presents 2015 A message from Jonathan… as scared when I found out, but I have cancer and I was very there are a lot that ize real I path ing I walk this challeng and same battle. Their stories of other people fighting this e is a light ther that me n show have t words of encouragemen friends They, along with my family, at the end of the tunnel. have the strength they that me n show have and acquaintances one day fight, and then hopefully and courage to acknowledge, se. disea s diou insi find a cure for this JONATHAN B. ANGELONE MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL VOCAL COMPETITION have met during this time that It is all of YOU who I have this on inue cont to ngth stre inspired me and given me the until fight this battle with me journey. Please continue to days y fort live can “you remember cancer is eradicated. And t minutes without eigh r, wate out with days e without food, thre out hope.” air, but only one second with Thank you, 2006) Jonathan B. Angelone (July, se but teenagers especially: plea An important note to everyone small how er matt no pain any bare don’t try to be a hero and urage owledge your pain and enco it is if it is chronic. Ackn or. I doct her anot onto move ly your doctors to listen or simp who does not want to ager teen a be to like s know what it feel not be so you try to keep up and be sick or slowed down and le. erab vuln you s make different, but this P.O. Box 304 | Pittsford, New York 14534 us will but I do now that half of I did not understand before e Ther s. live our in time some be diagnosed with cancer at er in the past canc in ease incr ent perc has been a thirteen er 00 people will die from canc several years and over 600,0 00 of those people 200,0 that is ng elli comp this year, but more already know. Educating our could be saved with what we children – and insisting on and s teen community – parents, to early cal professionals will lead ongoing education for medi er. canc g ivin surv in ical crit detection, which is January 24 2015 Baptist Temple | 1101 Clover Street Competition: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Awards Recital and Reception: 7:30 p.m. Visit for more information. JONATHAN B. ANGELONE MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL VOCAL COMPETITION Rochester Lyric Opera (RLO) is proud to sponsor the fourth annual Jonathan Angelone Memorial High School Vocal Competition as part of RLO’s on-going mission to find and encourage emerging talent. ENTRANT INFORMATION NAME: The competition honors the legacy of Jonathan Angelone, who died of cancer at the age of 19 in 2006. A stand-out athlete at Brighton High School, Angelone was part of the school’s acapella group and performed in many school theater productions. Shortly before his death, Angelone established a foundation with the mission of raising awareness and encouraging early detection of cancer. Open to voice students in grades 9 – 12. ADDRESS: CITY: E-MAIL: STATE: VOICE TYPE: ZIP: PREFERRED AUDITION TIME FRAME (2 HOUR WINDOW ): SCHOOL: GRADE: PARENT NAME(S): SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES Musical Theater 1st Prize: $300 Scholarship 2nd Prize: $200 Scholarship 3rd Prize: $100 Scholarship DATE OF BIRTH: PHONE: E-MAIL: VOCAL TRAINING & BACKGROUND INFORMATION Classical 1st Prize: $300 Scholarship 2nd Prize: $200 Scholarship 3rd Prize: $100 Scholarship Finalists will be announced the afternoon of the competition and will be invited to perform later that evening in a special awards recital with Rochester Lyric Opera resident artists. Winners will be announced at a reception immediately following the recital. REPERTOIRE Classical Entrants should prepare three selections from the standard classical repertoire in at least two languages ( one must be English ) and in contrasting styles. Musical Theater Entrants should prepare three selections in contrasting styles ( one uptempo, one ballad, and one that pre-dates 1965 ). VOICE TEACHER OR CHORAL DIRECTOR: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE: EMAIL: ACCOMPANIST NAME: PHONE: ENTRANCE FEE EMAIL: PRIOR PERFORMANCE HISTORY (or attach a resume): CHOIR MEMBERSHIPS: OTHER RELEVANT MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS: ACCOMPANIMENT Singers must provide their own accompanists. Pre-recorded accompaniments will not be accepted. Limit of six singers per accompanist. ZIP: COMPETITION REPERTOIRE (COMPOSER/PIECE) 1: 2: $35.00 for single category $50.00 for both Musical Theater and Classical categories Checks should be made payable to Rochester Lyric Opera. 3: APPLICATION DEADLINE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE US TO KNOW ABOUT YOU: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Postmarked by Friday, January 2, 2015. SEND APPLICATION AND FEE(S) TO: Rochester Lyric Opera, PO Box 304, Pittsford, NY 14534 For more information, visit us online at or e-mail questions to ENTRANT SIGNATURE: DATE: PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: DATE:
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