Generic Name Letterhead Branded

Kitsap Regional Library
Jean Charters
Digital Branch Manager
Kitsap Regional Library
1301 Sylvan Way, Bremerton, WA 98310
Request for Proposal of Website Redesign
Kitsap Regional Library (KRL) is requesting proposals for the redesign of our website. KRL is
currently working through a rebranding process. In April of 2015, we will be releasing a new
logo, signage and colors in our current website. However, with the release of this new brand,
we intend to redesign the KRL website. The purpose of this RFP is to notify interested web
development firms of KRL’s website requirements and to request timely responses. Following a
review of the responses and choice of the vendor, KRL wishes to contract for immediate
implementation of the project.
KRL’s current website ( ) is built with the Content Management System Drupal
(build 7.31) and has several custom modules built by Hybrid Forge. The basic navigation,
design and color scheme of the website have not been updated since 2008. Not only are we are
looking for a fresh, clean design that will allow our library users to easily find the information
they are looking for – whether it be a book, help from staff, an event happening at the library or
a service we offer – we are also looking for a design that makes KRL a destination that helps
create conversations and connections within our communities. KRL has recently adopted the
mission statement: “Inspiring our community to dream more, learn more, do more and be
more.” We want our website to reflect the spirit of our mission statement and our new brand.
Our website team has established goals for the new website. These goals have been placed into
three distinct categories:
1. We want our community to easily find:
 Their next book, movie, music, etc.
 Help from a person
 Programs classes and events
 Information about the library and about library services
 Their account information
2. We want our community to feel:
 A personal connection
 Inspired to dream more, learn more, do more and be more
 That being connected to the library makes them awesome
 Satisfied
3. We want to create:
 A destination
 A conversation
 Trust with the organization
 Connections to the community (blog and current events)
 Connections to the physical branches
KRL is a public library system located on the beautiful Kitsap Peninsula but is also just a 30
minute ferry ride across the Puget Sound from Seattle, Washington. KRL serves Kitsap County's
253,968 residents through nine community library locations, offering online access to library
materials and services, a traveling bookmobile, and outreach services for the homebound and
youth. The Kitsap Rural Library District (Kitsap Regional Library) was established in 1955. The
library is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees and employs part-time and full-time
KRL has nearly a half of a million physical items in its collection, bolstered by online access to
downloadable e-books, audiobooks and music. The library also provides free access to dozens
of online research tools provided by vendors such as Gale, Ebsco and ProQuest. Please see our
About Us page to learn more:
KRL serves a diverse population where library users range from infants to the elderly. Our
current site acknowledges this diverse range in audience by focusing specific themes and web
pages on the following audiences: adults, teens and kids.
The primary language spoken in Kitsap County is English with a small percentage of the
population speaking Spanish. The KRL catalog offers library users both language options as
well as the ability to increase font size for those needing a larger print.
The entire site is accessible to the general public and does not require a login to access most
links. Logins are required for the catalog but only to check account status and to place holds.
Logins are also required for our remote subscription databases.
The library regularly holds programs and events for kids, teens, adults and families. A listing of
programs is maintained on our online calendar of events powered by Trumba.
Bainbridge Island ● Downtown Bremerton ● Kingston ● Little Boston ● Port Orchard
Poulsbo ● Silverdale ● Sylvan Way ● Bookmobile ● Outreach ●
The current site:
is built with Drupal (build 7.31), PHP and MySQL
is currently hosted on Apache
has several custom modules built by Hybrid Forge
has a custom design template for the Kid’s pages
KRL has test, development, and production environments for the website. The site integrates
with the following:
Polaris Integrated Library Software (a product of Innovative Interfaces Incorporated)
Trumba Calendar
The site incorporates WordPress and RSS feeds and currently connects to Facebook, Pinterest,
YouTube and Email
Design requirements:
 Site must be built using Drupal (build 7.3.1 or later)
 Site must be responsive across a variety of operating systems , hardware platforms,
and devices
 Prefer that the vendor utilize wireframes (or prototypes) to illustrate site navigation
and content elements
 Vendor will provide multiple layout options for any given page
 Site renders properly across the following (or most used) browsers: Firefox, IE,
Chrome, Safari and be backward compatible to two versions of browsers.
 Site must meet ADA section 508 compliance
 Site allows for content types with the ability to apply taxonomy (currently used on our
site with our online research products ( )
 Site allows for multiple user logins (with granular access) to maintain site content
Necessary features:
 A focus on patron usability and readability
 Have three distinct audience themes: adult, teens and kids
 The search box will have the functionality to search both library catalog and website
 Search feature prioritizes results by relevance
 Allows for the ability to display content in multiple languages (English and Spanish)
 Have automatic link checking
 Integrate with a calendaring application (capable of working with Java Script and
 Provide consistent navigation that is easy to edit
 Allow for time-based publishing and expiration of content
 Allow for print and email functionality for all pages
Bainbridge Island ● Downtown Bremerton ● Kingston ● Little Boston ● Port Orchard
Poulsbo ● Silverdale ● Sylvan Way ● Bookmobile ● Outreach ●
Install and configure google analytics
Allow for the ability to feature library events and resources using images (such as a
slide show that allows for linking internally and externally)
Custom modules
 Install and configure a library location module that filters by zip code
 Install and configure a book carousel module that integrates with the Integrated
Library System (Polaris: a product of Innovative Interfaces Incorporated)
 Install and configure a blogging module with granular administrative privileges
 Allow for online registration of library programs (such as Summer of Learning)
 Have a forms development tool that allows for online input from the public library
Optional Modules
 Install and configure a ‘badging’ module. This module would allow library users to
claim badges and certificates of completion for various programs and event.
Support and ongoing maintenance
 Vendor provides options for site hosting
 Vendor provides support for updates to the Drupal core and modules
 Vendor provides for “ease for future updates and maintenance”
 Testing of page loading time and the running of diagnostics is required as site speed is
 Vendor will migrate existing content to the new site
 KRL must own or have full access to and have the right to customize site code
a. Kitsap Regional Library staff will maintain all web page content on an ongoing basis.
Content changes will not be the responsibility of the solution provider.
b. Vendors are encouraged to include features and functionality not identified within this
document which may further meet the objectives of the project.
c. The cost of the proposal should not exceed $25,000 excluding any optional extended
service agreements.
a. KRL requires weekly project meetings with vendor’s web development team.
b. KRL web team will compile questions and KRL project manager will send them weekly
to the vendor’s web development team.
c. Response to these questions is required within one week of sending date.
Bainbridge Island ● Downtown Bremerton ● Kingston ● Little Boston ● Port Orchard
Poulsbo ● Silverdale ● Sylvan Way ● Bookmobile ● Outreach ●
Web site redesign team:
Jean Charters - Digital Branch Manager
Laurie Corsi - Application System Administrator
Sharon Grant - Collection and Technical Services Manager
Jeannie Allen - Marketing Manager
IT support staff:
Nancy Manheimer - Information Technology Manager
Al Wallace - Network System Administrator
Susan Whitford - Director of Information Technology & Facilities
Friday, December 19, 2014
Friday, January 9, 2015
Friday, January 16, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Friday, February 23, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
Request for Proposal release date
Last date for submission of questions on RFP and intent to bid
Answers to questions emailed to all bidders
Proposals due
Vendor interviews
Proposal award date
Project Start date
Design completion date
Final testing of site
Site launch
For questions and intent to bid, email Jean Charters at by January 9, 2015
Proposals shall be received by Friday, January 30, 2015 by 5:00pm (PST)
Send one electronic copy of the proposal to
Send five paper copies of proposal to the address below:
Jean Charters
Digital Branch Manager
Kitsap Regional Library
1301 Sylvan Way,
Bremerton, WA 98310
a. Overview
A brief letter describing the firm’s qualifications for this kind of work,
including experience with library web site design and design of other
websites of this scale.
Please describe what value you bring to this project.
b. Proposed Team - Background and credentials of proposed team members
Bainbridge Island ● Downtown Bremerton ● Kingston ● Little Boston ● Port Orchard
Poulsbo ● Silverdale ● Sylvan Way ● Bookmobile ● Outreach ●
c. Project Approach - Explain the process you will follow to build the Web site,
How you will work with us
Major milestones and evaluation
Address usability standards and testing
Address any important technology information and specifications used in
your solution (languages, platform, etc.)
Break down cost by production hours, tools and functionalities
Maintenance and support: identify any costs that should be assumed as part of the
site and ongoing costs for maintenance and support
License fees: identify the costs we will need to pay to develop or host the site
Hosting: identify whether we must or are highly encouraged to host with your
company. If hosting is provided as an option or requirement, provide pricing
Training: identify costs to train our staff to use site tools and use the style guide
Other charge areas: Please identify whether there will be other expenses, consulting
fees, future work, etc. to complete this project
e. References – please provide at least three references of similar scope.
Representatives from Kitsap Regional Library will use the following evaluation points, and possibly
others, in the selection process. KRL may wish to conduct oral interviews with the vendors
considered most qualified in order to help in the selection process.
Experience of provider and assigned personnel with similar projects
Total cost, one-time and recurring
Potential to impact internal operations
Potential to impact public use of web services
Ability to meet minimum functionality expectations
Scalability to accommodate future growth
Availability of support and maintenance services
Favorable references from prior clients
Bainbridge Island ● Downtown Bremerton ● Kingston ● Little Boston ● Port Orchard
Poulsbo ● Silverdale ● Sylvan Way ● Bookmobile ● Outreach ●