Auction Details -

Club Auction - Friday, December 19, 2014 @ 8:00 pm Eastern Time
The Connecticut Giant Pumpkin Growers Club (CTGPGC) is holding a seed auction on Friday, December
19 starting at 8:00 pm EST. The proceeds from this auction will go towards covering the costs and prize
structure for the 2015 GPC sanctioned weighoff to be held in Ridgefield, Connecticut.
We have some great lots available to bid on.
A huge thanks to all of the growers who donated their seeds. Your generosity is amazing! And thanks to
Ken Desrosiers for allowing us to host the event on
Auction Rules
All bids start at $10 and increase at $5 minimum increments. Bids are in U.S. dollars.
Winning bidders to send an email immediately after the lot to
with your BP screen name, your real name, Lot #, complete shipping address, phone number, and
winning bid amount.
We do not guarantee the germination of any seeds. All seeds donated were received and will be mailed
out in good condition.
There is no Proxy bidding.
Please bid early and often in order to keep the event moving along. Please keep chat chatter to a
minimum during the auction.
Thanks in advance for all of your support and Good Luck!
Payment terms and instructions:
All sales are final. Payments are to be in U.S. dollars and can be made using these options:
1. Pay Pal will be accepted. Please use the account and include your
name, winning lot #(s), mailing address, and phone number in the comment box.
2. Checks or money orders are accepted. Shipments for payments made in money orders, cashier
checks will be mailed out upon receipt of payments. Shipments for personal checks will be held
until bank clears the checks.
Please make payments to:
Mail payments to:
CTGPGC c/o Steve Maydan
63 New St.
Ridgefield, Ct. 06877 USA
Lot # 1
Getting warmed up.
Gary Miller
1659 Miller ’13
1548 Hockley x 1495 Stelts
Grew the 1752.50 Larue ‘14
Dale Marshall
1723 Marshall ’11
1634 Werner x Self
Quinn Werner
1498 Werner 2012
1495 Stelts x 1634 Werner
Leonardo Urena
1592 Urena 2013
1560 Urena 2011
1503 Urena 2013
1452 Urena (DMG) 2013
1480 Urena (DMG) 2012
1174 Urena (2013)
1138 Urena 2013
1080 Urena 2013
Lot # 2
1756 Lancaster X 1495 Stelts
1303 Sweet x 991 Urena
1730 Werner X 991 Urena
991 Urena X 1789 Wallace
1404 Bryson X 1495 Stelts
1770 Lieber X 1789 Daletas
1789 Daletas X 1770 Lieber
1495 Stelts X 1789 Daletas
Steve Geddes
1843.5 Geddes ‘13
1140 Finders x 1704 Urena
1451.5 Geddes ’13
1799.5 Daletas ’12 x 1465.5 Westcott ’12
1411 Geddes ’13
1465.5 Westcott ’12 x 1634 Werner ‘10
1407 Geddes ’13
1756 Lancaster ’12 x 1630.5 Globus ‘12
Lot # 3
Garry Gantner
1625.5 Gantner ‘13
1495 Stelts x Self
Lot # 4
Karl Haist
1725.5 Haist 2014
1512 Brownell x 1756 Lancaster
1490 Haist 2014
1495 Stelts x 1756 Lancaster
1477 Haist ’13
1161 Rodonis x 1465 Westcott
1264 Haist ’13
1221 Robinson x 1014 Kuhn *
1181.5 Haist ’13
1843.5 Geddes ’12 x 1161 Rodonis
Lot # 5
25% chance of Squash
Big and Orange
Lieber 2010
1161 Rodonis x Self
1544.5 Revier 2009
1385 Jutras x 1161 Rodonis
Zywiec 2014
1783.5 Stevens ‘13 x 2328 Meier ‘13
Christensen '14 1662 Stelts '09x1107 Zunino '13
1295.5 Baily 2013
811 Gerhart x 1409 Miller
1024 Northrup 2013
1634 Werner x 1495 Stelts
998 Northrup 2013
1789 Wallace x 1495 Stelts
HD winner
Speed Lot - last bid after 60 seconds wins
1104 Wallace 2012
1409 Miler x 1789 Wallace Great Sleeper seed
Long Gourds
Lot # 6
108.25 Jutras ’13
124.5 Young x 116 Martin
(4 seeds)
107.75 Jutras ’13
124.5 Young x 116 Martin
(4 seeds)
102.25 Jutras ’13
116 Martin x 124.5 Young
(4 seeds)
Lot # 7
Todd Kline
120” Kline 2012
127.5 Kline x Sib (2 seeds)
Lot # 8
Al Eaton
121.19 Eaton 2013
122.88 Eaton 2012
116 Eaton 2012
116 Eaton 2013
122.88 '12 X 112 Eaton '12
(4 seeds)
116.62 Martin '11 X 110.13 Mailoy '11 (4 seeds)
116.62 Martin '11 X 135.94 Martin '11 (WR) (4 seeds)
137.Wright ' 12 (WR) x 122.88 Eaton '12 (#1 Can.) (4 seeds)
Giant Green Squash
Lot # 9
Joel Jarvis
1486 Jarvis SQ ’11
1002 Jarvis x 952 Sherwood
1245 Jarvis ’13 dmg
1135 Jutras x 1486 Jarvis
1217.5 Jarvis ‘09
800 Neily x 1132 Vincent-McGill
1037.5 Jarvis ‘11
1217.5 Jarvis x 1002 Jarvis
609 Jarvis ‘12
1002 Jarvis x self
Lot # 10
1175 Houlb x 924 Jutras
1135 Jutras SQ ’13
1486.6 Jarvis x 1130 Jutras
Grew the 1175 Houlb ‘13
#2 Squash in 2014
Scott Holub
1175 Holub '13
1037.5 Jarvis x self
1195 Holub '14
1175 Holub '13 x self
Lot # 12
Grew the Jarvis 1002
Joe Jutras
1421.5 Jutras SQ ’14
Lot # 11
Former World Record
Grew the 1421.5 Jutras
New World Record Squash – Congrats Scott!
1578 Holub '14
615 Cantrel x self
**** WORLD RECORD ****
Back to Pumpkins
Lot # 13
Nick Huydic – Great potential with these genetics
1625.5 Huydic 2014
Lot # 14
2009 Wallace x 1725 Harp
Lorelee Zywiec
1781 Zywiec 2014
1623 Wallace x 2328 Meier ‘13
Speed Lot - last bid after 60 seconds wins
1592 Platte
Lot # 15
1566 Rodonis x 1303 Sweet Another “sleeper” seed.
Gary Vincent – Some nice crosses here
1751.5 Vincent 2014
2032 Mathison x 2009 Wallace
1532.5 Vincent 2014
2009 Wallace x 2032 Mathison
1524.5 Vincent 2014
1676 Daletas x 1623 Wallace
10% Heavy
1382.5 Vincent 2012
1495 Stelts x 1381 Checkon
6% Heavy
1200 Vincent 2014 (EST)
1623 Wallace x 2009 Wallace
Lot # 16
Joe Werner
1779 J.Werner ’13
1623 Wallace x 1756 Lancaster grew the 1832 Midthun ‘14
1305 J.Werner ’13
1756 Lancaster x 1623 Wallace
1113 J.Werner ’13
1554 Rose x 1623 Wallace
Lot # 17
Mark Clementz 1317
1317 Clementz 2013
Lot # 18
Charlie Lieber’s Massachusetts State Record
1870 Lieber '14
Lot # 19
2009 Wallace x Self
1676.5 Daletas
1676.5 Daletas 2012
Lot # 20
1495 Stelts x 2009 Wallace (Grew his 1947.5)
Steve’s Best
1381 Checkon x 1495 Stelts
Steve’s Unbelievable 2012 Season
1799.5 Daletas 2012
1495 x 1409 Miller
1788.5 Daletas 2012
1421 Stelts x 1381 Checkon
1778.5 Daletas 2012
1596 Werner x 991 Urena
1531.5 Daletas 2012
991 Urena x 1381 Checkon
1476.5 Daletas x 1381 Checkon
Daletas 2012
1512 Daletas 2012
1303 Sweet x 1495 Stelts
1221 Daletas 2012
1409 Miller x 1495 Stelts
Lot # 21
Steve Daletas 2014
1846 Daletas 2014 DMG
1676.5 Daletas x 1495 Stelts
1834 Daletas 2014 DMG
2009 Wallace x 1495 Stelts
1754 Daletas 2014 DMG
1495 Stelts x 1495 Stelts sib
1719.5 Daletas 2014
1676.5 Daletas x 2009 Wallace
1689.5 Daletas 2014
1495 Stelts x 1495 Stelts sib
1630 Daletas 2014
1596 Werner x 1495 Stelts
Lot # 22
Pete Midthun
1832 Midthun 2014
Lot # 23
1779 J. Werner ’13 x 2328 Meier ‘13
Ian Paton (U.K.) From Across the Pond
1884 Paton 2014
1623 Wallace x self
1649 Paton est dmg 2014
2009 Wallace x 1623 Wallace ("Shape shifter")
1528 Paton est dmg 2014
2009 Wallace x1985 Miller
1179 Paton est dmg 2014
2009 Wallace x 2009 Wallace
Lot # 24
John Harnica
1865 Harnica 2014
Lot # 25
2032 Mathison x 1985 Miller
Chad Gehweiler – See those 2328 pollinators
1882 Gehweiler 2014
1623 Wallace x 1633 Menting Est. Wisconsin State Record
1692.5 Gehweiler J. 2014
1392 Gehweiler X 2328 Meier
1675 Gehweiler 2014
1623 Menting est dmg X 2328 Meier ‘13
1644.5 Gehweiler 2014
179 Debacco x 1392 Gehweiler
1530 Gehweiler 2013
1770 Lieber x 2009 Wallace
1479.5 Gehweiler 2014
1392 Gehweiler x 2328 Meier ‘13
1460 Gehweiler 2014
1317 Clementz x 1392 Gehweiler
1392 Gehweiler 2013
1623 Wallace x 1872 Wallace
Lot # 26
Don Barron
1916 Barron 2014
2009 Wallace x 1730 Werner
1738 Barron 2014
1730 Werner x 2009 Wallace
Lot # 27
Karl Haist’s New York State Record
1969 Haist 2014
Lot # 28
1756 Lancaster x 1495 Stelts
Mark Clementz
1947.5 Clementz 2014
1317 Clementz x 2009 Wallace Michigan State Record
1768 Clementz 2014
2009 Wallace x 1067 Kent
1641 Clementz 2014
1539 Gehweiler x 1067 Kent
1609 Clementz 2014
1067 Kent x 2009 Wallace
1395.5 Clementz 2014
2009 Wallace x self
Lot # 29 Pete & Cindi Glasier
2036 Glasier 2014
1985 Miller ’13 x 2009 Wallace
1588 Glasier 2014 est dmg
2009 Wallace x 1784 Glasier
1350 Glasier 2014 est dmg
1784 Glasier x 2009 Wallace
1784 Glasier 2013
1730 Werner x 1770 Lieber
1553 Glasier 2013
1602 Glasier x 1409 Miller
Lot # 30 Quinn Werner 1730.5
1730.5 Werner 2012
( 1494 Bordsen x 1596 Werner) Grew 1916, 1784, 1738
Lot # 31 Northrup 1813 – Grows ‘em Heavy!
1813 Northrup 2013
(1495 Stelts x 1634 Werner)
Lot # 32 Mathison 1874.5
1874.5 Mathison ‘13
1554 Mathison x 2009 Wallace
Lot # 33 Mathison 1894
1894 Mathison ’13
1472.5 Mathison x 2009 Wallace
Lot # 34 Mathison 2032
2032 Mathison ’13
2009 Wallace x 1554 Mathison
Lot # 35 Gary Miller 1985
1985 Miller ’13
2009 Wallace x 1725 Harp