REPUBLEKA NG PELXPINAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DelED REfflYON Vn, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VH, CENTRAL VISAYAS c AI Tu ^u ^ Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City DEPARTMENT iOFEDUCATION OCT 2 J 2014 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 6 63 s. 2014 52ND NATIONAL RIZAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE(RYLI) CONFERENCE To: Schools Division/City Superintendents Officer-in-Charge of Regular Divisions and Interim Divisions Heads, Public and Private High Schools All Others Concerned 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, attached is an Unnumbered Memorandum from Usec. Mario A. Deriquito, Undersecretary, Partnership and External Linkages informing about the forthcoming 52nd National Rizal Youth Leadership Institute(NRYLI) Conference on December 18-21, 2014 at Teachers Camp, Baguio City. 2. For details, see attached Memorandum and Program Outline. 3. Wide and immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is greatly desired. CARMELITAT. DULANGON, Ed. D. Director III QIC, Regional Director CTD/LCI CLMD '14 Regional Director's Office: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telefax 414-7399; 414-7325; Asst Regional Director's Office Telefex: (032) 255^542; Field Effectiveness Division: (032) 414-7324; Curriculum Learning Materials Division (032) 414-7323; Quality Assurance and Accountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Programs and Projects Division: (032) 254-7062; Training and Development Division: (032) 255-5239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366 4144367; Budget and Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Website: " £SCL 2015: SKaxapatan. ag, £a&at, Shaaaagutan. ag. £a&at" Page:2 To: 20-DCT-2014 £2:04 From: REPUBLJKA NG PI IPINAS REPUBLIC OF THE PH LIPPINES ' (SI v KAGAWARAN NG E f REGION Vl'l-CENTRAL VISAYAS --- | AMIKV t~r"" '•"•*" >UKASYON DEPARTMENT OF El WCAT1ON DepED Complex, Meralco f - RD2014-19358 22 - Oct ye., Pasig City Tanggapan ng Pangalawang Kalihim <7jfjtfce 0/*A* Undersecretary Partnerships and External Linkages Direct Linn Fax (^632) 633-7207 (.632)637-4211 Website ph MEMORANDUM TO Regional Directors Schools Division/City Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Secondary chools All Others Concerned FROM MARIO A. DfcR~IQUITQ Undersecretary For Partnerships and External Linkages DATE October 16. 20)4 SUBJECT 52NQ NATIONAL RIZAl YOUTH LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (RYU) CONFERENCE 1. To mark the 118W Anniversary of the Martyn om of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the Order of the Knights of Rizal (OKOR) in cooperation with the Dep<|ftment of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Department o Interior and Local Government (DILGj will hold the 52fld National Rizal Youth Leadership Instit fe (NRYLI) Conference anchored on Ihe theme: "RIZAUAN LEADERSHIP: Key to Social and Moiftl Renewal" from December 18 to 21, 2014 at Teachers Camp, Baguio City. 2. The conference aims to: a. empower our promising young leaders t imbibe the ideals and teachings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, our national hero; b. relinquish Rizal spirit from Ihe officers anc members of the Order of the Knights of Rizal (OKOR) to the younger generation o r future leaders: and c. train and develop students in their social 3$ponsibility of caring for their community and the people. 3. Participants to this conference are high schoJ jstudents {preferably with academic and leadership abilities) and teachers of public and privaf schools. 4. The institute will also have different contest such as On-the-Spot Essay Writing, Impromptu public speaking, Oratorical, Rizal quiz, f|akabayang Sayawitan and On-the-Spot Poster Making. 5. Travel expenses and conference fee of the p (such as but not limited to regional/division funds, sc from civic spirited associations, clubs and orpanizat National Committee shall be charged to OSEC fun and auditing rules and regulations. However, arrangements with the head of their school. prticipanfs shall be charged to local funds >ol board local funds) or may be sourced >ns. While travel expenses of the DepEd all are subject to the usual accounting private school participants can make 6. The participants are expected to bring one (1) business aftiro, casual attires and a costume if you are participating in the Makabayang! syawitan. For more information please contact Order o the Knights of Rizal, 3f<a Fit. Knights of Rizal 7. Building. Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila or P.O.Box 102 Manila with tel no. (02) 528 1974; 5210141; telefax no. (02) 528 1973 and e-mail address: ok ( 8. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum s desired. S0-QCT-2014 22:04 From: To: PROGRAM OUTLINE Rizai: Gabay ng Sambayaoan tungo a pagbabago #IustLikeRizai: Take responsibility 3r the society Dayl December 18.2014 Thursday 8:GQAM-12:OON - 1:30PM Arrival / Check-in Registration and assigning of i oms Lunch 1:30PM~3:30PM Teachers Briefing Briefing on program and confe znce design, contest and house rules, support needed an participation. 3:3GPM - 6:OOPM Welcome to the 2012 NRYLI Conference Sir Diosdado D. Santos KGOR - fRYLI conference Chairman welcomes the deiega es to the 2014 NRYLI conference with the theme: Facilitators guide the youth an through leadership framework Jose Rizal. Fun challenges are where delegates are assigned n KAPARIZ Youth Coordinators. 6:OOPM - 7:3GPM Dinner 7:30PM - 8:OOPM Animation Speaker 1 TOPIC 10:OOPM-10:15PM Announcements Lights out teacher delegates using the Qualities of Dr. ssigned to create teams icro-groupings and Paae:5 20-OCT-2014 S2:04 From: To: Day 2 December 19,2014 Friday 6:G0AM-8:00AM Breakfast 8:15AM-8:30AM Animation 8:45AM-9:OOAM Assembly (Formal Attire) 9:OOAM - 10:00AM Opening Ceremonies Processional Entrance of colors Doxalogy Pambansang Awit ng Pilipim Panunumpa so wotawat Call to Order and Opening Sir jeremias C. Singson, Supreme Commander, Knighi ofRlzal Acknowledgement of 52RtJ JRYLi Delegates - 10:30AM Welcome to Bagw® JHioiraoralbile &5aiErScJo Dome tpn, May«r of iBapaio 10:30AM-11:30AM Introduction of the Keynot j speaker: Kepao-te Speecfe aad TOP3C 11:30AM-12:OON FREE Time and contest preparation 12:00N - 1:OOPM Lunch 1:OOPM - 6:OOPM Contest Proper Dinner 7:3GPM~8:OGPM Animation and Assembly SpeaikCirZ TOPilC 10:00PM - 10: 15PM Announcements 10:30PM tights out e0-t>CT-a014 £2:04 From: To: V * Day3 December 20,2014 Saturday 6:OOAM - 8:QOAM Breakfast 8:15AM-8:30AM Animation 8:45AM - 9:OOAM Assembly 9:Q0AM-12:00N Deep Dive conversations 1 Facilitators guide the delegates conversations designed to brf building relationships. Negativt to have a deeper understanding create in relationships. Tools ai managing conflicts and buildint shared laxSalazar 0 a series of out the Importance of paradigms arc explored tfthe destruction in can 1 techniques on relationship will be IZtOON - 1-.30PM Lunch 1:30PM-2:OOPM Animation and Assembly 2:OOPM~4:3QPM Deep Dive conversations 2 - /lax Salazar Rizal SQ PUSO ng mga kabutaai - continuation of deep dive process 4:3QPM-6:OQPM MAKABAYANG SAYAWITAN 6;OOPM-7:30PM Dinner 7;30PM-8:OOPM Animation and assembly 8:OOPM - 10:OOPM Awarding Closing ceremonies Exit of colors Candle ceremony Social Night / Fun night Announcements Lights out Day 4 December 21,2014 Sunday 6:00AM-6:3QAM Wake up beil 7:00AM-9:OQAM Breakfast and check out 9:00AM onwards FREE TIME to see Baguio
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