L i LEWIS INSURANCE AGENCY, Inc. ELDON J. LEWIS Offering all Health & Life Products Specializing in Senior Market Coverage Phone (912) 283-0300 710 Baltimore Avenue Fax (912) 285-0300 Waycross, GA 31501 Toll Free 1-800-794-0301 MUSIC FUNERAL HOME 1503 Tebeau Street • P.O. Box 716 Waycross, GA 31502-0716 RODNEY MUSIC Tel. (912) 283-1414 • FAX (912) 285-1414 Miles-Odum funeral home Courteous, Professional Service Since the Early 1900's ROBERT L. ODUM JOHN HEREFORD JEFF FULFORD Jonathan Roundtree 130 SCREVEN AVENUE WAYCROSS, GEORGIA 31501 FAX (912) 283-0649 PHONE (912) 283-2525 Will Higginson, AAMS EdwardJones Suite A Waycross, GA 31501 Bus. 912-285-9778 Fax 912-285-8706 www.edwardjones.com Investment Representative 1701 Boulevard Square MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Better Vaules by Farr Waycross - Blackshear Highway • Blackshear, Georgia 912-285-7700 email: farr@atc.cc • www.farsfinefurniture.com SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL EXCHANGE CLUB AND PLACE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT HERE FOR VIEWING BY HUNDREDS! 2014-2015 OFFICERS President President-Elect Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Immediate Past President V.P. of Fairgrounds BOARD OF DIRECTORS ONE YEAR TWO YEARS Rod Langevin John McDermott Chris Tatum Harbin Farr Summer Stipe Michael Ray Tony Tanner Jake Strickland Virginia Peagler Bill Deason Larry Paulk Daniel Warren Jimmy White MONTHLY PROGRAMS CHAIR: jAKE sTRICKLAND Jul.-Daniel Warren Aug.- Jack Williams Sep.- Virginia Peagler Oct.- Steve Pope Nov.-Bill Deason Dec.- Ken Carroll Jan.- Jake Strickland Feb.- Dennis Hagood Mar.- Chris Tatum Apr.- Virginia Peagler May- Burton Carter Jun.- Tony Tanner & Larry Paulk One Nation Under God Monthly Programs Freedom Shrine Milestones of Freedom Proudly We Hail Book of Golden Deeds Family Day Fellowship Youth of the Month/Year Young Citizenship Membership Finance & Budget Renting Facilities Child Abuse Prevention Public Safety Project Awards Publications Chaplain Health of Members Excellence Award (A.C.E. Award) Give a Kid a Flag to Wave Sunshine Special Nominating Directory/Badges Salvation Army Christmas Banquet Installation Banquet Farmer's Market Parliamentarian/Legal Publicity & Photography Exchange Orientation/Ed. Speech Contest House Keeping Fair Assoc. Chairman Okefenokee Fair Manager Tony Tanner Jake Strickland Dan Good Robbie Winn Clarence Billups Vince Settle, III Phil Wysong, Gerry Lang Robbie Winn Priscilla Christopher Will Higginson Larry Paulk & Bill Deason Jimmy White Virginia Peagler, Summer Stipe Chris Tatum COMMITTEE CHAIRS - July 2014 - June 2015 The Waycross Red Coater Published Bi-Weekly by: The Exchange Club of Waycross, Georgia P.O. Box 926 Waycross, Georgia 31502 EXCHANGE COVENANT OF SERVICE Accepting the divine privilege of single and collective responsibility as life's noblest gift, I covenant with my fellow Exchangites: To consecrate my best energies to the uplifting of Social, Religious, Political and Business ideals; To discharge the debt I owe to those of high and low estate who have served and sacrificed that the heritage of the American citizenship might be mine; To honor and respect law, to serve my fellowman, and to uphold the ideals and institutions of my Country; To implant the life-giving, society-building spirit of Service and comradeship in my social and business relationships. To serve in Unity with those seeking better conditions, better understandings, and greater opportunities for all. Exchange Club of Waycross including the Okefenokee Fairgrounds Home Club of National Exchange Club Past President, William E. Deason Best Large Club Bulletin Awards Georgia District: ’97, ’99, ’02, ’04, ’06 & ’10 Wayne Kilmark Home Club of Past Georgia District Exchange Clubs Presidents Ray Pope & Ellie Royal (Both Deceased) R. Wayne Kilmark, William E. Deason & Roland R. Lynn Wayne Kilmark Eldon Lewis The Club Virginia Peagler James Shubert, Dennis Hagood Bob Miller, Steve Smoak Tony Tanner, Harbin Farr, Jeff Jones Virginia Peagler Dr. Craig Kubik Ken Bennett Lindon Deal Vince Settle, III Billy Dowling, Jimmy White, Jack Williams, III Bill Deason Lindon Deal Harbin Farr Jonathan Daniell Community Service Service to Youth Crime Prevention - Book of Golden Deeds Sunshine Special - Youth of the Year Okefenokee Agricultural Fair Youth of the Month - Young Citizenship American Citizenship One Nation Under God Freedom Shrine Milestones of Freedom - Proudly We Hail SUPPORTING EXCHANGE SPONSORED: Child Abuse Prevention Effort and many other Community Service Programs CLUB MEETS THURSDAY 12:30 P.M. IN THE ELLIE ROYAL ROOM EXCHANGE CLUB CENTER - 2451 KNIGHT AVE. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA 31503 w: ExchangeClubofWaycross.com e: exchangeclubofwayx@hotmail.com Thursday, December 18, 2014 Vol. 28, No. 26 MISSION STATEMENT Exchange, America’s premier service club, working to make our communities better places to live. PROGRAMS This week, you and your spouse are invited to our annual Christmas Banquet starting at 7:00 p.m. Wear your red coats. Sign up by calling President Tony Tanner, Jake Strickland or Ken Bennett to register your attendance. So, there will be no luncheon meeting this week. Next week, Thursday, December 25th is Christmas holiday so, there will be no luncheon meeting. Also, there will be no luncheon meeting on January 1, 2015, New Year’s holiday. President-Elect Jake Strickland is program Chairman for January, 2015. GEORGIA ASSOCIATION AGRICULTURAL FAIRS Okefenokee Fair Manager, Jonathan Daniell reported he, Harbin Farr, Jake Strickland and maybe others will attend the 2015, Georgia Association Agricultural Fair convention in Atlanta from January 22-24, 2015. Our club pays for their hotel charge. Many important items of dates, fair acts, helpful hints and training are held. BELL RINGING TOMORROW FRIDAY Several vacant periods are still needed to be filled by members for Friday December 19th for Salvation Army Bell Ringing by our club. Check out the items and fill in. We have 6 stores to cover with Salvation Army kettles. Bring your annual donation to put in the kettles. TIFFANY WARREN WARE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELORS of the Month. John is the son of George and Pam Barnhill and grandson of George & Maudine Barnhill of Horense, GA and Doug & Betty Park of Satellite Beach, FL. John is currently ranked 18th out of 309 Ware County High School Seniors. John’s WCHS activities include; BETA Club 10th-12t; National Honor Society 11th-12th; Okefenokee REMC Washington Youth Tour Delegate 11th; Presbyterian College Junior Fellow 11th; Waycross Lion’s Club Academic Honor Society 11th; All “A” Honor Roll 9th-12th; Outstanding Chemistry Student 9th; founded WCHS “Stream Team” 9th; State School Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council 11th; Governor’s Honors Nominee in Technology 11th; U.S. Presidential Scholars Program Nominee 11th; AP Scholar 10th-11th; WB&T Bank Junior Board of Directors 12th and President; Technology Student Association 9th-12th and President; Boy Scouts of America “Eagle Scout” 11th; won numerous competitions in field of Robotics and finished 28th in Robotics World Competition, 11th. John also was involved in a number of community activities. John intends to attend either Auburn University or UGA to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering. His ultimate career goal is to be an engineer at BMW or Gulfstream. Congratulations John Elemuel Barnhill. • • WELCOME GUESTS Sarah Penland, Senior High School Counselor next year. Dorrie Jones, counselor Senior High School Students. Ken Carroll, December Program Chairman, introduced Tiffany Warren, Ware County High School Counselor. Ms. Warren introduced the school’s Second Annual Career Expo created to expose students to existing careers available to them and to consider pursuing after they graduate from high school and college and return to Ware County to work here. Other counselors, Regina Germano, Lisa Crosby and Kim Callahan at William Heights, Ruskin and Wacona Elementary Schools, all present these options for students. Business men and women in our club were encouraged to volunteer for May 8, 2015, half day Expo to speak 10 minutes each about their business basics, shared experiences and answer questions. Think aobut it, give them a call. JOHN ELEMUEL BARNHILL DECEMBER YOUTH OF THE MONTH Robbie Winn introduced John Elemuel Barnhill as our December Youth • • • • • • Pam Barnhill, mother of John Elemuel Barnhill and wife of George Barnhill. George Nicholls, guest of Scott Hill. Raphael Mattox, member applicant, guest of Clarence Billups. Jean Cook, wife and guest of Dean Cook. Emad Odeh, Odah Cabinetry Designs, guest of Derek Harrison. Anne Williams, wife and guest of Jack Williams, III. Larry Davis guest with Harold Wilson. HEALTH CONCERNS Our prayers are with all of our sick and grieving members, families and friends. • Daniel Warren’s mother has bronchitis. • Sharon Deal had bronchitis. • Mary Barnes has bronchitis. • Jimmy Brown is reported to be doing better. • Herb Bond has returned to our club meetings. • Colonel Roland R. Lynn, USAF, Retired (95) died Saturday, December 6, 2014 at his residence in Waycross. Roland born in Waycross, enlisted in the Army Air Corps in July 1940. He was selected for combat duty with the 1st Air Command Group in India/Burma Theater. During his 27 years in the military, Roland commanded P-51’s and P-47’s for 165 missions receiving the Silver Star. After the War in 1945, Roland served in support positions and received his BS degree before • • • Lt. Kellie Cantrell stands with President Tony Tanner and Ken Carroll. LT. KELLIE CANTRELL SALVATION ARMY Ken Carroll introduced Lt. Kellie Cantrell of the Waycross Salvation Army office. Lt. Cantrell listed several hundred persons that were helped with clothes, meals, crisis and children Angel Tree presents. One person was helped keeping their house after losing job; lady’s house burned and put up in hotel; man needing money; Angel Tree; kettle donations. Last year our club donated $4,707.10 from donations in the kettle. They have a day shelter, showers and food for homeless. They give vouchers for food at restaurants. Shelter needs $100.000 to keep functioning. They do background checks. Great program Ken. • • • • • • • • • President Tony Tanner and Robbie Winn stand with John Elemuel Barnhill, December Youth of the Month. • • • • heading to Hawaii and Tokyo, Japan and finally as Air Attache to Vienna, Austria. After thirteen years working in New York, he returned to Waycross when he served in many leadership positions, including Georgia District Exchange Clubs presidency. His funeral with full military honors, was held Saturday, December 13, 2014 with our club acting as Honorary Pallbearers. He had continued in his final years here in distinguished manner and civic activities. Roland’s heritage will be remembered by our club. Roy Charles McDonald (94) died Wednesday, November 26, 2014 in Tifton living with his son, William. Roy Charles was in timber farming business serving as President of the Waycross Exchange Club, Georgia Livestock Association, Ware County Cotton Producers Association and Director of the Satilla Production Credit Association 29 years. He was a deacon and Sunday School Superintendent of his church. He received the Book of Golden Deeds award from our club in 1999 by Vince Settle, III. Roy Charles served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He provided aid and personal care to hundreds of Waycross and Ware County residents. Our club is mindful of his many jobs in Exchange and our Fair during his membership of 51 years in our club. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday, December 18 - 7:00 p.m. - Waycross Exchange Club Christmas Banquet. Put on your calendar. Wear Red Coats. Spouses are invited. Friday, December 19, - Salvation Army Bell Ringing 9:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m.- Craig Kubik. Bring your annual donation for the Kettle. Thursday, December 25 - Merry Christmas Holiday - NO MEETING Thursday, January 1, 2015 - New Years Holiday - NO MEETING. Thursday, January 8, 2015 - Great Program. Thursday, January 15, 2015 - Great Program. Thursday, January 22, 2015 - Great Program. Thursday-Saturday, January 22-24, Georgia Association Agricultural Fair Convention. Thursday, January 29, 2015 Thursday, April 16, 2015 12:30 p.m. - Exchange Club of Waycross Youth of the Year Banquet. June 4-6, 2015 - GA District Exchange Convention, Augusta Marriott. July 29 - August 1, 2015 - 97th National Exchange Club Convention, Hyatt Columbus, Ohio. June 4-6, 2015 - GA District Exchange Convention, Augusta Marriott. July 29 - August 1, 2015 - 97th National Exchange Club Convention, Hyatt Columbus, Ohio.
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