THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Three Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 100164990 99-GT-342 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced In papers or discussion at meetings of the Society or of its Division:for Sections, or printed in Its publications. Discussion is printed only if the paper is published In an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy for internal or personal use is granted to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) provided S3/article is paid to CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Technical Publishing Department. Copyright 0 1999 by ASME All Rights Reserved Printed in (ISA DETAILED FLOW MEASUREMENTS AT THE EXIT OF A MIXED FLOW TURBINE UNDER STEADY FLOW CONDITIONS 1111111111111911111111 N. Karamanis, R.F. Martinez-Botas and C.C. Su Department of Mechanical Engineering Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine London England ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION A detailed flow investigation downstream of two mixed-flow turbocharger turbines has been carried out at 50% and 70% design speeds, equivalent to 29,400 and 41,300 rpm respectively. The measurement technique used was laser Doppler velocimetly (LDV). The measurements were performed at a plane 9.5 mm behind the rotor trailing edge, they were resolved in a blade-to-blade sense to fully examine the nature of the flow. The results confirmed the performance tests and indicated the improved performance of the rotor with a constant inlet blade angle relative to the rotor with a nominally constant incidence angle. There is a wide application of turbochargers in the automotive industry in order to achieve improved engine power output and efficiency, and reduction of exhaust emissions. The approach in the present work is to improve the efficiency characteristics of the turbocharger turbine as a means to make better use of the engine exhaust gas energy. The geometry chosen for this study is of a mixedflow nature. This type of rotor design has been investigated for many years both experimentally and theoretically, most of these studies have focused on the design, manufacture, and performance evaluation under steady and pulsating flow conditions (Abidat et al., 1992; Arcoumanis et al., 1995; Baines et al., 1979; Chen et al..1996; Chou and Gibbs, 1989; Wallace and Pasha, 1972), whereas the information of the velocity distribution at this type of rotor is rare. Hence the aim of the present investigation is to explore the exit flow characteristics of mixed flow turbines using a laser Doppler velocimeter system. Arcoumanis et al. (1997) presented circumferentially averaged exit LDV measurements; this approach does not reveal the detailed nature of the exit flow, hence it is difficult to point out specific areas of design improvement. The work presented in this paper resolves the flow in a blade-to-blade sense, thus revealing the detailed flow structure. The flow conditions at the rotor exit are strongly influenced by the passing blade. The designer's aim is to ensure that the flow leaves the rotor with the lowest possible level of mixing loss and swirl; the diffuser performance could otherwise be compromised. The flow in the vicinity close to the trailing edge of the blade is threedimensional and complex due to the periodical nature correlated to the passing blade. It is therefore, particularly difficult to obtain measurements in this region of the flow. There is little experimental data at the exit of radial-inflow turbines. Yea and Baines (1990) and Baines and Yea (1991) measured the flow field characteristics at the rotor exit of a twinentry vaneless radial - inflow turbine using a L2F velocimeter. The measurements were conducted at an axial distance of 30 nun downstream of the blade trailing edge. The results showed that the flow velocity and flow angle profiles were symmetric about the NOMENCLATURE absolute flow velocity Saunter mean diameter mass flow rate pressure plexiglass tube inner radius radial distance temperature blade speed relative flow velocity axial distance from the blade trailing edge absolute flow angle relative flow angle blade angle deviation angle Subscripts 0 total value turbine inlet I e turbine exit m meridional direction perpendicular to the trailing edge 0 tangential direction is isentropic Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Indianapolis, Indiana — June 7-June 10, 1999 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: The experimental results suggested a correlation between the exit flow angle and the turbine performance; a reduction in exit flow angle resulted in an increase in the overall turbine efficiency. Given the lack of experimental data on the flow behaviour of mixed-flow turbines, the aim of the present study is to observe the periodicity of the exit flow characteristics of mixed-flow turbines with the rotor revolution, using a LDV system. This study will allow an improved understanding of the complicated rotor exit flow field, and its correlation with swirl and exit kinetic energy loss. Besides, the measured results can provide accurate validation for CFD models of the turbine flow. turbine axis. At design point the flow velocity was almost constant and the flow angle was minimum indicating small exit swirl. While away from the design condition, the flow velocity became higher near the rotor hub and the flow angle increased significantly towards the sidewall of the exit duct, indicating large swirl occurred in the wall region. Zaidi and Elder (1993) reported the flow measurements of a radial-inflow turbine using a L2F velocimeter. The measurements were conducted at two different axial locations of 50 mm and 100 trim from the rotor trailing edge. The experimental results showed a similar swirling flow pattern at both locations. This exit flow was characterised by a highly turbulent flow region behind the hub end where no velocity was obtained, a centre annulus region of uniform flow velocity and flow direction and an outer flow region with a similar flow direction to that in the centre annulus region, but the flow velocity which increased rapidly towards the outer wall. At both measured positions, it was found that the turbulent flow region appeared to be a little larger at 50 mm position than that at 100 mm position because the wake produced by the rotor hub decayed further downstream. Benisek (1994) measured the flow velocity with a L2F velocimeter and multi-port cobra probes at the rotor exit regions of a radial-inflow turbine. The measurements were made at the rotor exit of 5 ram and 42 mm downstream of the rotor blade. The results of both measured planes showed that the agreement between the laser and probe measured flow velocity and angle was poor. This was because that the pneumatic probe was not capable of obtaining accurate measurements in the highly turbulent flow region. The investigations had demonstrated that conventional pneumatic probes were not suitable for measuring the flow at the rotor exit which was strongly swirling and highly unsteady. Murugan et al. (1996) performed a three-dimensional flow field investigation in the exit region of a radial-inflow turbine using a LDV system at the well off design speed of 1,000 rpm. The flow velocities were measured at three cross-sectional planes (A, B and C) of 2.54, 7.62 and 15.24 nun downstream of the rotor exit. The tangential velocities at the three cross sections showed that the degree of swirl was higher near the tip region and the levels of the tangential velocities reduced in the downstream direction. The radial velocities showed that there was a general radially inward movement of the flow due to the loss of centrifugal force as the flow left the rotor. At the downstream cross-section C, it was noted that there were some slightly outward radial velocities along the mid-passage near the rotor hub due to the wake behind the hub-end. The axial velocities were higher along the suction surface than those along the pressure surface at the first cross-section. Then they became mostly uniform at downstream cross-sections. Arcoumanis et al. (1997) first employed a WV system to explore the flow field characteristics in the exit region of two mixedflow turbine rotors (B with a nominally constant incidence angle and C with a constant inlet blade angle). The measurements of the axial and tangential velocity components were conducted at three different axial planes of 9.5, 31.5 and $0 mm from the trailing edge of the blades. The circumferentially averaged results showed that the rotor B generated higher tangential velocity than rotor C at all locations and for both rotational speeds. It was also noted that the exit flow angles were reduced with increasing rotational speeds. In addition, the flow angles of rotor C were considerably lower than those of rotor B which may explain the improved steady performance of rotor C. EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM The turbocharger facility (Arcoumanis et al., 1997) consists of the research turbine, an air supply system, a power absorber in the form of a centrifugal compressor and a data acquisition system. The turbine rotors tested here are of the mixed-flow type; a photo and a schematic diagram illustrating this type of rotor geometry can be seen in Fig. 1. Table 1 gives the geometric characteristics of the two rotors, one shorter in length with a nominally constant incidence angle (rotor B) and the other with a constant inlet blade angle (rotor A). The volute feeding the rotor is single-entry, non-symmetric and nozfteless. The steady-state performance was evaluated by means of the energy balance method (Arcoumanis et al., 1997), where the turbine actual output power is estimated by measuring the power absorbed by the loading device (centrifugal compressor) and the heat discharged to the bearing lubricating oil. Table 1: Mixed-flow rotors A and B geometry Rotor type Tip mean diameter (mm) Inlet blade height (rnm) Number of blades Exducer tip diameter (mm) Rotor length (mm) Exit mean blade angle Inlet blade angle A 83.6 18.0 12 78.6 40.0 -52° 20° B 83.6 18.0 12 78.6 32.5 -52° varied The laser Doppler velocimetry system comprised an Argon-ion laser (Spectra Physics) operating at a wavelength of 0.514 pm and power of up to I W, an optical unit dividing the laser beam into two of equal intensity and bringing the two beams to an intersection volume, a photomultiplier, and a frequency counter (TSI model 1995) interfaced to a microcomputer. The intersection volume was approximately 1,160 pm in length and 64.0 gm in diameter, with a fringe spacing of 4.65 inn. It should be emphasised that the measured parameters are correlated to the rotor blade rotation, to observe any periodic nature of the flow. Therefore, the results presented here are blade-to-blade gated measured quantities with a resolution of 1 ° over an angular displacement of 30° within the blades. The digital output of the frequency counter was fed into a microcomputer via a DOSTEK DMA interface card and sample of 40,000 data was recorded over many turbine rotations and then resolved to nearly 1,000 data per degree. 2 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: For measuring the flow at the rotor exit, a plexiglass tube was added and the radial distribution of the axial and tangential velocities was measured at a distance of 9.5 mm from the blade trailing edge, as shown in Fig. 1, with a near-forward scattering angle of 60 0 to the optical axis. A possible source of uncertainty in LDV measurements is the size of the seeding droplets and their ability to follow the flow fluctuations. The silicone oil droplets were generated by an air-blast atomiser and added to the flow in the divergent section upstream of the volute. The atomiser has been shown to produce droplets with Sauter mean diameter, dp of up to 2 tun which corresponds to a maximum effective Stokes number of 0.1. This implies that the droplets, on average, follow the flow fluctuations although occasional larger droplets may occur, giving rise to an uncertainty due to their size which can be considered to be negligible. Other uncertainties such as those due to velocity gradients were minimised by aligning the smaller measuring volume across the velocity gradient and collecting the light off the optical axis. The statistical uncertainty was estimated to be less than 1.8% and 4.4% with a 95% confidence level, in the mean and rms value of the velocity, respectively. The maximum counting ambiguity of the TSI counter having a clock frequency of 1000 MHz was 1.1% of the Doppler frequency shift. The whole optical system was mounted on a 3-dimensional traversing mechanism with a positional uncertainty of 0.025 mm. The axial velocity component turbulence intensity as a function of the rotor position (time) and the radius (space), exhibits values, between 0.14 - 0.2 dose to the mid-span at the exit of rotor A that remain the same with rotational speed. Rotor B demonstrates values between 0.12-0.23, and 0.12 - 0.2 for 50% and 70% of the equivalent design speed respectively. ( la ) nx I 49.5 rum l--- Plexiglas Tube I li. _ -111011■1•■101EW I R = 39.8 mm I-- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Steady flow performance The steady-state performance of rotors A and B was investigated at five different rotational speeds covering the range between 50% and 90% equivalent design speeds. The total-to-static efficiency characteristics and the swallowing capacity of the two mixed-flow turbine rotors, are presented in Figs. 2 -3. Rotor A exhibits a pattern of increasing efficiency with rotational speed up to the 80% equivalent design speed after which the efficiency remains nearly constant. Similarly rotor B follows the same trend with an increase in efficiency up to 70% equivalent design speed. The efficiency curves of rotor B become flatter than rotor A at speeds between 80% and 90% design speed. The swallowing capacity of rotor B is higher than that of rotor A (Fig. 3), however, the latter has the best overall performance across the whole range of speeds as shown in Fig. 2. The peak efficiencies for rotor A were higher than rotor B by 2.76 percentage points at the 50% design speed and by 2.96 points at the 90% design speed. Rotor A, at high velocity ratios, demonstrates more compact efficiency curves than rotor B, a feature that implies a reduced sensitivity to the rotational speed with rotor A. This is expected to improve the transient performance of the turbine since a change in the rotational speed will produce a small change in efficiency levels. Arcounumis et al. (1995) indicated that the mixed-flow turbine tested had an improved unsteady cycle-averaged efficiency when compared to a radial inflow turbine. (lb) Tota l-to-static efficiency Fig. I (a) Photograph of the mixed flow turbine rotor B, and (b) Schematic of the laser measurement location (dashed line) at the exit of the mixed-flow rotor. o 50% Design speed a 60% Design speed + 70°4 Design speed X 80% Design speed o 90% Design speed 04 0.5 0.6 0.7 Velocity ratio ( / C,) ( 2a ) 3 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: 08 Tota l-to-s ta t ic e ffic ie ncy Velocity measurements Measurements of the axial and tangential mean and rms velocity components at the exit of rotors A and B were obtained at the peak efficiency condition of the 50% and 70% equivalent design speeds corresponding to 29,400 and 41,300 rpm, respectively (see Table 2). 0.8 0.7 0.6 0 50% Designc4.cserre speed a 60% Design speed + 70% Design speed x 80% Design speed *90% Design speed 0.5 0.4 04 Rotor Design Speed (%) Total-to-static efficiency ' 0.6 0.5 Table 2: LDV Test Conditions N0 0.7 08 Velocity ratio ( U / Cs (2b) 7 6- titge7 50% Design speed A 609'. Design speed + 70°,'. Design speed x 80% Design Speed o 90% Design speed 2 10 1.5 2.0 2.5 30 Pressure ratio ( P o , / P. (3a) o 50% Design speed a 60% Design speed + 70% Design speed x 80% Design speed o 90% Design speed 10 1.5 2.0 2.5 50 70 50 70 0.693 0.725 0.665 0.701 U/Cis 0.577 Poi / Pe m (T01)°3/ Fel 1.310 0.618 1.612 0.590 1.295 0.627 1.588 4.567 5.474 4.493 5.482 Given that there was no appreciable efficiency increase beyond the 70% design speed point, it was decided to limit the LDV data to this maximum speed. These are taken at an axial plane of x = 9.5 mm from the trailing edge of the blades. The radial distance is normalised with the exit pipe inner radius, R. The ensemble values of the mean axial, as well as, the absolute and relative tangential velocity components are shown in Figs. 4 - 6. At the exit of both rotors A and B the velocity distribution shows a significant variation with radius, as well as, angular position. Further more, at the location where the axial component is relatively high the tangential component remains low and the vice versa; this pattern extends throughout the whole angular range within the blade passage. The tangential velocities (Fig. 5) exiting close to the pressure surface are higher compared to those near the suction surface, both rotors tend to follow a similar flow pattern. This may be attributed to the pressure field acting between the pressure and suction surfaces, which drives the flow to come into equilibrium behind the trailing edge of the blade (Murugan et al., 1996). On the other hand, the axial velocity contour plots (Fig. 4), exhibit higher values along the suction rather than the pressure surface. In more detail, the tangential component magnitude is high close to the pressure surface, with a non-uniform pattern showing a double peak in magnitude one peak at a radial location near the tip and the other close to the mid-span. This phenomenon suggests the presence of a trailing edge vortex, mainly attributed to the effect of the passing blade. Further more, low values of axial velocity near the shroud, suggest a swirling flow pattern, near the pressure surface. At the mid-passage, the tangential development follows a forced vortex assumption (as radius increases, there is an increase in the tangential velocity and a decrease in the axial velocity, assuming negligible radial flow); the double peak is no longer present hence, the tip vortex shows a negligible effect at this angular position. Finally, the flow near the suction surface becomes more axial, hence less swirling, exhibiting a local peak of magnitude of the axial velocity component near the mid-span. Both rotors follow the same flow pattern, rotor B however demonstrates higher values of tangential component magnitude at the local peak regions suggesting higher levels of swirl near the pressure surface. The relative to the blade tangential velocity component We development (Fig. 6), shows a decrease in value from shroud to hub, with rotor A exhibiting a smoother gradient than that of rotor B. In Fig.2 Efficiency characteristics of mixed flow turbine (a) rotor A and (b) rotor B. 4- B A 30 Pressure ratio ( Po, / P. / ( 3b ) Fig.) Swallowing capacity of mixed flow turbine (a) rotor A and (b) rotor B. 4 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: (a ) 14 1 95 cH; 06 40 (d) (e) Fig. 4 Exit axial velocity C. (m/s) contours at x = 9.5 mm of the mixed-flow rotor A for the (a) 50% and (b) 70%, and of the mixed flow rotor B for the (c) 50% and (d) 70% of the equivalent design speed. close to zero values imply a more axial flow. The level of swirling flow near the pressure surface is higher than that near the suction surface, where the flow exhibits a local peak of positive absolute angle. This phenomenon is more pronounced for rotor B, confirming previous comments. The deviation flow angle 8 = p—o, , is an indication of the level of flow guidance in the blades, where the relative flow angle is defined as 13 = tan .' [(U-00)/C.) and 0*, is the design blade camber line angle. The closer to zero the value of the deviation angle, the lower the departure of flow from the blade camber line is. Hence, while positive values of deviation angle imply an under-turned flow, negative values imply an over-turned flow. general the contour is rather uniform with angular position, except in the mid-span between the pressure surface and the mid-passage, where rotor B shows a non-uniformity with low values of velocity, a phenomenon that may be related to the tip vortex. On the contrary, a local peak of magnitude is exhibited at the shroud region close to the suction surface. An increase in speed from 50% to 70% extinguishes this regional non-uniformity, as the gradient becomes smoother with speed, for both of the rotors. Flow angles are key velocity-diagram parameters because they link the axial and swirl (tangential) velocity components. The computed flow angle contours are shown in Figs. 7 - 8. The absolute flow angle a = tan -I (C0/C,„), is an indication of the level of swirl in the flow. Positive values of absolute angle imply a more swirling, 5 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: so as so 75 70 65 60 55 50 As 40 35 30 25 29 15 10 5 0 5 . 10 (b) r- - es flay ri75 L=70 es r 60 1'7 55 I-7 5° 45 35 ao 25 20 15 10 5 0 (c) (d) Fig. 5 Exit tangential velocity Co (m/s) at x 9.5 mm of mixed-flow rotor A for the (a) SO% and (b) 70% and of the mixed flow rotor B for the (c) 50% and (d) 70% of the equivalent design speed. Rotor B exhibits a non-uniform distribution of deviation angle with a concentration of high negative value between the pressure surface and the mid-passage, close to the mid-span. Moreover, the swirl of the flow near the pressure surface is higher than that near the suction surface, where the flow exhibits a local peak of positive deviation angle. The lack of flow guidance becomes less obvious with an increase in rotation speed from 50% to 70%, as the local peaks of deviation angle are reduced. Rotor A, on the other hand, demonstrates a smoother deviation angle contour plot than that of rotor B, with almost zero deviation values. The flow angle development seems to be smoother as the rotational speed increases from 50% to 70%. The results also indicate, that the flow is better guided at the exit of rotor A with almost zero deviation, in comparison to the negative deviation at the exit of rotor B. A clear difference between swirling flows obtained with the two rotors is that, the tangential mean velocity is consistently lower for rotor A, especially at the forced vortex region near the mid-passage. Since both rotors have equal blade counts and equal exit dimensions, the increase in chord length of the latter translates to an increase in the solidity of the rotor. Therefore, the reason for the lower swirl velocities with almost zero deviation of rotor A, should be attributed to its increased solidity. It is well known, that the performance of a turbine depends on the exit flow angle. As the exit swirl velocities become smaller for a given rotational speed, the exit absolute flow angle will decrease and 6 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: ▪ Ff i 160 rl 150 140 H. 30 20 "r 110 100 90 SO 70 60 50 40 30 w, (a) Rotor hub . 1Ng we (b) • We — 16 E l 160 au 150 140 ri 130 120 I ' ll 110 100 90 LSO 70 60 50 40 30 (c) (d) Fig. 6 Exit relative tangential velocity. We (this) at x = 9.5 mm of mixed-flow rotor A for the (a) 50% and (b) 70% and of the mixed flow rotor B for the (c) 50% and (d) 70% of the equivalent design speed. the mid-passage, as radius increases, there is an increase in the tangential and a decrease in the axial velocity components, so that the flow follows a forced vortex assumption. The flow becomes less swirling in the proximity of the suction surface of the rotor blade. The tip vortex exhibited in the vicinity of the exit duct wall, as an interaction of the tip clearance flow and the boundary layer development on the duct wall, occurs at the 50% of the design speed, it becomes less significant however at the 70% of the design operating conditions. The results revealed that the shorter rotor B generated higher swirl velocities rather than the longer rotor A. The reason for the lower swirl velocities with almost zero deviation of the former, should be attributed to its increased solidity. the flow will become more axial. The reduced loss of kinetic energy can thus be expected to lead to an increase in efficiency, as long as there is no significant increase in the internal loss generation which is controlled by the relative exit velocity. The results also indicate, that the flow at the exit of rotor A is less swirling than that of rotor B, which may also explain the less efficient performance of the latter. CONCLUSIONS The LDV gated measurements reveal a complex flow pattern at the exit of both rotors (A of constant inlet blade angle and B of constant incidence), especially at a radial location between the shroud and the mid-span, attributed to the passing blade effect At 7 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: so 55 50 • 40 - 35 30 25 20 15 10 .5 -:0 (b) (a) pso 755 5° —Sc + 35 20 10 .5 -10 (c) (d) Fig. 7 Exit absolute flow angle a (degrees) contours at x = 9.5 mm of mixed-flow rotor A for the (a) 50% and (b) 70%, and of rotor B for the (c) 50% and (d) 70% of the equivalent design speed. 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