ti the Tko K»kk«rWcfc»r Nosw * * ftovies Albony, Thur, Jury 9, 1964 lift Mad World of Fun at Hellman; Light-Hearted Love Tale at Palace By DANIEL L. CUSICK "It's a Mad, Mad. Mad, Mad World," now at the Hellman, is a funny, funny, funny picture loaded with stars, stars and more stars. The movie centers around a greedy race to reach some tost money. When Milton Berk. Ethel Merman. Buddy Hackett, Jonathan Winters, Edie Adams, Phil Silvers and Sid Caesar are the participants in such a race the farcial side of life is bound to show through. The mad search takes the interest of the police captain, Spencer Tracy, and makes him forget retirement, vacation and himself. • • * / the loot and the biggest •ccmt of CsK soow. All ends as it started, in a mess, but the daredevil driving, the scenes of utter havoc played on personal property and the harebrained situations have been enough to wear out the strongest viewer. • • are recovered, but not before a number of heart-stopWhen Miss MJJS is corner- ping moments wnen it looks ed in the struct ire by an evil as though the lead players Greek hotel owner (Eli Wal- have made their last movie lach) she makes her way out due to dangero'is stunts durby using the natural advantages of the machine in a ing the chase. way thai must be seen to b* appreciated for its inventive' HAYLEY MILLS improves ness. with each new exposure. She * * * is. a talented young actress POLA NEGRI, having lost who promises much in funone of her beauty in the ture roles, but whose freshyears between her last film ness is entirety enjoyable and the present one, plays NOW ENDS TUES. a multi-miUior.airess who smuggles gems for which Peter McEnery is being blamed. setting for a truly thrilling * TERRY-THOMAS is his usual marvelous self, Merman is as brash as, ever, Phil Silvers still looks like he is playing Sergeant Bilko and the vignettes of Jack Benny, Paul Ford and Arnold Stang have been worth every minute of the film. • * • BEFORE IT IS all over, the wreckage of gas stations, MYSTERIOUS MADAME HABIB-Pola Negri, left, plays the wealthy jewel thief THE PALACE'S "Moonwho holds Hayley Mills at bay while a cowardly leopard looks on in "The Moondreams of wealth and many Spinners" is another of the Spinners." nerves are shattered liberal- light-hearted Disiiey releases ly about the screen. Mickey featuring the taiented young J e a n n e C r a i n im Colonie f o r T e n t Show Rooney and British comic, Hayley Mills. Terry-Thomas get into the act The tale of love and intoo. trigue takes place on the isThe money that sends all land of Crete where, in typiof these people on the mad cal Disney style, we get Looking lovelier and slimmer Italy, is one of life's major three days in Madrid once, but race has been buried in a than any of her many pictures pleasures for Miss Crain. She now I hope to see A^iia, where mysterious place some IS many photos of the spectacuever .had her, Jeanne Crain shifts her position in her chair, Santa Teresa was, and some years before. Tracy, as the lar scenery. One of the issettles into a comfortable posipolice chief, makes off with land's windmills provides a breeeed into the coffee shop of tion and says, "Loro e io par- cities in Andalucia." the Thunderbird Motel at yes- liamo Italiano" which was a Visitors to Iberia, in the few 4 MILES NORTH OF LAKE GEORGE terday's lunch hour. Her soft, gracious invitation to converse months after October may hap- Likes Riding ON RTE.9N pen across a sylph-like pamtwarm smile and handshake in Italian. OPERA wore ,like those reserved for "My father was a teacher of « on the plains of Castile If Hollywood (UPI) — Doug Mc Clure, a regular on The Virs0 to FESTIVAL < old friends. But doesn't the languages (Spanish and French) Jeanne Crain. You will receive ginians video show, rode his fiLm medium create that kind at UCLA and I suppose I got the same warm smile that is horse between sets when he TONITE AT 8:40 of bond between star and fan my love of them from him," remembered from our conver- played a supporting role in H. M. S. Pinafore Miss Crain said. Her seemingly sation. The Lively Set at Universal SAT. AT 1:40 ar-yhaw? flawless Italian was gained in If you are more eager, Miss studios. THE ELIXIR Of LOVE A qimble toss of the head a 9-month movie filming in Crain can be seen for the rest For Ticket* . . . and 3, few mysterious manipu- Italy. Phono (St 8) 668-9998 ^mmmmiimmmmammmmam of the week in "Claudia" at the or 668-5797 or at lations by her slender fingers "I can't just arbitrarily de- Colonie Music Tent in Latham. Blue Noto Shop—Albany had Miss Crain's strawberry cide to go because my family (D.L.C.) bronde lfair cured of its dose needs caring for, but I love to of Route 5 wind. Asked how paint and am a haunter of muEddie Rich's Colonic Music seums. At every opportunity, 2 Troy D o n a h u e Hits [COMACKIll Tent was lucky enough to snag I get started on a painting of Theatre D R ITHRU V ESAT. - I•N2 C O I O * HITS the usually nontouring star, she some scene (Italian) that I par- TONITf 155 Latham NY replied: "Oh, it-s fun doing ticularly like," she said. "CARPETBAGGERS'' this, but only for 4 weeks. My '/4-Mila Watt at Wsston's A L o - I A W OF THE LAWLESS" TONITE THRU SATURDAY To Make Film In Spain five children are home from Take Her. She's,*, * school for the summer and I Jeanne Crain has been mak can't be away from them for inf many TV appearances in the Mine J A M S SIIWART - SANDRA M i too lotfg." last few years, but her Inter I n d COIOR HIT Five children, indeed, and est in movies and travel will Donovan's Reef with Connio Stovortt Mi S uf Scht.1» ftt '.46 she hardly looks like more have her making the trans-atJOHN WAYNE PIlM Mr < o i i r f i r i o i w r f C o m f o r t 7 Tach. Hit* Troy Donakua than a new bride. But when larttic crossing again in October Jeanne Crain begins to relate for a filming, on location, in 'DISTANT TRUMPET' W m H o l d . n A u d - . y H.pburr. the places she's been and the Madrid, numerous movies and TV ap- "Spain is a country I've al 'Paris When It Sizzles' pearances she has made, this ways wanted to see. I spent Cliff Robertson— Jant> Fonda five children idea seems enTHE BEST tirely ^possible over the course AUTO VISION MOHAWK FOR LESS! of those years. 9 * i * From her yacht, the camera pans out to a festival scene which nas the spectacle and realism that is infectious. Dancing in the streets, confetti, colored lights and singing crowds fill the screen for a few moments and counterpoint the intrigue to which they are a background. She s Lovely, with a Warm Smile y.v.ivm HIWAYf^wl 1 "DISTANT TRUMPET" "PALM "SPRINGS WEEKEND" CARMAN "SUNDAY IN NEW YORK" JHM3 N-0-W After a chase, the jewels even now. Mr. wallach and Irene Papas provide strong support in the sub-roles. Color and photography are of the highest quality and the story leaves you smiling and happy that everything turned out all right. WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS AMERICAS MIGHTIEST ADVENTURE! — METROGOLDWYNMAYER—« ond CINERAMA p/tMM HOW THE WEST IMRPflBMRS WftSWON JOSEPH I . UVINC • r t S t M * IN TECHNICOLOR CEORCE PEPPARD ALAN LADD BOB CUMMINCS CARROLL BAKER wsTBOCOLOR® CONTINUOUS FROM 10:30 A'R COND'TiCNED' IRITZ Theatre! Continuous Shows Hayley's Romantic Electrifying Adventure! TONITE Feature 0:15-1:45 (Doors Open at 5:30 • ) It's the Perfect Show for the Entire Family At Our New Low Summer Popular Prices * Adults J 1 M T 5 * Child, ""fr .90 * * ' * STANLEY KRAMER'S NO RESERVED SEATS! ULTRA PANAVISION* TECHNICOLOR" • " • • M l •«-* ttomna UNITED ARTISTS "ITS A MAD, MAO, MAO, MAO WORLD IT'S THE BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT . EVER TO ROCK THE SCREEN WITH LAUGHTER! EXACTLY AS SHOWN IN RtSEWVEDSEAT SHOWINGS/ Hayley Mills • Eli Wallach _S0HflA F*DS TOMGH I! DOCTOR IN DISTRISS LOREN Ao ITTC Lr^wfrt^W,! He nrfc.lHt MlblKcoo.^ MARCEU0 MASIROIANNI ASTHELOVER.THE LONER.TVIE LOVER^ JERlCHOfqw^ Phil's Steak House She Enjoys T r a v e l Travel, and especially "31 Year* on th» Soma Cams*!" In CENTRAL A QUAIL omvE-iNEEES. TONITI DRIVE-IN 3 Troy ., : ? - V " 2 COLOR HITS! SUSAN PLESHETTF. HOLDEN "PARIS • I I I ! o IT A, IT GREENVILLE PLAYHOUSE 9RSSNVII.il, N . V. COLOR Suzanne ON "HIDEOUT IN THE SUN" HITS! Pleshette "A Distant Trumpet* Rock Hudson Paula presents 2 ADULT HITS SUN KISSED MAIDENS IN A GARDEN OF PARADISE Ivv Troy Donahuo i Rout. 5 Alb -S<h<*v Rd. SIZZLES" I l l l l l TONITI - 2 - m « P I AUDREY HEPBURN WHEN TOP H I T I I N COLOR! " A DISTANT T S U M M T " PaaaAm - t y i w m a P I "PARH W M M Wmto«.'H»fraa - Rout. 9 I 20, f . Gr.,nbu«h, N.Y. TONITt AT I O T H THEATRES FIRST ARIA SHOWING A lone U. S. Astronaut Space Ship Wracked en Mars 'A Distant Tumpet' WM, INDIAN LADDER • TROY DONAHUE Prentiss " M a n ' s Favorite Sport • • • I I I I .: w It Hap.pn.d la • Natura Coma TECHNICOLOR Plus 2nd Color Hit WILLIAM HOLDEN AUDREY HEPBURN "PARIS w r SIZZLES"! IW A O I S O M NOW ENDS SAT. Mat.-2-Evo.-7 Sat—2:30 P.M. TURNPIKE EXCLUSIVE SSEE. STARTS TONITE!«»"> TICKITt - 7Sc WESTERN AVE.. ALB. RT 20 JEANNE CRAIN I Sights ft S a w * I f ACriwiarof E * s * ALBANY INSTITUTE-A one man show of drawings and paintings by Douglas Gorsline through Sept. 13. BRANCHE— "Take Hef, She's Mine." 7. "Donovan's Reef." 848 DFXAWARE-' Doctor In bistress " 7 25, ,933 HELLMAN-its a Mad, Mad. Mad, Mad World." 1, 3:35, Sift. 8:45. LELAND —"Plavgirls International." 11.20, 155, 430, 7:05, 9 40. "Hideout in the Sun." 12 38. 3 13, 5:48. 8:23. M A D I S O N - ' Lilies of the Field." Warm-hearted story. 115. 5.15. 920. "Hud." 3:15. 7 20. TALACE —"The Moon Spinners." Adventure story for children. 1:10. 3:55. 6:40. 9:25 'Beaver Vallev." Nature tale. -12 35, 3 20, 6,8:45. R I T Z - H o w the West Was Won." Gala western. I0i», 115. 3:45, 6:15, 9. S T R A N D _ « T h e Carpetbaggers." 3:3S. 6:26, 9:17. PLAYS THIS W I I K S ' U K J H l K t "Coma Mow Your H»wi%" « V\ *»l wa»-h C O L O N I I "ClaiKtu." « : « i l l *»*fc DORSiT - TThf HartW T i m e . " I:« ThurlrJav M M ! FrWaf. CUKNVILLt T h * F M C M i f e t o . " I;39 *1I * « * * * . SPA M U M € — " n . M . S . ' * Ml WILLIAMSTOWN A:«P Thurmtay u d * " * * wooerrecK - ^Tt* m "MUSIC A * O D A U C I THIS W I I K J A C O f S H k L O W - t T I t t Roy** R a i l * parfornw »:*» Jot m F>l4»jr. LAKS OOOOOS • sroftftef ^r^^HiM&ni Horseback RIDING KOKINDA FARM 1 rVUiot I . of ROSJFNI CM K n a p p Uko Rood $ • • Compl.t. Show am lata • » 10-30 I^IJ K i l l wWmw '< mpumsoirs\ ACADEMY AWARD WINNER i An nil n e w h e i g h t in fright and might! STARTS FRIDAY AT 7:00 ^ivinr •"?jR» and 4—4, "Open Every Day" MitM HO 44241 " I SAW YOUR AD IN TODAY'S PAPER." It's the voice of the teenager seeking a motor scooter or a motor bike. This young man has learned that The Times-Union • Knickerbocker News Classified Ads have all kinds of good bargains to offer every day. If you have items that might interest other teenagers, sell them the low-cost way w i t h • a Classified "For Sale" Ad. Phone HO 3-3131 today. terror m, rocJI C O L O N I fc I Mil* N o r * of U r f w m O N ! * tVBM SSOF I I Box Offleo Opon 10 a.m. HI 10 p.m. PKana 7IS-SSS4 New Through Sunday Iddia Rich arssanfs Jeanne Crain [ l » . t Si«t, %**. S I S S • IS, Sua. 1 | • PJR. ChMd Fr«« Witk E.tK F%id| Tiakat Sat. S I S I l w ) P.M. Shaw* hm •• • • » 0«f,<.. by P t M M m W r i t . S«« I S * , l a r t . — , M. T . |Ti<k*H atsa H H H of Cards. 4J N \f—t\ St, M * , » . Studi.. S l l M a * - THE TIMES-UNION NEXT WEEK MY FAIR LADY I Allya Ana Mtiaria t B a w f BaOp THE KNICKERBOCKER NEWS WP(KK*( WOODY ALLEN Iof Ft* TONICMT SHOW] Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com *
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