December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent St. Sabina Catholic Church Belton, MO Congratulations to Adam Matthew; son of Jason and Danielle, who was baptized on Sunday, December 7. 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 Phone: 816-331-4713 Fax: 816-322-6196 Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday-Thursday and 9:00am - 1:00pm, Friday Our Parish Staff Rev. Jeff Stephan, Pastor Deacon Dwayne Katzer Deacon Mike Gates Zuiri Galeano, Receptionist and PSR Assistant Bridget Hernandez, Stewardship and Social Justice Kris Larkey, Pastoral Associate Biagio Mazza, Pastoral Associate Susan Ratigan, Liturgist Kirstie Roberts, Dir. of Religious Ed. and Youth Ministry Marta Roper, Pastoral Care Coordinator Jeff Shields, Bookkeeper Tracy Wheeler, Maintenance Mary Bultmann, Diocesan Victim Advocate Jenifer Valenti, Diocesan Ombudsman Weekend Mass Schedule 816-979-3157 X57 816-979-3150 816-979-3159 816-979-3151 816-979-3153 816-979-3158 816-979-3155 816-979-3154 816-979-3152 816-714-2387 816-812-2500 Saturday: 4:00pm (Confessions at 3:00pm - 3:30pm) Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am in English, 12:30pm in Spanish X50 X59 X51 X53 X58 X55 X54 X52 Wellness Center 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Patricia Moreno 816-979-3092 MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS FOR DECEMBER 22-26, 2014 Mon. 8am Tues. 6pm Prayer Service †Nanci Smith CHRISTMAS EVE MASS, DEC 24 Wed. 4pm †Vera Hamburg †Jim Hamburg CHRISTMAS DAY MASS, DEC 25 Thurs. 10am Intentions of Jeanne Patterson †Rose Williams Fri. No Mass or Prayer Service SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2014 4:00pm †Gloria Walters †Barney Klaus SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2014 8:00am †Greg Cullen 10:30am Intentions of Altar Society 12:30pm Spanish †Refugio Molina NURSING HOME MASS SCHEDULE Jan 7 10:30am Jan 14 10:00am Jan 21 10:00am Jan 28 11:00am Beautiful Savior Rehabilitation of Raymore Foxwood Springs Carnegie Village STEWARDSHIP "‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God.’ Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’” Luke 1: 35-38 Mary represents everything that a good steward must be - someone who has put total trust in God regardless the consequences. On this Fourth and final Sunday of Advent, it is imperative for all of us to keep that in mind. Mary’s response is what each of us needs to strive for. We, too, need to be prepared to place our lives in God’s hands, and to react to whatever happens with a sense of thanksgiving and resolve. See more at: #sthash.0OJrhGyL.dpuf CONTRIBUTION INFORMATION Due to early bulletin deadlines for the Christmas holiday, contribution information for the December 14th weekend will appear in the December 28th bulletin. Page 2 PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, December 21 - Domingo, 21 de Diciembre Special Collection for Religious Retirement 10:00am RICA 10:30am Bible Study 11:00am Ensayo del Coro Hispano 1:30pm Las Posadas 2:00pm Decorating the church for Christmas Monday, December 22 - Lunes, 22 de Diciembre 10:00am Uplift Cooks 4:00pm Uplift 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30pm Marian Prayer Group 7:00pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, December 23 - Martes, 23 de Diciembre 2:15pm Chronic Disease Management Class Wednesday, December 24 - Miércoles, 24 de Diciembre Christmas Eve Office Closed 4:00pm Christmas Eve Mass Thursday, December 25 - Jueves, 25 de Diciembre Christmas Day Office Closed 10:00am Christmas Day Mass Friday, December 26 - Viernes, 26 de Diciembre Office Closed Saturday, December 27 - Sábado, 27 de Diciembre 3:00pm Confessions 4:00pm Mass Sunday, December 28 - Domingo, 28 de Diciembre 10:00am RICA 11:00am Ensayo del Coro Hispano Fr. Jeff and the Parish staff wish you and your family a happy Christmas. Fr. Jeff, Deacon Dwayne, Deacon Mike, Zuiri, Bridget, Kris, Biagio, Susan, Kirstie, Marta, Jeff, and Tracy. PASTORAL CARE FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE DE LA MUERTE A LA NUEVA VIDA † Don Morrow, husband of Betty Morrow † Elta Neumann, mother of Debbie Globoke † Norma Jean Lewis, great aunt of Deacon Dwayne Katzer † Chris Channer, sister of Cecilia Imming MAY THEY REST IN PEACE. QUE DESCANSEN EN PAZ. HOLIDAYS AND SPECIAL DAYS CAN BE DIFFICULT IF YOU ARE GRIEVING SUGGESTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON • Allow yourself to feel your emotions on the special day; don’t feel that you need to just “get over it.” You may want to write your feelings down in a journal. Take time for reflection. • Take time with family and friends and share memories of the loved one who died. • Light a candle in honor of your deceased loved one. Set out a picture and tell stories of his or her life. • Plan ahead to help you set limits and do what is meaningful for you and your family. • Be open to good experiences that the holidays may bring. Live in the present, honor the past. • Do something for someone else. Reaching out to someone else who is in need can help with your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. FOCUS ON MENTAL ILLNESS Resource Numbers NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness 816-931-0030 - Support. Education. Advocacy. PRAYER REQUESTS PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN Betty Axtell Jennie Baylor Mary Ann Bays Allie Biondo Gretchen Butler Rita Cain Beth Clark Marvin Cohen Jane Coon Mary Curtis Mary Deal Margo Dellaguardia Paul DeMar Robert Duffey Dick Garnier Vincent Giacone Debbie Globoke Mary Lou Haefele Gloria Hall Frank Hansel Cherie Hatfield Ella Hemmen Richard Hoedl Teresa Kelly Bill Locke Debbie Locke Jo Locke Gerzon Medina Connie Medlock Rita Miller Doris Oberste Jim Ohnemus Ann Ryan Lois Simpson Pat Simpson Caren Smith Joe Stanley Noah Stanley Lori Stewart Scott Stout Karen Tierney Kathryn Ware Bob Westfall Mary Westfall Carmitia Yust Pablo Zayas SOCIAL JUSTICE JUSTFAITH—SANCTITIY OF ALL LIFE The Catholic Church teaches that, as a gift from God, every human life is sacred from conception to natural death. This principle of the worth and dignity of all human life is at the core of Catholic social teaching. The JustFaith Ministries Sanctity of ALL Life module engages this teaching and offers extensive action ideas and activities for all of the life issues, including abortion, in vitro fertilization, euthanasia and the death penalty. It’s not too late to sign up for this program! We are looking to begin this program in mid-February. This program requires a six week commitment. If you are interested in participating, please get in touch with Bridget Hernandez. Her contact information is: or 816-979-3159. COMMUNITY MEALS NEEDS YOUR HELP! Due to the holidays, Lord of Love is short on volunteers for their community meal on Wednesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 31. You can sign up to help online at findasignup use the email address to see the available sign ups. For more information about the meals, you can contact Patricia McCollum at 816-682-2319. STEWARDSHIP JESSE TREE COLLECTION This weekend we are having a special collection for religious retirement: Support religious communities. “Your generous contribution helps us to care for our retired sisters and enables our younger sisters to continue in active ministry,” writes a religious sister. Your gift to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious provides vital support for the retirement needs of senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. It also helps ensure that younger members can continue the good works of their elders! LITURGY CHURCH DECORATION FOR CHRISTMAS We will be cleaning and decorating the church for Christmas on Sunday, December 21 at 2:00 PM. If you would like to help, please meet in the church at that time. Page 3 PARISH HAPPENINGS TRIP TO ROME AND AMALFI COAST MEETING On Monday, January 26th at 6pm in the parish hall, Fr. Jeff will meet with those interested in joining him on a trip to Rome and the Amalfi Coast. The trip is scheduled for October 29-November 7, 2015. A representative from Colette Travel will be here that night to explain more about the trip and to answer any questions. The trip includes a tour of Rome, including visits to the Vatican Museum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Roman Forum, the Colosseum and more! The tour of the Amalfi coast includes visits to Ravello, Amalfi, Sorrento, wineries, Greek temples, the ruins of Pompeii and more. For a complete itinerary, please visit https:// AREA INFORMATION SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS BENEFIT The 22nd annual “SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS” Benefit Dinner is dedicated to Our Lady of Knock and is scheduled for Friday, January 30, 2015. This event benefits seminarians from the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and Conception Seminary College. It promises to be an evening filled with fun and laughter, celebrating our Catholic faith, dining on wonderful food, and socializing with our priests and seminarians! We have two wonderful speakers: Archbishop James P. Keleher, Archbishop Emeritus, of the Archdiocese in Kansas, and Fr. Donald P. Farnan of St. Thomas More Parish in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph who will eulogize Bishop Raymond Boland. S.O.S. will be held at the Sheraton Hotel at Crown Center, 2345 McGee St. Kansas City, MO. The ticket price is $150.00 per person at tables of ten people. To reserve your place, or an entire table, or donate to the marketplace or VIP silent auction, please contact: Martha Hodes at 913-207-9893 or ST. THERESE LITTLE FLOWER PARISH Please join St. Therese Little Flower Catholic Church, 5814 Euclid, Thursday, January 1, 2015, 10am, for their annual Mass dedicated to Kansas City Police Officers who have died in the line of duty. Trail of Heroes bench dedication in memory of Sgt. Frank McNamara. Chris Cakes ($5) and Roasterie coffee follows in church hall. Contact Cristen Huntz, 816-444-5406 for further information. Page 4 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Our parish office will be closed December 24, 25, and 26 in observance of Christmas. We will also be closed on January 1 in observance of New Year’s Day. CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES Christmas Mass times will be: Wednesday, December 24 at 4:00pm Thursday, December 25 at 10:00am ESL SCHEDULE English as a Second Language classes are taking a break for the holiday season. Classes will resume on Wednesday, January 7th at 7pm. SOLEMNITY OF MARY THE MOTHER OF GOD January 1st is the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God and is a holy day of obligation. Holy Day Masses will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 31 at 6:00pm and on Thursday, January 1st at 10:00am. Please note that the 6:00pm Mass on December 31st will be a bilingual Mass, and we thank Fr. Chuck for celebrating this Mass. CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS IN MEMORY OF... Thanks to all that made donations to our Art and Environment fund, which helps us to provide the beautiful poinsettias to decorate our church for Christmas. Donations were made in memory of the following loved ones: Lisa Ninci-Denny, Jay Rollins, David Rollins, Marcella Kinnard, Herschel Hoskins, Eloise Oldani, Albert and Loritta Verhulst, Mary Teresa Grosko, Casey Pointer, the deceased members of the Deschenes Family, Phyllis A. Griesemer, Carl Parrott, Tom Meiron, George Pierce, Barney Klaus, Kathleen Muder, Bernard Muder, Joe Maurer, Walter Zmuda, Joseph E. McLaughlin, Floyd and Virginia Benton, Albert and Marie Albrecht, Carter Albrecht, and Richard Bellm. LAS POSADAS - DECEMBER 21 - 1:30PM The children of our Hispanic Community will entertain us with a Christmas play, we will re-enact the journey of Joseph and Mary as they search for shelter in Bethlehem, and then we will have the Christmas Pageant, Pastorelas, performed by parishioners of Sacred Heart Guadalupe Parish. Bring a dish to share, come and enjoy piñatas, music, and the wonderful tradition of Las Posadas. ADULT FAITH FORMATION REFLECTION ON THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT, YEAR B This last Sunday of Advent introduces Mary and Joseph as key players in God’s plan for becoming one of us. From the beginning, God created and still creates out of love. By its very nature, love ultimately seeks oneness with the one loved. God’s plan all along was to be intimate with all of us. God did not become human because of our sinfulness. Rather God chose from the very beginning to become more intimate with all of creation by choosing to become fully human. God could have chosen other ways to become more intimate with us. Instead, God chooses to become human and dwell among us by requesting our openness and cooperation in the plan. It is this human openness, cooperation and response to God that we celebrate today in the readings, along with God’s gracious gift of intimacy with us in the person of Jesus. Responsorial Psalm 89 captures this celebratory theme when it invites us to sing, “Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.” The first reading from 2 Samuel recounts David’s desire to build a house or temple for God. God responds through Nathan the prophet that God does not need a house to dwell in because God has been present with the people in the tent that moved with them wherever they went. There seems to be an underlying rejection of a permanent dwelling for God, lest the people forget that God is in their midst wherever they are. If God resides in a sacred space, then when we are no longer in that sacred space, does that mean that God is no longer with us? That is the question that this reading seems to address. God’s response is that we should not house God in one place but rather it is God who builds residences for us in which God chooses to reside. In other words, God chooses where and with whom God will reside and not humanity. It is God’s choice to reside with all people that moves us to sing our psalm response “Forever, I will sing the goodness of the Lord.” The convoluted single sentence reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans calls us to affirm the reality that it is God who strengthens us. For Paul, God, in and through Jesus, has become intimate with us, has strengthened us, and has been made known and proclaimed “to all nations.” Paul asserts that all this is God’s doing. Our response to “the only wise God” is to offer praise and glory to God forever for the gracious gift of Jesus, the foundation stone to the house that God has built for all people. Luke’s gospel account focuses on the angel’s annunciation to Mary of God’s desire to build a dwelling place with all humanity in and through her. While confused and questioning what all this ultimately means, Mary expresses openness, trust and a complete desire to cooperate with God. Mary thus becomes the ultimate model for anyone who seeks to do God’s will. A deep relationship with God leads to trust in God, to openness and cooperation with God’s plan no matter how confused or troubled we might be. As we draw closer to celebrating Christmas this coming week, take Mary as your model. Ask God for the grace to attune yourself to what God desires of you along with the strength and courage to be open, to trust deeply, and to cooperate. Allow God to lead you, even in darkness, and like Mary you too will discover the intimacy of God with us in the person of Jesus, God-become-human. May God dwell intimately with you this Christmas and always. SCC BIBLE STUDY READINGS FOR SUNDAY, DEC 21, 2014 1st Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 Psalm: Psalm 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 (2a) 2nd Reading: Romans 16:25-27 Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 Biagio Mazza Pastoral Associate BIBLE STUDY AND SUNDAY READINGS Catholics are mostly exposed to the Bible through the Sunday Lectionary Readings. In order to help us all enter into the Bible through the Sunday readings, we are offering study sessions that will provide an opportunity to read, to study background to the readings, and to reflect on how to apply the readings to our lives. We will gather today, December 21st at 10:30am. All are welcome. Bring a Bible and a friend. To register for these sessions, please call Biagio at 816-979-3153. Page 5 YOUTH MINISTRY JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP Your next meetings will be January 7th and 21st, 78:30pm in the Parish Hall. HIGH SCHOOL AND CONFIRMATION CLASSES! Your next meetings will be January 11th & 25th from 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. Anyone who wants to play in the gym before the meeting can come up as early as 5:30pm. CONFIRMATION SPONSOR NIGHT Your next meeting will be January 14th, 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. A sponsor is an adult, 18 years or older, who is confirmed and in good standing with the church. Please contact Kirstie Roberts if you need help finding a sponsor. SEARCH RETREAT Our Confirmation retreat is coming up soon! Now is the time to clear your calendar for the weekend of February 6th - 8th! Details will be mailed to your home. ICE SKATING AND CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! On December 21st we will leave St. Sabina at 2pm and go to Crown Center for some fun at the Ice Terrace and shopping for anyone who is blade challenged. We will then head over to Longview Lake to take in the beautiful lights. This activity is open to Junior High and High School Youth. You will need $10 for skate rental and Terrace admission plus any spending money you want for snacks or shopping in Crown Center. The lights at Longview are free but they do accept donations if you want to bring a dollar to give there. If any parents can help with driving or chaperoning, please contact Kirstie Roberts, 816-979-3155. PEER MINISTRY! Our team is preparing for the Confirmation Search retreat soon! Meetings will begin in January on Sundays from 1-4pm. These meetings are required for all Peer Ministers. Talks should be ready for a first presentation on the 11th! HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS LOCK IN! On January 17th we are packing up and heading to Legacy Park in Lee’s Summit for an overnight of fun! There will be swimming, basketball, volleyball, racket ball, a movie room, game room and room for pizza and snacks. We will leave St. Sabina at 8pm on the 17th and go to St. Margaret’s church for Mass and then head next door to begin the Lock In. We will return to St. Sabina at 6:30am. The cost is $20 per person. You are welcome to bring a friend and everyone must have permission slips. If any parents can help with driving or chaperoning, please contact Kirstie Roberts, 816-9793155. Page 6 SCHOOL OF RELIGION DONUT SUNDAYS Please join our Second grade class on January 11th after the 8am and 10:30am Masses for donuts and orange juice. KIDS LITURGY Children from the Parish School of Religion will be sharing their gifts within the liturgy once a month. If your child would like to be a lector, gift bearer, usher or greeter, please visit the Youth Office and fill out a sign up form. Our next Sunday will be January 18th. FIRST RECONCILIATION SERVICE Our service for the children who have been preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation will be on January 20th at 7pm in the church. Please arrive early so we can check everyone in before the service begins. UPLIFT ORG. needs volunteers! If you would like to bring meals to the homeless on the 2nd, 4th or 5th Monday of any month, please contact Kirstie Roberts to sign up! This ministry is open to all parishioners age 14 and older. Volunteers must report to the Uplift Warehouse by 5pm and will be finished around 9:30pm. We have available spots for January! FORM FOR COMMUNICATION WITH MINORS Parents and guardians must now sign a form giving permission for St. Sabina staff, specifically the Youth Director, Kirstie Roberts to respond to text messages, emails and phone calls from the youth of the parish. These forms are available in the back of the church with the PSR registrations and in the Youth Office. All volunteers with youth and children must attend one Protecting God’s Children workshop, submit to a background check and sign the policy on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry, (EIM). CHILD SAFETY The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: • Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1 -800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18) and • Contact your local law enforcement agency or 911 and • After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. • The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Mary Bultmann at 816-714-2387 or for more information. HOW TO READ, UNDERSTAND, AND INTERPRET THE BIBLE Why is the Bible so difficult to read and understand? How to Read, Understand and Interpret the Bible (4 sessions) Monday Evenings – January 5, 12, 26 and February 2, 7-9 PM Repeated on Wednesday Mornings Jan 7, 14, 21, and 28, 10 AM to Noon Reading the Bible can and usually is a very challenging experience for most of us. The history, culture, politics, literary styles, context and origins are so far removed from us that reading and interpreting the biblical texts poses great challenges and difficulties. These sessions will expose participants to knowledge that will help them facilitate a more informed way of reading, understanding and interpreting the Scriptures. Different faith traditions read, understand and interpret the text differently. These approaches are not better or worse than other ways of reading the text. They are just different. Differences between Jewish, Protestant and Catholic reading and use of Scripture will also be examined. Tools and methodologies that facilitate a more informed reading of the texts will be presented, along with a process that can be used with any text, leading to a more in-depth understanding of the passage. Bring your bible and a friend and let us explore together how to read, understand and interpret the Bible. These are ideal sessions for any member of a Small Christian Community who desires a methodology that would help them unpack the Sunday readings more fruitfully. All faith traditions are most welcome. Scripture Study is the soul of theology and a solid foundation for immersion into the Sunday Eucharist. To register, call either Biagio at 816-979-3153 or Kris at 816-979-3151. St. Sabina Parish, 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 816-331-4713, Sessions will be facilitated by Biagio Mazza, Pastoral Associate, St. Sabina Parish. Page 7 PARISH HAPPENINGS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS! Azucena Abonza, Andrew Aguilar, Pedro Bautista, Emma Beaver, Blake Biondo, Daniel Calles, Daniel Cartagena, Natalie Cary, Manny Castillo, Yahir Chavez, Danny Chevalier, Elizabeth Chevalier, Jose Chevalier, Bobby Cook, Aaron Coronado, Juliana Cortes, Casandra Daldrup, Jesus de los Santos, Salvador Duarte Perez, Mark Emry, Dylan Eppert, Mike Evans, Javier Franco, Leslie Garcia, Johnny Gastello, Kelsie Giacone, Blake Hamilton, Dewayne Hammack, Steve Hammack, Bo Helzer, Cynthia Hernandez, Diane Hirt, Samantha Hirt, Cassie Hoffman, Virgil Kempf, Paige Kinsey, Jesus Landa, Michael Logan, Landon Marin, Lency Marin, Rachel Martinez, Brennen McDowell, Juan Medina, Karla Medina Vasquez, Ray Miederhoff, Tom Moran, Marcos Navarrete, Mark Nichols, Edgar Nunez, Jamie Perkins, Kaleb Perkins, Belinda Peters, Gricelda Ramirez, Edil Ramos, Jo Rangel, Barb Rewald, Marcela Rivera, Benito Rodriguez, Efren Rodriguez, Sally Sargent, George Scott, Shelby Shatford, Lois Simpson, Maria Solares, Laura Lee Solomon, Mark Storm, Fernando Suarez, Cooper Tracy, Sabas Valle, Margaret Vargo, Maribel Villa, Amanda Votava, Matt Walt, Javier Zavala HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! ¡FELIZ ANIVERSARIO! Don & Ella Hemmen Richard & Doris Deschenes Terry & Mary Eppert Mike & Kris Larkey Anthony & Sandra Coyazo Ed & Gwen McGuire Alfredo & Elvia Torres Andres & Maria Orozco Luis & Maria Hinojos Jason & Stephanie Jones Angel & Maria Rocha Jose L. Castillo & Reyna Razo Alberto & Maria Mancha Mike & Janet Kimble Aaron & Karla Coronado Tom & Susan Rolli Jose Damian & Maria Albor Page 8 67 Years! 62 Years! 46 Years! 27 Years! 26 Years! 25 Years! 24 Years! 23 Years! 18 Years! 18 Years! 17 Years! 15 Years! 13 Years! 11 Years! 11 Years! 9 Years! 5 Years! 12/27/1947 12/27/1952 12/21/1968 12/27/1987 12/26/1988 12/22/1989 12/23/1990 12/27/1991 12/21/1996 12/21/1996 12/26/1997 12/23/1999 12/23/2001 12/23/2003 12/27/2003 12/26/2005 12/26/2009 WELLNESS CENTER LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE For years, doctors have advocated that people at high risk for heart attack take an aspirin daily, but the pill may also help control high blood pressure. Taking it at bedtime is the best time, according to a study in the American Journal of Hypertension. Pre-hypertensive people who took aspirin as prescribed by their doctor before bed, lowered their blood pressure significantly enough that researchers believe the habit could delay the need for hypertension meds by up to 15 years. (Morning aspirin-takers saw no benefits.) At night, aspirin reduces the activity of renin, an enzyme that raises blood pressure. WELLNESS SCREENINGS are offered the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 8:30am-11:30am. The next Saturday screenings will be January 3rd and the 17th. INDIVIDUAL WELLNESS COACHING and Therapeutic Massage services are now being offered through the Wellness Center. This is a great way to take extra special care of yourself throughout the Holiday Season! Please give us a call (816) 979-3090 to schedule an appointment. WELLNESS CENTER CLASS SCHEDULE Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Yoga 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Strength & Stretch 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Christmas Eve - Closed Christmas Day - Closed Closed Open Workout 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. PARISH HAPPENINGS BAPTISM CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Dewey Adams, who was baptized on Saturday, December 20th! BLOOD DRIVE - JANUARY 11 Our next blood drive will be held on Sunday, January 11th from 9am - 1pm in the gym. To make an appointment, visit and enter sponsor code: saintsabina. Thanks to the Community Blood Center, and to Michael Dailey and the Knights of Columbus for organizing this blood drive. For more information, please contact Michael Dailey at 816-853-8386 or by email at – BANK – of BELTON JIM’S DISCOUNT MUFFLERS MEMBER FDIC Great Service • Great Prices Ph. 816-331-4888 HARDWARE-BUILDING MATERIALS-PAINT 617 North Scott Belton, MO 64012 P.O. Box 619 331-2211 Fax 331-0981 Discounts to Seniors 903 N. Scott - Belton, MO Ph. 331-0566 • Fax 322-2231 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Hours: Mon-Fri 7 AM-5 PM Sat 8 AM-1 PM BELTON TRANSMISSION AND REPAIR • Brakes • Shocks • Mufflers • Struts Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Eckhard Preuss Agent Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Domestic & Foreign Ron Gardella, Parishioner (816) 318-8955 Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 315 N. Scott, 8009 E. 171st PO Box 645 Belton, MO 64012-0645 Bus 816.331.4288 Fax 816.331.2907 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 12800 2nd St., Grandview, MO 64030 Belton © GRANNY “GRAN’MA WISE” sez: “OH, FOR CRY’IN OUT LOUD!” Free Insured Estimates Roofing Specialists “ IF YOU ARE HEADED IN THE WRONG DIRECTION, REMEMBER GOD ALLOWS ‘U-TURNS!’” By B.A. Ray (if you can’t b.a. Ray, b.a. Sunbeam!) AND SONS ROOFING Ph. 816-966-8836 Doug Thurman — Parishioner • Concrete Steps • Splash Blocks • Specialty Products (816) 331-8909 Daniel Meissen New • Re-Roofs Repairs Teresa M. Kelly, D.V.M. Jennifer D. McCallum, D.V.M. Kenneth A. Vansickle, D.V.M. FOURWAY P L U M B I N G DRAIN CLEANING GARBAGE DISPOSALS FAUCETS • SINKS • TUBS TOILETS & SUMP PUMPS (816) 322-1013 Phone: (816) 331-0061 Fax: (816) 331-0443 17232 Bel-Ray Place 1001 E. North Avenue Belton, MO 64012 (58 Hwy) • Belton, MO Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-12:00noon Air Conditioning • Furnaces Humidifiers • Air Filters SAME DAY SERVICE HOUSE CALLS REASONABLE RATES McGilley & George Funeral Homes Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans - Serving St. Sabina Since 1944 Allen L. Meyer 322-2995 Kibbey A. George Belton 611 Chestnut Funerárias McGilley & George ¡Sirviendo a nuestras comunidades desde el 1909! Directores: Allen L. Meyer y Kibbey A. George Planes Fúnebres Pre-Arreglados Benjamin Ortiz, Consejero de Servicios Familiares 522260 St Sabina Church SAME LOCATION 31 YRS MASTER PLUMBERS NICK & MARION BIONDO, JR. 331-1650 607 N. SCOTT, BELTON Tel: (816) 318-8500 Residential-Commercial-Industrial COLLISION REPAIR CENTER 20203 Holmes Rd., Belton, MO 64012 RICK HOWARD 816-322-1900 ST. THOMAS MORE PARISHIONER FAX 322-0705 COLLISION REPAIR SPECIALIST For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 JUSTICIA SOCIAL COMIDAS PARA LA COMUNIDAD NECESITA SU AYUDA! Debido a los festivos, le hace falta voluntarios a la Iglesia Lord of Love para las comidas para la comunidad el miércoles, 24 de Diciembre y el Miércoles, 31 de Diciembre. Usted puede inscribirse para ayudar en línea en utilice el correo electrónico para ver los “sign ups” disponibles. ESCUELA DE RELIGIÓN GRUPO DE JÓVENES CORRESPONSABILIDAD COLECTA DEL ARBOL DE JESÉ Este fin de semana, tenemos una colecta monetaria especial para la jubilación de religiosos: Apoye a las comunidades religiosas. “Su generosa contribución nos ayuda a cuidar a nuestras hermanas jubiladas y permite a nuestras hermanas mas jóvenes continuar en el ministerio activo,” escribe una hermana religiosa. Su donativo hoy a la colecta destinada al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos ofrece apoyo vital para la jubilación de hermanas, hermanos, y sacerdotes de órdenes religiosas ancianos. También ayuda a asegurar que los miembros mas jóvenes puedan continuar el buen trabajo que iniciaron sus mayores! Su próxima junta será el 7 de Enero, de 7 a 8:30pm en el Salón Parroquial. NOCHE DE PADRINOS DE CONFIRMACIÓN Su próxima junta ser el 14 de Enero, de 7 a 8:30pm en el Salón parroquial. Un padrino es un adulto confirmado que de un buen testimonia de vida. Por favor contacte Kirstie Roberts si necesita ayuda encontrando un padrino. LITURGIA DE NIÑOS Los niños de la Escuela de Religión compartirán sus dones dentro de la liturgia una vez al mes. Si su hijo o hija quisiera ser lector, portador de ofrendas, ujier o la persona que saluda, por favor visite la oficina del Ministerio Infantil/Juvenil para inscribir a su niño/ niña. Nuestra próxima liturgia de niños será el Domingo, 18 de Enero. RETIRO DE CONFIRMACION Nuestro retiro de confirmación se acerca! Marquen en su calendario y hagan tiempo para acompañarnos el Viernes, 6 de Febrero al Domingo, 8 de Febrero. Los detalles serán enviados por correo a sus casa. SERVICIO DE PRIMERA RECONCILIACION Nuestro servicio para los niños que se han estado preparando para el sacramento la Reconciliación será el 20 de Enero a las 7pm en la parroquia. Por favor llegue temprano para poder comprobar todo antes de que comience el servicio. LECTURAS LECTURAS DEL DOMINGO, 21 DE DIC Primera Lectura: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 Salmo: Salmo 88:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 Segunda Lectura: Romanos 16: 25-27 Evangelio: Lucas 1:26-38 Pagina 3 MINISTERIO HISPANO Párroco Padre Jeff Stephan (816) 979-3157 Bautismos Berenice Zayas (816) 799-7768 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos Lupe Bencomo (816) 331-5677 Quinceañeras Kris Larkey (816) 979-3151 Grupo de Oración Allan Medina (816) 668-0089 Pláticas Matrimoniales Martina y Abelardo Arreola (816) 269-4956 Festividades Maria Rita López 816-382-7005 Coro Parroquial Arturo Piñon (816) 291-2742 Ministros de la Comunión Gloria Garcia (816) 559-1253 Comunión a los Enfermos Marta Sosa (816) 226-3239 Proclamadores de la Palabra Alejandro Torres (816) 699-2887 Acólitos Gerardo Arénivas (816) 719-7563 Acomodadores y Orden Jaime Martinez (816) 777-8848 Justicia e Inmigracion Wendy Mora 816-309-0011 Sacristía Manny Castillo 816-394-1460 Catecismo Kirstie Roberts (816) 979-3155 Adolescentes Kirstie Roberts (816) 979-3155 Alcoholicos Anónimos Oscar Castillo (816) 529-1113 Comite Romero Hilda Alvarado 816-876-5508 Pagina 2 PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES - 10 DE ENERO Normalmente cada Sábado Segundo de mes de las 10 am a 1 pm (Sólo para Niños de 0-6 años) Salón de juntas. Sótano de la Parroquia. Para niños mayores de 7 años requerirán una formación especial. Infórmate. PRÓXIMOS BAUTISMOS: llamar Kris a 816-979-3151 Favor de llenar su aplicación para asistir a las platicas con anterioridad. No se ofrece cuidado de niños. LAS POSADAS - 21 DE DICIEMBRE - 1:30PM Los niños de la parroquia nos entretendrán con una obra de Navidad, vamos a volver a representar el viaje de José y María en su búsqueda de refugio en Belén, y luego tendremos la Pastorelas obra de Sacred Heart Parish Guadalupe. Traiga un plato para compartir, venga y disfrute de piñatas, música, y la maravillosa tradición de Las Posadas. INGLES COMO SEGUNDO IDIOMA Nuestras clases de Inglés Como Segundo Idioma tomaran un descanso por la temporada Navideña. Las clases comenzaran de nuevo el Miércoles, 7 de Enero a las 7pm. OFICINA PARROQUIAL ESTARA CERRADA Nuestra oficina parroquial estará cerrada el Miércoles 24, Jueves 25, y Viernes 26 de Diciembre en conmemoración de la Navidad. También estará cerrada el Jueves, 1 de Enero en conmemoración del día de Año Nuevo. HORARIOS DE MISAS DE NAVIDAD Los Horarios de las Misas de Navidad son: Miércoles, 24 de Diciembre a las 4:00pm Jueves, 25 de Enero a las 10:00am En la foto a la izquierda aparece Oscar y a la derecha aparece Iván. DECORACION DE LA IGLESIA PARA LA NAVIDAD Estaremos decorando limpiando y decorando la iglesia para la Navidad el Domingo, 21 de Diciembre a las 2:00pm. Si a usted le gustaría ayudar por favor reúnase con nosotros en la iglesia a las 2:00pm. 21 de Diciembre del 2014 Cuarto Domingo de Adviento La Parroquia Católica de Santa Sabina Belton, MO Felicidades a Lucas Santiago; hijo de Lino y Diana que fue bautizado en la Parroquia. 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 Teléfono: 816-331-4713 Fax: 816-322-6196 Horarios: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Lunes - Jueves y 9:00am - 1:00pm, Viernes Personal de la Parroquia Rev. Jeff Stephan, Pastor 816-979-3157 Diácono Dwayne Katzer Diácono Mike Gates Zuiri Galeano, Recepcionista y Escuela de Religión 816-979-3150 Bridget Hernandez, Corresponsabilidad y Justicia Social 816-979-3159 Kris Larkey, Asociada Pastoral 816-979-3151 Biagio Mazza, Asociado Pastoral 816-979-3153 Susan Ratigan, Liturgista 816-979-3158 Kirstie Roberts, Dir. de Religión y Pastoral Juvenil 816-979-3155 Marta Roper, Coordinadora Pastoral 816-979-3154 Jeff Shields, Contador 816-979-3152 Tracy Wheeler, Mantenimiento Mary Bultmann, Diocesan Victim Advocate 816-714-2387 Jenifer Valenti, Diocesan Ombudsman 816-812-2500 Horario de las Misas del fin de semana Sábado: 4:00pm (Confesiones de las 3:00pm - 3:30pm) Domingo: 8:00am, 10:30am en Ingles, 12:30pm Misa en Español X57 X50 X59 X51 X53 X58 X55 X54 X52 Centro de Salud - 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Patricia Moreno 816-979-3092
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