Manpack and Portable Jamming Antennas Cobham Antenna Systems JAMMING/IED PROTECTION SITUATION AWARENESS COMMUNICATIONS ON THE MOVE VOICE COMMUNICATIONS Wide range of high power, broadband, high performance manpack antennas Combined communications and GPS antennas for flexible voice/data communications Range of broadband, multi-band and narrow band antennas Extensive range of in-service antennas Cover image © Crown Copyright/MOD 2004 The most important thing we build is trust Manpack and Portable Jamming Antennas Tactical communications requirements for now and for the future MAIN COVER IMAGE Manpack antennas in operational theatre 2 Communications on the move 3 Long range communications Evolving Tactical Communications Over the last sixty years, the nature of conflict has dramatically changed. In the early second half of the 20th century battles were largely waged in rural environments, to defend a nation or continent from a foe in an easily recognisable uniform. In the 21st century, the scenarios are very different in that the majority of conflicts are of a smaller scale. These include counter insurgency and peacekeeping activities on global basis against a threat that is indistinguishable from the local population going about normal activity. 1 Manpack solutions 2 As a result of these changes in the tactical environment, communications has evolved to cater for the following: • Increased volume of traffic, simultaneous voice and data. • Increase in global communications with tactical UHF Satellite capability. • Greater mobility requiring smaller, lighter radio equipment and ancillaries. • Migration of developments from the civil market into the military sector e.g. WiFi, WiMax, GPS Navigation, Internet etc. • Increased range of frequencies used for communications and neutralising Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) require a high performance broadband antenna. 3 PORTABLE ANTENNAS HIGH PERFORMANCE ANTENNAS SPECIFIC CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE With frequency ranges from 1.6 to 2500 MHz and up to 70w For software defined radios including high capacity data radios Special band, built in GPS, flexible adaptors etc. Design, supply and support of in-service tactical antennas The Solution Cobham Antenna Systems provides the most extensive range of high performance, robust and compact antennas to support the latest generation of tactical personal radios and portable jammers: • Single band antennas, HF, VHF, UHF (including TacSAT), covert, TETRA. • Multi-band antennas for multi-role radios or manpack radios with built-in GPS. • Broadband antennas for Software Defined Radios and High Capacity Data Radios that maximise performance over very wide frequency bands. • High power versions of all of the above for portable jamming needs. Cobham Antenna Systems compliments the above with an extensive range of accessories, for example: • AMUs (Antenna Matching Units) are available separately or integrated within the manpack whip antennas. • Ground spike adaptors with ground planes to utilise antennas remote from the radio. • Elevation kits to mount antennas on tactical masts. This facilitates increased communications range. • Knuckles and goosenecks to adjust the angle of the antennas on the radio for: – Combatants in the prone position – Improved Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) performance – Protection of the antenna/radio from obstacles Part Number Description HF and VHF Manpack Whips 5100-9001 HF Whip, Steel, 2.4m 843 Folding Whip Copper Plated Steel, Flexible Base, 2.4m 690 HF/VHF Whip, Copper Plated Steel, Flexible Base, 2.7m 842 VHF Folding Whip Steel, Flexible Base, 1.4m 3021/3041 30-108 MHz Helical Whip, AMU, 1.0m 3022 30-108 MHz Folding Whip, AMU, 1.0m 834 Tape, AMU, Tape, 1.2m 839 Folding Whip, Capacitively Loaded AMU, Copper Plated Steel, 2.4m 3515 30-88 MHz + AMU, 5w Tape “Tri-Band” Baton 30-88 MHz, L1 & L2 GPS, Flexible Base Ground Spike VHF Manpack Whips 4020-910 30-88 MHz + AMU, 2.3m 3020-920 30-108 MHz + AMU, 2.3m 4020-900 30-88 MHz + AMU + Mast, 2.3m High Band VHF Manpack Whips 811-600-100 Tape 220-240 MHz + AMU, 30w UHF Manpack Antennas 3508 225-400 MHz + AMU 3509 420-450 MHz + AMU 3514 340-360 MHz + AMU Broad/Multi-band VHF Manpack Whips 3500 Tape 30-512 MHz + AMU 3504 Tape 100-400 MHz + AMU 3505 Baton 225-1000 MHz + AMU 3506 Baton Centre Fed 1.0-2.5 GHz 3510 500-2500 MHz + AMU 5100-9008 225-450, 902-928 & 1410-1460 MHz Covert Antennas 5100-9011 Covert Monopole 5100-9012 Covert Dipole Manpack Jammer Antennas 5100-9100 20-100 MHz 5100-9101 100-200 MHz 5100-9102 200-500 MHz 5100-9103 500-6000 MHz 5100-9005 20-520 MHz, 1.2m For further information please contact: Cobham Antenna Systems The Cobham Centre Fourth Avenue, Marlow Buckinghamshire, SL7 1TF England Issue 1 Tel: +44 (0) 1628 472 072 Fax: +44 (0) 1628 482 255 E-mail: The information herein may be subject to change without notice and must not be taken as establishing any commitment binding upon Cobham Antenna Systems.. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this brochure, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors or omissions. All photography is copyright and is used with thanks to the respective owners. Designed and produced in England by Generator (Creative Energy) Ltd – Telephone: +44 (0)1425 651951 e-mail: This paper contains 50% recycled fibres and is bleached in a totally chlorine free process. The virgin fibre content of this paper is elemental chlorine free and comes from managed forests.
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