Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Office of the Executive Engineer PWD E/M Division-3 Purta Bhaban, Segunbagicha, Dhaka Phone:- 9555305 Fax No-88-02-9555305. Website: www.pwd. INVITATION FOR TENDERS (IFT) Tender No-07 (2014-2015) Memo No-E/M Division-3/1761 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. Date-11-12-2014. 08. 09. 10. Ministry/Division Agency Procuring Entity Name Procuring Entity Code Procuring Entity District Invitation for Invitation Ref No & Date KEY INFORMATION Procurement Method Budged and source of Fund Project Name 11. 12. 13. 14. Particular Information Tender Last selling date Tender Closing date & Time Tender Opening date & Time Name & address of the Offices selling Tender Document 05-01-2015 During Office Hour . 06-01 -2015 Up to 12.00 Noon. 06-01-2015 at 3-00 P.M . i) Principal Office of the Executive Engineer, PWD E/M Division-3, Dhaka. ii) Other’s PWD E/M Division No-1/2/4/5/6/7/8/E/M Workshop Division/Wood Workshop Division/ Dhaka PWD Division3, Dhaka. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Ministry of Housing & Public Works. Public Works Department. Executive Engineer, PWD E/M Division-3, Dhaka. N/A. Dhaka. Works. Memo No-1761 Date-11-12-2014. Open Tendering Method (OTM). GOB. Y¡L¡ ®L¾cУu L¡l¡N¡l, ®Ll¡e£N” ¢ej¡ÑZ z Name & Address of office receiving tender Document a) Principal office:- PWD E/M Division-3, Segunbagicha Dhaka. b) Other’s office:- i) Divisional Commissioner, Dhaka Division, 1st 12-storied Govt. Office Building Segunbagicha Dhaka. ii) Police Commissioner, Dhaka Metropolitan police, Mintu Road Dhaka. iii) PWD E/M Division -4 Dhaka. PWD E/M Division-3, Purta Bhaban Shegunbagicha, Dhaka. Phone : -9555305. Not Applicable. Name & Address of office Opening Tender Document Place /Date/Time of pre tender meeting INFORMATION FOR TENDERER Eligibility of tenderers This invitation for tender is open to all eligible Tenders as mentioned below. a) All tenderers regardless of whether enlisted or not enlisted with the Bonafied Firm having valid ABC License from Electrical licensing board/Trade License /VAT/TIN & Bank Solvency certificate and having experience as per special terms and conditions attached with the tender documents. b) Must have experience of successfully completed the Electrified Barbed wire Fencing System works as described in STD in a single tender amounting to Lot No-1 Tk. 28.00 Lac & Disel Generator Lot No-2, Tk. 40.00 Lac & during last 5 (Five) years (Minimum) under any Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous. i) In case of work done under PWD the certifying and authenticating Authority shall be the Concern Executive Engineer. ii) In case of work done under any Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous other than PWD the certifying authority shall be the Officer of the Organization (not below the ranks of Executive Engineer) and the same should be duly authenticated by the concerned Executive Engineer of PWD of that area under whose jurisdiction the work has been executed (FORM-A). c) The Tenderers must have a minimum average annual Construction turn over more than Lot No-1 Tk. 60.00 Lac & Lot No-2, Tk. 75.00 Lac for last five years & Liquid Assets Lot No-1 Tk. 20 .00 Lac & Lot No-2, Tk. 25.00 Lac. 20. 21. Brief Description of works Tender No Lot No-1 07 (2014-2015) Lot No-2 Identification of Group iii) Other Conditions as mentioned in the Tender documents. As per BOQ Location Price of Tender Tender Document (Tk.) Security Amount (Tk) Y¡L¡ ®L¾cУu L¡l¡N¡l, ®Ll¡e£N” ¢ej¡ÑZ fÐLÒfl BJa¡u Y¡L¡ ®L¾cУu L¡l¡N¡l Hl f¤l¦o L¡l¡N¡l ew-1 Hl SeÉ C-mL-VÊ¡g¡-uX h¡l-hX JuÉ¡l ®g¢¾pw J Hm¡jÑ ¢p-øj plhl¡q J ÙÛ¡fe Lle L¡Sz Y¡L¡ ®L¾cУu L¡l¡N¡l, ®Ll¡e£N” ¢ej¡ÑZ fÐLÒfl 400 ®L¢iH ¢X-Sm ®Se¡-lVl plhl¡q J ÙÛ¡fe pq Be¤o¡¢‰L L¡Sz Completion Time in Weeks / Months Keranigonj Dhaka. 1,000/- (One thousand) Only. 1,10,000.00 06 (Six) Months. Keranigonj Dhaka. 1,000/- (One thousand) Only. 1,50,000.00 06 (Six) Months. PROCURING ENTITY DETAILS 22. Name of Official Inviting Tender Md. Ali Asgar. 23. Designation of Official Inviting Tender Executive Engineer. 24. Address of Official Inviting Tender PWD E/M Division-3, Purta Bhaban Shegunbagicha, Dhaka. 25. Contact details of Official Inviting Tender Tel No –9555305. Fax No-9555305. 26. The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reason at any time prior to contract award. (Md. Ali Asgar) Executive Engineer PWD E/M Division-3 Dhaka. Published by MIS-CELL,PWD
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