A WORSHIP SERVICE FOR OUR LORD’S DAY *Please stand, if you are able. December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent 9:15 & 10:45 A.M. PRELUDE Hark ! the Herald Angels Sing Marilyn Reimer (with Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”) Joy Pan Qiu and Lan Qiu, violin; Marilyn Kredel, piano WORDS OF WELCOME LUKE 2:1-7 STILL, STILL, STILL Arr. Bolk Hannah Beard, Emma Bennett and Lexi Tronzo, vocals LUKE 2:8-12 SHEPHERDS WHY THIS JUBILEE Arr. Afdahl Adult Bell Choir, directed by Danya Tiller Elliott Steve Beard GOSPEL OF LUKE BIRTH NARRATIVE Luke 1 and 2 (NIV) Mt. View Drama Team, in order of speaking: Peter Flynn, Charlie Randolph, Tristin Miller, Laura Squires, Kay Randolph and Bethanne Outcalt READINGS PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Kevin Streelman, guitar and vocals LUKE 2:13 BEHOLD THE STAR Traditional GLORY TO GOD LIGHTING OUR FOURTH CANDLE OF ADVENT—LOVE ADVENT READERS (9:15) Ben and Stacey Reeves & Family (10:45) Ron and Betty Rowland Hear the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.” In God’s time of love, we will learn to choose what is good. As we wait for God’s time, in faith we light the candle of Love. (Please pause as we light the candle of Love, then respond.) All: Come, let us walk in the light of the LORD! *HYMN OF PRAISE Go, Tell It on the M ountain I KNOW WHO HE WAS Jim Erven, vocals OFFERTORY Christmas Medley No. 2 Al Roselieb, flugelhorn; Jackie Huber, piano No. 218 Arr. Bolks MATTHEW 1:18-21 Fettke READINGS AND LUKE 1:28-31 *HYMN Joy to the World! Arr. Rouse ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY THE FIRST NOEL/PACHELBEL’S CANON Arr. Clawson Lan Qiu and Joy Pan Qiu, violin; Marilyn Kredel, piano READINGS LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH Arr. Courtney Hannah Beard, Emma Bennett, Kaitlyn Dodaro, Matthew Dodaro, Peyton Fosberg, Emma Forney, Chloe Korb, Emma Korb, Lexi Tronzo BENEDICTION No. 179 POSTLUDE Carol Improvisation Mt. View is a member of Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI License No. 196717). READINGS BETHLEHEM Forrest READINGS Ralph Meredith, Emma Forney & Matthew Dodaro HIS NAME WAS JESUS Hildebrand READINGS Presented by the Mountain View Sanctuary Choir Directed by Kay Randolph EARTH WAS WAITING Handel IT CAME UPON THE MIDNIGHT CLEAR Danya Tiller Elliott, vocals “Prince of Peace“ READINGS Arr. Fettke Althouse A WORSHIP SERVICE FOR OUR LORD’S DAY *Please stand, if you are able. December 21, 2014 PRELUDE Fourth Sunday of Ad vent 8:00 A.M. Carol Medley Pritchard Jim and Susan Erven, vocals; Jackie Huber, piano WORDS OF WELCOME PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus Jim and Susan Erven, vocals Pritchard Hear the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.” In God’s time of love, we will learn to choose what is good. All: Come, let us walk in the light of the LORD! Beers Please pass the friendship pad and note the names of people worshipping with you that you may greet each other more personally after the service. *DOXOLOGY No. 34 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTURE SERMON Go, T ell It on the M ountain Peace Carol Jim and Susan Erven, vocals Matthew 1:18-25 Page 681 in the Pew Bibles Leader: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. As we wait for God’s time, in faith we light the candle of Love. (Please pause as we light the candle of Love, then respond.) No. 218 PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Forgive my sins, O Lord. The sins of my soul and the sins of my body. The sins I have done to please myself and the sins I have done to please others. Forgive those sins which I know and those which I know not. Forgive them all in your mercy, that I may share the hope of the prophets, the songs of the angels, and the wonder of the shepherds. Cleanse my soul that your son, when he comes, may find in me a dwelling place. SILENT CONFESSION ASSURANCE OF PARDON *THE APOSTLES’ CREED (Unison) I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen. OLD TESTAMENT LESSON THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. OFFERTORY LIGHTING OUR FOURTH CANDLE OF ADVENT Lighting the Candle of Love *HYMN OF PRAISE PASTORAL PRAYER Isaiah 35:1-10 Page 508 in the Pew Bibles *CLOSING HYMN “You Shall Call His Name Jesus” Joy to the World! Gary Doan vs. 1-2, No. 179 *BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Jean Spanko, organ Mendelssohn Mt. View is a member of Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI License No. 196717). Release the Mission in You! It is time to build another house! We will be signing up volunteers in January for an early February start date. The Presbyterian Coalition and the Episcopal Coalition will be building a new home in connection with Wells Fargo Bank. The home will be located in South Phoenix at 5228 S. 14th Street, near where we have built in the past. The home is three bedrooms and one level, and we will need your help on five work days joining in fellowship and work with the family and other Presbyterians. Look for Habitat at the Mission table in January! MOUNTAIN VIEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH invites you to join our community of Christ. NEW MEMBER SIGN-UPS TODAY through January 25 at the Membership Kiosk from 9:00-11:00 a.m. NEW MEMBER CLASS is Saturday, January 31, 9:00-11:15 a.m. In the EEC near playground. Presentation of New Members is Sunday, February 8. When signing the attendance pad, please indicate “Wish to Join” and include your contact information. Welcome!! BETH MOORE CLASSES BEGIN JANUARY 7 & 8 Believing God: Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith by Beth Moore is based on Isaiah 43:10. Beth explores what it means not only "to believe in God" but "to believe Him." She encourages women to deepen their own trust in God and receive a fresh word from Him. This is a ten-week interactive study for women of all ages and uses a combination of workbook readings and exercises and video sessions. We will have two sessions of “Believing God” - Wednesday mornings, starting January 7th and led by Jody Howe—9:00-11:00 a.m. in the EEC; and Thursday evenings, beginning January 8th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the EEC and led by Beth Burton. Participant cost will be $20.00 to cover the cost of the workbooks. Please come join us for a thought-provoking, God-loving experience! ALL WEDNESDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES RESUME JANUARY 7. JOIN US FOR DINNER, ADULT ED. AND CHILDREN’S/YOUTH ACTIVITIES! A Dramatic Presentation of the NIV Text at Mountain View Presbyterian Church On February 8th 2015, in all three Sanctuary services, we will be presenting the Gospel of Luke in dramatic format. It will be similar to the February 2014 presentation of Mark, and the 2013 presentation of John, in that we will present the NIV text in order, word for word. Except that Luke is much longer than Mark so, in February, the drama will focus on the ministry of Jesus prior to Holy Week, and the Holy Week drama will be presented at a later time. Also, Luke has many favorite, but long, teachings of Jesus, such as The Good Samaritan and The Prodigal Son. So for the Luke presentation it will be a combination of fully memorized drama plus readings of certain sections. Kay Randolph and Peter Flynn are again jointly directing this presentation. If you would like to view the John and Mark dramas then you can find the videos by searching for “Mountain View Presbyterian Gospel” on YouTube. MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY DIRECTORY What is the Mountain View Community Directory? You know that absolutely invaluable book that sits on your desk or is always in your purse? It’s the book you look up that member of the church family that you talked to in the courtyard, but their name fell out of your head. It’s the book where you look up a helper, a mission partner or a fellow team member. We are expanding the book to include all members of our Mountain View Community: Church Members, Associate Members, Family, Friends, Visitors, Winter Visitors, Families of Sunday Schoolers and Families of Youth Group Members. We want everyone to be in the directory so that it truly represents our Mountain View Community! Why are We Doing a New Directory Now? It has been a number of years since the directory was last published. We have many new members. Some of our dear friends have left us. Staff has changed. Children have grown up. Babies have been born. Hairstyles have changed. Clothing styles have changed. It is time for an update! How Can You Help? First, make sure you have signed up to have your photo taken and have verified your church information. Then, talk to a friend and ask them to be in the directory, too. Website: Go to www.mtviewpres.org main page under Photo Directory Sign-Up to sign up for your photo session. JANUARY – Photos Taken: Receive Your Free 8 x 10 Be sure you have signed up to have your photo taken. You will receive a reminder about your appointment. There will be four photographers available during the January 6-January 24 dates. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 6 JANUARY 7 JANUARY 8 JANUARY 9 JANUARY 10 JANUARY 1:00 to 8:30 pm 1:00 to 8:30 pm 1:00 to 8:30 pm 1:00 to 8:30 pm 10:00 am to 5:30 pm THU. FRI. SAT. 22 JANUARY 23 JANUARY 24 JANUARY 1:00 to 8:30 pm 1:00 to 8:30 pm 10:00 am to 5:30 pm Possible additional dates: THU. 29 JANUARY FRI. 30 JANUARY SAT. 31 JANUARY 1:00 to 8:30 pm 1:00 to 8:30 pm 10:00 am to 5:30 pm FEBRUARY – Directory Assembled The directory committee will be compiling and assembling the directory. MARCH – Print Directory, Prepare to Distribute Directory by Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 Everyone who has had their photo taken receives their Mountain View Community Directory. We are planning to have the directory ready prior to Easter Sunday. If you have questions please call or contact by email: Evelyn Sanderson, 480-860-6782 or esanderson948@cox.net Please prayerfully consider including the MVPC Foundation in your Will and Estate plan. Attention All College Students!! Come and hang out and catch up with your Mountain View college friends on Sunday, December 28 at 10:00 a.m. in Meredith Hall. Food and drinks will be provided. Hope to see you there! This series showcases musicians of The Phoenix Symphony : 4th Monday of the month from 10:00 to 11:15 am : Mountain View Presbyterian Church Sanctuary : FREE, but donations are welcome. January 26, 2015 – Cello & Piano Jan Simiz, Associate Principal Cello Larry Loeber, Principal Pianist March 23, 2015 - Violin & Piano Duo Levon Zarasian, Violin Peter Gharibian, Piano February 23, 2015 - Violin Quartet Dana Pasley, Lan Qiu Ron Whaley, Levon Zarasian April 27, 2015 To Be Announced 2014 / 2015 Mountain View Artist Series 4:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted ) January 11 — 4:00 p.m. / Pilgrim Rest Choir February 15 — 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. Seatings / Heart of America Choir Concert * April 26 — 4:00 p.m. / Phoenix Rescue Mission Benefit Concert *Ticketed Event January 23 - 25 in Prescott, AZ. $100.00 includes food, transportation and lodging. Contact Megan with questions at meganb@mtviewpres.org. February 6 - 8 at UCYC Camp in Prescott, AZ Fill out the registration form, and submit it with a check made payable to Mountain View Presbyterian Church. Contact Molly with questions at mollyk@mtviewpres.org The dates are January 4, 11, 18; February 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 15, 22. Class is from 12:302:00, with lunch from 12-12:30. Please sign up to bring lunch for the group (there will be around 20 people) at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c094aafaf2ba1fe3-confirmation Confirmation class is open to 8th graders and up. Single Seniors—"Chat and Chew" January 10 at 11:30 a.m. Please plan to come for lunch at Starfire Club House (Hayden, just north of Shea) The "Program" is just Lunch!!!! RSVP to mary.moore.4236@gmail.com or 480-947-1810 by January 8, 2015 Thank you for you generous donations to Our Manna Closet. Please help us in continuing to assist people in our congregation and community who are in need. We are currently in need of Peanut Butter & Jelly, Hormel’s Completes, or Beef Stew. Please bring your donation any Sunday and place it in the shopping cart outside of the Sanctuary! - MT. VIEW SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES (please contact the following) Coffee Fellowship (Sundays) Counting Team Deacons Gabriel's Membership Men of Mt. View Missions Mountaineers - Prayer Chain - Stephen Ministry Valle Library - Women’s Ministries FELLOWSHIP - Greg Miskovsky Don Kredel Susan Mattson Trip Demaree Chuck Squires Phil Arrieta Andrew Fosberg Dick Fossen Gail Loeffel Bev Roselieb Donna McCain Ruth Sandbo Sandra Van Orden Marilyn Kevern Anne Franquemont Patti Ashton 480-522-4240 480-998-7513 480-951-5374 602-549-9725 480-451-9239 602-525-2696 602-369-5936 602-499-6600 480-949-7117 480-816-9544 480-266-9663 480-948-9608 480-664-1163 480-451-7545 480-225-2437 602-702-0583 Book Circle Anne Eggert 602-821-9529 Bridge Circle Carolyn Smith 480-948-9234 Hands for Mission Nancy Prinsze 480-860-8929 Men’s Bible Study Phil Arrieta 602-525-2696 Moms Together Mickella Paden 480-947-6068 Naomi Circle Merry Cole Bender 480-905-8180 Ruth Circle Anita Foulk 480-860-0541 Sarah Circle Marilyn Chaddock 480-836-3968 Stitchin’ Sisters Berte Baker 970-980-8734 TGIF Molly Korb 480-998-1085 Women’s Bible Study Sharon Palenkas 480-998-1085 Young Families Carly Dunlap 480-266-8501 ELDER OF THE MONTH - Andrew Fosberg - 602-369-5936 PASTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Senior Pastor - Stephen Beard steveb@mtviewpres.org Associate Pastor - Kirk Sexton kirks@mtviewpres.org Pastoral Associate-Part Time - Lyn Corazin lync@mtviewpres.org Pastoral Counselor - Gary Doan garyd@mtviewpres.org Director of Music Ministry - Kay Randolph kayr@mtviewpres.org Associate Director of Music Ministry - Danya Tiller Elliott danyat@mtviewpres.org Principal Organist - Jackie Huber jackieh@mtviewpres.org Associate Organist - Marilyn Kredel marilynk@mtviewpres.org Director of Contemporary Worship-Music - Ted Levie tedl@mtviewpres.org Director of Children’s & Family Ministry - Molly Korb mollyk@mtviewpres.org Children’s Ministry Assistant - Kerry Kehoe kerryk@mtviewpres.org Director of Student Ministry - Dave Robinson daver@mtviewpres.org Director of Jr. High Ministry - Megan Begeman meganb@mtviewpres.org Director of Special Needs Ministry - Melissa Forney melissaf@mtviewpres.org Parish Nurse - Fran Thurber frant@mtviewpres.org Director of Operations - Brenda Bolton brendab@mtviewpres.org Financial Administrator - Su Streich finance@mtviewpres.org Admin. Assistant/Membership Clerk - Joanne Johnson joannej@mtviewpres.org Administrative Assistant/Publications - Ann McKee annm@mtviewpres.org Property Manager - Mike Carney mikec@mtviewpres.org Technical Assistant - Craig Cobley craigc@mtviewpres.org Sexton - Alberto Morales Pastor Emeritus - Ralph Meredith Organist Emeritus - Sherwin Snyder TODAY, SUNDAY-DECEMBER 21-FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - Traditional Service, 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45 am, Sanctuary - Contemporary Service, 9:00 am, Meredith Hall - “The Acts of the Apostles”, 9:00-10:00 am, #A101 - Sunday School, 9:30-10:15 am - Pre-Teen Ministry, 9:30-10:15 am, MH #12 - Jr. High “Bridge”, 10:30 am-12:00 pm, Annex #101 - Sr. High Wake-Up Call, 10:30 am-12:00 pm, Annex #206 MONDAY-DECEMBER 22 TUESDAY-DECEMBER 23 - NO Session Meeting WEDNESDAY-DECEMBER 24 - Office Closed at 12:00 pm for Christmas Eve - Traditional Services - 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 & 11:00 pm, Sanctuary - Contemporary Service - 5:30 pm, Meredith Hall THURSDAY-DECEMBER 25 - Office Closed for Christmas Day FRIDAY-DECEMBER 26 - Men’s Bible Study, 6:30 am, Annex #206 SATURDAY-DECEMBER 27 - Sanctuary Reserved, 6:30-10:00 am - Dave Anderson Memorial Service & Reception, 3:00 pm, Sanctuary & Meredith Hall SUNDAY-DECEMBER 28-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS - Traditional Service, 9:15 & 10:45 am, Sanctuary - NO “Acts of the Apostles”—Resumes January 4 - NO Contemporary Service—Resumes January 4 - NO Sunday School or Youth Groups—Resume January 4 The Bulletin Cover Artwork is by Mountain View member and artist, Jeremy Jones. “Jeremy is a consulting architect trying to spend more time on his artwork and helping art organizations.” CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP HOURS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2014 TRADITIONAL WORSHIP: 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 & 11:00 pm Steve Beard is Preaching in the Sanctuary CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP: 5:30 pm Gary Doan is Preaching in Meredith Hall ______________________________________________ WORSHIP HOURS FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 TRADITIONAL WORSHIP: 9:15 & 10:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary Molly Korb is Preaching NO 8:00 am TRADITIONAL and NO CONTEMPORARY SERVICE NO SUNDAY SCHOOL OR YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITIES MOUNTAIN VIEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 8050 E. Mountain View Road Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Office: (480) 998-1085 Fax: (480) 998-1263 Website: www.mtviewpres.org A Stephen Ministry Congregation
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