7 -«T \-*r.\^*.\ v :-*»>• CUE& TELEVISION > The SunWy OWftrvtf'Dtep^cfi,* Mirdh 4,'t«84/7F.'C ^ * ^ rf 1 (Continued from Page 2F) ' . Ferguson was a winner of the biennial Organ Play- free. Snow dale is Mardh' ! 9.' for the Museum of Art. During Maroh, Vm mueeom ho, CornpeWor^sponsored by the. A/neocari Guld o< tuTc* *Varie4y-of toe* and permanent cotocfion .OrflVSMTandhas appeared throughout North Amend A e t e p t i o h at LeagUC gBllery 1 exhfcitJons, induing ''Panorarnaa for .the People, "end West Germany Vwide cntical acciaim. (Ccntfcattedh'wnPajeSF). "It's one of the finest roles that's ever The Greater Uttpa Arfists League wit host a recep"Sculpture by Fernando B o t W ' "Object with a . - Acfe* h the American Gu3d of Organists, Ferguson said. " .., I just go by my gut4evel been written," AnnrMargret says. tion oh Friday at,5 p.m/for the Department of AcJverMemory" by Dennis Oppenhairn and 'European Exfc chairman of me Program Commrttee for the 19W feeling." ' ABC let her choose the director, * ti4ifg-.0esvgp .and- Pfoduction-at Moh iwk^vaTTey' But this time, the, grant*, i t may - and she went wHh^ohs Erman? who - preeeionfet Printa—- Detroit NsoonafAlGX). ConvenBonT Coflv^jtyCoOege. - ' •*' < have gooe too far. "I no kvgtr-was' had won an Emmy for "Children." • •The fxh^t.wS! openi Mt^i a wine and cheese recepAnn-Margret Olatoa... It's a horren- He hired Treat Williams for the male 2 lectures on prinimaking Secretaries book drama tion endteve puftfic «invfted. Trie showing was judged dous feeling." )ead and juggled .the scripts from the . by galsyy.s^atf end facXAy members ol the advening All of this darkness 4s the opposite' theater and mpvk versions. Two lectures on prints and prwtmafifco w» be pre^ Offca Chapter, Profeestona) Secretaries interna,:defiertmeftl.*Gfaphic 0&#i ^strehon and drawing of what fans have expected. .'. The result, Ann-Margret says, is sented this week at tht Munscn-VYVam^roctor tasfc- tier*!. p#Heat« the: Players of Ubca in their prcducboA c<oie^S>4*ihowh.;T S -' For years, Ann-Margret was the : one case in which the TV show is ' , ..-' ". ^ ; • of the drama, "Mass Appeal to be held Sunday* -. The Leagues gallery is at 2©t Genesee St. shdve picture of flash, frenzy and flaming more aduK than the movie. The refer- tute. celebration. That was the image she ences to homosexuality are back. The 'PnntmaXing: The Media andtrttProceeV is the 'March 2$ at 2 p.m. at the Oxford Road theater, New »th*S1artey,Ttoat«>.* • . • - * • ; " - %, The exottt 5eeched»Wto otoee Aprt 3. - y^ offered — bright dyed-red hair, rosy rape is played-with full intensity. *'ln We pf anMvAppreciat)on Lectureto.be given, on -Hartford. • face, exuberent song-and-dance fact, I wanted to throw up after we Tuesday by Georgia Deaf. OeeJ, en Instructor at' the . TcKett are $6 and can be obtained by contacting moves. A native Swede, she had come didit." 'Beethoven' to open series L V School of Art, w* present the talk from 7:00 toftp.m. Sheryt Bonn at 732-7749 after 5 p.m to America at 7. She was a North.fy. She recalls the scene in which 6he in StudJO D at the School. Trw lecturetoopentoinstiffcfre^nmenta wi be served during intennissiorv-The eprlng aeries'of uctures in Music 1983*84. | t western University student when was supposed to attack Williams with tute members, students and guastav V. U^e MuosofvWi^icis^Woctor Institute begins $* George Burns and J a c k Benny a kaife. "I really meant to kill him. I On Wednesday. gaSery guide Sat/Ctofc w*'gr»* a Kofrernik concert next Sun. , WedhAday^t a p.m.' in the Mtfceum of Art Audrtonuril brought her to Las Vegas and to TV. warned him about it ... He stopped By 1962, she was making movies. Her me, and I had the bruises to prove lunch time GaSery Ta* at 12:30 on th* exhibition "Eut . *v«WH)ec^Bn«r»^^e>rwen^f^Sy^ ropean E^essionfsts Print*.*' in mf Museum of Art image could be seen in the titles- of 'it." The Kopem* Memonal Association wM present a / ejUeterwcrk^eVi&eo^ Th6 lecture, thefirstoUouf bet films. Ann-Margret **as "Kitten She also struggled with the snapped . The public-Js invited to attend the free, lecture. *' : concert next Sunday featuring the music of Pofsh' such p/dp/aWtWil be oeSvered by Doug'as D. Kmes^ With a W h i p . " 8 h e w a s " T h e emotions of her character — until ocmposers Chopin and Moniuszko and wi feature so- ' director of fri« wformMg A£a^^Drv^on at the rnsbtu^pSwinger." She wai a blaring piece, of those emotions seemed to overtake Organist's recital today .prand'VelentSna KozJowski Also featured wiB be "fr^ t UpwonyM «fttht series are open to the puWc free showrbusiness }oy._ _ • . .. ber. "I. worked with' this doctor. At SpiwaXfemiy of New York Mile. • -ofewirge. . . Certainly, there were serious mo*~ one point, I called and asked her if I The 2:3CM>.m. concert wa be at MunsorvWBan^ ! j i t j ? » n y otJ?$£*?'\ J*** ?**: SL!?meats. There was her near-fatal in- could have an anesthetic.., Have you t ^Prootor He^te.with a » ddhatton cefpersdn:^. 5££Z % f f i ^ ^ $ ^ ^ * jury when a scaffolding collapsed in every thought you were losing your today et 4 p.m. rVtha Rrst Pjes^erlan ChurcrV 160S Genesee Street. Ferguson has chosen to perform etf art avAWefrom associatjon m e m b ^ V ' I ^ ^ S S g S i g ^ S ^ t t 1972, ber emotional breakdown from mind? It's scary." works of J.S.Bach,' CM. Wijay^W. iCorufle and r*. overwork in '78. TljerYwere AcaAfter a job like that, she probably Peeters. The program which ie^freely open'to the - PfQ^tdewVt benefit the Koperoik scho¥(ehtp. dp&jment tr^crWfe o^opVnent ol one of the most demy Award Dominations for "Car- sboujd hive takentime'to recover. 1 r ; ;.V;POP^mastewro«sj^W ^ nal Knowledge" ahd'Tommy." • pub&c, is being sponsored by the p&otfal New York' Jund.• :K • Instead,'she went on tour, dancing But mostly, Ann-Margret made bad * and singing and trying to look happy. Chapter of,the American Gu3dol Or'gafdsft.... ^~ •• • * ,• r—rt ' ^ tfsplaywelateoNtaterteJa ah'd recordings of the* movies and bright stage shows. All of Things peaked one night when she Ferguson is director of tht .Organ/end Church.>. They perform tin y tots/rJauet '.m\ synphortyV$ r ^ « m the MUS« Lorary m m* that changed when she tackled TV was "in ber dressing room with, hus- Mualc.-DMsJon.tr JState Untorsfy, mlrtster oJ .''' • ' ' : • ' . -movies. •» * , / . ^ •"Mta^iirn'of Xit.••'••i. 7. band Roger Smith. "I didn't want to Music at DetrotfeWayne Bushnefe Cc^gregMenai -Churchy ' .Trw^aw^VaieyPerlcrafcgAr^^ *b continue~,March"28 with a First came "Who Will Love My say anything, but my left arm had bhv tots bafietfor chfldren aoes ttvee toltve, l •• '• •' • | e ^ e v ^ e d j ^ ^ J i e A a ^ N a ^ w a r n i s i t h e i H -1J —<Mdre»r^portrayii^-«-dying-Iow«- -gone numhrFinallyrl satdr^Heel a~ -and ggahist with the Detroit SyropttcfojQrcnee**; -"Bumofe Bear Seoomes Ballet Bear." it wtil bY heid Wedapi^by WHam «keltorJ,Cofgate University; oh farmwife who carefully found homes little strange. I think I could use some where he has performed vsfth' such .world-renowned Monday:March 12. •' • ' .. , conductors as NevSe Mariner,, ftntaf. Doraft Sbtteh wfjh 8n^opefl¥ocum moderated by Robert. for her 10 children. Ann-Margret : oxygen.' Roger said be was getting 'The 30 minute bafiet w i be at t:S0 p.m. *^the •WOXJVN^w.Ycrts end on May 9 with tr eliminated make-up and hair coloring' the paramedics." They arrived in Ehrfing and Michael Tilsc^-ThomJB: He wee the peritlpAentffied^attiing 4or tr\e Arts In the and reined ber emotions to miteh the • time; by then, she says, her puse rate sonal choice of Maestro DoMfl.to tertprti.the com* • banquet haft at the'Prymouth Bethesoa United Church fMt*t\g'6oniry1ei: Ohfipln. former general plete-organ^orks of Brahma- fox the 1 9 8 0 tf<2hfl^5rx>PftntSt. character. "She kept everything in- was at 218. W.tM.M«'trbpe8tah Opera, side. It was terribly controlled and The tour finally ended Sept. 10, in InternatJor^Brshw.FesflvsJ. ' ..-;'./ - >; •'! ' '. ' ChSWrerv^'tk^ets are $1, adults wQl be admi^edv rnariSfltr - 'qltf 7^7X»00>af fnVmatton. vtty painful." hex hometown of Stockholm. '.'I said, •***< *- •; When the filming was finished, she, 'ENOUGH. I really do need a rest.*" seemed shaken by the experience. : First she had to tend to Smith, who But two months later, she was ptang- has the neuro-muscular disease mying Into a role that wai the exact op-, ^ asthenia gravis and was hospitalized. pbsite. r .' • Then came the long-overdue vaca:in "A Streetcar Named Desire," tion. "We just came back from HaBlanche DuBois is all surface charm. waii and Fiji. He's healthy, very She gushes like a southern belle, N brown. Things are getting better while dark secrets fester in ber souL now." STREETCAR .^T • FOR THE RECORD tbesiier stuff, then snaps into soul By WARREN GERDS disco with a mechanized drum beat Gannett Newsservice . It looks like an albam, bqt Tina Turn- '". (boo). Turner gives it its life with her er's "Let's Stay Together" (Capitol Ijafd-edged, derring-do moves. &S79) is only two songs on 12 inches of The real Turner turns up on the flip yinyl. side, "I.Wrote a Letter." It's gutty, : And those two tunes show that the . gritty, rockin' blues with Turner's JS-year-old hot mama of soul cab still genuine-article voice steaming up the action^. stoke the furnace. It whets your appetite for more, but ; The title cut, a long dance-beat affair, starts with creamy, dreamy syn- —all that's left is a vast blank space. ;~ ''A .Amertca^l^Ai^lihcs, 3 /. I, .I . 1 A ft for A car or cdmputer, a kitchen or'a'ctoi^v'^ \Xr^at6vef;purpose you like. 4here^Wrior^oo^news^t^ Century-but yo^SaVe when you borrpv/;^^; Homestead. It'S/sfmple with new. CenturyV j Simple Interestirates, vHe?^ how: the -devote! • pay we su6tractyc^r payrnerit from y6uNb|n^ 3 days and 2 nights. Includes air fare, tax and hotel. Prices Hotels Hotels Prices The Strip interest Charse; Flamingo Hilton *3Vt Mini-Price S319 r Iroperial PaUtx J35t Continental t&9 Las Mtga Hilton t±*r* Us Vegg Manna l.«9 ^^twardRo *J5r Ri\vera *3^4 Desert Inn *384 Maxim 1544 Caesars PUJCC , SJ94 Sahara Las Vegas S344 Tropkana IM4 Downtown Fromier ' 1M9. Fout Queens Holiday Inn . »3.« *354 Union Pta/ji CenterSu^> ' SM9: •Prices irtptf penurtbased on Ooubk <xvopax> anJ art \abd CvuOjTi - f 12-2&S4. This*? and Friday prices are sUJhe> Wj^tt rrf*t» m«s be J purchzsaJ • least 10 <fcjs In «^ance fticcs are subject «u ctiarvt »imoartt^arrfpatttiyaNTaaba^>s^rr«eiin^ \ mm-. P i i-'. ^w..« '•> •a.r%A,^fi'dlfelija^l(ta5< v mum .payment due-and,'jjaw'.. 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I. iw, Untitled Document lLl—rti:^;^rJ^SV?^PZ^^^^ ^TtFWtt^zpx&rttTZrrzzz?^^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ^ www.fultonhistory.com L . ^ — - • F - u.. r* . ^ fc^- _ T \ ' i ~» • . . 'A
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