Celebration of Carols - St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church

A Celebration of Carols
St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church
New Orleans, Louisiana
December 21, 2014 - The 4th Sunday of Advent
10:30 A.M.
Donald R. Frampton
"A Christmas Festival"
Leroy Anderson
At this time, please pass the Friendship Register, which enables worshipers to greet each other on their pew. You may also complete a prayer request card (in the pew
rack) and place it in the offering plate.The pastoral and program staff will include your request in its weekly time of prayer.
Lighting of the Advent Candle
Voice 1: My soul magnifies the Lord:
All: My spirit rejoices in God my Savior
Voice 2: No matter what our eyes see, or our ears here.
All: We choose to trust in the promises of our Lord.
Voice 3: The Mighty One has done great things.
All: Let us worship the Holy One, the King of Kings.
Kay Randels, William & Charlie Lowe
*HYMN (all)
"O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"
arr. John Rutter
1) O Come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel,
2) O come, thou Rod of Jesse, free thine own from Satan's tyrrany;
That mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear. From depths of hell thy people save, and give them vict'ry o'er the grave.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!
3) (Choir only) O come, thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by thine advent here;
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death's dark shadows put to to flight. Rejoice...
4) O come, O come, thou Lord of might, who to thy tribes on Sinai's height,
In ancient times didst give the law in cloud and majesty, and awe. Rejoice...
5) O come, thou Key of David, come, and open wide our heav'nly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high, and close the path to misery. Rejoice...
Luke 2:1-20
Donald R. Frampton
"Fantasia on Christmas Carols" Ralph Vaughan Williams
This is the truth sent from above, The truth of God, the God of love: Therefore don't turn me from your door, But hearken all both rich and poor.
The first thing which I will relate Is that God did Man create, The next thing which to you 'll tell, Woman was made with man to dwell.
Then, after this, 'twas God's own choice To place them both in Paradise, There to remain, from evil free, Except they ate of such a tree.
And they did eat, which was a sin, And thus their ruin did begin, Ruined themselves, both you and me, and all of their posterity.
Thus we were heirs to endless woes, Till God the Lord did interpose, and so a promise soon did run, That he would redeem us by his Son.
Come all you worthy gentlemen that may be standing by, Christ our blessed Saviour was born on Christmas day.
The blessed Virgin Mary unto the Lord did pray. O we wish you the comfort and tidings of joy!
Christ our Blessed Saviour now in the manger lay, He's lying in the manger, while the oxen feed on hay.
The blessed Virgin Mary unto the Lord did pray. O we wish you the comfort and tidings of joy!
On Christmas night all Christians sing To hear the news the angels bring,
News of great joy, news of great mirth, news of our merciful King's birth.
When sin departs before thy grace, Then life and health come in its place.
Angels and men with joy may sing, All for to see the newborn King.
God bless the ruler of this house and long on may he reign,
(From out of darkness we have light, Which makes the angels sing this night)
Many happy Christmases he live to see again! God bless our generation, who live both far and near
And we wish them a happy, a happy New Year. And we wish you a happy, a happy New Year.
Both now and evermore, Amen.
Taylor Miller, baritone
Children 1st grade and younger may meet in the Narthex (back of the church) during the 1st verse of this carol for extended session.
*HYMN (all)
"O Little Town of Bethlehem"
St. Louis
1) O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie!
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep, The silent stars go by.
Yet in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting light;
The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight.
2) O morning stars together Proclaim the holy birth,
And praises sing to God the King, And peace to men on earth;
For Christ is born of Mary; and gathered all above,
While mortals sleep, the angels keep Their watch of wond'ring love.
3) How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is giv'n!
So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of his heav'n.
No ear may hear his coming; But in this world of sin,
Where meeks souls will receive him, still The dear Christ enters in.
4) O holy child of Bethlehem, Descend to us we pray;
Cast out our sin, and enter in, Be born in us today.
We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell:
O come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Emmanuel.
"In the Bleak Mid-winter"
arr. Mack Wilberg
In the bleak mid-winter frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, in the bleak mid-winter long ago.
Our God, heav'n cannot hold him nor earth sustain; heav'n and earth shall flee away when he comes to reign:
In the bleak mid-winter a stable place sufficed the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ.
What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb,
If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; yet what I can I give him, give my heart.
"Il est né"
arr. Rutter
Refrain: Il est né, le divin enfant, Jouez, hautbois, résonnez, musettes; Il est né, le divin Enfant; Chantons tous son avènement!
He is born the divine child, Play oboe, resonate musettes; He is born the divine child, Let's all sing his accession.
Depuis plus de quatre mille ans, Nous le promettaient les prophètes; Depuis plus de quatre mille ans, Nous attendions cet heureux temps. Refrain...
For more than four thousand years we've been promised by the prophers; For more than four thousand years we've been waiting for this happy time.
Ah! qu'il est beau, qu'il est charmant, Que ses grâces sont parfaites! Ah! qu'il est beau, qu'il est charmant, Qu'il est doux ce divin enfant! Refrain...
Ah! he is handsome, he is adorable, how his charms are perfect! Ah, he is handsome, he is adorable, how he is the gentle divine child!
Une étable est son logement, Un peu de paille est sa couchette, Une étable est son logement, Pour un Dieu, quel abaissement! Refrain...
A stable is his lodging, a bit of hay is his little bed, A stable is his lodging, for God such a humble thing.
O Jésus! roi tout puissant! Si petit enfant que vous êtes, O Jésus! roi tout puissant! Régnez sur nous entièrement! Refrain...
O Jesus, o all powerful king, such a little child you are! O Jesus, o all powerful king, rule completely over us.
"Nativity Carol"
Born in a stable so bare, Born so long ago; Born 'neath light of star He who loved us so.
Refrain: Far away silent lay, Born today, your homage pay, For Christ is born for aye, Born on Christmas Day.
Cradled by mother so fair, Tender her lullaby; Over her son so dear Angel hosts fill the sky. Refrain...
Wise men from distant far land, Shepherds from starry hills Worship this babe so rare, Hearts with his warmth he fills. Refrain...
Love in that stable was born Into our hearts to flow; Innocent dreaming babe, Make me thy love to know. Refrain...
"King Jesus Hath a Garden"
King Jesus hath a garden full of divers flow'rs, Where I go culling posies gay, all times and hours.
Refrain: There naught is heard but paradise bird, harp, dulcimer, lute, With cymbal, trump and tymbal, And the tender soothing flute;
The lily white in blossom there is chastity; The violet with sweet perfume, humility. Refrain...
The crown imperial bloometh too in yonder place, 'Tis charity, of stock divine, the flow'r of grace. Refrain...
Yet, 'mid the brave, the bravest prize of all may claim The Star of Bethlem –– Jesus –– Blessed be his Name! Refrain...
Ah! Jesu Lord, my heal and weal, my bliss complete, Make thou my heart thy garden plot, fair, trim, and neat.
That I may hear this musick clear: Harp, dulcimer, lute, With cymbal, trump and tymbal, And the tender soothing flute...
arr. Rutter
"Christmas Day"
Gustav Holst
Good Christian men, rejoice with heart and soul and voice; Give ye heed to what we say: News! News! Jesus Christ is born today;
Ox and ass before him bow, and he is in the manger now. Christ is born today!
God rest you merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay, Remember Christ our Saviour was born on Christmas day,
to save us all from woe and sin, when we were gone astray. O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy.
In Bethlehem, in Jewry, this blessed babe was born, And laid within a manger, upon that holy morn;
The which his mother Mary, did nothing take in scorn. O tidings of comfort and joy...
Good Christian men, rejoice with heart, and soul, and voice; Now ye hear of endless bliss: Joy! Joy! Jesus Christ was born for this!
He hath op'ed the heav'nly door, and man is blessed evermore. Christ was born for this!
Come, ye lofty, come, ye lowly, let your songs of gladness ring; In a stable lies the Holy, in a manger rests the King:
See, in Mary's arms reposing, Christ by highest heav'n adored: Come, your circle round him closing, pious hearts that love the Lord.
Come, ye poor, no pomp of station robes the Child your hearts adore: He, the Lord of all salvation, shares your want, is weak and poor:
Oxen, round about behold them; rafters naked, cold and bare, See the shepherds, God has told them that the Prince of Life lies there.
Come, ye children, blithe and merry, this one Child your model make; Christmas holly, leaf, and berry, all be prized for his dear sake;
Come, ye gentle hears, and tender, come, ye spirits, keen and bold; All in all your homage rended, weak and mighty, young and old.
High above a star is shining, and the Wisemen haste from far: Come, glad hearts, and spirits pining: For you all has risen the star.
Let us bring our poor oblations, Thanks and love and faith and praise: Come, ye people, come, ye nations, All in all draw nigh to gaze.
Besty Uschkrat, soprano; Margaret Crain, mezzo-soprano; Kameron Lopreore, tenor; Matt McCann, baritone
*HYMN (all)
"Hark! the Herald Angels Sing"
arr. Rutter
1) Hark! The herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King." 2) Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord!
Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!
Late in time behold Him come, Offspring of the virgin's womb.
Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies;
Veiled in flesh the God-head see; Hail the incarnate Deity,
With the angelic host proclaim, "Christ is born in Bethlehem!" Pleased as man with man to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! The herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King!" Hark! The herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King!"
3) Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the sun of righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give us second birth.
Hark! The herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King!"
OFFERTORY ANTHEM "The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy"
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy, And they said that his name was Jesus.
Refrain: He come from the glory, He come from the glorious kingdom.
The Wise Men say where the baby was born, and they said that his name was Jesus. Refrain
Oh, yes, believer, yes, believe, and they said that his name was Jesus.
The angels sang when the baby was born, and they said that his name was Jesus. Refrain
*HYMN (all)
1) Joy to the world! the Lord is come: let earth receive her king!
Let ev'ry heart prepare him room, and heav'n and nature sing...
arr. Wilberg
"Joy to the World!"
arr. Wilberg
2) Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns: let men their songs employ,
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains repeat the sounding joy...
3) (Men only) No more let sins and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground:
He comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found...
4) He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness,
And wonders of his love, and wonders of his love, and wonders, wonders of his love.
And wonders, wonders of - - - His - - - love!
VOLUNTARY (congregation seated)
"God Bless Us Everyone"
Silvestri/Ballard, arr. Ross
Come together one and all in the giving spirit, gifts abound here great and small, joyously we feel it.
Blessings sent us from above guide us on our way. We raise our voice as we rejoice, bow our head and pray.
A miracle has just begun! God bless us everyone!
To the voices no one hears, we have come to find you, with your laughter and your tears, goodness, hope and virtue.
Father, mother, daughter, son, each a treasure be. One candle's light dispels the night, now our eyes can see.
Burning brighter than the sun, God bless us everyone! A miracle has just begun! God bless us everyone!
Come together one and all in the giving spirit, gifts abound here great and small, joyously we feel it.
Father, mother, daughter, son, each a treasure be. One candle's light dispels the night, now our eyes can see.
Burning brighter than the sun, God bless us everyone! A miracle has just begun! God bless us everyone!
* Congregation standing
Tyler Smith, tenor
Participating in today's service:
Donald R. Frampton, Senior Pastor
Steven Blackmon, Director of Music
The Chancel Choir and Orchestra
Special thanks to James Atwood, Orchestra Liason Extraordinaire
Soli Deo Gloria
If you are visiting with us today, please join us for refreshments in Frampton Fellowship Hall, following the service.
*Please stand as you are able.
Please silence cell phones during the worship service.
Cover art: The Adoration of the Magi - Peter Paul Rubens, circa 1619
WoRSHip nEWS & AnnoUnCEmEnTS
Christmas Eve services will be held on Wednesday, December 24, led by Don Frampton. Family Service with Childcare, 5 p.m. Lessons and
Carols without Childcare, 7 p.m.
The church office will be closed on December 25 and 26 for Christmas. It will also be closed on New Year’s Day, January 1st.
One Worship Service on December 28 - There will be one worship service at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary on Sunday, December 28, led by
Phil Stagg. Childcare provided in Nursery. No Sunday School Classes.
Today’s ushers are: Roger Fleshman, Lawrence Hoffman, Stephanie Haniford, George Wilson, Maureen Herring, Casey Root, Sallee
Benjamin and Jay Young.
The Advent Banners were created in 2011 for SCAPC by church friend and local artist Patti Adams, and were made possible through
generous gifts given in memory of Kathryn “Kit” Favrot.
Congregational Meeting - A special congregational meeting will be held immediately following the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday,
January 4 regarding a proposed expense of the Property Committee.
Sunday School Classes - There will be no Sunday School classes on Sunday, December 28. Sunday School classes for all ages will resume on
Sunday, January 4th.
Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/scapcnola.
UpComing EVEnTS
Youth Christmas Party & Gift Exchange - Join us TONIGHT as we send 2014 out in style with the Youth Group Christmas Party & White
Elephant gift exchange. Bring a gift (no more than $10 in value) for this fun and silly gift exchange. Normal youth times/location. Questions?
Contact Andy Fox, andy@scapc.org.
Intergenerational Mission Trip to Dominican Republic - The Youth and Young Adults and World Missions Teams are partnering to offer
an intergenerational mission trip to the Dominican Republic on June 13-20, 2015. A great way for youth, families, and adults to partner
together in service! If you are interested in learning more about this trip contact Andy Fox, andy@scapc.org, no later than TONIGHT!
Donations Needed for SCAPC's Carrollton Christmas Camp! - SCAPC's Carrollton Christmas Camp starts TOMORROW and we still
need donations and volunteers!! The camp runs from December 22 - January 2, Mon-Fri, 8 am-3pm, (except for Christmas Day and New
Year's Day).
CRAFT DONATIONS NEEDED: adhesive craft jewels, glitter pens, wiggle eyes, Crayola air dry clay, paint brushes, glass craft beads, tissue
paper, and other arts and crafts supplies. Place donations in the donation bins in FFH.
SNACK DONATIONS NEEDED: boxes of raisins, granola bars, trailmix (no nuts please!), fruit snacks, Lance crackers, popcorn, kettle
corn, goldfish, pretzels, apple juice boxes, applesauce, graham crackers, etc. Place donations in the donation bins in FFH.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you are interested in volunteering at this year's camp please contact Sean Tate, (sean@scapc.org or 504615-4971)
Have a Dog? Consider Taking it to Visit a Homebound Church Member! - We have a homebound church member who would love visitors,
especially those with a furry friend to tag along! If you are interested, please contact Phil Stagg, phil@scapc.org or (504)-897-0101 ext. 117.
21st Annual PW Retreat - The theme of this year’s retreat, led by Beth Poe, is “Sensing God’s Love.” Join us as we contemplate the simple
ways in which God surrounds us with love, love that we can touch, taste and smell, love so intense that it can transform our everyday life into
mystical communion with Love itself. Monday, January 19 - noon Tuesday, January 20 at Solomon Retreat Center in Robert, LA. Cost is
$115 for double occupancy, $143 for single room, 3 meals included. Registration forms can be picked up in the SCAPC office or downloaded
from the SCAPC website PW page. Please contact Michelle Baker at 504-913-9284 or mbakerno@gmail.com with any questions. Deadline to
register is Tuesday, January 6th.
WWL-TV Medical Reporter Meg Farris Kicks off WNO on January 7 - Don’t miss this chance to hear Southeast Louisiana's only broadcast
journalist dedicated to covering the fascinating beat of health and medicine, WWL-TV "MedicalWatch" reporter Meg Farris. Wednesday,
January 7. Dinner starts at 6 p.m., program begins at 6:30 p.m. Reservations will open up online at www.scapc.org/wno after the New Year.
PW Book Club Winter/Spring Books - January 8 - David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcom
Gladwell, February 5 - Last Night at the Lobster by Stewart O'Nan, March 5 - Nive Lives: Mystery, Magic, Death, and Life in New
Orleans by Dan Baum. Meets at 7 p.m. in the Land Building for lively discussion and refreshments! Questions? Contact Elizabeth Artigues,
Scotland 2015! - SCAPC will return to the land of John Knox, Robert Burns, and Sir Walter Scott: July 28 – August 8, 2015. Join Don
Frampton for this educational and entertaining tour! Anyone interested in the trip should go to: www.aitsatl.com to register. Click “Login”. The
Group ID is “stcharles2015”, and the password is “travel”. There you will find everything you need to know about the trip!
Advent Memorial & Honorary Poinsettias 2013
In Memory Of
David Lawrence Rigby
given anonymously
Dr. & Mrs. William McLeod
Frampton, Jr.
by Colleen & Don Frampton
and family
Mr. Charles Richard Harvin
by Colleen & Don Frampton
and family
Andrew Johnson
Linda Swindle
by Wes, Allison, Griff & Jacob
George & Eleanor Mattix
by Sarah Mattix McHarg
Werner “Dutch” Luchsinger
Inez Bodenheimer
by Philip & Judith Luchsinger
Mr. & Mrs. William Royce
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Orth Poss
by Libbie Reiss, Cecile Hardy
and Chrissy Hardy
Dr. & Mrs. Norton Voorhies
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Gahagan
Mr. Emery Norton Voorhies
by Mr. & Mrs. William W.
Kit & Tom Favrot
by Aimeé!, Michael, Leighton,
Bristol and Aggie Bell
Ann LeJeune Schneider
by Dr. & Mrs. George T.
Jean Conger May
Andrew Clayton Elkins
by Jeanie, Sarah & Hillary
Mr. & Mrs. Newland
DePauw Knight
Michael Lloyd Worley
Kathryn Pichett Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Worley
by Linda & Bruce Worley
Elaine Gelpi
Agnes Buie
David Favrot
by Patricia & Vernon Brinson
Matt Savoie
by Joe Reiss and family
Ellen Hinson
by Charlie & Sue Armstrong
Helen Friedel Byerly
by Katherine Mosier Johnston
and Arthur Johnston
Capt. Peter Forbes Johnson
by Mrs. Peter F. Johnson
Our parents
by Clarence & Barbara Weiser
Donald H. McClure
by Norma, Kathy, Don, Rachael
& Ronnie
My parents, Pat & Lenny
by Bobby Segal
Tyronne Smith
by the Fleshman and Charles
Mr. Ervin Aden
by Lee & Kathy Randall
Kelsey Favrot
by James, Parker, McKell,
Celeste and Caroline Favrot
John J. Johnston
by Margaret “Nell” Johnston and
Bob & Barbara Johnston
Bill Middleton
Tom & Jess Sawyer
by Rozelle Middleton and
Donna Middleton Davis
Janet & Herman Maier
by Ann Maier
Dottie Wilklow
by Bob Wilklow
Margaret & Bill Benjamin
by Joan & Mente Benjamin
Margaret & Kenneth Dickey
by Paula Dickey
Olivia Evans
Ervin & Iona Mae Aden
by the Evans family
Maryann Ray
Emmitt Parrish
Stacy Doty
by Melissa Montgomery
Eleanor Lee Potts Snodgrass
C. Stribling Snodgrass, Jr.
Alta Mae Williams Sharp
Roger R. Sharp, Jr.
by Holly & Geoff Snodgrass
Carolyn Ames Skelton
Jean & Alan Holtzman
Abby Shaw Nalty
Kaitlyn Renee Arnoult
Kelsey Helen Durkin
by Eric, Shannon, Carolyn &
Larkin Holtzman
Preston Hartzog
Virginia Goodman
Seymor Saxon Hartzog
by Anna Beth, Molly & John
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Shands
Mr. & Mrs. Melton Moore
by Mr. & Mrs. Pierre D.
Laudumiey, Christopher, Pierre
& Charles
Robert L. Stickney
Dixie Myers
Joan Carr
by the Stickney family
My mother and my sister
by John R. Knott
Dr. Charles M. Nice, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert V.
Larson, Sr.
Rosemary Miller
by Julie Nice
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Gordon
by Cecile L. Gordon
Claire Kelton Coble
Neely B. Coble, Jr.
Elizabeth Cloutman Gardner
by Billy, Carro, Cheney, Russell
& Annalee Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Landry
Dr. & Mrs. Hans B. Jonassen
Mr. George T. Baumgartner
by Hans & Pierce Jonassen and
Tom, Pierce, William & Helen
Ruth V. & Martin L. Jones
Polly & George S. Frierson
George Frierson
Gerald A. Derks
Dr. Kenneth & Penny Phifer
Dorothy Marchal
by Ruthie & Lou Frierson,
Lou Jr., George M. and Brice
Anne & Thomas Chapman
by Louise Chapman Hoffman
Donald Alfred Hoffman
by his family
Catherine Chapman Babin
by Hunter Babin and Louise C.
Our parents: Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Suter and Mr. & Mrs.
Carl E. Downing
by Mr. & Mrs. Carl Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Green
by Broderick Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Mathes
Mr. & Mrs. A.E. Alexander
by their family
Louis E. & Mary Alva Weaver
Joseph & Shirley A. Coci
by Bob & Karen Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Harper,
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Malone
Anne Little & Andrew Elkins
by Mary & Ernie Malone
Gerald Derks
Ruth V. & Martin L. Jones
by Jackie Derks
Loved ones
by Linda & Gordon Kolb
Loved ones
by Avery, Hardin, Avery, Jr. &
Wiley Kessler
Kay Kay & Daddee
by Ashlin, James & Sean
John Brandao
James Brandao
by their family
Jackie de Ben Rosamond
Frances & Sam Rosamond,
Louise Flournoy Malone
Laura & Floyd Hentschel, Sr.
by Pat & Sam Rosamond
Mr. William Anderson
Baker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Howell
by Anderson, Michelle, Carolyn
& Lindsey Baker
Carol Knight Wren
Davis Edward Thibault
by Elizabeth & Hayden Wren
Emily Elizabeth Dorrance
Dorothy Marchal
by Bebe Dorrance Marchal
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Thad B.
Lampton, Jr.
by Tom Allen
Lelia “Sis” Morrow
by a friend
John Aalders
by Barbara & Perry Rigby
Dallas Hazard
by her family
Saunders Alpaugh, Sr.
by Saunders, Jr., Lisa, Ellen &
Saunders, III
Novella & John Lucas, Sr.
Mary Elizabeth & Eugene
Eean McNaughton, Sr.
by Eean & Joan McNaughton
Mr. George B. Riviere
by Marion & Brent Butcher
Jean Ellen Vorhoff
Gil & Nadine Vorhoff
Lucien Erle & Janice Slagle
Michael H. Bagott, Sr.
by Bob & Germaine Vorhoff
Abby Shaw Nalty
Helen & Morgan Shaw
by Laura & Sonny Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M.
Sutter Sr. & Jr.
Jerry S. Hoggatt Sr. & Jr.
Joseph E. Gordon
by Charlotte S. Hoggatt
Helen Shaw
Abby Nalty
Arlie Mohr
by Lacy & Hardie Edgecombe
Charlie, Meredith, Buster &
Kitty Bean
Margaret & Clyde White
Phillip Lay
Madelyn & Caroline Eibel
by Janet & Jim Bean and family
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Kaliszeski
Mr. & Mrs. James Palencia
by Gail, Dale & Charlie
Our parents
by Laurence Hamric & Ann Roy
Byrd M. Buffington, Sr.
by the Buffington family
Kenneth E. Harrell, Sr.
by Ellen Harrell
Ellen Sayer Hinson
Abby Nalty
Andrew Elkins
by Leon, Ruth & Matt Hinson
Jack Reily and Gabe Weber
by Ben Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. James Forrest
by Cam, Emily, Forrest & Ben
Frank J. Buescher
Frances S. Buescher
Fred W. Sinclair
Mary A. Sinclair
Franklin Sinclair
by Frank & Anne Buescher
George A. Burnstein
by Louise H. Burnstein
Gail Labbé
by Jeff, Andrea & Cadow Labbé
Robert & Evelyn Wertz
Ricky Sandoval
by Gwen Wertz
Mr. James H. Kepper, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A.
by Louise & Gary Schaefer
Carolyn Werner
Betty Morton
by Nancy Rix
John H. Koch, Jr.
Barbara Challis Koch
Matthew Pierce Derenbecker
by John, Mimi, Jack & Amelia
Martha Kimbrell
by the Curry family
Abby Shaw Nalty
Helen & Morgan Shaw
Donald J. Nalty
Georgia M. Simmons
by Betsy Nalty and Dick
Douglas G. Drennan
by the Robert C. Hassinger
Douglas Drennan
by Pierce & Tom Young
Betty Jean Genoble Dunlap
Gertrude & Harris Pannell
Vivian Pannell Moon
Martha Pannell Mewborn
John Harris Pannell
by Patti Pannell & John, Alex
and Harrison Dunlap
Gail Lemarie
by Darryl & Beth Steinert
Dorothy E. Walker
Richard J. Roth, Jr.
by Mary Martin & Richard
Thomas Harold Cranch
Stan Morrison
Julie Trask Dieth
by Candy & Steven Cranch and
Rev. Finley M. & Clare M.
Shirley Rucker Storey
by Dave & Shauna Grissett
Our son, David
Our parents: Aggie & Cliff
Favrot and Margaret &
Sherman Muths
Our friend, Stanton Buddy
Agnes Buie
Elaine Gelpi
By Sybil & Blair Favrot
Dr. & Mrs. Hans B. Jonassen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B.
Mr. George T. Baumgartner
by Pierce & Tom Young
Allan & “Motsy” Middleton
by Ellen Harris
Our parents: Mickie &
David Gott, Florence &
Charlie Stilwell, Peyton
Bush, Jr.
Ervin & Iona Mae Aden
by Barbara & Peyton Bush
Harold “Harry” Fields
by John, Lisa, Emma & Jack
Durward & Georgene Dunn
Bartolo Chiappinelli
Leonard Hebert
Jackie Dunn
by Durward & Cathy Dunn
Robert Lawrence Stickney
by his family
Everett T. Aultman
Louise Grier
by Jane S. Gwyn
Norman P. Magers
by the Fishman family
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C.
Mr. & Mrs. Alton W. Wright
by Lilla Wright
Andrew Clayton Elkins
Joel Clement Elkins
Norman P. Newcomer
Hartwig Moss
by the Elkins, McLeod and
Newcomer families
Ellen Sayer Hinson
Ervin & Iona Mae Aden
Helen Tycer Lewis
by Gary & Kate Elkins
Mrs. Shirley Morrison
by Dr. & Mrs. Francis LeJeune
Douglas Graham Drennan,
Abby Shaw Nalty
by Mary, Justin, Calder, Conery,
Ellie & Anna Schmidt
Francis Harris
Carrie Chandler
by Harper Johnson
Ervin Aden
Catherine Babin
Agnes & Glenn Buie
Sid & Billie Lanier
Lacy Douglass Lanier
Linda Keosian Lanier
by Nell & Sorrell Lanier
Clifford & Norma
Adolph & Esma Lupberger
Betty Ann Lupberger Page
by Edwin & Donna Lupberger
J.M. & Noreen Lapeyre
Robert & Elizabeth
Kelsey Bradley Favrot
by Monique, Bob, Lizzie,
Maggie and Jack McCleskey
Cameron Elizabeth McHarg
by Sarah Mattix McHarg
Our sons, daughters-in-law
and grandchildren
by Clarence & Barbara Weiser
Our ancestors
by Norma, Kathy, Don, Rachael
& Ronnie
Peggy McCloskey Hardie
Genie McCloskey
by Sydney, Madison and P.J.
Leighton, Bristol and Aggie
by Mom and Dad
Ann & Bill Bell
by Aimeé!, Michael, Leighton,
Bristol and Aggie Bell
Our grandparents, Don &
Edna Charles
by Grace Fleshman & Gloria
Ann Briggs
Barbara, John, Bob & May
by Laurie Briggs Young
Tom & Kit Favrot
David Favrot
Iona Mae & Ervin Aden
Andrew Elkins
Ellen Hinson
Abby Nalty
Douglas Drennan
by Thomas & Janet Favrot
Dallas Reid Hazard
by a friend
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Prosser
Morrow, Jr.
by the Morrow and Guice
Thomas F. & Carolyn H.
by Martha Beveridge
Andrew Elkins
by Jack Smallpage
Kit & Tom Favrot
Dorothy & John Smallpage
by their family
Iona Mae & Ervin Aden
by Louellen & Darryl Berger
and the Berger-Tiller families
Anne Pence Little
Bill & Libby Pence
Miriam Little
by Jack Little
Norvin Pellerin
Mary Jane Fenner
Andrew Elkins
Agnes Buie
Elaine Gelpi
Olivia Evans
Anne Little
Gerald Derks
Sally Moore Link
by Darryl & Louellen Berger
John Reed Pegues, Jr.
Clara Mae Benn Pegues
Memory Benn “Mimi”
Joseph Thomas Sylvester, III
by Emma C. Pegues
Bill Hoffman
Ann Hoffman
George Hoffman
by Lynn Hoffman
In Honor Of
Jane Stickney Gwyn
Emily & Cam Morrison
by the Stickney family
Our wonderful children,
Ashlin, James & Sean
by Michele & Kevin Murphy
Beth & Bobby Hassinger
by Mary, Justin, Calder, Conery,
Ellie & Anna Schmidt
Zach Stina, Alex, Keenan &
by John R. Knott
All the children of Barbara &
Perry Rigby
by Barbara & Perry Rigby
Mary Catherine Flower
by Harper Johnson
The SCAPC staff
by Lee & Kathy Randall
SCAPC 20/30s
Seth & Genny Hagler
by Deanna McLendon
Don Frampton & SCAPC
Steven Blackmon
The Chancel Choir
by a Grateful Chorister
In celebration of Don
Frampton’s 20 years as Senior
by Ruthie & Lou Frierson
My parents
by Judith Halverson
Katsie & Big and SuSu &
by KK and Cameron Gilly
Mr. & Mrs. Hans A. B.
by William & Helen Young
Kate & Bryan Carter
by Ellen Harris
Aidan & Jude Dunn
by Durward & Cathy Dunn
Marilyn & Henry Sevier
Beverly Elkins
by Gary & Kate Elkins and
Kakki & Andy Stenger
Chase & Bennett Stenger
John & Ashley Hope
Robert & Lizzie Hope
by John & Betty Hope
John C. Hope, III
by Betty Hope
Our children and grandchildren by Edwin & Donna
Our family
by Myralynn & Allen Gibbs
Henry & Marilyn Sevier
Thomas Founds
by Thomas & Janet Favrot
Janis & John Knott
by Kathy & Russell Jonas
Coming Up:
Carrollton Christmas Camp
Monday, December 22 - Friday, January 2 (except Dec 25 & Jan 1)
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Christmas Eve (Wednesday, December 24, 2014)
4:30 p.m. Ringers & Singers Rehearsal (Choir Room)
5:00 p.m. Family Worship Service with Childcare (Sanctuary)
7:00 p.m. Lessons and Carols without Childcare (Sanctuary)
Church Office Closed
Thursday, December 25, Friday, December 26, & Thursday, January 1
Sunday After Christmas (Sunday, December 28, 2014)
9:30 a.m. One Worship Service in the Sanctuary led by Phil Stagg
St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church
1545 State Street | New Orleans, LA 70118
Office (504) 897-0101 | www.scapc.org