Environmental MANAGEMENT, Inc. for an environment we can all live with today and tomorrow Product Distribution Program Last Updated on 12/15/14 Disclaimer: The materials listed below are not guaranteed to still be available and is a first come first serve bases. The majority are relatively new items that did not, for various reasons, make it to their intended destination. We find a lot of customers come from county, city or government, small business and individuals. Please e-mail me if your interest in an item and I'll verify that it is available and get back with you in a timely manner. PLEASE DO NOT DROP BY THE OFFICE TO PICK UP MATERIALS WITHOUT MAKING PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS. The materials listed below will be transferred free of charge. The recipient is responsible for picking it up or paying for the shipping involved. A transfer of inventory document will have the following statements: I do herby agree that the materials listed below will be used for their intented purpose. I knowingly accept full responsibility and total liability for these materials at this time. I further acknowledge and agree that these materials are being accepted as damaged or out-of-date or off-specification goods, that they carry neither warranty nor guarantee. I further agree that I will store these items in such as manner to ensure the protection of the environment. I further agree that if for any reason I must dispose of this material for a fee, said fee will be my responsibility. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the product manufacturer, product distributor and Environmental Management, Inc., their respective present and future officers, employees, agents or assigns from and against any and all claims, demands, suits cause of action in law or equity, expenses and liability of any nature based upon any damage, destruction of property, injury, or death of persons or action arising out of use of this product transferred to the above individual or organization as damaged goods. Updated 4/29/14 This program has an alert e-mail list that is sent out when there are new items that are posted on the website. Contact our office at the e-mail address below to be added to this list. Please include your contact information: (Name, address, phone number and driver's license number (Include which state your license is from). **** ATTENTION: PLEASE READ!!! **** Obtaining EMI Products Environmental Management Site Specific Rules 1. Prior arrangements should be made through E-mail or Phone to request Products. Include the product inventory ID # (Ex. C320) 1. Safety glasses MUST be worn at all times while on Environmental Management Facility. 2. A confirmation E-mail or phone call MUST have been received prior to picking up Product . 2. Individuals picking up items MUST be with an EMI representative at all times. 3. Any children under 18 years of age MUST remain in the vehicle Pick up time can be scheduled between the hours of 9am & 11am and 1pm & 4 pm Contact our office through E-mail at : product_distribution@emiok.com or (405) 282-8510 4. Only items requested and approved through E-mail or a phone call will be available at pick up. If the product description is highlighted in a peach color, the item is new to the inventory list. Shipping Description/Containers received Inventory Items # D535 D536 D537 D538 D539 Product Description NAPA® MAC'S NON CHLOR. 480055 BRAKE PARTS CLEANER Kingsfirls Inc. SODIUM PERCABONATE Sciencelab.com, inc. SODIUM GLUCONATE Global Chemical Resources SODIUM METASILICATE PENTAHYDRATE Chemsynergy Inc. CHLOROBENZOTRIFLUORI DE #'s Outer Container Units Actual Container Size Website Links 1 55 gallon 25% full http://s7d9.scene7.com/is/content/GenuinePartsCompany/9 1 95 gallon 2 - 50 lbs bags http://www.kingsfieldinc.com/CoatedSodiumPercarbonate 1 30 gallon 1 - 50 lbs bag http://www.sciencelab.com/msds.php?msdsId=9924993 1 55 gallon 2 - 50 lbs bags http://www.globalchemicalresources.com/TRW.aspx 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (90/10) http://www.chemsynergyinc.com/topsellingproducts.htm D541 GE Bets, inc. SPECTRUS OX105 United Color Manufacturing, Inc. UNIQUE® GREEN W303 D542 Azco Nobel Coatings Inc. SIKKENS AUTOCLEAR ENERGY PRO 25 D540 D542 D543 D544 Azco Nobel Coatings Inc. SIKKENS AUTOCLEAR ENERGY PRO 25 The HallStar Company QUIKOTE® C - LM/LD The Dow Company KATHON™ 886 MW BIOCIDE 1 30 gallon 1 - 5 gl http://www.kellysolutions.com/erenewals/documentsubmit/ 1 30 gallon 1 - 5 gl (10% full) http://www.unitedcolor.com/petroleum.html 1 30 gallon 7 - 1 gl (full) http://byrdsautomotive.com/images/SikkensTDS/SikkensTDSC 1 30 gallon 1 - 1 gl (50% full) http://byrdsautomotive.com/images/SikkensTDS/SikkensTDSC 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (50% full) http://www.hallstar.com/msds/18792_MSDS.pdf 1 15 gallon 2 - 1 gl (75% full) http://www.dow.com/products/tds/1010127/ 1 carton 1 - qt, 1 - gl kit http://www.wrmeadows.com/msds-usa/ 2 85 gallon 1 - 55 gal ea. (full) http://www.opcpolymers.com/products/detail/7610-ox-50/ D546 W. R. Meadows®, Inc. DOS base & setting agent OPC Polymers 7610 - OX 50 short oil alkyd D548 The Chargar Corporation EPOXY RESIN PT. A 1 95 gallon 18 - 1 gl (full) http://www.chargar.com/DATA_SHEETS/iepoxywp026.pdf D548 The Chargar Corporation EPOXY RESIN PT. B 1 95 gallon 10 - 1 gl (full) http://www.chargar.com/DATA_SHEETS/iepoxywp026.pdf 1 95 gallon 10 - 1 qt. (full) http://www.chargar.com/DATA_SHEETS/iepoxywp026.pdf 1 55 gallon 2 - 50 lbs bags 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (full) http://www.acculuberustlick.com/pdf/msdsRustlick/msds_ed 1 55 gallon 4 - 1 gl (full) http://www2.basf.us/corporate/news2002/news_clearcoat.h 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (50% full) http://www.henkelna.com/product-search-1554.htm?nodeid 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gallon (80/20) http://www.ppg.com/coatings/truefinish/products/liquid/pag 2 55 gallon 2 - 5 gl (75% full) http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&s 1 55 gallon 1 - 5 gl (75% full) http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&s 1 350 gallon (full) http://www.kellysolutions.com/erenewals/documentsubmit/ D545 D548 D549 D550 D551 D552 D556 D557 D557 D559 D560 D561 D562 D563 D564 D565 D567 D568 D569 D569 The Chargar Corporation EPOXY RESIN PT. B PCC Chemax, Inc. MAXSPERSE® W - 3000 surfactant TW Fluids North America RUSTLICK® EDM - 30 BASF Corporation DC5300 CTR BAKING CLR Henkel Corporation AQUENCE FB 9192 PPG Industries Inc. LOW GLOSS URETHANE PRIMER PPG Industries Inc. SUPERTECH INT DRY - FOG FLAT PPG Industries Inc. SUPERTECH INT DRY - FOG FLAT GE Betz, Inc. SPECTRUS OX1210 DuPont NEOPRENE POLYCHLOROPENE Tate & Lyle FUMARIC ACID, FCC PMC Biogenix Inc. KEMAMIDE® e ULTRA BEAD Azer Scientific FORMALIN SOLUTION 10 % NEUTRAL BUFFER Henkel Corporation AQUENCE 4020 VECTORPATCH The Valspar Corporation ACID CATALYST Rockwood pigments NA, inc. SYNTHETIC YELLOW IRON OXIDE United Gilsonite Labrotories DRYLOK OIL BASE MASONRY WATERPROOFER - ALL COLORS The Valspar Corporation 3 - 5/5- 9 CLEAR BASE The Valspar Corporation 3 - 5/5- 9 CLEAR BASE 40 bags 55 - lbs ea. http://www.dupont.com/products-and-services/plastics-polym 1 bag 50 lbs. http://www.tateandlyle.com/ingredientsandservices/choosea 4 bag 50 lbs. ea. http://www.lpi-intl.com/tds/pmc-amides-kemamide%20e%20 1 carton 12 - 1000 ml jars http://www.azerscientific.com/MSDS_files/MSDS,%20NBF-4-G 1 85 gallon 75% full http://www.henkelna.com/product-search-1554.htm?nodeid 1 5 gallon 1 - gl (75% full) http://www.valsparwood.com/valsparwood/EN/product/deta 2 bags 50 - lbs ea. http://www.rpigments.com/ 1 85 gallon 7 - 5 gl (full) http://www.drylok.com/formulas/oil-based-drylok/ 5 55 gallon (full) http://www.noblegov.com/media/catalog/product/msds/N11 1 55 gallon (25 % full) http://www.noblegov.com/media/catalog/product/msds/N11 D574 The Dow Chemical Company VERSENE® 100 XL CHELATING AGENT Ashland PRAESTOL™ K 274 FLX FLOCCULANT Reitech Corporation REISPERSE TOLUIDINE RED RESINATED DISPERSION - R3R563 Univar USA Inc. ALKEST TW 80 D575 Rhein Chemie Corporation AFLUX 44B/ 2200S PolyoneM42 Corporation D571 D572 D573 D576 D577 D578 D579 D580 D581 D582 D583 D584 D585 D587 D589 D590 D591 D592 D593 D594 D596 D597 D600 D603 D607 D608 GEON M6307 GRY 2357 Polyone Corporation GEON M6307 GRY 2357 Aland L - ASCROBIC ACID vitamin c Ranbar Inc.ULTIMEG U2002 Silbirco Corporation SIL CELL® - ALL GRADES Sachtleben LLC. HOMBITAN ANATASE SERIES white pigment PCC Chemax, Inc. CHEMSTAT® IITSA #18 20M Unimin Corporation NEPHELINE SYENITE VARIOUS GRADES Solenis LLC PRAESTOL™ K 275 FLX Focculant Univar USA Inc. ISOBUTYL ACETATE Chemetall US, Inc. OAKITE® 32 Nexeo Solutions LLC LIQUIFIER Fremont Industries, Inc. FREMONT BWT 4391 BOILER WATER TREATMENT Henkel® OPTAL LG 45 adhesive Aquamark, Inc. AQ1528 catinoic polyacrylamide powder ChemTreat, Inc. CHEMTREAT CL1355 Minntech Bv TENALIN® 100 COLD STERILANT Changzhou Niutang Chemical Plant co, Ltd. TGIC Cross - liking agent for powder coating Fuchs Lubricants Co. METALUB PL 7105 A AP Products SUPER COAT 2000 PLUS Sigma - Aldrich LITHIUM HYDROXIDE Odessa Inkorporated SERIES 1500M INK. The Valspar Corporation NYAD 325 WALLOASTONITE P - 1 CALC SILICATE 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (full) http://msdssearch.dow.com/PublishedLiteratureDOWCOM/d 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (full) http://bluemsds.tdgmond.be/files/msds/PRAESTOL%20A%20 1 15 gallon 1 - 5 gl (full) http://www.pcimag.com/ext/resources/PCI/Home/Files/PDFs 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (full) http://www.univar.com/US/Industries/~/media/PDFs/US%20 55 gallon broken bags (150 lbs.) http://www.rheinchemie.com/products/rubber-2/processing- 1 1 gaylord (full) http://www.polyone.com/en-us/products/vinylextrusionmold 2 cartons 1 - bag (50 lbs ea.) http://www.polyone.com/en-us/products/vinylextrusionmold 3 cartons (60 lbs ea) http://www.inchem.org/documents/sids/sids/50817.html 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (75% full) http://www.aev.co.uk/aev_ultimeg_2002.php 1 55 gallon 1 - 30 gl (full) http://www.silbrico.com/docs/MSDS_Sil-Cell.pdf 1 30 gallon 1 - 60 lbs bag http://www.sachtleben.de/fileadmin/safety_data_sheets/hom 1 30 gallon 1 - 50 lbs bag https://www.b2bcomposites.com/msds/ted/77074.pdf 1 30 gallon 1 - 60 lbs bag http://www.lagunaclay.com/msds/pdf/3rawmat/adry/mneph 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (75% full) http://www.demolscorp.com/pdf/CATIONICTechDataSheet.p 1 95 gallon 1 - 55 gl (75% full) http://msdssearch.dow.com/PublishedLiteratureDOWCOM/d 1 55 gallon 1 85 gallon 1 - 20 gl (75% full) 1 - 55 gallon (70/30) http://www.nexeosolutions.com/hsse-quality/msds-request/ 1 30 gallon 1 - 5 gl( 50% full) http://www.fremontind.com/boiler-applications 1 15 gallon 1 - 5 gl (full) http://www.henkelna.com/product-search-1554.htm?nodeid 1 pallet 40 - 55 lbs bags http://info.nsf.org/Certified/PwsChemicals/Listings.asp?Chem 1 Tote 1 55 gallon (full) http://www.orcbs.msu.edu/msds/529032391chemtreatcl-135 6 - 1 gl (75% full), 1 1 gl (25/50) http://www.medivators.com/international/resource/docume 1 55 gallon (98 lbs) http://www.tecmos.com/carga/empresas/archivos/699cf4a6 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl (full) http://www.fuchs.com/index.php 1 85 gallon 1 - 55 gl http://super-coat.com/ 1 95 gallon 1 - 30 gl (full) http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sial/442410?l 1 30 gl 1 - 1 gl (75% full) 1 55 gl 1 - 55gl bag http://digitalfire.com/4sight/material/nyad_325_wollastonite Product Division Light Bulb Inventory PIN TYPES Length (ft) Diameter of Bulb 8 8 8 8 8 8 T8 T8 T8 T12 T12 T12 SP = Single Pin DP = Double Pin RDC = Recessed Double 4P = Four Pin SP DP RDC SP DP RDC 7 7 7 7 7 7 T8 T8 T8 T12 T12 T12 SP DP RDC SP DP RDC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes 6 6 6 6 6 6 T8 T8 T8 T12 T12 T12 SP DP RDC SP DP RDC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 T5 T6 T8 T8 T8 T12 T12 T12 DP SP SP DP RDC SP DP RDC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 T5 T5 T8 T8 T8 T12 T12 T12 SP DP SP DP RDC SP DP RDC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T5 T8 T8 T8 T12 T12 T12 DP SP DP RDC SP DP RDC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 T6 T8 T8 T8 T12 T12 T12 DP SP DP RDC SP DP RDC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes 40 Inch 40 Inch T8 T5 DP DP 0 0 Boxes Boxes 34 inch 30 inch 30 inch T5 T12 T8 DP DP RDC 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes 28 inch T12 DP 0 Boxes 21 inch T5 DP 0 Boxes 18 inch T8 DP 0 Boxes BOX COUNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONTAINER Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes SPECIALITY BULBS U-Bend - 2ft U-Bend - 2ft U-Bend - 2ft U-Bend - 2ft U-Bend Deluxe L Supersaver T8 T8 T12 T9 4P DP DP DP 4P 0 0 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes 4P 4P 0 0 Boxes Boxes 4P U-Bend - 2ft U-Bend - 2ft T8 Phillips PL- C26W Circle Bulbs - 12in Circle Bulbs - 16in Circle Bulbs - 12in Circle Bulbs - 8in Circle Bulbs - 7 1/2 in T12 T9 T9 T8 T8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes Sylvania 21879-3 (2Ft) T8 0 Boxes 15 Watt Frost Picture Light Candelabra Base 0 Boxes 6' Tanning Bed Bulbs Smart Lamp II FR74/VH/0/200W 0 Boxes Sylvania Metalarc Pro-Tech BT56 Sylvania Metalarc 400 watt Pro-Tech BT37 Sylvania Utility Light (Clear Light Bulb) 300 watt, 130 volt Sylvania CF13DS/E/841 HID 1500 Watt 0 0 0 0 0 Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Boxes Boxes GE HID Lamp Igniter 0 Boxes For information about the light bulb inventory contact us at: product_distribution@emiok.com Used Drums Available and Prices Steel 85 Gallon Overpack Steel 55 Gallon Open Top Steel 55 Gallon Closed Top Steel 30 Gallon Open Top Steel 8 Gallon Overpack $120, 10+ for $110 $43, $34, 10+ for $30 $35, 10+ for $20 $20 Poly 95 Gallon Overpack Poly 55 Gallon Closed Top Poly Gallon Open Top 350 Gallon HD Framed Tote 1000 Liter (266 Gallon) $135, 10+ for $129 $34 $42 $50 Currently Unavailble All Prices are subject to change FOR SALE: We have good metal and poly drums in various sizes. From 8 gallon to 110 gallon overpacks. Volume discounts may be available. For drum avaliability contact Rick McDowell at: rmcdowell@emiok.com
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