St Alban’s, St Joseph’s and St Peter’s Catholic Churches Three Rosminian Parishes United in One Faith 21st - 27th DECEMBER 2014 FOURTH WEEK OF ADVENT (CYCLE B) Christmas Blessings ST ALBAN’S PARISH Cameron Street, Splott, Cardiff CF24 2NX Tel: 029 2046 3219 ST JOSEPH’S PARISH New Zealand Road, Gabalfa, Cardiff CF14 3BR Tel: 029 2041 1819 Thank you for all the help so generously given throughout the year. It is really appreciated. A very Happy Christmas to you all from the Rosminian Community at St. Alban’s, St. Joseph’s and St. Peter’s Churches. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “Behold God made man, Jesus Christ, full of love.” (Blessed Antonio Rosmini) CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS AT ALL ROSMINIAN PARISHES Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st December are normal collections. Those on Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th December will be for the formation and maintaining of the Rosminian students. If you are a tax payer and would like your offering to be gift aided, please use a brown “Rosminian” envelope available at the back of the Church. Please complete the details and sign the declaration. If you are a member of the Gift Aid scheme, you will find the brown Rosminian Christmas envelope in your pack. “WALK WITH ME” - A Journey of Prayer for Advent & Christmas Copies of this pocket-size booklet are now available in all churches at £1 each. Archbishop George Stack, Bishop Tom Burns and Bishop Peter Brignall have written a foreword and recommend it as an aid to prayer. Proceeds go to Church funds. CHRISTMAS SERVICES & MASS TIMES FOR THE THREE ROSMINIAN PARISHES Our Newsletter Team are taking a very short break over Christmas so Masses are only shown up to 27th December in this edition. For all other Masses over the Christmas period, please see details in your own church. The Newsletter will next be published on the 10th/11th January and the team (Anne, Cathy, Lyn, Ray and Romilly), wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas. ST PETER’S PARISH St Peter Street, Roath, Cardiff CF24 3BA Tel: 029 2048 3394 St. Peter’s Hall Tel: 029 2049 4425 Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cardiff Registered Charity No 242380 Served by Rosminians SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES St Alban’s - Maggie Suller 07899 748377 St Joseph’s - Chris Mullane 07747 057163 St Peter’s - Theresa Hurley 029 2041 0092 PARISH TEAMS St Peter’s Fr Philip Scanlan, Fr. Michael McCarthy, Fr Jim McKnight & Rev. Robert James St Alban’s Fr. Saji Dominic, Fr Joe Mullen, St Joseph’s Fr Ambrose Maliakkal, Fr Edward Cody, Deacon Mark Howe, Br Brian Butler ST ALBAN’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel: 029 2046 2915 ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 029 2062 1625 ST PETER’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel: 029 2049 7847 CORPUS CHRISTI HIGH SCHOOL Tel: 029 2076 1893 ST ILLTYD’S HIGH SCHOOL Tel: 029 2077 8174 ST DAVID’S CATHOLIC SIXTH FORM COLLEGE Tel: 029 2049 8555 St Alban’s Parish Notices St Joseph’s Parish Notices CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Wishing all Parishioners a Happy and Holy Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Fr. Saji., Fr. Joe and Fr. Chris take this opportunity to wish all Parishioners a Happy & Holy Christmas and a joyful New Year. They also thank you for the cards and gifts received. PARISH & SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE Congratulations to our Schoolchildren for their performance at the Carol Service on Monday. Many thanks also to the teachers and assistants who prepared them for this Service. Grateful thanks to St. Alban’s Band who provided the music for this most enjoyable celebration. Fr Ambrose, Fr Cody, Br Brian, Deacon Mark ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Please note that there will be no Adoration on Wednesday, 24th December (Christmas Eve) or Wednesday 31st December (New Year’s Eve). SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION - 2015 Candidates who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next year are asked to collect a form from the Sacristy and return it fully completed. A series of lessons will begin in the New Year for the candidates to prepare for this Sacrament. THE CHRISTMAS PLAY AND FAYRE Will be held on Sunday, 21st December at 11.00 am in the Hall. Donations of bric-a-brac, books, toys, canned food or drinks, etc. all welcome. Please contact Maggie or Theresa if you would like to help out. CHRISTMAS DRAW AND SOCIAL will be held in the Hall today, Saturday, 20th December after the evening Mass. Please come along to support this event. APF ‘MISSIO’ BOXES The Missio boxes are now due to be emptied so, could all those who have boxes, please leave them in the Presbytery. The empty boxes can be collected from the Church Shop the following weekend. If you wish to have your box collected, please contact Peter Maunder on 2021 6481. HALL BOOKINGS A booking form has been created to regularise Hall bookings. All Hall users are required to complete the form and return it to the Presbytery or Parish Office. Conditions of Hire are shown on the form. This Week’s Events/Meetings Saturday 7 pm Christmas Draw & Social Church Hall Monday 6 pm Legion of Mary Presbytery Monday 7.30pm UCM Meeting Presbytery Tuesday 7.00pm Divine Mercy Meeting Presbytery CONFIRMATION 27th JUNE 2015 at 6.00 pm There will be a meeting for parents and candidates in the New Year details to follow. Classes for this Sacrament will start in March on Saturdays from 4.00pm - 5.30 pm. THE GIFT AID SCHEME Gift Aid is a way of benefitting the Parish at no extra cost to you. It is for UK tax payers and, instead of putting your weekly offering directly into the collection bag, you use individually numbered envelopes so that contributions can be recorded and a claim made from the Tax Office. You do not need to contribute a fixed amount or to pay every week of the year. The amount you give and how often you pay is entirely up to you. If you are a taxpayer and are not already Gift Aiding your offerings, please give serious consideration to joining the scheme. There are sheets at the back of the Church with further details. WE DO CARE! Are you sick, housebound or lonely? Do you know any parishioner who is? If they would like a visit in hospital or home, perhaps with Holy Communion, please contact Bro. Brian, leaving your name and contact details. LIBRARY NEWS We have two new additions to the DVD Library: “Cold Comfort Farm” and “The Fellowship of the Ring”. If you are up-dating your private collection with Blu-ray discs, we would welcome any unwanted DVD’s for the library. This Week’s Events/Meetings Monday 7.30pm UCM Meeting Room St Peter’s Parish Notices Fr. Philip, Fr. Jim, Fr. Michael and Rev. Robert wish to thank all those who have sent cards and presents at this time. This is greatly appreciated and we now send to each and every one our heartfelt thanks and greetings for Christmas and the New Year. May we all keep in our hearts for the weeks ahead the mysteries we have just celebrated. Dates for your Diaries Saturday 20th December CHRISTMAS DRAW AND SOCIAL in St. Alban’s Church Hall after the evening Mass. Sunday 21st December Christmas Play and Fayre at St Alban’s Church Hall starting at 11.00 am. Wednesday 7th January SECOND COLLECTION There will be a collection after all Masses today for flowers to decorate the Church this Christmas. Over Christmas, we warmly welcome all who wish to come and share in our adoration of God made Man, whether they are Catholic or not, practising or not, curious or committed. THE CRIB Parishioners are welcome to bring in Poinsettias to be part of the Crib between Sunday 21st and Tuesday, December 23rd (at the latest). If you wish to link this with the remembrance of a loved one, the name can be attached to the plant, all names will then be collected and placed in a basket in front of the Crib over the Christmas period. The poinsettias should be taken home after Christmas but must be cleared by the Epiphany (January 6th). PLEASE NOTE THE TIMES OF MASSES OVER THE CHRISTMAS PERIOD AS ON THE INSERT SHEET IN EACH COPY OF TODAY’S NEWSLETTER KEY CLUB The Key Club has closed for the holidays and restarts on 11th January. We wish you all, children and parents, a very happy Christmas. ADORATION There will be no Adoration on Wednesday, 24th December (Christmas Eve) or Wednesday 31st December (New Year’s Eve). SACRAMENTS OF RECONCILIATION AND HOLY COMMUNION - If your child is in Year 3 or above and does not attend a Catholic school but would like to receive these Sacraments, please leave your contact details with any of the priests. Induction meeting - Sunday, 11th January, 2015 at 10.30 am. May we remind parents of children now preparing for the Sacraments to make sure that the excitement of Christmas does not fade away in the weeks ahead so that weekly attendance at Mass will become an essential part of life, both now and into the years that lie ahead. Opening night of Jack and the Beanstalk presented by St Peter’s Players in St Peter’s Hall at 7.00 pm. Continues through to Saturday 10th January. Tickets £7.50/£4.50 from 07779 088623 or Sunday 11th January The Key Club (Children’s Liturgy) restarts at the 9.30 am Mass following the Christmas break Induction Meeting for parents of children who do not attend Catholic schools but want to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion at St. Peter’s Presbytery at 10.30 am. A Prayer for Christmas Eve Loving God, Help us remember the birth of Jesus that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake. Amen. Mass Times & Intentions SAT 20th & SUN 21ST DECEMBER FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT St Alban’s 6.00 pm Paul O’Leary St Joseph’s 6.00 pm Rosaria Spiteri St Joseph’s 9.15 am Fr. John Doman St Peter’s 9.30 am Anne & Nelson Perreault St Alban’s 10.00 am Mary Frost & Family St Joseph’s 11.00 am All Parishioners St Peter’s 11.00 am Baby Joseph Cassar St Peter’s 12.15 pm Spiro Sueref Sacrament of Reconciliation St Peter’s St Joseph’s St Alban’s St Peter’s St Joseph’s Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat After evening Mass 12noon - 1pm 12noon - 12.30pm 12.15 - 1pm 5.45pm (before 6pm Mass) Adoration St Alban’s St Joseph’s St. Peter’s St Alban’s Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday St Peter’s Mon - Fri St Peter’s Mon - Thurs Rosary & Benediction MON 22nd DEC - Fourth Week of Advent St Peter’s 8.00 am 9.15 am Private Intention St Peter’s 9.30 am DM of the Ianni & Zurlo Families St Peter’s 11.00 am Requiem Mass for Jana Saliba St. Albans 7.00 pm John Bodenham TUES 23rd DEC - St. John of Kanty, Priest St Peter’s 8.00 am Cyril & Bridget George St Joseph’s 9.15 am Private Intention St. Albans 9.30 am DM of the McGrath Family St Peter’s 9.30 am Josephine Camilleri WEDS 24th DEC - Vigil: The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ St Peter’s 8.00 am All Parishioners St Joseph’s St. Joseph’s 9.15 am 6.00 pm Expectant Mothers Christmas Vigil: All Parishioners St Peter’s 6.30 pm Vigil: DM of the Bishop Family/ Philip Driscoll St Alban’s 8.00 pm Vigil: Michael & Theresa Collins St. Joseph’s 11.30 pm Carols followed by Midnight Mass All Parishioners St Peter’s 11.30 pm Carols, followed by Midnight Mass James & Edith Clarke and William & Elsie Steele/ Stefan Olshansky Rosary daily after 8am Mass and before 7.00 pm Mass on Friday. Morning Prayer DM of the Camilleri Family St Joseph’s 6 - 7 pm ( St Joseph’s Chapel) 9.40 am - 3.30 pm 10 am - 8 pm (St David’s Chapel) 8.30 - 9.30am (St Joseph’s 9.15am (St David’s Chapel) Please keep in your prayers OUR RECENTLY DECEASED - R.I.P Jana Saliba, Rita Barry ANNIVERSARIES St Albans: Giuseppe Oliveri, Robert Tamlin, Patrick O’Leary, Stephen Rees, John Cook, James Brooks, James Britton, Mary Eccles, Margaret Riordan, Michael Brown, William Stallard, William Legge, Sandra Walentin, Catherine James. St. Joseph’s: Elizabeth Driscoll, Cornelius O’Brien, Paul Breen, William Fitzpatrick, William Marchant, James Mahoney, Jim Fitzgerald, Terry Rees, Michael Lawson, Sheila Hipkin, Fr. Bill Fearon IC, Debra Darmanin, Fr. Bernard Holland, Daniel O’Brien, Pat North, Nora Kavanagh, Peter Catris, Rachel Atkins, Margaret Carter. St Peter’s: Ellen Downing, Edith Pearce, Paul Breen, Catherine Healan, Ellen Walsh, Michael Sweeney, John & Margaret Jones, Gillian Britton, Mary Hillier, Mary Goodyear, Rosemary Kelly, Josephine Watkins, Alex Grace, Trevor Lewis, Chris Neale, Ralph Broughton, Tony Gibbs, Baby Joseph Cassar, Cyril George, Elena Abela, Sheila Hennessy, John A. Martin. THURS 25th DEC - THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST St. Peter’s 9.30 am Norman Willis/DM of Neale Family St Joseph’s 10.00 am All Parishioners St Alban’s 10.00 am For all Parishioners St Peter’s 11.00 am David Stafford, Elizabeth & JohnBallinger & Grace Dawe/ James & Edith Clarke & William & Elsie Steele St. Joseph’s 6.30 pm Vocations to the Priesthood FRI 26th DEC - St. Stephen, the first Martyr St Joseph’s 9.15 am Altar Servers/James Mahoney St Alban’s 10.00 am Pauline Hawkins St. Peter’s 10.00 am Anna & Mostyn Wade SAT 27th DEC - St. John, Apostle & Evangelist St Joseph’s 9.15 am Private Intention St. Peter’s 10.00 am GE Fr. Michael Cronin St Alban’s 6.00 pm Maggie & Christie Keane St Joseph’s 6.00 pm All Parishioners BAPTISMS Xavier Manleon Letellier at St. Alban’s Church at 12 noon on 21st December Hannah Weaving at St. Joseph’s Church
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