Saint Isidore Bulletin 12/21/14 - Saint Isidore Roman Catholic Church

Mass Server Schedule December 22 - 28, 2014
5:30 AM
AC1 Banks, Sherwyn
8:00 AM
5:30 AM
AC1 Gilmor, Gerard
AC1 Smith, Greg
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
11:25 PM
11:50 PM
AC1 McDermott, Daniel
AC1 Ardizzone, Joseph
Christmas Carols Begin
Blessing of the Creche
MC Eddy, Joseph
McDermott, Joseph
Christmas Eve
AC1 McDermott, Matthew
McKinnon, Samuel
Roman Catholic Church and Academy
CB Gallegos, Dominic
TB2 Bushnell, Paul
TB4 Gallegos, Isaac
TB6 McKinnon, Daniel
Estrada, Nathaniel
Banks, Adam
Gallegos, Christopher
Fr. Dennis T. McDonald, Prior and Principal
Fr. Michael Harber, Assistant
Fr. Richard Boyle, Assistant
Rev. Mr. Nicholas McManus, Deacon
AC1 Gilmor, Gerard
AC1 Cichos, John
AC1 Gaydosh, James
AC1 Banks, Sherwyn
AC1 Cichos, David Jr.
MC1 Johnston, Daniel
McBride, James Jr.
Feast of St. Stephen
8:00 AM
5:30 AM
8:00 AM
5:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Ledbetter, Stanley
Society of St. Pius X
Latin Tridentine Mass
Christmas Day
Cichos, Jonathan
Gaydosh, John
Cichos, David
Ledbetter, Owen
AC1 Webber, Christian
CB Redding, Justin
Webber, Theodore
Cichos, Joshua
TB2 Cichos, Joseph
TB4 Webber, Patrick
Conder, Matthew
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 21, 2014
Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25
St. Isidore Church
32100 E. Colfax Service Road
Watkins, CO 80137
303-344-9300 (phone)
303-568-0193 (fax)
St. Isidore Priory
277 South Watkins Road
Watkins, Colorado 80137
303-325-7558 (phone)
303-568-0193 (fax) |
Thank you to all those who donated their
time and talents to decorate the Church
and Priory for Christmas.
January 1, 2015 - Mass at 9 am at Saint
Isidore and 2 pm in Fort Collins (at the
Ridgeview School).
Father McDonald will be on his Day of Recollection on Monday, December 22. Please
remember him in your prayers.
Christmas Altar Flowers - Please help make
the Altars beautiful for the birth of Our
Lord! Donation envelopes are in the pews.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Christmas Card Fundraiser - Help support
Our Lady Help of Christians Academy by purchasing “Masterpiece Christmas Card Collection” card packs from the bookstore. A portion of the sales go directly to support our
Christmas Mass schedule - Midnight Mass
with blessing of the Creche at 11:50 pm.
Christmas Day - 8:00 am Low Mass at St.
Isidore and 11:00 am Mass in Ft. Collins at
the Ridgeview School (1800 S. LeMay Street
Ft. Collins).
There will be a potluck following the
Christmas Vigil Midnight Mass. Everyone is
invited to celebrate this joyous feast day
with fellow parishioners. Please bring a
covered dish to share.
Altar and Rosary would like to thank everyone for the generous support of all the December fundraisers, Today is the last day of
the Christmas Gift and Craft Sale. Come and
browse the tables one more time. You
might find a bargain.
Confession Schedule
Monday, December 22
No Confessions
Tuesday, December 23
7:15 am - 7:55 am
Wednesday, December 24
(Christmas Eve)
Thursday, December 25
(Christmas Day)
Friday, December 26
Fr. Boyle
10:45 pm - 11:45 pm
Fr. McDonald
7:30 am - 7:55 am
Fr. McDonald
No Confessions
Saturday, December 27
8:00 am - 8:55 am
Fr. McDonald
Sunday, December 28
8:00 am - 8:55 am
Fr. McDonald
Website news - Our website is now updated with the church audio system information. This new page is designed to help those who would like to tune into
our system with their own personal FM receiver if they have trouble hearing our
sermons over the loud speaker system. This link to the page is labeled “church
audio” on the website.
Luke 2…..Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great
joy which shall be to all the people; for today, in the town of David a
Savior has been born to you, Who is Christ the Lord.
…..And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly
host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on
earth peace among men of good will.”
Please pray for the Repose of the Souls of Mrs. Rita Mills, mother of Mrs. Patty Crow
and Mr. Rick Hoffman, longtime parishioner of Annunciation Chapel.
Church Financial Report
The following need your prayers:
Patty Crow, Audrey Schueler, Willa Jean Cowhick, Rita Johnson, Bruce Meehl, Vincent
Lefranc, Tom Austin, Jason Green, Duke England, Don England, Christopher Able, Neva
Wilson, Sharon and Lyndsi Linnebur, Isaac Gallegos, Bill Lee, David Sr. and Clita Eddy,
Faith Cichos, Donna and Valerian Koralewski, Greg Chenowth, Ronald Brown, Leesa Tumen, Charles and Mary Anderson, Mary Williams, James Jaques, Robert Lindholm, Joseph
Stanton, Jeff Barry, Glen Silva, Patty Berg, Wil Nation, Carita Weber, Antonija Michieli ,
Teri Ardizzone, Louise Trujillo, Mark Gilmor, Matt Harvie, Joyce and Anne DePass.
Please contact Mary Bauer at 720-401-1688 or for additions or deletions on this list.
1st Collection
2nd Collection
2nd Collection Purpose
Upcoming Second Collections:
December 28th
December 7th
December 14th
SSPX Foreign
Church Expense Report:
Building Fund
November Expenses
November Collections
Total of 6 Collections *(including
All Saints Day & 5th Sunday)