Submissions for publication need to be in before the 18th. ISSUE NO. 295 DECEMBER, 2014 SERVING PORT ST. JOHN & CANAVERAL GROVES Call 321-633-7499 or e-mail to The current and last issues are on the website. *** It’s Christmas Time! Time! *** This year’s parade will take place on Saturday, December 20th at 11 AM. The parade route will be along Fay Blvd., starting at Waterloo Ave. and going east to Carole Ave. in the eastbound lane. The floats face the south side of Fay Blvd. The theme of this year’s parade will be “Magic of Christmas.” Most of the floats and decorations will be planned toward the theme. Come out and see what the imaginative groups in PSJ and the Groves can come up with. Entry forms are available at We heard from Santa. He’ll be there testing his new sleigh for Christmas. A HUGE THANK YOU to Parrish Medical Center, FPL and Higginbotham Companies, our major sponsors. We are not government run or funded, so these wonderful companies and those you see on the parade shirts are the ones who make the parade possible, along with the amazing volunteers who work to make the parade happen. It takes a village to put on a parade! Please be thoughtful of the residents along Fay Blvd. and do not litter their yards with candy wrappers and cups. If you bring a plastic store bag for candy and/or trash, it would help. Any questions, suggestions, problems or needs should be directed to 633-7499. “Christmas Magic” Show At the PSJ Community Center Saturday, December 20, 2014, 2-4 p.m. Let The Parade Magic Continue! Come and Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everyone! enjoy the magical performance, “The Magic of - Randy Rodriguez Scott Barhold,” that engages and astounds with his laugh packed comedy and magic show. All ages will love the interactive and personable experience blended with a baffling blend of side splitting comedy and mind blowing magic. Whether you are looking for spectacular, phenomenal, or something in between, The Magic of Scott Barhold delivers. Also, there will be train rides and balloon sculptures available while supplies and time permits. The fee for the magic show is $3 for children and $5 for adults. For more information, call Dan Cook (Recreation Coordinator) at 321-633-1904. CHRISTMAS DANCE Saturday, Dec. 20, at 7:30 PM at the North Brevard Senior Center , 909 Lane Ave., Titusville. Music by Sammy Haddad. Hot & cold hors d’oeuvres, sodas/coffee, door prizes from Dixie Crossroads and gift card raffles. Cost is $12/person, BYOB. Tickets on sale through Dec. 15th at the North Brevard Senior Center. For more information, call 321-268-2333. or current resident Resident Cocoa, FL ECRWSS PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID COCOA, FL 32922 PERMIT NO. 53 The Lawn Ranger Residential Lots to 10 Acres One-Time Cuts Commercial Lots NO PROBLEM LISA’S BARBER SHOP 633-7089 Located in the strip center north of Bank of America on West Ave. Mondays Seniors Billiards, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Outside Basketball, 1-8 p.m. Teen Billiards, 4-8 p.m. Zumba (Adult Class), 6-7 p.m. Girls Scout Troop 471, 5:30 - 7 p.m. 1st & 15th - Cub Pack 704 Den 4, 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays Seniors Billiards, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Outside Basketball, 1-8 p.m. Teen Billiards, 4-8 p.m. Girl Scout Troop 505, 5:30-7 p.m. Zumba (Adult Class), 6-7 p.m. Wednesdays 24th - Closed Christmas Holiday Seniors Billiards 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Outside Basketball, 1-8 p.m. COASTAL SEPTIC SERVICES, INC. * NEW INSTALLATIONS * PUMPING & CLEANING * MORTGAGE INSPECTION * REPAIRS * PLOT PLANS * SEPTIC SYSTEM CERTIFICATION REVITALIZER **SAVE UP TO 70%** ON DRAIN FIELD REPAIRS Family Owned & Operated Serving Brevard For 25 Years Repair CERTIFIED with this coupon 268-0200 OPEN Tuesday - Friday 9:00-5:00 pm Saturday 9:00-1:00 pm Closed Sunday & Monday The center is open Mondays–Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Fridays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Schedule is subject to change. For latest information or to register, call 633-1904. Seniors at Lunch, 10 am - 1 pm Family Owned & Operated Since 1981 10% OFF LABOR PSJ Community Center Schedule - December, 2014 Mondays – Fridays Auto Sweeney’s Shuttle Service Available ••• 636-5837 Scott & Kay Green Quality Repair You Can Depend On! 1418 S. Hopkins Ave. Titusville PSJ RESIDENT MVR# MV-01860 Fund Raiser Dances - At the time of sign in, an emergency contact number must be given. Teen Billiards, 4-8 p.m. Zumba (Adult Class), 6-7 p.m. Kenpo Karate, 7–8 p.m. 3rd & 17th, Cub Pack 704, 6-7:30 p.m. Thursdays 25th - Closed Christmas Holiday Seniors Wii Bowling, 12-2 p.m. Outside Basketball, 1-8 p.m. Teen Billiards, 4-8 p.m. Lil’ Sports – Pre-school Program 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Troop 236 5:30-7 p.m. Fridays Outside Basketball, 1-8 p.m. Teen Billiards, 4-7 p.m. OPINIONS On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. It read, “The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents...” Aerobic Systems-Certified Maintenance Provider COASTAL SEPTIC SERVICES $15 OFF Residential Pump-Outs 632-7909 B & K Home Maintenance Handyman Services & Repairs Pressure Cleaning Painting And Much More Licensed Insured Bonded Sr. Citizen Discount 321-636-6131 Exp. 12/31/14 FREE INFORMATION State Reg. SM890263 FREE Estimates Serving Brevard Since 2008 Computer Repairs LCD LED PLASMA WAR TECHNOLOGIES Used sets for sale Repairs * Upgrades Networking On Site Work Available BOB’S T.V. SERVICE Professionally designed, data-driven websites and applications. E-commerce “Service Before the Sale” FAST • REASONABLE • RELIABLE Phone: 795-3228 Good Day! by Maureen Rupe County Plans Quarterly 'Developer's Roundtables' - An email received on November 14 announced that Brevard County Manager Stockton Whitten is asking the development community to meet quarterly with County department heads at "Developer's Roundtables." The email stated the meetings will discuss building trends, growth issues, as well as development activities. It states the first step is setting up dates and times and the email asked developers to contact his office. Sounds like a great idea, IF the meeting is going to be open to the public. There are too many instances like All Aboard Florida and Port Canaveral where government entities and developers seem to be making decisions without the regular citizens’ input until the plans are already in place. County Right of Way - Every home in Florida has Right of Ways and easements. Easements are used when government must lay utilities. Right of Ways are similar, for utilities, sidewalks and roadways. The right of way is owned by the city State Certified Residential Contractor CRC-057597 LICENSED & INSURED State Certified Roofing Contractor CCC-057855 1412 South Hopkins Ave. Titusville, Fl 32780 321-264-1878 or county; in our case, the county. I have noticed a lot of people have put concrete footers, rocks, blocks and other things, obviously to stop vehicles from running over their property. Bad news is, if there is an accident and you have put a barrier on the right of way and the barrier can be shown as causing the accident by preventing a car from getting out of the way, or their car is damaged or there are injuries, the homeowner is liable. It may seem like a good idea, but could cause you a lot of headaches in the future. I can understand wanting to stop vehicles with all the cars running into houses, but it’s best if you could move the blocks and rocks onto your own property. Reference: publicworks/rightofway Charlotte's Web - Voters in Florida did not pass Amendment 2 on November 4, 2014. As such, euphoric, smokeable medical marijuana possession and use is still not legal in the state of Florida. But the "no vote" on Amendment 2 doesn’t affect the already legal non-euphoric McRoberts Pool Finishing & Supplies FREE Estimates * Swimming Pool Refinishing and Remodeling Your Neighborhood Roofer Save money on your home owner’s insurance: Free wind mitigation inspection with new roof. NEW ROOFS • RE-ROOFS • REPAIRS PH: 321-639-DAVE(3283) Specializing in Interior & Exterior Repainting, Pressure Cleaning Texture and Coating Repair “Continuing the quality tradition of Hewey Farmer” Visit us at: Free Pick-up and Delivery In Port St. John & Canaveral Groves Areas Farmer Painting Be sure to come in and enter to win our monthly drawing! See our weekly specials! (purchase necessary) Family Owned for over 30 Years 321-632-0720 Text SWIM to 71441 for Deals & Sales! 3935 N. US Hwy. 1, Sharpes Plaza M-F, 9:30-6:00; Sat, 9:00-4:00 RP0045098 (321) 264-9736 Fax: 269-5385 possession and use of low-THC cannabis under Florida Senate Bill 1030, known as the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014, also known as "Charlotte's Web." Charlotte's Web became legal on June 16, 2014 when the Governor signed it into law. The bill authorizes medical doctors and doctors of osteopathy to order low-THC cannabis starting on January 1, 2015 to treat patients with cancer and medical conditions that result in seizures or muscle spasms. This non-euphoric type of marijuana is Low-THC cannabis, contains 0.8 percent or less of tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC") and more than 10 percent of cannabidiol ("CBD"). There are those who argue that this is not enough for some medical conditions, as Charlotte’s Web hasn’t been tested on some medical conditions. A July 24, 2014 story in Miami New Times by Allie Conti, titled, “Charlotte's Web Medical Marijuana Bill Isn't Enough for Many Parents of Epileptics,” says experts say there is cause for some skepticism of Charlotte's Web. "Charlotte Figi has a very specific disease and We Can Make Your Holidays Beauty-full Perm - $45 (reg. $55) Cut & Style included. With this coupon. Long hair extra. Exp. 12/31/14 321-305-4937 684 West Ave. (Woods Plaza), PSJ Look for the 16’ Bright Yellow Salon Flag Tues - Fri, 9-5; Saturday 9 - 1 Closed Sunday & Monday. Wednesdays by appt. only W/this coupon. Long hair extra. Exp. 12/31/14 epilepsy is a big category," says Dr. Jeff Kamlet, a Miami Beach internist and a fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. “We have no idea what this strain will do to other people who have seizures, and to limit this to such a narrow scope is absurd.” Even Chris Stubbs, an analytical chemist who helped the Stanley brothers design Charlotte's Web, says the strain is limited in what it can do. Hopefully, starting on January 1, 2015, access to research in this treatment will give families some hope to combat these conditions. Reference: stateroundup/gov-scott-signs-charlottes-webmarijuana-bill-into-law/2184590 Brevard County Building Report - October was good news from a building perspective. The highest number of total permits for any October since at least 2008 (1,270) and the highest of We Do Facial Waxing! manicure with marlene - $10 ~ (reg $14) Thank You, Customers, for Your Support ~ Marlene & Lauren any month of any year except some of the earlier 2014 numbers. There were 70 single-family home permits issues in October, 2014, just one short of the September’s 71 number, with total construction value of $45,325,407, the highest total construction value since January, 2007. But on the other hand, we don’t know how much of this building growth is due to being subsidized by the Transportation Impact Fee Moratorium, which has been in effect for the last 5 years and 8 months. The Transportation Impact Fee is to have buildings pay for the services such as roads, trash and water/sewer capacity the new buildings generate, as new constuction or maintenance of roads, landfills and water/sewage plants or lines are needed due to new homes or commercial buildings. Right now with the moratorium in effect, everyone has to pick up the bill for new people coming to Brevard. Reference: Brevard County Building Code Newsletter: BuildingCode/BldgNewsletters Ingrid’s Cleaning Service We’re family owned and operated with a lifetime of experience. Call us for the dependable and reliable service you deserve! * Licensed * Insured * Now is a great time for tree trimming! One Time, Sometimes or All the Time. Service to Suit You! 321-633-6658 Residential * Commercial Free Estimates Move-ins * Move-outs One Time Visit * Weekly Bi-Weekly * Monthly Gutter &/or Window Washing Green Cleaning Supplies SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS Individual solutions from independent advisors Patrick J. Coyne, MBA Financial Planner 321-452-0061 Investment & Insurance Strategies Retirement Planning 2395 N. Courtenay Pkwy, Merritt Island Port Canaveral News - On October 28th, I attended a Port Authority meeting, hoping for any updates on the Port St. John barge plans. John Walsh said nothing about Port St. John and concluded his report when Port Board Member Jerry Allender asked about the Port St. John barge plans. Walsh said, “We have backed off the Port St. John plan due to Sunrise Landings’ objections. We are now looking farther north.” One project in Port Canaveral’s expansion plans is to run 11-miles of railroad from the north side of the Port across the Banana River and up Merritt Island to connect to the Kennedy Space Center’s railway system. Rail cars would take cargo through Kennedy Space Center eventually connecting with the North/South Railway either on the north of Kennedy Space Center in the Mims area, or on an alternative crossing the Indian River parallel to S.R. 405. There are two public scoping meetings in November. One on November 18 at the Eastern Florida State College Titusville Campus (continued, next page) Good Day, cont. Gymnatorium and the second on Nov. 19 at the Radisson Resort at the Port Convention Center in Cape Canaveral. Environmental groups are closely monitoring this 11-mile KSC/Indian River Rail project as it has potential to result in significant environmental impacts. Environmental impacts are not only due to filling in wetlands and submerged land for the proposed rail connection prior to trestle and bridge sections going west to Merritt Island, impacts also include future plans for a partial or full relocation beyond SR 401 and on the north side of the Port’s current submerged land region on land currently controlled by NASA. If eventually approved, it could mean filling in as much as 100 acres of the Banana River north of the current Port Canaveral. The Port Canaveral Authority was turned down from any of the $584 million Tiger Grants funds for use on the various port projects. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) awarded Highway projects 47% of the available dollars; transit got 27%, maritime 13% and rail 11.5% throughout 47 states and Washington, D.C. Florida received $20 Million for the Tamiami Trail/ Everglades Restoration project. Note: Tiger Grants were part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2014 which was signed in January of this year. The Bill funds much of the Federal 2014 activities, including $600 million for National Infrastructure investments referred to by DOT as Tiger Discretionary Grants. Florida Jobs for Who? - The election is over and one of the primary reasons Rick Scott was reelected was jobs. Not just jobs he said he’s going to create, but also the 650,000 jobs he said he has created in the past four years. But where are the jobs? How can we all know so many who have not found jobs? A report by the Center for Immigration Studies by Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, titled, “Who Got the Jobs in Florida?” seems to explain some of the disparity. The report seems to agree with Rick Scott’s view of Florida job creation. In Table 1 of the report, the number of jobs that have been created in Florida for native Floridians have been 272,113. During the same time period, there have been 410,801 jobs created in Florida for immigrants (those born outside the United States). Combined that’s 682,914 created Florida jobs, a bit more but definitely in the ball park of Rick Scott’s figures. The report seems to conclude that about 20% of immigrants in Florida are here illegally. The report shows that in 2014 there are 6,579,135 native Floridians between the ages of 16 and 65 (working age) and 2,303,027 immigrants in Florida between the ages of 16 and 65. We have 3 times the population, and 1/2 of the created jobs. Surprisingly it also seems to be hitting native-born whites, blacks and Hispanics in Florida. Native whites seem to have been hit the least, having 76.1% labor participation in 2007, declining to 72.1% in 2014. Native blacks declined from 71.1% labor participation in 2007 to 66.3% in 2014, and native Hispanics seemed to be hit the worst, declining from 76.0% in 2007 to 65.3% in 2014. It’s not agriculture, as less than 1% of immigrants working in Florida are in agriculture. This migration seems to be in every job market. Immigrants took jobs in higher skills, such as management and health care, middle-skilled jobs such as office support and sales, and lower skilled jobs in construction and maintenance. The report indicated it was our state’s largest employers that are doing this. The report stated, “In September, 2013, many of Florida’s biggest employers including Disney, American Airlines, UPS and Honeywell, along with a number of other companies, jointly signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) arguing that there are not enough workers in the country — skilled and unskilled. The letter read in part that, “... many of our companies continue to have difficulty finding sufficient American workers.” Why are our companies ignoring and fighting our citizens? Compared to other states for increased in jobs from 2000 to 2014, Florida ranked second. In percentage of working-age people having a job, Florida ranked sixth. But at the same time, Florida ranked 34th this year for its native-born population working or trying to get work (ages 16 to 65), and 35th among younger natives (ages 16 to 29). Florida never did rank high in native labor force participation going back to 2000, but it’s hard to understand why a state with a significant job increase would have such a large decrease in native labor force participation. Florida isn’t short on available workers and the evidence indicates we have a huge number available workers covering all levels of education and experience. Despite the huge numbers of available native Floridians, many of Florida’s largest employers have been lobbying for increasing the number of foreign workers, both skilled and unskilled, coming into the country. But why? We have plenty of available, educated workers wanting a job, and we shouldn’t be bringing people into the county and calling it progress. Our politicians should be considering our economic situation before supporting any bill increasing the number of foreign workers allowed into the country. We need it to be a fair job market in Florida that allows all of us to move forward and give everyone of us a bright future in our state. Note: According to their website: “The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, nonpartisan, non-profit, research organization. Since our founding in 1985, we have pursued a single mission – providing immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States.” Happy Holidays, a very Merry Christmas Cheerio, Maureen Gift of Light Join Parrish Medical Center for a Gift of Light, sponsored by PMC Auxiliary & Jess Parrish Medical Foundation. Parrish Medical Center (PMC) will celebrate its vision, Healing Families—Healing Communities®, at the annual Gift of Light celebration. This community tradition has provided more than $300,000 in the past 10 years to help heal our community in a variety of ways. Join PMC for the Gift of Light annual community holiday event on Thursday, December 4, from 6 to 8 p.m., in front of PMC at 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville. Everyone is welcome to attend this holiday healing experience filled with good friends, good tidings and more. The Gift of Light tree lighting celebration will be hosted by Timmy and Cheree from WA1A and feature games, prizes, holiday performances, train rides and face painting. Don’t forget to bring your camera for photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus, their elves and reindeer. Complimentary hot chocolate, cider and baked goods will be provided. The special 50-foot tree lighting will begin at 7:45 p.m. to celebrate and honor all the lives we touch. The evening will conclude with a fireworks extravaganza immediately following the tree lighting. Honor or memorialize a loved one by placing a light on the Gift of Light tree. To purchase your gift of light, call 321-269-4066 or visit The Gift of Light tree lighting ceremony is part of PMC’s month-long Season of Light community celebration that includes breakfast and photos with Santa, beautiful holiday decor in the hospital atrium along with weekly holiday musical performances, and a special holiday menu in our Atrium Café. For dates and details about PMC’s Season of Light events, visit or call 321-268-6110. (See ad, inside back cover.) We Make Loans For Dreams. Port St. John Banking Center 660 West Avenue 321/631-2124 Bank of America NationsBank, N.A. (South) Member FDIC. 1996 NationsBank Corporation. Equal Housing Lender We welcome new patients and we work with most insurance plans! Ask about our no interest payment options. J. Dieter Burr, DMD, PA CALL: 321-631-2111 Find us on Facebook 6825 N. U.S. Hwy #1 Port St. John Cocoa, FL 32927 ...................................................... Santa Calls in N. Brevard Winter Card Party Special arrangements have been made for Santa to telephone preschool through secondgrade children from his headquarters at the North Pole. Calls will be made Wednesday, Dec. 17, and Thursday, Dec. 18, between the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. to phones in the local dialing area for Titusville. There is no charge for this service. Request forms are available at Campbell Community Center at 701 South Street in Titusville; Cuyler Community Center at 2329 Harry T. Moore Avenue in Mims; Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Park Cultural Center at 2180 Freedom Avenue in Mims; Port St. John Community Center at 6650 Corto Road; Sandrift Community Center at 585 North Singleton Avenue in Titusville; Walter Butler Community Center at Bernice G. Jackson Park at 4201 N. US HWY 1 in Cocoa (Sharpes); and the North Area Parks Operations office at 475 North Williams Ave. in Titusville. Call (321) 264-5105 for more information about this and other activities provided by Brevard County Parks and Recreation’s North Area Parks Operations. The Cocoa-Rockledge Garden Club will be hosting a Winter Card Party on Friday, December 5, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Club House, 1493 South Fiske Boulevard, Rockledge. Please come and bring your friends for a foursome. Lunch is included in the $15.00 per person admission, as well as a silent auction for decorated Table Christmas Trees with many door prizes being offered. We will also be selling our beautiful seasonal crafts. Come one, come all for a wonderful day with friends, food and cards! Breakfast with Santa Breakfast with Santa will be held at the Fox Lake Park main pavilion, 4400 Fox Lake Road, Titusville, at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 13. A pancake breakfast will be served and children will be given a candy-filled goodie bag, a visit with Santa, a make-and-take craft and hayride. Parents who want a photo of their child with Santa should bring their own cameras. Santa will arrive at 9:30 a.m. Tickets are $5 for children under 12 years of age and $3 for adults. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Advance purchase of tickets at Sandrift Community Center, 585 North Singleton Avenue, Titusville, is recommended. The event is limited to 150 children. This activity is sponsored by Brevard County Parks and Recreation’s North Area Parks Operations. Call (321) 264-5037 for more information on this and other recreation programs in North Brevard. Monthly Tax Update It’s time to talk 2015 and the new tax changes we’ll have to deal with. The greatest interest to most taxpayers includes the following: standard deduction rises to $6,300 for singles and married persons filing separate returns, head of households will be $9,250, and $12,600 for married couples filing jointly; the limitation for itemized deductions to be claimed on tax year 2015 returns of individuals begins with incomes of $258,250 or more ($309,900 for married couples filing jointly); the personal exemption for tax year 2015 rises to $4,000, up from the 2014 exemption of $3,950; and the annual exclusion for gifts remains at $14,000 for 2015. The elective contribution limit for 401(k), 403(b) and most 457 plans increases from $17,500 to $18,000 and the catch-up contribution increases from $5,500 to $6,000. Something new for 2015 is the “myRA” that will be offered by the U.S. Treasury as a new type of retirement account. This is a guaranteed retirement arrangement by the government to never lose value. Deposits will be made via payroll deduction, accounts can be opened with an initial deposit of as little as $25 and then direct deposits of $5 or more each payday. Savers with an annual income of less than $129,000 for individuals and $191,000 for couples will be eligible to participate. These new accounts target low- and middle-income Americans who don't currently have access to an employer-sponsored plan. The myRA is a Roth account, which means contributions can be withdrawn tax-free without triggering an additional tax once the account is five years old and the account owner is at least age 59½. However, myRAs differ from Roth IRAs in that myRAs will hold a new retirement savings bond backed by the U.S. Treasury, guaranteed not to lose value, and there are no fees. Savers can use the accounts for up to 30 years or until their balance grows to $15,000, at which point the balance will transfer to a private-sector retire- ment account. Additionally, accounts are not tied to your job and are portable if you change jobs. Individual retirement arrangement (IRA) contribution limits remain unchanged. The IRA contribution limit will remain $5,500 in 2015 and the catch-up provision for age 50 and older remain at an additional $1,000 to their IRA, which is an amount that is not adjusted as an annual cost-ofliving adjustment. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2015, investors can make only one rollover from one IRA to another in any 12-month period. A second IRA-to-IRA rollover in a single year could result in income tax becoming due on the rollover, a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty and a 6 percent per year excess contributions tax as long as that rollover remains in the IRA. Multiple trustee-to-trustee transfers between IRAs and conversions from traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs will continue to be allowed in the same year. Payroll wages subject to the Social Security (FICA) 6.2% tax will increase to $118,500 from $117,000 and results in FICA withholding for 2015 will be $7,347, up from the 2014 maximum of $7,254. Household employee withholding threshold remains the same and will not be subject to FICA withholding requirements if less than $1,900 per year. Otherwise, a W-2 and the payment of social security, medicare, federal and state taxes for all household workers will be required. Okay, on a happy note, I want to wish everyone a very merry and joyous holiday season. I also hope that everyone will always remember the ones who aren’t presently with us and in our hearts forever, along with the ones who can’t be with us. Happy Holidays!!! This information is a very brief overview. For details and specific assistance in applying the general information in this article, call us at your earliest convenience or contact your tax advisor. Provided by Tracey C. Higginbotham, E.A., (321) 632-5726, a member of the National Society of Accountants. Congratulations to: Erin Lilly turns 20 on the 1st. Destiney Anthony turns 18 on the 2nd. Mark Emr turns 24 on the 3rd. Jennifer Giles has a spanking day on the 6th. The editor is more ancient on the 6th. Ashley Neal turns 18 on the 6th. Larry England turns cooler on the 7th Cherie Brown (Hardin) gets kisses on the 7th. Brandon Weimer turns 8 on December 8th John Hansen turns 60 on the 9th. Debbie Davis turns 51 on the 10th. Steve Velligan parties all night on the 12th. Cary Troxel turns wilder on the 12th. Betty Couch turns hotter on the 13th. Jackie Jordan has a spanking day on the 13th. Kathy Ridgely rocks the night on the 15th. Nicole Kremer turns cuter on the 17th. Billy Treadway, Sr. turns crazier on the 18th. Brianna Hardin turns 14 on the 18th. Candace Mattox gets spanked on the 19th. Teresa Miller parties wild on the 20th. Cody Hardin turns 19 on the 20th. Ryan Erff turns Sweet 18 on the 23rd. Sydney Kaminski turns 23 on the 3rd. Deanna Wiedman turns prettier on the 26th. Monika Williams turns 8 on the 28th. Nathan Travis turns 8 on the 28th. Carter Kremer turns 6 on the 31st. Bob & Lossi Lacoste celebrate their 46th on the 7th! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Good Kwanzaa... Have a joyful holiday. Randy Rodriguez - Happenings Email to Campfire Safety The cold days of Florida are coming - all 12 of them! We don’t have enough cold weather here in Brevard for most folks to be proficient with campfires - or any other type of fire - so I’d like to pass on some safety reminders for when you decide to camp or just enjoy friends around a campfire. You’ve probably learned all of them before, but we don’t get much practice in Florida. Being a pyrotechnician, I don’t just think of open fire and heat sources, but also combustible items nearby. Don’t be the guy who checks the level in the gas can with a lighter!!! Don’t build a fire at a site in hazardous, dry conditions. Look for a site that is at least fifteen feet away from tent walls, shrubs, trees, trash piles, storage containters or other flammable objects. Also beware of low-hanging branches overhead. If you use any starter fluid or fuel, use it on the wood before you light it. Don’t dump or spray and fuel on the fire after it starts. If you’re at a campground, find out if the campground has an existing fire ring or fire pit. Don’t build a fire if the campground or event rules prohibit campfires. Make sure children and pets are supervised when near the fire. NEVER leave your campfire unattended. Extinguishing Your Campfire - When you’re ready to put out your fire, allow the wood to burn completely to ash if possible. Pour lots of water on the fire. Drown all embers, not just the red ones. Pour water until hissing sound stops, then stir the campfire ashes and embers with a shovel, scrape the sticks and logs to remove any embers. Make sure everything is wet and cold to the touch. If it’s too hot to touch, it’s too hot to leave! If you do not have water, use dirt. Mix dirt or sand with the embers until all material is cool. DO NOT bury the fire as the fire will continue to smolder and could catch roots on fire that will eventually get to the surface and start a wildfire. Never burn aerosol cans or pressurized containers. They may explode. Never put glass in the fire pit. Glass does not melt away, it only heats up and shatters. Broken slivers of glass are dangerous. Aluminum cans do not burn. Aluminum only breaks down into smaller We Love Football Fans!!! 4365 Grissom Pkwy., Canaveral Canavveral Groves pieces. Inhaling aluminum dust can be harmful to your lungs. The photos below are courtesy of 5 year old Ryan Faby. His foot was severely burned by unknowingly stepping in a pile of hot ashes (with no flames) left behind by an uneducated and/or inconsiderate camper. He spent 2 days in Shands Hospital and was out of school for over two weeks. He is in Kindergarten at Atlantis Elementary. PLEASE make sure your fires are completely out before leaving your fire site. BIG THANX to Dana Michell, M. Ed., for the reminder for all of us. ~ Randy NEW Breakfast Hours Tuesday - Sunday at 7:00 am In a Hurry? Call ahead and order one of our delicious Bagels or Breakfast Sandwiches to go!! 321-638-4130 Now Open @ 4:00 for Monday Night Football! Come Enjoy your Favorite Team on our New Projection Screen!! Take advantage of $1 drafts and .60 cent Wings! WE HAVE THE NFL PACKAGE!!! Happy Hour Tues-Fri, 3-6 pm 2-4-1 Drafts, 1/2 Price Appeteasers Don’t Forget To “Checked In” on Facebook and Show your Server to Receive 10% off your Bill! Check out more details on Facebook or COMMUNITY CALENDAR Alcoholics Anonymous meets in PSJ on Sundays at 5 p.m. and Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. at 4797 Curtis Boulevard (St. Patrick’s Church). Nar-Anon: Support group for those affected by someone else’s addiction. Meetings are Mondays, 7:00 - 8:00 pm at 1st United Methodist Church, 825 Forrest Ave., Cocoa Women’s Step Study on Mondays, 10 am, at St. Patrick’s Church, 4797 Curtis Blvd. Call Jean at 321-637-1392 for information. Parents Network meets every Wednesday from 10 - 11:30 am at Sunrise Lutheran Church at 4775 Fay Blvd. Call Carol at 633-6312 (evenings) for more info. 12-2 Compassionate Friends Support Group meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in Cocoa Beach at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 525 Minuteman Cswy west of A1A, Fellowship Hall. Call 610-7875 for info. 12-2 West Canaveral Groves Home Owners normally meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Agricultural Center, 3695 Lake Dr., Cocoa, 7 pm. Please come out and join us. 12-3 American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 359, General Membership Meeting on the 1st Wednesday of each month, 7 pm at the Post Home, 7260 S. US 1, just north of PSJ. Call President Valorie Helmer at 321-693-6578. 12-9 IAAP Admin assistants, secretaries and other admin support meet on 2nd Tuesday each month, Marriot Courtyard, Cocoa Beach, 5:30. 12-10 ‘Remembering Through Sharing’ - a support group for families that have experienced a pregnancy loss, stillbirth or loss of an infant. Meetings are 7 pm - 8:30 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Cape Canaveral Medical Plaza, Cape Canaveral Hospital. Call April or Jamie at 321-799-7151 for more info. 12-11 Canaveral Groves Homeowners, Inc. meets on the 2nd Thursday each month. The Board of Directors meets at 7:00, regular meeting at 7:30 PM at the Fellowship Room of Discovery Christian Church, 3925 Grissom Pkwy. 12-12 Brevard Women’s Connection meets at Rockledge Country Club from 11 am until 1 pm on the second Friday of each month. The program includes a buffet luncheon, special feature plus an inspirational speaker. For infor- Watkins at 267-3036. mation, call Mary at 636-4713 or e-mail her at 12-14 Multiple Sclerosis Self-Help Group meets on the 2nd Sunday each month (except Mother’s Day & November), 2 PM, at the Cocoa Library. Contact Kevin Kelly at 636-0235 for info. 12-15 Moonport Modelers RC Club meets at 7 pm, 3rd Monday of each month at the N. Brevard Library, 2121 S Hopkins Ave., Titusville. For further information call Ron Roberts at 2680150 or e-mail him at 12-20 PSJ Christmas Parade 12-23 Moonlight Quilters Guild meets at the North Brevard Library in Titusville, 2121 Hopkins Ave. Meet and greet & refreshments at 6:15, meeting at 6:30 usually followed by a program or guest speaker. Call 321-567-5424 for more information. 12-25 Merry Christmas! 12-26 Happy Kwanzaa! Oasis Spa 12-17 Hanukkah Begins 12-17 American Legion Post 359 meets at the Post Home at 7260 S. US 1 in Bellwood, (2 miles north of PSJ), 6:00 PM. All Legionnaires and new members are welcome. The Post meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Please contact the Post at 268-1632 for assistance with your membership or information. 12-19 PSJ Business Connections Luncheon, sponsored by the Titusville Chamber of Commerce, meets on the 3rd Friday of the month at 12:00, PSJ Library on Carole Ave. Call Dennis Grand Opening Promotion 718 West Ave. * Port St. John 321-877-1601 Walk In or Call to schedule an appointment! Expires 12/31/2014 Gift Certificates Available! $20 OFF Your purchase of a $60 1-Hour massage (or $10 OFF purchase of 30-minute massage) MM32878 No cash value. Coupon not valid on prior purchases. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon. Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas season! Funeral SOLUTIONS Cary & Lisa Troxel & Family 5455 North U.S. - 1 - Cocoa 638-1373 2014 PSJ Christmas Parade Dear Neighbor, This letter is to invite your organization to participate in the 25thAnnual Port St. John Christmas parade. The parade will take place on December 20, 2014, 11 AM, in Port St. John. The parade route will be east along Fay Blvd. from Waterloo Ave. to Carole Ave. We are hoping for 80-90 entries again this year. Please send your entry in early. The theme of this year’s parade will be “Magic of Christmas.” Floats and decorations should be planned toward the theme. All entries will be judged and plaques awarded. Categories include Theme, Christmas Spirit, Creativity, Marching Musical and Marching Non-Musical. Floats should be no more than 17’ high to clear power lines, and be 8’ wide or less to travel to and from the staging area. They can be wider on the parade route. Marching groups should plan for a 20’ wide roadway. For everyone’s safety, CANDY MAY NOT BE THROWN FROM THE FLOATS AND VEHICLES. Thrown candy ricochets and small children chase it into the street where they might be hit by the next vehicle. If you want to hand out candy, please be sure to have walkers accompany your float. There is a $30 charge for any float or vehicle which advertises a business. The fee does not go up if there are multiple businesses on the same float. Nonprofit community support groups and public schools are $15, unless they display banners and logos for a business on their float or vehicle(s). Call us to find out how to get your name on Port St. John Christmas Parade Entry Form NAME OF GROUP: _____________________________________________ CONTACT NAME: ______________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE: _____________________________________________ CONTACT ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ Are you having music? Y N Type of music: Band Caroling Other __________ Music Volume: Loud Moderate Soft Do you have animals? Y N Type & number: __________________________ Approx. number of marchers in group (include moms, coaches, etc.): ___________ # of vehicles (include follow vehicles): ______ Type: ______________________ Include or attach a description of your entry for the Parade Announcer. Return to: HAPPENINGS, 600 Aloha Ave., Port St. John, FL 32927 Parade T-Shirts: $12.72 (inc. tax) _______ Red or Green, S, M, L or XL Quality Work Isn’t Expensive - It’s Priceless • Air Conditioning & Heating • Sales • • Service • Cleaning• Installation • • Dryer Vent Cleaning • Now Doing Duct Cleaning! Reg. $69.95 Service Call with Coupon $59.95 Ask About Our Monthly Specials & Air Quality Products the parade shirts! Your business name will be added to all the Parade T-shirts, staff and public, for a minimum donation of $50. If there are noise considerations for your entry, please let us know immediately. We will try to spread out the bands and musical participants. Any questions, suggestions, problems or needs should be directed to Randy Rodriguez at Happenings, 321-633-7499. Air Conditioning & Heating Cooling & Heating Products & Pressure Washing We repair and install water heaters, garbage disposals, faucets, and more. Count on us to provide you with superior customer service. Taylor Plumbing Services Inc. offers: - Water heaters - Garbage disposals - Toilet replacements - Shower valves - Sinks and Faucets - Sewer line stoppages and repairs - Water line repair and replacement - Water repiping – homes and mobile home Lic. CAC1814911 John Sabo has served the North Brevard Area for 20 years 321-631-6424 321-693-8907 Randy Rodriguez 321-631-2128 Cell: 863-7499 The Voice of Happenings! If you’re waiting for the market to turn, it happened in 2012. Don’t wait for mortgages to go back up, too! 6945 Kaylor Ave. $89,900 2 BR / 2 BA Charming CBS home in Florida color with beautiful landscaping. 3rd BR was redesigned to Family room and more open space. Country kitchen has tile floors, pantry and lots of counter space. Garage is detached. 2511 Auburn St., Cocoa $119,900 5657 Flint Rd. 4 BR/2Bath $165,900 965 Tope St. 3 BR / 2 Bath $119,900 Beautiful custom brick home by one of PSJ’s finest builders, upgraded by proud owners, on 2 lots. Make this home your first stop! Open floor plan. Large kitchen. Florida Room (photos don’t do justice; flash and sunlight collided). Two lots allow for RV, Boat, work vehicles or just lots of fun! Tile floors in Kitchen, Dining Rm and Living Rm. Wood floors in bedrooms. Energy efficient dual pane windows in front. Long lasting Architectural shingles on roof. Real Brick over 2x6 frame for great insulation and strength. This home is built to last and stay beautiful! This is a must have! Be the envy of all your friends with this 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage pool home located in a quite neighborhood in Port St. John. This home features beautiful wood and tile flooring. Huge kitchen with Breakfast nook. Very spacious floor plan, perfect for families or even entertaining. Spend relaxing time in the screened in pool area. Don’t wait, this home won’t be on the market for long. Your forever home is waiting! We Have Buildable Vacant Lots in PSJ! 791 Lindsay Ave. - $17,000. Partially cleared and ready for a home! .24 acre lot on Grissom Parkway. Oversize front easement and sidewalk. Easy access, lots of trees, city water. $13,000. 4020 Monterey -$18,000. End of a cul-de-sac. Lovely remodeled pool home has fresh paint, granite countertops on maple cabinets, wood floors in LR and Breakfast Nook, tile in kitchen and baths. In-ground pool, screened porch and comfort. Close to college and shopping. Roof and carpets done in ‘14, kitchen in ‘12, AC in ‘08. 992 Elkcam 2 BR / 1-Car Garage $83,700 Very nice 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath. Home conveniently located in Port St. John. Nice screened porch. Large patio. Big exterior shed in backyard with large door opening. Double pane efficiency windows. Granite countertops in kitchen. Electrical panel upgraded to code. Less than 40 minutes to Beach areas and additional shopping areas. 639-3333 6811 N. US Hwy 1 ~ PSJ KIDS EAT FREE! Kids Pizza or Kids Spaghetti Ages 12 and under. Must be accompanied by adult. * * VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE: * * ~ Delivery Specials ~ 10% OFF $10.00 OFF Present 7 of Your Delivery Receipts and Receive $10.00 Off your next delivery order. Coupon valid only on Delivery Receipt Orders from PSJ Location. Must Present Coupon & Receipts at Time of Order. Expires 1-31-15. Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. Entire Check on your next delivery order. Coupon valid only on Delivery Receipt Orders from PSJ Location. Must Present Coupon & Receipts at Time of Order. Expires 1-31-15. Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. ~ Dine-In Specials ~ HALF PRICE 2 for $20 Buy One Dinner Dine In Only Expires 1-31-15 PSJ Location Only Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. Must Present Coupon (at Regular Price) Get the 2nd Entree (of equal or lesser value) At Half Price 10% OFF Dine In Only Expires 1-31-15 PSJ Location Only Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. Must Present Coupon Entire Check Dine In Only Expires 1-31-15 PSJ Location Only Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. Must Present Coupon 2 Calzones of Your Choice. 15% OFF When you buy 2 Dinner Entrees at Regular Price. Dine In Only Expires 1-31-15 PSJ Location Only Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. Must Present Coupon (Discount applied only to Dinner Entree Selections.) ~ Pick-Up / Delivery Specials ~ FREE Expires 1-31-15 Pick-up or Delivery Only. Delivery Charge $1.50 Minimum for Delivery $10.00 Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. Small Cheese Pizza When You Buy 2 Calzones at Regular Price FREE Expires 1-31-15 Pick-up or Delivery Only. Delivery Charge $1.50 Minimum for Delivery $10.00 Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. FREE Expires 1-31-15 Pick-up or Delivery Only. Delivery Charge $1.50 Minimum for Delivery $10.00 Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. 2 Litre Bottle of Coke When You Buy 2 Large 1-Topping Pizzas at Regular Price Expires 1-31-15 Pick-up or Delivery Only. Delivery Charge $1.50 Minimum for Delivery $10.00 Not Valid With Any Other Offer, Coupon or Discount. Small Pepperoni Pizza When You Buy 2 Large Pizzas at Regular Price Large One Topping Pizza and a Medium Greek Salad $17.99 +Tax Martin Anderson Senior Center Dances December Dances for the North Brevard Senior Center Martin Andersen Senior Center, 1025 S. FlorNorth Brevard Senior Center, 909 Lane Ave., ida Ave., Rockledge, will host a Singles/Couples Titusville. 321-268-2333. Dance on Saturday, December 13. Doors open at Beginners Monthly Line Dance, Dec. 6th, 7 p.m. and dancing begins at 7:30 p.m., ends 7-10 PM. Join the fun, only $5. at 10:30 p.m. Music will be provided by Steve Community Dance at the North Kirsner. The cost is $6; $5 for members. Brevard Senior Center, Saturday, Martin Andersen Senior Center will host a December 19th, 7:00 - 10:00 pm. Dance on Saturday, December 27. Doors open BYOB, soda and snacks available. at 7 p.m. and dancing begins at 7:30 p.m., Tickets, $6/$7. Call 321-268-2333 ends at 10:30 p.m. Music will be provided by for more information. Janice and Rene. The cost is $6; $5 for members. Winter Gospel Celebration Call Martin Andersen Senior Center at 321-631The Winter Gospel Celebration will be held at 7556 for more information. the Isaac Campbell, Sr. Community Center, 701 South Street in Titusville, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Senior Center Activities Bingo every Thursday, 10 am. Come join the on Saturday, Dec. 6. There will be face painting, only morning Bingo in town. Cost is $8 for 16 a bounce house and a live stage act. The event is games, $1 special games. Special Games paying free to attend and open to the public. This event is sponsor by Love Center Church $40-$100. Coffee and snacks are provided. Karaoke every Thursday, 6-9 PM. The fee and Brevard County Board of County Commisis only $2. Join the fun at North Brevard Senior sioners, Parks & Recreation Dept., and North Center, 909 Lane Ave., Titusville! Call the Center Area Parks Operations. For more information, please call Tommy Myers at (321) 264-5040. at 321-268-2333 for more information. Light Up Viera With summer behind us and the school year well underway, people are looking forward to the next big time of the year – the Holidays. Now through December 24, guests can celebrate the holidays with food, fun and festivity! From live entertainment to a 40’ x 100’ ice skating rink, there’s something for everyone. - Viera Holiday Village – Here’s what the Holiday Village has in store: - 40’ x 100’ synthetic ice skating rink - 30’ tall Bouncy the Snowman bounce-house - 15-foot Snow Globe photo experience - Arts and Craft vendors - Visits from Santa - Holiday sand sculpture - Delicious cuisine - Local entertainment Viera Holiday Village will be at Calvary Chapel 2852 Fellowship Place, Viera. Contact Joane Dowd, 321-255-4500, for info. How do you reach 12,000 homes in Port St. John & Canaveral Groves? Happenings has prices for every budget. Call Randy at 633-7499 We take VISA & MasterCard Rose’s Room I really enjoy traditional holidays, and in the last few years my tradition has become being inventive. My family has grown by leaps and bounds through the years, acquiring various in-laws and stepchildren along the way. To accommodate everyone, I have happily gone from having my children and their families every other year to doing early holiday brunches to celebrating a week before or after the actual day. The latest challenge is our sheer numbers are beginning to strain the seams of even the largest homes. The latest solution is to rent a large room with access to a playground. I also threw in doing it a week early and having dinner at lunch time for good measure. Such was our Christmas this year. Dinner was in a large dining area and afterward the whole park became a testing ground for new toys, kids drifting to their own age and interest groups. The one exception was a lone two year old who insisted on playing football with the ‘big kids’. Since they couldn’t shake him - they positioned him far away from the action and told him not to let anyone get past him. Said instructions were met with enthusiastic head nodding. I was sure the little one would get bored and wander off, but he stayed put - jumping and cheering when he thought appropriate, not for a team but for a cousin. When the ball went to the side and both teams came thundering at the little guy he steadfastly stayed his ground, arms and legs splayed, with such a look of determination I knew he would not get out of the way should the older ones forget he was there. Before I could get to Josh the teams split at the last moment and went around him continuing the chase on the other side. He stood there still, but the look on his face had turned to abject disappointment….until the last ‘big kid’ slowed to give him a ‘high five’ adding “Good job!” Christmases spent in a park, in perfect weather, surrounded by 38 close relatives including one special little boy are wonderful indeed!... and didn’t the whole holiday begin with one small boy? Please remember the reason for the season … all year long. ~ Rose Padrick Light Up Cape Canaveral Cape Canaveral Leisure Services Department will be hosting Light Up Cape Canaveral on Saturday evening, December 6th at Xeriscape Park, located on Taylor Avenue, in Cape Canaveral. Festivities will begin at 6 p.m. featuring kid’s crafts, performances by the Cape View Elementary Choir and the Dickens Carolers, complementary refreshments, annual lighting of the park and a special guest from the North Pole. This event is for all ages and admission is free. For more information, call the Leisure Services office at (321) 868-1226. Visit us at www. or like our official site on Facebook for the latest information on this and all other events hosted by the City of Cape Canaveral. Classified CERAMIC MOLDS. Over 1500. Pouring table with pump, 2 kilns. All 4 one price. 321-795-3533. Classified Section - $5.00 per line - approximately 45 characters per line (including spaces). All classified ads must be paid in advance. Ads must be submitted in writing no later than the 18th of the month for publication the following month. Happenings reserves the right to reject any advertisements not meeting its standards. Liability for errors shall not exceed the cost of the ad. Wound Healing Center Now Open in Port St. John E PERT WOUND CARE NOW at 5005 Port St. John Parkway (Parrish Healthcare Center at Port St. John) Also at 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville (North building on the PMC campus) PLEASE CALL 321-633-8695 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. Affiliated with Healogics, Inc. • Healing environment for chronic wound sufferers • Latest treatments and technology • Specially trained physicians • Self-referrals accepted • Evening hours by appointment at Port St. John Sad but true, our 2014 Football season has come to an end. We want to thank all of our athletes, coaches, team support, parents, friends, community and sponsors for all they have done. We are a league because of all of you and what you have done. Thank you. Our football season may be over, but cheerleading is still revving into high gear. December 6th is the Brevard County Youth Cheerleading Competition. All of our divisions will be competing! All our Rockets teams are gearing up for a great day of fun! Preparing for this event takes a little more time, extra work and dedication from all participants, including athletes, coaches, parents, grandparents and any other supporting person involved - but it is all worth it!! We would like to invite our entire PSJ Rockets family and community to come support the athletes on their BIG day. Show your Rockets' Pride - wear the colors, make noise in the stands and yell along with the crowd participation cheers!! This event is at Melbourne High School. It is an all-day event, beginning with opening ceremonies at 8:30 am, the "adult team" division, then followed by the youngest of our divisions and up. Spectator fee is $2.00 in advance or $3.00 at the gate. NFL Coed Flag is coming to the Rockets: Are you bummed when football season is over? We have a solution! We will have NFL Coed Flag at our home fields located at Space Coast Communities Sports Complex. We will have registration dates posted shortly. Please be sure to check out our Facebook page for updates: Port St. John Rockets Youth Football and Cheer- Christy’s Do It All Professional Cleaning Christy R. Cramer Owner 5002 Bogey Pl. Port St. John, FL 321-338-7432 : Christy’s Do It All Professional Cleaning leading. The season will run March, April and May. Practices will begin on March 9th. All games are played in house (at home field). For ages 5-15, with the division breakdown (5-6), (7-8), (9-10), (11-12), and (13-15). We project 2 practices and one game on Saturday per week. Registration Fee is $50.00. We will need volunteer coaches. If you are interested, please let registration know or a Board member. 2015 Regular Season: Registration has started and future dates will be announced shortly. Please be sure to check our Facebook page for updates. Registration fees for Tackle Football and Cheerleading currently is $85.00 and Flag Football is $55.00. These rates will continue to increase. Be sure to register early. “State” Cheer Competition: Are you an athlete who likes to compete? We have the season that’s right for you!! We have started registering for our “state” competition cheer teams. These athletes - boys & girls / ages 4-18 - take the month of December off and then get back on the field in January to prepare for some larger events run by competition specific companies. In previous years, these teams have traveled to Jacksonville, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Orlando and a few other locations to compete against teams from around the state. We do not have the details to post at this time, but keep your eyes peeled and ears open. BUSINESS PARTNERS WANTED: Need to receive substantial exposure for your business? Want to make a positive impact on the youth in our community? Could you benefit from a tax deduction? We are always accepting new sponsors and we have a plan to meet your needs! Sponsorship forms are available online. Contact Beth Benson via email eabenson106@ For more information: https:// Central FL Accordion Club The Brevard Chapter of the Central Florida Accordion Club (CFAC) holds its regular meeting the last Sunday of every month. Accordions and other instruments are played with various music styles. The cost is free to members, guests and the public. The November Accordion Club meeting will be held on Sunday, Dec. 28th, 2:00-5:00 p.m. at the Elks Lodge #1532, 315 Florida Ave., Cocoa. For more information about the meeting or the club, call 866-455-2322 or visit our website, Best Pets of Brevard Calendar! The Humane Society is proud to sponsor their 23rd Anniversary 2015 "Best Pets of Brevard" Calendar. Gracing the cover is Gourd and he is "striking a pose" for the camera. Other features of the calendar include the "In Loving Memory" of pets that have passed away, Honorable Mentions, Paws of Distinction and special "money saving" coupons. Copies of the calendar are $10.00 each and can be purchased at the Central Brevard Humane Society at 1020 Cox Road in Cocoa; any of their (4) Molly Mutt Thrift Shops in Melbourne, MerEileen’s Salon & Mobile ritt Island, Palm Bay & Rockledge; their Merritt Island Adoption Center; local veterinary offices; Hair Care and online at Can’t Get Out? I Will Come To YOU!! Proceeds from the sales of these calendars 321-302-1335 will help to raise awareness and financial port for the "unwanted and abandoned" pets that 725 Canaveral Groves Blvd., Cocoa visit their Adoption Centers in Cocoa and MerHoliday Specials! Gift Certificates available. ritt Island each year, who need a safe and loving Buy $50 Gift Certificate & "forever" home. Receive $10.00 Gift Certificate for FREE! For more information, contact the 20% OFF 30% OFF Central Brevard Humane Society at With any Chemical Service Any Service - New Clients Only With this coupon. Not valid with With this coupon. Not valid with (321) 636-3343 or visit other offers or prior service. other offers or prior service. Expires 1-31-2015 Expires 12-31-2014 Lady Vipers Swim Team Congrats to the Space Coast Viper Swim Team on an incredible 2014 season! Districts 2014: this year we had 30 athletes compete, the most swimmers in school history to compete at a district swim meet! The Lady Vipers finished 4th in the Class 2A District Championship, the best placement in school history! Kori Conklin-200 IM and the Girls 400 Free Relay were District Runners Up! Vipers District team members:Kori Conklin (Captain), Alexis Armstrong, Savannah Bowen, Autumn Donnelly, Selina Evans, Megan Fehrenbach, Amber Flanagan, Brittany Flanagan, Sophia Gooden, Lindsey Hartt, Madison Harrison, Saundra Hecky, Madison Herold, Samantha Hurst, Ali Jacquith, Deanna Leider, Jessica Ramos, Hannah Rittenhouse, Nicole Waldo, Zowie Waldo, Skylar White–Lucas Erickson (Captain), Nikolas Garten, Mark Holub, Cade Herold, Elijah Jenkins, Michael McKinney, Drew Macon, Trevor Owens, and John Portz. s ’ y l Kel Smokin’ BBQ Fresh BBQ Daily Dine In or Take out - We Deliver 321-305-4970 Catering Available 6693 N. US Hwy 1 - Port St. John Class 2A District Championship Results: Girls- 4th place overall (222.5 Points) Kori Conklin- 2nd Place 200 IM & 4th place 100 breast *New school record in the 200 IM and 100 breast. Saundra Hecky- 6th place 200 Free & 4th place 100 fly Jessica Ramos- 8th place 500 Free Girls 200 Medley Relay (Conklin, Evans, Hecky, B. Flanagan)- 4th place Girls 200 Free Relay (Hecky, Conklin, B. Flanagan, N. Waldo) - 4th place Girls 400 Free Relay (N. Waldo, Z. Waldo, J. Ramos, S. Bowen)- District Runner Up Boys- 8th Overall (119 Points) Top 8 Finishes Boys 200 Medley Relay (Erickson, McKinney, Macon, Garten) - 7th place Lucas Erickson- 4th place 100 fly and 5th place 100 back *New School Record in the 100 back. Boys 200 Free Relay (Erickson, McKinney, Macon, Garten)- 5th place Regionals 2014: The Vipers continued to rise to the challenge with the most swimmers in school history to compete at the Class 2A Regional Meet. Vipers regional team members: Conklin, Bowen, Evans, B. Flanagan, Hecky, Ramos, N. Waldo and Z. Waldo, Erickson, Garten, Macon, and McKinney. At the Regional meet the Viper swimmers received personal best in 90% of their races. The highlight at this meet was Lucas Erickson's 100 backstroke, were he broke the school record (58.99) and put himself in a position to move on to the Class 2A State Championship. Lucas finished 34th in the state of Florida. We are so very proud of the 2014 team's accomplishments. Viper Pride! Class 2A Regional Championship Results Lucas Erickson- 6th Place 100 backstroke *New school record in the 100 backstroke Kori Conklin- New school record in the 200 IM The Viper swimmers wish to thank Coach Angela Ellis, Coach Ryan Herold and Coach Karrah Hudkins, for guiding us to a most remarkable and memorable year! We are celebrating the season with our Best Sale of the Year! ANY frame with our Premium Lenses for $199.99 3550 S. Washington Ave. Titusville, Florida 32780 321-268-9239 Sears Optical-Titusville is a full service office Prescription eyewear, contact lenses, Rayban sunglasses and our Doctor of Optometry Please stop by and see Joanne Abernathy “After so many happy years at Jabbers, I was excited to return to my first career.” Port St. John Public Library December 2014 PSJ Library Events December Calendar of Events (321) 633-1867 December 6th: Pancake Breakfast with Mrs. Claus & Holiday Tree Trimming Party Join us at the Port St. John Library on Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 9:30 – noon for an all-ages holiday event. Enjoy a homemade pancake breakfast while celebrating the spirit of the season. Pancakes will be served from 9:30- 11:00. At 11:00, Mrs. Claus will read the well-loved and time-honored poem ‘Twas the Night before Christmas. Mrs. Claus will also hand deliver letters to Santa, so we will have paper to write letters or you can bring one from home. Everyone, young and old, is also invited to make an ornament to help us decorate the tree in the library lobby. Space will be limited, so please stop by the library in advance to pick up your free ticket to this festive holiday celebration. Thank you in advance to the Friends of the Port St. John Library for sponsoring this event. December 17th: Friends of the Library Gift Wrapping Extravaganza Holiday Shopping got you way behind schedule? Bring your gifts up to the Library on Wednesday, December 17, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. and the Friends of the Port St John library will wrap them for you for a donation to the Friends of the Library organization. Come on up and let us help! December 19th: Story Time with the “World Famous Library Loving Pig” and special guests Lily Pug and Dixie Cup Join us at 10:30 am on Friday, December 19, to Pig Out on Reading! Farmer Minor, Daisy the Pig and the Pugs will be at the library to share stories about their famous family and read some of Daisy’s favorite pig books. And, don’t worry, Yes, of course, you will get to pet them! December 20th: Port St. John Christmas Parade Look for your favorite library rolling down Fay Blvd. handing out bookmarks! We are excited about our second year participating in the parade. Happy Holidays from the Port St. John Library! Mon., Tues., Fri., 9 am - 5 pm; Wed., 12 – 8 pm; Thurs., 10 am – 6 pm; Sat., 10 am – 2 pm The library will be closed Dec. 24 and Dec. 25. Basic Computer Classes: Beginning classes are available. Registration is required due to limited space. Class is taught in a series of sessions covering different topics. Fee is $20 for four classes. Please call for dates and times. Yarning for a Cause: Mondays, 11 am-1 pm. Master Gardener’s Garden Clinic: Mondays, 2:004:00 pm. Our master gardener will answer your plant questions. Bring samples. SHINE - Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders: Tuesdays, Noon-3:00. Counselors assist with Medicare and Medicaid questions. Call for an appointment time, 321-222-7981. Senior Games: Tuesdays, 11:00-3:00 pm. Join other seniors for a variety of card games, Rummikub, Dominoes, etc. Bring your favorite game, lunch or a snack. STIR - Story Time for Independent Readers: Thursdays, 3:30-4:30. 1st grade and up. Pre-registration required. Via de Cristo Support Group: Thursdays, 4:30-5:45. Story Time: Fridays, 10:30. All ages welcome. Yarn Club: Fridays, 2:00-4:00 pm. Knit, crochet and needle arts. Sit, talk and create. All ages and abilities welcome. Want to learn? We can help! Over-Eaters Anonymous: Saturdays, 9:30-10:30 am. Meetings and Events: Dec. 1, 3-4:00 pm PSJ Homeschoolers Lego Club Dec. 6, 9:30-Noon Friends of the Library “Pancake Breakfast with Mrs. Claus.” Space is Limited. Pick up Free tickets in advance at the library. Dec. 6, 11-1:00 pm Delta Sigma Dec. 8, 3-4:00 pm PSJ Homeschoolers Games Club Dec. 10, 6-7:30 pm Boy Scouts Dec. 12, 11:45-1:45 Titusville Chamber of Commerce Business Connections Luncheon Dec. 13, 10-Noon Port St. John Pokémon Club Dec. 15, 5:30 pm PSJ Library Advisory Board Dec. 17, 1-3:00 pm Bookworms Adult Book Discussion Group – Galileo’s Daughter. Dec. 17, 5:30-7:30 Friends of the PSJ Library Holiday Gift Wrapping Dec. 17, 6-7:45 pm Sunrise Village Bd of Directors Dec. 22, 3-4:00 pm PSJ Homeschoolers Games Club Dec. 27, 10-Noon Port St. John Pokémon Club Walk Through Bethlehem December 19, 20 & 21 6:00 - 8:00 pm nightly We invite you, your family, friends and the general public to journey back in time with us to Bethlehem and that special night so many years ago when there was no room at the inn and the Gift of Christ came to us in the stable. Come experience what daily life was like in a Bethlehem village; taste the foods, smell the aromas, walk the streets, stop by the synagogue to talk with the rabbi and stop by the shops to talk with the merchants. When you finish your journey, you are invited to the fellowship hall for a drink to quench your thirst, some Christmas goodies to fill your stomach and the music of the season to stir your Spirit. Come as our guest and leave as a friend. First United Methodist Church 1165 Fay Blvd. Port St John, 321-631-0183. Children’s Worship Service at 5:30 pm and Candlelight Service at 7:30 pm, December 24th We offer two services to minister to the entire family. Our Children’s Worship Service will include a Christmas pageant by the children. The second service will include the traditional candlelight service. All are welcome to come and celebrate the reason for the season. Hope to see you, and you, and you... Christmas Cantata You, your loved ones, friends and the general public are invited to join us on December 14th, 10:00 am, as we celebrate the season in song. A Christmas Party will follow in the Fellowship Hall and will continue until 1pm. Refreshments, snacks, camaraderie are what you will enjoy at no cost to you. So come out and enjoy good song and good food! First United Methodist Church at 1165 Fay Blvd., PSJ, 631-0183. Parents Night Out Hospice Seeking Volunteers “Parents Night Out” at the PSJ Community Center on December 12, 6-11 p.m. This event is for parents that need a break to prepare for the holidays. “Plan a date to leave yours kid(s) with us!” Children ages 5-12 years will be entertained with music, arts & crafts, games, “Florida snow ball competition” and a movie. Pizza and drinks will be provided. “Limited space of 40 participants available. Pre-registration by December 5, required. (Must have a minimum of 15 participants). The cost for this event is $12 per child and $10 for each additional child in the same household. Hospice of St. Francis (HOSF) is seeking caring people who would like to become hospice volunteers. We are in need of assistance for the following: respite care for families, making friendly visits to hospice patients and military services. Volunteer opportunities are also available in other capacities throughout Brevard County. No previous experience is needed. Training is provided at no cost to the participants. North Brevard’s First Training Class will be held at 1250-B Grumman Place, Titusville 32780 on Monday, November 10, 2014 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information and to register for the volunteer training classes, please call Vicky Hamilton, North County Volunteer Coordinator, or Mary Larson, South County Volunteer Coordinator, at 321-269-4240 or 866-269-4240 (toll free). Hospice of St. Francis is a local, independent, non-profit organization. Established in 1977, Hospice of St. Francis is Brevard County’s first hospice. HOSF continues to provide care for terminally ill patients and support for their families. For more information on HOSF programs, please call or visit the website at www. The Lamp Stand A monthly Church Bulletin Board for the community. Attend a Church of Your Choice! Anchor Baptist Church 1545 N. Cocoa Blvd., Cocoa, FL 32922 Dr. Donald M. Davis - Pastor 321-433-2033 Sunday Morning Worship 10 am (nursery provided) Sunday Evening Worship 6:30 pm (nursery provided) Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study 7 PM. Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 5135 N. Cocoa Blvd., Cocoa, FL 32927, 632-6333 Saturday Mass, 4:30 pm. Sunday Masses at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM Reconciliation at 3:30 PM on Saturdays BINGO Thursdays (except holidays) - Early Bird starts at 5:15 pm, regular Bingo starts at 6:30 pm. Brevard Zen Center 1261 Range Road, Cocoa, Fl Buddist Sunday Service 9:00am Meditation in the Zendo 7:00pm Calvary Baptist Church, 636-8056 1 1/2 miles south of 528 overpass, east side of US 1 Pastor Jay Frazier Sunday School, 9 a.m. Children’s Service - 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Service - 10 a.m. (nursery provided) Sunday Eve. Service - 6 pm, Wed. Evening - 7 pm Calvary Chapel Space Coast, 321-745-1585 Pastor Shane Robinson, 4725 Fay Blvd. Teaching the Bible line by line Sundays at 9:30 am, Wednesdays at 7 pm Christian Church at PSJ, 4645 Fay Blvd., Pastor Larry Sparrow, -- email: Sunday - Bible Study 8:30 a.m. Worship at 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays - Youth Group, 7:00 p.m. Coastal Community Church 639-7346 5795 Falcon Blvd., PSJ Services on Sunday, 9 & 10:45 am. Relevant and practical for your everyday life! Web site at Cocoa Presbyterian Church, 636-9602 1404 Dixon Blvd., Cocoa, Sunday: Church school 9:15 pm/Worship 10:30 am Nurseries and Children’s church Cocoa 7th Day Adventist Church & School State & County Certified Voluntary Pre-K 1500 Cox Rd, Cocoa, Pastor Tom Baker Church 632-0640 Sch 636-2551; Saturday Sabbath School classes all ages, 9:45 am. Worship at 11:30 am. Wednesday Bible Study, 7:00 pm. Community Alliance Church 639-1717 4855 Fay Blvd. Sunday School (all ages), 9:30 am Sunday Worship 10:45 am and 6:00 pm. Wednesday Youth, 7 pm. Covenant Life Fellowship (321) 639-7734 Non-Denominational - Pastor Jamie McIlwain 3770 Curtis Blvd., PSJ. Sunday Service 10:30am Discovery Christian Church (321) 636-0316 3925 Grissom Parkway, Canaveral Groves Phillip Smith - Preaching Minister Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Classes for all ages. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. First Assembly of God(321) 632-5228 3757 N. US Hwy. 1 Pastor Les Ray Sunday School, 9:30 am, Worship 10:30 and 6:30 pm Wednesday, 7 pm, Bible Study: Rainbows (3-4), Royal Rangers (boys 5-12), Missionettes (girls 5-12). Wednesday, 7 pm, Youth Group Fellowship. First Baptist Church of Port St. John Pastor Andrew Carrington, (321)636-5455 3900 Fay Blvd., Sun. school 9:15; Worship & Kid’s Church 10:30 am. Adult Bible Study, 7 p.m. Wednesday Wednesday: TeamKids & YouthAftershock, 6-8 pm. Thrift Store Hours: M,T,Th,F, 10 - 4. W&Sat, 10 - 2 Food Pantry Hours: M & W, 10 am - 1 pm First Baptist Church of Cocoa (321)636-2868 750 Brevard Ave. in Historic Cocoa Village Worship 11 am & 6 pm, Sunday School 9:30 am Wednesday Service/Youth Prayer & Share, 6:30 pm First Free Will Baptist Church Pastor Darrell “D” Miller, 795-4780. 5311 Barna Ave. Titusville 269-4033, 268-1705 Sunday School 9:00 am, Morning Worship 10:00 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm, Wednesday Night Prayer & Praise 7:00 pm First United Methodist Church, Rev. Steve Hart (321)631-0183 at 1165 Fay Blvd. Sunday Worship - 8:30, 10:55, Sunday School - 9:45 Wonderful Wednesday Worship, at 7 pm Senior (High) Youth & Jr. (High) Youth at 3 pm, Sun. Kingdom Kids, K - 5, meet at 3 pm. Sunday Frontenac Baptist Church (321)636-1369 5500 N. US Hwy 1 Reverend Lambert Mills Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Services, 6:00 pm Glory of God Anglican Church (321)632-6812 3735 N. Indian River Dr., Reverend Paul W. Young Sunday, Eucharist (Rite 1) at 8 am, (Rite 2) at 10:15 Children’s Church, 10 am Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 2073 Garden St., Titusville, 321-267-4323 Pastor Bruce Alberts; Traditional Worship, 8:30 am; Contemporary, 11:00 FREE Children’s Mentoring & Tutoring, Thu, 6-8 pm HOPE United Church of Christ, 636-0250 2555 Fiske Blvd., Pastor Clarice Mitchell Sunday School, 9 a.m. Children’s Service - 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Service - 10 a.m. (w/nursery) Fourth Sunday Iona Service, 6 p.m. Ma’gen David Messianic Synagogue Rabbi Jem Golden (321) 213-2259 3815 N. US1, Suite 123 in Cocoa Commercial Ctr. Erev Shabbat Service - Friday, 6:30 pm Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA Pastor Tom Unrath, (321) 636-0777 400 Lucerne Dr. Cocoa Sunday Worship Service 10:00 AM Bible Study- Wed. 6:00 PM New Life Christian Fellowship 269-7578 Pastor Larry Linkous Interdenominational Multi-Cultural Ministry for Entire Family 6755 S. Washington Ave. Sunday - 8:30 & 10:30, Wedn. & Sat. - 7 pm Catalyst Youth Church - Wed., 7 pm Nursery & Children’s Church available all services Northwest Baptist Church, 1720 Cox Rd. 638-0890 Sunday School for all ages, 9:00 am/10:45 am Classic/Modern Worship Service, 9:00 a.m./10:45 a.m., respectively Sunday evening, 6 p.m.; Wed. Nights, 7 p.m. Pentecostals of Cocoa, 636-6560 1901 Michigan Ave., Cocoa Sunday Worship at 10AM Sunday School at 10:30 AM Sunday evening Evangelistic Service, 6 pm Redeemer Presbyterian Church 264-0035 Meeting at 5005 Barna Ave., Titusville Coffee Corner - Sundays at 9:30 am Worship Celebration - Sundays at 10 am Christian Education - Sundays, 11:15 am Sovereign Grace, Tim Merwin, Sr. Pastor 6750 South U.S. 1 (3 miles north of Fay Blvd.) Sunday Celebration at 10 am 268-8004 Glorifying God by celebrating grace and enjoying His purpose St. Patrick’s Anglican Catholic Church, 632-7634 4797 Curtis Blvd. Bishop John Vaughan, Rector Mass Sunday at 8, 10 & 5:30 and Friday noon Mass Wednesday Mass, 6:30 pm, then Pot Luck Supper Tolerance of other faiths imparts to us a truer understanding of our own. Alcoholics Anonymous, Sunday, 5 pm; Tuesdays, 7:30 pm Narcotics Anonymous, Mondays, 8 - 10 pm. St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, 321-267-2545 414 Pine St., Titusville The Rev. Rob Goodridge, Rector Sat. 5:30; Sun. 7:30 & 10:00; Wed. 7:30 Youth Rock Sun Valley Christian Church 264-1337 4825 S. Barna Ave., Titusville, Minister Reggie Reed Sunday School at 9 am, Worship at 10 am & 6 pm Youth Group, Sunday at 6 pm Ladies Group each Tuesday and Thursday Surfside Community Fellowship, 607-2111 Pastor Dr. Erick Brookins Meeting at the Port St. John Community Center, Services at 9:00 & 10:30 am. Titusville Church of Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Tom Baker. ALL are welcomed. 5005 Barna Ave. 267-8893. Saturday Worship, 11 am. Sabbath School, 9:00 am. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer, 7 pm. Trinity Lutheran Church & School - LCMS 1330 S. Fiske Blvd., Rockledge, 636-5431 Michael Hageman, Pastor Worship: 10:30 am Trinity Lutheran Church-LCMC Pastor David Trexler | Dial-A-Story, 607-6742 3671 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville, FL 32780 Sunday Worship Service 9:30am Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cocoa 1261 Range Road, Cocoa. Sunday Service 11:00am Unity of Merritt Island, 321-452-2625 4725 N. Courtenay Pkwy, Merritt Island Reverend Rose Whitham Practical Christianity. Sunday Services at 10 am We are on Facebook. Victory Baptist Church, Pastor Raymond Hall 632-6148 at 242 Capron Road. Sunday Bible Study at 9:30 am. Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 am and 6 pm. Children’s clubs and teen groups Prayer Service, Wednesday, 6:45 pm. Victory Baptist Church of Titusville Pastor Tracy Covel, 321.264.0665 Services at Indian River Civic Ctr, 4220 S. Hopkins Sunday School 9 am, Sunday Morning 10 am Sunday Evening 6 pm, Wednesday 7 pm Victory Worship Center, 431-7964 Pastors Jeff & Nancy Kleinman Meeting Sundays, 10AM Wednesday Mid-Week Manna & Prayer, 7-8 PM Community Center, 4201 US Hwy 1, Cocoa Parent's Night Out Parent’s Night Out is always held the last Saturday of every month! AGES: Infant - 6th grade SPONSOR: First United Methodist Church WHERE: 1165 Fay Blvd, PSJ - Fellowship Hall and Nursery WHEN: December 27, 2014, 6:00 -9:00 pm Contact the Church Office at 631-0183 for more information. Please visit the church’s Facebook page @ Faith in Action We are a smaller congregation, but Trinity is very large when it comes to reaching out and spreading the Gospel! One year ago we called a new pastor - Rev. David Trexler from Chicago and our activity in the community has blossomed. Trinity Lutheran now offers “Dial-A-Story!” 321607-6742. Anyone can call this number and hear a different kind of message about God’s Love. In Christian Love - Trinity Lutheran Church First Friday Rosary First Friday Rosary will be held on December 5th at 6 pm. This will be a Christmas Rosary with a talk on the life of a Saint. All faiths are welcome to attend. Potluck Gathering will follow in the church hall. Call Deacon Frank, 321-208-2356, if you have any questions. Christmas Schedule December 24th, 2014 Christmas Eve; Mass 6:30 PM & 11:00 pm Carols; Midnight mass 11:30 pm December 25th, 2014; Mass 10:00 am There will be a New Year’s Eve Celebration this year and you won’t be able to find a cheaper price. Tickets are $5.00 each for a Potluck Dinner. You bring a covered dish, 64 oz. bottle soda and dessert for all to share. BYOB - Ticket money is used as donation for use of church hall for everyone getting together to have fellowship; eat, drink, dance and laugh. It is a small, comfortable, loving environment. Everyone who has supported our small events have always commented on the entertainment as being the best they have enjoyed. MUSIC BY Frankie C. For tickets, call: 321208-2356. Festivities begin at 8 PM. St. Patrick’s Anglican Catholic Church 4797 Curtis Blvd., Port St John Braddock’s Gold Is there gold in the Appalachian hills? Plenty of people in Port St. John author Jay Heavner’s new cozy mystery seem to think so and they’ll stop at nothing to find it. Heavner makes much of a legend whispered from one generation to the next for nearly 250 years as he stages a modern-day treasure hunt for $2 million in gold coins that was payroll for General Edward Braddock’s army in some areas of West Virginia. Braddock’s gold disappeared when he was soundly defeated during a battle of the French & Indian War. Braddock’s Gold is a new release from Headline Books. It just won an Honorable Mention for General Fiction from the Great Midwest Book Festival. In 1755, the American frontier was the eastern edge of the Appalachian Mountains. Two great empires, the British and the French, were in a deadly contest for control of the North American continent. British General Edward Braddock along with Colonel George Washington and 2,000 British and Colonial troops were sent to drive the French and their Indian allies out of contested areas. The two large armies met on a hillside near present-day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Braddock was soundly defeated. His payroll -- gold coins valued at nearly $2 million -- disappeared, but now, major clues have appeared. Tom Kenney, Vietnam veteran and owner of a local business, and others are caught up in this drama. “Jay Heavner spins an intriguing and plausible tale to explain what happened to Braddock’s Lost Gold,” said JoAnn Peterson, a historian and actress who portrays Amazing Women of History. “Heavner traverses time, from the French and Indian War to the present day when little Timmy Miltenberger finds pieces of gold in Patterson Creek while fishing. The story is rife with intense historical drama and modern-day crime playing a role in solving the mystery of the missing gold.” Heavner resides in Port St. John with his family and two cats who think they own him. He is a recently retired member of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. Braddock’s Gold by Jay Heavner is available at The Book Rack in downtown Titusville, 346 S. Washington Ave., and they are autographed. It’s also available from online book sellers. Retail Price $18.95. Neil Armstrong, A Life Of Flight The U. S. Space Walk of Fame Foundation/ Museum is excited to announce that Jay Barbree, Emmy winning, New York Times twice bestselling author, will be at the museum on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 2 to 5 PM, for a book signing of his latest book, "Neil Armstrong, A Life of Flight." He is in his 56th year with NBC News and he's still on the job. Working with NBC, Jay is the only person to have covered every manned space mission in the United States, all 166 of them, beginning with Alan Shepard aboard Freedom 7 in 1961 through the last Shuttle mission of the Atlantis STS-135. Jay's history as a journalist, focusing on manned space travel, has been heavily documented. Because of his career long friendship with Neil Armstrong, Jay has an insight into the life of this American hero like no other, telling stories that can only now be told. Visit our web site at www.spacewalkoffame. com, stop by and see the monuments and the museum at 308 Pine St. in downtown Titusville. Looking For A Christmas Present? Garage-kept 2013 25’ Tracker Fishing Barge pontoon boat with a 2014 115 hp 4-stroke Mercury engine with trim, Bimini top, changing room with privacy curtain, sink and countertop. Tandem trailer. Lots of extras. $13,950. Call Sandy, 321-863-2920. Walter Butler Community Center - December, 2014 Crafts, Arts & Bake Sale Bernice G. Jackson Park, 4201 North US Hwy 1, Sharpes. Come and share your talent at the Crafts, Arts The center is open Monday–Thursday from 10 - 8 pm, Fridays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and & Bake Sale, hosted by the American Legion LaSaturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Schedule is subject to change. Call 433-4448 for latest information. dies Auxiliary Unit #359. Rent a table for $10.00. Mondays – Thursdays This class focuses on teaching beginners how to The event will be held on Saturday, December Open Gym, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. properly bump, set, spike and more. For more 13th from 10am till 2 pm. All proceeds go to a Board Games 6-7 p.m. local military family in need. information contact WBCC, (321) 433-4448. Monday – Friday This event is being held at the American LeZumba Classes - Zumba is an adult dance-based Pickle-Ball, 11 a.m.-2 p.m fitness class that uses a fusion of Latin and In- gion Post 359 located at 7260 South Hwy US1, Open Gym, 6 - 8 p.m. ternational rhythms with easy-to-follow moves. Port St John. (across the street from Manatee Mondays It includes both cardio and resistance training Hammock). For more information, call Angie Open Gym, 10 am - 8 pm. components designed to tone and sculpt the Hornberger 321-305-4675. 1st, 8th, & 15th, Youth Co-ed Basketball League entire body. Zumba is designed for adults of all Tuesdays ages and fitness levels. Class participants at any Art & Craft Fair Holiday Bazaar Open Gym, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Historic Cocoa Village level can start Zumba right away – exercising in Zumba Toning, 6 - 7 p.m. The Historic Cocoa Village Association is a healthy, fun, party-like environment. Classes Zodiac Cheer, 6 - 8 pm will be held Tuesday & Thursday, 6-7 p.m., $5 hosting its 31st Annual Arts & Crafts Holiday Wednesdays per class (discount punch cards available). For Bazaar on Saturday, Dec 6, 10:00AM - 5:00PM, 24th - Closed For Christmas Holiday more information contact Debbie Kowaleuski at and Sunday, Dec. 7, 10:00AM - 4:00PM. AdmisOpen Gym, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. sion and parking are FREE. (321) 403-6918. Pickle-Ball, 11 a.m.-2 p.m Artists and Crafters will be joined on the Dance It Off Aerobic Line-Dancing is ofVolleyball Fundamentals, 5 - 8 pm fered Fridays 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. excluding streets of Cocoa Village by Village merchants Zumba, 6 - 7 p.m. holidays. Registration fee $7/monthly fee $2. who will be presenting their seasonal offerings Thursdays Registration fee includes Dance It Off t-shirt. It from themed holiday booths. Live entertainment 25th - Closed For Christmas Holiday is a scientific fact a body in motion tends to stay in the Gazebo both days presented by Dog & Volleyball Fundamentals, 5 - 8 pm. in motion. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. Bone British Pub.. Open Gym, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. On Saturday evening the City of Cocoa will For more information contact Perry Cusmano at Zumba Step, 6 – 7 p.m. be hosting a tree lighting, holiday entertainment (321) 433-4448. Open Gym, 6 - 8 p.m. (Half Court) Winter Vacation Camp - Monday-Friday, 7 and a visit from Santa! Kids will enjoy winter and Zodiac Cheer, 6 - 8 pm (Half Court) a.m.-6 p.m. all inclusive before and after care. other activities, for which there will be a $5.00 Fridays Arts & Crafts, indoor games, movies, weekly activity wristband charge. Dance It Off, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. For more information, call 321-631-9075, special event. Camp will be held December 22, Pickle-Ball, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. (Half Court) through January 5; $90 per week or daily, $25. visit or email Karate, ages 6-Up 4:30-5:30 p.m. Field trip fees will be based on direct costs. For Saturdays more information contact Donovan Gilbert at Some minds are like concrete; thoroughly Pickle-Ball, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. ½ Court Walter Butler Community Center (321)433-4448. mixed up and permanently set. Program Activities, 10 am - 2 pm. Contact WBCC or more information, (321) 433-4448. Meet your neighbors and stay informed of Events & Community Happenings! Youth Co-ed Basketball League - For ages 5-7 years. Six Games are played at Walter Butler Community Center. Goals will be lowered to a height of 8’. Games will be held on Mondays, December 1, 8, 15. Fee is $5. For more information, contact Donovan Gilbert at (321) 433-4448. Persons With Disabilities Dances are held every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 7-9 p.m. all ages welcome. For more information contact Andrea Chestnut 264-5058 or 264-5105. Volleyball Fundamentals is a class which teaches proper playing techniques and team work. Canaveral Groves Homeowners Inc. If you’d like to join and support our Homeowners’ group, just cut out and fill out this form and mail with a check for $15 to cover the current year’s membership dues. Mail to: CGHI, P.O. Box 675, Sharpes, FL 32959 Name_______________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________________________ Phone_____________________ May we include your phone number on our membership roster to CGHI members? Yes No Won’t you come join us? We meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Discovery Church at 3925 Grissom Pkwy. at 7:00 pm. Fruit From the Groves, Cont. A close friend who is in the real estate business interjected that his statements were false and she had the statistics to prove it. It was like a cold wind swept through. Hopefully the Palmetto residents will get some relief but AAF refuses to acknowledge the fact that this situation exists. One of the homeowners told me that there had been some verbal discussion and phone calls but never anything in writing. AAF has begun construction on one of its terminals down south and they are forecasting construction to begin in Brevard next year or early 2016. Stay tuned to the Happenings and other media to stay informed. While I was at the AAF meeting I ran into one of Cocoa's City Officials. He told me that the Port Authority had a tentative agreement to purchase the old "Brevard Crossings" property. This is about 270 acres located on the south side of 524 just east of Friday Road and will be used as a container storage and transfer point. It is still early in the planning stage so no time line has been discussed. So much for getting vehicles off of our roadways. Hopefully by the time this copy of Happenings reaches you, the CGHOA Annual Pecan Sale will be over. As of this writing, we have just about thirty bags left and this year's crop was delicious. Thanks to all who helped with the sale and a big thank you to Jabbers for allowing us to sell at their establishment. Conley was able to come out and help, so he is getting better. Our Onion Sale will be next year, so watch Happenings and check out the new Canaveral Groves Bulletin Board on Facebook for upcoming events. Thursday, December 11th will be our annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange at Discovery Christian Church. The festivities will begin at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall. The dinner is open to all members and their guests. CGHOA will provide the meat and we ask that you bring a side dish or salad. If you would like to participate in the Crazy Gift Exchange, bring a wrapped gift not to exceed $10.00. You will be given a ticket to draw for your gift. You may end up with what you picked or something else. Great fun! It is important that you RSVP with how many people and what your side will be. The deadline is Tuesday, December 9th, so please contact me at 632-7483 and give me your information. Be sure and check out the Canaveral Groves Bulletin Board on Facebook. It contains information about events occurring here in the Groves and our general area. Join the group and post any yard sale you may have coming up, bulletins for missing animals and any criminal activities in your area. This is going to be a great tool for getting information out to our neighbors. ........A Parting Shot From The Cannon........ A THANKSGIVING LEFT OVER......... Dear Family, I'm not dead yet. Thanksgiving is still important to me. If being in my Last Will and Testament is important to you, then you might consider being with me for my favorite holiday. Dinner is at 2:00. NOT 2:15. NOT 2:30. NOT 3:00. Arrive late and you get what's left over. Last year, that moron Marshall fried a turkey in one of those contraptions and practically burned the deck off the house. This year, the only peanut oil used to make the meal will be from the secret scoop of peanut butter I add to the carrot soup. Jonathan, your last new wife was an idiot. You don't arrive at someone's house on Thanksgiving needing to use the oven and the stove. Honest to God, I thought you might have learned after two wives - date them longer and save us all the agony of another divorce. Now, the house rules are slightly different this year because I have decided that 47 percent of you don't know how to take care of nice things. Paper plates and red Solo cups might be bad for the environment, but I'll be gone soon and that will be your problem to deal with. House Rules 1. The University of Texas no longer plays Texas A&M. The tv stays off during the meal. 2. The "no cans for kids" rule still exists. We are using 2 liter bottles because your children still open a third can before finishing the first two. Parents can fill a child's cup when it is empty. All of the cups will have names printed on them and I'll be paying close attention to refills. 3. Chloe, last year we were at Trudy's house and I looked the other way when your Jell-O salad showed up. This year, if Jell-O salad comes in the front door it will go right back out the back door with the garbage. Save yourself some time, honey. You've never been a good cook and you shouldn't bring something that wiggles more than you. Buy something from the bakery. 4. Grandmothers give grandchildren cookies and candy. That is a fact of life. Your children can eat healthy at your home. At my home, they can eat whatever they like as long as they finish it. 5. I cook with bacon and bacon grease. That's nothing new. Your being a vegetarian doesn't change the fact that stuffing without bacon is like egg salad without eggs. Even the green bean casserole has a little bacon grease in it. That's why it tastes so good. Not eating bacon is just not natural. And as far as being healthy, look at me. I've outlived almost everyone I know. 6. Salad at Thanksgiving is a waste of space. 7. I don’t like cell phones. Leave it in the car. 8. I do not like video cameras. There will be 32 people here. I am sure you can capture lots of memories without the camera pointed at me 9. Being a mother means you have to actually pay attention to the kids. I have nice things and I won't put them away just because company is coming over. Mary, watch your kids and I'll watch my things. 10. Rhonda, a cat that requires a shot twice a day is a cat that has lived too many lives. I think staying home to care for the cat is your way of letting me know that I have lived too many lives, too. I can live with that. Can you? 11. Words mean things. I say what I mean. Let me repeat: when I say, "You don't need to bring anything," that means you don't need to bring anything. And if I did tell you to bring something, bring it in the quantity I said. Really, this doesn't have to be difficult. 12. Dominos and cards are better than anything that requires a battery or an on/off switch. That was true when you were kids and it's true now that you have kids. 13. Showing up for Thanksgiving guarantees presents at Christmas. Not showing up guarantees a card that may or may not be signed. In memory of your grandfather, the back fridge will be filled with beer. Drink until it is gone. I prefer wine anyway. But one from each family needs to be the designated driver. I really mean all of the above. Love you, Grandma So this brings 2014 to a close. We have had many challenges this past year but we all seem to land on our feet sooner or later. Many have had to endure the passing of loved ones, but that is part of life and we move ahead anyway. Here is wishing you and yours, on behalf of everyone at Happenings, a safe and prosperous 2015. Until next time, Lord willin' and the creek don't rise. Your humble servant, Bill Cannon Canaveral Groves SLEEPY HOLLOW Fruit From The Groves DECEMBER, 2014 - 12/7, PEARL HARBOR REMEMBRANCE DAY; 12/11, CGHOA DINNER AND GIFT EXCHANGE; 12/17, FIRST DAY OF CHANUKAH; 12/24, LAST DAY OF CHANUKAH; 12/25, CHRISTMAS DAY; 12/26, KWANZAA ; 12/31, NEW YEAR'S EVE! It’s hard to believe that another year is passing. I turned 71 last month and the toilet tissue tube is turning faster and faster. Still much to do and new people to meet before the last sheet clears the tube but there is no sense in worrying about something that is going to happen one way or another. Just be thankful for every day of family, good friends and living where we do. Our Pastor, Don Adkins constantly says, "L1 and L2." You can't go wrong loving God and people. Too bad we can't get that message out all over the world. This is especially a time of wishing Peace and Goodwill toward all men. The true meaning of Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus. No king, queen or any ruler has had more effect on the human race than that child born in a manger in Bethlehem oh, so many years ago. Do something uplifting for someone. All it may take is a smile, a handshake, even a kind word and maybe they will pay your act of kindness forward. I guarantee it will give you a warm feeling. I would like to give a shout out to Master Shea Hotaling. Shea and his family live in Port St. John. Shea had the good fortune to spend the Halloween weekend with his parents and grandparents in upstate New York. He got to go trick or treating in the cool weather and see all the leaves turning. What an exciting adventure for that young man. Shea brought a large leaf to share with his class and a beautiful New York 639-0910 Kids Package Eye Exam & 2 Pair only $129.00 Includes Polycarbonate lenses and frames from Value Collection. 18 years of age and under. Must be same prescription. Includes Polycarbonate lenses and frames from Value Collection. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts, coupons, or insurance.See office for additional details and exclusions. Expires 12-31-14. Kids Package Free SV Polycarbonate Lenses with purchase of Premium Kids Frame. Other doctors’ prescriptions welcome. only $109.00 Max value of frame up to $125.00. Gift with purchase while supplies last. Exam not included.Offer cannot be combined with other discounts, coupons or insurance. See office for additional details and exclusions. Expires 12-31-14. apple for his teacher. I would like to wish Shea and his family a Joyous Holiday Season. I attended the All Aboard Florida meeting in Cocoa on 11/12. As expected, it was mostly smoke and mirrors. There was no formal presentation, rather 15 to 20 stations with maps and talking heads. I did not hear any of them say anything that the public wanted to hear. There are three homes left on Palmetto Ave. that are not getting any satisfaction or relief from All Aboard Florida. AAF did purchase the home on the corner of Palmetto and Pine but are choosing not to elevate the fact that their trains will be right on the homeowner's property lines and they, AAF, continue to say that their trains will not cause the property values to decline or change their way of life. As I stood there, the conversation was escalating. 3720 Curtis Blvd., Suite 106 OPEN MON THRU THURS, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm FRIDAY, 7:30 - 4:30 SATURDAYS, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Professional eye care provided by Board-Certified Optometrists Robert S. Webster, O.D. & Associates Use your Flex spending $$ for Good Eyesight before 2014 ends. Don’t Let Your Money Go To Waste. Professional Eye Care In A Warm & Friendly Atmosphere We Accept Most Major Insurance Companies cont. on pg. 26 Everyday Value! Exam and Glasses for $79.00 Includes SV plastic lenses and frames from Value Collection. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts, coupons or insurance. See office for additional details and exclusions. Expires 12-31-14. Contact Lens Package Exam, Evaluation and 2 Boxes of Contacts starting at: $11900 Add a back up pair of glasses starting at $4400 Must be same prescription. 2 Boxes of Avaira included. Toric, Mono fit, Color, Progressive, Bifocal and other brands of contacts are additional. New Wear Training will have additional $20.00 fee. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Offer can not be combined with other discounts, coupons or insurance benefits. Expires 12-31-14. THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PATIENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF & WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT.
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