Volume XxIi, Number 36 • Red River, New Mexico • Thursday, December 25, 2014 • 50 Cents
Bits & Pieces����������������������� 2
Bizbits��������������������������������� 3
Crazyfoxx��������������������������� 3
Chamber Chat��������������������� 4
Editorial������������������������������� 4
Food for Thought ��������������� 5
Headin’ West����������������������� 5
This Week��������������������������� 6
Holiday Music��������������������� 7
Home Country��������������������� 8
Check It Out����������������������� 9
Sudoku ������������������������������� 9
Legal����������������������������������� 9
Bulletin Board������������������� 10
Out of the Past ����������������� 11
Christmas Piñata:
A big hit with the wee ones?
You better believe it!
(See Page 13)
Snow Report
Conditions are great and more
snow is headed our way.
A Bright & Merry Christmas - The Luminaria Tour at the Enchanted Forest Cross County Ski & Snowshoe Area on Christmas night is a
spectacle not to be missed, as the tiny lanterns line the ski trails to guide the skiers. Contact the EFXC at 754-6112 for details!
Morton Beeheffler
The Red River Miner
December 25, 2014
Open for Community Use
The Red River Conference Center is now open for community usage seven days a week from 8 am
- 5 pm except on Thursdays when
hours are noon - 5pm (unless otherwise posted).
There is a play area set up for
children 5 and under and a basketball court.
Anyone wanting to participate
in community usage is required to
fill out a liability waiver. This can
be done in the Conference Center
office. The waiver only needs to be
completed once but everyone must
sign in each time before using the
conference center. Parents must
complete the waiver for any child
under 18.
Children under 10 must be supervised by an adult at all times
during community usage.
For The Father Time Fans
The New Year will be welcomed
in for adults only with the traditional blowouts at the Motherlode
and Bull of The Woods Saloons.
With great music, champagne
and maybe some silly hats that
only make an appearance once a
year, the welcome to Father Time
will set the tone for 2015.
For more info contact the venue
of your choice. Call them both, if
you prefer.
The fresh snow last weekend and
the midweek storms have made it
possible for the Enchanted Forest
Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe
Area to open its trails, as of December 18, according to Mountain
Manager William Goins.
The area offers groomed trails,
as well as designated trails for
K-9s and their pet people.
The EFXC area will be hosting their popular Christmas night
Luminaria Tour. The forest will
be aglow with the light of the
farolitos/luminarias that line the
trails and there will be warm
drinks and yummies available to
bring holiday cheer.
The Christmas night fun begins
at 6:30 pm at the Day Lodge located at the top of Bobcat Pass.
Call 754-6112 for more information, details and pricing information.
Take A Ride
The Red River Miners’ Transit
buses will have a special Holiday
From December 26 through December 30, buses will run from 7
am to 10 pm.
New Year’s Eve, December 31
the hours will be 7 am to 1 am.
For service call 575-770-5959.
The Miners’ Transit rides are always FREE, compliments of the
Town of Red River.
Come See Our Expanded Collection Of
Jelly Belly!
We Have Bulk Jelly Beans,
New Flavors and Fun Packaging.
300 West Main Street, Red River
Don’t forget the Old-Fashioned
Family New Year’s Eve Party at
the Community House on New
Years Eve!
Designed for those who want to
include the young ones in the New
Year’s celebration, the fun begins
at 7:30 and ends at 10 pm when the
ball drops in New York City, courtesy of the big TV.
Admission is free but donations
open Daily
An Annual Treat
Reservations are still available
for Red River’s favorite cowboy
singer Michael Martin Murphey
who will be in town on December 27 and December 29 at the
Motherlode. Seating is limited so
call now for reservations!
Check out the website at: www.
Two Big Shows
A special Christmas Eve
Torchlight Parade and Fireworks
show will be held Wednesday
night at the Red River Ski Area,
at 7 pm.
There will also be a regular
Saturday night Torchlight at 7 pm
down The Face at the RRSA. The
spectacle is free to the public.
A huge New Year’s Eve show
will be held at 7 PM, December 31.
A New Look
Brett’s Bistro located in the
Lift’s West building welcomes one
and all to visit the newly redecorated restaurant. The popular downtown eatery will be open for lunch
and dinner throughout the holiday
season with prime rib, steaks, trout,
seafood, beer and wine.
Ristorante Italiano
New Year’s Eve Family Fun
are be welcome. The party is sponsored by the Red River Chamber
of Commerce.
300 E. Main St.  Red River NM  575-754-2320
Dinner 5 pm
Lunch Weekends
Gluten-Free Pizza
Riverside Dining
on our Deck
FISHING tackle & licenses
On Red River
110 Pioneer Rd.
From Beginner to the
Most Serious Fly Fisherman
Largest Selection of Flies
in Northern New Mexico
December 25, 2014
The Red River Miner
Ski School Director Likes New Challenge
Meet Larry Simpson, the new Ski School Director at the Red River
Ski and Summer Area. It’s his second year in Red River but his first
season as head of the Ski School.
“I came down last year from Vail (CO),” Larry says from an chair in
his office at the RRSA Chalet. “I was 12 years up there. I came to work
for Wally (Dobbs, long-time Ski School Director) last fall. I was coming
two years ago, but I didn’t make until last fall!”
During his days in Vail, Larry was the Coordinator of the Focus
Learning System which is a specialty set of programs that operates out
of Vail.
Originally from Rice Lake WI, his birthplace, he has been at ski areas in the
UP of Michigan - the Upper Peninsula, not to be confused with The Mitten and various places in Wisconsin before becoming involved with Vail.
“I was on vacation there and they had an ad in the paper for a supervisor’s
position,” Larry says with a chuckle, “so I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring,
knowing they would probably hire someone within house.”
His first year in Vail was a part-time coaching position. Eventually the position became full-time. Larry enjoyed those years at one of the best-known ski
areas in the world.
“It was a great experience. I got to work with people there I used to read
articles about while I was in Wisconsin. It was cool to get to work with them,
learn from them and grow.
“We’ve opened up the spectrum of scheduling so we can offer private
lessons on the adult side, both skiing and riding. We have coaches available
throughout the day, as well as the ability to put class products together. We’re
pretty much able to get someone into something when they need it.”
For info on Ski School, call 754-2223.
Smoked Brisket, Ribs, Sausage & Pork
we’re open again
for winter season
Beer & Wine
Largest Selection of Draft Beer in Red River
In Black Mountain Playhouse
305 Pioneer Rd. • 754-9950
I love this time of year!S o r r y :
I can’t help it and, even if I could
help it, I wouldn’t do so! It’s just
too much fun and I love the things
that, over the course of time, have
come to make late December even
more special.
Tradition: It’s a simple word
and the fact that Red River has
many great Christmas and holiday
traditions helps make the spirit of
the season vivid and lively.
I’m pumped up. How ‘bout
I’m always fascinated when
learning of the origins of traditions
in general but especially the creation process of Christmas traditions. How and why do they come
about and how do they evolve?
Anthropology giant Nelson
H.H. Graburn has studied traditions from the perspective of a
cultural way of life. One particular striking statement reveals
that a consciousness of tradition
arose throughout history in various cultures around the world in
situations where folks knew and
were aware that change was going
on around them. There is a long
explanation about the elements
of positive and negative change,
but change is change and that may
explain why, in a modern world
where change is so rapid, traditions take on great meaning for us
in everyday life.
So does that mean that traditions
are an anchor, the result of people
looking for stability in a changing
world or just “plain fun?”
The decorating of Brandenburg
Park in downtown Red River has
been a delight for many moons
now and has become an attraction for revelers who would not
miss it. This year I ran into some
folks from Socorro New Mexico
who have been coming for years
to the “Switch On The Holidays”
that occurs on Thanksgiving
With the touch of a switch, the
lights on the trees and decorations
in Brandenburg Park are suddenly
aglow with the brilliant spirit of
the season.
Then everyone heads for the
Conference Center as Santa and
Ms. Claus arrive in the big fire
truck. Santa visits with the kids,
hearing wishes and talking with
their parents who like to have their
picture taken with Santa, too. Then
there are hot drinks, cookies and
a wonderful indoor tree... It’s an
overpowering feeling of good will
and caring and Love.
Switch on the Holidays originated with the Beautification
Committee of the Town of Red
River around 1990 and involved
businesses and individuals who
decorated the newly planted trees
in the park. Lottie Tweed, Mary
Lamb and Judy Brunson came up
with the idea and got the community involved and, nearly 25 years
later, the park is a wonderful part
of our lives.
The tradition of Santa skiing down the Red River Ski Area
on Christmas Day has also been
around for awhile because it’s fun
and exciting.
Change is the nature of the
universe and tradition is the nature of mankind.
Merry Christmas! Here’s hoping your Christmas traditions, personal or community shared, are all
you wish them to be.
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The Red River Miner
— Chamber Chat —
Wow, Christmas is here! The season when we are looking for that
perfect gift, I can’t help but think about the popular yet wonderful lesson of “paying it forward.” When I first heard about paying it forward
I always thought, well I can’t afford to buy that for someone. You hear
of stories on the news about people who have lost everything and how
some anonymous person replaced it all. As much as many of us would
love to do this, the reality is we simply cannot afford it. But I realized
over time how I have “paid it forward.”
I started to think about when I have paid it forward and I started to
realize, I do this practically every day. As a child my mother had worked
for Child Protective Services. I was young and realized the children she
was working with were my age. I remember many times giving my favorite stuffed animal to my mom and telling her to please give it to a
child that was scared. Did I know what pay it forward was at such a
young age? No, but I knew that the child was scared and I hoped that the
gift would comfort them, as it once comforted me.
I realized as I got older I helped pay it forward by donating clothes, or
donating whatever money I had in my pocket to the people that stand at
the local stores ringing the bells. I never thought twice about it. It was just
a natural reaction. I know many of us are hard on ourselves thinking we do
not help enough. But I am sure many of you have done similar things.
Over the years I never thought of ways I could pay it forward, I just
naturally did it. Whether it was waiting in line behind four service men
and telling the lady I would like to buy their lunch. It was my way of
thanking them for all they do for our country, or helping the woman at
the gas station who forgot her wallet and now could not pay for her gas.
I never missed a penny of that money.
After thinking about it for a few days I realized that we all pay it forward whether we realize it or not here in Red River. It can be something
as simple as smiling at the person you do not know and getting them
to smile, or buying someone a cup of coffee. Donating clothes we do
not wear anymore, or listening to someone’s story. Paying it forward
is not always about giving an elaborate gift, or donating a large sum of
money. Paying it forward is the simple gift of caring for each.
Carrie Wendorf, Executive Director - 575-754-2366
December 25, 2014
Open for dinner
Appetizers, Soups,
Salads, Steaks,
Seafood, Burgers
& Sandwiches
Kids Menu
Full Service Bar
402 West Main Street
after xmas
At The Library
Published weekly by Shepherd Studio
Contributing Writers
Barbara Calhoun
Ann Huskinson
Alyce Lindberg Densow
Slim Randles
Carrie Wendorf
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P.O. Box 735
Red River NM 87558
(575) 754-2742
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December 25, 2014
The Red River Miner
1 chicken, cut into parts, including giblets (optional)
3 Tbsp butter, melted
1 chopped onion
1 cup diced celery
1 chopped green pepper
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
¾ cup brown sugar, packed
¾ cup cream sherry
½ cup orange juice
¼ cup catsup
1 Tbsp vinegar
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp salt
½ cup parmesan cheese
1 Tbsp flour
Pour melted butter into 9x13 baking dish. Place onions, celery, green pepper and garlic into dish, distributing evenly over bottom.
Arrange chicken pieces on top of vegetables.
Mix together sherry, brown sugar, orange juice, catsup,
vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, mustard and salt and pour over chicken.
Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees 1 hour.
Sprinkle parmesan over chicken, bake another 30 minutes.
With a large spoon remove as much of liquid as possible.
Put into a sauce pan. Mix flour with 3 Tbsp water and stir into juices and heat until slightly thickened. Pour over chicken and serve.
Note: I’ve eaten this served over rice, over noodles and over
mashed potatoes. I prefer the noodles.
Any questions? Contact me at:
By Alyce Lindberg Densow
“Christmas morn, the legends
say, Even the cattle kneel to
pray, Even the beasts of wood
and field, Homage to Christ the
Saviour yield, Horse and cow
and woolly sheep, Wake themselves from their heavy sleep,
Bending heads and knees to
Him, Who came to earth in a
stable dim. Far away in the forest dark, Creatures timidly wake
and hark, Feathered bird and
furry beast turn their eyes to the
mystic East. Loud at the dawning, chanticleer sounds his note,
the rest of the year, But Christmas Eve the whole night long
honouring Christ he sings his
song. Christmas morn, the legends say, Even the cattle kneel
to pray, Even the wildest beast
afar knows the light of the Saviour’s star.” --Denis A. McCarthy
“The angels sing, and sing
again, Peace on earth, goodwill
to men.”
“In their hearts, New Mexicans believe that the little fires
they light on Christmas Eve will
help Mary and Joseph find their
way in the night.”
Purists argue the difference
between luminarias and farolitos,
one of the longtime customs in
our great state of New Mexico,
with its Spanish and Indian traditions. Way back in the 1500s
Indians were lighting bonfires
of twigs and branches at Christmas time. The little fires were lit
in front of churches at pueblos
to honor the birth of Christ, as
well as to light the way for
people to gather. The fires were
called farolitos.
Later on, paper sacks containing sand and a candle, lit on
Christmas Eve, were set along
streets and driveways, on rooftops and portals. Some call them
farolitos and some call them
luminarias - no matter, they are
a wonderful sight at Christmas
time and one of our loveliest
traditions, a sight that brings
people into cities such as Taos,
Santa Fe and Albuquerque for
the viewing.
The Santa Fe New Mexican
newspaper in 1909 stated, “On
Christmas Eve, the town was
ablaze with bonfires, a beautiful
custom centuries old and transplanted to New Mexico from
Spain. The custom is observed
each year and has been in vogue
in this city fully three centuries.”
Another beautiful tradition
was told about in a 1939 issue:
“Ritual of La Fiesta de las
Luminarias (the Little Fires) and
of the procession of wood haulers bringing piñon and cedar
fuel for the fires to the Christ
Child will be observed according to tradition on Christmas
Eve. Wood haulers, led by torch
bearers, will drive their woodladen burros to the cathedral to
receive the blessing of the
church before the fires are lighted on the plaza.”
Santa Fe and Albuquerque, in
particular, have always been the
center of celebration of Christmas and coming of the Christ.
Tour buses in Albuquerque carry
locals and visitors all around to
see the largest grouping of
luminarias in the world. And
nowhere is it more beautiful
than in Old Town.
Santa Fe, even today still has
the look of Old Spain, especially
at Christmas time with the
luminarias spread out all over
the city, and particularly congregated around the Plaza and out
on Canyon Road.
Along with the traditions of
Los Pastores and Las Posadas
before Christmas Day, unique
to New Mexico, there are the
special dances given by the Indians in the various pueblos
ranging from northern Taos to
Many of the dances are given
on Christmas Day, a traditional
day of feasting and pageantry
in the pueblos. Some do the
deer dance, some the buffalo,
another the turtle dance, some
the Matachine, brought from
medieval Spain, with Moorish
The Christmas celebration in
New Mexico is one of religious
concepts and ancient rituals
from Old Mexico and Spain,
with some Moorish concepts
also. Nevertheless, all of it ties
into the birth of the Christ Child
and the reverence that time
holds for all believers. If you go
to a dance at a pueblo be quiet
and respectful as you would be
at any religious observance. You
will be rewarded with a look
into a very real, very different
The varying Christmas traditions in New Mexico among
Spanish, Indian, Anglo are, to
me, a beautiful and very visual
recording of that long ago time
when Christ was born in Bethlehem - and each observance adds
to the overall awe and reverence
the season deserves.
“The feathers cascading down
their backs, Moving in rhythm
to the voices of their ancestors,
augmented by drums of taut animal skins, The men danced
through the pueblo ... Where is
the babe in the manger, And
Mary and Joseph and those Wise
Men come from afar? They are
here! Dressed in buckskin and
beads - They are here ... And it
is Christmas!”
Feliz Navidad. Merry Christmas.
Till Next Time
The Red River Miner
December 25, 2014
Jeff Fagan
F irst Baptist Church of Red River
Invites You to Our 11th Annual
Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service
9 PM - wed, December 24
All Invited - Casual Dress
103 High Cost Trail - West End of Town
New Year’s Eve
7:30- 10 p.m.
Red River Community House
Family Fun - Cake Walk
Games & Dancing
Food &Refreshments
We Drop the Ball
New York Time!
Thursday 12/25
12 pm - 5 pm Community Usage Open - Red River Conference Center
4:15 pm Winter Snow Tubing - Red River Ski & Summer Area
5:30 pm Live Music with Mike Addington & Friends - Lost Love Saloon
6:30 pm Luminaria Ski & Snowshoe Tour - Enchanted Forest XC Ski Area
(Reservations 575-754-6112)
7 pm - 9 pm Live Music with Jeff Fagan - Black Diamond Grill
Friday 12/26
8 am - 5 pm Community Usage Open - Red River Conference Center
4:15 pm Winter Snow Tubing - Red River Ski & Summer Area
5:30 pm Live Music with Mike Addington & Friends - Lost Love Saloon
9 pm Live Music with $2 Horse - Motherlode Saloon
Saturday 12/27
8 am - 5 pm Community Usage Open - Red River Conference Center
4:15 pm Winter Snow Tubing - Red River Ski & Summer Area
5:30 pm Live Music with Mike Addington & Friends - Lost Love Saloon
7 pm Torchlight Parade & Fireworks - Red River Ski & Summer Area “The Face”
8:30 pm Michael Martin Murphey Solo Acoustic Concert - Motherlode Saloon
(Tickets 575-754-6280)
9 pm Live Music with Reckless - Bull o’ the Woods Saloon
Sunday 12/28
8 am - 5 pm Community Usage Open - Red River Conference Center
4:15 pm Winter Snow Tubing - Red River Ski & Summer Area
5:30 pm Live Music with Mike Addington & Friends - Lost Love Saloon
All Events Subject To Change Without Notice
For more information regarding these activities and events go to:
For Lodging & Visitor Information Call
877-754-1708 or Go to
Red River Visitor Center / Red River Tourism & Economic Development
101 West River St .• (575) 754-1708 .• (877) 885-3885 .•
December 25, 2014
The Red River Miner
at Lifts West
Warm, Cozy
Open Daily
for lunch
& Dinner
Hot Live Music, Special Time:
‘Tis The Season In Red River!
Our little mountain town will be packed with thousands of revelers
who come to Northern New Mexico to enjoy excellent live music, great
recreational winter fun, delightful holiday food, and, above all, the special spirit of a grand, small-town Christmas at its finest in Red River
The Memphis Dawls trio will bring their dynamic brand of folk music to the Lost Love Saloon in Texas Reds on December 27 through the
29th. Showtime will be 6:30 pm.
Billed as “Taos County, New Mexico’s favorite Redneck Rock
Band,” Reckless will bring its own blend of Country, Country Rock,
Classic Rock and Southern Rock, to the Bull O’ The Woods on Saturday,
December 27, beginning at 9:00 pm.
Michael Martin Murphey will perform two concerts, the first on December 27, 8:30 pm, and a second show on December 29, 8:30 pm at the
Motherlode Saloon.
Fritz Davis and Friends will be playing an early New Year’s Eve
show at Mountain Treasures Gallery, Deli & Bistro beginning at 5
New Year’s Eve at the Bull will see Mark’s Midnight Carnival Show
beginning at 9 pm. The Alternative/Indie/Pop rock trio is from Colorado Springs CO.
You can also welcome Father Time on Year’s Eve with the music of
Two Dollar Horse at the Motherlode Saloon at 9 pm.
It’s going to be a hot time in the old town!
Black Angus
Prime Rib
Every Night
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Fresh seafood
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Cold Beer &
Fine Wines
We Have Wireless Internet Available
201 W. Main St.
Red River
Condominium Resort Hotel
Each condominium offers:
5 pm
For Dinner
High St. & Copper King
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201 West Main Street
Red River NM 87558
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The Red River Miner
December 25, 2014
home country
By Slim Randles
200 E. Main • Red River
20 Years of Vacation Rentals & Property Management
7:30 am - 8 PM
8 am - 9 pm
312 W. Main St.
PO Box 593
Red River, NM
Owners: Jonathan & Jenny Hawkes
Miners’ transit
7:30 am -5 pm
Dec 26-30 7am-10pm
Dec. 31 - 7am - 1 am
It’s FREE!
Call 770-5959
Open Mon-Fri: 9 am - 5 pm (On call 5-7 pm)
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Jessica Cross, FNP-BC
Windy had sent off for a doodad for his small kitchen, and
that’s why he checked the mailbox.
If you’re Alphonse “Windy” Wilson, and you’re long-in-the-tooth
and single, you find yourself not
checking the mailbox very often
unless there’s a reason. It saves the
disappointment of finding it empty,
you see.
But there was something in
there today.
He opened it up. It was a Christmas card from Mrs. Morris. In it,
she had written “Thank you so
much for fixing my shed.”
Wow! As Windy would say, it
was a “transfigurational enlightening.” Of course, he only used
his fancy English when there was
an audience of one or more. But it
led him to thinking he might have
to check the ol’ mailbox more often.
He had straightened up Mrs.
Morris’ shed that was perilously
close to becoming kindling in her
back yard. That Mrs. Morris had
wanted it to become kindling so
she could use the space for other
reasons didn’t really figure in. It all
happened on one of Windy’s helping days. One day each week, he
looked around for someone who
needed help and helped them,
whether they wanted him to or
The next day there were two
more Christmas cards. One from
Mrs. Lopez, whose arthritis pre-
vented her from weeding her flower patch, and one from someone
who didn’t sign it, but just wrote
“Thank you so much” inside.
Windy was rendered speechless, which is the equivalent, here
in Home Country, of the Pacific
Ocean tides deciding to take the
day off.
But the capper came on Christmas Eve. Windy returned from
eating at the Mule Barn and explaining to the guys all about “experiential trans-wisdom” and its effects on education these days. And
there, on his front porch, was a
cardboard box with holes punched
in it. It was vibrating big, too, and
making whining sounds.
On opening it, Windy found a
brown puppy with an overabundance of enthusiasm and an active
tongue and smile. There was no
note. He hugged the pup and took
him in the house. It was going to
be a great Christmas.
Brought to you with warmest
Christmas season wishes by Slim
and Catherine Randles.
Info: 575-754-2459
Mountain Treasures
Deli, Coffee Bar, Fine Art & Jewelry
awns by Cimarron
Sandwiches & Homemade Soups, Pastries, Breads
Design • Create • Maintain
“What’s your guess?? Guess how many pieces
of Christmas candy are in the big jar & win
the whole thing... plus a surprise!”
winter services
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Come try one of our 15 main course salads!
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121 E. Main at Independence Trail
420 E. Main St. • P.O. Box 570
Red River, New Mexico 87558
Sales, Rentals & Management
of Red River’s
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On-Call: 575.779.8015 •
Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
The Red River Miner
December 25, 2014
check it out - New Arrivals at Red River Library
Blind Spot (Robert Parker)
Reed Ferrell Coleman
It’s been a long time since
Jesse Stone left L.A., and still
longer since the tragic injury that
ruined his chances for a major
league baseball career. When Jesse is invited to a reunion of his
old Triple-A team at a hip New
York city hotel, he is forced to
grapple with his memories and
regrets over what might have
Jesse left more behind him
than unresolved feelings about
the play that ended his baseball
career. The darkly sensuous
Kayla, his former girlfriend and
current wife of an old teammate
is there in New York, too. As is
Kayla’s friend, Dee, an otherworldly beauty with secret regrets of her own. But Jesse’s
time at the reunion is cut short
when, in Paradise, a young woman is found murdered and her
boyfriend, a son of one of the
town’s most prominent families,
is missing and presumed kidnapped.
Though seemingly coincidental, there is a connection between
the reunion and the crimes back
in Paradise. As Jesse, Molly, and
Suit hunt for the killer and for the
missing son, it becomes clear that
one of Jesse’s old teammates is
intimately involved in the crimes.
That there are deadly forces
working below the surface and
just beyond the edge of their vision. Sometimes, that’s where the
danger comes from, and where
real evil lurks. Not out in the light
— but in your blind spot.
The Midnight Plan of the
Repo Man
W. Bruce Cameron
Ruddy McCann, former college
football star, has experienced a seismic drop in popularity; he is now
Kalkaska, Michigan’s full-time repo
man and part-time bar bouncer. His
best friend is his low-energy Basset
hound Jake, with whom he shares a
simple life of stealing cars.
Simple, that is, until Ruddy
starts hearing a voice in his head.
The voice introduces himself as
Alan Lottner, a dead realtor. Ruddy isn’t sure if Alan is real, or if
he’s losing his mind. To complicate matters, it turns out Katie, the
girl he’s fallen for, is Alan’s daughter.
When Alan demands Ruddy
find his murderers, Ruddy decides
a voice in your head seeking vengeance is best ignored. When
Alan also demands he clean up his
act, and apartment, Ruddy tells
him to back off, but where can a
voice in your head go?
With a sweet romance, a murder mystery, a lazy but loyal dog
and a town full of cabin-fevered
characters you can’t help but love,
New York Times bestselling novelist W. Bruce Cameron’s The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man is yet
another laugh-out-loud, keep-youup-late, irresistible read.
(Synopsis courtesy
1 8 2
1 4 2
Legal Notice
P.O. BOX 1020
At a regular meeting
of the Red River Town
Council held November 25, 2014, Ordinance
adopted; title and summary as follows: AN
THEREOF. This Ordinance will become
effective five (5) days
after publication of the
title and general summary as provided by
Georgiana Rael
Municipal Clerk
PUB 12-25-14
Massage & Spa Therapy
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A Traditional Baptist Church
The First Baptist Church of Red River
Invites You to Worship with Us This Sunday
Bill Mackey Architect
P.O. Box 535
7 Last Quarter Trail
Red River NM 87558
O 575.754.6614
C 575.779.2866
Sunday Worship Services
8:15 & 10:30 am
Vacation Dress Expected
103 High Cost Trail - West End of Town
For Information please call 575-754-2882
Designer Builder
Serving the Enchanted Circle since 1987
Chris Peterson • GB 98 #57877 • 418 HIgh St. • Red River
December 25, 2014
The Red River Miner
bulletin board
Worship Services
Faith Mountain Fellowship Church
Corner of River St. & Copper King Trail
Wednesday Potluck 6 pm - Classes 6:45 pm
Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am & 6 pm
Pastor Ed Hampton - 754-6653
First Baptist Church of Red River
103 High Cost Trail
Sunday School - 9:30 am
Sunday Contemporary Worship - 8:15 am
Sunday Worship - 10:30 am
Wednesday - Kids’ Program - 5:30-7:30 pm
Pastor: Joe Phillips - 754-2882
St. Edwin’s Catholic Church
North End of Silver Bell Trail
Sunday Obligation Mass
Saturday 6 pm (Confession preceding or by appt.)
Rev. Andrew Ifele - 586-0470
St. James Episcopal Church
St.Edwin’s at north end of Silver Bell Trail
Worship: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays - 5:30 PM
All are Welcome - Info: 575 758-2790
Fellowship of the Parks
One mile north of stoplight in Questa
Worship - 11 am - Pastor - Shon Diaz
Questa Church of Christ
Two miles north of stoplight on 522
Worship Services - 11 am
St. Mel’s Catholic Church
200 N. Willow Creek Dr., Eagle Nest
Sunday Obligation Mass on Saturday 4:00 pm
Support the Red River
Historical Society!
Earn a season pass or lift
tickets by being a Red
River Ski Area Host.
Contact Don or Kay
Wendell at
Long-Term Monthly Rentals
Pioneer Lodge
Utilities Included
Need References
Cabin For Sale
Prime Location-Upper
Valley-Older Cabin
help wanted
Apply at Capo’s
to the Miner online
$20 a year.
Go to:
for all the details.
now hiring
Cook, Dishwasher &
Server (19 or older)
Apply in person at Timbers
Call 575-779-9812
for more info.
Includes access to archives,
audios, videos, photos
to the Miner online
$20 a year.
Go to:
for all the details.
$5 for first 10 words
.10 each additional word
(5 lines max)
A&B Automotive
• Locked Vehicle Entry
• Interstate Batteries
• Windshield Rock Chip Repairs
113 Bunker Hill Tr. • 754-2433
K&G Services
computer Sales
Visit old Red River
Search “Red River, NM”
on Ebay thru 11/2
for Snappy’s tees,
cards & posters
Mon, Tues & Fri
10:00-12:30 &
Thursday Night
6:00 - 9:00 pm
10:-12:00 1-5:00
Wed & Sunday
For only $10 a year you can be a member
and help us preserve the history of our town
and maintain our museum.
Your contribution will also enable you to attend special members-only events like the
Black Copper gathering at sites usually closed
to the public. Don’t miss out!
Join now by mailing your dues to Red River
Historical Society at P.O. Box 384, Red River
NM 87558
Ski or Ride
Closed for
Dec. 24 - 28
Jan. 1, 2015
The Red River Miner
December 25, 2014
school Christmas program
And the players are...Front row: Lacy Lyles, Alex Bhame; Back Row: Lacey Patterson, Jessica Akerson,
Ashley Webb and Cade Brown. (Photo courtesy Bhame family)
out of the past - early 90s?