, June 6.1984 1 7 Entertainment i INDIANA |ONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM M o p s ort* o u t i n t h i s ond \hv inst-tllnu'iit o t jcivt'iiturt^ ot Tist» l (i the .irv h a e - •! A ' f U ' n t U ' N * ' c a \ a l t a d f o t thrilling i l i l t hdHfc»«*iN w i l l v m i t*xhauN?t'(i a» I n d v for*]; df-ah ih.ir^.ri'fv t'ns|(»\t'd with sonit1 in l i u i u <h i M r m N'cne Harrison njstv M^d rt*M ut**» 1h o r e \ 1 just J ? h f ri^ht d c ^ * (>' t( >Myi;»--»rVi h t t * i ,iff *(M> in!»'')Nt' tor \(U;nj4 ( hi!(?ffe"O N r ir ^ h f l f N " it s another h i . n i d m ^ f f from (iir»*( tor Stt'w k n SpuitHMii Katt 1 C a h UVNfilfN ! P( . In-star P H turv\ i1* producing "The Texas Project" starring Sally Field. I he story t> set in a small levaN town during I he Great Depression • * • D i n o De Laurentiis w i l l prodm e a teature titled "Ronnie Rocket." It s dfx>ut a dt-*t«*t f ue-*• elt(M-{s u>>a\e a muMi al \ o u t h iciol Donald Sutheriand has sjgr)ed :o star in ( a n n c m f ilrns "Ordeal bv Innocence." 1 he h'dtLrr is baM-d o n an Agatha ( hri>.!if thriller * • •' I mtWNS\ f ' K t u r e s ' w i H distribute "The Bear," a h i m based o n rhe lite oT Alabama t ' ^ " t b a l l ( o a t h point) springs her from prison and By JULIANNE HASTINGS the fugitive couple set off in search UPI TV Reporter NEW YORK (UPI) - Dina Mer- oftherealkillrr. "I figured that we would be. in Los rill is raring to go with the evil character she plays on her first- Angeles," Merrill said. "But we apever TV series NBC's "Hot Pursuit" parently are going to be oh the — even though her husband, Cliff move. "I said to Kenny, 'Don't I have an Robertson, won't be returning to his office — something that's a set set?' series "Falcon Crest." It might have been a nice switch He said, 'No, you're the head of a for the East Coast couple to both be m u l t i n a t i o n a l c o n g l o m e r a t e . working at jobs on the same coast You've got offices in Acapulco, for awhile, but it just wasn't in the Hawaii...' "I began to like it better and betcards. "He's leaving the show and I don't ter." know if I'll be working in Los Merrill said she had been offered parts in television series before, but Angeles anyway," Merrill said. The two-hour pilot of executive she wasn't interested in playing producer Kenneth Johnson's "Hot them because of her daughter, Pursuit" series was shot in New Heather, now 15. "I was selective — careful about Orleans and Baton Rouge, La., and the firs^episode of the series that is how much time I would spend away reminiscent of the 1960's "Fugitive" from home." The Robertsons' daughter now is series will be shot in Seattle in July. Merrill plays the scheming widow enrolled in a boarding school and of a multi-millionaire (Brad Merrill has more spare time. Although she has made numerous Dillman) who is murdered in pilot. She frames a test-car driver (Kerrie TV appearances — starting with the Keane) for the murder, but the live dramatic productions of the young woman's husband (Eric Pier- 1950s — Merrill has no idea how she'll find working on a series. "This is a brand new experience for me. I just cannot project how I'm going to feel about it. I may think this is the best thing that ever happened to me or I may think it's FINDERS KEEPERS the pits." The idea of playing a shrew apI his untty^n, made dp pealed to her immediately. tdr(e^TbOlJt the pursuit "I really like playing an evil perot stolen $5 million in son. You can be more flamboyant ( ash begins sluggishly with your lines." hut builds a tair head ot steam toward the end Much action She recalled the saying: "The takes pla< e aboard a transsnakes get all the good lines." <ontinental train headed for Her favorite evil role of the past New York with an assortment ot was Laura, the connivmg daughter odd ball i harat ters staking < laim of the studio boss in a live TV proto the loot Some gags mistire but more otten the\ find their duction of "What Makes Sammy mark \ 1 K hael O K e e t e plays an Run." erstwhile roller skating team "Larry Blyden played Sammy manager Beverly D Angelo is and I was the woman who beat him funny as the dizziest ot blondes i.K] at his own game and destroyed him. It was marvelous." Dina Merrill Merrill, who recently completed a long run in the Broadway hit "On General Foods heiress Marjorie Your Toes" — eight performances a Merriweather Post, tried to IATWSKEY week — has other fond memories of discourage. the days of live television. She persisted, however, dropped "It was scary," the slender out of college, enrolled at the blonde actress said. American Academy of Dramatic "My first big lead in a television Arts and supported herself working Good show was one of the ('Pontiac as a model for Vogue magazine. Presents) Playwrights 56' pro- She interupted her drama career grams. 'Return to Casino.' John for 10 years during her marriage to HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - "Star million after one month of release. Forsythe played my husband. Stanley Rumbough Jr. "Streets of Fire," a futuristic Trek III: The Search for Spock" "For our entrance, we had to "My first husband wasn't in the Poor scored the highest non-holiday open- rock V roll melodrama, failed to ig- drive onto the set in a little business. We lived in Washington Boring t a l k e d out ing weekend in movie history and nite moviegoers, debuting in fifth Volkswagen, and I was sitting in the and I had three young children." knocked "Indiana Jones and the place with a weak $2.42 million and thing waiting for the red light to go In 1952, she agreed to appear on Temple of Doom" — the all-time a an average of just $2,110 per on and I said, 'John, I think I'm go- television opposite an old family debut record holder — out of first screen at 1,150 theaters. ing toihrow up.1 friend, Dick Powell. "Once Upon a Time in America," place at the box office, studio of"He said, 'Not now honey, wait an With that appearance, she went the tottering Ladd Co.'s $40-million ficials announced Monday. hour.' back to work full time-and resumed The tlu** installment of the "Star crime saga starring Robert De Bear Bryant Gary Busey will "The light went on and we rolled studying at the Berghof Studios. star Trek" series grossed $16.6 million in Niro, opened in sixth place with a off onto the set." She said she didn't think her • • • its first three days of release at 1,966 disappointing $2.41 million at 894 Merrill announced at the age of 6 father ever approved of her career Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep theaters, beating "Indiana Jones'" theaters, an anemic $2,698 per- that she wanted to be an actress, decision. will star in "Falling in Love" The second-weekend take of $16.3screen average. something that her parents, i ontemporars l o \ e story will be "But my mother, I think, was distributed b\ Paramount Pic"Romancing the Stone" conmillion. stockbroker Edward Hutton and very proud of me. I think she entures After 12 days, "Indiana Jones" tinued to show marathoner legs, joyed watching the show." grossing $2.2 million for a seventhhas grossed $68.1 million. Both films The actress said neither she nor place showing and $57.2 miHion Tom Selleck has the iead role m are distributed by Paramount. Robertson — who share a home on "Runavvav " The In-Star P K "Star Trek II: The Wrath of after 10 weeks. Long Island and an apartment in tures prociuc tion. is described as "Police Academy" slipped to No. Khan" opened in June 1982 with a Manhattan's posh U.N. Plaza — ni ad\enture-m\ster\ t 8 with $1.7 million and $71.8 million weekend gross of $14.3 million. • • • want to live on the West Coast. "The Natural," which held the top after 11 weeks. Frank Sinatra will star in his o u n "It's so easy to get there, you HOLLYWOOD ( U P I ) produt tion ot "Leonora." He w ili "Sixteen Candies" dropped to spot for two weeks, dropped another don't have to live there. Sigourney Weaver, star of the films jxutrax a ps\y hiatrtst treating: an ninth with $1.2 million in its fifth notch to third place with $3.4 million "I have roots here and I didn't t-moiiondliy disturbed teenage "Alien," "The Year of Living weekend. and more than $26 million in less want to move Heather's base. It girl "Footloose" rounded out the Top Dangerously" and the upcoming would have been all right when she than a month. "Ghostbusters," has announced her 10 with $1 million for a three-month "Breakin"' fell one rung to fourth, engagement to Jim Simpson, who is was very little, but Cliff didn't, partotal of $73.4 million. grossing $2.5 million and $26.4 directing the play "War Babies" in ticularly want to raise a child out there and I didn't either — and cerLa Jolla, Calif. tainly riot a teenager. powerful than the king of the The pair met at a summer theater "It's too fast and loose." jungle," the cover of the ad says. in Williamstown, Mass., and will The answer lies on the next page, wed in September. Weaver kept her "The queen of the jungle." plans a secret, saving the big anJoin friends in cultural activities. Rise above By FRANCESDRAKE minor differences. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6.1M4 Former Charlie's Angel Tanya nouncement until she made an apAQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. II) - InARIES (Max. 21 to Apr. 19) — A career push Roberts plays Sheena in the movie pearance on NBC's "Today" show, vestigate investment options. It's a good time pays off handsomely for you today. However, set for release in August. which was created by her father, for estate planning and other financial moves. success gives you no right to be condescending former NBC president Pat Weaver. Don't be extravagant, however. with fellow employees. _ HARRISON FORD Dina Merrill gets 1stTV series JfJI 'Star TrekJII' a box-office smash Sigourney Weaver to marry director Publicity begins for 'SheencT movie HOLLYWOOD ( U P I ) Feminists are going to enjoy the advertising campaign planned for the upcoming movie, "Sheena," an adaptation of the 1939 comic strip about the queen of the jungle. "There's only one animal more Your horoscope Television schedule JUNES. 1M4 Copyright * 1964 T V Data, inc "ussa? MACNBL/LEHRERNEWSHOUR _ SCHOLARS FOR DOLLARS N QOMQ GREAT Chris learns to dive scubastyte off the coast of Nova Scotia meet a girl *ho is a champion markswoman 3CARTOON8 H MOVIE + * * WarGames (1983) Matthew Brodenck. Dabney Coleman A teen-age computer whiz inadvertently sparks a nuclear confrontation when he accesses the Pentagon's strateg* computer system PG C NEW TREASURE HUNT fcj MOVIE • • • Betrayal (1983VBon Kingsley Jeremy irons A man looks back through the r\tr>9 years of his wite s affair wtth his best friend, culminating in hts recoMectWs of the relationships origins R (LIFE) TRAVELLWS WORLD: PORTUGAL 6^0 ©NBC NEWS CSS NEWS 8ANFOR0ANO8ON ABC NEWS 3 BU8MESS REPORT MR. WIZARD'S WORLD F.nger BoiMng The stove is broken and you need to bort water learn how the heat from your finger w i d o m a 1 p»nctt $ LONE STAR BAR A Q M U C THE RIFLEMAN (UFE)rTnQURES eC88EW* I TOP RANK BOWN& Live from Atlantic City. NJ (LIFE) WHAT EVERY BABY KNOWS fcOO C> S NBA CHAMPIONSHIP i THE FACTS OF UFE ST. ELSEWHERE MOVC * 'Moment By Moment M9-78) Jonn Travolta. Lily Tomfin *A sophisticated and wealthy Southern California housewife falls m love wtth a young drifter after she discovers tm husband s infidelity ( R ) ~ 0 THE COMPLEAT GILBERT ANO SULLIVAN N VERCM MANZONI REQUIEM Claudio Abbado conducts the London Symphony at the Edmboron Festival m 1982 £ EDCXE CAPRA MY8TERCS £ 700 CLUB (LIFE) REQtt PM4LB»T8 HEALTH STYLES 9-JOO DUCK FACTORY fl O THE NATIONAL / JOURNAL Q ©MOTEL O TV AUCTION (CONTD) X MOVIE * * ''Penitentiary 0980) Laon isaad Kennedy Tnommy Pollard A young black uses his boxing skills to survive in prison R y STONE M GROWING UP STONED This documentary focuses on teen-age drug abuse presenting the true stories of three American teen-agers, each caught m progressive stages of drug use M MOVC + + * ' ? HaJ»s Of Momezuma O951> Richard YMidmark Jack Paiaace. I t * ILS. Mermes are portrayed on reconnaitiance patrol »n the Pacmc during World War M MATURE OF TH»»3S NEWS MY LITTLE MARGIE I HUMAN SEXUALITY 10:46 n MA8ACCI0 A documentary on the earty Italian Renaissance pamter is presented NATIONAL NEWS g aiaBMA a j N | A M f eWMEB. Of FORTUNE HCrUHl O D-OAY NEWS SPECIAL Htghhghis of the BURNS AND ALLEN events leading up to D-Day and the ceremorMes ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESBfTS commemorattng tn« 40th anniversary M MOVC • • • Psycho H (1963) Anthony T H « WEBC IN COUNTRY M U 8 C PenVms Meg ^ i ^ Former psychotic ktMer Hor_ THE mar Bates ?s pleased after a 20-yee/ stay m a BM'A'S'H menta* insirtutto" and believes himself cured • LOVE BOAT wher a T«yster»ous raah of murders begtns R BUSINESS C AOTHCTFE TV AUCTION A txd-by-phone extravaganza (LHFgAWHOLE NEW YOU where anythmg and everything wltf be auctioned to the highest bidder Game Ten 11 t5 t COLLEQE WORLD 8 6 M YOU CANT 0 0 THAT ON TELEVOlON s*yr Onana. Neb i P«ts *he gang looks at pel proWemt 11»( U C H g € COME THE M*A*8'H THEMUPPETS OfPT RENT STROKES MD0»BOENTNEWS MCO0WAITS WORLD 0 N DANQERMOUBE ' " * D u * " r apped * a 'DC*- o* %z+m talbng to h« death ir the Arctc wares a >&fO» to rK»where aft m a day ( work U 0RAONET ft OJFE) 10*3 W0"AM THE 0 0 T H E U O N S O F r r O B H A tONQ BEASTS jamas Ea-" Jones -*r#m »np»^a*iers Des and j e r JOV y • * * tam«*y Me and zf % ^ x * D* uons «r tht * zt Etoana Matton* & ar* NBC TAURUS (Apr. 20 to May » ) - The romantic picture brightens for you. but you may overspend on pleasure. It's the perfect day to make plans for a vacation. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) - You may be excited about home decorating today. It's not the best time, though, to show off to others what you've accomplished. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) - In the midst of a happy moment, you could shut up like a clam. Don't be overly sensitive or you'll ruin what could be a nice time. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) - Financial and job prospects improve, but you may go overboard in celebrating. High and mighty behavior could upset friends. VIRGO (Auj. 13 to Sept. 22) - You have more energy and drive than usual. In your rush to get things done, don't overlook someone's sensitive feelings. UBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) - You're somewhat moody and possibly anti-social today. Still, you'll accomplish much from behind the scenes. Luck occurs at home. ~ " SCORPIO (Oct. 53 to Nov. 21) - Friendship is highlighted now. You'll have fun socializing, but one involvement has you wondering where you stand. Be charming. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) - Do your best to further career interests. Opportunity arises, but you roust capitalize on it. Be considerate of those you love. CAPRIGORK-<D«c~~22 to Jan. It) - An travel invitation is likely. By all means accept. PISCES (Feb. II to Mar » ) - Though you'll have a wonderful time with a loved one and your opportunity rises, you could be in- * considerate of a family member. YOU BORN TODAY have a strong need for approval and usually are responsible about meeting obligations. You work well with others and have a flair for communications. Since you value your place in the community, you often choose a position in service to others. You'd make an excellent teacher, lawyer or sales person. You have a decided artistic bent and can succeed in writing, painting, design and theater. Birth date of: Thomas Mann, writer; Nathan Hale. American patriot; and David Scott, astronaut. NOW SHOWING THE SEARCH F M SPOCK RONNIE'SMICHIGANS The North Country's Most Fomotti \ Or U«-ln Se5fvlc« Prompt. C*vrfm—n f p *| f | 4 I C*M Orlmkt • CMcfc 7:15 I 9:45 5*1 U T f For ToW Ovt» %p?y£ jjf&w^**^^ if adventure has a name, it must be Indiana Jones. of ALL YOU CAN EAT PERCH S CLAM fRY W«dit#sdoy 4 Fridoy R»9ulor Pric* $6.95 WITH THIS AD $5.95' FROM 5 I ^ - ^ : $41-5000 4:45 I cr ooom OOD COUPLE ABC NEWS WGHTUNE • * • i «o+ * Stewa*^ johr *eyne Three generations rf pon««rs partCCMM evpansior "" **« ~9v> century • LATBaBMT AJaB«CA I ARTSATSOTHEsTTS Z BEST OF QROUCM0 (LIFE) CABLE HEALTH WORLD REPORT 1 * * f THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK ^oc«» Balboa auflani a persona' cne« chemp • younger HMnp PQ ~ 1 1 J 6 Q MOVC • • • ~wm Pcro* r » 4 9 Gary Cooper Jane Wy*n *m*m cheers strugye to appropness lunOs tor earners durng World War AREA CABLE CONVERSION CHART Wcouf Ipdge arm-ersary (f tne D-Oey ian*nga Romancing ROBERT REDFORD 12.95 '^z : e z* z~z + - z - " e * z' z z z < z M*itu Avoilobi* — PAFS « »#»#viit« T : s& £ - EoHy Al Diana ot ttit ptorw bor W#d. thru Sun. wrPt 2 cts NSC 4 j 7 4 1 ' 4 O» 1i 1 1 <on<j#-o^e 3 5 S c o n o c wO* e ^ 5 , 3 5 4j •Ao" *©"* " • • 4 11 s^wje-^'i : 4 7 4 iOktPiex.tf »r- WWMY WrPH «r|T« •CM tie** N* C t v ' «« ITV 41 _ T )) 13 »» t j M 13 7 7 _ 2 3 C 3 7 1 3 t 1 3 ? • 1 a ( - « - * ftc* D** ce i* **•*"< 7 * c Serving 7 Days A Week Stt-*$ 1 • — WVNY • cn « • c* » t * M c* s$ %*n Hi . ONLAKiCHAMTlAIN PlATTStUtCM'S OMIV LAKESKK DINING tOOM rw^W — ^r*m m EVERY THURSDAYALL THE SHRIMP YOU CANEAT -«•**• *CAI C* 1 *• A ^ f » < * # • s#««re f *<#-^9 1 •»~* #«S(H>«^« *»% 'smtiC^eMfi .
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