HINDUSTAN COPPER LIMITED Post applied for : Chief Medical Superintendent (M&HS) Specialization : Surgery / Gynecology / Physician (MD) Method of Interview : Walk-in-Interview Sl.No 1. Unit KCC 2. MCP 3. ICC Description Surgery No. of Post 01 Physician (MD) Surgery Gynaecology Surgery Gynaecology Total 01 01 01 01 01 06 Type of Employment : Regular Method of Recruitment : Walk-in-Interview Eligibility i) Qualification ii) Experience : MBBS with Graduate Degree / Diploma in respective specialization : 12 (Twelve) years post qualification experience in respective Age Date of Reckoning : 45 Years : 01/12/2014 specialization in all spheres of activities. Emoluments & Benefits : 36600-3%- 62000 Besides Basic Pay, the selected candidates shall be entitled to IDA, HRA / Company’s accommodation (subject to availability), Perks & Allowances, PRP, CPF, Gratuity, etc. and Medical benefits for self and dependants as per Company’s rules. Hindustan Copper Limited (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL), a vertically integrated multi-unit Schedule ‘A’ Miniratna-I Central Public Sector Enterprise engaged in mining and production of refined Copper invites self-driven professionally qualified and experienced Indian Nationals for the post of Chief Medical Superintendent through Walk-In Interview. Interested candidates may visit our website (www.hindustancopper.com) for complete details regarding post, eligibility requirements etc. 1. (a) The Vacancy proposed to be filled-in is detailed below. No. of Vacancies in the Post / Grade / Scale of Pay (Rs.) of Cadre / Discipline Chief Medial Superintendent (E-5) No of Post 36600-3%- 62000 Medical & Health Services 6* 6 Total 6 6 * Specialization: Surgery-3, Gynecalogy-2, Physician (MD)-1. 2. Date of Reckoning The date of reckoning for computation of eligibility towards age / experience / qualification / etc. shall be 01.12.2014. Hence, on the date of reckoning the applicants should possess the requisite qualifications, experience, etc., and should not have attained the maximum age prescribed. 3. Age Limit & Experience The maximum age limit and minimum experience required for the posts as well as the minimum service required in the corresponding next below grade for candidates from PSU / Government as on the date of reckoning shall be as under. Grade Scale of Pay (Rs.) E-5 36600-3%- 62000 Age Limits & Post Qualification Minimum Service Required In Lower Grade Experience Requirement (Years) (For External candidates from PSU/Govt.) Maximum Age Minimum Experience Scale of Pay of Lower No. of Years (below) Required Grade 45 12 29100-3%-54500 02 4. Qualification (a) Essential Qualification: The essential qualification for the posts in Medical Cadre / Discipline is given below. S/N 1. (b) Cadre / Discipline Medical & Health Services Essential Qualification MBBS with Post Graduate Degree / Diploma in the respective specialization Desired Qualification: In addition to the Essential Qualification detailed in Para 4(a), the following is desirable. Cadre Medical & Health Services Additional Desired Qualification PG Degree / Diploma in Hospital Administration Additional / Higher Qualification in the respective field / discipline Knowledge of latest techniques, practices, etc. 5. Experience (a) The minimum experience required for posts in E-5 Grade has been detailed in Para [3]. (b) The nature of experience preferred for the posts in Medical Cadre /Discipline is given below. Sl.No. Cadre / Discipline 1. Medical & Health Services Should have experience of Respective specialization in all spheres of activities. 6. Candidates from Private Sector In addition to the minimum post-qualification experience, etc. detailed above, the applicants, who are coming for Walk-inInterview for posts in E-5 grade, working in Private Sector industries should preferably be drawing CTC comparable to the next below grade of HCL of the respective post applied. 7. Cost To Company (CTC) The approximate CTC in E-5 and E-4 Grade corresponding to the minimum / maximum of the Scale of Pay is given below. Sl. No. Grade 1. 2. E-5 E-4 CTC (In Rs. Lacs) Minimum Maximum 14.00 23.73 11.14 20.86 8. Other Benefits Besides Basic Pay, the selected candidates shall be entitled to IDA, HRA / Company’s accommodation (subject to availability), Perks & Allowances, PRP, CPF, Gratuity, etc. and Medical benefits for self and dependants as per Company’s rules. 9. Reservation The reservation of posts for candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC communities and Ex-Servicemen / Persons With Disabilities (PWD) shall be as per Government directives. The candidates claiming reservation benefits shall be required to submit the details of Caste / Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority along with the application. The ORIGINAL Certificate shall be required to be presented at the time of Walk-in- Interview. 10. Age Relaxation The relaxation in age for candidates belonging to SC / ST communities shall be 5 years and for those belonging to OBC (Non-creamy layer) shall be 3 years. Age relaxation of 10 years shall be admissible to Person With Disabilities (PWD) subject to production of relevant Disability Certificate from the prescribed authority. The age relaxation for Ex-Servicemen shall be as per rules applicable. However, an Ex-Serviceman who has once joined Government job on the Civil side after availing the benefits of an Ex-serviceman for re-employment, the Ex-serviceman status for the purpose of re-employment in Government ceases. 11. Selection Procedure The selection procedure for the posts of Medical Cadre in E-5 shall be based on Walk-in-Interview of the screened and short-listed candidates. 12. General i. Self attested photocopies of the following documents should be attached with the application and the original certificates shall be required to be presented at the time of Interview. a. b. c. d. e. ii. Matriculation / Secondary Certificate as proof of Date of Birth. Mark sheet / Certificate in support of qualification and experience. Registration Certificate from Medical Council. Caste Certificate in format prescribed by the Govt. of India, if applicable. Disability Certificates issued by Competent Authority if seeking age relaxation. In case of variation in name / surname / name spelling mentioned in the application with that in the respective certificates pertaining to Qualification / Caste / etc., the applicant shall be required to submit an affidavit sworn in before judicial magistrate or Notary to this effect along with the respective documents at the time of Walk-inInterview. iii. Candidates employed in Government / Semi-Government / Public Sector Undertaking are required to produce a No Objection Certificate from their present employer at the time of Walk-in-Interview failing which they shall not be interviewed. iv. Schedule for Walk-In-Interview shall be webhosted on the Company’s website (www.hindustancopper.com). v. The Application Blank is attached. The candidates are advised to submit their application in the prescribed proforma before the time of Walk-in-Interview for Scrutiny. vi. Candidates shall have to appear at the Walk-in-Interview at their own cost. vii. HCL shall be free to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process if the candidate is found ineligible for the post for which applied. viii. HCL reserves the right to change the number of vacancies and cancel / restrict / modify / alter / the recruitment process, if required, without issuing any notice or assigning any reason thereof. ix. Any amendment / corrigendum shall be hosted only on the Company’s website (www.hindustancopper.com).. x. Legal jurisdiction in case of any dispute arising out of this recruitment shall be Kolkata. xi. HCL is an Equal Opportunity Employer. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Application Blank Advertisement Ref No.Estt.1/1096/2014 Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS. Incomplete applications shall be rejected. To Asstt. General Manager (HR) Hindustan Copper Limited, Indian Copper Complex P.O. Ghatsila Dist. East Singhbhum Jharkhand Please paste (not pin) a recent passport size colored photograph Name of the Post Applied For : ___________________________________________________ Discipline : ____________________________________________________ 1. Name: ____________________________________________________________ 2. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy ) ____________________________________________________ 3 Father’s Name: __________________________________________________________________ 4. Correspondence Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________PIN ______________ 5. Mobile: _______________________ Landline Telephone:__________________ 6. Sex: ______________________________ 7. Email: _____________________________ 1. Domicile State: ____________________________ 9. Category (please tick [√ ] the appropriate category): SC 10. PWD (40% or more disability): Yes (If Yes, indicate the %age of disability: ( No ) 11. Marital Status: ____________________________ ST OBC UR 12. (a) Medical Council Registration No._______________________ (b) Name of the Medical Council __________________________ 13. Academic / Professional Qualification (From Matriculation): Examination Passed Board / Univ. / Institute Year of Passing Duration of Course Div. / Grade Marks obtained (%) 14. Experience: (Recent first) Name of Organization* Position Held Period From To Scale of Pay/ Grade Reasons for leaving * Please specify whether Govt. or otherwise 15. Publications / Awards / Scholarship / any other relevant details: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Undertaking: I, hereby, certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and in case it is found to be false or incorrect or suppressed, the contractual engagement shall be liable to be terminated forthwith without prejudice to any legal / disciplinary action as deemed fit by the Management. I have gone through the full text of the advertisement and satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post. Place: Date: (Signature of Candidate) Enclosures: 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ NB: Please use separate sheet if space is inadequate for filling Sl No 12 & 13.The format must be same. Please sign on each page of the application form. Application Blank Advertisement Ref No.Estt.1/1096/2014 Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS. Incomplete applications shall be rejected. To Chief Manager (HR) Hindustan Copper Limited, Malanjkhand Copper Project P.O. Malanjkhand Dist. Balaghat Madhya Pradesh Please paste (not pin) a recent passport size colored photograph Name of the Post Applied For : ___________________________________________________ Discipline : ____________________________________________________ 1. Name: ____________________________________________________________ 2. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy ) ____________________________________________________ 3 Father’s Name: __________________________________________________________________ 4. Correspondence Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________PIN ______________ 5. Mobile: _______________________ Landline Telephone:__________________ 6. Sex: ______________________________ 7. Email: _____________________________ 2. Domicile State: ____________________________ 9. Category (please tick [√ ] the appropriate category): SC 10. PWD (40% or more disability): Yes (If Yes, indicate the %age of disability: ( No ) 11. Marital Status: ____________________________ ST OBC UR 12. (a) Medical Council Registration No._______________________ (b) Name of the Medical Council __________________________ 13. Academic / Professional Qualification (From Matriculation): Examination Passed Board / Univ. / Institute Year of Passing Duration of Course Div. / Grade Marks obtained (%) 14. Experience: (Recent first) Name of Organization* Position Held Period From To Scale of Pay/ Grade Reasons for leaving * Please specify whether Govt. or otherwise 15. Publications / Awards / Scholarship / any other relevant details: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Undertaking: I, hereby, certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and in case it is found to be false or incorrect or suppressed, the contractual engagement shall be liable to be terminated forthwith without prejudice to any legal / disciplinary action as deemed fit by the Management. I have gone through the full text of the advertisement and satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post. Place: Date: (Signature of Candidate) Enclosures: 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ NB: Please use separate sheet if space is inadequate for filling Sl No 12 & 13.The format must be same. Please sign on each page of the application form. Application Blank Advertisement Ref No.Estt.1/1096/2014 Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS. Incomplete applications shall be rejected. To Asstt. General Manager (HR) Hindustan Copper Limited, Khetri Copper Complex P.O. Khetrinagar Dist. Jhunjhunu Rajasthan Please paste (not pin) a recent passport size colored photograph Name of the Post Applied For : ___________________________________________________ Discipline : ____________________________________________________ 1. Name: ____________________________________________________________ 2. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy ) ____________________________________________________ 3 Father’s Name: __________________________________________________________________ 4. Correspondence Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________PIN ______________ 5. Mobile: _______________________ Landline Telephone:__________________ 6. Sex: ______________________________ 7. Email: _____________________________ 3. Domicile State: ____________________________ 9. Category (please tick [√ ] the appropriate category): SC 10. PWD (40% or more disability): Yes (If Yes, indicate the %age of disability: ( No ) 11. Marital Status: ____________________________ ST OBC UR 12. (a) Medical Council Registration No._______________________ (b) Name of the Medical Council __________________________ 13. Academic / Professional Qualification (From Matriculation): Examination Passed Board / Univ. / Institute Year of Passing Duration of Course Div. / Grade Marks obtained (%) 14. Experience: (Recent first) Name of Organization* Position Held Period From To Scale of Pay/ Grade Reasons for leaving * Please specify whether Govt. or otherwise 15. Publications / Awards / Scholarship / any other relevant details: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Undertaking: I, hereby, certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and in case it is found to be false or incorrect or suppressed, the contractual engagement shall be liable to be terminated forthwith without prejudice to any legal / disciplinary action as deemed fit by the Management. I have gone through the full text of the advertisement and satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post. Place: Date: (Signature of Candidate) Enclosures: 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ NB: Please use separate sheet if space is inadequate for filling Sl No 12 & 13.The format must be same. Please sign on each page of the application form. WINDOW ADVERTISEMENT Hindustan Copper Limited Recruitment of Medical Professionals Walk-In-Interview Interested candidates may report for Walk-in-Interview for HCL’s Malanjkhand Unit at Hotel Rishi Agency, Jabalpur on 29/12/2014 at 10:00 for the post of Chief Medical Superintendent (M&HS) in E-5 Grade. For details, log on to the Company’s website (www.hindustancopper.com). Hindustan Copper Limited Recruitment of Medical Professionals Walk-In-Interview Interested candidates may report for interview at HCL’s Unit at Khetri Copper Complex, Khetrinagar, Rajasthan at 09:00 AM on 29.12.2014 for the posts of Chief Medical Superintendent (M&HS) in E-5 Grade. For details, log on to the Company’s website (www.hindustancopper.com). Hindustan Copper Limited Recruitment of Medical Professionals Walk-In-Interview Interested candidates may report for interview at HCL’s Unit at Indian Copper Complex, Ghatsila, Jharkhand at 10:00 AM on 27.12.2014 for the posts of Chief Medical Superintendent (M&HS) in E-5 Grade. For details, log on to the Company’s website (www.hindustancopper.com).
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