Feb. 7th Two Harbors Breakwater Arts Integration WK 015 ARY 2 U N A J E: U ..... 2 IS IS S ect .. IN TH gration Proj Inte Arts ns: nd ...... 9 ussio ent a Conc very Par o Know.... E t ds t e Wha e N ent 12-2 0 ation Stud Educ .............. unity .... Comm es............ s Clas – NextrcIshs2u0e 15 ! Ma HS William Kelley High School begins Arts Integration Project with Perpich Center for Arts Education Nine school districts in Northeast Minnesota, including William Kelley High School in Silver Bay,, are embarking on a long-term adventure with the Perpich Center for Arts Education and receiving concentrated support and direct professional development. Using state Legacy funds, teacher teams create new curriculum that infuses academics and the arts in ways that the participants believe will help to increase learning, heighten student interest and build community in their schools. Teachers at William Kelley who are participating include: Katie Fritz (English/Language Arts), Lela Goettl (Special Education), Alan Harbson (English/ Language Arts), Dan Johnson (Mathematics), Lisa Malcomb (Visual Art), and Kris Peterson (Band). “True arts integration pushes students to not only create but to consider and evaluate their own work and the work of others. The creative process is one that requires higher level thinking skills but requires students to not only think about their general studies in a different way, but to also interpret them through the creation of an artwork whether it be visual art, song, poetry or dance.” said Lisa Malcomb. The schools and districts involved are : Big Fork School, Deer River High School and NashwaukKeewatin High School, Itasca County; Cloquet Public Schools and Cromwell-Wright School, Carlton County; Ely Public Schools and Proctor Public Schools, St. Louis County; and Hill City School, Aitkin County. continued on ppage g 21 Students working to write an original band piece about the Silver Bay area. 2 Composer, Brad Bombardier N Lake School District Superior MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT FOR LAKE SUPERIOR SCHOOL DISTRICT Great things are taking place and will be taking place in the Lake Superior Schools. We are upgrading three computer labs one in each of our schools. The current computers were not able to operate many of the programs our teachers use as tools when working with the students. The new computers will be able to operate the new SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD software program used by the high schools. The elementary students will be able to more effectively log into the Compass Odyssey program they utilize to enhance academic skills. This is a great addition for our schools. This year teachers are continuing to focus on the students that attend our schools. They are working on formative assessment. Formative assessment is not another test, but assessing students throughout the school year on what is being taught in the classroom. The teachers want to know what students already know and what they need to learn. The teachers can then plan lessons to meet the needs of both WKHFODVVDQGWKHVWXGHQWVVSHFL¿FDOO\ Outstanding news for the William Kelley Elementary School was delivered by the MN Department of Education. The William Kelley Elementary School was named a Celebration eligible school. The Celebration School designation is part of Minnesota’s federal accountability system that replaces No Child Left Behind. Under Minnesota’s program, schools are assigned a Multiple Measurement Rating (MMR) EDVHGRQVWXGHQWV¶SUR¿FLHQF\DQGJURZWKDV well as a school’s progress towards reducing achievement gaps and increasing graduation rates. The state’s Title I schools—those serving racially and ethnically diverse student populations with high levels of poverty—qualify for designations if they are top performers. Celebration eligible schools are the 25 percent of schools directly below those designated as Reward schools (the top 15 percent of Title I schools). The William Kelley is now able to apply for Celebration status by William Crandall documenting what efforts they are using to increase student achievement. MDE selects schools based on their ability to effectively document best practices that have led to student success to receive the Celebration school recognition. Celebration eligible schools are LGHQWL¿HGDQQXDOO\0LQQHKDKD(OHPHQWDU\ school was named a Celebration School in 2013. The school gardens were very successful this year and continue to be an asset to our school district. The Tuesday produce sale at the William Kelley School Garden was outstanding. This fall the program added an outdoor oven and has started making pizzas and baking bread. The pizzas used sauces made from the garden SURGXFH7KH7ZR+DUERUVJDUGHQLVLQLWV¿UVW growing year having a great year and started composting too. Both sites are always looking for assistance with the gardens, so if you are interested please contact one of the high schools. The Girl’s Hockey program is one program, the North Shore Storm. They are already playing games representing the entire district. If you enjoy hockey, attend one of the boys or girls North Shore Storm home games held in both Silver Bay and Two Harbors arenas. Our students continue to perform throughout the school year through choir and band concerts. In addition, both high schools will have One Act Plays this winter. Check school calendars for performance dates. 5RERWLFVVWDUWVWKH¿UVWZHHNRIDQGJRHV into February, another great activity that is offered to our students in both of our high schools. The district continues to address the topic of Stopping Bullying in our schools. In conjunction with the Two Harbors Police Department, the Two Harbors High School Interact Club and multiple sponsors in our communities, the Bullycide project was brought to our students and community in October. Our students were an outstanding audience and received a great message on stopping bullying in school. continued on page 5 INDEX WKHS Art Integration Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Superintendent Message. . . 3 Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Late Start Due to Weather . . 5 Councelor’s Corner. . . . . . . 6-7 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . . 8 Two Harbors “Lake Effect” AGE to age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Wanted: Summer College Interns – Paid Position . . . . . 8 Concussions: What Every Parent and Student Needs to Know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Health Office Information on Parent Portal and District Website . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Save Your Box Tops, Labels and Receipts for Education . . . 9 That’s Community Ed!. . . . . . 10 ECFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Silver Bay Community Ed Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14 Two Harbors Community Ed Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-19 Finland Community Ed Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Community Ed Class Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Blandin Broadband Community Update. . . . . . . 22 Two Harbors Winter Frolic. . 23 We would Love for you to “LIKE” us. For the latest happenings for Community Education, check out our facebook page! We encourage you to post, comment, like and share our site. Make us your resource for information! It is the policy of the Lake Superior School District No. 381 not to discriminate on the basis of disability, sex, race, color or national origin in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies. 3 n i t e l l Bu d r a o B DISTRICT SPELLING BEE – Mark your calendar! Lake Superior students in grades 5-8 will participate in the Minnesota State Spelling Bee. Winners from each school will participate in the District Spelling Bee, which will be held at William Kelley High School on January 20. Two winners will advance to the Regional Spelling Bee in February. These are open to the public; please join us for this fun event. HOME-SCHOOL STUDENTS Home-school students must register with the Lake Superior School District and have their immunizations on file. To receive the paperwork necessary to register your children, please call the District Office at 834-8201, ext. 8216. SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS School board meetings are regularly scheduled for the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM. Any individual or group wishing to address the School Board, must contact the District Office at (218) 834-8201, ext. 8216 no later than 3:00 PM, four business days prior to the meeting you wish to attend. 4 E-STORE EE P Parents Pa can pay for K-12 lunch and high school activity fees online at hi h www.isd381.k12.mn.us w – click on e-Store. ANNUAL REPORT ON CURRICULUM The Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Achievement can be found on the district website: http://www.isd381.k12. mn.us/ Click on District Office, click on Reports, and look for Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Achievement. ANN WOOD COMMUNITY EDUCATION FINE ARTS SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship (up to $2,000) is awarded yearly to help students pursuing careers in fine arts (applicants not pursuing a career in fine arts are not eligible). For more information call Community Education in Two Harbors at 834-8201, ext. 8230 or in Silver Bay 226-4437, ext. 8137. You may pick up an application form at either the Community Education Office, the Guidance Offices at Kelley High School or Two Harbors High School, or on the web at http://www.isd381.k12.mn.us/ CommunityEd/AWoodsApp.pdf. Applications must be received by either Community Education office no later than March 31. 0HVVDJHIURPWKH6XSHULQWHQGHQW continued from page 3 Parents – watch for I M P O R T A N T ! The district continues to meet with law communications from your enforcement for all our communities and principal about changes the county to address bullying and crisis in security procedures situations that can occur in our schools. Our focus is to have a safe and welcoming environment for the students of the Lake Superior School District. You may have already noticed security upgrades at our schools. More will be taking place over the coming months. Parents - watch for communications from your principals about changes in security procedures. Starting in 2015 the school Board will have two new members and two returning members. Current board members Tom Burns and Paul Borg were re-elected to the school board. Two new board members were elected this \HDU5HSUHVHQWLQJWKH&LW\RI6LOYHU%D\ZLOOEH0DUN/H%ODQF+HLV¿OOLQJ the seat vacated by Carol Youngberg. Representing the Duluth Township DUHDZLOOEH-RKQ0HUULOO+HLV¿OOLQJWKHVHDWYDFDWHGE\/HR%DEHX3OHDVH welcome our new board members to our great school district. During my tenure as superintendent the school district has had some change at the board level. Renee Saamanen was on the board for one term DQGKHUSRVLWLRQZDV¿OOHGE\FXUUHQWERDUGPHPEHU6KDQQRQ)DELQL-DFN Pichotta served on the school board from 2002 until he moved in 2013. Jack served in many positions including chair during his time on the school board. Paul Borg was appointed by the school board to complete Jack’s term. Carol Youngberg has been on the school board since 2002 and has served as the treasurer for the board many of those years. Leo Babeu has been a member of the school board since 2006 and has served as the chair and most recently as the clerk of the board. I want to thank all the individuals that have served and continue to serve on the Lake Superior School Board for their service to the students and staff of the school district and to the communities. Finish your GED before things change in 2014 Also available • Basic reading, writing & math • College preparation • Résumé & job search • Career assessment • English as a second language Free materials & instruction TWO HARBORS 2124 – 10th St Call 834-2280 x 104 Must be at least 16 years old and not enrolled in school Late Starts Due to Weather Parents: Please be aware that we will be utilizing a calling system to notify you of school closings and other important information. If the early morning weather is questionable we may announce a two (2) hour late start. Please plan accordingly with your day care providers and family caretakers. 1RWLÀFDWLRQZLOOWDNHSODFHEHWZHHQDQG$0:HDOVRUHSRUWWRORFDOPHGLD In addition, it is important to know that as a parent, if at any time you feel the weather situation would put your child at risk, you can keep them home without an absence deduct. If you have any questions, feel free to call to discuss them with your child’s building principal. 5 COUNSELOR’S CORNER UPCOMING EVENTS: FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION NIGHT Wednesday, January 7, 7:00 p.m. in the Mitchell Auditorium at the College of St. Scholastica Junior Parents and students and any seniors families who did not attend financial aid night at THHS last year are encouraged to go to this informational presentation put on by a collaboration of college representatives from the region. This program will be an overview of the financial aid process including the FAFSA form and how schools use the information from this form to determine aid. This evening is a great introduction to financial aid and we HIGHLY encourage junior parents and students to attend. Seniors families looking for detailed and specific help with their FAFSA form should read and plan to attend the FAFSA Prep Workshop happening at THHS. More information is listed in this issue. FINANCIAL AID NIGHT AT WILLIAM KELLEY HIGH SCHOOL Date to be announced William Kelley High School Library All seniors planning to continue their education after high school at any type of post-secondary institution should plan to attend this informative meeting with their parents. Interested juniors may also attend. Financial aid expert, Bryan Karl, from UMD, will be present to give instructions and answer questions about applying for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, which is required to receive any federal or state grants or loans. A short session will follow the regular session for those people wishing to learn how to use the Internet to register electronically. If you have any questions regarding the presentation or would like to suggest a topic to be covered, please call Ryan Stengl, Counselor, at 226-4437, ext. 8134. 6 FAFSA PREP WORKSHOP Wednesday, February 18 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. THHS Library Senior families and any community members who are looking to attend any post-secondary institution next fall are invited to Two Harbors High School to get help from financial aid experts on filling out the FAFSA form. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the financial aid form that is required in order for students to work through the financial aid process at any post-secondary institution from two- year and four-year schools to business/trade programs. Information needed for the FAFSA comes from current tax information for both parents (if students are 21 years of age or younger) and students. Families/individuals will be given information on what to bring and should be able to walk out of this workshop having the FAFSA form completed that evening. Financial aid experts will be on hand to help parents, students and community members step by step with the process and to answer questions along the way. This is a FREE event and senior families and community members are highly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to get this critical part of their post-secondary plans completed. Even if students believe they will not qualify for any form of grants or ‘free’ money, the FAFSA is required to qualify for a variety of educational loans. More information will be available in the Two Harbors Guidance Office in January. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Community members are asked to call the THHS Guidance Office at 834-8201 ext. 8205 to sign up for this FREE event. TWO HARBORS HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR 2015-2016 Believe it or not, the registration process for the 20152016 school year will soon be here!! We will begin the registration process earlier this year, with registration conferences scheduled for Monday, February 9, from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Parents and students will be asked to schedule an appointment with the student’s conference advisor. As decisions regarding courses are very important both to students’ progress towards graduation and their futures after high school, the district highly encourages parent involvement in the registration process. Also, it is important that students carefully consider their registration choices as changes to class schedules are very limited after spring registration. Again this year, we will be utilizing the Infinite Campus software and students will be making final registration selections online. More information/ details regarding this process will be available closer to the March registration conferences. WILLIAM KELLEY REGISTRATION FOR 2015 – 2016 The date has yet to be determined. All 7-11 grade students will meet with their counselor to create a schedule for the next school year. Students will be given a registration packet along with a scheduling form. The student, along with the counselor, will create a schedule. Once a schedule is created, the student will take the registration form home for parents/guardians to review and sign. The student will return to school with the form and enter his or her schedule for the next school year. More information will be made available closer to the registration date. GENERAL REMINDERS: ALL PARENTS: We are approaching the end of Semester I and it is very important that students complete all their classroom assignments/projects and study for their exams, so that they earn passing grades in all of their classes. If your student is in jeopardy of failing a class, or you have any concerns about their academic progress, you should contact their teacher(s) or the Guidance Office immediately. All of the teacher contact information is available on the school website at www.isd381.k12.mn.us. You may also call the main high school office at THHS, 834-8201 ext. 8201; or KHS, 226-4437, ext. 8102 if you need assistance contacting a teacher. PARENT PORTAL Many of you have already accessed the Parent Portal, which is a GREAT way for you and your student to stay current on academic progress. We encourage any of you who have not yet accessed the Parent Portal to email either Shawn Goette at KHS (sgoette@isd381. k12.mn.us), or Kris Lee at THHS (klee@isd381.k12. mn.us) to receive your initial password and instructions for accessing the Parent Portal. ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS! It is particularly important that senior students pass all of their classes this year. If a student does fail a Semester I class, they should see Ms. Persons in the THHS Guidance Office, 834-8201 ext. 8206, or Mr. Stengl at WKHS, 226-4437, ext. 8134 IMMEDIATELY to discuss ways to make up the credit. There will be many deadlines coming up for seniors in the next several months. It is important that students check the daily announcements for various scholarship and graduation information. Daily announcements are read in homeroom, posted on the parent portal and posted outside of the main office each day. Finally, students and parents are reminded that in order for students to participate in the graduation ceremony on May 29th, ALL required coursework for graduation must be successfully completed by the last day of classes for seniors. MCA TEST DATES The testing calendar is posted online. Here is the direct link: http://www.isd381.k12.mn.us/wp-content/uploads/ 2014/11/THHS-Testing-Schedule-2014-2015-3.pdf You can also find it under District Information on our webpage in the pull down menu. 7 C ALE NDAR L AKE SUPERIOR SCHOOL DISTRIC T JANUARY 5 14 15 16 19 19 26 MARCH School Resumes Community Education Advisory Council Meeting, THHS, 11:00 AM Quarter Ends Schools Closed, Teacher Workshop THHS Jazz Residency Concert WKS PTSO Donkey Basketball Game, 6:00 PM WKHS Jazz Residency Concert FEBRUARY 2 7 9 16 18 20 27 THHS Solo Ensemble Recital TH Winter Frolic THHS Registration Conferences, 5:00 – 8:00 PM Schools Closed, Presidents’ Day FAFSA Prep Workshop, THHS, 5:30 – 7:30 PM School is in Session Schools Closed, Teacher Workshop 2 3-5 5 THHS Band Concert Minnehaha Book Fair Elementary & Secondary Conferences, 5:00 – 8:00 PM 9 WKHS Band/Choir Concert 11 WKHS Music in Our Schools Concert, 2:30 PM 12 THHS Choir Concert 19 Quarter ends 20 Schools Closed, Teacher Workshop 3/30 – 4/3 Schools Closed, Spring Break For complete calendar (including sports) visit www.isd381.k12.mn.us. Click on your school – online calendar near top of page. Two Harbors “Lake Effect” AGE to age $*(WRDJHKHOGDIDOOÀHOGWULSWR7HWWHJRXFKH6WDWH3DUNZLWKWKH FaCeS program. Many thanks to park naturalist, Kurt Mead for VKDULQJDERXWRZOV´RQWKHÁ\µZLWKXV &RPLQJ83:HOFRPHWR%UHWW$UFKHUZKRZLOOEHKHOSLQJ coordinate AGE to age intergenerational activities this winter and spring. The Walking Club returns in January. February brings the Two Harbors Winter Frolic Family Fun 1 mile run/walk and Frozen 5K Run/Walk. Register online through Two Harbors Community Education or on race day February 7th at the Two Harbors Curling Club. Information and training sessions for the AGE to age Youth Triathlon will begin in March, with the event taking place early summer at THHS. Wanted: Summer College Interns-Paid Position 7ZR+DUERUV$*(WRDJHSURJUDPLVORRNLQJIRUWZRFROOHJHVWXGHQWVPXVWKDYHDWOHDVWÀQLVKHGIUHVKPDQ\HDUDQGEHKRPHLQ Two Harbors area for the summer 2015) for summer A2a internship positions. Varied duties including recruitment of participants IRULQWHUJHQHUDWLRQDOSURJUDPVSXEOLFLW\DFWLYLW\FRRUGLQDWLRQDQGVXSHUYLVLRQ,QWHUQVZLOOZRUNZLWKLGHQWLÀHG$*(WRDJHWR partners such as ISD 381 Community Education, the SHIP program, Community Partners, Two Harbors Food Shelf, Ecumen and Two Harbors Community Radio. Good communication skills, positive attitude and responsible work ethic required. June 2 – August 15. $2500 stipend. Contact Chris Olafson Langenbrunner, Community Education Director, Lake Superior School District. colafson@isd381.k12. mn.us or call 218-834-8201 ext. 8227 Deadline to apply: April 15, 2015. Email resume and completed application to email above or mail to: ISD 381 Community Education 1640 Hwy 2, Two Harbors, MN 55616. 8 CONCUSSIONS: What Every Parent and Student Needs to Know! ATHLETICS ARE IMPORTANT BUT LONG TERM HEALTH IS PRICELESS ,QWKH+HDOWK2IÀFHVZHVHHPDQ\ head injuries resulting from an Symptoms of concussion obvious blow to the head to what usually fall into four categories: appears to be the most minor bump 1. Changes in Thinking/ on the playground. A concussion Remembering involves two things: 2. Changes in Physical Ability • A forceful bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that results in 3. Changes to Emotions/Mood rapid movement of the head. 4. Changes in Sleep Patterns • Any change in the student’s behavior, thinking, or physical functioning. We take head injuries very seriously. If a student has a While most concussions resolve concussion, we provide information quickly, some can have serious and regarding immediate care in our long lasting consequences. “A “Head Injury Information for concussion is a type of injury that Parents” sheet and encourage rest can change the way your brain to allow the brain to heal. It is very normally works.”(CDC) important to use acetaminophen/ Tylenol rather than ibuprofen to Second and third concussions can FDXVHZRUVHV\PSWRPVWKDQWKHÀUVW treat a headache resulting from FRQFXVVLRQIRUWKHÀUVWKRXUV It’s critical to report a head injury If symptoms last longer than right away and especially if your several days, we want the student to child continues to have a headache be seen by their health care or other symptoms even after what provider for evaluation. seems like a minor head injury. HEALTH OFFICE INFORMATION ON PARENT PORTAL AND THE DISTRICT WEBSITE Please pay attention to Parent Portal! We will report outbreaks of illness there as well as any updates to health office policy or upcoming events, like vaccination clinics. Within the District website, you can also find a variety of health information on the Nurses’ Page which can be found under the “Services” tab. SAVE YOUR BOX TOPS, LABELS AND RECEIPTS FOR EDUCATION! Elementary students are collecting: • Coke caps • Soup labels • Box tops for education to earn cash for our schools. The box tops are on hundreds of products found in the grocery store such as: General Mills, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury and Ziploc. In Two Harbors, items can be brought to teachers at the Minnehaha. Silver Bay PTSO is also collecting: • Our Family Brand barcodes • Loaves for Learning labels for County Hearth and Village Hearth Breads • Zups Grocery Store receipts for the Tools for Schools Program • Recycled ink cartridges and cell phones In Silver Bay bring the items to the drop off location in the hallway QHDUWKH&RPPXQLW\(GXFDWLRQRIÀFHLQWKH:LOOLDP.HOOH\6FKRRO or Zups Grocery Store. 9 Learning, Leading, Linking COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL The Community Education Advisory Council meets four times a year. We welcome your ideas, suggestions, concerns and questions. Our meetings are open to the public. Please call Sandi at 834-8201, ext. 8230 or Jaime at 226-4437, ext. 8137 if you would like to attend a meeting. Current Council Members: Debbie Alm Shelby Wrege Deade Johnson Greg Hansen Paul Borg Karen Tucker Maggie King Jan Ringer Tom Burns Tom Clifford Mary Aijala Kelsey Olson Barbara Houle Schwanke Michelle Backes-Fogelberg The Advisory Council provides input and advice to the Community Education Department. Community Education offerings include: after school programs, adult education, youth activities, community use of school facilities, early childhood family education, preschool and more. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Chris Langenbrunner, Community Education Director at 218-834-8201, ext. 8227. IS YOUR CHILD 3 ½? Early Childhood Screening Required The free screening includes: • Vision and hearing screening g • Height and weight measurement ement • Review of immunizations • Standardized developmental screening Please note: Minnesota law requires a developmental and health screening for all children before enrolling in kindergarten; however, earlier screening allows children to access district programs prior to kindergarten if needed. REMINDER! Facility Scheduling is now paperless! Requests should be made online. To become a requester: http://fsisd381. rschooltoday.com/ authentication/credential/requesterlogin Questions? Please call the Community Education office, 218-834-8201, ext. 8230, or 218-226-4437, ext. 8137. CENSUS UPDATE • Are you new to Lake Superior School District with an infant or preschooler? • Do you have an addition to your family? • Have you moved? Please update your family information by calling 834-8201, ext. 8230 or 226-4437, ext. 8158 to verify that your family is included in the current school district census statistics. It is important that you don’t miss out on special communications mailed to families with preschoolers. WALKING FOR YOUR HEALTH Is it too cold or icy to walk outside? Walkers are welcome to use the THHS and Minnehaha halls for exercise Monday through Thursday. The Minnehaha hours are 3:30 - 6:00 PM and THHS hours are 4:00 - 7:00 PM. The buildings will not be open on school holidays. For safety purposes, running/ jogging and strollers are not allowed. Use the front, main entrance doors when entering the buildings. Clean walking shoes and an ID badge are required. Your $3 annual fee covers the cost of the walker ID badge and lanyard (payable in the Community Education offices). If you purchased a badge in the past, please bring it in to get a new free pass card. KIDS & CO. CHILD CARE IN TWO HARBORS All children in preschool through fifth grade, who need supervision before or after school, are invited to become part of KIDS & Co., the district’s child care program at the Minnehaha School. Hours are 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except national holidays. An hourly fee is charged. For more information, contact Coordinator, Jody Zastera at 834-8221, ext. 8423, OR by e-mail: jzastera@isd381.k12.mn.us 10 YOU CAN REGISTER ONLINE FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASSES! Signing up for Community Education classes is as easy as a couple of keystrokes! Just go to our Web site at www.isd381.k12.mn.us and click on Community Education. Then click on the Classes & Registration button on the navigation bar. There you can view the current class schedule, choose a class and pay for it using you debit or credit card. It’s that easy and convenient. Sign up today! ECFE PLAY AND LEARN An informal play time for parentss and children pre-kindergarten five ve and under to meet other families, s, play and learn together at ECFE. Simple, fun and appropriate activities will be set up each week. Registration is not required for this playtime. The fee is $1 per family per week. Silver Bay Play and Learn (WKS room 104) Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 AM January 8—May 7, 2015 No Play and Learn: April 2 Two Harbors Play and Learn (THHS room 1311) Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30 AM January 6—May 5, 2015 No Play and Learn: March 31 ECFE GYM NIGHT Join us to play in the gym! Run, jump, throw, peddle and exercise! Everyone with children ages one to pre-kindergarten five is welcome. You do not need to be registered for ECFE to attend Gym Night. The fee is $1 per child. Two Harbors MInnehaha Gym Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 PM January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25 April 8, 15, 22, 29 Silver Bay William Kelley Elementary Gym Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 PM January 7, 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25 “Like” ECFE on Facebook to keep up with the latest ECFE events. Things to watch for include special Play & Learns and a survey. Parents, licensed child care providers and family, friend and neighbor providers will be invited to special Play & Learns funded by Delta Dental. Also, a needs assessment survey will be conducted by ECFE this winter. ECFE would love to have your input. Silver Bay ECFE 218-226-4437 ext. 8158 or Two Harbors ECFE 218-834-8201 ext. 8352. 11 Silver Bay Community Education AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Classes listed below will be offered afterschool. Please note individual class dates. Students will sign in after school in the cafeteria and have a snack that is provided. They will then go to their respective class from 3:40-5:00, and may not leave until 5:00 unless picked up by a parent/ guardian. Transportation, snacks, and supplies are provided by a grant from the Silver Bay Area Charitable Fund (Duluth Superior Community Foundation). Students who need transportation home must sign up by noon each day if they need transportation. Sign up will be outside the Community education Office. Classes are listed at the reduced price due to a donation from the Silver Bay PTSO. AFTERSCHOOL SWIM, GRADES 2-6 Splash and have fun with your friends. Bring your suit and towel. Must wear swim hat. No class Feb. 16. Instructor: Jamie Gnerer WKHS - Pool 1/19/2015—3/23/2015 Mondays, 3:40 PM—5:00 PM $20 BEGINNING JR. CHEER, GRADES K-3 Put a little pep in your step with the Mariner Cheer Squad by learning your favorite cheers and chants. Half time show, date and time to be determined. Gym shoes and clothes required. Instructor: Stacy Breden WKHS - Auditorium Lobby 1/20/2015—3/17/2015 Tuesdays, y 3:40 PM—5:00 PM $20 Instructor: Stacy Breden WKHS - Auditorium Lobby 1/21/2015—3/18/2015 Wednesdays, 3:40 PM—5:00 PM $20 SENIOR SURF DAY LEGO ROBOTICS, GRADES 1-6 GOOGLE DRIVE Kids love LEGOS!! Build LEGO models featuring working motors and sensors and then program the models using robotics software. This class will develop skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, as well as language and literacy. Instructor: Keri Johansen WKES - Computer Room 1/21/2015—3/18/2015 Wednesdays, 3:40 PM—5:00 PM $20 There’s more to Google than just e-mail. Learn how to take full advantage of the Google Drive application including Gmail, Google Calendars, and Google Docs. Also learn how to sync them to your smartphone so you can access your e-mail or calendar on the go. Bring a laptop and smartphone to take full advantage of this learning opportunity. Instructor: Daisy Quaker WKHS - Computer Room 101 3/03/2015 Tuesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM $20 COMPUTER TRAINING SENIOR SURF DAY Seniors (60 and up) are invited to a two-hour class on using your iPad, smart phone, and laptop. North Shore Area Partners has two iPads for use during these sessions. The focus is to individualize and personalize your experience to help you use your device to access information such as your health portal from St. Luke’s , My Health at Essentia, and how to search for information on line. There is no fee for this class but you must pre-register. Class is held at North Shore Area Partners in the Mary McDonald Building Room 21. Instructor: Mary Aijala 1/26/2015 Monday, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM No Fee SENIOR SURF DAY See discription above. 2/09/2015 Monday, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM No Fee SENIOR SURF DAY See discription above. 2/23/2015 Monday, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM No Fee JR. CHEER, GRADES 4-6 Put a little pep in your step with the Mariner Cheer Squad by learning your favorite cheers and chants. Half time show, date and time to be determined. Gym shoes and clothes required. 12 SENIOR SURF DAY See discription above. 3/09/2015 Monday, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM No Fee See discription above. 3/23/2015 Monday, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM No Fee SKYPE Want to communicate with your grandchildren, college student, family far away? Or just want to use it for business? Skype is the most popular tool available to chat and video chat with people all over the world. Instructor: Daisy Quaker WKHS - Computer Room 101 3/04/2015 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM $20 25 SECRETS OF THE IPHONE You have a powerful mobile device that has features that are often unknown. 25 (or more) features of the iPhone will be discussed, many are unknown to most users. Class is for iPhone users only. Bring your phone. Instructor: Daisy Quaker WKHS - Computer Room 101 3/10/2015 Tuesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM $20 25 TIPS AND TRICKS OF THE IPAD Do you only use your iPad for Facebook and games? Learn 25 tips and tricks that will help you use your iPad for more! Class is for iPad users only. Bring your iPad. Instructor: Daisy Quaker WKHS - Computer Room 101 3/11/2015 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM $20 PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT www.isd381.k12.mn.us COOKING AND FOODS HEALTHY MEAL PLANNING AND COOKING FOR ONE (OR TWO) Cutting grocery costs is essential in today’s economy. Meal planning is the first step. This class will also discuss considering dietary needs. Join us to plan and prepare a meal that will be enjoyed in class. There is a $7 ingredient fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. Instructor: Beverly Yoki WKHS - FACS Room 115 Thursday, January 22 and Tuesday, January 27 5:00 PM—8:00 PM $10 APPETIZERS Tracy Jacobsen is a former executive chef at Bluefin Bay and owner of the North Coast Farms Specialty Foods Company. Create a variety of casual but elegant appetizers and finger foods. Easy to prepare and great for all occasions Artichokes bruschetta - Worlds best beer battered veggie medley - Shrimp croquettes - Chicken roulades. Register by 1/22. Instructor: Tracy Jacobsen WKHS - FACS Room 115 1/29/2015 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $25 CHILLY WEATHER CALLS FOR COZY DINNERS – SOUP OR CHILI Join us to prepare a variety of soup or chili recipes. You will enjoy the prepared foods in class. There is a $5 ingredient fee due to the instructor on the day of class. Instructor: Beverly Yoki WKHS - FACS Room 115 2/05/2015 Thursday, 5:00 PM—8:00 PM $10 SKILLET DINNERS Four different classic meals that you can prepare in old style cast iron skillets - Smoked salmon frittata - Four cheese steak and pasta skillet Tuscan chicken and rice bake - Garden veggie Alfredo skillet. Register by 2/5. Instructor: Tracy Jacobsen WKHS - FACS Room 115 2/12/2015 Thursday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $25 LAKE & OCEAN FISH Unique and interesting ways to prepare a variety of fresh and salt water fish. - Almond parmesan tilapia - Salmon with white wine and compound butter - Herb & garlic roasted walleye - Asian style ocean cod. Register by 2/19. Instructor: Tracy Jacobsen WKHS - FACS Room 115 2/26/2015 Thursday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $25 automobile insurance premiums in MN for those ages 55 and over. Instructor: Dean Skalicky WKHS - Library 2/23/2015—2/24/2015 Monday, Tuesday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM $24 PASTRIES & DESSERTS RETIREMENT DISTRIBUTION & SOCIAL SECURITY Hand crafted sweets that are classy and easy for you to prepare. - Peach pecan scones - Hazelnut bear claws - Finnish style pula rolls - Frangelico dark chocolate tarts. Register by 3/5. Instructor: Tracy Jacobsen WKHS - FACS Room 115 3/12/2015 Thursday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $25 GENERAL INTEREST DRIVER IMPROVEMENT - 4 HOUR REFRESHER This driver improvement refresher course is for anyone who has already taken the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in traffic laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety, and accident prevention. Completion of this class qualifies for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums in MN for those ages 55 and over. Feel free to bring a drink and snack to enjoy during the class. Instructor: Dean Skalicky WKHS - Library 2/17/2015 Tuesday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM $20 RETIRE WISELY 47% of Americans age 56 to 62 could run out of funds to pay for basic retirement expenses if they were to retire at age 65. -Will you have enough to retire? -Will your retirement income last? -Are your assets protected? Join us for a one-hour presentation to learn how to manage six risks all retirees face: outliving income, inflation, unpredictable events, market volatility, income taxes and rising health care costs. Instructor: Gregory Hanson WKHS - Library 2/19/2015 Thursday, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM $5 DRIVER IMPROVEMENT - 8 HOUR This driver improvement course is the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in traffic laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety, and accident prevention. Completion of this class qualifies for a 10% reduction for 3 years on VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT When it comes to navigating the Social Security landscape, the choices can be overwhelming. And even just one mistake can be costly for the rest of your life. Join us for a presentation to explore how to sort through the red tape and options to help ensure the choices you make are right for you. Instructor: Gregory Hanson WKHS - Library 2/26/2015 Thursday, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM $5 HEALTH/SAFETY/WELLNESS CPR/CPR REFRESHER/FIRST AID For persons wishing to become certified in CPR, or for those whose certification has expired or is about to expire. Learn adult, infant and child CPR, along with AED (Automated External Defibrillator). The First Aid portion will cover bandaging, treating shock, burns, injury to bones, muscles, joints, etc. You are now required to purchase a book; the cost ($15) is included in the class fee. Register by 2/3. Instructor: Sharrie Houdek WKHS - Library 2/10/2015 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—10:00 PM $65 COPD EDUCATION COURSE Laura Palombi is a COPD and certified asthma educator and works as an assistant professor at the College of Pharmacy in Duluth. In this course, we will define Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), examine the risk factors for this disease, and explore the individual and community burden of this disease. We will learn more about the changes in the lungs that occur as a result of COPD and will discuss the way that medications used for COPD work. We will briefly explore the role of proper COPD management in avoiding hospital re-admissions and participants will have the opportunity to learn and demonstrate proper inhaler use. Register by March 5. Instructor: Laura Palombi WKHS - Library 3/13/2015 Friday, 10:30 AM—11:30 AM $5 13 co correct breathing, and proper postural alignment. P Please wear comfortable clothing. Shoes are not r required, but bring your own mat to class. AAll ages and abilities are welcome! Email questions to tess.taintor@gmail.com. No class Feb. 9 and 16. Instructor: Tess Taintor WKHS - Library 1/19/2015—3/16/2015 Mondays, 7:30 PM—8:00 PM $68 MUSIC AND DANCE FLAMENCO DANCING Warm up a cold January evening with this famously fiery dance form! Join flamenco dancer Deborah Elias in a fun class in which students will learn basic arm and hand movements, marking steps, palmas (hand clapping), and rhythmic footwork. Flamenco is forr both men and women - But it is not a partner dance, so come on your own or bring a friend! Beginners and non-dancers welcome! Bring hardsoled shoes (not rubber) if you have them. Instructor: Deborah Elias WKHS - Stage 1/20/2015 Tuesday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM $5 POOL ACTIVITIES EARLY MORNING LAP SWIM Lap swim for ages 12-adult. Class is 45 minutes long. Must bring cap, suit and towel. No Class Feb. 16. Instructor: Sidney Topp WKHS - Pool 1/19/2015—3/25/2015 Mondays, 6:45 AM—7:30 AM $97 EVENING LAP SWIM Lap swim for ages 12-adult. Class is 1 hour long. Must bring cap, suit and towel. No class Feb. 16. Instructor: Jamie Gnerer WKHS - Pool 1/19/2015—3/25/2015 Mondays, 5:30 PM—6:30 PM $114 THURSDAY EARLY MORNING LAP SWIM Lap swim for ages 12-adult. Class is 45 minutes long. Must bring cap, suit and towel. Instructor: Sidney Topp WKHS - Pool 1/22/2015—3/19/2015 Thursdays, 6:45 AM—7:30 AM $42 WATER BABIES Bring your tots to the pool!!! This class is going to get your babies used to the water with some fun activities. A parent has to be in the pool with them. This class is for children newborn (as long as they can hold their own head up) to age 4. Class is 30 minutes long. Instructor: Jamie Gnerer WKHS - Pool 1/22/2015—3/19/2015 Thursdays, 5:30 PM—6:00 PM $28 14 FAMILY SWIM NIGHTS!! Family Swim Night!! Come and bring your family for a night of fun and splashing! Look forward to seeing your family there! Class is 2 hours long. Cost of one registration covers your whole family!! Instructor: Jamie Gnerer WKHS - Pool 1/22/2015—3/19/2015 Thursdays, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $93 SPORTS AND EXERCISE GROUP CIRCUIT TRAINING Circuit Training is one of the most effective ways one can stay in shape and lose weight. It tackles every major muscle group by challenging endurance and strength. A single session of CT of one hour can burn anywhere from 400-600 kcals, depending on body type and effort put into the class. This class will be challenging at first, but as you continuously attend, you’ll notice you’ll be able to perform the exercises properly and more efficiently. I will also help modify movements if they are too challenging, and please don’t hesitate to take short breaks when needed. We will be getting on the floor, so bringing a mat of some sort may be a good idea, but is not required. Just know that putting something under your knees or lying on something will aid in comfortably executing the movement. There will be jumping around, so if you have any knee problems, back, neck, etc. please let me know so we can work on modifying the exercise. Weights are recommended, but not required. We will be doing lots of weighted activity, multiple reps, so please bring a weight that you can handle. Water bottles and clean athletic shoes (or comparable) are required. Monday and Wednesday class - $102.00 Wednesday class ONLY - $54.00 Instructor: Beth Reichensperger WKHS - Library 1/19/2015—3/18/2015 6:15 PM—7:15 PM PILATES Join us weekly to learn the basic movements and principles of Pilates! This is a mat class that will reduce stress, build strength, and increase flexibility and agility. We will integrate core control, TOTAL TONING This class focuses on toning muscles in the body through repetitive motion, with and without weights. Each class will focus on a different muscle groups and working that group to add strength and endurance, while tightening and toning. Class will be strictly focused on strength. There will be no cardio training for the simple fact that we want to focus on the muscle without being winded. It’s an aerobic activity, meaning we need oxygen to get to those muscle to push them to their full potential so that they can strengthen and firm. This class is light intensity.Items needed: Water bottle, Mat, Weights (3 to 5 lb. suggested. Heaver or lighter if you like), Proper athletic attire. Instructor: Beth Reichensperger WKHS - Library 1/21/2014-3/18/2014 Wednesdays, 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM $44 ADULT CO-ED VOLLEYBALL Spend your Wednesday evenings playing this fabulous lifetime sport! Whether you know how to play or not, you will be sure to have fun! The league will be governed by league house rules. Teams will be made up of males and females, and one female must be on the court at all times. Teams will get to play two matches every Wednesday. Sign up today! Instructor: Kelly Fenstad WKHS - Gym 1/21/2015—3/18/2015 Wednesdays, 6:30 PM—8:00 PM $15 WALKING PASSES William Kelley High School in Silver Bay could provide an option for walking. Walkers are welcome to use school halls for exercise Monday - Thursday from 6:30 - 7:30 AM and 4:00 - 7:00 PM. The buildings will not be open on school holidays or weekends. For safety purposes, running/jogging and strollers are not allowed. Clean walking shoes and ID badge are required. Your $3 annual fee covers the cost of the walker ID badge (payable in the Community Education office). $3 PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT www.isd381.k12.mn.us Two Harbors Community Education A LOOK AT WINDOWS 8.1 ARTS, CRAFTS & HOBBIES TEE SHIRT SCARVES BEADED BRACELETS This is a beginner beading class where we will learn what to use (and how to use it) for stringing beads to make a bracelet. You will finish by adding a toggle clasp. Supplies will be provided. Register by 1/21. Instructor: Suzy Whitney THHS - FACS Sewing Room 2301 1/27/2015 Tuesday, y, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM $25 Come to this class with an old tee shirt (who doesn’t have one of those around) and transform it into a fashion accessory. Just one XL tee shirt is needed for each infinity scarf and flower. Bring a tee shirt and a good pair of sewing scissors. The only sewing will be a little hand stitching for the flower pin backing. If you have a glue gun bring that too! Register by 1/28. Instructor: Suzy Whitney THHS - FACS Sewing Room 2301 2/03/2015 Tuesday, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM Tue $14 COMPUTER TRAINING CO 25 SECRETS OF THE IPHONE CASSEROLE CARRIER C Weaving Level: Beginner. This basket is easy to make and a perfect way to carry a 9 x 12 inch pan with a casserole or dessert to those special events. The matching shaker tape handles not only look nice but give the basket the support it needs to carry your pan with confidence. Register by 1/22. Instructor: Jan Ringer THHS - FACS Cooking Room 2305 1/31/2015 Saturday, 9:30 AM—2:30 PM $30 Yo have a powerful mobile device that has You ffeatures that are often unknown. 25 (or more) ffeatures of the iPhone will be discussed, many are unknown to most users. Class is for iPhone users only. Bring your phone. Instructor: Daisy Quaker THH THHS - Computer Lab 1109- Media Center 2/1 2/17/2015 Tue Tuesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM $20 25 TIPS AND TRICKS OF THE IPAD Do you only use your iPad for Facebook and games? Learn 25 tips and tricks that will help you use your iPad for more! Class is for iPad users only. Bring your iPad. Instructor: Daisy Quaker THHS - Computer Lab 1109- Media Center 2/18/2015 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM $20 VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT Thinking of upgrading? Intimidated about switching to such a different operating system? Want to have a preview? This is a basic presentation of the Windows 8.1 operating system. Not necessary to have or bring a Windows 8.1 computer or any computer at all. But, if you do have a Windows 8.1 computer, you’re welcome to bring it. You might want to bring a note pad. A projector will be used to present Windows 8.1 screenshots for all to see as we take a look at and use features of Windows 8.1. Register by 2/18. Instructor: Larry Hammargren THHS - Community Room 2/24/2015 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $10 GOOGLE DRIVE There’s more to Google than just e-mail. Learn how to take full advantage of the Google Drive application including Gmail, Google Calendars, and Google Docs. Also learn how to sync them to your smartphone so you can access your e-mail or calendar on the go. Bring a laptop and smartphone to take full advantage of this learning opportunity. Instructor: Daisy Quaker THHS - Computer Lab 1109- Media Center 1/28/2015 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM $20 SENIOR SURF DAY Seniors (60 and up) are invited to a two-hour class on learning computer basics, Internet searching, and accessing websites of interest to seniors. This class is designed for those who have little or no computer experience. Key Points: How to type in a web address and navigate from one webpage to the next; How to determine if a website is secure; How to conduct searches using common search engines; How to access Internet sites that will assist you in obtaining information on your own, including the Medicare.gov website, the Administration on Aging webpage, and MinnesotaHelp.info® among many others. There is no fee for this class, but you must pre-register. Instructor: Jan Ringer THHS - Computer Lab 1109- Media Center 2/03/2015 Tuesday, 4:00 PM—6:00 PM No Fee 15 SENIOR SURF DAY PASTRIES & DESSERTS See previous description. Instructor: Jan Ringer THHS - Computer Lab 1109- Media Center 2/24/2015 Tuesday, 4:00 PM—6:00 PM No Fee Hand crafted sweets that are classy and easy for you to prepare: Peach pecan scones - Hazelnut bear claws - Finnish style pula rolls - Frangelico dark chocolate tarts. Register by 3/4. THHS - FACS Cooking Room 2305 3/11/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $25 SKYPE Communicate face to face!! Keep up with the growth of a grandchild/niece/nephew, even if they live in another country. This intro will include tips and tricks to help you keep in touch with your grandson, college student, or any family or friends. Skype is the most popular tool available to chat and video chat with people all over the world. Bring your laptop, or use one in our lab. Instructor: Daisy Quaker THHS - Computer Lab 1109- Media Center 1/27/2015 Tuesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM $20 COOKING & FOODS Culinary Cooking Classes hosted by Chef, Tracy Jacobsen, formerly executive chef at the Bluefin Bay Resort and owner of North Coast Farms Specialty Foods Company. APPETIZERS Create a variety of casual but elegant appetizers and finger foods that are easy to prepare and great for all occasions: Artichokes bruschetta - Worlds best beer battered veggie medley - Shrimp croquettes - Chicken roulades. Register by 1/21. THHS - FACS Cooking Room 2305 1/28/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $25 SKILLET DINNERS Four different classic meals that you can prepare in old style cast iron skillets: Smoked salmon frittata - Four cheese steak and pasta skillet - Tuscan chicken and rice bake - Garden veggie Alfredo skillet. Register by 2/4. THHS - FACS Cooking Room 2305 2/11/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $25 GENERAL INTEREST DRIVER IMPROVEMENT COURSE - 4 HOUR REFRESHER The driver improvement refresher course is for anyone who has already taken the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety and accident prevention, and provide you with easyto-use defensive driving tips. Completion of this course allows for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums for those age 55 and over. Feel free to bring a drink and snack to enjoy during the class. You must register by 2/25. Instructor: Dean Skalicky THHS - Community Room 3/02/2015 Monday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM $20 DRIVER IMPROVEMENT COURSE - 8-HOUR This driver improvement course is the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety and accident prevention, and provide you with easyto-use defensive driving tips. Completion of this course allows for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums for those age 55 and over. Feel free to bring a drink and snack to enjoy during the class. Register by 3/11. Instructor: Dean Skalicky THHS - Community Room 3/16 & 3/17, 2015 Monday,Tuesday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM $24 LAKE & OCEAN FISH GERMINATION LIGHT CONSTRUCTION AND NATIVE SEED STRATIFICATION Unique and interesting ways to prepare a variety of fresh and salt water fish: Almond parmesan tilapia - Salmon with white wine and compound butter - Herb & garlic roasted walleye - Asian style ocean cod. Register by 2/18. THHS - FACS Cooking Room 2305 2/25/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM $25 This class will include materials and guidance on how to build a germination light out of standard florescent light fixtures. Materials, including fitted wood frames, light fixtures, bulbs, screws, and tools required for assembly will be provided. Participants will be assisted in assembling a fully-functioning germination light capable of germinating over 288 native plant seedlings at a time. Comparable light stands can cost up to 16 $200 at a store, and hundreds of dollars worth of native plant seedlings can be grown with each round of seed germination. Additionally, participants will learn how to stratify native perennial seeds and be provided with storage bags, materials, and seeds collected by the September, 2014 Community Education class participants to stratify their own seeds over the winter months. These seeds will then be ready for planting in Spring, 2015. A follow-up class in March will guide participants through planting the seeds they have stored. If you would like to build the Germination Light, the fee is $125. If you are not interested in building and going home with a germination light, you are still welcome to attend the class to see the construction process, as well as learn the process for stratifying native perennial seeds. For those preferring this option, the cost of the class is $10 to cover participation and seed-storing materials. Please enter the correct class fee when registering. Register by 1/21. Instructor: Dan Schutte THHS - Wood Shop 2/04/2015 Wednesday, 5:30 PM—7:30 PM $125 with light or $10 without the light PET FIRST AID & CPR For ages 16 and up. This class is perfect for pet companions and pet care professionals. Learning dog and cat First Aid & CPR techniques can help a pet in an emergency survive prior to getting emergency veterinary care. The training is taught with a combination of lecture with a power point presentation, demonstration and hands-on skill practice with animal models. Each participant will receive a $10 handbook and completion certificate. Register by 2/2. Instructor: Robin Whaley, Certified Pet Tech, CPR & First Aid Instructor THHS - Community Room 2/04/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—9:00 PM $40 RETIRE WISELY 47% of Americans age 56 to 62 could run out of funds to pay for basic retirement expenses if they were to retire at age 65. Will you have enough to retire? Will your retirement income last? Are your assets protected? Join us for this one-hour presentation to learn how to manage six risks all retirees face: outliving income, inflation, unpredictable events, market volatility, income taxes and rising health care costs. Register by 2/11. Instructor: Gregory Hanson THHS - Community Room 2/18/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM $5 PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT www.isd381.k12.mn.us RETIREMENT DISTRIBUTION & SOCIAL SECURITY When it comes to navigating the Social Security landscape, the choices can be overwhelming. And even just one mistake can be costly for the rest of your life. Join us for a presentation to explore how to sort through the red tape and options to help ensure the choices you make are right for you. Register by 2/18. Instructor: Gregory Hanson THHS - Community Room 2/25/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM $5 LANGUAGES BEGINNING NORWEGIAN FOR ADULTS Turn that “Minnesohta” accent into “da reel ting” with beginning Norwegian classes by Arna Rennan. Enjoy sharing your heritage and learning more about the culture while developing your conversational skills and grammar. Arna utilizes the same textbook as St. Olaf College called: Sett i Gang. This includes online listening lessons for practice throughout the week. Handouts will be provided at each lesson; please bring a three ring binder for them. On March 12, this class will be held in Room 2203. Register by 1/20. Instructor: Arna Rennan THHS - Room 2203 1/22/2015—3/12/2015 Thursday, 6:00 PM—7:30 PM $58 CONTINUING NORWEGIAN Those who have taken Beginning Norwegian can continue where they left off in “Sett i Gang”, the text book developed at St. Olaf College. After some review, we will continue to develop conversational skills and understanding of grammar. Insights into Norwegian cultural are integrated with each chapter. Register by 1/20. Instructor: Arna Rennan THHS - Room 2205 1/21/2015—3/11/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—7:30 PM $58 and technique of belly dance moves. The natural antidepressant and confidence boosting qualities of this low impact cardio workout will stretch and engage your body from head to toe! Please join us in comfortable clothing, and bring a hip scarf if you have one. Instructor: Judie Sarff Minnehaha - Cafeteria 1/20/2015—3/17/2015 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM $37 BELLY DANCE, BEYOND For those who have completed one year of beginning belly dance. We will work to layer moves, increasing our flexibility and stamina. Advanced moves, choreographies, and props will be introduced and practiced to further enhance belly dance skills. Let’s keep the belly dance fire rolling! Instructor: Judie Sarff Minnehaha - Cafeteria 1/20/2015—3/17/2015 Tuesday, 7:15 PM—8:15 PM $37 GUITAR LESSONS – NOW AT THHS We have openings for guitar lessons. Private halfhour guitar lessons for ages eight and up, beginning and intermediate. You must have your own guitar. Cost of book is $6, payable to instructor. To register, call 834-8201, ext. 8230; lesson time scheduled when you register. Limited space is available. No class 2/16. Instructor: James Cheek THHS Room 2307 1/19/2015—3/09/2015 Monday $58/7 Lessons POOL ACTIVITIES RUSSIAN FOR GRADES 6-12 Early morning lap swim for ages 12-adult. Must bring cap, suit and towel. Park in the parking lot off Cedar Road and enter through door #14. Pool closed 2/16. Reminder: There will be no early morning lap swim if school has a late start or is canceled. THHS - Pool/Locker Rooms Lifeguard: Lisa Hebl See descriptions under Youth Activities. AM LAP SWIM, MONDAY MUSIC & DANCE 1/05/2015—3/16/2015 Monday, 6:00 AM—7:00 AM $46 BELLY DANCE, BEGINNING No other exercise taps into the essence of female power like belly dance. Surrounded by terrific women of all shapes and sizes, you will be amazed how quickly you come to learn the proper form AM LAP SWIM, WEDNESDAY 1/07/2015—3/18/2015 Wednesday, 6:00 AM—7:00 AM $50 VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT AM LAP SWIM, THURSDAY 1/08/2015—3/19/2015 Thursday, 6:00 AM—7:00 AM $50 AQUA AEROBICS, MONDAYS Aqua Aerobics is an energizing, total-body workout with cardiovascular and strength-training benefits. The water cushions and supports your body reducing gravity and the risk of muscle or joint injury, resulting in a fun and effective way to get or stay in shape for people of all ages and fitness levels. You need not be a swimmer to participate. Most equipment provided; participants bring their own pool noodle. Park in the parking lot off Cedar Road and enter through door #14. No class 2/16. Instructor: Patty Carter THHS - Pool/Locker Rooms 1/12/2015—3/09/2015 Monday, 5:30 PM—6:30 PM $48 AQUA AEROBICS, WEDNESDAY See description above. Instructor: Patty Carter THHS - Pool/Locker Rooms 1/14/2015—3/11/2015 Wednesday, 5:30 PM—6:30 PM $53 BASIC SKILLS OF COMPETITIVE SWIM - FOR ADULTS This is an excellent opportunity for adults to learn and develop the basic skills of competitive swimming. This class could help you swim more efficiently during lap swim or learn new skills/ strokes. Bring a suit, swim cap, goggles and towel. Park in the parking lot off Cedar Road and enter through door #14. No class 2/16. Instructor: Heather Mayfield THHS - Pool/Locker Rooms 1/19/2015—3/16/2015 Monday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM $39 SCUBA DIVING, BEGINNING (PADI OPEN WATER DIVER) You’ll need your own mask, snorkel, booties and fins. Students of this class get a 10% discount and pro advice at Innerspace Scuba Center, located at 32 N. 21st Ave West in Duluth. Open water diving is required for full PADI certification and is not a part of this course. Minimum age 10, under age 16 must have an adult present. Bring $115 on first night for text and equipment/air fee. Call Innerspace at (218)726-1010 with any questions or to pick up materials. Register by 1/22. Instructor: Rudy Prouty THHS - Pool/Locker Rooms 1/29/2015—3/05/2015 Thursday, 5:30 PM—9:00 PM $45 17 SPORTS & EXERCISE BASICS OF SOCCER - FOR ADULTS Come and learn how to play soccer, the most popular game in the world. Insight on how to play better, coaching tips, and fun indoor soccer games. You must register before you play. Does not meet 1/28, 2/25. Instructor: Christopher Swanson THHS - Gym A (North) 1/14/2015—3/18/2015 Wednesday, 8:00 PM—10:00 PM $10 FITNESS CENTER Open to men and women. Use 24 different machines to target all muscle groups, and round out your session with an aerobic workout on the treadmills, elliptical machines or steppers. Bring clean tennis shoes. Closed Feb. 9-16. Exercise with a friend! Instructor: Sandi Olson THHS - Fitness Center 1/05/2015—3/12/2015 Monday & Thursday, 5:30 PM—6:30 PM $27 for 1st person/$14 for 2nd. WALKING FOR YOUR HEALTH Is it too cold or icy to walk outside? Walkers are welcome to use the THHS and Minnehaha halls for exercise Monday through Thursday. The Minnehaha hours are 3:30 - 6:00 PM and THHS hours are 4:00 - 7:00 PM. The buildings will not be open on school holidays. For safety purposes, running/jogging and strollers are not allowed. Use the front, main entrance doors when entering the buildings. Clean walking shoes and an ID badge are required. Your $3 annual fee covers the cost of the walker ID badge and lanyard (payable in the Community Education offices). If you purchased a badge in the past, please bring it in to get a new free pass card. YOGA FOR EVERY BODY 1 Beginners and seasoned practitioners alike will benefit from this gentle class. The Sanskrit word “Yoga” means to yoke. For our purposes that means connecting the body and mind through breath work, postures and movements. This serves to invite relaxation and ease into our bodies and minds. Yoga is a great way to gain more freedom of movement in the body, to develop body awareness, and to relieve stress. In this class we will build on yoga principles and discover what it means to do 18 yoga in our individual bodies. Class will end with a deep relaxation practice. Please bring a yoga mat, small blanket for relaxation practice, small pillow to sit on, water or tea and anything else you need to feel comfortable. There will be some extra mats available for use. No class 3/5. Instructor: Hilary Buckwalter THHS - Room 2204 1/15/2015—3/19/2015 Thursday, 5:15 PM—6:30 PM $81 YOGA FOR EVERY BODY 2 Have you done yoga videos at home? Taken classes before? Curious about meditation? Then this class is for you. We will build on yoga principles and delve more into breath practices and postures. Traditionally, yoga is done to ready the body for sitting in meditation, a beautiful practice of sitting (or lying) in stillness while focusing on the breath. Benefits of meditation include stress relief, increased immunity, emotional balance and lower blood pressure. This class will include a posture practice followed by a short meditation. Please bring a yoga mat, small blanket for meditation practice, small pillow to sit on, water or tea and anything else you need to feel comfortable. There will be some extra mats available for use. No class 3/5. Instructor: Hilary Buckwalter THHS - Room 2204 1/15/2015—3/19/2015 Thursday, 6:45 PM—8:00 PM $81 FAMILY FROLIC FUN WALK/RUN 1 MILE Kids, parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors! A fun 1 mile walk/run for the entire community. “Run” in conjunction with the Winter Frolic activities; this event is pet & stroller friendly. Starting line will be located near the Two Harbors Curling Club. This AGE to age sponsored event welcomes walkers of all ages! Register online by 2/5. Registration is also available at the starting line on race day beginning at 10:00 a.m. Coordinator: Brenda Swanson TH Curling Club February 7, 2015 Saturday, 10:30 AM $5 FROZEN 5 K WALK/RUN This Frozen 5K timed race is being “run” in conjunction with the Winter Frolic activities. Starting line will be near the Curling Club in Two Harbors. Preregistered runners will receive a free T-shirt. This AGE to age sponsored event encourages families to come out and run! Coordinator: Brenda Swanson TH Curling Club February 7, 2015 Saturday, 11:00 AM Online registration by 2/5 is $15. Family cap of $50. Registration at starting line on race day begins at 10:00 a.m. and is $20. HEALTHY TWO HARBORS WINTER WALKING CLUB Put one foot in front of the other with your family and join the Walking Club! The Healthy Two Harbors Walking Club is back this winter with more opportunities to get moving! Who: People of all ages are welcome to participate. Youth and adults. What: A Walking Club where groups or individuals sign up and commit to regular walking, with no minimum number of steps or miles required. • Participants track and submit the steps/miles you and/or your team take each week and bring them to the THHS office, Lakeview Hospital or Lake County Human Services. • At the end of the six week time period there will be prize drawings for those who submit their steps/miles weekly. Grand prize for the most steps walked and for those who turn in logs for each week awarded on last date. This is a great opportunity for you to check out the wonderful trails we have in the city of Two Harbors. If it’s too cold, hike the halls of THHS! Participants in the walking club can come to one, all or none of the events. Kick-off January 12- Free walking passes will be issued and free pedometers given to the first 100 walkers! MidPoint check and group walk February 9th and the finale on March 9th. Do what works for you and your family. Organized by Sara Preston and funded by Two Harbors AGE to age. THHS Community Room January 12, February 9, March 9 No cost, but you must register. PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT www.isd381.k12.mn.us YOUTH ACTIVITIES AGATE CHEER CLINIC, GRADES 2-8 Join us in a fun camp with the Agate Cheer Squad. Learn cheerleading techniques, chants, cheers, and stunts; you will be ready to perform cheers during half-time at the boys’ basketball game on Friday, January 23. Optional: T-shirts are an additional $12 and Poms are $10.00. Wear comfortable clothes, gym shoes and bring a water bottle. Bring your own snack. You cannot attend if you are not registered. Register online by Friday, January 9; after that date you will not be able to order T-Shirts and Poms. *Tuesday and Thursday at the Minnehaha Gym - Grades 2-5 -- 3:30 - 5:00 PM and Grades 6-8 4:00 - 5:30 PM *Friday at the THHS Gym, Noon - 2:00 PM for all grades 2 - 8 Instructors: Tanya Peterson, Melanie Ross 1/20/2015—1/23/2015 T/Th/F $20 BASKETBALL - BOYS & GIRLS, GRADES K-3 It’s not too late to register! This introduction to basketball will include basic skills and fun drills. Varsity team members will be on hand to assist with the program. You must register with Community Education before you attend. Instructor: Luke Heikkila THHS - Gym 12/06/2014—2/28/2015 Saturday, 9:00 AM—10:00 AM $30 CROSS COUNTRY SKI LESSONS, GRADES K-6 Individualized/small group instruction provided by THHS ski team members to improve cross country skiing skills at all levels (classic or skate). Dress warmly and bring your own skis, poles, and boots. Hot cocoa and cookies will be provided following the lessons. Meet at the tennis courts at THHS. Have your equipment on and be ready to ski at 4:30 p.m. Cancellations due to extreme weather conditions will be made on the day of the lesson and announced at the Minnehaha, THHS, and North Shore. You must register with Community Ed. before you attend lessons. Instructor: Sarah Haavisto THHS - Tennis Courts 1/14/2015—2/11/2015 Wednesday, 4:30 PM—5:30 PM $25 DRIVER EDUCATION - THHS Classes will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 6-9 PM. Parents are encouraged to register for the parent meeting on Tuesday, March 17. Thirty hours of classroom and six hours behindthe-wheel instruction for students 15 and up. Students who complete the full course will receive 1/2 high school credit (pass/fail) to qualify for Minnesota tax deduction and tax credit. No childish/immature behavior will be tolerated. Students must attend 30 hours of classroom. If one class is missed, a make up session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14. However, if more than one class is missed, the course will need to be retaken and no refund will be given. You must have your certified birth certificate and your social security card with when you take your permit test. Please include the student’s full legal name (first, middle and last) and birth date when registering. Call Community Education with questions, 834-8201, ext. 8230. At least $200 is due at registration and the $200 balance is due by the first day of class, or you can pay the full $400 when you register. A payment of less than $200 does not reserve a spot in the class. No refunds after two business days prior to the beginning of class. A parent meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Due to new legislation, if a parent does not attend this meeting, the student will be required to log more hours of supervised driving. There is no additional cost, but you must register separately for the meeting. Parents will receive a certificate which they will have to produce when their student applies for their license. Parents must register for this class. Student class dates are March 9, 10, 12, 19, 23, 24 and April 6, 7, 9, and 13. DRIVER EDUCATION PARENT MEETING The Minnesota State legislature passed a new law – the Graduated Driver License (GDL) that changes the requirement for students and families in regards to Driver’s Education. We have always highly encouraged parents to attend our “parent night” during the classroom portion of DE. With the new law, there is a more stringent parent class time commitment (90 minutes) and VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT the curriculum is specified. Certificates are awarded for completion of the Parent Session. Attendance for a parent is optional, but if a parent does not attend, the newly required “log of supervised driving time” that you and your teen have to document will vary in time requirements. All teens will need to submit a log when they take their driver’s test, however, fewer hours of verified driving are required for teens who have had a parent who has attended the parent session. Students are not required to attend this meeting; it does not count towards their required 30 hours of class time. There is no additional cost for the parent meeting, but registration is required. Instructor: Tim Stark THHS - Cafeteria 3/17/2015 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—7:30 PM No Fee RUSSIAN - GRADES 6 & 7 Preevet (Hi) students! Let’s learn Russian with the help of native Russian speaker, Irina Alexandrovna Miloserdova-Boggie. We will learn how to read, write, count, sing, and dance in Russian. Russian is FUN!! Register by 1/21. Instructor: Irina Boggie THHS - Room 2205 1/27/2015—3/10/2015 Tuesday, 3:45 PM—4:45 PM $39 RUSSIAN - GRADES 8 - 12 See description above. Instructor: Irina Boggie THHS - Room 2205 1/28/2015—3/11/2015 Wednesday, 3:45 PM—4:45 PM $39 INSTRUCTIONAL VOLLEYBALL CLINIC FOR GIRLS, GRADES 4 - 6 Come learn and practice the basics of volleyball: passing, setting, hitting, rotations, moving around the court, team play. Includes gentle conditioning and fun workouts. Does not meet 2/20. You cannot attend if you are not registered. Instructor: Katya Gordon THHS - Gym 1/16/2015—2/27/2015 Friday, 10:00 AM—11:30 AM $24 19 Finland Community Education FINLAND - CLAIR NELSON COMMUNITY CENTER Welcome Finland Community Education! This new Community Education site was approved as a partnership between Lake Superior School District and the Clair Nelson Community Center at the November 2014 school board meeting. Finland classes will be advertised in the Good News, on the CE website and on the Community Education and Clair Nelson Center FaceBook Pages. Check out their Saturday offerings! BASIC GENEOLOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY Learn to trace your family history and bring those old grainy black and white photos to life. Bring to class: pen and an interest in history. Instructor: Michele Duhant-Krech 1/17/2015 Saturday, 9:00 AM—11:00 AM $17.00 COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE Science has validated what has been the foundation of acupuncture for thousands of years: that humans are complex bioelectric systems with energy circulating throughout the body along well-defined pathways. Insertion of very fine sterile needles into specific points on these pathways balances the body’s energy and restores health. People receiving acupuncture generally feel very calm during treatment and refreshed afterward. Acupuncture excels at treating stress and its symptoms, thus preventing more serious health problems from developing. Instructor: Sarah Wilson 3/6/2015 Friday, 4:00 PM—6:00 PM $12.00 20 MAKE PECTIN AT HOME FOR JELLY Y AND JAM Save money by making your own pectin using apples. Homemade pectin is superior to the commercial kind. Easy and fun! Instructor: Nancy Anselment-Olson 2/7/2015 Saturday, 1:00 PM—3:00 PM $10.00 ORGANIC GARDENING BASICS Explore the mystery of gardening along the North thh Shore of Lake Superior with practical information, on,, skills and ideas. What soils do you have? Where do you get your seeds? How do you manage your urr weeds and pests? What crops should I grow andd how do I harvest and use all that food? Learn intensive production techniques and plan out your next garden at this workshop. Bring to class: seed catalogs if you have them and a garden map if you have one. Supply fee of $5 paid at class. Instructors: Lise Abazs, David Abazs 3/7/2015 Saturday, 9:00 AM—12:00 PM $17.00 POWER YOUR HOME WITH RENEWABLE ENERGY Are you interested in generating your own power? Does your site have strong wind or good sun exposure? During this workshop, you will calculate your energy needs, evaluate your conservation choices and determine if solar, wind, water or geothermal are the right renewable energy options for you. See what local, state and federal renewable energy credits and grants are and are not available to you as you explore your future with renewable energy. Instructor: David Abazs 2/7/2015 Saturday, 1:00 PM—3:00 PM $15.00 New Site. Finland , MN! WRITE A CORE4 BUSINESS PLAN The CORE FOUR® Business Planning Course was developed by the Northeast Entrepreneur Fund as a culmination of years of experience training individuals in starting and growing their own small businesses. The Course provides essential business planning knowledge for anyone with an existing business, a business idea, or simply the desire to become an entrepreneur. This involves practical and real-world presentation of business planning concepts that participants can relate to and understand. Bring to class: notebook, pen, folder for handouts. Instructor: Honor Schauland 1/19/2015—2/09/2015 Mondays, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM $45.00 PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT www.isd381.k12.mn.us Enroll Onli 1.k12 ne ! w w w. is d38 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASS REGISTRATION 2015 .mn.u s Registration may be made by phone, mail, in person or online. Visa and MasterCard are accepted or payment of class fees. When you pay for the class, you reserve your place in that class. You must register for every class. Failure to do so could result in its cancellation. REGISTER EARLY, AS CLASSES FILL UP QUICKLY! course fees Fees listed are payable to Community Education, not to the instructor. Don’t forget you can register online for classes! Go to www.isd381.k12.mn.us, click on Community Education and then Classes & Registration. school closings On days schools are closed or released early for any reason, Community Education classes will not be held. THIS INCLUDES PRESCHOOL AND ECFE CLASSES. course changes Community Education reserves the right to drop any course offered because of insufficient registration. Courses may also be added or dropped after this publication. Check our updates online at www.isd381.k12. mn.us/communityed/html/index. html. Class cancellations/refunds must be made no later than the class registration deadline; or if no deadline is listed, a minimum of three business days prior to the first day of class. locations and hours of CE offices Two Harbors High School Door 17, 7:30AM-4PM (closed for lunch 12-12:30PM) William Kelley School in Silver Bay, Noon – 4PM Claire Nelson Center, Finland, MN, 10AM-4PM Tuesdays and Fridays To register by phone, call Community Education: 834-8201, ext. 8230 in Two Harbors 226-4437, ext. 8137 in Silver Bay 353-0300 in Finland Please check with your physician before starting any exercise program. PARTICIPANT PUBLICITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Community Education reserves the right to utilize photos and the names of participants for publicity purposes. Participants desiring their names/photograph not to be used for publicity must notify Community Education in writing at the time of registration. WKHS begins Arts Integration Project continued from page 2 To develop and teach arts-integrated curriculum these teachers are receiving professional development and funding as they create rich learning opportunities in their classrooms. The entire cohort of 50 teachers meets several times in the region, and each team is visited by Perpich staff. This summer they began working on arts integration during a three-day institute. William Kelley is using this grant to focus on the big LGHDRIKRZORFDWLRQLQÁXHQFHVLGHQWLW\6LOYHU%D\LVD very proud city, one that deserves to be celebrated and appreciated by its youth. One of the proposed projects is to use some of the funds to commission a new band SLHFHUHÁHFWLQJWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWHOHPHQWVDWWLWXGHV and beliefs of the North Shore. Students would have the opportunity to help write the piece, with the help of a professional composer as well as perform it in the spring band concert. Activities have begun including:include • Students are working with composer Brad Bombardier)to write an original band piece about the Silver Bay area. Art students will react to the piece through paintings. • Students will work with the English teachers to implement the use of graphic novels in the classroom. • Students will create an original handbound book about Lake Superior’s famous historic shipwrecks. • Students will also create mixed media character studies to visually represent the elements in a VSHFLÀFFKDUDFWHUIURP´7R.LOOD0RFNLQJELUGµ 21 Blandin Broadband Community Update: In late November, Lake County was selected to participate in the Blandin Broadband Community Alumni program. Here’s the scoop: • Lake County is one of thirteen Alumni Communities selected for 2015-16. • Based on total funds available for broadband grants, Blandin anticipates the average grant award to Alumni to be in the $35,000 - $40,000 range over the two year program period. Next Steps: • Contact Angie Dickison, Lake County’s Information and Technology Director by email Angie.Dickison@co.lake.mn.us to let her know if you are interested in participating with this group • Dickison plans to bring this group WRJHWKHUIRURXUÀUVW$OXPQL&RPPXQLW\ meeting in January. • Karl Samp, a Blandin consultant will be working again with our team as we schedule a half-day cross-sector Sydney Ross, Jasmine Huikka and Kris Lee community broadband planning and project development meeting (to be held in students Emily Archer and Dale Peterson to present at WKHÀUVWTXDUWHURI,WLVDQWLFLSDWHGWKLV the Minnesota Community Education Conference last session will be similar to the broadband visioning October. A team is also scheduled to “Show and Tell” meeting held two years ago. at the Minnesota School Board’s Association We’ve been “On the Road” featuring our Student to 6HQLRU0XOWLDJHWHFKFODVVHV6SHFLDOWKDQNVWR&KULV Langenbrunner, Community Education Director, Kris Lee, District Technology Coordinator and THHS students Jasmine Huikka and Sydney Ross who represented the Lake County BBC at Blandin’s Border to Border Broadband conference in November. Langenbrunner, Lee, Dickison and Samp joined THHS 22 conference this month. :RUNFRQWLQXHVRQWKH:LÀ$FFHVVSURMHFWE\WKH THHS DECA Club. The Community Portal Project is progressing with a project manager being named and community calendar research being conducted. Check out our YouTube channel at https://www. youtube.com/lakecountydigital The Two Harbors Winter Frolic is hosted by the City of Two Harbors with local business and community partners. It’s meant to embrace the cold winter months we have up here on the North Shore. 7KHUH·VSOHQW\WRGRIRUVPDOONLGVDQGELJNLGVDOLNH New location! Most events will center around the Two Harbors Curling Club. Check out www.twoharborswinterfrolic.com to see schedule of events. 23 N NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 40 DULUTH, MN Lake School District Superior I. S. D. #381 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 1640 HWY 2, SUITE 2001 TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 ***ECRWSS*** POSTAL CUSTOMER Lake Superior Sc 1640 Hwy 2 • Our Mission Lake Superior School District will provide an educational environment encouraging lifelong learning, self-fulfillment and responsible citizenship. hool Distr ict Office Two Harbors, MN 55616 • (2 18 Two Harbors H igh Grades 6 – 12 • Two Harbor munity Educat w.isd381.k12.m n.us s, MN 55616 • (218 ) 834-8201 01 ext. 8230 ion (218) 834-82 E lementary S Grades Pre chool K – 5 • 421 7th Street • Two William Ke t. 8216 • w w School • 1640 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Co m Minnehaha ) 834-8201 ex Harbors, M N 55616 • (218 ) 83 4-8221 ll Grades Pre ey School K – 12 • 13 7 Banks B lvd. • Silver Silver Bay Bay, MN 55 Community 614 • (218 ) E d u cation (218) 226-4437 New Site : F 226-4437 ex PO Box 58 inland Communit t. 8137 2, 6866 Cra y E d ucation – C mer Rd lair Nelson . • Finland Communit , MN 5560 3 • (218 ) 35 y Center 3-0300
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