Westboro Baptist Church (WBC Chronicles -- Since 1955) 3701 S.W. 12th St. Topeka, Ks. 66604 785-273-0325 www.GodHatesFags.com Religious Opinion & Bible Commentary on Current Events Saturday, December 20th, 2014 NEWS RELEASE (Background, photos, video, sermons, parodies & hymns at www.GodHatesTheMedia.com, www.GodHatesIslam.com, Blogs.SpareNot.com, www.BeastObama.com, www.SignMovies.com, www.JewsKilledJesus.com, www.GodHatesTheWorld.com & www.PriestsRapeBoys.com) WBC TO PREACH WITH GREAT ZEAL AND FERVOUR AT OUR LADY OF SORROWS CATHOLIC CHURCH (301 S. CAMINO DEL PUEBLO, BERNALILLO, NM) SUNDAY 28th DECEMBER FROM 4:30 – 5:00PM “thus saith the lord god; repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations.” (EZEKIEL 14:6) The sheer scale of Catholic idolatry cannot be fathomed. The number of abominations and crimes against God committed by this monstrous ‘church’ is as the sand of the sea that cannot be measured. You would need to be certified insane to think that the Catholics of 2014 are any different or better than the power hungry, blood thirsty haters of God we know them to be throughout history. The Vatican’s new ‘liberal Pope’ approach is just as wicked (in fact, arguably worse) as the papal inquisition. Using smooth words to woo dark hearts across the globe is a sinister move designed to lead ever more souls to everlasting destruction, making more knees bow to the pervert pope, and divert attention away from the almost daily emerging paedophile priest scandal; and how DO so many priests get by with being career child molesters? Through endless papal cover-ups and astonishing silence of the parish perverts sitting in the pews. Volumes could, and have, been written against the Catholic whore, but remember this fact: it is people like you at Our Lady of Sorrows that bankroll each and every catholic atrocity, worldwide. God will repay. “That which is crooked cannot be made straight.” (Ecclesiastes 1:15) There is no new thing under the sun, so what are over a billion Catholics today in 2014, but a multitude of wicked Baal prophets and worshippers? GOD WILL DESTROY THE CATHOLIC MONSTROSITY
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