January, 2015 FRANKLIN SENIOR CENTER 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA 02038 Phone: 508-520-4945 Fax: 508 520-4917 Open Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm FREE WIFI COMMON GROUNDS CAFÉ Breakfast 8:30-10:00 am Lunch 11:30-1:00 pm CAFÉ is C L O S E D on January 1, 19 & 30 BEN’S BOUNTY GIFT SHOP Mon thru Fri; 10 am - 2 pm Hand knitted baby clothes and lots of great bargains! ART FOR YOUR MIND: WHY SO FAMOUS? ART FOR YOUR MIND presents Why So Famous? Join us on Friday, January 23 at 10:00 a.m. for this interacve art history program. Medieval mes to modern, abstract art, there have been famous creaons. Discover what the “big deal” is about many famous works of art by arsts such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Velasquez, Picasso, Monet, O’Keefe, Warhol and others. As we review the language of art - line, color, form, texture and space, we’ll move through me and around the world to see how art and its means of telling stories have evolved. Learn to look closely, ask yourself quesons and gain a renewed sense of all that art has to teach. Please call to sign up for this excing program with Jill Sanford. RECRUITING VETERANS FOR ORAL HISTORY PROJECT THE VETERANS HISTORY PROJECT is a program of the Library of Congress, which catalogues recorded interviews with our naon’s veterans. Franklin TV will videotape recordings of veterans who want to tell their stories. These videotapes will then be sent to the Library of Congress and catalogued for this project. They will also be shown on Franklin TV. We are looking for veterans who served in the U.S. military, in any capacity. War me service is not required. Photographs, documents and arfacts can be included. Please call the Center to arrange for an interview. LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE NOW! Starng next month, Wellness Nurse Linda Hasngs will present this innovave series to make posive changes in your life! Six interacve workshops will be held on Wednesdays at 11 AM. Jan. 14: “Embracing a Year of Firsts” Tips, tricks and strategies to recharge your life by doing something brand new everyday! Life can get old - rejuvenate your days by infusing them with new challenges and adventures. Jan. 28: “The Li.le Things Really are the Big Things” We share ideas for reducing stress and appreciang the li&le things in life that are so important, yet somemes forgo&en. CALL TO SIGN UP TODAY! Daily Activities… MONDAY 9am-2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 9am&1pm Painng with Aivars Zandbergs 9:30am Italian Conversaon Group 10am Mexican Train Dominoes 10am Asian Mah Jong 11am Book Discussion Group reviews The Mistress of Nothing by Kate Pullinger; 1/5 12pm Zumba Aerobics/$3, free for Y mbrs 1pm Chair Volleyball 1pm American Mah Jong 1:15pm Monday Movies: see page 5. 6pm Cribbage TUESDAY 9am 9:30am 9:30am 10am 10am 10:45am 12:30pm 1pm 1pm 1pm Cribbage Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 Busy Bee CraJs Manicures with Rona /$8, by appt. Quilng for Beginners Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 1/20 - Legal Clinic w/Fran Small by appointment. Bingo! Eye Health Support Group; Jan. 13 Beginners Cribbage Lessons The Senior Center’ will be closed on January 1 & January 19. WEDNESDAY 8:45-10am Blood Sugar Tests (2nd/4th Wed.) 9am 9am 10am 10am Trailblazer Walking Club SHINE Counselor (by appt.) Quilng/KniEng Instrucon Scrabble 10am Chair&Mat Yoga; Susan Winters/$3 10:30am Line Dancing w/Mary Lennon/$2 11:15am Meditaon with Susan Winters/$2 12 - 2pm 1 - 3 pm 1pm 2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 Senior Scribblers (Wring Group) Line Dancing with Clare Shea/$4 Chess Club; 3rd Wed; Jan. 21 4pm Caregivers Support Group; see pg. 5 THURSDAY 9am-1pm Free Blood Pressure Tesng 9am Cribbage & Bridge 9:30 Busy Bee CraJs 9:30 Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 10am Current Events Discussion Group (2nd & 4th Thursday of month) 10:45am Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 12pm Tai Chi /$5, free for ‘Y’ members 1pm Bingo! Open Art “T Studio with Diana V. *1pm The Page Turners discuss * Walking Club meets at Town Common; weather permitting. FRIDAY 10am Woodcarving 11am Zumba Aerobics/$3; free for Y members 1pm TOPS Weight Loss Support Group 1-3:45pm Podiatry Clinic (by appointment) 1pm Pokeno 2pm The Silvertones, Senior Chorus “We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools.” - Marn Luther King Upcoming Events... Tues., Jan.13: THE EYE HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP meets at 1:00 p.m. All are welcome. Wed., Jan. 14: EMBRACING A YEAR OF FIRSTS with Wellness Nurse, Linda Hasngs; see page 1. Thurs., Jan. 22: CURRENT EVENTS DISCUSSION GROUP presents a discussion on Community Policing with local police representaves at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome; please call to sign up. Fri., Jan. 23: ART FOR YOUR MIND presents Why So Famous? at 10:00 a.m.; see page 1. Mon., Jan 26: FREE SILK FLOWER ARRANGEMENT CLASS with Instructors, Diana Vandekerkhoff & Valerie Blaine at 9:30 a.m. Chase Old Man Winter away by thinking Spring! All materials are free of charge and you will take your masterpiece home with you! Please call to sign up. Tues., Jan. 27: AMERICAN MAH JONGG LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS at 12:30 p.m. Learn how much fun this great game is with our Instructor, Linda Huempfner. Call to sign up. Wed., Jan. 28: THE LITTLE THINGS REALY ARE THE BIG THINGS, with Wellness Nurse Linda Hasngs, see pg.1. Fri., Jan. 30: NOSTALGIA PARTY with performers, Vic & Scks at 10:30 a.m., who will take us down musical Memory Lane! Dinner is Parmesan Baked Pork Chops and we’ll have free raffles along with a 50/50 raffle; please purchase ckets ($6) by January 23. ODDS & ENDS: SENATOR RICHARD ROSS OFFICE HOURS will be held at the Senior Center on Wednesday, February 18, at 10:00 a.m. CIRCUIT BREAKER TAX CREDIT EXPLAINED Join us on Feb. 27 at 1:30 p.m. Learn about how this credit can put more money in your pocket! EMERGENCY KITS AVAILABLE for those in need; see page 4 for details! SENIOR CENTER CLOSING NOTIFICATION If you are NOT currently geEng noficaon calls when we are closed due to weather, call the Center to get on the list. Calls are made between 7:45 & 8:00 a.m. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! @FranklinSrCntr See what’s trending at the Center! Get our newsle&er, menus and more! CHARLES F. OTERI & SON Franklin Funeral Home 33 Cottage St., Franklin, MA 02038 (508) 528-0011 Charles F. Oteri/Sean A. Oteri, Licensed Directors www.oterifuneralhome.com Thinking of Selling? Call us today for a FREE consultation ATTENTION CAREGIVERS! The Franklin Senior Center now offers a trained Companion to stay with your loved one so you can have some me off. Our Companion Caregiver Program can help and the first visit is free! Please call Elaine at (508) 520-4945. Visiting Practitioners, LLC. Lyn O’Brien, PhD RN/NP Comprehensive Medical Care at Home (508) 530530-3140 Website: visitingpractitioners.com KEEFE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. “Personal and Professional Service since 1913” RealLiving Realty Group Matt Kelly 508-520-1600 Mike Colombo Auto · Home· Business · Life· Financial Planning Bob Keras/Peter Brunelli 51 West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038 508 528-3310/www.keefeinsurance.com Information & Referral... WITH MEDICARE PLANS, DOES IT MATTER WHICH PHARMACY YOU USE? For many Medicare plans, the pharmacy you use could make a big difference in the cost of your drugs! All Medicare drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans (HMOs, PPOs) have network pharmacies. Most pharmacies accept most plans. However, if you go to a pharmacy that isn’t in your plan’s network, your drugs will not be covered. In 2015, 80% of the Medicare drug plans have preferred pharmacies. By using a preferred pharmacy, you will save money! Many plans have changed their preferred pharmacies for next year. You should check that the pharmacy you currently use is sll a preferred pharmacy. Most plans have a mail-order program that allows you to get a 90-day supply of your covered prescripon drugs sent directly to your home. This can be a cheaper and easier way to fill your prescripons. DID YOU REACH THE “DONUT HOLE” LAST YEAR? Chances are you could reach it again! If you have a Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plan and do not get Extra Help, you will reach that coverage gap when the total retail cost of your prescripon drugs reaches $2960. Then you will pay 45% of the cost of brand name drugs and 65% for generics. Think what that means…. a $300 brand name drug will now cost you $135! Prescripon Advantage can help. Prescripon Advantage, the Massachuse&s prescripon drug assistance program, can help pay for your prescripon drugs when you reach the “donut hole.” To find out how to lower your drug costs, call Prescripon Advantage at: 1-800-243-4636 or TTY (toll free) at 1-877-6100241for the deaf and hard of hearing with Text Telephone capability. You can also visit our web-site: www.prescriponadvantagema.org. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FOR FRAIL ELDERS: If you need assistance in preparing for a natural disaster or other emergency, the Franklin Council on Aging in collaboraon with the Franklin Food Pantry and the Neighbor Brigade, is offering Emergency Kits which include ba&eries, bo&led water, and a flashlight. For more informaon or to obtain a kit, call Erin Rogers at (508) 520-4945. Kits are sponsored through the generosity of the Franklin Rotary Club. FUEL ASSISTANCE: Don’t freeze this winter! Apply for some help with Fuel Assistance. A one-person household can make up to $32,618 and a two-person household can make up to $42,654. Call for an appointment today! - FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ABOVE, CALL ERIN ROGERS (508) 520-4945 - se erti v d A re! He 8) ( 50 57 : l l Ca - 9 5 553 Supportive Day Program... Monday Matinee... The Sunshine Club at the Franklin Senior Center offers frail elders individual a&enon and the company of others. Fun acvies, lively discussions and gentle exercise make for a smulang day. If you care for a loved one who is frail, socially isolated, has low vision or demena, come visit! To learn more, call Carol Adile&o or Donna Haynes at (508) 520-4945. A CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP is offered on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Parcipaon in the Supporve Day Program is not required for the Support Group. Please call to sign up for the Support Group; you can make a reservaon for respite care during the meeng. This program is supported, in part, through a grant from the Execuve Office of Elder Affairs. Movies shown on Mondays at 1:15 p.m. Jan 5: MALEFICENT (PG) A young woman, has an idyllic life in a peaceable kingdom, unl an invading army threatens and she becomes the land's fiercest protector. AJer she places a curse upon her enemy’s infant daughter, she realizes that the girl holds the key to peace in the kingdom; with Angelina Jolie & Elle Fanning. Jan. 12: MAGIC IN THE MOONLIGHT (PG-13) A celebrated magician who is grouchy and arrogant is persuaded by his friend to debunk the alluring young clairvoyant who is staying with a wealthy family on the Cote D’Azure; with Colin Firth & Emma Stone. Jan. 26: LOVE IS STRANGE (R) AJer decades together, Ben and George finally e the knot. But when George loses his job, they must sell their apartment and temporarily live apart. George moves in with neighbors and Ben lands in Brooklyn with his nephew and family; with John Lithgow & Alfred Molina. With Sincere Appreciation... The Friends of Franklin Elders for funding the fabulous entertainment at our Holiday Party. The Franklin Patrolman’s Associaon for hosng a delicious turkey dinner! The Busy Bees for a generous donaon in memory of Be.y Duncan. Hiram & Marilyn Carpenter for a generous donaon. Valerie Stybe, Gen Gagnon, & Diana Vandekerkhoff donated giJs for our holiday party. Mary & Ed Hick for a generous donaon in memory of Stella Jeon & Bob Gagnon. Bevery Theriault for a generous donaon in memory of Eddie Theriault. Nicole.a DiNunzio for a generous donaon in memory of Paula Krill. Pat Llewellyn for generously donang our movies each week. Beth Champlin, Pat Hogan, Dorothy Rose, Irene Mahr, Barbara DeCosta, Pat Stevens, Pora Tang, Dona Mackintosh, Jane Barraclough, Mary McManus, Chery Dolan, Sandra Baglioni, Debbie Pellegri, Eleanor Pupa, Nicole.a DiNunzio, Charles Donovan, Joan Scaringella, Paul Patete, Carol Condon, Diane Foster, Lisa Oliva, Lois Gray, Brenda Hutchinson, Pat TomaseL, Jane Coppola, Leo Cirotski, Marie Forgit, Mary Rebello, Lorraine Rojee, John Fenton, Millie Hanson, Renee Blaine, Jane Christy, Debbie Von Rueden, Alice Ri.man, Elizabeth Donovan, Gini Stafford, Sue Gurrie, Sandra Sullivan, Jeane.e Hunt, and Carolyn Marr for donang to our GiJ Shop. Got Photos! CAPTURED PICTURES tells your stories! We digitalize your photos into Photobooks & more! Gather your photos in the attic, closets, cell phones, old albums & boxes. We scan photos, slides & negatives to digital then organize onto a DVD. Seniors get 10% off! Call Phil or Patty (617) 872-7954 Terrific Trips... Date Destination Details Cost Wed., Jan. 7 LUNCH Restaurant 45, Medway Winter dinners - have lunch with friends! $3 per person; transportation only. Wed., Jan 21 LUNCH The Cracker Barrel, Wrentham Winter dinners - have lunch with friends! $3 per person; transportation only. Wed., Feb. 4 LUNCH Eagle Brook Saloon, Norfolk Winter dinners - have lunch with friends! $3 per person; transportation only. Wed., Feb. 18 Twin River Enjoy simulcast races and slots! $5 per person, transportation only. Wed., Mar.11 Tony Kenny Irish Cabaret At Venus DeMilo Wed., Mar. 18 LUNCH Mickey Cassidy’s Restaurant, Medway Wed., Mar. 25 A great St. Patrick's Day program featuring the $64 per person, all inclusive stunning vocals of Tony Kenny, Bernadette Ruddy, Lunch choice is: Corned Beef the Dublin City Dancers and Richie Hayes’ golden & Cabbage or Baked Schrod voice & comedic fun! Winter dinners - have lunch with friends! $3 per person, transportation only. Commonwealth Museum, See original treasures from the vaults of the Massa- $5 per person, includes Boston, with lunch at chusetts Archives, such as the Declaration of Inde- transportation and admisThe No Name Restaurant pendence, the Bill of Rights & the Massachusetts sion. Constitution, along with Paul Revere’s original engraving of the Boston Massacre. Free admission. Wed., April 1 Twin River May 29 to June 5 Boston to Bermuda Cruise with Norwegian Cruise Line Enjoy simulcast races and slots! $5 per person, transportation only 8 days & 7 nights, including roundtrip motorcoach $999 ppdo transportation to Boston Pier, all meals on board ship, travelers insurance, cocktail party, luggage handling, drivers gratuities and tour guide. TRIP POLICY: Recreational trips are available for seniors, 50 years of age and over, and disabled residents. Franklin residents are given preference for sign up for two weeks after the trip is published in The Franklin Connection. Payment for day trips is due upon sign up at the Senior Center. Disabled, non-senior riders are required to provide documentation verifying their disability. Seventy-two hours notice (3 business days) is required to receive a full refund for day trips. Conditions vary for overnight trips. For more information, please call (508) 520-4945. FOR TRANSPORTATION call Kiessling Transit at 1-800-698-7676, Option 1 FOR HOME DELIVERED MEALS call Tri-Valley Elder Services at 1-800-286-6640 Friends of Franklin Elders... MEMORIAL DONATIONS THE FRIENDS OF FRANKLIN ELDERS, INC. The Friends of Franklin Elders is a private, non-profit organizaon whose purpose is to supplement local and state government funding of the Franklin Senior Center by providing funds for programs, services, and equipment. The Friends also publish The Franklin Connec5on. Thanks for your generous donaons! The next meeng of the Friends of Franklin Elders is scheduled for Friday, January 23, at 9:30 a.m. The public is welcome to a&end! Richard Lacroix in memory of R.P. Andre Lacroix Dorothy E. Ahlin in memory of Esther Locke Valerie Blaine in memory of Paula Krill Marie Dalo in memory of Steve Dalo & the Mucciarone & Dalo families Phyllis Biggs in memory of Paula Krill Elaine RosseD in memory of Rose Vellu5 IT’S EASY & FREE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE FRANKLIN CONNECTION BY MAIL OR E-MAIL Renee & Louis Blaine in memory of Louis H. Blaine E-mail Subscripon: Go to: www.franklin.ma.us and click on ‘Subscribe to News’, enter your email address, check off The Franklin Connec&on, and click on ’Send My Request’. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscripon. YOU MUST REPLY to this email to acvate your subscripon! Genevieve Gagnon & Family in memory of Bob Gagnon Mail Subscripon: To receive each monthly issue of The Franklin Connec&on through the mail (if you reside in Franklin), please complete the informaon below and send it or drop it by the Senior Center at: 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA 02038. Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. I would like to receive The Franklin Connec&on in the mail. Please send it to me at the following address: NAME:___________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________ Ron Higginbo8om, Chairman Marge Capezza, Secretary Julie Garilli, Treasurer Natalie Caldwell Mary Ginivan Jackie Higgins Paula Lombardi Judy Pfeffer Helen Power Nan Ra=er Por5a Tang FRANKLIN COUNCIL ON AGING Officers: Chairman……..……………… Ken Norman Vice-Chairman…...…...……....Paul O’Connell Secretary………….…………..Barbara Deely Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Pre-Sorted c/o Franklin Council on Aging 10 Daniel McCahill Street Franklin, MA 02038 Standard Franklin, MA Permit No. 13 Members: Bob Crowley, Mary Hick, Lyn O’Brien Suzanne Wade & Lester Quan Staff: Director ………………..……….……...Karen Alves Program Coordinator…….…….…….Sue Barbour Vet’s Agent……………………....……..Bob Fahey Outreach Worker……………………...Erin Rogers Supportive Day Coordinators……...Carol Adiletto & Donna Haynes Supportive Day Program Aide…...Donna Brunelli Health & Wellness Nurse…………Linda Hastings Receptionists………..……….…..…...Claire Lewis Gloria Gelineau Respite Supervisor………………...Elaine Owens Respite Companions………....Karen Calabrese Driver…………………….....………..Phyllis Molloy Grill Cook.………………………….....Paul Ledwith The Franklin Connection is distributed with funds provided by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and the Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Franklin Senior Center “Independence, Information, & Connection!” The Franklin Council on Aging meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. This is an open mee5ng; the public is invited to a8end. The mission of the Franklin Council on Aging is to enhance the independence and quality of life for Franklin older adults by: ♦ Iden5fying the needs of this popula5on and crea5ng programs that meet those needs. ♦ Offering the knowledge, tools and opportuni5es to promote mental, social and physical well-being. ♦ Advoca5ng for relevant programs and services in our community. ♦ Serving as a community focal point for aging issues and as liaison to local, state and Federal resources for older adults and their families. And On The Lighter Side... NEW YEAR’S WISDOM May all your troubles last as long as your New Year resoluons. • A New Year’s resoluon is something that goes in one year and out the other. • My new year’s resoluon is to be more opmisc by keeping my cup half-full with either rum, vodka, or whiskey. DOGGY DO’S My dog taught me everything I need to know; It’s okay somemes to just eat and sleep. When you fall down, get back up and shake it off. Forget about it, and go on. Be very brave no ma&er your size. Make your own fun. Unleash your talents. Learn new tricks no ma&er your age. Make new friends. Sniff out opportunies. Chase aJer your dreams. When loved ones come home always run to greet them. At the end of the day it is best to snuggle no ma&er what has happened. Every day is a brand new day so just be happy! • PRAYER FOR GROWING OLDER You know that I am growing older. Keep me from becoming talkave and possessed with the idea that I must express myself on every subject. Release me from the craving to straighten out everyone’s affairs. Keep me from the recital of endless detail but give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips when I am inclined to tell of my aches and pains; they are increasing with the years, and my love to speak of them grows sweeter as me passes. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally, I may be wrong. Make me though[ul, but not nosey; helpful, but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom and experience, it does seem a pity not to use it all. But you know, that I want a few friends leJ at the end!
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