CH - 6934 BIOGGIO (TI) Switzerland P.O.Box 117 TEL. +41 91 605.49.34-35 FAX +41 91 605.53.69 e-mail: _________________________________________________________________________ MICELIO POLVERE ANALISI CHIMICA Sostanza secca Cenere Cenere nella sostanza secca Sostanza Organica Sostanza Organica in sostanza secca Proteine Azoto totale Azoto tot.sostanza secca Fosfato totale Fosfato tot. sostanza secca Potassio totale Potassio tot. sostanza secca Calcio Magnesio Sodio Zolfo totale Valore pH Boro Totale Rame Alluminio Ferro Zinco Piombo Cadmio Chromo Nickel Mercurio 92,80% 5,31% 5,70% 87,50% 94,30% 45,87% 6,76% 7,29% 1,32% 1,42% 0,78% 0,83% 0,26% 0,07% 0,91% CaO MgO Na2O S B Cu Al Fe Zn Pb Cd Cr Ni Hg <0,05 All information and advice in whatever form regarding possibilities of processing or using our products, as well as presentations or otherwise providing information - also in respects of possible rights of third parties - is given to the best of our knowledge on the basis of research work and experience. It is not, however, binding on us and all liability on our part is excluded. The purchaser is not released from the burden of carrying out his own tests and experiments. Furthermore, our sales and delivery conditions will apply accordingly. 0,36% 3,5 5,50 mg/Kg 6,80 mg/Kg 48,70 mg/Kg 210,00 mg/Kg 8,59 mg/Kg 1,93 mg/Kg 0,01 mg/Kg 2,34 mg/Kg 1,66 mg/Kg 2,29 µ/Kg Reipa Trading SA Contrada alla Cantina 1 CH-6934 BIOGGIO Tel: 0041 91 6054934 Fax: 0041 91 6055963
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