ST. BERNARD CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION CHURCH & SCHOOL SACRAMENTS 323 Reform St. North Norwood Young America, MN 55368 Contact Information Fr. Gregory Abbott, Pastor Rectory & Parish Office … 467-3351 Website …… Parish Office Hours: Mon. , Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 10 am—2pm. Trustees Gary Widmer ……………. 467-3082 John (Jack) Lano .……….. 467-3765 Parish Council Chairperson Brian Willems ….………… 467-9654 Communion for Homebound Rita Fahey……………….....467-6478 DRE for 6th—10th Grades Julie Kleindl………….…… 442-5803 DRE for Pre-k-5th Grades Kara Wickenhauser………. 466-4719 Prayer Chain Carol Donnay ……………. 467-2183 Lucy Kostecka …………... 467-2576 E-mail: Adoration Coordinator Jan Johnson……………952-412-4900 Music Liturgy Marilee Widmer ………… 467-3082 Social Hall Bookings Parish Office …..…………. 467-3351 Catholic United Financial Dennis Stoks …………952-240-5001 Knights of Columbus-Grand Knight Gerald Milz….……...467-3186 Baptisms: By appointment. Marriage Arrangements The couple should contact the priest as soon as they become engaged. They must meet with the priest twice before setting a marriage date. These two meetings need to be completed 6 months before the proposed date. Sacrament of Reconciliation Ascension—Sat. 4:15—4:45 pm. St. Bernard —Mon. 8:30 am. Sat. 7:15—7:45 pm. Additionally by appointment. Communion for Homebound Call parish office. Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office at any time. MASS SCHEDULE Ascension-Weekend-Sat. 5 pm. Sun. 8 am. Weekday –Tuesday 7:15 am. St. Bernard-Weekend-Sat. 8 pm. Sun. 10am. Weekday–Mon. Wed. & Fri. 8:00 am. Bulletin Co-editors 212 Church St. East Cologne, MN 55322 Contact Information Fr. Gregory Abbott, Pastor Sr. Jancy Nedumkallel, Principal Rectory & Parish Office …… 466-2031 Parish Information E-mail: Bookkeeper E-mail: Bulletin E-mail: School - Pre K—6th Grade … 466-5917 School Information E-mail: Website ... Convent …………………….. 466-5620 Patricia Quinn……….…….…....466-3304 E-mail … Parish Office Hours: Monday, Tues David Dettmann ………….…….467-2268 day & Wednesday 9am-1pm. Trustees Joint Bulletin published weekly at: Leonard Hoen …...…………. 466-2088 & Andrew Kleindl.…….……….442-5803 Finance Council Chairperson SCRIPTURE READINGS For the week of Dec. 21 – Dec. 27, 2014 12/21 Fourth Sunday of Advent: 2 Sm 7:1-5,8b -12,14a,16 * Ps 89:2-3,4-5,27,29 * Rom 16:25-27 * Lk 1:26-38. 12/22: 1 Sm 1:24-28 * 1Sm 2:1,4-5,6-7,8 * Lk 1:46-56. 12/23 (St. John of Kanty): Mal 3:1-4,23-24 * Ps 25:4-5,8-9,10,14 * Lk 1:57-66. 12/24: 2 Sm 7:1-5,8b-12,14a,16 * Ps 89:2-3,45,27,29 * Lk 1:67-79. 12/25 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): Is 9:1-6 * Ps 96:1-2,2-3,11-12,13 * Ti 2:11-14 * Lk 2:1-14. 12/26 St. Stephen: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59 * Ps 31:3-4,6,8,16-17 * Mt 10:17-22. 12/27 St. John: 1 Jn 1:1-4 * Ps 97:1-2,5-6 * Jn 20:1a,2-8. Copyright 2014 by Creative Communications for the Parish. Used with permission. Bernie J. Shambour…… 952-466-5928 Parish Council Chairperson Carol Symanitz……….…651-331-8665 School Advisory Council Chairperson Pam Kunkel ..…………….952-467-3222 Faith Formation Coordinator FaithFormation@ Ladies Guild President Monica Kooiman …………... 466-5769 Prayer Chain Patsy Quinn….. ……….……. 466-3304 Lori Kasel Adoration Coordinator Helen Nicklaus …………….. 466-2000 Catholic United Financial Helen Hilgers ………………. 466-5567 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT – DECEMBER 21, 2014 MERRY CHRISTMAS! EMMANUEL Does God know? Does God care? This has been a difficult time of year for me ever since I lost my spouse. Does God know? Does God care? It’s been years since my sister has talked with me. Does God know? Does God care? That St. Bernard School is closing has made this a painful year. Does God know? Does God care? I’m getting older and slower and my memory is slipping. To be honest, this is frightening. Does God know? Does God care? My husband and I aren’t getting along. Does God know? Does God care? EMMANUEL—GOD WITH US. " ehold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a B son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,"which means "God is with us."Matthew 1:23 CHRISTMAS assure us that GOD DOES KNOW AND DOES CARE. God stooped low to take on human flesh in Jesus Christ and became one of us to assure us that He knows and cares about our difficulties. Isaiah prophesied about Jesus: Yet it was our pain that he bore, our sufferings he endured (Isaiah 53:4). Our faith gives us the assurance that God is with us in our sufferings—we are not alone. At every Mass we can unite our sufferings with Jesus’ suffering. When we do so we experience in a small way the resurrection. Rejoice, God is with us! Wishing you a blessed Christmas Season, Fr. Gregory CALENDAR FOR ASCENSION AND ST. BERNARDS’ PARISHES Dec. 22nd.—EARLY DEADLINE FOR THE BULLETIN FOR THE WEEKEND OF JAN. 3/4. ALL COPY MUST BE IN BY NOON. Dec. 24 At Ascension-4:30 pm: Music Cantata with Mass at 5:00 pm Dec. 25 At Ascension-8:00 am: Christmas Day Mass Dec. 25 and Jan 1-At Ascension-There will be no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament due to Christmas and New Years Day Holiday. Dec. 31-At St. Bernard’s-8:00 pm-Mass for Holy Day of Obligation, Mary Mother of God Jan. 1-At Ascension-8:00 am-Mass for Holy Day of Obligation, Mary Mother of God Jan. 1-At St. Bernard’s-10:00 am-Mass for Holy Day of Obligation, Mary Mother of God Jan. 4-At Ascension-Fellowship Sunday after Mass Jan. 4-At Ascension-KC Bingo 1:00-3:00 pm MATTHEW 25:14-30 Did you look up this passage as I invited you to in the December 7th bulletin? January 4-9, 2015 I will be attending the National Leadership Roundtable—Toolbox for Pastoral Management in St. John’s Florida (bummer location!). I want to learn how to be a better pastor. This seminar was recommended to me by the archdiocese as one means to assist in helping me to become a better pastor. Review information about the program at: http:// programs/toolbox.html. I will leave the covering priest’s phone number on our answering machines for emergencies. Fr. Gregory Religious Retirement Fund: Thank you ! “We can certainly call you friends because of the way you care for our retired members,” writes a religious brother. You gift to last week’s collection for the retirement Fund for Religious benefits some 35,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. May God bless you for your generosity! Christ is Born! Christmas Masses at Ascension will be Dec. 24th at 5pm and Dec. 25th at 8am. Christmas Masses at St. Bernard will be Dec. 24th at 8pm and Dec. 25th at 10am. Come let us worship Him! Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God. Masses, Dec. 31st. 8PM at St. Bernard; Jan. 1st 8AM at Ascension; 10AM at St. Bernard. Church of the Ascension Norwood Young America, MN Stewardship Thank you for your time and talent you are willing to share here at Ascension. Please return your completed Time & Talent Response Forms. If you did not bring your forms to Mass, please bring them next week or mail them to the parish office. Also available at Thank you again for your part in making stewardship a way of life. Sue Tellers (467-3274) Jan Pouliot (467-2259) Stewardship Committee Members: Marlene Robinson, Wendell & Joan Stuewe, Dean & LuAnn Johnson, Sherry Witte, and Gary & Marilee Widmer. Gifts for the Baby Jesus – Birthright We are again collecting Gifts for the Baby Jesus, including clothing, blankets, or anything that can be used by a baby or its mother. They will be given to Birthright to assist mothers who are uncertain about their pregnancies during a difficult time. Gifts may be placed by Mary’s altar or around the crib during Advent through January 4th. Checks are also welcome and should be made out to Birthright and placed in the collection in a marked envelope. A note for Ascension lectors: Please pause for about 3 seconds after the last Psalm response before beginning the second reading. Perhaps it would be good to mentally say a short prayer, such as: “Come Lord Jesus, send us your spirit, renew the face of the earth” or one of your own choosing. Thank you for your important service to God. Questions: Rita Fahey, Scheduling coordinator, 952-467-6478. December 21st Fourth Sunday of Advent For all expectant mothers, especially those facing challenges: That they may look to Our Lady’s example of faith in God’s care; We pray to the Lord: Church of St. Bernard Cologne, MN Update—Thank you to all who came to our fun St Nick Dinner. We hope you enjoyed it! We appreciate all the donations and bidding on the auction items. Everybody enjoyed the dinner! We thank Laura Templin and her family and also her sister, who came from New Ulm. The food was delicious. We thank all the helpers at the beverage and game areas. We would also like to thank the people who bussed tables and those that stayed to help with clean-up. You all made the evening special and fun! We thank Monica Kooiman for organizing the dinner and the entertainment for the children. Keith Kooiman is a great auctioneer and bingo caller. Everybody enjoyed the short time of bingo and the prizes. Our profit from the night is a little over $2500.00. Important Dates December 22 – January 2rd Christmas Vacation January 5 School Resumes January 12 School Advisory Committee Mtg. at 7pm January 10 First Reconciliation Retreat for 2 Graders January 16 End of second quarter January 17 First Reconciliation January 19 No School - Teacher workshop January 22 Report cards January 25-30 Catholic Schools Week (all week event will be given) January 2 Catholic Schools Week Opening Mass at 10:00AM Pancake Breakfast/Bake sale February 15 Winter Carnival Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Thank you to all who donated items to the Thanksgiving Food Drive! The Southwest Carver County Food Shelf gratefully acknowledges the gift of 264 lbs. of food donated to the Food Shelf for the Thanksgiving Food Drive. Your contribution is appreciated on behalf of those served by the Food Shelf. There will not be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Dec 25th, Christmas Day, or on Jan. 1st, New Year’s Day. St. Bernard GROW Evangelization initiative: A bulk mailing post card to all Cologne Postal customers was sent this past week. It contains an invitation to celebrate the birth of our Savior at St. Bernard Catholic Church, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The post card also invites people to the St. Bernard School Christmas program. Additional post cards are available in the narthex, for you to send to friends and neighbors outside of Cologne. Please add post card postage of 34 cents. Thank you to Dean Johnson who has generously given of his time and talent during the past 2 years to oversee and maintain the boilers for Ascension parish. Stewardship of Treasure Is not available due to the early deadline of this bulletin. The Stewardship of Treasure report will appear in the next available bulletin. Thank you for your support. CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND LITURGY SCHEDULE December 22, 2014 through December 28, 2014 LECTORS: Dec. 24–8 pm. Becky Worm December 25th—10 am. Lori Kasel Saturday 8:00pm. Patricia Quinn Sunday 10:00 am. Mary Sue Thaemert SERVERS: Weekdays: St. Bernard School Student Dec. 24th 8pm. Caleb Wickenhauser & Mitchell Weiland Dec. 25th 10 am. Jordan Machacek & Grace Wickenhauser Saturday 8pm. Brett & Jared Kleindl Sunday 10:00am. Amy & Anna Broll EUCHARISTIC MINISTER CUP MINISTERS Dec. 24th 8pm. Sr. Jancy Andy Kleindl & Megan Wickenhauser Dec. 25th 10 am. Pam Kunkel Darin Feist & Tom Kasel Saturday 8:00pm Sister Parnitha Sunday 10:00am. Judy Glander USHERS:Dec. 24 8pm. Brent Buesgens & Danny Hoen Dec. 25 10 am. Jerry Laumann & Laura Schroeder Saturday 8:00 pm Danny Hoen & Ralph Laumann Sunday 10:00 am. Laura Schroeder & Mike Pawelk GREETERS: Dec. 24th 8 pm. Cheryl Rademacher Dec. 25th 10 am. Vern Elke Saturday 8:00 pm. Marcy Wickenhauser Sunday 10:00 am. Eileen Fasching GIFT BEARERS: Dec. 24th 8 pm. Sue & Allen Wickenhauser Family Dec. 25th 10 am. Darin Feist Family Saturday 8:00 pm. Julie & Andy Kleindl Family Sunday 10:00 am. Kara & Rob Wickenhauser Family MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS: Saturday Dec. 20 8:00 pm. †Dolores Schrempp Sunday Dec. 21 10:00 am. People of the Parish Monday Dec. 22 8:00 am. †Donald Beckrich Tuesday Dec. 23 No Mass Wednesday Dec. 24 8:00 pm. †Phillip Shambour Thursday Dec. 25 10:00 am. People of the Parish Friday Dec. 26 8:00 am. A.T. Saturday Dec. 27 8:00 pm People of the Parish Sunday Dec. 28 10:00 am. Triumph of the Crucified Innocence Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday 8:30 a.m.; Saturday: 7:15-7:45 p.m. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION STEWARSHIP OF TIME Dec. 22 through Dec. 28 SERVERS: Dec. 24 5:00 pm: Nick Christianson, Jacob Simons Dec. 25 8:00 am: Hayden & Bennett Molva Sat. 5:00 pm: Joe Lemmer, Mitchell Lemmer Sun. 8:00 am: Nick Holliday, Rachel Holliday LECTORS: Dec. 24 5:00 pm: Ann Dettmann Dec. 25 8:00 am: Dale Lemmer Sat. 5:00 pm: Ann Dettmann Sun. 8:00 am: Rita Fahey EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Dec. 24 5:00 pm: Bill Hart. Carol Donnay, Ann Fitz Dec. 25 8:00 am: Sue Tellers, Diane Weckmann, Lisa Whitaker Sat. 5:00pm: Steve Helget Sun. 8:00 am: Irene Yaeck COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: December 25: Ann Fitz, Chris George December 28: Rich & Sue Tellers January4: Joe & Diane Weckmann USHERS FOR DECEMBER: Sat. 5:00 pm: Larry Schmidt, Michael Schwichtenberg Sunday 8:00 am: Bill Dvorak, Tom Fahey SACRISTAN: Dec. 24 5:00 pm: Sherry Witte Dec. 25 8:00 am: Brian Willems Sat. 5:00 pm: David Dettmann Sun. 8:00 am: Pat Clark GREETERS: Dec. 24 5:00 pm: Ann Dettmann Dec. 25 8:00 am: Jan Pouliot Sat. 5:00 pm: Volunteer Sun. 8:00 am: Lisa Whitaker MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS Monday Dec. 22 No Mass Tuesday Dec. 23 7:15 am Pope Francis Wednesday Dec. 24 5:00 pm Frank Hally † Thursday Dec. 25 8:00 am All Parishioners Friday Dec. 26 No Mass Sat. Dec. 27 5:00 pm Rosie Stiewe † Sun. Dec. 28 8:00 am All Parishioners SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:15-4:45 pm WEEKLY COLLECTION There will not be a collection report this week due to early bulletin deadline. DORIS MIELKE Parishioner - St. Bernard Realtor, ePro. CBR FAHEY and Associates, Inc. 952-467-2181 NYA 141 East First Street Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-2121 Email: 612-910-2365 Waconia Deputy Registrar Marlene Robinson Ascension Parishioner 300 North Faxon Road•NYA (952) 467-3692 Hours: Mon & Fri 8 AM-5PM Tue-Wed-Thu 8:30 AM-5 PM Sat. 8 AM-11:30 AM 952-442-4038 222 W. Main St. Waconia WILLEMS CABINETS & WOODWORKING, INC. Specializing in Quality, Late Model, Sport and Collectable Cars & Trucks Equipment Repairs & Mfg. 952-466-3343 Roger Kleman P.O. Box 76, Cologne 513 W. Lake St. FAMILY HOME TEAM MAYER LUMBER COMPANY, INC. RE/MAX Alliance Realty Cabinets, Furniture & Formica Work 203 Playhouse St. East Norwood Young America 952.467.3281 • Cologne 952-466-2522 Norwood Young America 952-467-3800 DOWNTOWN WACONIA 442-4242 201 Ash Ave. So., Mayer, MN WWW.YETZERS.COM 952-657-2291 Brian & Ann Klingelhutz Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 710 Faxon Rd., NYA 952-467-1999 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. (612) 508-9707 Kristin Klingelhutz (612) 508-1008 Let Our Family Help Yours Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 Jeffrey R. Hebeisen, CIC Agent/Owner Norwood-Young America 952-467-2535 FAHEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months SCHMIDT CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Realtors, Auctioneers & Appraisers 512 Faxon Rd., NYA, MN 55368 “Experience the Difference” • Natural Healthcare for All Ages • Massage Therapy & Ear Candling Realtors: Tim Fahey, Doris Mielke & Brenda Schmitz Appraiser: Lynne Brueggemeier Let Experience Work For You 952-467-2505 320 Hill St., NYA 952-467-3598 Dr. Julie Schmidt 952-467-3000 WE WANT TO BE YOUR BANK! FAHEY GREEN ISLE EQUIP. CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS 6 Times Per Year Plus Other Scheduled Equipment Auctions. To Sell Your Equipment Call: Tim Fahey 612-282-5832 108550 St Bernard Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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