116 Chalan Santo Papa • PM Calvo Bldg. • Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Tel: (671) 477-9266 • Fax: (671) 477-8308 Email- foundation@paylessmarkets.com PAY-‐LESS MARKETS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2015 KICK THE FAT 5K MINI GRANT The PayLess Markets Community Foundation (PMCF) will launch its 2015 KICK THE FAT 5K MINI GRANT on December 17, 2014, geared to support local non-‐profit organizations that are currently meeting the needs of our island residents. PMCF focuses on providing opportunities for our community partners to better serve the community of Guam. The Foundation aims to maximize our resources and support local organizations’ efforts in the areas of health, education, social services and the environment. The Foundation’s preferences are to support organizations and projects that address significant community need especially in addressing key issue relating to improving the quality of life of the people of Guam. The grant amount will be contingent upon the funds raised through the 2015 PayLess Kick the Fat 5k on Saturday, March 21, 2015. The PMCF will be accepting mini-‐grant proposals for review. Deadline for proposals will be January 09, 2015 at 5pm. Local non-‐profit community-‐based organizations are eligible to submit proposals. 116 Chalan Santo Papa • PM Calvo Bldg. • Hagåtña, Guam 96910 Tel: (671) 477-9266 • Fax: (671) 477-8308 Email- foundation@paylessmarkets.com PAY-‐LESS MARKETS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2015 KICK THE FAT 5K MINI GRANT MINI GRANT GUIDELINES A. Background The Pay-‐Less Markets Community Foundation (PMCF) focuses on providing opportunities for our community partners’ efforts to better serve the community of Guam. The Foundation aims to maximize our resources and support local organizations in meeting the needs of our island residents. The Foundation’s preferences are to support organizations that “improve the quality of life of the people of Guam” in addressing significant community needs in the areas of health, education, social services, and the environment. B. Grant Amounts The PMCF MINI GRANT is geared to support those agencies, community-‐based organizations, and neighborhood networks that currently improve the quality of life for the people of Guam in their respective communities. The grant amount will be contingent based on proceeds raised from our annual Pay-‐Less Kick the Fat 5k and Community Fair on March 21, 2015. The funds should be used to support residents within twelve (12) months upon notification of award. Partnerships with other nonprofit agencies, service clubs, neighborhood networks, government programs are encouraged. Grant funds may be used for the following: • Operational costs • Equipment and supplies • Educational materials PAYLESS MARKETS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION MINI GRANT APPLICATION Funds may not be used for the following: • Fundraising • Lobbying • Deficit financing D. Deadlines & Timeline Please submit your proposal by Friday, January 9, 2015 at 5pm. The PMCF Board will review all proposals. Applicants are notified of final decisions within 30 days after deadlines. E. Eligibility Criteria Local non-‐profit community-‐based organizations are eligible to submit proposals. F. Grant Application Checklist: Submit one copy of the mini-‐grant submittal form and Organization’s Narrative to: PayLess Markets Community Foundation 116 Chalan Santo Papa PMCalvo Building Hagatna, GU 96910 Your mini grant proposal must contain the following information: 1. PMCF Mini-‐Grant Submittal Form 2. For non-‐profit organizations: Dept of Revenue & Tax non-‐profit certificate and/or IRS letter of determination for 501(c)3 tax exemption 3. Organization’s Narrative of no more than four (4) pages that includes: o Organizational Background – briefly describe your organization’s mission, history and services provided o Provide a brief description of the target community/population that your organization services o Provide a description of how you will utilize the funds being donated to your non-‐profit/organization. 3 PAYLESS MARKETS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION MINI GRANT APPLICATION G. Disclaimer All materials submitted regarding this project announcement become the property of PMCF. PMCF has the right to use any or all information/materials presented in your application, subject to limitations for proprietary or confidential information. Disqualifications or denial of the application does not eliminate this right. It is the responsibility of the applicant to identify proprietary information and request that the information be treated as such. Any additional restrictions on the use or inspection of material contained within the application shall be clearly stated in the application itself. Event materials supported through these funds must include acknowledgment of support from the PayLess Markets Community Foundation. The awardee must also include the following statement on event materials distributed at events: "Funding was made possible in part by the PayLess Markets Community Foundation. The views expressed in written materials or publications do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the PayLess Markets Community Foundation; nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by PMCF." PMCF reserves the right to request revisions to the budget and/or scope of work of any applicant. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Kamerin Pereira or Carina Pegarido at 477-‐9266 or email kamerinp@paylessmarkets.com. 4 PAYLESS MARKETS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION MINI GRANT APPLICATION MINI-‐GRANT SUBMITTAL FORM: CONTACT INFORMATION Organization Name: Mailing Address: City, Zip Code, Village: Name of Authorized Organization Representative: Title: Phone Number: Contact Person for this Project: Phone Number: Email Address: Organization’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)/Tax Exempt Number: **Signature of Official with Contracting Authority: Print Name: **This is the person with the legal authority to enter into a contractual obligation on behalf of the organization. For proposals submitted via e-‐mail, a typed electronic signature with a statement “This typed signature represents an official signature.” is acceptable. 5 6
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