St Patrick s (Woolston, SO19 9BD) & Annunciation (Netley, SO31 5AF) Parishes Southampton East Area, Diocese of Portsmouth, Registered Charity 246871 Phone 023 8044 8671, Email: Parish Priest: Fr. Claro V. Conde, Parish Administrator: Deacon Peter Silsbury, (Tel. 02380 477158) Mrs. Marion Patient, parish registrar (11am – 1:00pm Mondays and Tuesdays) Safeguarding Reps: Barbara Reed andColeen Smith (02380 448 671) For emergency calls please txt 07803191502 CHRISTMAS – 25th December 2014 WELCOME! Failte! Witajcie! Willkommen, Merhba! Mabuhay! Nno! EnnaVishayam! Bienvenidos! स्वागत (Svāgat) ahlan wa sahlan أهًال و سهًال, Selamat dating COME & WORSHIP WITH US SATURDAY VIGIL Mass: 6 pm (St Patrick’s) SUNDAY 9am Mass Annunciation (Netley Abbey) 11am Mass St. Patrick’s (Woolston) Confessions before the Masses 21st DEC Sunday 4pm CAROL SERVICE Annunciation Church. Come and join us for a festive service of carols and Christmas readings and poems. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served afterwards. Everyone very welcome. Why not invite your family, friends and neighbours. 22nd December Monday Liturgy of the Day 9:30am Mass (St Patrick) 23rd December Tuesday Liturgy of the Day 9:30am Mass (Annunciation) 24th Dec.Wed. CHRISTMAS VIGIL – THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD 4.00 pm Confessions 6.00 pm Family Mass (St Patricks) 11.00 pm Christmas Carols (St Patricks) 11.30 pm Midnight Mass (St Patricks) MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Wesołych Świąt! Boldog Karácsonyt! Frohe Weihnachten! Buon Natale Feliz Natal! Feliz Navidad! Milied Hieni! Joyeux Noël! Selamat hari Natal! 圣诞快乐 (shèng dàn kuài lè)! ั ต์วน สุขสน ั คริสตร์มาส (souksaan wan Christmas) '( س ع يد م يالد ع يدiidu miilaadin sa'iidun) MALIGAYANG PASKO! Write these greetings in your own language __________ Fr. Claro Conde, Fr. John Azarcon, Fr. Tony Gatt, Fr. James Carling & Deacon Peter Silsbury INTENTIONS for December : Cristita & Santiago Malaya rip; Magnerico Camomot rip; Juliana Tecson rip; Francis Leo Dias rip. BIRTHDAYS: Benita Raphaels (21Dec); Steve O’Rourke (21Dec); Ollie Calleya Jones (24Dec); Noeleen Cunningham Legg (24Dec); Christina Callaghan (25Dec); Wedding Anniversary: Ted and Edna Elmore (26Dec) PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Baby Zoe Phillips and Joe Kirkpatrick. 25th Dec. Thurs – CHRISTMAS DAY 9.40 am Christmas Carols (Annunciation) 10.00 am. Christmas Mass (Annunciation) 5.00 pm Mass (St Patricks) organised by Filipino Community especially for nurses, carers and those working on Christmas. All are welcome. For the 6pm Christmas family Mass on the 24th December please encourage your children to dress as shepherds, angels or guests at the Inn. We would like to remember those who will have little food after Christmas and would ask the children to bring tinned food which will be brought to the crib as part of the offertory gifts at that Mass. Thank you. Angela Wood The children's liturgy team would like to invite all children to the Christmas Eve Vigil mass. We need children dressed up as angels, shepherds and town people. We look forward, to seeing you then. Jess 26th December Friday – ST STEPHEN 9.30 am Mass CHRISTMAS QUIZ: on sale £1.00. If you enjoy doing this quiz why not buy one for a friend as well. SAVE TREES. You can have the newsletter sent by email. Let us know. Reduce our Carbon Footprint Sign up for Portsmouth Diocese E-News: FINANCE AND FUND RAISING Christmas Collections are for the benefit of the parish priest. 2nd Collections Building and Maintenance Crib Collections during Christmastide for Christian Communities in the Holy Land YEARLY FUND RAISING : £1338.10 St Patrick total: £883.93 Loose plates: £131.82; Envelopes: £278.35; Hall: £50.00; Prayer candles: £ 27.98; Second collection B&M: £70.48; International Christmas Dinner: £325.30. The Annunciation total: £239.47 Loose plates: £65.20; Envelopes: £43.50; Second collection B&M loose plate: £66.77; Second collection B&M envelopes:£6.00; Lottery: £25.00; Fundraising bacon baps: £33.00 Important Notice Standing Orders The majority of Offertory Giving is now by Standing Order. This makes counting quicker & avoids people searching for loose change to put in the bag on Sunday Morning. If you would like to set up a Standing Order (which we can claim Gift Aid if you are a tax payer) please speak to Irene Chapman or Peter Chilton or Fr. Claro. FOR GIFT AID Donation scheme please contact Irene Chapman (Woolston) or Peter Chilton (Netley) LEGACY: PLEASE REMEMBER the PARISH and the MISSIONS in Your WILL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP. EXODUS: GODS & KINGS(15) . The trip to the cinema to see Ridley Scott's new biblical epic starring Christian Bale as Moses will be on Sunday 11th January in the afternoon. If you would like to join us please telephone or email to reserve your place, so we are able to get discount on a block booking. Chris 02380560452 email: ANNUNCIATION BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE There is a box at the back of Annunciation church for any updates to the Book of Remembrance, or you can email the information to CORNER TV UNIT & MATCHING CABINET A light oak corner TV unit & matching cabinet with drawers for storage FREE to a good home. If you are interested call Chris 02380560452 A.P.F. (Red Box) ST PATRICK’S. Would the following members please collect their Mission Boxes from the church before Christmas. Kevin Beirne, Mrs Mackie, Mrs Comarmond Mrs Wijesinghe. Thank you. Roy Stevens. SVP SENIORS CHRISTMAS PARTY 2015 on 17th January in the Parish Centre from 4.00 - 5.15 pm. A list has been placed at the back of the churches and the SVP will arrange transport for those who need it and wish to attend. Irene Chapman. AoS Christmas Tree Gift Appeal .On behalf of the Apostleship of the Sea and the Seafarers visiting Southampton I should like to say a very BIG THANK YOU to all parishioners for your fantastic generosity in supporting this year’s Christmas Tree Appeal. Irene Chapman PARISHIONERS’ CHRISTMAS GREETINGS: Maureen and Clive Herring wish you a joyful, peaceful Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Sue Hodges and family wish Father Claro, Deacon Peter, friends old and new at Annunciation & St Patricks a Happy and Holy Christmas & New Year. Di and Anna Olsen wish you all a Happy Christmas. Mick and Betty Lucas wish you all a Happy Christmas. Chris and Heather wish everyone a Happy Christmas and look forward to more fundraising fun in 2015. Ann Cooper would like to wish all at Annunciation a happy and peaceful Christmas. John & Cathy White wish all our friends at Annunciation and St Patrick's a very happy and peaceful Christmas and every blessing for the New Year. Anne, Dan and the Choir of St. Patrick’s wish everyone a Happy & Peaceful Christmas! Rose & Monty Dougherty wish Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to Fr. Claro and all parishioners of St. Patrick and Annunciation. Jim Jamieson Wishes everyone a very Happy Christmas and all the best for 2015. Sean and Nancy Doyle wish everyone at Annunciation and St Patricks a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. To my friends at St. Patrick’s. Have a Lovely Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year. Winefride. Many Thanks for your generosity, care and love. Bless you this Christmas. - Fr. Patrick Sugrue, C.Ss.R, St. Joseph’s Monastery, St. Alphonsus Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Republic of Ireland If you are new to the parish, or if you have not let us have your details before, please fill in one of the ‘new parishioner’ forms in the porch, and post it through the presbytery door. Also, if you move within the parish or out of the parish, please let us know. Thank you. DISCLAIMER: The parish is not responsible for whatever transactions the advertisers have to anybody who responds to this advert
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