Instructions for completing the Application Package Erasmus+ Programme KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Knowledge Alliances Call 2015 ( EAC/A04/2014) Version 1, December 2014 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. About the call, the application procedure and the selection procedure .................................................................. 4 2.1 Innovations introduced for the Erasmus + Programme ............................................................................ 4 2.2 Presentation and organisation of these Instructions ................................................................................ 4 2.3 Contents of the Application Package ..................................................................................................... 5 2.4 Deadlines and submission of the Application Package .............................................................................. 6 3. The Application Package - The APPLICATION FORM .................................................................................................. 8 3.1. Cover page of the application form and List of participating organisations ................................................. 8 3.2 Part A. Completion of organisation data ................................................................................................ 9 3.3. Part B. Description of the project ....................................................................................................... 12 3.4 Part C. Knowledge Alliances ............................................................................................................... 15 3.5. Attachments ................................................................................................................................... 15 4. The Application Package - compulsory Attachments ................................................................................................ 15 4.1 Detailed description of the project (Ms Word annex) Knowledge Alliances .................................................. 15 4.2Detailed budget tables and Workpackages overview................................................................................ 24 4.3 Declaration of Honour by the Legal Representative of the Applicant Organisation ....................................... 29 5. Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................ 29 2 1. INTRODUCTION This document is intended to help applicants of Knowledge Alliances of the Erasmus+ Programme to find the information they need to complete their application, and to prepare their project. It should not be used for any other action. In order to prepare and submit an application, applicants need to refer to a range of other documents such as the ones mentioned below. Information that is contained in the documents listed below will not be repeated in these instructions, although references are made where appropriate The Erasmus+ Regulation N° 1288/2013 This provides you with the rationale for the Erasmus + Programme and emphasises its aims and priorities. Applicants who can propose applications that address the needs expressed in this document are already in a positive position. The Call for Proposals EAC/A04/2014 This is the official notification of the General call for propos als. It is a short document that provides, inter alia, information on the countries that can participate, budgetary details and the submission deadline. The Erasmus+ Programme Guide This is a key document covering definitions and rules notably applicable to Knowledge Alliances in the framework of the General Call for Proposals. In there you will find general information regarding the content and management of the programme and specific information on Knowledge Alliances. You should not attempt to make an application without referring to the relevant sections of the Programme Guide! It is structured as follows: Introduction Part A – General Information about the Erasmus + Programme Part B – Information about the actions covered by this guide Part C – Information for applicants Annex I – Specific rules and information relating to mobility activities, strategic partnerships and capacity building in the field of higher education Annex II – Dissemination and exploitation of results Annex III – Glossary of Key Terms Annex IV – Useful references and contact details This document provides the complete funding framework including rules relating to project budgets, explanations on the assessment procedures and information on dissemination and exploitation strategies. This document also provides information on the different eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria that are applied to each application through th e selection procedure. 3 The Proposal Submission User Guide This guide, also called User Guide hereafter, is a technical user guide that you will need to follow to ensure that you register your organisations correctly and complete the electronic application form correctly and under optimal conditions. The Guide for Experts on quality assessment of Knowledge Alliances (to be published in the section "How are applications selected" at /knowledge-alliances_en) This is the guide prepared for the experts who will be assessing applications. It provides a complete overview of how the award criteria will be used and how the scoring will work. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) The Agency publishes answers to questions frequently asked by potential applicants. It is important that you refer to these FAQs regularly to make sure that you can benefit from clarification that has been asked for by other applicants and provided by the European Commission or Agency. These FAQs are made public to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly with respect to having access to the same information. The FAQs include clarification on eligibility and interpretations / clarification of aspects of the official (legal) documentation. The FAQs will be published by end of December on our website under the section 'How to apply' and will be updated regularly until the deadline for submission. 2. ABOUT THE CALL, THE APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND THE SELECTION PROCEDURE 2.1 Innovations introduced by the Erasmus + Programme Although there is a significant amount of continuity from the previous generation of programmes, there are a number of changes in the Erasmus+ Programme that affect the preparation of applications: Registration of all organisations in the Participant Portal: all applications continue to be made by eForm. However – and with the exception of Associated partners - all organisations involved in your application need to first register in the Participant Portal to obtain their Participant Identification Code (PIC) number (see the User Guide for more information). Many organisations linked to the EU research programmes are already in the Participant Portal and have a PIC. Likewise, many HE institutions with Erasmus Charter will also already have a PIC registered. Unit costs: there has been a considerable simplification in the rules regarding the budgets of the proposed applications. Knowledge Alliances are now based on unit costs. 2.2 Presentation and organisation of these Instructions The purpose of this document is to offer guidance on the content of the Application Form, the application procedure and the rules that must be respected. It does not replace the specific “Proposal Submission User Guide” that is aimed at providing guidance on the technical aspects 4 of completing and submitting the eForm, including details of the eForm Technical Helpdesk to answer any technical questions that applicants may have. These detailed instructions follow the same order as the Application package itself. Applicants who do not refer to these notes or who do not follow the instructions and guidance in them, risk submitting an incomplete or incorrect application, and therefore significa ntly reducing the chances of their application being successful. 2.3 Contents of the Application Package The Application Package documents must be downloaded from the website of the Executive Agency: . The Application Package consists of several documents, the content of which is summarised below. Each of these must be completed and submitted as instructed for the application to be acceptable. The language used to complete the Application Package must be an official EU language and must be a language that is understood by all the members of your consortium. The Application Package must be completed in one language only. When completing their eForm and attachments applicants are invited to respect the various character limitations. Exceeding information will not be assessed. eForm (administrative and general information): Part A: Identification of the applicant and other organisations participating in the project (administrative information) List of participating organisations A.1 Organisation A.2 Person responsible for the management of the application (contact person) A.3 Person authorised to represent the organisation in legally binding agreements (legal representative) Part B: Description of the project B.1 Summary of the project B.2 Topics addressed B.3 Dates B.4 Grant request (Grant requested and its distribution by organisation) Part C: Other C.1 Mobility (optional) Attachment: Detailed Project Description ( Word template) This document needs to be completed using the available template and attached to the eForm before submission. Part 0. Profile of the consortium and involvement in previous relevant projects 5 Part I. Project relevance Part II. Quality of the project design and implementation Part III. Quality of the partnership , the team and the cooperation arrangements Part IV. Impact, dissemination, exploitation and sustainability Part V. Additional project information (if applicable) Part VI. Work plan and work packages Part VII. Specific arrangements regarding mobility (if applicable) Attachment: Detailed budget tables and Work packages overview (Excel template) This document needs to be completed using the available template and attached to the eForm before submission. These are standard Excel tables containing details of all planned expenditure s and the overview and planning of all Work packages. They contain tabs covering the following tables: Sheet 1: I and II. Overview Sheet 2: III. Project implementation support Sheet 3: IV. Mobility activities Sheet 4. V. Work packages overview Attachment: Declaration of Honour This document needs to be completed and signed by the applicant organisation, scanned (PDF, TIFF, JPEG) and attached to the eForm. NB: Please note that if any of the above parts of the application package are not submitted, not complete or not signed where requested, the application shall not be accepted. 2.4 Deadlines and submission of the Application Package Applications must be submitted according to the instructions in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, by 26 February 2015 at 12 noon (midday Brussels time). Once the eForm and attachments have been submitted, an application reference number is automatically generated on the eForm. In addition, a notification message is sent to the e-mail address of the contact person of the applicant organisation (as indicated in the eForm). Please ensure the following: The application should be completed electronically by computer and submitted online (no paper, no handwritten submissions, or submissions completed using a typewriter will be accepted). The Application Package must be complete as defined in point 2.3 above . 6 No information or documents other than the Application Package ca n be sent. Any further document will not be taken into consideration in the evaluation of the application. No changes to the application can be made after the submission deadline has expired. However, the applicant may be contacted by the Agency if there is a need to clarify any administrative aspects (e.g. contact details). Please note the date and time of the online submission. Applicants are strongly advised to submit their application well in advance of the deadline and to keep proof of the safe arrival of the application in the system. If you experience any technical submission problem, please contact the Agency's Helpdesk immediately with a detailed explanation of the problem faced. If you face technical submission problems close to the submission deadline, please also send a screenshot of the submission error message and time of occurrence, as well as a copy of the eForm and attachments. If you have questions about the content of the eForm and attachments, please contact the operational team at the Agency at 7 3. THE APPLICATION PACKAGE: THE E-FORM Knowledge Alliances applications must be submitted by the submission deadline using the relevant eForm. The eForm is an Adobe development and applicants should ensure that they can install Adobe version 9 or higher on their computer. The eform should be downloaded onto a local computer and completed remotely. Once the text is ready and compulsory attachments are linked to the application, it has to be submitted using an internet connection. The eForm is constructed to ensure that applicants have the greatest chance of submitting an eligible application. Therefore you will find that submission is impossible unless all mandatory fields marked * are completed. We strongly invite you to read the User Guide published alongside the eForm before completing the eForm. A lot of processes are explained in detail in this guide, and without this knowledge you may face problems completing and submitting the eForm. Please also note that before completing an eForm -and with the exception of Associated partners - all participating organisations need to be registered in the Participant Portal. Without the proper registration of participating organisations, you will not be able to complete the eForm. Choose the eForm of the action you want to apply for from the Application eForm homepage The whole process is explained in the User Guide. 3.1. Cover page of the application form and List of participating organisations Nine fields appear on the cover page of the eForm. The first six fields are automatically completed, depending on the action chosen. Applicants should choose a project title that will be meaningful to someone who does not know the project and an acronym. The acronym must not exceed 7 characters. The acronym can contain letters (Latin characters only), numbers and common punctuation marks. The language used to complete the form is chosen from a drop-down list. As mentioned earlier, it must be an official EU language . Erasmus + Programme Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices (KA2) Key Action Knowledge Alliances Action 8 Knowledge Alliances for Higher Education Action Type EAC/A04/2014 Call for Proposals 26/02/2015 12:00 midday (Brussels time) Deadline for submission Alphanumeric max 200 Characters Project title Alphanumeric max 7 Characters Project Acronym Language used to complete the form The next page will automatically provide a table listing a number of validation messages and the participating organisations. To be able to use the eForm, applicants shall make sure that all the items contained in this table are marked as "valid". One or more of these items marked as "Not valid" means that all the eligibility rules are not properly respected and will make impossible for you to validate or submit the eForm. In that case please check/amend the relevant information to make sure that all the eligibility rules are followed. Example: Not Valid Partner no P1 P2 P3 List of partner organisations The minimum number of participating organisations required is: 6 Role Organisation City Country name Applicant Organisation Partner Organisation Partner Organisation Please note that in line with the E+Programme Guide, "Knowledge Alliances are transnational and must involve minimum six independent organisations from at least three Programme Countries, out of which at least two higher education institutions and at least two enterprises". 3.2 Part A. Data on the participating organisations Most fields in part A1 are completed automatically, based on the information provided through the Participant Portal. So most of the information contained in part A1 is protected and not modifiable (grey lines). Applicants must verify carefully all this information. In case some of this information is not correct, or is out-of-date, the data cannot be modified directly in the eForm but must be modified in the Participant 9 Portal. In order to incorporate the modifications into your eForm, please follow the steps described in part B of the User Guide, 'Revise list of participating organisations and update existing application eForm'. 3.2.1 Section A.1: Organisation In section A1, only the field "Type of Organisation" needs to be completed by choosing an available option from the drop-down list. For further information on potential applicants and on eligible organisations, please refer to the Knowledge Alliances section of the E+ Programme Guide. PART A. Identification of the applicant and other organisations participating in the project This part must be completed separately for each organisation participating in the project, after they have registered in the Participant Portal A. 1 ORGANISATION Partner Number Role in the application PIC number (from the Participant Portal) Full name of the organisation in Latin characters (if applicable) P1 Applicant Organisation Partner Organisation ……. PIC Full name Business name: PIC Business name Accreditation type PIC Accreditation type Accreditation number Status: PIC Erasmus Charter For Higher Education (ECHE) number (for Higher education institutions established in a Programme Country) PIC Legal form Non Profit Organisation: Yes/ No NGO: Yes/No Type of organisation*: APP PA To be completed manually from a drop-down list. Registration date: Registration location: Registration country code: Registered address Street name and number PIC Street name and number Town: PIC city Postcode: PIC postal code Cedex: PIC n° n° 10 PO Box: PIC PIC Country Country: Internet address: http:// Telephone 1: Region: PIC region PIC Internet web address PIC Main phone 3.2.2 Section A.2 Person responsible for the management of the application (Contact person) In section A.2, applicants should complete the title, family name, first name, role in the organisation and e-mail address of the person who is responsible for the management of the application (contact person) in the organisation. If the «contact person» has a different address from the registered address of the organisation, the corresponding box must be checked and the relevant address and telephone number provided. A.2. Person responsible for the management of the application (Contact person) Title*: Family name* : First name*: Department/Faculty: Role in the organisation* : E-mail address*: Check this box if the address is different from the address provided in section A.1 Address Street name and number*: Postcode*: Town*: Cedex: Country*: Region*: Telephone 1*: Telephone 2: P.O Box: Fax: Check this box if the legal representative is different from the person responsible for the management 3.2.3 Section A.3 Person authorised to represent the organisation in legally binding agreements If the Legal Representative has a different address from the registered address, check the corresponding box to access the fields necessary to provide this information. If the application is successful the Legal Representative will also be required to sign the Grant Agreement and other associated documents. If the application is signed by a different person, or if it is discovered in later stages of the selection or during contracting that the person identified as the Legal Representative does not have the authority to sign, the application may be declared ineligible: an invalid signature could lead therefore to the rejection of the application. 11 A.3. Person authorised to represent the organisation in legally binding agreements (Legal representative) Title*: Family name* : First name*: Department/Faculty: Role in the organisation* : E-mail address*: Check this box if the address is different from the address provided in section A.1 Address Street name and number*: Postcode*: Town*: Cedex: Country*: Region*: Telephone 1*: Telephone 2: P.O Box: Fax: Please note that as from Partner 2 (P2) only section A.1 and A.2 information is required. 3.3. Part B. Description of the project 3.3.1 Section B.1 Summary of the project Section B.1, summary of the project, invites applicants to provide key information on their application. The applicant organisation has to indicate the language of the summary choosing one of the language options. For dissemination purposes, the abstract must be provided in English in a second version, if the initial language chosen was different to English. For successful applications, this section will be reproduced in the form of a published abstract. Applicants should therefore ensure that the text is well written and gives a concrete and correct overview of the work the consortium plans to undertake following the structure proposed in the form. Please note that due to database limitations, the indicated character limit should not be exceeded. The provided text will be cut when exceeding the limit. 12 PART B. Description of the project B.1 Summary of the project (max. 2000 characters). Please note that this information may be used for dissemination purposes For successful applications, this section will be published, as presented below, such as in project compendia, etc. You should therefore ensure that it gives a concrete overview of the work your consortium plans to undertake including: The reason for your project Concise description of the outputs, results and / or products (including where relevant key pedagogical strategies, media used, language versions etc) The impact envisaged Please indicate the language of the summary*: Please provide your summary*: Please provide your summary in English*: 3.3.2 Section B.2 Topics addressed Section B.2 relates to Topics addressed by this proposal. These topics will be used by the Agency for statistical purposes only. Applicants shall choose a maximum of 3 topics from the list: TOPICS (maximum 3 choices) □Topic □Topic □Topic 3.3.3 Section B.3 Dates In section B.3.1 the start date of the project will automatically be 01/11/2015. In the drop down menu, applicants should select a project duration (24 or 36 months) and the system will automatically display the corresponding end date. 13 The date range indicated here will define the period, during which costs are eligible for funding, in case your proposal is successful. B.3 Dates B.3.1 Dates and duration of the project Start date: 01 / 11 / 2015 End date: / / Duration (month)* : 3.3.4 Section B.4 Grant request Section B.4 invites applicants to complete budgetary figures. The table "Grant request" should be completed only after the duration has been inputted (above) and after the excel budget sheets have been completed and validated: the amounts in the excel tables and in the Grant request must be identical. All budgetary information must be provided in Euro/€. Please note that in line with the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, the maximum EU contribution for a 2 year project is of 700.000 EUR, and for a 3 year project is 1.000.000 EUR EU Grant Programme (PR) Countries Partner Countries (PA) Total Project implementation support Staff costs Mobility activities (Optional) Travel costs Subsistence costs Total The following table on the "Distribution of grant by organisation" needs to be completed, listing the amount of the grant requested by participating organisation. The total indicated has to be identical to the total grant requested above, and to the total grant requested in the excel budget sheets. Partner number PIC Code Partner name P1 P2 P…. Total grant requested 14 Grant requested 3.4 Part C.Other 3.4.1 C.1 Mobility (Optional) Under this section, you should input the data on mobility activities, if any. Please add rows for each category of mobile person and/or for the different geographical mobilities. In the drop down menus, select the country of origin (place of departure) and the country of destination (place of destination). Type of Mobility From (Place of origin) (Students/Staff/Researchers) To (Place destination) of Number of people 3.5. Attachments Once Parts A, B and C have been completed applicants must upload to the eForm the following compulsory attachments: the Detailed Project Description, the Detailed Budget tables and Work packages overview, and the Declaration on honour signed by the Legal Representative of the Applicant organisation (please ensure that the information on similar topics is consistent across these different documents and also with the information provided in the eForm). An error message will appear if you do not upload all of these attachments. 4. THE APPLICATION PACKAGE: COMPULSORY ATTACHMENTS 4.1 Detailed Project Description (Word annex) Please note that this attachment must be completed in one language only, the same language as used in the eForm part. The language used must be an official EU language and must be a language that is understood by all the members of your consortium. This is also in line with the Declaration of Honour stating that all the partners should have agreed to the content of the application and should have confirmed their intention to carry out the tasks described. All text fields in all sections are obligatory. For adding information in new columns/rows of the tables, please use the copy-paste function of your computer. The maximum number of characters is indicated under each section (spaces do not count). You have to respect it in order to avoid potential problems during the submission of your application. Please note that if the maximum number of characters is exceeded, the assessment of your proposal will only take into account the information provided up to this maximum. The information exceeding the word limit will therefore not be assessed. As this is a word document, it is possible to insert pictures and diagrams into the text boxes in addition to the character limit. However, the maximum number of characters as indicated under each section should be respected. Please note that the maximum capacity of the Application Package (eForm + three annexes) is 10 MB. 15 Part 0. Profile of the consortium and involvement in previous relevant projects This overview will facilitate the right and quick perception of your proposal and its context. 0.1 Short summary of the main features of your project Please provide a comprehensive summary of the main features, components and aspects of the project (area, scope, perspective, activities and benefits). Given the limited number of 2000 characters it has to be short, clear and pertinent. 0.2 Involvement in previous projects (if relevant) If your proposal is based on the results of one or more previous projects/networks, you must provide references of these projects in table 0.2. Quote the full reference number of your project (e.g. the EU grant agreement number), dates of implementation, the title of the Programme and other requested references. Please provide a short description of outcomes with an explanation on how the new project will build on these results, clarifying how intellectual property rights will be dealt with. Part I. Project relevance In this Part, you are requested to describe the relevance of your proposal and why and how it is in line with the relevant Award Criterion (please refer to the Knowledge Alliances section of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide). This description will help external experts to assess the relevance of the issues in the context of the objectives of the action. The part I. is divided into several sections (I.1 to I.4) where you should explain in depth the relevance of your project. In detail, you are requested to provide: The purpose and background of the project, Explanation on how your project is contributing to the objectives of Knowledge Alliances Explanation of specific needs/problems: include how the needs analysis was done and refer to relevant sources. Please detail which specific aims and objectives you have identified and how you intende to address them. Motivation/interest of participating organizations in tackling that particular issues. Evidence of the links with existing relevant European policies in the feld of higher level education and training. State of art in the project domain as well as the description of the innovative character of the project. Explanation of how/why the proposed methods, approaches, results and solutions are innovative. Concrete aims and objectives of your proposal and the way the project activities and outputs will solve the problems described in sections I.1 and I.2. Explanation on how higher education institutions and enterprises will benefit from the project in the short and long term. Explanation of the need and value of implementing the project at European level instead of implementing it at national, regional or local levels. 16 Part II. Quality of the project design and implementation In this part, your description will be the basis on that the external experts will assess the quality of the project design and implementation, in line with the relevant Award Criterion (please refer to the Knowledge Alliances section of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide). II.1. Methodology Please describe your methodology for achieving the planned objectives. Your description shall include a systematic and structured system for verifying the development and progress of the project activities against milestones and measurable indicators. II.2 Overall project management Please describe the project management arrangements among the partners with particular reference to timelines, work distribution and division of tasks and responsibilities. Resources allocation for each activity shall be explained and justified. II.3 Quality assurance, evaluation and monitoring This section is devoted to the description of the quality assurance mechanisms and ways of continuous monitoring and also specific evaluation of the project and its deliverables. Quality assurance should prevent problems in implementation and ensure the quality of the processes and results. Quality assurance is about the procedures helping to guarantee that the quality of the processes is closely monitored. You have to foresee quality assurance measures and indicators. Evaluation is a specific activity addressed to assess if the quality of outputs and/or results. It can be internal and external. II.4 Recognition and validation (only when appropriate) If you plan to develop study courses to be embedded in curricula, you should consider the use of EU wide transparency and recognitions tools (e.g. ECTS). In this case, please describe the arrangements foreseen for recognition and validation of learning outcomes. More information about EU wide transparency and recognitions tools is available at: II.5 Budget and cost effectiveness Please focus on the description of the budget allocation between partners, financial management arrangements and how the project will achieve value for money. Part III. Quality of the partnership, the team and the cooperation arrangements In this part, your description will be the basis on that the external experts will assess the quality of the project design and implementation, in line with the relevant Award Criterion (please refer to the Knowledge Alliances section of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide). 17 III.02 Knowledge Alliance: Composition of the consortium Please note that the composition of the Knowledge Alliances and the Sector Skills Alliances differs; therefore there are different tables for the two actions. We remind you that a Knowledge Alliance consortium requires a participation of: • minimum six independent organisations, out of which • minimum two higher education institutions (Please verify that all the institutions located in Programme countries have a valid Erasmus Charter ( ) • minimum two enterprises • from minimum three different Programme Countries (see section "Eligible countries" in Part A of the E+ Programme Guide). The involvement of organisations from Partner Countries is optional only. Please tick for each partner organisation the type they belong to. The listed organisations shall correspond to those you have put in Part. A of the eform. Please also indicate whether Associate partners are involved. Please tick for each Associate partner the organisation type they belong to as well. III.1. Rationale for the setting-up of the partnership Please explain the composition of the partnership: Show the coherence with the project objectives as well as the relevant and complementary expertise and competence. Include the profiles of the competent decision-makers and the bodies of governance. III.2 Description of the partners The allocated number (P1, P2, …Pn) should be used where required respecting the same number used in the eForm part A. Each organisation of the consortium has to individually complete the sub-sections Organisation name III.2.1 Aims and activities of the organization III.2.2 Role of the partner organisation in the project III.2.3 Operational and technical capacity Please copy and paste the respective boxes III.2.1 to III.2.3 according to the number of consortium members. The description in the sections III.2.1 and III.2.2 should provide a brief presentation of the organisation, its role in the project and in the operational/financial management of the project. In section III.2.3 you should describe the “Operational and Technical capacity: skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network”. It will be used instead of a CV for these staff to ascertain the quality of the consortium overall. In the spaces provided you will need to input the names of all key staff and then summarise his/her skills/experience relevant for the project domain, thereby listing any references to recent 18 publications where applicable. In addition to the information on the relevant skills and experience, you should also include a list of recent publications related to the project issues where applicable. Every description has to be completed in the same language as the rest of the application form (and not, for example, in the languages of the respective partners). Please note that Associated partners do not need to complete this description. Section III.3. Cooperation arrangements across the partnership Please explain how the cooperation arrangements are conceived. Please make specific references to the management structure of the partnership, the decision-making process, conflict resolution, methods for reporting, monitoring and communication within the consortium. Section III.4. Partner country participation (where applicable) The participation of organisations from Partner countries in the project is possible (any country of the world). The applicants should bear in mind that the application may be rejected in case applicants will fail to demonstrate sufficient Partner country participation added value. In case the application involves organisation(s) from Partner countries, please explain how the project will benefit from the participation of the partner countries and what added value will partner(s) from these countries will bring to the project. In case the proposed partnership does not have any Partner country participants, this section can be either left out or deleted. Part IV. Impact, dissemination, exploitation, and sustainability Please demonstrate the impact and the sustainability potential of the project as well as the dissemination and exploitation activities, according to the relevant Award Criterion (please refer to the Knowledge Alliances section of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide). IV.1 “Target groups” Please elaborate on how the project outputs will affect the addressed target groups including the consortium partners themselves. Please explain how the consortium intends to reach these target groups during the project lifetime. Please explain how the target groups will be reached after the end of the project (including participating institutions and stakeholders) and what is the planned impact at local, regional, national, European and international level. Please list relevant qualitative and quantitative indicators in the table provided. IV.2 “Sustainability and impact” Please describe how the activities and the partnership will be sustained beyond the lifetime of the project. To anticipate the sustainability you are expected to outline the project’s activities or results which are supposed to last and/or be disseminated after the end of the EU co-funding. You are also asked to explain how the consortium is planning continue the cooperation within the partnership. 19 Sustainability may not concern all the aspects of a project. In each project some activities or outputs may be maintained, while others may not be so necessary to maintain. A project can therefore be considered as sustainable if relevant activities are pursued and outputs are maintained or developed after the end of the EU funding. Please describe the impact envisaged, i.e. describe the change that the project intends to make. Please list short term results and long term outcome indicators in the table provided. IV.3 “Dissemination and exploitation strategy”. Please describe how dissemination will be organised in order to ensure that positive results will be made available both within and outside the partner institutions during the life of the project. Describe what kind of dissemination actions the partnership envisages in order to make the outcomes available to groups not directly involved in the project. This could include information sessions, training exercises or the involvement of policy-makers not belonging to the partnership. Although dissemination and exploitation of results are closely related, they are distinct processes. While the mechanisms for dissemination and exploitation often overlap, dissemination (information provision and awareness raising) can take place from the beginning of a project and intensify as results become available. Full exploitation however (mainstreaming and multiplication of results) can happen only when it becomes possible to transfer what has been learnt into new policies and improved practices. Please describe how exploitation activities ensure optimal use of the results (refer to Annex II of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide). IV.4 Open Access to educational resources The ERASMUS+ Programme promotes the open access to educational materials, documents and media produced in the scope of Erasmus+ funded projects. Projects should make their results available for the public, in digital form, freely accessible through the internet under open licences. Beneficiaries are nonetheless allowed to define the most aprporiate level of open access, including limitations (e.g. interdiction of commercial exploitation by third parties) if appropriate in relation to the nature of the project and type of material. The open access is without prejudice of intellectual property rights of the grant beneficiaries. Therefore, if appropriate in relation to the nature of the project and the type of material produced, you should describe how the materials, documents and media produced will be made available to the wider public. Please explain also if you consider that this part is not applicable to your project. You may consult Part V. Additional project information (if applicable) You may use this part in case you have relevant additions which are not covered by the requested information. Please refrain from any repetition of previous statements and earlier mentioned aspects. 20 Part VI. Work Plan and Work packages The Work plan for the proposed project must be presented in terms of Work packages. Before submitting your application, please ensure that the information provided in this section is coherent with all other relevant parts of the application. VI.1 Work plan and Work packages Please note in particular that experts will use the information provided in the work packages to evaluate your project in terms of the quality of the project design and implementation. Additionally they will compare the content of the work p ackages with the information provided in the budget tables to assess the coherence of the work programme with the planned resources in the budget. There are 6 types of Work packages: Preparation: this workpackage type is expected to include activities such as a detailed needs analysis (surveys; comprehensive reports of the problem areas; etc…), an analysis of the state of art in the field, data on best practices etc. Management: including activities such as planning, finances, coordination and communication between partners, organisation of project meetings, etc… Implementation (substantial activities): including the development and testing of the intellectual outputs/tangible results of the project (such as curricula, pedagogical materials, studies, open educational resources, etc.). Quality Assurance (quality plan): internal quality monitoring measures that aim to guarantee that the quality of the project processes and results will meet the predetermined plans. Evaluation: a specific activity addressed to assess if the quality of outputs and results. It can be internal and external. Dissemination and Exploitation of results: including activities relating to information spreading and awareness raising and mainstreaming and multiplication of results. Please note that each type of these Work packages has to be covered at least once. If you fail to present this minimum, your proposal will be considered as incomplete. Certain types of work packages may be used several times according to the proposed activities. Before completing, please allocate a number to each work package (WP1 … WP2.2 …WPn). The same numbers should be used throughout the document and Application Package. After having defined the Work package number, type and title, the wWork package should be described in more detail. Each Work package must include a detailed description. This should provide, inter alia, the aims and objectives of the work package, how the partners involved will organise their work, milestones and overall approaches, an overview of the monitoring and evaluation of the work undertaken within the Work packages, 21 performance indicators, the relationship/linkages with other work packages and with the overall coordination of the project. This description can also make reference to any bo dies outside the formal partnership that will be involved, in particular the contribution of the Associated partners. Please also list tasks which should be performed during the implementation of the Work packages. Provide a start date in terms of a number. For a project starting in November a Work package beginning in February should be defined as "4" or M4. One ending in June should be defined as "8" or M8. This means that the work packages remain relevant even if the planned starting date of the project changes for some reason. However, if you prefer to indicate concrete dates in the definition of the WP duration, you can do it as well. The duration of a work package cannot exceed the duration of your project. Each Work package should identify a Lead partner (P1 – Pn, see section III.2) who is responsible for the delivery of the work package and also all other partner organisations involved in the work package. Indicate the country where the partner is located as well as its short name. Please make sure that these Work packages, their start-end dates and duration are properly reported in the excel file "Detailed budget and Work packages overview" attached to the eForm. VI.1.2 Results (outputs and outcomes) Please allocate to each result (output or outcome) a number, a title as well as a type. Copy the table VI.1.2 as many times as necessary. The field “Expected result (output or outcome)" needs to contain a short but concrete description of the of result (e.g. course/training material, study, confere nce, seminar, discussion document, report, dissemination strategy, DVD, audio -clips etc). The sub-section “Description” should provide a detailed description of the result that will be developed or adapted during the particular work package. In case the result will be developed in several work packages, the result should be allocated to the work package in which it will be finished, however, you should indicate which work packages are involved. Specify when the result will be finalised under the Delivery date section (month/year). Indicate languages in which the deliverable/result will be available. Please indicate the media type of the result using one of the following headings: Paper publication; Electronic version published in media (CD, DVD, memory stick, etc.); Electronic version published on-line; 22 Other (please specify). Please indicate the dissemination level using one of the following definitions: Public, Restricted to other programme participants (including Agency and Commission services and project reviewers), Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including Agency and Commission services and project reviewers). It is possible that a single Work package will produce more than one result (for example a specification, web-pages, a manual and training materials that are all related but destined for different users). In this case the different elements should be clearly described in this section. Copy the table VI.1.2 as many times as necessary. If the project previews mobility activities, they should also be listed as a result. VI.1.3. Explanation of Work package expenditures Please specify the costs which will be associated to each work package. Please note that the total number of staff days is the basis for calculating the grant (implementation support) for the project (please see section 4.2 for detailed information). The total number of days indicated in this section should correspond with the information provided in: Section VI.2 "Overview of consortium partners involved and resources required" Attachment "Detailed budget tables" (Excel) Section VI.2. Overview of consortium partners involved and resources required The number of days invested by each partner organisation should correspond with the information provided in the detailed budget table and in section VI.3 ''Explanation of work package expenditures'' . Those numbers of days will be checked by experts to ensure the coherence between the work plan and the provisional budget. Add / delete rows as necessary. Ensure that the table is completed with the totals requested. There are daily rates defined for the different staff categories and by group of country (please see the section ''what are the funding rules'' for Alliances in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide): category 1: manager, category 2: teacher/trainer/researcher, category 3: technician, category 4: administrative staff. The allocation of tasks should be consistent with the information provided on each partner organisation in the Application Package. Experts will be looking at the task allocation to find 23 evidence of effective partnership working and particularly an appropriate balance of work across the partner organisations and across the countries represented in the consortium. VI.3. Overview of expected results Please list all results of your project in the overview table provided in this section. Please verify that the content of the table is consistent to the content of section VI.1.2 ''results (outputs and outcomes). Part VII. Specific arrangements regarding mobility (if applicable) Knowledge Alliances may plan activities which imply short term learning mobility of students, researchers and staff in order to support/complement the other activities of the Alliance as well as for adding value to the implementation of the project objectives. As mobility activities do NOT constitute the main activities of a Knowledge Alliance; extending and scaling-up these activities would need to be supported via the Key Action 1 Learning Mobility of the Erasmus+ Programme or other funding instruments. VII.1 Added value Please explain how mobility activities will support the implementation of the project and reaching its objectives. VII.2. Implementation of the mobility Applicants are requested to describe how the mobility will be organised (selection of participants, preparation and other arrangements), and how participants' learning outcomes will be recognised and validated using European transparency and recognition tools, i.e ECTS and Diploma Supplement. The information must correspond with the data provided in Section C.1 of the eForm. 4.2 Detailed budget tables and Work packages overview 4.2.1 The unit costs funding system Knowledge Alliances are funded using the unit costs system. Instead of determining the grant on the basis of real costs incurred, it is based on a unit cost system defined as a single proxy cost to contribute to eligible costs. The "unit costs" system is a simplified form of determining the amount of a grant. By its nature, such simplified forms of grants are contributions to the main costs of a project which are not an exact reimbursement of the real costs linked to specific activities in the project. In the case of the Knowledge Alliances, the unit costs established are applied to the staff component of a project. A grid of four staff categories and four country groups establishes the unit cost to be applied to a working day of a person in the respective category. The single unit cost system will calculate the global contribution to the project, thus covering any activity directly linked to the implementation of the project including: project management, project meetings, intellectual outputs (such as curricula, pedagogical materials, open educational resources (OER), IT tools, analyses, studies, etc.), dissemination, participation in events, conferences, travel etc. Therefore no other costs except staff costs are included in this contribution and will not be calculated or added separately. 24 NB: The unit cost calculation for any activity and output is solely based on the staff input. The staff eligible for the calculation is only based on "Number of days" related to permanent, temporary, and interim staff employed by partner organisations and listed in the detailed project description (Permanent staff with an employment contract with one of the partner organisations, Temporary staff with an employment contract with one of the partner organisations, Interim staff, recruited through a specialised external Agency, Personnel working on the basis of a contract assimilated to employment by national legislation). Working days of learners, trainees, volunteers and persons working through subcontracting (e.g. freelancers, self-employed person, sole traders) are not accepted for the calculation of the grant. The other costs (travel and subsistence, sub-contracting, etc.) are automatically included in this contribution and will not be calculated nor added separately. In exceptional cases, when the Knowledge Alliances foresee learning mobility activities, an additional component shall be added to the grant, an embedded mobility support, which covers the travel costs and subsistence costs of this activity only. 4.2.2 Practical information for the completion of the Detailed budget tables For every Work package and the activities related to it, you have to estimate the number of staff days needed per category and country group of the partners. The number of staff days will be multiplied by the corresponding unit cost indicated in the tables (pages 115-116 and 126-127 of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide). The sum of these together with the costs of embedded mobility (if applicable) will constitute the total grant you will receive for the project. Again, this amount will cover all activities of the Work package, be it meetings, translations, travel, intellectual work etc. The unit cost is not to be considered as a reimbursement of staff costs but as means of determining the grant amount. However, the staff input estimated should be realistic and will have to be proven at final report stage to confirm the grant amount calculated. The rules for administration and financial management, such as the justifying documents proving the implementation and quality of the planned activities, which will be necessary for the payment of the grant, are in development and will be communicated to the successful projects. 4.2.3 Overview of individual sheets The Excel Workbook must be completed and annexed to the eForm and consists of the following four sheets: Sheet 1: I and II. Overview Sheet 2: III. Project implementation support Sheet 3: IV. Mobility activities Sheet 4: V. Workpackages overview General remarks: Only the Certain validation checks need to be undertaken in order to respect the rules and thresholds that apply to some of the costs. The aim is to ensure that applicants present correct, coherent and completed budgets. Only Staff, Travel and subsistence costs are presented in the tables and are calculated on the basis of Unit costs. All figures must be presented in Euros. light green cells should be completed by the applicant 25 Sheet 1 (Part I and Part II. Overview) lists Partnership and presents a summary of the financial data supplied. It should be completed before sheets 2 and 3. This is because some of the data entered into sheet 1 is automatically reported to sheets 2 and 3. Please indicate clearly the name and country of the consortium partners in Sheet 1. The form is available in three languages (English, French or German). Sheet 1: "I and II. Overview" Identification of the project: This section provides a brief summary of the main project data. Language : The language should be selected (English, French or German) from the drop down list and once the language is selected the language of the form will be automatically updated. Action : The Action should be selected from the drop down list; KA for Knowledge Alliances and SSA for Sector Skill Alliances. Duration : The duration should be selected from the drop down list. Project Acronym: The project acronym is maximum 7 characters. Project Title : The project title. Part I – Consolidated figures The section "Part I" is automatically completed by formulas. The warning messages appears if the maximum EU contribution has been exceeded. Part II - Distribution of grant by organisation Partner: In section "Part II", all organisations participating in the project should be listed, following the same order as in the eForm. Every single partner should be identified with a name and a country (to be selected from the drop down list). P1 is the applicant organisation. 26 Please note that depending on the country the form will automatically apply the unit costs related to this country (Part III). The distribution of grant by organisation must be copied to the section B.4 of the eForm. Sheet 2: "III. Project implementation support" This section should be completed to calculate the EU contribution to the implementation of the project activities (except for possible embedded mobility), including project management, project meetings, intellectual outputs (such as curricula, pedagogical materials, open educational resources, IT tools, analyses, studies, etc…), dissemination, participation in events, conferences, travel, etc.. The information regarding partner's name and partner's country will be automatically retrieved from the first worksheet ("I and II. Overview"). Please indicate the category of staff and the number of days to be worked on the project for each partner. The four categories available when completing the worksheet "III. Project implementation sup" are defined as follows: Manager: This staff category includes legislators, senior officials and managers (Staff Category 1 of the ISCO26-88 (COM). Teacher/Trainer/Researcher: This staff category includes science, health, teaching and other professionals (Staff Category 2 of the ISCO-88 (COM)). Technician: This staff category includes technicians and associate professionals (Staff Category 3 of the ISCO-88 (COM)). Administrative: This staff category includes office and customer service clerks (Staff Category 4 of the ISCO-88 (COM)). The estimated grant requested results from multiplying the number of days by the unit cost rate (Erasmus+ programme Guide – Section KA2 -Table A referring to KA). Please note that "Number of days" is related to permanent, temporary, and interim staff employed by partner organisations and listed in the detailed project description - section III.2.3, with an employment contract and assigned to the project implementation in accordance with the provisions of the grant agreement. Learners, volunteers and persons working through subcontracting (e.g. freelancers, self-employed person, sole traders) cannot be considered as staff member. Sheet 3: "IV. Mobility activities" (OPTIONAL) This section should be completed only if mobility activities have been foreseen within the project. Please note that the Alliance may organise mobility activities of students, researchers and staff in so far as they support/complement the other activities of the Alliance and bring added value in the realisation of the project's objectives. Please remember that costs associated to project meetings are already included in the worksheet Sheet 2: "III. Project implementation support". Please indicate first the partner number, involved in such activity, following worksheet 1 "I and II. Overview" – part II (P1, P2, P3, P...). Partner number : The selection should be done from the drop down list. The information regarding partner name and partner country will be automatically retrieved from the first worksheet. 27 Distance : The distance should be selected from the drop down list in accordance with Erasmus+ Programme Guide – funding rules (mentioned in the guide as "distance calculator supported by the European Commission") Number of travels: The cell should be completed with the number of total number of individual travels (from their place of location to the venue of the activity and return). Activity type: The selection should be done from the drop down list according to the length of the activity as stated on right top corner of the excel sheet Number of days : The cell should be completed with the total number of mobility days including travel. Work Package : Following the same numbering as in the Detailed Project Description, insert the number of the workpackage under which the activity will take place. Please make sure that information on mobility is consistent with the information reported in the section C.1 of the eForm Sheet 4: V. Work packages overview Before entering any data in the main body of the sheet, first select the 'Type of Action' from the dropdown menu. For each work package you have specified in your Detailed project description you must enter a corresponding row of data in this worksheet i.e. you must provide the work package number, its start month and its duration. First select the work package type by using the dropdown menu. Then enter the 'Start' value. This doesn't represent an actual month and year but rather establishes a start or 'anchor' point in the Gantt chart. Next enter the duration. Please insert ‘x’ to color the relevant row within the selected duration . 28 Please make sure that the information provided in this worksheet is consistent with the information that you have supplied in the Detailed description of the Project Section VI. 4.3 Declaration on Honour by the Legal Representative of the Applicant Organisation A Declaration on Honour (in format PDF, TIFF, JPEG) should be attached and signed by applicant/coordinator organisation applying for a community grant. There are two different templates available depending on the amount of the grant requested: o for a grant higher than 60.000 €. o for grants below and equal to 60.000 €. The Declaration of Honour certifies that all information contained in the application, including the project description, is correct, to the best knowledge of the person identified as legal representative of the applicant organisation, who is familiar with the contents of the application form and annexes. The Declaration confirms that the applicant organisation has the financial and operational capacity to complete the proposed project. The legal representative of the applicant organisation takes note that, under the provisions of the Financial Regulat ions applicable to the general budget of the European Union, grants may not be awarded to applicants who are in any of the situations defined in the “exclusion criteria”. Please note that the total grant amount indicated in the Declaration must correspond with the one indicated in the eForm (section B.4) and in the budget tables in annex. The Declaration of Honour should be printed, signed by the legal representative, scanned and attached to the application. A template of both models of Declaration on Honour can be downloaded on the following link: 5. GLOSSARY Please consult the Glossary of key terms, available in Annex III of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide For specific terms related to Knowledge Alliances please contact the helpdesk: 29
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