PROSPECTUS PARA VETERINARY COUNCIL w w w. p v c h a r y a n a . c o m "Everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is aroused to self conscious activity" Chairman's Message s is prospectu th d n fi l il w you ss of believe that in the proce e v ti a rm fo in helpful and d course eligibility an s e b ri sc e d training. It I details. imal ining in An a tr g in id v We are pro Farming iggery, Goat P , ry lt u o P y, air ke Husbandry, D eople and ta p e th ll a to Breeding g them and Animal s for providin e m m ra g ro p ned to above mentio this course is f o se o rp u p ent. The tered self employm port the Regis p su to s n o rs ed pe y, prepare train h a la 's , D a ir s u o G , rs e P ra c ti ti o n is Ve te r in a ry T he Council . ry st u d In Pharma gramme Veterinary d training pro se a b l a c ti c pra fa launching a al Assistant o im n A d n a r to semina ve the for Artificial In ing will impro in a tr is h T s. th mon by period of six knowledge l a ic n li c re g of co s. understandin al life example re h it w g in in d tra practical base of our t the services e g l il w u o y t ry I believe tha I wish you ve s. n o ti ta c e p er your ex institute as p ur Training. success in yo Chair man Director's Message ) is dedicated C V (P il c n u o C in ara Veterinary e x c e ll e n c e d n a e ic v r to g iv e s e p e r im e n ta l x e g in d lu in c ed e d u c a ti o n , ur well plann O . g in in a tr l a practic gned to learning and ulum is desi ic rr u c d n a ture e course struc eir knowledg th e c n a h n e ortunity to rinary offer an opp tion for vete la u p o p l ra e ru and serve th e m p l oy s a m a r g o r p nt. This ch as a d eve l o p m e g methods su in h c a te s u o of vari , combination , s e m in a r s re tu c le , ts s , P ro je c nary c a s e s tu d ie s from Veteri rt e p x e e th etc. by presentation sector. ith vast supported w is C V P f Faculty o ge. cility at Colle fa l ra tu c ru st infra in organization ly e v ti c a to their Our aims is est studied to b ls a u id iv d e in nt identifying th ful recruitme ss e c c su a g evelopin needs and d P relationship. Director Message g big le of achievin b a p a c ll a re e a tt le eep down, w ke s is a li ta it ll a , e ti m e s rcome th in g s . S o m rtunity to ove o p p o n a d n ent a encouragem D the odds. t providing tha in s e v e li e b ry Council to the Para Veterina pportunities o e th d n a t n e encouragem goal in much needed t ourselves a se e W . ty ie c s of in our so s in the area e v marginalized ti ia it in r u o ield. Through ation in Veterinary F ificial Insemin rt A d n a n io it at a pment, Nutr to making th y breed develo a w r u o n o andry, we are Animal Husb rustees reality. red by the T so n o sp e b nate to e We are fortu oing well to th d in n so a re o en ay to ere needs to b goes a long w who believe th s e e st ru T e pport from th in. society. The su on is involved ti a d n u fo e th cts e sustain proje to amplify th d n te in e w tomorrow, e can. For a better ficiaries as w e n e b y n a m s e and include a r of people th e b m opportunities u n e rg by a la ose is measured ryana and wh a H Our success in d e h c u s to ry Council ha Para Veterina d. en transforme lives have be akash Gera Dr. Prem Pr y Director Retd. Deput andry, Punjab Animal Husb of t en tm ar Dep Message e to promote th your council by e nt ad lle m ce s ex n and effort Haryana has e constitutio in the state. g in pped by ta rm appreciate th fa e b y d poultr can only an ch ck hi to w l es tia liv oten scientific production p power. estock sector liv oriented man n ed p tio p uc ta d un ro the p ck to es state to fulfil mpetent liv ntage for the va ad of generating co is ed d as b ad e CR is On th e vicinity of N ts in the NCR. uc d ro p 10 y g ltr in Being in clos ou m p s in co livestock and ucts demand ng demand of poultry prod d an as well as to ck to ever increasi p p es d and su ly d, the liv an an em em d d n of s ee d w p bet e livestock current tren .This wide ga the region th % in 35 n by io at se ul ea op fficient man p years will incr generating su security to hu by al le on b si iti tr os p nu is only Poultry ensure proper of >10%.This Livestock and . te ch ra a Te h at ig w H of gro t. sector has to lf employmen ter to the need r rural youth se which can ca fo er n ow oo p b a an m ve ro trained proach will p but its major e state.This ap rsity at Hisar ve ni U ry Farming in th na ri a Vete cted. In the almost negle e has created at is st e e nc th ie h, sc g Thou nment of duction ing on contai side and pro at t tr en en tm nc ea co tr e on is mor ponent is emphasis is andry deptt. training com sb d hu an al ry m so ni vi A e h ad lated same way Stat farmers/Yout epartment re and livestock iven by the d s g e se at ea d ucts is e d d th ro nt p t from prevale oultry is quite eviden d livestock p ch an hi w n , io ng at si ul is ity uctiv has ies pop almost m tion and prod different spec uc d in ro p rn al te at im p w per an to be serious to growth the years. Lo o not seems d er s ov er us nn at la p st holding state production concer n and ecreasing land d at n, re g io at of iz r an te b at ck and sing ur become a m ientific livesto ario of increa sc , en ity sc t tiv en uc rr d cu e uth d pro about it. In th roduction an ty and rural yo 's sustainabili agricultural p ily of m g le fa in ro l l au ra ta te ru vi r la ive fo and p n play a e only alternat ctor/NGO ca th se is te g g va in in ri p rm rm e fa fa oultry poultry stances th c livestock/p these circum ifi nt er ie nd k sc U r t. oc fo st en power ed Live employm ral youth man . Being a retir ru on d iti d ne ai ad s tr e rt g lu fo and va your ef in generatin I appreciate ts production uc or d at ro tr p is y in lit m up Ad rural as well as qua Scientist and bute toward duction Senior irectly contri d ro p ill y w tr ul ho Po w and man power g trained hu for generatin state. liftment in the hes. With Best Wis I ahal Dr. S. M. Ch ., M.V.Sc., Ph.D B.V.Sc. & AH, SA -U w llo Fe AO Ex-F al Sciences, lege of Anim Ex-Dean, Col r (Haryana) sa Hi , ty si er riculture Univ Ag Research, a of an or ry ct Ha Ex-Dire haran Singh (Haryana) r sa Chaudhary C al Sciences Hi im An d an y Veterinar i University of Lala Lajpat Ra INDIAN SOCIETY OF BLOOD TRANSFUSION & IMMUNOHAEMATOLOGY National Organization on Blood Transfusion Medicine, Blood Banking & Donor Motivation C-1, Amravati Enclave, Panchkula Shimla Highway, Panchkula-134107 Haryana, INDIA Website : Email: President Dr. Yudhbir Singh Secretary General Dr. T. R. Raina, M.D. 1107, Sector- 16-17 Hisar Haryana Ex Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Imm. & Blood Transfusion Message I am happy to know that the Para Veterinary Council, Hisar (Haryana) is organizing a Vocational Training on "Cattle Breed Improvement Training Programme" on the theme of Society Empowerment through Skills Development in Artificial Insemination & Diarying Training to provide Self Employment t youth and Farmers. Such Initiatives are good for the Development of Society, Youth and Farmer in Rural & Urban Area. I Congratulate Para Veterinary Council, Hisar (Haryana) Team, and wish every success for Vocational Training Programme. Dr. Yudhbir Singh Khyaliya (I.A.S.) Commissioner (Retd.) President, ISBTI Be a Centre of Excellence for providing Comprehensive Animal Care and Breed Development Training in Animal Husbandry Sector. Self employment for youths Problem solvers and decision makers. Creative and effective user of productivity tools. Informed, responsible and contributing citizens. Our Mission is to create opportunities of gainful self-employment for the rural families, especially disadvantaged sections, ensuring sustainable livelihood, enriched environment, improved quality of life and good human values. This is being achieved through development research, effective use of local resources, extension of appropriate technologies and up gradation of skills and capabilities with community participation. The Council is a nonpolitical, secular and professionally managed organisation. About US Para Veterinary Council (PVC) is a reputed voluntary organisation established to promote sustainable livelihood in Rural India. PVC is Established under Trust Act 1882 vide Registration No. HR/HSR/16978/2012-13 from Hisar (Govt. of Haryana) & enrolled with Planning Commission Govt. of India vide UID - HR/2014/0084838. PVC is committed to provide sustainable livelihood to the rural poor through management of promotion of livestock development as major income generation activities. The major activities of Para Veterinary Council are promotion of dairy, Animal Husbandry, Artificial Insemination, Poultry, Goat Husbandry, Various Rural non-farm activities etc. for generating of self employment in unemployed youths and poor families. Course Work Facility Written course works constitute Well Furnished Class Room an impor tant par t of the White Board Classes Learning Process of the Course. Projector Based Study Most of the Module requires Special Doubt Classes course work assignment, which Best Environment for studies may be individual or group Special Business House Sessions projects, wherein students are Focused Practical Sessions with briefed Theory Contribution of Field Experts Toward Innovation Highly Qualif ied Faculty in their Respective Subject expected to apply the concepts t o re a l l i f e m a n a ge m e n t problems. The course works are counted for end terms assess. Strategy & Approach Eligible Sector and Job Roles Training Modules The training programme will 180 days duration. The training duration may also include on the training, internships etc. The training duration will include training on social skills like health, sanitation, communication, animal welfare skills etc. Categorize to self-employment in Animal Husbandry Sector. Seminar & Presentation Mainly focus for promoting self-employment in Animal Husbandry Sector. Seminars and presentation involve groups of trainees. The Groups are normally led by the staff member. A subject is studies in depth by a discussion between the groups on a case study presented by trainees. The trainees should devote a major portion of their time to intensive analytical study and discussion of real life situation set forth in selective case studies. Evaluation and Certification Evaluation shall be done by PVC or a selected set of professionals/agencies of Animal Husbandry or Veterinary sector with PVC presence, and having ability to evaluate the eligible training content as per standard of Job Roles, will be selected. Later the Programme would be authorized to all eligible evaluation persons. Course Name : Paravet Assistant Duration Theory Practical Internship : 6 months : : : 3 Months 1 Month 2 Months Course Name : Artificial Inseminator Duration Theory Practical Internship Fee Structure Registration Fee Course Fee Practical Fee Examination Fee Total : 6 months : : : 3 Months 1 Month 2 Months Fee Structure ` 5450.00 ` 21050.00 ` 2750.00 ` 3650.00 ` 32900.00 Registration Fee Course Fee Practical Fee Examination Fee Total ` 5450.00 ` 15650.00 ` 2750.00 ` 3650.00 ` 27500.00 Note : Fee once paid is not refundable or transferable. These vocational courses are for self-employment in the field of Animal Husbandry. Any Govt./Semi Govt./Job Opportunities are subject to according to rule & regulation of concerned Department/Organisation. Para Veterinary Council does n't claim for Govt. opportunity against this certificate. The fee details is also available on our website Course Name : Paravet Assistant Duration : 6 Months Syllabus Course Name : Artificial Inseminator Duration : 6 Months Syllabus 1. Anatomy & Physiology Digestive System (Structure and Physiology) Respiratory System of Different Species Blood Vascular System Urinary System of Different Species Reproduction System Nervous System Eye Endocrine System 2. Gynaecology Definitions Gestation Period Puberty Age Reproductive Organs and Their Functions Estrous Cycle and Its Phases Classification on the basis of Estrous Phase Factor Affecting on Estrous Cycle Hormones – Their Origin & Functions Development of Ovarian Follicle Pregnancy Diagnosis (PD) Placenta Normal Temperature, Pulse Rate and Respiration Rate of Different Species Anestrus – Types and Treatment Ovarian Cyst- Types and Treatment Metritis Pyometra Retention of Placenta Prolapse Abortion Repeat Breeder Teratology and Dropsy Coital Disease Dystocia Parturition and its mechanism Torsion 3. Animal Breeding Breeds of Buffalos Breeds of Cow Breeds of Horse Selection of Breeds Method of Breed Selection Important traits for Breed selection In-breeding and Out-breeding Types of Out-breeding Advantages and Disadvantages of Inbreeding and Out-breeding Hybridization Cross-breeding and Its Advantages Out-Crossing and Its Advantages Selection types and their advantages and disadvantages 4. Artificial Insemination Artificial Insemination Techniques Advantages of Artificial Insemination Reproductive organs of different species Reproductive Hormone Puberty age of Different Species Normal weight at Puberty Age for different species Estrus cycle of different Species Ovulation P.D. Pregnancy Diagnosis infertility in Animals Cleaning and sterilization of A.I. material Evaluation of semen Artificial Insemination in Animals 5. Animal Nutrition Silage Making Hay Making Calcium Rich Grains Mineral Mixture Animal Feeding Essential Nutrients and Their Sources Fodder Storage Management Calf Starter Calf Replacer 6. Extension and Technology Extension programming & management Audio-Visual Ads Communication Dairy Farming Animal Productions Housing Farming Types of Farming Scope of Farming Scope of Animal Husbandry Rule & Regulations of the Institute The entire Trainee shall comply with rules and regulations of the College/ institute in force. All the trainees need to be punctual for theory and clinical practices as per the schedule given by the institute. All the assignments must be submitted on the specific date except in genuine unavoidable circumstances with prior permission. All the fees must be paid in full by the dates notified by institute. Any trainee, whose fees, together with the fine imposed, remains unpaid will be suspended from attending lectures practices etc. until the fees/ dues have been paid. Ragging is strictly prohibited and may result in suspension or termination from the institute. No re-examination will be conducted for those who fail in internal assessment /term examination. Re-examination of sessional examinations will be conducted for the trainees who are absent due to sickness which is authenticated by medical certificate or trainees who are absent because of some serious problem/need at the home. The decision will be made by college authority and will be binding. Trainee will be allowed to appear in the Council examination in the subjects in which they have: 85 % attendance of the total number of theory classes taken. 85 % attendance in clinical experience hours in the clinical subjects. Trainees must maintain discipline in the classroom premises, so as to ensure a peaceful and conducive atmosphere for learning. Trainees are not allowed to use cell phone in the institute premises, during the class hours or during the clinical experience hours. If found the cell phones will be confiscated. Each trainee is responsible for the proper handling and safe custody of any apparatus or equipment that she may be using. In case of any damage or loss to the College / hospital/ Gaushala/Diary property through misuse or negligence, the trainee shall have to pay the cost of repair or replacement. These vocational courses are for self-employment in the field of Animal Husbandry. Any Govt./Semi Govt./Job Opportunities are subject to according to rule & regulation of concerned Department/Organisation. Para Veterinary Council does n't claim for Govt. opportunity against this certificate. All neglect of duties, breach of rules and acts of indiscipline are to be brought to the notice of Principal, PVC. The Principal in consultation with the senior staff members shall deal with any serious offence for which adverse entry in the personal file of the trainee may be made. The decision of the Principal, PVC in all the disputes would be final and binding on to the trainees. Head Office : SCO 30-31, First Floor, Above PNB Bank, Defence Colony Market, Sector 15A, Hisar-125001 (Haryana) Phone : 01662-270148 Email: Help Line No. : 07206047505-15 w w w. p v c h a r y a n a . c o m ` 320.00
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