15926 Luanne Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20877 sewit@capitalquilts.com 301-527-0598 www.capitalquilts.com CLASS LISTING FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 2015 Welcome, Friends! 2014 has been a very good year for Capital Quilts! We expanded our physical footprint, added to staff, hosted some wonderful events, and grew our exis1ng programs. Row by Row was a lot of fun; we look forward to doing it again. The recent Floriani workshop was a big hit and launched us into the world of machine embroidery; we now have a Machine Embroidery Club and are looking forward to new classes for both so7ware and projects. 2015, here we come! We’ll start by pain1ng the wall the new Pantone color, Marsala. I will be glad to have a change from the Orchid! The new Handi Quilter longarm quil1ng machine, the Infinity, is already in the shop; we will be ge?ng to know it be@er. The new Janome “Skyline” machine is also here; priced at $1,499, it is a great mid-range addi1on to our roster of sewing machines. Cer1fied Instructor Andrea Schnur will be here to teach our first Judy Niemeyer class! “Prairie Star” begins on Sunday, January 18. Staffer Debbie Mundy is going to do one of her famous Mystery Quilt events on Sunday, March 29! I’ve seen the pa@ern and helped pick out the fabrics for the sample, and I think you are going to love it! I have organized this newsle@er differently than in the past. Rather than list the classes in calendar order, I have grouped them by type. For example, all the Home Dec classes are in a group, and all the Machine Quil1ng classes in another, and so on. If you would like to see the classes on a calendar, please look at www.capitalquilts.com/events/. Click on a class 1tle to find a descrip1on, supply list if any, and picture if any. Let me know how you like the revamped Quarterly Newsle@er! My thanks to all of you for helping make Capital Quilts a successful shop. Your 1me, dollars, and cheerful demeanors all make CQ a fun place to be and a great place to work. My special thanks to my staff, who work long hours both in the shop and at home, sewing models, planning events, developing classes, and more. Ladies, you are fantas1c! Go ‘n’ Piece, Alison Zacharkiw CAPITAL QUILTS WILL BE CLOSED ON NEW YEAR’S EVE AND DAY LUNCH TIME LESSONS Every Wednesday at noon, bring your lunch (op1onal!) and enjoy a quick lesson on a quil1ng topic. It’s FREE! BLOCK-OF-THE-MONTH PROGRAMS January__________ SOLSTICE 14 TBA Kim Jale@e 21 TBA 6 sessions/1 hr. ea./$25 28 Quil1ng Designs: Feathers and Flames A kit that includes the pa@ern and fabrics for the top and binding is available. The reds, greens, white and silver are evoca1ve of the Winter Sols1ce. Make 2 blocks each month. 4 All the Tapes: A S1cky Topic 11 TBA First Saturday of each month, beginning January 3, 9-10 18 Binding a Quilt 25 EQ7 So7ware BERTIE’S YEAR Liz Brodsky March___ ____ 12 sessions/2 hrs. ea./$50 18 Appliquik Tools and Stabilizer These appliqued blocks are made with flannel and wool. Ber1e puts on a different hat each month! A kit with the fabric and pa@erns will be available for each month. 25 Janome So7ware Third Saturday of each month, 1-3 4 Quil1ng Designs: Swirls 11 Thangles Therapy Debbie Mundy 1 Session/5 hrs./$50 7 Floriani Total Control-U So7ware February _________ DEBBIE’S MYSTERY! Every once in a while our shop manager holds a mystery quilt class, an event not to be missed! When you register for the class, you will receive instruc1ons for selec1ng your fabric (help is available!). In class, you receive instruc1ons one step at a 1me. Slowly, the mystery quilt is revealed! Sunday, March 29, 12-5 If you are interested in taking a particular class, please register for it soonest. Classes that do not have at least 3 participants may be cancelled one week before the class date. If the class you sign up for is cancelled by Capital Quilts, we refund your registration fees. MACHINE CLASSES MAKE FRIENDS WITH YOUR SERGER Barbara Kascic 1 Session/3 hrs./$30 Does your serger confuse you? Let Barbara shed some light on it! She will go over the parts of the machine and how to thread it and maintain it. She will also teach you some basic s1tches and talk about the many uses for a serger. Thursday, January 8, 10:30-1:30 ADVANCED JANOME TECHNIQUES PRAIRIE STAR Barbara Kascic Andrea Schnur 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 6 Sessions/4 hrs. ea./$285 This class is for sewists who are very familiar with their Janome machine and want to gain more advanced skills. In this session, learn about trapunto and about sewing large monograms. Bring show-andtell! The lovely “Prairie Star” is one of Judy Niemeyer’s quilt designs. Those gorgeous points are achieved with paper-piecing. The secret? Get organized and stay that way! Saturday, March 28, 1:30-3:30 A creative mess is better than tidy idleness. 3rd Sunday of each month, beginning January 18, 12:30-4:30 HEXAGON KALEIDOSCOPE MAKE FRIENDS WITH YOUR SEWING MACHINE Helen Rea QUILTS Barbara Kascic 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 If you need a review of your sewing machine’s features, accessories, threading, bobbin winding, and cleaning, this is the class for you! The class is open to all brands of machines. Please note that we will not be going over embroidery modules. If you are new to sewing, a tad rusty, or have just inherited a machine and aren’t quite sure what to do with it, you will find this class very informa1ve. Thursday, February 19, 10:30-12:30 NEEDLES AND THREADS LECTURE Barbara Kascic 1 Session/1 hr./$10 All Skill Levels Does your thread break a lot? Can’t get the metallic threads to work? Barbara can unravel these mysteries for you. Learn how needles and thread work together to give you the best possible outcome. Thursday, March 19, 11-12 STABILIZER KNOW-HOW LECTURE Barbara Kascic 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 Stabilizers have come a long way. Whether you are sewing or embroidering, stabilizers are your hidden assistants in achieving a beau1ful result. Learn the secret to choosing the correct stabilizer. Friday, March 27, 10:30-12:30 Andrea Schnur is a cer1fied Judy Niemeyer Instructor. She has made many of these quilts and will skillfully guide you through the process. We are glad to help with fabric selec1on. 2 Sessions/3 hrs. ea./$60 BY MACHINE 3-D MARINER’S COMPASS Cynthia York 3 Sessions/3 hrs. ea./$90 + Isn’t this a beauty? Come explore the magic of 3D fabric making. You will not need those special glasses to master this effect. Adopted from Cheryl Phillips folded 3-D Mariner's Compass. Thursdays, January 8, 15, & 29 1:30-4:30 CQ COMPLETE COURSE OF QUILTING Anne@e Burns 10 Sessions/2 hrs. ea./$200 This is the ul1mate quilt course! The incomparable Anne@e will teach you everything you need to know about quilt making, including fabric selec1on, cu?ng, piecing by machine, pressing, set-ins, paper piecing, and so much more. You will make a sampler quilt incorpora1ng all the major quilt techniques, and learn to sandwich, quilt, and bind your masterpiece. It is the perfect opportunity to start at the beginning and learn one step at a 1me. At the end, you will be able to say proudly, “I am a quilter!” This is one of the most beau1ful quilts we’ve ever seen, a real stunner! It is a one-block wonder. The beauty and variety of the blocks derive from the fabric you choose. Fridays, February 6 & 13, 1:30-4:30 DELIGHT Kim Jale@e 1 Session/4 hrs./$40 Learn to use the versa1le Hex N More ruler to make one of the newest pa@erns from Jaybird Quilts, Delight. Easy to make with a Layer Cake (plus addi1onal fabric) and great for larger scale prints. Hexies with no Y seams! Class will include discussion of using bias binding to finish the angles le7 at the top and bo@om edges of the quilt. Sunday, February 8, 1-5 RAINBOW STRINGS QUILT Jeanne Shaw 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 Wednesdays, beginning January 14 OR April 1 STASH BUSTER ALERT! Rainbow Strings is a terrific way to turn your stash into a thing of beauty. You can use scraps, strips, and those “dog” fabrics you aren’t quite sure why you bought. You could also choose to use a 3-color color scheme. It’s fun and fast! Learn how to founda1on piece. Sign up for Session A (2-4pm) Thursday, February 26, 7-9 or E (7-9pm) Jan., Feb., Mar. 2015 page 2 TANGO QUILTS Hilary Has1e BY HAND 2 Sessions/2hrs. ea./$40 This beginner-friendly quilt can be made in so many different ways: scrappy, solids, a designer collec1on, such as Kaffe Fasse@, a colorway... We are happy to help you with fabric selec1on! Thursdays, March 12 & 19, 2-4 FINISH IT Mary Lou Dungan 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 All Skill Levels Gather up all your unfinished sewing and bring it to Capital Quilts. Enjoy the convivial atmosphere as you sit and sew with other quilters. Mary Lou offers you friendship, fun, and advice and instruc1on, if you want it, to help move your project toward comple1on. Tuesday, March 24, 10-12 “Elegance” , a quil1ng design by Hari Walner FUN WITH FREE MOTION LIBERTY GARDEN Karen Fricke Laurie Sieminski 1 Session/3 hrs./$30 6 Sessions/2 hrs. ea./$120 Tired of s1tching in the ditch? Let’s try some other pa@erns and techniques! We’ll explore meandering, fillers, using stencils, and more. Two sessions are bing offered: Pick some pretty fabrics and imagine a garden you'd like to wander in. If you enjoy hand work, this is an opportunity to meet once a month with like-minded folks to stitch up your own version of Liberty Garden. At the end of the year you will have a beautiful queen size top. Saturday, January 17, 9:30-12:30 Thursday, March 26, 10-1 2nd Monday of each month, 10-12 MACHINE QUILTING IN SECTIONS: A DEMO TRIPLE SUNFLOWER Anne@e Burns Laurie Sieminski 1 Session/2 hrs./$10 1 Session/3 hrs./$30 All skill levels Some1mes one big block is all you need to make a quilt statement. Triple Sunflower is a beloved tradi1onal pa@ern that pops when you do it in fun fabrics. Turn it into a wall hanging with the addi1on of some borders. We will be handpiecing the block: expect a relaxing and environmentally safe morning! Laurie will give sugges1ons for making the block the nucleus of a larger quilt. Tired of pushing around all those big quilts on your small machine? Not brave enough to even try? Divide and conquer is the answer! Anne@e shows you how to sec1on your quilt tops, quilt these smaller sec1ons, then piece them together. No one will ever know! Thursday, February 12, 10-1 Monday, January 19, 10:30-12:30 GRAFFITI QUILTING Diane Henry HANDI QUILTER RENTAL PROGRAM The HQ Avante and HQ Sweet Sixteen are both available for rent. Rentals will be by appointment. Prior to ren1ng either machine, the renter is required to take a class on the use of the machine. Please visit the Handi Quilter area on our website (www.capitalquilts.com) for further details. Class size is limited to 4 persons. Classes for the Avante are scheduled as follows: MACHINE QUILTING Sunday, January 4, 12-5 Classes for the Sweet 16 are held on the last Wednesday of every month, from 10am-1pm. Thursday, January 15, 10:30-3:30 Price: $30. 1 Session/3 hrs./$30 You, too, can become a graffi1 ar1st! Quilters, of course, do it with thread and fabric. Learn how to turn simple shapes into complex designs, how to combine threads of different colors, textures, and weights to give your quil1ng life, and how to combine elements for the ul1mate WOW! Saturday, January 24, 1-4 Monday, January 26, 4-9 Wednesday, February 11, 4-9 Monday, February 16, 10:30-3:30 Sunday, February 22, 12-5 Addi1onal classes may be scheduled as needed. Monday, March 9, 10:30-3:30 Sunday, March 22, 12-5 Monday, March 30, 4-9 Price: $50. Jan., Feb., Mar. 2015 page 3 HOME DEC CLOTHING AND BAGS MAKE THINGS FOR KIDS FIT FOR ART WORKSHOP: THE TABULA RASA JACKET SEASIDE TABLE RUNNER CHILD’S ACTIVITY BOOK Kim Jale@e Hilary Has1e Rae Cumbie 1 Session/3 hrs./$30 2 Sessions/5 hrs. total/$50 2 Sessions/6 hrs. ea./$150 (includes pa@ern) Let’s put that Sidekick Ruler to good use! Make this pre@y table runner with its chevron shapes. Fancy quil1ng op1onal! Hilary has made an ac1vity book for each of her grandchildren, and they all love them. These are books that have bu@ons to bu@on, Velcro to rip apart and s1ck together, laces, zippers, peek-a-boo windows and more. In this fun and produc1ve two-day basic jacket workshop, learn how to adjust a paper pa@ern, make a mock-up for fi?ng and design purposes, sketch, choose fabrics, determine what support is needed inside, and begin construc1ng your own unlined Tabula Rasa Jacket. You will go home with a personalized jacket pa@ern, mock-up, your jacket well under way, and ideas for future projects! Monday & Tuesday, January 26 & 27, 10:30-4:30 Monday, January 19, 1:30-4:30 IT’S A WRAP: COASTERS Susan McLaughlin 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 Learn how to turn co@on clothesline and strips of fabric into prac1cal items, in this case coasters. You’ll use them all the 1me! Thursdays, February 5, 1-4 & February 19, 2-4 POPPY’S EASY DRESS Laurie Sieminski 1 Session/3 hrs./$30 SWEATSHIRT JACKET WITH FLAIR PASSOVER MATZAH COVERING Cynthia York Karen Fricke Make a dress for your favorite li@le girl for the Spring and Summer! Poppy’s dress is from Vanilla House Designs. It has no inset sleeves and a clever way of doing the neckline facing. Super easy! 2 Sessions/3 hrs. ea./$60 1 Session/4 hrs./$40 Thursday, March 12, 10-1 Come have a fun, relaxed day of sewing with new and/or old friends . You will be using quilt-as-you-go techniques and learning how to make inverted pleats and do hemline altera1ons. You will take home a sweatshirt jacket with a flair that fits you to a tee, ready for the Spring season! Just in 1me for Passover, make a matzah cover to match your seder table. The simple pieced border complements the appliquéd Hebrew word for “matzah.” You’ll learn techniques for finishing the raw edge fusible appliqué, including free-mo1on bobbin embroidery using decora1ve heavyweight threads. There will be 1me in class to complete the top, and Tuesdays, February 10 & 24, 1-4 A LITTLE SOMETHIN’ JACKET Barbara Kascic 1 Session/6 hrs./$60 Breeze into Spring and Summer with this stylish, casual jacket! The pa@ern includes sizes 8 to 24, and offers a 3/4 or full-length sleeve as well as a longer or shorter length. Barbara will help you get a perfect fit! Thursday, January 22, 10:30-12:30 TRIANGLE FRENZY SWIRL Cathy Sullivan 2 Sessions/2 hrs. ea./$40 Use a 60-degree equilateral triangle ruler to cut triangles, then spin them and rearrange them to your liking and sew them together. Make anything from a table topper to a bed runner! Tuesdays, March 17 & 24, 7-9 Tuesday, February 17, 10:30-4:30 APPLIQUE REVERSE APPLIQUE BY HAND Anne@e Burns 2 Sessions/2 hrs. ea./$40 Reverse appliqué is a hand appliqué technique that cuts away the top layer to reveal a bo@om layer design. This technique should be part of every s1tcher’s bag of tricks. Your completed 9” block will be suitable for a pillow top or small quilt. Mondays, February 16 & 23, BALTIMORE ALBUM Helen Johnston 12 Sessions/2 hrs. Ea./$240 WOOL EMBROIDERY SEW-TOGETHER BAG + LEAF PLAY PINKEEPER Phyliss Jaffe Diane Heller 1 Session/4 hrs./$40 3 Sessions/2 hrs. ea./$99 (includes kit) This terrific clutch-sized bag has seven pockets, and three of them are zippered! If this doesn't keep you organized, nothing will. Phyliss makes zippers easy. Beware: all your friends will want one! This delighXul CQ , and add beads and bu@ons. The kit includes everything that you need to make this project except the stuffing. It comes directly from Sue Spargo. Saturday, February 28, 1-5 Tuesdays, March 3, 10, & 17 12:30-2:30 Bal1more Album quilts, which became popular during the 1850’s, are considered by many to be the pinnacle of quil1ng achievement. This year-long class will set you on the way to crea1ng your own masterpiece. Explore a variety of hand-s1tching techniques and enjoy the fellowship and friendships that develop along the way. First Sunday of each month, 3-5 Begins January 4 Jan., Feb., Mar. 2015 page 4 SOFTWARE FLORIANI TOTAL CONTROL-U Elyse Turkletaub EQ7: THE BASICS 4 sessions/2 hrs. ea./$80 Elyse Turkletaub EQ7: BEYOND THE BASICS 2 Sessions/2 hrs. ea./$40 Elyse Turkletaub Learn to use EQ7 on your computer to design your own quilts, change the size of the quilt and/or quilt blocks, and preview various fabrics and colorways. EQ7 will calculate fabric yardage and print out templates and/or rotary cu?ng and/or founda1on piecing pa@erns for your favorite method of sewing your blocks. EQ7 is available at Capital Quilts, for both PC and Mac, for those who do not yet own it. 2 Sessions/2 hrs. ea./$40 Class Limit: 6 Tuesdays, January 6 & 13, 10-12 Floriani TCU So7ware classes will begin with the so7ware basics, and explore methods of digi1zing (crea1ng s1tches) from exis1ng pictures as well as crea1ng your own embroidery designs. Have fun as you learn monograming, le@ering, s1tch types and much, much more. Floriani Total Control-U will work with all brands of embroidery machine. Bring your computer, not your sewing machine. Expand your capabili1es using EQ7 beyond the basics. Learn to design your own quilt blocks and appliques; design overlay quil1ng pa@erns and embroideries and manipulate photos for prin1ng out on fabric for memory quilts. Design a modern quilt block and convert it to a quilt design. Class Limit: 5 Requirements: a func1onal knowledge of EQ7 basics. Tuesdays, January 6, 13, 20, & 27 1:30-3:30 Class Limit: 6 -ORTuesdays, February 10 & 17, 10-12 Tuesdays, March 3, 10, 17, & 24, 7-9 TECHNIQUE ZENTANGLE DRAFTING FOR QUILTERS ZENTANGLE: BEGINNERS WORKSHOP ZENTANGLE: ZENDALA Laurie Sieminski Pat Dee Pat Dee 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 1 Session/2-1/2 hrs./$25 Have you ever looked at a quilt block or pa@ern and wondered how it was put together? In this class you will learn how to dra7 a variety of blocks in different sizes and how to make templates so you can s1tch that block. Set aside your dread of that four-le@er M work (that would be “Math”) and bring your colored pencils or crayons for a fun session reminiscent of those carefree school days! “Anything is possible—one stroke at a 1me.” That is the Zentangle mo@o. Learn how to create Zentangle pa@erns. There are no mistakes, no ‘right’ way. You will relax as you focus on what you are doing. It’s all very...zen! Op1onal $5 kit, available from Pat, contains drawing supplies. A Zendala is a hybrid of a mandala circle and Zentangle art. It can be created on a prestrung 1le or by dividing the 1le into sec1ons and designing your own. Like mandalas they are medita1ve and repe11ve. Very relaxing. This class is a prerequisite to the Advanced Zentangle workshops. ZENTANGLE: VALENTINE CARD If you have a par1cular block that you’d like to dra7, bring a picture of it, and we’ll solve the puzzle. Sunday, March 8, 3-5 Pat Dee Saturday, January 31, 1-3:30 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 THREAD SKETCHING ON A PHOTOGRAPH Pat Dee Use what you’ve learned about Zentangle to make a card, whether it is for Valen1ne’s, a birthday, a thank you, or whatever! 1 Session/2 hrs./$20 Karen Fricke Thursday, February 5, 7-9 If you’ve taken and enjoyed the Basics class, either at Capital Quilts or elsewhere, come learn some new tangles! Pat Dee, cer1fied Zentangle instructor, will guide the class to new heights of crea1ve doodling. We’ll talk about how to apply the pa@erns to other areas of handicra7ing, such as quilt-making and quil1ng, ornaments, book covers, bags, gi7s, and more. Thursday, January 15, 10:30-12:30 1 Session/3 hrs./$30 Use your sewing machine and some black thread to make a ‘pen-and-ink’ drawing! We will copy a photo onto stabilizer, put the stabilizer back to back with your background fabric, drop our feed-dogs, and ‘draw’ a sketch with your machine, using the printed image as your As seen in guide. Quil3ng Arts Tuesday, February 3, 10-1 and on Quil3ng Arts TV! ZENTANGLE: UNLIMITED! Third Sunday of each month, 1-3 ZENTANGLE GOES QUILTING Pat Dee 1 Session/2 hrs./ $20 How do you translate a zentangle design into a quil1ng design? Learn how to untangle this mystery! Many of the Zentangle designs are similar to familiar quil1ng designs. Thursday, March 26, 7-9 Jan., Feb., Mar. 2015 page 5 CQ EVENTS NIGHT OWL SEW-A-THON Kat Mar1nez 1 Party/up to 6 hrs./$50 All Skill Levels Welcome Enjoy up to six blissful hours of distrac1on-free sewing and fun. It's almost a mini-retreat! Includes a $10 Gi7 Card, pizza, and beverages. Work on a new project or finish up an old one. Kat will stay with you as late as midnight. Let’s party! Saturday, January 10, 6-midnight CAPITAL QUILTS SIT-N-STITCH Join fellow quilters the last Friday of each month to work on your own projects! It’s free, it’s first come, first served, and it’s from 5-9pm. Bring a dish to share! QUILTERS’ QUEST 2015 November 6-15 FRIENDS ARE LIKE FABRIC: YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH POSTCARD PARTY: IMPROV! Kim Jale@e Visit 10 shops in 10 days during this spectacular shop hop! Prizes, quilt patterns, fabric kits, a scavenger hunt, and so much more! Ride the Capital Quilts bus on November 9 & 10. $160 includes transportation, lunch, snacks, and a rollicking good time! Sign up today! 1 Session/2 hrs./$25 This is your last chance to be a part of the Postcard Party na1onal block swap! Kim will show you how to make a fun mini quilt using only a rotary cu@er (no ruler) to cut the pieces. Sunday, January 11, 3-5 A hear9elt thank you to all of you who par3cipate in our Capital Quilts Cares programs with your 3me, effort, and dona3ons. You truly make a difference in our community. CAPITAL QUILTS CARES This program is Capital Quilts’ way of reaching out to the greater community. We conduct a variety of workshops throughout the year for the benefit of others. Projects have included pet beds, placemats for seniors, isole@e covers for premature babies, pillowcases for the Million Pillowcase Challenge, Quilts of Valor, and more. All workshops are free. Please call the shop (301-527-0598) to register, as space is limited. We gratefully accept dona6ons of fabric and ba:ng to make these projects possible. Anyone can donate, and dona1on is not a requirement of par1cipa1on in the events. Scarf It Up!: No sewing required! Make scarves from fleece by fringing the ends with a pair of scissors. Children are welcome to accompany an adult. The scarves will be given to children in shelters in Montgomery County. Sunday, February 1, 12:30-2:30 Laurie Sieminski, project director Quilts of Valor: These quilts are tremendously important to the men and women who serve our country in the military. Help us support our vets by making a Quilt of Valor. The group will make one quilt. All fabric is provided. Just bring your sewing machine, supplies, and lots of good cheer! Skill Level: Intermediate. Saturday, February 7 , 12-3 Sue Moats, project director Wilkens Avenue Quilts: Help make quilts for the Wilkens Avenue Homeless Shelter for Women in Rockville. We will make string quilts. Fabric is provided; dona1ons are always welcome! Please bring your sewing machine, sewing supplies, thread, and boundless energy! Skill Level: Easy. Sunday, March 1, 11-2 Billye Roberts, project director Heart Pillow: We will be making heart-shaped pillows for the Sibley Hospital Heart Pillow Project. The pillows, originally created for breast surgery patients, fit comfortably under the arm, and can relieve pain from the surgical incision, protect against accidental bumps, help ease edema, and relieve shoulder tension. The project has proven so successful that Sibley now offers pillows to any surgical patient who requests one. Other Projects: We can’t do events for every project every quarter. If you would like to con1nue to sew for “off” events at home, we are happy to take the items and deliver them to the appropriate place. The sewing is easy enough for machine beginners. If you can't sew, then come be a "stuffer". Monday, March 16, 10:30-12:30 Laurie Sieminski, project director Jan., Feb., Mar.. 2015 page 6 CAPITAL QUILTS CLUBS MACHINE EMBROIDERY CLUB LONGARMERS’ CLUB Elyse Turkeltaub Barbara Bean ACCUQUILT CLUB 12-Month Membership, $50 12-Month Membership, $50 Carol Pacini 1 year free membership with the purchase 1 year Free membership with the of any Janome embroidery model. purchase of any Handi Quilter machine All Skill Levels, all brands of machines All skill levels 6-Month Membership, $25 All Skill Levels Members meet the fourth Saturday of each month to learn special 1ps about cu?ng with the Accucu@er, share in a lively show-and-tell, and cut fabric on the Studio machine. Addi1onal hours are available each month for members’ convenience. Membership is limited to ensure access to cu?ng 1mes for all. For more info, call Carol at the shop (301-527-0598). Meets the fourth Saturday of every month, 10:30-12:30 This club will demonstrate, explore and discuss the tools and methods to create beau1ful embroidery on various fabrics. We will cover hooping, stabilizers, thread, needles, toppers, and more. You can bring your embroidery machine (any brand) or just come and join the discussion and take notes. Of course, we will have “show and tell,” both successes and failures…we learn from both. Members take 10% off embroidery designs and Floriani thread and stabilizers the day of the mee1ng. CAMEO CLUB First mee3ng is December 20, 1-3pm FREE Elyse Turkeltaub Beginning January, 2015, meets the 2nd Saturday of every month, 1-3pm. Membership fee applies as of January. 12-Month Membership, $50 The Longarmers’ Club is open to all longarm quilters, regardless of the brand of machine you own. Enjoy a lecture each month, with either a guest speaker or a club member with exper1se in the par1cular skill being demonstrated, Q&A period, show-and-tell, and a 10% discount on longarm accessories and thread on the day of the mee1ng. Meets the first Saturday of every month, 10-12 2nd SATURDAY CLUB Pat Vasaio 6-Month Membership, $25 All Skill Levels Intermediate Skill Level The Silhoue@e Cameo cu?ng machine hooks up to your computer like a printer, but instead of prin1ng, it cuts. It can cut rhinestone templates (bling!), paper, fabric, and vinyl. It’s great for applique, scrapbooking, decora1ng notebooks, T-shirts, hats, le@ering, and almost anything you can dream up. There are many, many pa@erns and designs you can download from the internet; you can also create your own! Elyse will help you discover all the wonderful things a Cameo can do. There may be small projects to do, and there will certainly be show and tell! The Cameo is a fabulous tool that can be used by the quilter, sewer, and cra7er. 2nd Saturday Club members work on one or two projects a year. Each project is chosen by the group: majority rules! The first part of the mee1ng is devoted to discussion of the next month’s block. A lively show-and-tell follows. Before and a7er the mee1ng, there is lots of friendly conversa1on! Meets the first Saturday of every month, 1-3pm ENGLISH PAPER PIECING CLUB Kat Mar3nez 12-month Membership, $50 All Skill Levels All the cool kids are doing it! Share ideas, techniques, pa@erns, projects. Everybody does EPP just a li@le differently, and it is fun to learn and try other methods. Whether you are just star1ng out or a pro, it is fun for everybody! Optional: pieced Hexie BOM project based on Katja Marek’s book, The New Hexagon Meets the second Sunday of every month, 12:30-2:30 JANOME CLUB Barbara Kascic 12-Month Membership, $50 Meets the second Saturday of every 1 year free membership with the purchase month, 9-10:30 of any Janome sewing machine All Skill Levels Do you have lots of Janome feet that you don’t know what to do with? Are there things you would like to do with your machine but aren’t sure how? Join the Janome Club! Meet with other Janome owners once a month for fun, fellowship, and the opportunity to learn new things about your machine. Barbara will demonstrate a new foot each month, answer your ques1ons, and perhaps provide a small project to work on. There is also show-and-tell 1me. Enjoy 10% off Janome accessories on the day of the mee1ng! Meets the third Saturday of every month, 10:30-12:30 HAND-PIECING CLUB Laurie Sieminski 11-Month Membership, $50 All skill levels It's fun to s1tch and chat with friends. If you enjoy the peace and tranquility of hand sewing, come join the Capital Quilts Hand-Piecing Club. The group will meet on the second Monday a7ernoon of each month during 2015. CQ staffer Laurie Sieminski will offer guidance and instruc1on where needed to par1cipants on their individual projects. Bring what you're currently working on, or start something new. Yes, it's possible to stitch and talk at the same time--but probably not to chew gum! Meets the second Monday of every month, 1-3pm. Jan., Feb., Mar. 2015 page 7 CAPITAL QUILTS SERVICES ACCUQUILT FABRIC CUTTING Nina Graves JANOME SEWING MACHINE SERVICE AND REPAIR $7.50/15 minutes, 30-minute minimum Bruce Blackerby, technician Appointment required Basic Fee: $90 Need your fabric pre-cut accurately? Capital Quilts has an Accuquilt Studio Die Cu@er and, for a fee, will cut your fabrics for you. Available dies are listed at www.capitalquilts.com/accuquilt/ dies. Nina will let you know how to prepare your fabric for cu?ng. Bruce is a cer1fied Janome repair technician. The Basic Fee covers cleaning and tuning. Replacement parts, if needed, are extra, as is the labor to install them. Please call the shop at 301-527-0598 to make an appointment. DRAFTING QUILT BLOCKS Laurie Sieminski $20/hour Appointment required Have you seen a picture of a quilt you’d like to replicate? Or do you have a block you want to make bigger or smaller? Laurie will work one-on-one with you to come up with a dra7 of your block(s) and help you calculate how much fabric you’ll need for your project. We only take Janome machines, as these are the only machines we can get replacement parts for. Bruce picks up your machine at the shop on Sunday a7ernoon, takes it to his shop for servicing, and returns it to the shop, generally two weeks later. If he discovers an unexpected problem, he will call you with an explana1on and an es1mate for the repair, if any. Please bring your machine to the shop before any given Sunday. Include the power cord, foot pedal, bobbin case with a bobbin, basic foot, and a needle. If you have a cover or case for your machine, please pack everything in that. Leave all other accessories at home! If they get loose on Bruce’s workbench, you may never see them again! HANDI QUILTER SERVICE AND REPAIR Bruce Blackerby, technician Basic Fee: $150 Bruce is a cer1fied Handi Quilter technician. The basic fee covers cleaning and tuning. Replacement parts, if needed, are extra, as is the labor to install them. Recognizing that these are big, heavy machines, Bruce will, in most cases, come to your loca1on to do the servicing. He charges mileage for this. You can bring your machine to Capital Quilts, if you prefer, and he will pick it up here on a Sunday, service it in his workshop, and return it to CQ, generally two weeks later. Please contact Bruce directly at shalmeneser@yahoo.com. QUILTING SERVICES Capital Quilts does not offer quil1ng services at this 1me. We do, however, have a list of quilters in the area, both hand and machine. Please contact the shop for the list. CLASSROOM RENTAL Please call the shop at 301-527-0598 to make an appointment. $20 per hour QUILT SANDWICHING Call 301-527-0598 for availability and scheduling. Capital Quilts will rent its classroom to you for guild mee1ngs, par1es, sewing groups, etc. Staff $15/hour: one hour appointments BRUCE’S REPAIR DAY MACHINE RENTAL Don’t have enough room in your house to easily sandwich a quilt? Bring your top, backing, ba?ng, and supplies to CQ and we will help you sandwich that quilt in no 1me! Technician: Bruce Blackerby Sewing machines are available for rent in the shop. The fee is $10/ class, or $5/hour outside of class 1me. Sandwiching services are offered twice a month, once during the day and once during the evening. “Emergency” appointments may be made, depending on room and staff availability. Day: Jan. 16, Feb. 2, March 23 Appts. at 12, 1, 2, 3, and 4 Night: Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 9 Appts. at 6, 7, and 8 Please call 301-527-0598 to make an appointment. $90 for basic service Bruce, our machine technician, comes to the shop one Sunday of every month and spends the a7ernoon with us. While he is here, he can clean and tune up your sewing machine. All brands are welcome. It takes about an hour, and you get to take your machine home the same day! He cannot do most repairs here, as he can’t bring all his tools, equipment, and parts with him. Sundays, Jan. 18, Feb. 15, March 15 Appointments available at 12, 1, 2, and 3 Please call 301-527-0598 for availability and reserva1ons. PRIVATE LESSONS $13.25/15 minutes/1 hour minimum Need some extra help? Can’t make a class you want to take? Private lessons may be scheduled with staff members. Call 301-527-0598 to make an appointment. WE SHARPEN SCISSORS! $6 Jan., Feb., Mar. 2015 page 8 ADDENDUM TO CLASS SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH 2015 Oops! We forgot a few. Please enjoy the following classes: SONGBIRDS Elyse Turkletaub 12 Sessions/2hrs. Ea./$240 A machine embroidery project, "Songbirds" is an Anita Goodesign quilt, a real flock of beauties! Learn embroidery technique and about thread and stabilizers as you sew. 1st Wednesday of every month 9:30-11:30 QUILTED TOTE BAG Helen Rea 2 Sessions/2.5 hrs. ea./$50 Isn't this a beauty? It is very roomy, perfect for a quilting or knitting project, a trip to the beach, or a day at the pool. Helen has an interesting way of assembling the bag, too. Friday, March 13, 10:30-2:30 TRIANGLE FRENZY SWIRL Cathy Sullivan 2 Sessions/2 hrs. ea./$40 Use a 60-degree equilateral triangle ruler to cut triangles, then spin them and rearrange them to your liking and sew them together. Make anything from a table topper to a bed runner! Tuesdays, March 17 & 24, 7-9
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