ERCO Innovations 2015 – 100% lighting design Light is vital. Light is poetic. Light provides atmosphere and orien tation. People always use light as a way of creating places to enjoy – light is the fourth dimension of architecture. The ERCO product range from 2015 will be based 100% on LED technol ogy as a logical consequence of our claim to deliver the perfect light. Because LED light with its flexibil ity and precision has significantly widened the options of modelling architecture to satisfy any and all requirements. Our lighting tools are developed in close collaboration with archi tects, lighting designers and elec trical consultants. Intensive dialogue with the industry stake holders gives ERCO a clear, realis tic and yet also a visionary idea of what a designer requires. Creative thinking inspires us, and we want to share this inspiration. We see our role as consultants, working in the background to support design ers and engineers in the implemen tation of their ideas and projects with innovative and targeted solu tions. ERCO lighting tools enable visual flexibility for your architec tural projects. 10 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 For further information visit us at: Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Program 2015 11 ERCO Innovations 2015 – 100% diversity Every room needs its own lighting concept, to support the users, and to complement the architecture and the interior. In 2015, ERCO’s extensive experi ence in creative architectural and object lighting links up with stateof-the-art LED technology. We have summarised the broad poten tial of lighting technology with LED for you and divided them into eight application areas which are the focus of our technical competence and our consulting expertise. find their ways quickly and easily. This requires optimum illumination of monumentally large and often high spaces using high levels of luminous flux. ERCO’s double-focus downlights, in particular, facilitate effective lighting solutions to pro duce an optimal environment for transport, education and work with focus on the requirements of the public, but also the individual. Hospitality Gastronomy projects today are a testing ground and platform for Shop new ideas, concepts and trends: International fashion labels can The promise of exquisite cuisine is often be recognised as soon as you underlined by an interior of unique enter a store, just by their lighting. character. Be it design hotels, Local brands, in contrast, maintain themed restaurants or temporary their status against competitors bars: Every concept applied to gas with inventive concepts, exquisite tronomy requires a scenic frame to quality, individual service – and the carry and communicate the rele appropriate lighting. ERCO spot vant theme. ERCO provides archi lights with Spherolit technology tectural lighting solutions with a include diverse and efficient light diversity of scenographic options solutions for corporate lighting to for room situations that convey present products in a professional enjoyment and pleasure. and eye-catching style – thereby creating a recognisable image for Living the brand environment. Designing the places in which we live deserves our full attention, Work as they mirror our attitude to life A comfortable work environment and provide a place of refuge from with good visual comfort is key everyday life. At home, we want to to bringing out the best in every be with people we love and value, employee. Next to appropriate illu and therefore the space must minance levels, this includes opti suit our leisure activities, provide mum glare control and the harmo room to work, and offer peace and nious effect of vertical illuminance. tranquillity. ERCO lighting solu With this in mind, ERCO has con tions bring this flexibility to any tinually optimised its lighting tools situation – with brilliant LED light to combine powerful and effective reliably creating an atmosphere of lighting technology for high light individuality and wellbeing. output ratios with optimum glare control. Compact LED downlights Public are the core of this approach and Historic places, parks, entrance allow us to offer an aesthetic and areas and car parks require lighting cost-effective alternative to domi concepts for dynamic day-to-day nant linear luminaires and fluores situations and diverse user groups. cent lamps. They must provide orientation for large crowds, accentuate, or create Culture a relaxed atmosphere. Robust Effectively staging artwork and ERCO lighting tools such as bollard scientific objects in exhibitions, luminaires with Dark Sky technol naturally in the best possible light, ogy help to produce an optimal is defined as much by the curato environment whilst blending into rial stipulations as by the cultural the surroundings. environment and the zeitgeist. We have developed a wide range of Contemplation LED spotlights with Spherolit tech The language of light is cross- nology to give exhibition organis cultural. Light in sacred places ers the broadest possible scope for creates a contemplative atmo design, from the neutral presenta sphere for religious meetings. tion of objects through to dramat Accentuated light helps to direct ically accentuated enhancement. the attention to essential things. For decades, ERCO has given focus Integrated almost invisibly in the to the perfect perception of art architecture, ERCO’s lighting tools enhancing it with precise and effi are deliberately toned down in cient lighting technology to pre favour of their lighting effect and serve the art while rendering it in so help to produce a tranquil and brilliant colours. protective environment. Community Economical solutions with efficient visual comfort increase the accep tance of educational, congrega tional, administration and transport buildings among users and deliver better results for the operators in the long term. In airports and train stations, conference and entertain ment facilities, large crowds must 12 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 For further information visit us at: Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Program 2015 13 ERCO Innovations 2015 – 100% perception Architecture is designed for people. And people perceive rooms with all their senses – much of it is pro cessed by the eyes. Here again, the vertical planes of an environment constitute around 80% of our vis ual perception. This explains why vertical illumi nance plays such a crucial role in qualitative lighting design. The opposite is horizontal illuminance, which is often the result of a purely functional and numerical approach to design. Illuminated vertical s urfaces d efine spatial proportions and reveal boundaries. Based on our under standing of light as a design tool, wallwashing is the most efficient answer to giving rooms a brighter and more spacious appearance, and it helps to organise and structure rooms. Thanks to the excellent uniformity and precision of LED light, ERCO’s wallwashers are ideal suppliers of vertical illuminance. We distinguish between two approaches to verti cal illuminance: Uniform wallwashing Uniform illumination of the wall from floor to ceiling emphasises the wall as a whole. At workplaces, for instance, it ensures efficient visual comfort by optimising the impression of brightness in the room through the reduction of visual contrasts, giving even smaller spaces a pleasant and airy impression. It also provides a sig nificant highlighting effect for information on the wall such as artwork or products. Optimal light ing tools for these applications include Quintessence or Compact lens wallwashers. Grazing light wallwashing ERCO’s grazing light wallwashers draw attention to historic features and regional materials in striking fashion – such as in hotels and res taurants, or also in the outdoor area. Our newest LED grazing light wallwashers enhance architectural materials to give them an almost three-dimensional appearance: Even the most delicate textures of natural stone, wood and concrete are distinctly visible in the grazing light of Site or Lightgap. 14 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 For further information visit us at: Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Program 2015 15 ERCO Innovations 2015 – 100% efficient visual comfort Lighting requires energy. Manu facturers, designers, engineers and users today are challenged to use limited resources to the greatest effect. ERCO helps you rise to this challenge by only supplying highly efficient LED technology. Efficient visual comfort for ERCO means a permanent and consistent optimisation of both the energy efficiency and the light quality through innovative technical and design concepts. ERCO has defined five quality factors that describe efficient visual comfort at ERCO. In practice, these factors result in sig nificant increases in light quality, reduced usage of natural resources and economic efficiency. Qualitative lighting design Putting people at the heart of its strategy, ERCO develops and designs its products with focus on careful, perception-orientated lighting design. Light is used specifically to meet the require workplace with minimal energy requirements, while producing a wide and spacious impression of the room. Our change to 100% LED tech nology pays off yet again, here by producing beams of utmost preci sion and uniformity and ensuring maximum efficiency in use and maintenance. The large luminaire Vertical illuminance spacing possible with ERCO’s Due to the natural orientation of our visual field, the vertical planes efficient wallwashers supports the cost-efficient context of vertical of an environment constitute illuminance. around 80% of our perception. Vertical illuminance, therefore, is Effective lighting technology a characteristic feature of well- designed and economical lighting Efficient, precise optical systems concepts. This is why ERCO offers lower the energy requirement for lighting. A comprehensive array of an exceptionally wide range of solutions ensures optimised, effi appropriate lighting tools. Verti cal illuminance using special wall cient light distribution for specific lighting tasks. This extends from washers is far more important the asymmetrical wallwasher to to the subjective perception of brightness than the light on hori various spotlight characteristics. The projected light of LEDs, com zontal surfaces. By reducing vis bined with the high-quality lens ual contrasts, our wallwashers provide excellent lighting for the systems provided by ERCO, ensures ments of the user. Qualitative lighting design applies methods such as vertical illuminance and accent lighting and prevents glare. This enables the designer to pro duce an energy-efficient solution based on lower illuminance levels and subtle contrasts. significant efficiency advantages over conventional light guidance through reflection. Only l ighting tools which give the user c omplete control over the light ensure sus tainability in the planning. Intelligent lighting control ERCO luminaires can be dimmed using trailing-edge technology or via DALI. This makes scenic light ing uncomplicated and accessi ble. Typical scenarios include the use of presence detectors to dim or switch off lighting in unused rooms. Similarly, twilight switches or analogue daylight sensors can be used to recall light scenes to supplement the available daylight. Efficient LED technology Our leading role in architectural lighting with LED is based on experience in the three dimensions of optoelectronics. Drawing on our own expertise in LED technol ogy has enabled us to launch inno 16 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 vative products at a rapid pace. Thanks to our in-house develop ments – from LED PCBs and elec tronics to lighting technology and thermal management – we are always in control of our products to ensure the highest standards of quality and maximum efficiency. For further information visit us at: Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Program 2015 17 ERCO Innovations 2015 – 100% expertise The timely decision that ERCO made to change everything over to LED has proven an enormous advantage for 2015. After just eight years of concentrated devel opment work, we are today the first established luminaire man ufacturer with a range of almost 5,000 products based c ompletely on LED technology. Our close interdisciplinary collaboration with lighting technicians, engineers and designers enables us to max imise our quality and innovative capacity. We are committed to our Lüdenscheid base on the edge of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area, which offers the optimum infra structure for networked and inno vative thinking. Research and development Deciding, back in 2006, to focus on our expertise in optoelectron ics set the course for ERCO to take the lead in architectural LED lighting. Since then, our concepts for innovative responses to current l ighting issues originate at the interface between optical systems, electronics and information tech nology in Lüdenscheid. Product design Design has always played a key role at ERCO. Strong concepts and creativity form the backbone of a design team focused on the crea tion of a distinct design language for our LED product range on the principles of functional minimal ism. The aim is to integrate the l uminaires into architecture in a way that concentrates attention on the effects of the light. At the same time, our team is perma nently engaged with advancing our striking system design, which enables the creative designers to combine ERCO products with each other as required. Production and assembly ERCO has its manufacturing base in Germany. The production and assembly processes at our site in Lüdenscheid are closely monitored and optimised consistently to guarantee efficiency and superior quality. We pride ourselves on short distances between development and production, ensuring that the close dialogue between our experts reflects in highly efficient and agile product development and premium products. Our suppliers are care fully selected for lasting partner ships built on trust so ERCO cus tomers can rely on our products 100%. 18 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 For further information visit us at: Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Program 2015 19 ERCO Innovations 2015 – 100% LED technology Today, the architectural lighting branch is fully underway in the migration to LED technology. Focus must now be given to exploiting the full potential of state-of-theart LED luminaires in all areas of creative lighting – from shops to offices and administrative build ings through to museums. Taking the lead in optoelectronics, we have already developed almost 5,000 LED products with cuttingedge technology in response to the lighting requirements of modern architectural, cultural and corpo rate projects. Our strengths in putting this technology to use for your benefit are outlined below. Thermal management Thermal management is a key fac tor of our design process, to ensure the longevity of LEDs and elec tronic components. With this in mind, our LED modules are all designed to operate comfortably within their approved temperature range to achieve their rated life and output for the specified power, and that throughout their oper ational life. As a result, thermal management at ERCO contributes to implementing an effective and sustainable lighting concept. Control gear ERCO’s luminaires are always pro vided as a unit, with matched, pre-connected control gear. This LED modules ERCO is known for its perfectionist package has many a dvantages approach to details: We source the for the user. The control gear is precisely matched to the relevant best LEDs available in the market LED module to ensure maximum from reputable manufacturers – specifying the highest standards of life of the LED with high l uminous luminous efficacy, colour render power. Each unit consisting of ing, colour temperature and effi luminaire and connected control ciency. Using the same LEDs for all gear is tested by ERCO so the our products in a yearly LED cycle user is provided with a combina tion that ensures ideal operation ensures that all ERCO luminaires can be combined with each other. and safety. It also guarantees, in particular, compliance with EMC Utmost attention is given to the LED PCBs as the basis for the light (electromagnetic compatibility) requirements. distributions, the thermal man agement and therefore, the char acteristics of the relevant lighting tool. Based on state-of-the-art LED technology, ERCO develops and produces its PCBs in-house at its Lüdenscheid site. This approach enables us to guarantee a con sistently high quality in all prod uct details. LED lenses As the quality and design of the lenses affects the performance of an LED luminaire significantly, we have invested considerably in superior lens systems. Be it shops, offices or exhibitions: ERCO has developed optimised lighting sys tems to meet the various different lighting requirements. This includes solutions such as the modular lens system with Spherolit technology and the cost-effective assimilated lens system as prime examples that perfectly illustrate the potential of LED technology. Projection replaces reflection By changing to LED technology, ERCO has perfected the principle of light projection – in preference to conventional reflection. The LED as a minimalist point light source is ideal for projections with highly precise light distributions achieving a high light output ratio without spill light. The brilliance and flexibility of the projected ERCO LED light open up a d iversity of new options in the design of rooms and ensure that the light arrives on the target surface with no losses. 20 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 For further information visit us at: Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Program 2015 21 ERCO Innovations 2015 – 100% simplicity As important as light is for human perception, its significance is dif ficult to measure and compare in daily life. As a unique selling point in the market, ERCO presents complex lighting technology in a way that makes it easy to under stand and operate. Focused on the user, ERCO lighting tools guaran tee consistent quality, compati bility and comparability. This sim ple system, applied to our product range, provides all our partners with true added value. LED product consistency ERCO uses identical LEDs for all its products. This ensures that all our lighting tools show exactly the same behaviour. The LEDs in all ERCO products are updated every year in the context of our annual product launch. A strict selection of components guarantees consistent light qual ity – despite the steady advance in LED technology. Light distribution options Lighting concepts are as diverse as the architecture, the exhibi tion or the brand for which they are developed. In order to meet the different demands on light, ERCO offers specific applicationoriented lens systems with dif ferent light distributions based on an easy-to-understand sys tem to its range. Extending from n arrow spot to flood and oval flood through to wallwash, ERCO masters the full spectrum of light distributions. These optionally create perfect ambient lighting, uniform wallwashing, comfort able and efficient office light, or directed accents in shops and museums. System design ERCO’s system design blends into both classic and modern architec ture. Based on simple geometric shapes, all product ranges are easy to combine with each other. Our in-house design team has devel oped a distinct functional design language that reflects the require ments of LED technology: slimmer, simpler and more dynamic. 22 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 For further information visit us at: Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Program 2015 23 ERCO Innovations 2015 – 100% Light Factory The ERCO Light Factory can be defined as a synergy of inspiration and rationale, variety and simplic ity, interdisciplinary expertise and focused LED technology. ERCO is a leading international specialist in architectural lighting using LED technology. The family business, founded in Lüdenscheid in 1934, now operates with over 60 subsidiaries, branches and agencies in almost 40 countries all around the world. Around 1,000 committed and ded icated ERCO employees worldwide ensure that LED technology is developed from a pure technology into a sophisticated lighting tool – because designing with light is our mission. Focus at ERCO is given to open, interdisciplinary and international cooperation: While our ERCO lumi naires are developed inquisitively, carefully and with an eye on the future by our team at the Lüden scheid Light Factory, our compe tent, experienced and motivated lighting consultants at interna tional ERCO sales offices ensure that they are used in thousands of different applications around the globe. We would be delighted to offer you the possibility of experiencing our lighting tools live: in any of our ERCO showrooms worldwide and in seminars in Lüdenscheid or our regional sites, and of course at trade fairs and other industry events. 24 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 For further information visit us at: Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Program 2015 25 ERCO Innovations 2015 Indoor overview Ambient luminescence, focal glow and play of brilliants The new Starpoint luminaires are equipped with state-of-the-art LED technology and offer a huge range of lighting solutions for hotels, restaurants and homes: downlights for ambient lighting, recessed spotlights for high-contrast accent lighting, and wall-mounted luminaires with a translucent ring. Starpoint surface-mounted and pendant luminaires and wallmounted luminaires The Starpoint range of surfacemounted downlights, pendant and wall-mounted luminaires blends Richard Kelly’s design principles of “ambient luminescence” and “play of brilliants” for a touch of mid- century glamour for hotels, bars and restaurants. Starpoint recessed spotlights and floodlights and recessed luminaires The minimal ceiling aperture of the Starpoint recessed spotlights and downlights conceals a master of accentuation, washlighting and ambient lighting for hotels, restaurants and homes. Page 28 Page 30 Lightgap recessed luminaires Lightgap adds a magical tool for grazing light wallwashing to the ERCO range. Rough surfaces such as wood or natural stone are revealed in new ways with Lightgap producing striking effects of light and shadow. Page 32 Hi-trac track The latest generation of the Hi-trac system incorporates LED packages for superbly uniform indirect lighting. The large span lengths and increased load-bearing capability prove useful particularly for heavy loads and lim ited suspension options. Optec, Light Board, Opton and Trion The new DALI and switchable versions offer additional control options for flexibility in design and a very attractive commercial positioning. Page 35 Skim A successful entry-level product, Skim is now also available in black. Recessed in dark ceilings, it adds a magical elegance to the room. And that at an excellent price to performance ratio. Page 36 Page 34 26 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Innovations 2015 Outdoor overview Gecko projectors, floodlights and wallwashers Gecko projectors, floodlights and wallwashers unite to deliver a high level of visual comfort. With its special design, Gecko is particularly suitable for sophisticated applications in gardens, parks or for exterior sculptures. Page 37 Visor façade and bollard luminaires Featuring highly efficient LED technology, Visor façade and bollard lumi naires offer a powerful system for differentiated ground lighting – with a wide beam for pathways or a deep beam for the illumination of squares or terraces. Page 38 Lightscan façade and surfacemounted luminaires ERCO has advanced the system design of Lightscan with the development of façade and surface-mounted luminaires for attractive and highperformance illumination of ceilings and traffic routes. Lightscan also cuts a fine figure indoors where applications call for a higher IP rating. Lightmark façade and bollard luminaires Maintenance-free LED technology with a long functional life and high efficiency are just some of the advantages of the Lightmark façade and bollard luminaires. Clear lines present an understated design – giving g reater focus to the light effect of the floor washlights: uniform washlighting of pathways and open areas. Page 42 Page 40 Site in-ground luminaires Site produces striking grazing light effects in the outdoor area. Its precise light distribution directs the light optimally onto walls and façades. Its innovative lighting technology enables large luminaire spacing. Page 44 Tesis in-ground luminaires Tesis has long been a regular feature in the outdoor range, and continuous re-development has kept it up-to-date with the most demanding requirements. ERCO has now extended this range of in-ground luminaires by smaller versions in sizes 3 and 4. Page 45 Outdoor accessories The new range of accessories for projectors, floodlights and wallwashers in the outdoor area feature a practical clamping mechanism to ensure mounting without drilling into the poles. Page 46 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 27 ERCO Innovations 2015 Starpoint recessed spotlights and floodlights and recessed luminaires Filigree and efficient: from ambient lighting to luminous accentuation Starpoint recessed spotlights and floodlights and recessed luminaires for hotels, restaurants and homes The minimal ceiling aperture of the Starpoint recessed spotlights and downlights conceals a master of accentuation, washlighting and ambient lighting. Designed to be as small as possible, the lumi naires are available with differ ent distributions, and therefore, as a versatile system, it allows the i llumination of restaurant interiors, hotel rooms and homes with a ceiling height of up to 3m, creating a wide variety of eyecatching features. The Starpoint downlights add a wide beam pat tern to the repertoire which lends itself to the illumination of large areas, and an oval characteristic to mark out pathways. The smaller version of the luminaire makes an understated style statement which enhances rooms with a ceiling height of up to 3m in an impres sive way. With covered or flush m ounting detail, the luminaires complete modern design ambi tions. Recessed spotlights and floodlights Page 187 Recessed luminaires Page 283 LED Recessed spotlights 2W – 6W 200lm – 795lm Narrow spot, spot, flood, wide flood Recessed floodlights 6W 600lm – 795lm Oval flood Downlights 8W 550lm – 800lm Wide flood Downlights, oval flood 8W 550lm – 800lm Oval flood 28 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 Compact lens system A very high light output ratio proves the effi ciency of the compact LED lens system. The collimator and Spherolit lens are combined into a single element. Small luminaire dimensions Small luminaires appear unobtru sive yet deliver a truly impressive lighting atmos phere. Compact luminaire dimen sions are particu larly suitable for small spaces with low ceilings. Linear lighting The oval flood characteristic of Starpoint down lights is e specially interesting for optimised illu mination of hall ways and corri dors or for tables and display zones. Oval flood can be freely rotated The recessed Starpoint sys tem offers round Spherolit oval flood lenses that can be freely rotated for opti mum adjustment of the lighting on different objects. Different sizes The luminaires in the ERCO prod uct range cover a wide variety of lumen categories and therefore offer an appropri ate solution for a large number of lighting tasks. Starpoint recessed spotlights and floodlights and recessed lumi naires illuminate interiors effec tively, creating a wide variety of eye-catching features. ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 29 ERCO Innovations 2015 Starpoint surface-mounted, pendant and wall-mounted luminaires Efficient lighting in mid-century design Scenic illumination for hotels, bars and restaurants The Starpoint range of surfacemounted downlights, pendant and wall-mounted luminaires combine the design principles of “ambient luminescence” and “play of bril liants” defined by Richard Kelly. The light beam, on the one hand, provides efficient ambient light ing, whereas the luminaire cover with its strikingly illuminated ring creates an effective eye-catcher. The translucent element, visible only when illuminated, makes for a subtle decorative detail in the ceiling – ideal for homes, hotels, bars and restaurants. A chrome version adds a touch of midcentury glamour and lends itself to combination with rough mate rials such as wood or natural stone, thereby creating a compel ling contrast. Surface-mounted luminaires Page 329 Pendant luminaires Page 351 Wall-mounted luminaires Page 371 LED Surface- mounted downlights 8W 550lm – 800lm Wide flood Surface- mounted down lights, oval flood 8W 550lm – 800lm Oval flood Pendant downlights 8W 550lm – 800lm Extra wide flood Wall-mounted luminaires 4W – 8W 330lm – 940lm Extra wide flood 30 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 Decorative l uminaire trim The t ranslucent ring of the Starpoint creates a fascinating light effect. Small luminaire dimensions Small luminaires appear unobtru sive yet deliver a truly impressive lighting atmos phere. Compact luminaire dimen sions are particu larly suitable for small spaces with low ceilings. Different housing colours The luminaires are available in a variety of col ours for perfect matching with the surroundings. Compact lens system A very high light output ratio proves the effi ciency of the compact LED lens system. The collimator and Spherolit lens of the compact lens system are c ombined into a single element. Linear lighting The oval flood characteristic of Starpoint down lights i s e specially interesting for optimised illu mination of hall ways and corri dors or for tables and display zones. Grazing light produces striking light effects on walls. The dis tribution of the Starpoint wallmounted lumi naires creates an eye-catching fea ture with a highly decorative effect. ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 31 ERCO Innovations 2015 Lightgap recessed luminaires Emphasising wall structures for a threedimensional effect Grazing light wallwashers accentuate surface texture on walls Lightgap emphasises the tactile qualities of architectural materi als. The grazing light wallwasher brings out the finest wood or concrete texture as exquisitely as rough surfaces such as natural stone, thereby enabling the lumi naire to emphasise historic fea tures or regional materials. In con trast to conventional wallwashers, which give walls a soft character, Lightgap adds an almost tactile dimension through high-contrast light and shadow effects. With its asymmetrical light distribution, the grazing light wallwasher can be positioned up to 10cm close to the wall and still produce an excep tionally uniform beam. The lumi naire can be tilted conveniently by up to 10° in both directions. The resulting special rendering of ver tical illuminance combines strik ingly illuminated texture for scenic effects with efficient room light ing for places such as restaurants and hotels. Page 318 LED Grazing light wallwashers 6W – 36W 600lm – 4770lm Grazing light wallwashers The very narrow light distribution of the grazing light wallwashers positioned close The grazing light of Lightgap brings out even the fin est s urface tex ture to c reate an impressive eyecatching feature in restaurants and homes. 32 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 to the wall uni formly illumi nates relief-like surfaces, making elegant materials highly visible. α min. 20 Excellent visual comfort The shallow recess depth of the Lightgap grazing light wallwasher keeps the lumi naire concealed to ensure excel lent visual com fort. min. 50 min. 100 The s hielding angle (α) of Lightgap depends on the ceiling height. 900 mm 900 mm 300 mm 1800 mm 300 mm ca. ½ Continuous line installation The Lightgap l uminaires can be installed in a continuous line to achieve max imised and uni form illuminance distribution on the wall. System design The Lightgap lighting system is available in lengths of 30cm, 90cm and 180cm for different room situations. When arranged in a seamless con tinuous row, the luminaires create an elegant and uniform band of light along the wall. ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 33 ERCO Innovations 2015 Hi-trac track and light structures Carrying it off Hi-trac combines the flexible options of a track with the visual comfort of indirect lighting The latest generation of the H i-trac light structure is a heavyduty system which allows very wide spacing between the suspen sions of up to 4m, to enable loadbearing capabilities of up to 7.5kg. The new system, with state-ofthe-art indirect LED technology, is a major development from earlier options and offers enhanced lev els of uniformity for ceiling illu mination. The Hi-trac range, with integrated ERCO track, is availa ble in two versions: either with an empty upper compartment for cables or as an indirect luminaire. Hi-trac enables the combination of indirect lighting with accent light from the track. Page 71 LED Excellent uniformity ERCO has upgraded the Hi-trac to fulfil the highest Track expectations for indirect lighting. Luminaires, indirect 12W 1320lm – 1740lm Flexible infrastructure With very wide spacing between the suspensions, Hi-trac provides infrastructure max. 4m with high struc tural efficiency for illumination via track. Hi-trac light structures show their full quali ties e specially in situations requiring large span lengths and indirect illumi nation that lends lightness to the c eiling. 34 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ERCO Innovations 2015 Optec, Light Board, Opton and Trion DALI additions ERCO has enhanced Light Board, Opton and Trion by adding new DALI versions to each range for flexible light scenes with highoutput luminaires. The DALI dim mable luminaires are suitable for DALI based lighting control systems. Light Board Page 123 Opton Page 132 Trion Page 366 DALI Spotlights Floodlights Wallwashers Light Board 4W – 48W 400lm – 6360lm Narrow spot, spot, flood, wide flood 12W – 48W 1200lm – 6360lm Oval flood 12W – 48W 1200lm – 6360lm Wallwash Opton 8W – 38W 800lm – 4800lm Narrow spot, spot, flood, wide flood 12W – 38W 1200lm – 4800lm Oval flood 12W – 38W 1200lm – 4800lm Wallwash Spotlights Floodlights Wallwashers 2W – 24W 200lm – 3180lm Narrow spot, spot, flood, wide flood 6W – 24W 600lm – 3180lm Oval flood 6W – 24W 600lm – 3180lm Wallwash LED Ceiling washlights Trion 12W – 24W 1200lm – 3180lm Wide beam, deep beam Higher light output for Optec ERCO has added a mid-size ver sion to the Optec range, designed to maximise lighting efficiency, minimise maintenance and offer the luminaire at a very attractive price point. The switchable lumi naires can be switched on or off as required using manual switches or actuators. For exceptionally high illuminance levels, Optec includes special versions delivering high levels of luminous flux for striking accentuation, floodlighting or wallwashing. Page 110 LED Optec ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 35 ERCO Innovations 2015 Skim recessed luminaires The introduction to light Low-cost recessed luminaire now available in black The Skim recessed luminaire offers a discreet lighting solution for any situation requiring uniform illu mination with optimum glare con trol such as in corridors. With its clarity of style and simplicity, the compact solution is an aesthetic alternative to linear fluorescent luminaires which form a dominant grid pattern in the ceiling design. As an entry-level product for gen eral lighting, Skim achieves excel lent efficiency. And that with an outstanding price to performance ratio. Excellent glare control offers full compliance to the require ments of workplace lighting, and the specially developed lens sys tem meets the most stringent pho tometric requirements. The almost magical appearance of the lens will have the observer fascinated and, at the same time, determines the archetypal design of the lumi naire, which is available with black or white trims. The integrated mounting frame guarantees quick installation at low cost. Page 288 LED Downlights 18W – 28W 1800lm – 3600lm Wide flood, oval flood Size 5 Wide flood For floodlighting in rooms. Oval flood Ideal for efficient illumination of workstations, cor ridors and dem onstration areas. 110 mm Efficient lens system The lens system is made of highend optical pol ymer and offers superior effi ciency, a highly uniform beam and an intriguing appearance. A light output ratio (LOR) of up to 0.88 confirms the performance of the system. Visual comfort at work With a sub-19 UGR value, Skim ensures excellent visual comfort at the workplace. Lens system oval flood The oval flood distribution pro vides efficient illumination for hallways and long tables. Shallow recess depth A recess depth of 110mm means that the perfor mance and effi ciency of Skim The dramatic performance and attractive price of the Skim sys tem offer enor mous potential for offices and interior spaces where efficiency and visual com fort are of partic ular relevance. 36 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 are also compat ible with shallow ceiling voids. ERCO Innovations 2015 Gecko projectors, floodlights and wallwashers Powerful light from a virtually invisible source Glare-free accent lighting, floodlighting and wallwashing in the outdoor area Gecko emanates refined power despite its compact form. This is achieved by combining a slightly conical shape with quality design details such as seamless transi tions. With its fluid, round out lines, this outdoor lighting tool enhances gardens and parks as an adaptable design feature which can be fully integrated into any setting. The small housing con ceals sophisticated photometric properties: Offered with a uniform wide beam or sharp-edged accen tuation version, Gecko creates impressive façade and other out door lighting effects that require just a few of these luminaires. Excellent glare control ensures accent lighting, floodlighting and wallwashing from a virtually invisible light source. With a lumi naire head that can be tilted and rotated in any direction, Gecko is quick and easy to adjust precisely to the required position, as its maintenance-free LED optoelec LED tronics help to reduce the operat ing costs. Page 414 Visual comfort ERCO has devel oped Gecko with a housing design specifically suit ed for d emanding visual tasks to Projectors 8W – 18W 800lm – 2385lm Narrow spot, spot, flood, wide flood Floodlights 12W – 18W 1200lm – 2385lm Oval flood Lens wallwashers 12W – 18W 1200lm – 2385lm Wallwash provide enhanced visual comfort. Small luminaire dimensions Small luminaires appear unobtru sive whilst offer ing amazing lighting effects. Compact lumi naire dimensions are c onvenient, particularly in private g ardens and smaller areas. Oval flood can be freely rotated The round Spherolit lens oval flood in Gecko can be rotated freely for optimum adjustment of the lighting on diff erent objects. Gecko is availa ble with a v ariety of distribution options to suit different light ing tasks in the o utdoor area including accent lighting for good modelling of sculptures or floodlighting for greater visibility of signage. ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 37 ERCO Innovations 2015 Visor façade and bollard luminaires Precise light of minimalist elegance An efficient façade and bollard luminaire with good visual comfort for the illumination of pathways, open areas and e ntrance areas Visor focuses the attention very naturally on the architectural setting. Using the wide light dis tribution, Visor illuminates path ways along walls or buildings evenly over an area wide enough to require a minimum number of luminaires. Their deep-beam version effectively lights squares or terraces. Visor creates an eyecatching feature in any outdoor area. The light source is discreetly hidden to ensure glare-free light for passers-by. Thanks to Dark Sky technology, Visor emits no spill light above the horizontal plane. The system design of the Visor range enables many different combinations of façade and bol lard luminaires. Façade luminaires Page 477 Bollard luminaires Page 513 Horizontal plane 6m Excellent visual comfort Low luminance of the lumi naire and a gen tle gradient of the beam ensure excellent v isual comfort of the Visor floor wash light. Large luminaire spacing p ossible The wide-beam version of the Visor floor wash light allows the luminaires to be spaced far apart, thereby enabling efficient light ing solutions in practice. Dark Sky technology The Dark Sky technology of Visor prevents light from being emitted above The Visor façade luminaires ensure precise floor washlighting along the build ing – using the wide light distri bution for path ways or the deepbeam version for larger areas. 38 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 the horizontal, thereby facili tating effective lighting solu tions in the out door area. LED Floor washlights 6W 600lm – 795lm Wide beam, deep beam 2m 0.5lx 1lx Wide beam The wide-beam version is ideal for efficient pathway lighting along walls and façades. 5lx 0.5lx 1lx 5lx 0m Floor washlights 6W 600lm – 795lm Wide beam, deep beam 2m 0m Deep beam Open areas such as squares and terraces are illu minated effec- tively with the deep-beam ver sion. The Visor bol lard luminaires are available with many light d istributions for outdoor applica tions to ensure efficient illumi nation of path ways and open areas: The widebeam version neatly marks the way, the deepbeam version ensures optimum illumination of squares. ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 39 ERCO Innovations 2015 Lightmark façade and bollard luminaires Precise light from a sophisticated cuboid The efficient façade and bollard luminaire with good visual comfort for pathways and open areas Lightmark focuses the attention very naturally on any architectural setting. Using the wide light distri bution, Lightmark is designed to minimise the number of luminaires required for uniform and harmoni ous illumination. Deep-beam ver sions are ideal in exciting spaces for outdoor gatherings. With a smooth surface, Lightmark creates an eye-catching feature on any façade. The light source is almost invisible and ensures glare-free light for passers-by. Thanks to Dark Sky technology, Lightmark façade luminaires emit no spill light above the horizontal plane. The system design of the L ightmark range enables many different combina tions of bollard and façade lumi naires. Façade luminaires Page 483 Bollard luminaires Page 522 Horizontal plane 6m Excellent visual v isual comfort of the Lightmark comfort floor washlight. Low luminance of the luminaire and a gentle gra dient of the beam ensure excellent Large luminaire spacing p ossible The wide-beam version of the Lightmark floor washlight allows the luminaires to be spaced far apart, thereby enabling efficient lighting solutions in practice. Dark Sky technology The Dark Sky technology of Lightmark pre vents light from being emitted The Lightmark recessed wall lumi naires add incon spicuous details to the architec ture focusing the attention on the light effect, as the luminaire itself recedes discreetly into the back ground. 40 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 above the hori zontal, thereby maximising the visual comfort in outdoor areas. LED Floor washlights 6W 600lm – 795lm Wide beam, deep beam 2m 0.5lx 1lx Wide beam Floor washlights with a wide beam are ideal particu larly for lighting pathways along walls and façades. 5lx 0m 0.5lx 1lx 5lx Floor washlights 6W 600lm – 795lm Wide beam, deep beam 2m 0m spaces such as Deep beam squares or ter Floor washlights with a deep beam races. are effective in illuminating open The deep-beam version effectively illuminates large areas. Available also as a bollard, the Lightmark units can be posi tioned as required in the outdoor area. ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 41 ERCO Innovations 2015 Lightscan façade and surface-mounted luminaires Powerful light for large spaces Effective and efficient general lighting for stations, passages and traffic routes The Lightscan range has been up graded to include efficient façade and surface-mounted luminaires. The new versions provide powerful and efficient general lighting for large spaces. The higher d egree of protection offered can be equally suitable for indoor and outdoor applications and supports easy maintenance. With high levels of luminous flux, the luminaires ena ble illumination from a large dis tance with excellent lighting levels on the ceiling when using façade luminaires or the ground for sur face-mounted luminaires. The different light distributions are ideal for use in stations, passages and arcades or even for path ways in the vicinity of buildings. Maintenance-free optoelectronics guarantee maximum efficiency to help save our resources and result in lower operating costs. Façade luminaires Page 462 Surface-mounted luminaires Page 563 5lx 20lx 100lx 200lx Ceiling w ashlights, wide beam The wide-beam version of Lightscan is i deal for the efficient 4m 4m 2m 2m 0m illumination of cantilever roofs along the façade. 5lx 50lx 200lx Ceiling w ashlights, deep beam Large ceiling a reas are illumi nated effectively using the deep- 0m beam version of Lightscan. Large luminaire to be spaced far spacing p ossible apart, thereby e nabling efficient The wide-beam lighting solutions version of the Lightscan ceiling in practice. washlight allows the luminaires The wide-beam version of the Lightscan ceiling washlight is ideal for the illumina tion of cantilever roofs. Large ceil ing areas, in con trast, are effec tively illuminated using the deepbeam version. 42 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 High lumen packages The L ightscan range of façade and surfacemounted lumi naires now includes high lumen p ackages for high lumi nance levels. Oval flood can be freely rotated The round Spherolit lens oval flood in Lightscan can be freely rotated for LED Ceiling washlights 24W – 72W 2400lm – 9540lm Wide beam, deep beam Downlights 48W – 96W 4800lm – 12720lm Wide flood Downlights, oval flood 48W – 96W 4800lm – 12720lm Oval flood optimum adjust ment of the lighting to suit different tasks. The precise oval flood light distribution of the Lightscan surface-mounted luminaires ensures efficient illumi nation of path ways. The oblong beam allows the luminaires to be spaced far apart resulting in lower investment and operating costs. ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 43 ERCO Innovations 2015 Site in-ground luminaires Emphasising wall structures for a threedimensional effect Grazing light wallwashers accentuate surface texture on walls and façades Site emphasises the tactile qual ities of architectural materials: The grazing light wallwasher brings out the finest wood, con crete or brick texture as exquisitely as rough surfaces such as natural stone, thereby enabling the lumi naire to set off historic features or regional materials. In contrast to conventional wallwashers which give walls a soft character, Site adds an almost tactile dimension through high-contrast light and shadow effects. The luminaire can be tilted conveniently by up to 10° in both directions to allow for easy commissioning and perfect final alignment regardless of nat ural tolerances. With its asymmet rical light distribution, the grazing light wallwasher can be positioned up to 30cm close to the wall and still produce an exceptionally uni form beam. The resulting special rendering of vertical illuminance combines strikingly illuminated texture for scenic effect with effi LED cient outdoor illumination. Grazing light wallwashers 24W 2400lm – 3180lm Page 601 0,3m 1,2m 1. 2. Excellent visual comfort Without spill light, Site creates optimum view ing conditions for the human eye, thereby prevent ing disturbing glare and direct ing the focus onto the threedimensional light effect on the wall. Large luminaire spacing p ossible The innovative photometrics of the Site grazing light wallwasher allow expansive luminaire spac ing helping effi cient and cost- sensitive design concepts. Tiltable The luminaire can be tilted by ±10° to compensate for uneven floors and optimise the grazing light effect. Mounting Site is mounted using a recessed housing or may alternatively be installed in raised Site is charac terised by excel lent light quality for grazing light effects, achieving good uniformity on the vertical plane even when spaced far apart. 44 ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 floors using the mounting kit. ERCO Innovations 2015 Tesis in-ground luminaires The benchmark in the outdoor area An innovative archetype in o utdoor lighting Tesis has been a part of the ERCO outdoor range for a while, and now, in a completely upgraded version, it delivers an entirely new level of performance. Innovative photometrics ensure maximum brilliance and efficiency. A consid erably flatter housing, made pos sible thanks to LED developments, ensures exceptionally straightfor ward installation – in both round and square versions. The robust plastic housing is fully corrosionresistant and designed to ensure long life and ease of use. Be it as a directional luminaire, an uplight or a wallwasher, Tesis sets new standards for in-ground lighting solutions. Page 573 LED Lens wallwashers 8W – 32W 800lm – 4240lm Wallwash Uplights 6W – 24W 600lm – 3180lm Wide flood Directional luminaires 2W – 18W 200lm – 2385lm Narrow spot, spot, flood, oval flood Available in round or square The Tesis system design includes round and square versions of in-ground lumi naires to provide lighting tools suited to the architecture and surroundings. Excellent visual comfort ERCO has devel oped Tesis with high-quality optical compo nents specifically for demanding visual tasks to provide enhanced visual comfort. • • • • 00 00 9.0 7.0 98 29 33 33 00 00 00 8.0 98 33 00 6.0 29 00 7.0 98 33 33 00 8.0 7.0 9.0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 96 30 30 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 33 33 • • • • Mounting Tesis has differ ent mounting options: without recessed housing, with mounting kit for installation 590 33 00 00 00 8.0 96 33 00 4.0 96 00 9.0 29 33 33 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8.0 9.0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29 95 95 8.0 Small luminaire dimensions Available in the new sizes 3 and 4, the Tesis in-ground lumi naires can now be even more inconspicuous in their surround ings directing the focus onto the light, not the l uminaires. 4 33 169 3 33023.000 33024.000 33025.000 33026.000 33027.000 33028.000 33029.000 33030.000 33033.000 33034.000 33035.000 33036.000 33037.000 33038.000 33039.000 33041.000 33408.000 33409.000 33413.000 33414.000 33418.000 33419.000 33421.000 33422.000 33423.000 33424.000 33439.000 33472.000 33473.000 33474.000 33475.000 33481.000 33501.000 33502.000 33503.000 33504.000 33506.000 33507.000 33538.000 33539.000 33540.000 33541.000 33542.000 33543.000 33544.000 33545.000 33546.000 33547.000 33548.000 33549.000 33550.000 33551.000 33552.000 33553.000 33554.000 33555.000 33556.000 33557.000 33558.000 33559.000 33560.000 33561.000 33562.000 33563.000 33564.000 33565.000 33566.000 33567.000 33 d189 159 d160 33 00 Tesis Accessories • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • in raised floors, or with recessed housing for situ ations requiring luminaires that are driven over by vehicles. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-9-19 um 13:59 The new Tesis in-ground lumi naires in sizes 3 and 4 are charac terised by small luminaire dimen sions and pre cise photometrics with different light distributions. ERCO Program 2015 Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 45 ERCO Innovations 2015 Outdoor accessories Flexible infrastructure An entirely re-defined range of accessories for projectors, flood lights and wallwashers in the out door area features a practical clamping mechanism to ensure mounting without drilling into the poles. The clamping plate is suit able for dimensions with a diameter of 60-89mm. It is used to attach the attachment for direct mounting of the luminaire on the pole or for the traverse to fix luminaires tilting backwards. The traverse may also be attached directly to walls or façades. The accessories are suitable for all fixture sizes of Lightscan, Beamer and Parscoop. All accessory parts are made of stain less steel with powder-coating in Graphit m to meet the high est standards of robustness and longevity. Accessories for mounting The a ccessory sys tem for mount ing consists of three elements: traverse, attach ment and clamp Clamping plate Traverse Attachment ∅ 60–89mm 46 ERCO Program 2015 ∅ 60–89mm ∅ 60–89mm Erzeugt mit dem DocScape Publisher, Regelwerk $Rev: 14899 $, am 2014-11-19 um 14:21 ing plate. The clamping mech anism ensures attachment of the accessories without drilling into the poles.
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