Gator Gazette Gray Middle School Newsletter Volume 5 HELP US PROVIDE BASIC NECESSITIES FOR STUDENTS IN NEED IN OUR SCHOOLS Did you know that 32% of children in Boone County Schools are considered to be living in poverty, and that 1% of those children are homeless? You can help provide these children with basic items like clothing, personal hygiene items, food, and cleaning supplies by donating to the Boone County Schools’ FRYSC at Gray Middle School. What is the FRYSC? The Boone County Schools’ Family Resource and Youth Services Center assists children in our schools with basic needs items. In these tough economic times, the FRYSC is struggling to provide the help our students need to assure they are ready to learn when they get to school. The Board has started a district-wide initiative which aims to help keep the FRYSC stocked so it can provide for our students in need. THE ITEMS MUST BE NEW. Each month, we will ask for specific items to be donated. Personal hygiene and cleaning supplies are always needed. We will post each month’s item request on the Infinite Campus Portal, as well as in the Gator Gazette. Simply send the item to school with your student (there will be a permanent donation box in the front lobby of the school) or drop off the item in the main office. We will make sure your donation gets to the FRYSC. If you have any questions, please email Kara Nixon at Family Resource & Youth Services Center January Items Needed Toothpaste Tooth Brushes Paper Towels Deodorant Gray Middle School held a holiday drive from mid November through December 12. The National Junior Honor Society and Student Council from GMS adopted twelve families this holiday season. Through the generosity of the GMS community we were able to provide these families with gifts for Christmas. The students, staff and families raised over $4,500.oo. The generosity and support of the Gray Middle School family is humbling and astounding. Below is the Holiday Drive results from each grade level. Holiday Drive Results In 3rd Place: 7th grade with $505.68 In 2nd Place: 6th grade with $758.67 And in 1st Place: 8th grade with $3,284.30 Thank you everyone for making this holiday drive a success! NJHS members (left) Josh Johnson and Cole Januski shopping for the adopted families at Walmart. 8th Grade Chicago News Chicago payment number three is due January 9th. The trip is filling up quickly. No new reservations will be taken after the January 9th payment date. December Bookmark Parents: While your kids are away from school for 2 weeks and during the long snow days of January, here is a game they can play that will get them reading. Play the Christmas Break/Snow Day Bingo. Students earn a BINGO by reading books and getting your signature as their books are completed. Bingo forms are available on the library bulletin board or by visiting the library webpage. Link to the library webpage from the GMS homepage. Hurry and get reading!! The contest ends on January 30. GMS Lego League Gray Middle School did an outstanding job at the NKY FIRST LEGO League Robotics and Engineering Tournament. GMS won both 1st and 2nd place Champions Trophies. 1st place Overall Champion was the Jr Brainy Bots, who are Wyatt Richards, Mina Ryumae, Lucy Lawal, Audrey Wilson, James Funk and Kate Grayson 2nd place Champion was the Tech Team, who are Dalton Aragon, Riley Atkinson, Luke Hickey, Mitch Playforth, Diana Runkel, and Xavier Veselovec GMS Academic Team News Congratulations to the 6th grade Academic Team for taking 1st place at the 6th grade showcase! Great job gators! 6th grade Academic Teams members include: John Dumancic, Nik Dumancic, Mina Ryumae, Krupa Hegde, Kioni Bush, Hayden Caldwell, Adrian Urso, Tate Judge Coach: Mary Beth Marqua GMS Mathcounts 8th grade: 3rd place Manu Nair 2nd place Evan Webster 1st place Koushik Devarakonda 7th grade 2nd place Jadin Moorman 1st place Owen Klug 6th grade 3rd place Grace Chan 2nd place John Dumancic 1st place Mina Ryumae Team Competition: Gray took 1st, 2nd and 3rd in this competition. 3rd place—Evan Webster, Grace Chan, Jeremy Fernando, and Allyssa Hiatt 2nd place—Manu Nair, Mina Ryumae, Hayden Caldwell, and Owen Klug 1st place—Koushik Devarakonda, Troy Hutchinson, Carter McIntire, and John Dumancic All-State Choir Members Congratulations to the following GMS students who have been selected as All State Choir members. Gray Middle School is very proud of you. Monya Brandt Tessa Hutchinson Phoebe Clark GMS Archery News The Archery Team competed in the Frankfort Invitational, a state qualifier competition. GMS took 4th place. In the middle school girls division, GMS took the top 3 places. Hannah Hamilton - 1st place Mikayla Owen - 2nd place Kaylin Conley - 3rd place The Archery Team also competed in the Williamstown Invitational where the team came in 1st place. Nicklas Jump, Katie Henderson and Koushik Devarakonda are at pictured right Congratulations GMS Archery! Gray Middle School Student Council Learning. Serving. Leading. Our next Student Council Meeting will be Wednesday, 1/14/2015, in room 152 from 2:45 – 3:30. We will start making plans for Pennies for Patients and review Member Feasibility Studies for other possible projects. New members are welcome. Thanks to all of the Student Council members who worked with NJHS for the GMS Holiday Drive. These students helped collect and count money and shopped for the gifts. For more information you may contact Mrs. Sturdivant at To receive automated text or email messages about upcoming meetings or events, please text the message @gms-sc to 270-228-2388 or send an email message to Student Council Members are pictured left to right after the December meeting: Logan Batte, Tate Ohmer, Ella Holtz, Jadin Moorman, Tyler Cook, and Ujjala Patel. The Nutcracker—Cincinnati Ballet GMS is proud to announce two of our own, Ainsley Hoh and Ally Price will be performing with the Cincinnati Ballet in the production of the Nutcracker. Performances for The Nutcracker are from December 19 through December 27. These students have passed along information for the opportunity for our GMS community to purchase discount tickets. Information regarding discount is included below. Congratulations Ainsley and Ally on this outstanding accomplishment with your dance career. The website to purchase tickets: Click on: Buy Tickets Go to: Promotions Enter Code: G1415CAST This code will allow for a 20% discount (tickets start at $32) The discount does not apply on premier seating unfortunately. You can also purchase in person at the Cincinnati Ballet Box Office 513-621-5282 or 513-562-1114 GMS 7th Grade Math Teacher and Ryle Wrestling Coach Tim Ruschell Please visit the link below regarding an article on GMS 7th Grade Math Teacher, Tim Ruschell. Mr. Ruschell has been a teacher at GMS for twenty years and a coach for the Ryle Wrestling Team for eighteen years. The article is a wonderful tribute to him and his family. Congratulations Ruschell family on your accomplishments. GMS PTSA News Reality Day Volunteers Reality Day is coming! New this year, this event will be held on two dates, January 26th and April 29th, to enable all 8th grade students to participate. Volunteers will work with the students to create a realistic view of life in the real world. We will need 25 volunteers for each day from 9:30 - 12:30 to serve at the various life stations. Please sign up here to help: http:// PTSA Positions Looking for an opportunity to be part of the PTSA, but unsure of what you might want to do or how much work it might entail? Consider shadowing one of this year’s officers! Join us on Monday, January 12th at 6:00pm in Room 101. · This month’s highlighted position: VP Volunteers – email parent lists monthly with volunteer opportunities, event and dance social information, and other PTSA updates as needed. Attend monthly meetings (they only last an hour!). This fun, easy position is a great way to get to know parents and staff at Gray. Kroger Community Rewards Thank you to the families that have supported the school by participating in the Kroger Rewards program. With 57 families participating $641.54 has been raised to support school programs during the last quarter. If you have not signed up please do so, below are the directions. Kroger Plus Card Offers More for Gray Middle School Additional Benefits When Using the Card Your Kroger Plus Card gives Kroger Community Rewards to Gray Middle School It's simple to enroll: Grab your current Kroger Plus Card - it's probably on your key fob. If you use your phone number at the register, call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus Card number. If you do not yet have a Kroger Plus Card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger. 1. Go online, to 2. Click on Sign In/Register 3. Most participants are new, Kroger Community Rewards program online customers, so click on Sign Up Today in the ‘New Customer?’ box. 4. Sign up for a Kroger Community Rewards account by entering your zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions. 5. You will then get a message to check your email inbox. 6. Go to your email and click on the link within the body of the email. 7. Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. 8. Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number. 9. Update or confirm your information. 10. Enter NPO number (47522 for Gray Middle School) or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. 11. To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see Gray Middle School on the right side of your information page. Why register you Kroger Plus Card? To earn additional funding for Gray Middle School How does it work? Use your registered Kroger Plus Card or your phone number at checkout like you always do. When does it work? Every time you shop, your purchase counts. But, purchases will not count until after you register your card(s). Does this take away from my gas discounts? No. You still earn Fuel Rewards. Important Dates 12/20—1/4 Winter Break 3/25 End of Term 4 1/14 NJHS New Member Induction 3/30—4/3 Spring Break 1/19 No School 3/27 End of Term 4 1/26 Reality Day #1 4/23-4/25 8th Grade Chicago Trip 2/4 End of Term 3 4/24 School Dance 2/13 School Dance 4/29 Reality Day #2 2/16 No School 5/4 Band Concert 3/5 Band Concert 5/9 8th Grade Dance 3/10 Choir Concert 5/12 Choir Concert 3/13 No School 5/19 No School 3/20 & 3/21 Spring Musical @ Ryle 5/20 End of Term 5 3/23 Spring Pictures SBDM meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 5:00 pm. PTSA meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 6:00 pm. Please feel free to join us for these meetings.
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