason too, we will be introducing the size manipulation in the latter explicit tasks but not the IAT. Part One The IAT will use a 2 (Racial status: African vs. Caucasian) x 3(Attire: formal [high] vs. ‘street hoodie’ [low] vs. plain t-shirt [neutral condition]) x 2(Attribute type: consistent vs. inconsistent word-category pairing). Attire-based status will be manipulated as a betweensubjects factor by creating three versions of the task (for high status, low status and neutral status respectively), while the racial status will be manipulated as a within-subject factor. The attributes will be ‘anger’ and ‘calm’, and these words will be paired with either an African vs Caucasian male target. In the attribute consistent condition, pictures of a black target paired with anger, and white target paired with calm will be presented at the top left and top right hand of the screen while participants are responding to a probe word. In the attribute inconsistent condition, pictures of a black target will be paired with calm, and white target will be paired with anger. The probe word will be words associated with anger (e.g., explosive) or calm (e.g., silent). The dependent variable will be participants’ reaction latency – time taken to decide whether or not a word type (e.g., explosive) was consistent with either anger or calm. Hypotheses Part One If the hunchback stereotype is true, then one should see an interference effect in the inconsistent condition such that participants are taking more time to decide that the word (e.g., explosive) matches the emotion compared to the consistent condition. This effect should be evident in the race-based status and also for attire-based status contexts. Part Two The self-report aspect of the experiment will use a 2(Racial status: White [high] vs. Black [low]) ×2(Size: large vs. thin) x 3(Attire: formal [high] vs. street hoodie [low] vs. plain t-shirt [neutral]) mixed design. The dependent variables will be participants’ responses to items 5 measuring perceived anger and calm of the targets in the pictures they will be exposed to. We will also include known correlates of anger (aggressiveness, and dangerous) to capture threat perceptions, and then measures of attractiveness to statistically control for ‘halo’ effects. To maximize statistical sensitivity and to enhance test reliability we will have 24 trials (6 large blacks, 6 thin blacks, vs. 6 large whites and 6 thin whites) crossed by attire. Hypothesis Part Two Assuming the hunchback hypothesis is robust, and not dependent on the specific racial status used in our previous investigation, then one should expect people to overestimate the anger ratings of low status groups (Black, large people, and street attire) compared to high status people (Whites, thin people, and formal attire). Participants and Sample Size Estimate We determined that a mixed ANOVA with 12 cells, an alpha level of .05, a power value of .95, an effect size of f=.20, and a correlation of within-subject measures of r=.16 (Cafri et al., 2010) and 24 trials, would require 84 subjects to power it using the G*Power calculator (Faul et al.’s (2007). We will round this number up to 100 to account for data exclusion that might arise due to non-completion of both parts of the experimental protocol. Participants will be recruited from the psychology undergraduates programme at the lead author’s institution and will be compensated for their participation in the form of course credit (for first year recruits) or a payment of 5 Malaysian Ringgit in lieu – for roughly half hour worth of their time. Stimuli and Apparatus Face stimuli will be selected from an existing bank: the Park Aging Mind Laboratory Face Database (8 expression-neutral male faces, ranging in age from 18 to 30, 4 African descents, 4 Caucasian/European). These faces will be matched for age and attractiveness. These images will each then be photo-edited into formal attire, ‘street’ clothes, and plain black t-shirts, and cropped to a uniform size and a uniform background. Attribute-associated word stimuli will be chosen from The University of South Florida free association, rhyme, and word fragment norms (Nelson, McEvoy, & Schreiber, 2004). Procedure 6 Participants will be randomly allocated to one of the three conditions (Formal/high status attire, ‘Street’/low status attire, Plain t-shirt/neutral status attire). Procedure from this point onwards will be identical for all conditions. Part One Participants will first read basic instructions about the task before completing a consent form. The task will consist of eight blocks of trials, each prefaced by an instruction screen detailing what is required of the participant in each block. Participants are instructed to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible. Blocks 1 and 5 will be FACE blocks, where participants will be required to match names to faces. A face will be displayed at each upper corner of the screen, one African, one Caucasian/European. The position of each face (right or left) is counterbalanced between the two blocks. In the centre of the screen, a fixation point will be displayed for 250 ms, after which a human name (African, Caucasian/European, or Cantonese) will be displayed. Participants must match the name to a face by pressing the left or the right arrow key, to match to the face on the left or the face on the right respectively – they will be allowed unlimited time to make this response. Blocks 2 and 6 will be EMOTION blocks, where participants will be required to match words to emotions. An emotion word will be displayed at each upper corner of the screen, one reading ANGER, the other reading CALM. The position of each word (right or left) is counterbalanced between the two blocks. In the centre of the screen, a fixation point will be displayed for 250 ms, after which a noun or verb (anger-associated, calm-associated, or nonassociated) will be displayed. Participants must match the word to an emotion by pressing the left or the right arrow key as before – they are allowed unlimited time to make this response. Blocks 3, 4, 7 and 8 will be COMBINED blocks. In these blocks, each upper corner displays one of the two faces previously encountered, paired with one of the emotion words previously encountered. The position and pairing of words and faces is counterbalanced across the four blocks. As before, a fixation point will be displayed at the centre of the screen for 250 ms, after which participants will be presented with either a word stimulus (noun or verb) or a name stimulus. Participants must pair the name stimuli with the appropriate face, 7 and the word stimuli with the appropriate emotion, using the left and right arrow keys as before. They are allowed unlimited time to make this response. Block 1, 2, 5, and 6 are in effect practice trials – only response times from the COMBINED blocks (3, 4, 7, and 8) will be analysed. Once participants have completed all 8 blocks a screen instructing them to seek further instruction from the experimenter will be displayed, at which point the experimenter will direct them to begin Part Two of the investigation. Part Two Participants will then proceed to the main questionnaire, where they will be required to rate 8 expression-neutral male faces, 4 of African descent and 4 of Caucasian/European descent, on perceived aggressiveness, angriness, calmness, attractiveness and social status using a 7-point Likert scale. Each face will be rated on each of the six scales once. When participants have completed both parts of the study, they will be debriefed and compensated for their participation. Analysis ANOVAs will be performed on the RTs from the IAT (Part One) and also the self-report measures of emotional stereotyping (Part Two). Summary of Studies to be Presented in Manuscript Study One Initial study testing the hnchback stereotype – in the context of race-based status. Study Two The proposed replication of the hunchback stereotype – mixed method using IAT and explicit self-reports of 3 status contexts – race (same as in Study 1), size and attire. Study Three 8 Both Study 1 and the proposed replication (Study 2) examine the ‘existence’ of the hunchback stereotype. In this already conductd study we used novel acoustic signaling techniques to examine the ‘reality’ and social constraints of the hunchback stereotyp. Details are presented in the supplementary material. Ethics Ethics approval to conduct this has already been secured from the Faculty of Science Ethics Committee, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus (UNMC). Expertise of Project Group Members The proposed replications are already underway within the newly formed Social and Affective Neuroscience Group (SANG) here at UNMC. In terms of expertise of the research team, Dr. Chuma Owuamalam is an experimental social psychologist and has published work on group dynamics. Chuma is overseeing the theoretical and design aspects of the work. Dr. Mark Rubin provides additional theoretical support for our work, having published extensively on social identity processes. The other named authors are students in our laboratory who are either working on the project as part of their dissertation or involved in a learning capacity and helping out with setting-up the experimental protocols and running the experiments. Further details about SANG, including a week-by-week account of what we have done so far can be seen on our SANG Facebook page – We are happy to provide access to this exclusive page for review purposes. However, please note that access will require a Facebook account. We will grant access when we receive this detail. Acknowledgements. We are grateful to EASP for supporting our research with a Seedcorn grant to the first author. We are also grateful to UNMC’s Faculty of Science Research Committee for supporting this program of research with a top-up funding to the first author. 9 References Cafri, G., Kromrey, J. D., Brannick, M. T. (2010). 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