Week of December 15-20, 2014 In this Issue: * Character Education * Christmas Concert * Christmas Dress Up Days * Christmas Love Offering * 2014 Alumni Forum * Food/Coat/Sock Drives * Krispy Kreme Donut Sale * Volunteer Opportunities Calendar: Dec 16 Elementary Christmas Concert Dec 19 2014 Alumni Forum Dec 20-Jan 4 Christmas Vacation Jan 9 Jan 19 Jan 20-22 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 29-31 February 11 February 16 February 24 February 27 For the month of December, we will be emphasizing the character trait of Obedience: Quickly and cheerfully carrying out the directions of those who are responsible for me. Our weekly verse is Psalm 119:34: “Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart.” Christmas Dress Up Days Next week, students of all grade levels are encouraged to show their Christmas spirit for the dress up days: Tuesday - North Pole Day (Christmas hats, etc) Wednesday - Favorite Christmas Character Day Thursday - Christmas Sweater & Socks Day Friday - Dressy Christmas Attire/Christmas Ties SC Christmas Concert Krispy Kreme Donut Sale MLK Jr. Day (no school) Finals Week End of 1st Semester Teacher Inservice (no school) HS Ski Trip to Hoodoo Prime Time Crime Performance The Elementary Christmas Program is on Tuesday, December 16, also at the Life Community Church. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the program will begin at 5:25 p.m. with the Preschool/ Kindergarten performance, followed by the Elementary band and choir. (See page 2 for schedule of events.) Christmas Love Offering - During our Christmas programs, school board members will take a special “love offering” for our faculty, staff, and administration. This is the perfect opportunity to bless our teachers and staff for the blessing that they are to each of us. If you are unable to attend one of the Christmas programs, but still wish to participate, you may mail or deliver your offering to the school prior to December 17, 2014. Please mark them “Christmas Love Offering.” ACSI Instrumental Festival Presidents Day (no school) Benton Co. Career Convention Junior Achievement Day (Elem) March 3 SC Open House March 5-7 The Tempest Performance March 11 ACSI HS Choir Festival March 11 Red Cross Blood Drive March 12 Elem. Spring Pictures March 19 End of Third Quarter March 20 Teacher Inservice (no school) March 23-27 Spring Break March 30 Elem. & JH Teacher Conferences (no school for Preschool - 8th) April 3 April 6-8 April 16-18 April 20-23 April 23 April 25 Character Education Topic: Obedience Good Friday (no school) JH/HS Achievement Testing SC Drama Performance Elem. Achievement Testing Math Olympics (Elem. no school) Junior/Senior Banquet Office Closure - Christmas Vacation The school offices will be closed from December 20-January 4. The JH/HS Office will be open from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on December 30 and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on December 31 for anyone who wants make a year-end donation or a tuition payment. If your high school student will need a transcript, letter of recommendation, or Statement of Enrollment form for the DMV during Christmas break, he/she will need to request it BEFORE the office closes for Christmas vacation. 2014 Alumni Forum Members of the Class of 2014 are invited to attend Mrs. Peterson's Senior Government classes on Friday morning, December 19. Meeting times are: 3rd period 9:35-10:26 a.m. and 4th period 10:36-11:17 a.m. All visitors must sign in at the main office and may then join us in the MAP room. SC Soccer Player Honored Congratulations to senior Caitlin Fettig for being named a Second Team AllState Soccer player. Student Council Pie Delivery Student Council will have your Willamette Valley Pie Company pies ready for pickup on Wednesday, December 17. If you ordered one of the pies, cobblers, fruit, or mini-pie packs, please come to the High School cafeteria between 2:30-3:30pm on Wednesday afternoon to pick them up. Everything will be frozen, so please plan ahead with a cooler if you aren't going directly home. Student Council thanks you for your support! Looking for a Way to Complete Volunteer Hours? Are you looking for a way to support SCS and take care of your volunteer hours at the same time? We have the answer for you! We are looking for motivated individuals who would like to be a part of our solicitation team for our annual auction. If you have are interested or would like more information, please contact Jennifer Preston in the Development Department. PSAT Results High School students who took the PSAT exam in October will be receiving their score results this week. Mrs. Beam will meet with students to explain their score results and explain how to access their results online via My College QuickStart. Through My College QuickStart, students can create a personalized SAT study plan based on their performance on the PSAT. Please review the results with your student at home. SAT & ACT Registration Deadlines December 29 is the deadline for high school students to register for the January 24 SAT. To register for the SAT, go to http://sat.collegeboard.org/register. January 9 is the deadline to register for the next ACT exam which will be held February 7. To register for the ACT, go to http://www.actstudent.org/regist/. What’s for Lunch? You can view our weekly/monthly lunch menus by clicking on the following link SC Lunch Menus. Preschool/Elementary Christmas Concert Schedule Tuesday, December 16 Life Community Church - 4900 NW Hwy 99, Corvallis, OR 5:00 - Doors open 5:15 - Preschool/Kindergarten students report to teachers 5:25 - Program begins 5:40 - Intermission (preschoolers/kindergarteners dismissed to parents) 5:40 - Band students report to Mrs. Miller 5:50 - 1st-6th graders report to teachers in auditorium and will remain with their teacher for the remainder of the program. 6:00 - 1st-6th grade program resumes with the band followed by the choir Attire: Preschool - Pajamas Kindergarten-6th grade - Wear Christmas/Sunday Best Boys: collared shirt and slacks Girls: blouse/skirt or dress No jeans or shorts please. (Life Community Church has requested that children not wear any glitter.) Please Note: Due to the fluid nature of our music program there will not be a break between sets for photographs. Parents may discretely take photographs during the program. The program will be recorded by SC parent Mark Miller and the recording later will be made available to SC parents on the SC website. Wrestling Clinic for Boys K-5th Grade Santiam Christian High School wrestlers, coaches and Mr. Ness invite all Kindergarten through Fifth grade boys to the Future Mat-Man Wrestling Clinic taking place January 5-10. Monday-Friday sessions are from 3:15-4:15 PM in the SC Wrestling room and the Saturday session is from 8-9 AM in the New Gym. Cost of the clinic is $30 (includes t-shirt). Please look for registration forms in an email from Mr. Ness or they are available in the elementary office. Parent Volunteers Needed On Tuesday, February 24 the Junior Class will be attending the Benton County High School Career Convention at Oregon State University. The purpose of this event is to provide a career development opportunity for high school students in Benton County. Would you consider contributing to the success of this event as a * Booth Sponsor * Career Speaker * Mock Interviewer * General Volunteer To volunteer your services please register at http:// www.bchscc.org. Make Your Own Christmas Sweater Party Junior high/high school students are invited to the Second Annual Make a Tacky Christmas Sweater Party! Bring a sweater or sweatshirt after school on Dec. 17 to the JH/HS Art room to make a sweater to wear for Christmas sweater day on the 18. Snacks, decorations, and inspiring music provided, come and make merry! Ways You Can Support SC Krispy Kreme is Coming! Krispy Kreme donuts will be here before school on Friday, January 9. You can pre-order boxes of a dozen from a member of the Junior Class for only $10. All pre-orders must be in by Monday, January 5. There will also be boxes and single donuts available on the day of delivery. Needed: KitchenAid Mixers The JH/HS Foods Department has recently had two KitchenAids give their all in service. (May they rest in peace). We are in great need! If you get a new one at Christmas, please consider donating your old one to us. Maybe you have a KitchenAid mixer just taking up space, gathering dust? If so, we can put it to good use. Mrs Sisler, The Foods Department SC Umbrellas for Sale Santiam Christian umbrellas are available for sale in the Elementary office. Cost is $20 for 1 or $30 for 2. Great for Christmas gifts! Email Elise Hohensee (hohensee@peak.org) with questions. AmazonSmile SC participates in AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products and shopping as on Amazon.com, but when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by families. Use this link to automatically choose Santiam Christian as your charitable organization http://smile.amazon.com/ ch/93-0725603. Scrip = Tuition Purchase your Christmas gift cards through SC’s Scrip program. Scrip orders are due on MONDAY. Orders placed by 8:30 a.m. on the order day will be filled and returned to you that week by Thursday. For a copy of the Scrip order form, please click on this Scrip link. Order forms with payment should be turned in to the school office. Online ordering can be done by clicking on the link provided above. Winter Sports Winter sports season has begun. Check the school calendar for dates/times when you can see on our basketball and wrestling teams in action. Eagle Happenings Newsletter This all-school newsletter will be published each Monday afternoon. If you have something to submit to the newsletter, please e-mail your copy-ready announcement to beams@santiam.org by 9am on Monday morning. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, content, length, etc. Food and Coat Drive The elementary will be collecting food and coats for the next two weeks in support of the Fish of Albany. Donations will be collected in the elementary office until the morning of December 19. Thank you for your support. Sock Drive for the Homeless The HS Life Connections classes are doing service projects to reach out in the name of Christ to people groups who are marginalized or not listened to. They will be taking gifts to Young Living outreach (teen moms in Independence/ Salem area), as well as making burritos and boxing up supplies to deliver to a Corvallis area drop in homeless shelter. If you would like to donate socks, please drop them off for Mrs. Steiling no later than December 17. Community Notices Keep Corvallis Warm Project Corvallis Parks and Recreation’s Youth Volunteer Corps is looking for donations for our Keep Corvallis Warm project. We will be accepting donations of worsted, aran, and bulky yarn, as well as polar/ micro fleece for “no-sew” blankets and scarves. All donations will be used on January 19 to make gloves, blankets, hats, and scarves which will be donated to community organizations supporting those in need this winter. Donations can be dropped off at 1310 SW Avery Park Drive during business hours: Mon/ Wed/Fri 8-5; T/Th 12-5. If you have any questions, please contact Keeley Naughton (keeley.naughton@ corvallisoregon.gov) or Jessica Kankovsky (Jessica. kankovsky@corvallisoregon.gov) at (541)766-6467. January Youth Volunteer Opportunities Calling all students interested in volunteering and giving back to their community! Corvallis Parks and Recreation’s Youth Volunteer Corps offers volunteer opportunities after school and on the weekends. for January, we are in the process of planning projects with Stone Soup, Safe Haven Humane Society, and more! If you are interested in getting more information on these volunteer opportunities, please contact our office at (541)766-6467 or email Keeley Naughton or Jessica Kankovsky keeley. naughton@corvallisoregon.gov / jessica.kankovsky@ corvallisoregon.gov. December 2, 2014 Dear Friends of Santiam Christian, "Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory because of your love and faithfulness." This verse from Psalm 115:1 has been running through my mind, and is stenciled on the wall in my office. It so clearly sums up the seemingly constant stream of miraculous events at Santiam Christian that happen on an almost daily basis. This, so far, has been a fantastic school year. Enrollment is strong, with our students representing the best and brightest young people. Our character education program is being implemented. Teachers, administrators and staff have been working hard to develop us into the best school possible. Athletics, academics, drama, and a multitude of other activities have produced championship seasons and top-notch productions. Santiam Christian continues to offer an alternative that grounds students in the Christian worldview and assists parents in the Christian raising of their children. Unfortunately, not every student or family can take advantage of this great education for financial reasons. For some, it may be because of a change in employment or other life event. As you consider your year-end giving, I would encourage you to be a part of the story at Santiam Christian through giving to our scholarship fund. This money is used to pay tuition for families that need short-term help to keep their students in our school. I appreciate your help, and ask you to contribute to the ongoing success that is our school. Thank you for your willingness to be involved. Sincerely, Lance Villers Superintendent Santiam Christian Schools
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