What causes shingles? How can I protect myself from shingles? The same virus that causes chickenpox causes shingles. After your chickenpox blisters heal, the virus that caused them stays in your body in nerve cells. The virus may be there for many years and not cause a problem. Sometimes – for unknown reasons and without warning – the virus becomes active again and causes shingles. ZOSTAVAX® II is the only vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Because everyone is different, the ZOSTAVAX® II vaccination does not protect all individuals from shingles. If you do get shingles even though you have been vaccinated, ZOSTAVAX® II can reduce the intensity and duration of your shingles pain. Am I at risk? Nearly every Canadian adult has had chickenpox and so is at risk for developing shingles. What is my next step? Medical experts have estimated that the lifetime risk of getting shingles is as high as 1 in 3…and your risk increases after 50 years of age. If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. For people who reach 85 years of age, 1 in 2 will have developed shingles. This is shingles Don’t wait for you or someone you love to develop shingles. If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. And it’s more common than you may think. Read on to find out if you are at risk. 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure-pass6.indd 1 2014-11-20 1:35 PM F:4” F:4” Cyan, Ogilvy CommonHealth Magenta, F:4” Yellow, Black LIVE: None BUILD DATE: Nov 5/14 CATEGORY: DM FILE: 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure- TRIM: 12” x 8” BUILD OP: ed FORMAT: Brochure AD #: None BLEED: 12.25” x 8.25” REV DATE: Nov 20/14 PICK UP: AD’s file JOB #: S.MRK.MRKZST.14029.B.011 LINE SCREEN: 150 REV OP: ed IMAGES: None TelEPHONE: (416) 363-3772 ACCOUNT: None CAMPAIGN / CREATIVE NAME: DTC Patient Brochure redworkstoronto.com PRODUCTION: Terri Maida ITEM DESCRIPTION: None 33 yonge street, 12th floor, toronto, onTARIO M5E 1X6 PRINT SCALE: None PASS: 6 OP: NOTES: Trade Gothic Black, PMS 144 C, PMS 432 CV, PMS 8242 C, Guide 1 CLIENT: Merck R E M O VE G U I D E C O L O U R A T F I N A L P A S S C, GALLEY: PMS 116 AD_MRK1403-A1_v1-Man_Shingles-darker-EN-GCOL.psd 6 38 ppi CMYK Up to Date PR: What is shingles? Don’t wait for you or someone you love to develop shingles. The painful path of shingles* Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last several weeks. Although it usually occurs in one part of the body, such as the torso, shingles can also affect the face and eyes. For most people, the pain resolves as the rash heals but for others, shingles may cause long-lasting nerve pain. This potentially excruciating nerve pain (called postherpetic neuralgia or PHN) can last for months or years after the rash heals. Shingles of the eye represents an estimated 10-25% of all cases.* If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. TheShinglesVaccine.ca For some, the ongoing nerve pain can cause complications that may affect normal, daily activities such as walking, sleeping, and social activities. This pain can be debilitating and lead to a loss of independent living, anxiety, and depression. People who suffer from shingles have described their pain in many ways. Some say the pain burns or throbs. Others say it stabs, shoots, and/or feels sharp. Severe pain can result from things as minor as a breeze or the touch of clothing against the skin. Can shingles cause other complications?* In addition to severe pain, people with shingles may experience: • Scarring • Bacterial skin infections • Weakness • Muscle paralysis • Loss of hearing or vision. It is estimated that nearly 1 in 3 people will experience shingles in their lifetime. ZOSTAVAX® II is indicated for the prevention of herpes zoster (shingles) and for immunization of individuals 50 years of age or older. ZOSTAVAX® II cannot be used to treat existing shingles or the pain associated with existing shingles. If you get shingles even though you have been vaccinated, see your healthcare provider promptly. ZOSTAVAX® II should not be used if you: are allergic to any of the components of the vaccine, including gelatin or neomycin; have a blood disorder or any type of cancer that weakens your immune system; have been told by your doctor that you have a weakened immune system as a result of a disease, medications, or other treatment; have active untreated tuberculosis; are pregnant. Women of childbearing age should avoid pregnancy for 3 months following vaccination. Like all vaccines, ZOSTAVAX® II can have side effects. In studies, the most common side effects were at the injection site and included redness, pain, swelling, hard lump, itching, warmth, and bruising. Headache and pain in the arm or leg were also reported. Additional side effects reported in general use with ZOSTAVAX® II include allergic reactions, which may be serious and may include difficulty in breathing or swallowing, and fever. If you have an allergic reaction, call your doctor right away. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for a more complete list of side effects for ZOSTAVAX® II. (zoster vaccine live, attenuated [Oka/Merck], refrigerator-stable) Shingles may result in hospitalization and, in rare cases, can be life-threatening. Registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. Used under license. © 2014 Merck Canada Inc., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. VACC-1125721-0000-E-CDN-OCT-15 ® *ZOSTAVAX® II is for the prevention of shingles. It cannot be used to reduce or *ZOSTAVAX® II is for the prevention of shingles. It cannot be used to reduce or treat the complications or mortality associated with active shingles. treat the complications associated with active shingles. 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure-pass6.indd 2 2014-11-20 1:35 PM F:4” F:4” Cyan, Ogilvy CommonHealth Magenta, F:4” Yellow, Black LIVE: None BUILD DATE: Nov 5/14 CATEGORY: DM FILE: 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure- TRIM: 12” x 8” BUILD OP: ed FORMAT: Brochure AD #: None BLEED: 12.25” x 8.25” REV DATE: Nov 20/14 PICK UP: AD’s file JOB #: S.MRK.MRKZST.14029.B.011 LINE SCREEN: 150 REV OP: ed IMAGES: None TelEPHONE: (416) 363-3772 ACCOUNT: None CAMPAIGN / CREATIVE NAME: DTC Patient Brochure redworkstoronto.com PRODUCTION: Terri Maida ITEM DESCRIPTION: None 33 yonge street, 12th floor, toronto, onTARIO M5E 1X6 PRINT SCALE: None PASS: 6 OP: NOTES: Trade Gothic, Minion Pro Black, PMS 144 C, PMS 432 CV, PMS 8242 C, Guide 2 CLIENT: Merck R E M O VE G U I D E C O L O U R A T F I N A L P A S S C, GALLEY: PMS 116 Merck logo 2011 cmyk_KO.eps PAAB-knockout [Converted].ai RXD-MEMBER-E-white.ai Eye_Zoster_HR.eps ZOSTAVAX II_logo_Eng.ai Up to Date Up to Date Up to Date 3203 ppi, 3201 ppi Up to Date CMYK Up to Date PR: What is shingles? Don’t wait for you or someone you love to develop shingles. The painful path of shingles* Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last several weeks. Although it usually occurs in one part of the body, such as the torso, shingles can also affect the face and eyes. For most people, the pain resolves as the rash heals but for others, shingles may cause long-lasting nerve pain. This potentially excruciating nerve pain (called postherpetic neuralgia or PHN) can last for months or years after the rash heals. Shingles of the eye represents an estimated 10-25% of all cases.* If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. TheShinglesVaccine.ca For some, the ongoing nerve pain can cause complications that may affect normal, daily activities such as walking, sleeping, and social activities. This pain can be debilitating and lead to a loss of independent living, anxiety, and depression. People who suffer from shingles have described their pain in many ways. Some say the pain burns or throbs. Others say it stabs, shoots, and/or feels sharp. Severe pain can result from things as minor as a breeze or the touch of clothing against the skin. Can shingles cause other complications?* In addition to severe pain, people with shingles may experience: • Scarring • Bacterial skin infections • Weakness • Muscle paralysis • Loss of hearing or vision. It is estimated that nearly 1 in 3 people will experience shingles in their lifetime. ZOSTAVAX® II is indicated for the prevention of herpes zoster (shingles) and for immunization of individuals 50 years of age or older. ZOSTAVAX® II cannot be used to treat existing shingles or the pain associated with existing shingles. If you get shingles even though you have been vaccinated, see your healthcare provider promptly. ZOSTAVAX® II should not be used if you: are allergic to any of the components of the vaccine, including gelatin or neomycin; have a blood disorder or any type of cancer that weakens your immune system; have been told by your doctor that you have a weakened immune system as a result of a disease, medications, or other treatment; have active untreated tuberculosis; are pregnant. Women of childbearing age should avoid pregnancy for 3 months following vaccination. Like all vaccines, ZOSTAVAX® II can have side effects. In studies, the most common side effects were at the injection site and included redness, pain, swelling, hard lump, itching, warmth, and bruising. Headache and pain in the arm or leg were also reported. Additional side effects reported in general use with ZOSTAVAX® II include allergic reactions, which may be serious and may include difficulty in breathing or swallowing, and fever. If you have an allergic reaction, call your doctor right away. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for a more complete list of side effects for ZOSTAVAX® II. (zoster vaccine live, attenuated [Oka/Merck], refrigerator-stable) Shingles may result in hospitalization and, in rare cases, can be life-threatening. Registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. Used under license. © 2014 Merck Canada Inc., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. VACC-1125721-0000-E-CDN-OCT-15 ® *ZOSTAVAX® II is for the prevention of shingles. It cannot be used to reduce or *ZOSTAVAX® II is for the prevention of shingles. It cannot be used to reduce or treat the complications or mortality associated with active shingles. treat the complications associated with active shingles. 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure-pass6.indd 2 2014-11-20 1:35 PM F:4” F:4” Cyan, Ogilvy CommonHealth Magenta, F:4” Yellow, Black LIVE: None BUILD DATE: Nov 5/14 CATEGORY: DM FILE: 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure- TRIM: 12” x 8” BUILD OP: ed FORMAT: Brochure AD #: None BLEED: 12.25” x 8.25” REV DATE: Nov 20/14 PICK UP: AD’s file JOB #: S.MRK.MRKZST.14029.B.011 LINE SCREEN: 150 REV OP: ed IMAGES: None TelEPHONE: (416) 363-3772 ACCOUNT: None CAMPAIGN / CREATIVE NAME: DTC Patient Brochure redworkstoronto.com PRODUCTION: Terri Maida ITEM DESCRIPTION: None 33 yonge street, 12th floor, toronto, onTARIO M5E 1X6 PRINT SCALE: None PASS: 6 OP: NOTES: Trade Gothic, Minion Pro Black, PMS 144 C, PMS 432 CV, PMS 8242 C, Guide 2 CLIENT: Merck R E M O VE G U I D E C O L O U R A T F I N A L P A S S C, GALLEY: PMS 116 Merck logo 2011 cmyk_KO.eps PAAB-knockout [Converted].ai RXD-MEMBER-E-white.ai Eye_Zoster_HR.eps ZOSTAVAX II_logo_Eng.ai Up to Date Up to Date Up to Date 3203 ppi, 3201 ppi Up to Date CMYK Up to Date PR: What causes shingles? How can I protect myself from shingles? The same virus that causes chickenpox causes shingles. After your chickenpox blisters heal, the virus that caused them stays in your body in nerve cells. The virus may be there for many years and not cause a problem. Sometimes – for unknown reasons and without warning – the virus becomes active again and causes shingles. ZOSTAVAX® II is the only vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Because everyone is different, the ZOSTAVAX® II vaccination does not protect all individuals from shingles. If you do get shingles even though you have been vaccinated, ZOSTAVAX® II can reduce the intensity and duration of your shingles pain. Am I at risk? Nearly every Canadian adult has had chickenpox and so is at risk for developing shingles. What is my next step? Medical experts have estimated that the lifetime risk of getting shingles is as high as 1 in 3…and your risk increases after 50 years of age. If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. For people who reach 85 years of age, 1 in 2 will have developed shingles. This is shingles Don’t wait for you or someone you love to develop shingles. If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. And it’s more common than you may think. Read on to find out if you are at risk. 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure-pass6.indd 1 2014-11-20 1:35 PM F:4” F:4” Cyan, Ogilvy CommonHealth Magenta, F:4” Yellow, Black LIVE: None BUILD DATE: Nov 5/14 CATEGORY: DM FILE: 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure- TRIM: 12” x 8” BUILD OP: ed FORMAT: Brochure AD #: None BLEED: 12.25” x 8.25” REV DATE: Nov 20/14 PICK UP: AD’s file JOB #: S.MRK.MRKZST.14029.B.011 LINE SCREEN: 150 REV OP: ed IMAGES: None TelEPHONE: (416) 363-3772 ACCOUNT: None CAMPAIGN / CREATIVE NAME: DTC Patient Brochure redworkstoronto.com PRODUCTION: Terri Maida ITEM DESCRIPTION: None 33 yonge street, 12th floor, toronto, onTARIO M5E 1X6 PRINT SCALE: None PASS: 6 OP: NOTES: Trade Gothic Black, PMS 144 C, PMS 432 CV, PMS 8242 C, Guide 1 CLIENT: Merck R E M O VE G U I D E C O L O U R A T F I N A L P A S S C, GALLEY: PMS 116 AD_MRK1403-A1_v1-Man_Shingles-darker-EN-GCOL.psd 6 38 ppi CMYK Up to Date PR: What causes shingles? How can I protect myself from shingles? The same virus that causes chickenpox causes shingles. After your chickenpox blisters heal, the virus that caused them stays in your body in nerve cells. The virus may be there for many years and not cause a problem. Sometimes – for unknown reasons and without warning – the virus becomes active again and causes shingles. ZOSTAVAX® II is the only vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Because everyone is different, the ZOSTAVAX® II vaccination does not protect all individuals from shingles. If you do get shingles even though you have been vaccinated, ZOSTAVAX® II can reduce the intensity and duration of your shingles pain. Am I at risk? Nearly every Canadian adult has had chickenpox and so is at risk for developing shingles. What is my next step? Medical experts have estimated that the lifetime risk of getting shingles is as high as 1 in 3…and your risk increases after 50 years of age. If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. For people who reach 85 years of age, 1 in 2 will have developed shingles. This is shingles Don’t wait for you or someone you love to develop shingles. If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. And it’s more common than you may think. Read on to find out if you are at risk. 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure-pass6.indd 1 2014-11-20 1:35 PM F:4” F:4” Cyan, Ogilvy CommonHealth Magenta, F:4” Yellow, Black LIVE: None BUILD DATE: Nov 5/14 CATEGORY: DM FILE: 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure- TRIM: 12” x 8” BUILD OP: ed FORMAT: Brochure AD #: None BLEED: 12.25” x 8.25” REV DATE: Nov 20/14 PICK UP: AD’s file JOB #: S.MRK.MRKZST.14029.B.011 LINE SCREEN: 150 REV OP: ed IMAGES: None TelEPHONE: (416) 363-3772 ACCOUNT: None CAMPAIGN / CREATIVE NAME: DTC Patient Brochure redworkstoronto.com PRODUCTION: Terri Maida ITEM DESCRIPTION: None 33 yonge street, 12th floor, toronto, onTARIO M5E 1X6 PRINT SCALE: None PASS: 6 OP: NOTES: Trade Gothic Black, PMS 144 C, PMS 432 CV, PMS 8242 C, Guide 1 CLIENT: Merck R E M O VE G U I D E C O L O U R A T F I N A L P A S S C, GALLEY: PMS 116 AD_MRK1403-A1_v1-Man_Shingles-darker-EN-GCOL.psd 6 38 ppi CMYK Up to Date PR: What is shingles? Don’t wait for you or someone you love to develop shingles. The painful path of shingles* Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last several weeks. Although it usually occurs in one part of the body, such as the torso, shingles can also affect the face and eyes. For most people, the pain resolves as the rash heals but for others, shingles may cause long-lasting nerve pain. This potentially excruciating nerve pain (called postherpetic neuralgia or PHN) can last for months or years after the rash heals. Shingles of the eye represents an estimated 10-25% of all cases.* If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the shingles vaccine. TheShinglesVaccine.ca For some, the ongoing nerve pain can cause complications that may affect normal, daily activities such as walking, sleeping, and social activities. This pain can be debilitating and lead to a loss of independent living, anxiety, and depression. People who suffer from shingles have described their pain in many ways. Some say the pain burns or throbs. Others say it stabs, shoots, and/or feels sharp. Severe pain can result from things as minor as a breeze or the touch of clothing against the skin. Can shingles cause other complications?* In addition to severe pain, people with shingles may experience: • Scarring • Bacterial skin infections • Weakness • Muscle paralysis • Loss of hearing or vision. It is estimated that nearly 1 in 3 people will experience shingles in their lifetime. ZOSTAVAX® II is indicated for the prevention of herpes zoster (shingles) and for immunization of individuals 50 years of age or older. ZOSTAVAX® II cannot be used to treat existing shingles or the pain associated with existing shingles. If you get shingles even though you have been vaccinated, see your healthcare provider promptly. ZOSTAVAX® II should not be used if you: are allergic to any of the components of the vaccine, including gelatin or neomycin; have a blood disorder or any type of cancer that weakens your immune system; have been told by your doctor that you have a weakened immune system as a result of a disease, medications, or other treatment; have active untreated tuberculosis; are pregnant. Women of childbearing age should avoid pregnancy for 3 months following vaccination. Like all vaccines, ZOSTAVAX® II can have side effects. In studies, the most common side effects were at the injection site and included redness, pain, swelling, hard lump, itching, warmth, and bruising. Headache and pain in the arm or leg were also reported. Additional side effects reported in general use with ZOSTAVAX® II include allergic reactions, which may be serious and may include difficulty in breathing or swallowing, and fever. If you have an allergic reaction, call your doctor right away. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for a more complete list of side effects for ZOSTAVAX® II. (zoster vaccine live, attenuated [Oka/Merck], refrigerator-stable) Shingles may result in hospitalization and, in rare cases, can be life-threatening. Registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. Used under license. © 2014 Merck Canada Inc., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. VACC-1125721-0000-E-CDN-OCT-15 ® *ZOSTAVAX® II is for the prevention of shingles. It cannot be used to reduce or *ZOSTAVAX® II is for the prevention of shingles. It cannot be used to reduce or treat the complications or mortality associated with active shingles. treat the complications associated with active shingles. 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure-pass6.indd 2 2014-11-20 1:35 PM F:4” F:4” Cyan, Ogilvy CommonHealth Magenta, F:4” Yellow, Black LIVE: None BUILD DATE: Nov 5/14 CATEGORY: DM FILE: 40167-1-Eng-Patient Brochure- TRIM: 12” x 8” BUILD OP: ed FORMAT: Brochure AD #: None BLEED: 12.25” x 8.25” REV DATE: Nov 20/14 PICK UP: AD’s file JOB #: S.MRK.MRKZST.14029.B.011 LINE SCREEN: 150 REV OP: ed IMAGES: None TelEPHONE: (416) 363-3772 ACCOUNT: None CAMPAIGN / CREATIVE NAME: DTC Patient Brochure redworkstoronto.com PRODUCTION: Terri Maida ITEM DESCRIPTION: None 33 yonge street, 12th floor, toronto, onTARIO M5E 1X6 PRINT SCALE: None PASS: 6 OP: NOTES: Trade Gothic, Minion Pro Black, PMS 144 C, PMS 432 CV, PMS 8242 C, Guide 2 CLIENT: Merck R E M O VE G U I D E C O L O U R A T F I N A L P A S S C, GALLEY: PMS 116 Merck logo 2011 cmyk_KO.eps PAAB-knockout [Converted].ai RXD-MEMBER-E-white.ai Eye_Zoster_HR.eps ZOSTAVAX II_logo_Eng.ai Up to Date Up to Date Up to Date 3203 ppi, 3201 ppi Up to Date CMYK Up to Date PR:
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