4th ERUS/ESU Advanced Course - Martini

da Vinci®-Prostatektomie
4 Operationen ‒ seien Sie live dabei
Venue on Thursday, 22/01/15: Erika-Haus
Your Hosts
Prof. Dr. Markus Graefen
Martini-Klinik, Prostate Cancer Center
Ärztekammer anerkannt.
Venue on Friday, 23/01/15: Martini-Klinik
International Guest Surgeons:
Vipul Patel, Florida and
Henk van der Poel, Amsterdam
Montag, 10. Juni 2013
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Alexander Haese
Dienstag, 11. Juni 2013
Head of Robotic Urologic Surgery
Martini-Klinik, Prostate Cancer Center
International Guests Surgeons
Vipul Patel, MD
Director, Global Robotics Institute,
Celebration Health
Director, Florida Hospital Cancer Institute
Urologic Oncology
Professor of Urology,
University of Central Florida, USA
Henk van der Poel, MD, PhD
Department of Urology
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Advanced Course
Martini-Klinik am UKE GmbH
Martinistraße 52 • Building O46
20246 Hamburg, Germany
+49 (0) 40 7410-51300
+49 (0) 40 7410-51323
da Vinci®-robot-assisted prostatectomy
4 Operations: As real as it gets!
January 22 - 23, 2015
Dear Colleagues,
due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the past
Thursday, 22/01/15
2:45 pm to 3:45 pm Operating Room II
three events, we would like to cordially invite you to the
5:30 pm Come Together
Afternoon Live Surgery
Extended pelvic lymph node dissection in robotic
prostatectomy: Indication, Anatomical landmarks and boundaries of resection.
Henk van de Poel (Moderation: Markus Graefen)
4th ERUS/ESU Advanced da Vinci Robot Assisted Prostatectomy
During this one and a half day long course, we will demonstrate
6:00 pm the state of the art technology of the da Vinci robot assisted radi-
8:00 pm Dinner
cal prostatectomy. Dr. Vipul Patel will show us his personal tech-
nique which he has developed after performing more than 8,000
Friday, 23/01/15
Course to be held at the Martini-Klinik, Prostate Cancer Center at
the University Medical Center Hamburg, Eppendorf on January,
22 and 23, 2015.
radical prostatectomies and Dr. Henk van der Poel will highlight
the important issue of pelvic and sentinel lymph node dissection.
In addition, we will demonstrate the NeuroSAFE intraoperative
frozen section analysis, the full functional length preparation of
the urethra, and the utilisation of barbed sutures for anastomosis
and the dorsal reconstruction of the rhabdosphincter. Further­
7:30 am Dorint Hotel
Key Note Speech
1. Important Technical Aspects of Potency Preservation
2. Lessons Learned from 8,000 cases: The learning curve and beyond
Vipul Patel
to 10:45 am Operating Room I
Morning Live Surgery
Radical Prostatectomy: The Martini Technique
Alexander Haese (Moderation: Vipul Patel)
9:00 am Break
to 10:45 am Operating Room II
Morning Live surgery NeuroSAFE frozen section analysis to guarantee microscopic tumor free resection margins in case of suspicion for extra capsular tumor extension.
Markus Graefen (Moderation: Henk van der Poel)
We believe that these two internationally renown experts in
9:00 am ­collaboration with our local team have created an interesting
10:45 am Break
program that will be help for both experienced users as well as
11:00 am more, the da Vinci simulator will be demonstrated during the
course. In the operating room, you will be able to observe the surgeries directly while having direct interaction with the surgeon.
beginners in order to provide an insightful view of the fascinating
possibilities of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy.
We look very much forward to seeing you in Hamburg!
12:00 am Lunch Break 1:00 pm Prof. Dr. Markus Graefen
Prof. Dr. Alexander Haese
Guest Lecture
The Role of Intraoperative Fluorescence and the
Sentinel Lymph Node in Prostate Cancer
Henk van de Poel
to 3:45 pm Operating Room I
Afternoon Live Surgery
Nerve sparing radical prostatectomy with
demonstration of the landmark capsular artery
Vipul Patel (Moderation: Alexander Haese)
2:30 pm Break
3:45 pm Break
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Joint summary of the event
All surgeons are available for their personal
resume of the demonstrated surgeries as well
as for questions and tips.
All surgeries live from the Operating
Room of the Martini-Klinik
Training at the da Vinci-simulator
State of the art oral presentation and illustration
of the key steps of robotic radical prostatectomy
Trouble shooting and treatment of
complex and advanced cases
For surgeons who plan the installation of a robotic program we
will provide exhaustive trips and tricks, such as patient positioning, robot set up, docking and undocking, port placement as well
as anaesthetic considerations and aspects from the nursing staff.
The oral presentation of all surgeons and interactive discussions
will add to the impressions obtained in the operating theatres.
Moreover, we offer the possibility of a one day proctoring in your
clinic. Four places are available and will be given away in the order
of request.
Costs and Registration
250€ per Person.
Please send your registration until January 1, 2015
Prof. Dr. Alexander Haese
+49 (0) 40 - 7410 - 51300 haese@martini-klinik.de
A Total of 26 slots are
available and will be given
in the order of request.