Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort 10000 Beach Club Drive Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 29572 Shining Stars In the Royal Court February 27—March 1, 2015 Page 2 SCAEOP 33RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE Conference Schedule Thursday, February 26, 2015 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Registration 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Executive Board Meeting Friday, February 27—March 1, 2015 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Vendor Fair 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Registration 8:30 am - 9:45 am Seminar Sessions I 10:00 am - 11:15 am Seminar Sessions II 11:15 am - 1:15 pm Lunch (on your own) 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Opening Session Make Your Reservation at the Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort The conference room rate is $118 per night and parking is free to our group. The hotel is located at 10000 Beach Club Drive, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 29572-5304. Make reservations by calling 800-876-0010. Our group code is SOP to get our special room rate. Rooms are limited and on a firstcome, first-served basis so make your reservations early. Deadline to receive group rate is February 1, 2015. You can also make reservations online at http:// www.hilton.com/en/hi/groups/personalized/M/MYRBHHHSOP-20150227/index.jhtml Annarose Ingarra-Milch ROI Training & Consul ng, LLC Saturday, February 28, 2015 6:30 am - 7:15 am Morning exercise on your own 7:00 am - 8:15 am Registration 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Vendor Fair 8:30 am - 11:30 am Business Session 11:45 am - 1:15 pm Awards Luncheon 1:30 am - 2:45 pm Seminar Sessions I 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm Seminar Sessions II 6:00 pm Installation Practice 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Installation Banquet Sunday, March 1, 2015 6:30 am - 7:15 am Morning Exercise 8:00 am - 11:00 am Breakfast and meeting Keynote Speaker— Ms. Laura Hickson Superintendent—Florence SD Three 11:00 a.m. Adjourn SCAEOP Refund Policy All cancellation requests can be submitted by mail, email, or fax to the Membership Recorder/ Conference Registration Chairman. Cancellations received on or before the deadline stated in the registration entitles the registrant to a full refund less a $25 administrative fee. A 50% refund of registration fee will be made for requests received 15 days or more prior to the opening session date of the conference. Requests received 14 days or less (including conference no-shows) to the opening session date of the conference will not receive a refund, except in the cases of death or illness as defined: Death in Family: member, spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, parent-in-law, sibling-in-law, grandparent -in-law, and niece or nephew. Please include obituary or memorial program with your request. Illness: member, spouse, child, member’s parent. These requests should be accompanied by a doctor’s excuse for the dates of the conference. These refund requests should be submitted to the SCAEOP Membership Recorder no later than 10 business days after the conference adjournment and would be subject to the $25 administrative fee. Page 3 Keynote Speakers ANNAROSE INGARRA-MILCH ROI Training & Consulting, LLC You are Your Best Asset—Lessons from “Lunch with Lucille” Did you ever wonder if you capitalized on your best asset—you? What would happen if you capitalized on your best asset - you? It is no secret that tapping into your best asset will allow you to leverage your potential and help you achieve what you want in both your professional and personal life. You are Your Best Asset – Lessons from “Lunch with Lucille” is an uplifting and powerfully motivating presentation designed to excite each person in the room to become that unforgettable educational office professional. Using four learning points, called diamonds, you will hear a straight forward message of self-empowerment so you can excel at your position, be a positive influence in the lives of others, and reap the benefits of being YOU! Ms. Laura Hickson Assistant Superintendent, Florence School District Three Is Your Royal Court Invitational? The Invitational Theory is a practice that addresses the total environment. It is an impactful process of communicating care and messages that are intended to build and inspire humans (Purkey, 2013). Ms. Sara Davis Director of New Horizons Family Center Clemson University’s Youth Learning Institute (YLI) Ms. Davis is dedicated to educating, empowering, and inspiring at-risk youth to achieve excellence through practical, hands-on experience, community service, and life skill learning opportunities. Community Service—(YLI) This year SCAEOP will focus its community service efforts on supporting the Youth Learning Institute. The Youth Learning Institute continues its commitment of youth development by offering Youth-At-Risk programs. In partnership with state and local agencies, these programs are committed to assisting the at-risk population. YLI at -risk programs are designed to: Improve study skills Develop leadership skills Encourage academic excellence Assist with behavior Create a passion for learning YLI offers both residential and day programs to serve the youth of South Carolina. SCAEOP will be supporting the New Horizons Family Center. First Timers If this is your first conference, you need to attend this fun and informative session. Do you know what PSP and CEOE mean? This funpacked session allows you to network with other First Timers, learn a little about the organization, and win a special prize. When Generations Collide Elizabeth Napolitano, CEOE, NAEOP President Office professionals work with all generations of people who include students, parents, grandparents, and sometimes greatgrandparents. Every generation is raised with different moral values and disciplines. We’ll take a look at what the differences are and how they affected the generations way of thinking and how we can learn to communicate in a more positive way with all generations. More Than An Executive Assistant Dr. William Dixon, Jr. PowerSchool Amanda Dobson All South Carolina School Districts are n o w u s i n g PowerSchool. The presenter would like to design this workshop to the specific interests of the attendees. Please send any topics or questions you would like to address to: DobsonAT@spart6.org. DATA DESTRUCTION – To Shred or Not to Shred? Sylvia Sullivan, CEOE This presentation will look into the need to remove and/or destroy hardcopy documents from our office and home filing systems. This workshop intends to be interactive, educational, informative and enable Office Professionals to take with them a clear sense of direction, legal assurance and the desire to lighten the load in their file cabinet. PSP Cassie Nelson, CEOE Learn the process of the PSP and CEOE certification programs. Learn the difference between in-service credits and continuing education units and how they apply to your personal certification. Sharpening The Saw In this session, participants will be engaged in a highly energetic session in which they will learn how to balance their roles and responsibilities as educational office professionals. Participants will also be challenged to think out of the box in taking on nontraditional tasks to support the overall mission of their school, district and/ or organization. The session will provide a great deal of collaboration and reflection in a fun environment. South Carolina Retirement George Hazin This presentation will cover benefits available to members while actively employed, such as Disability Retirement, Death Benefits and Service Purchase. It will also cover Retirement Eligibility for Class II and Class III members, Benefit Calculations, Survivor Options, TERI, Returning to Covered Employment after retirement, Retiree Earnings Limitation, Retiree Benefit Adjustment and Retiree Death Benefits. Donna Lazar, CEOE A well-worn saw can’t do its job well – or sometimes at all. But, a sharp saw can quickly and efficiently get the job done. Balance your attitude and renew your enthusiasm in all four areas of your life; Physical, Social/Emotional, Mental, and Spiritually. Healthy Living in a Supersized Solciety Teresa Price, CEOE NAEOP Mid-Atlantic Area Director Each day, one in four Americans will visit a fast food restaurant. The World Health Organization has declared obesity a global epidemic. 40 percent of American meals are eaten outside the home. Your work schedule, home responsibilities, appointments, and family matters are just some of the things which can cause you to stray from eating healthy and making good choices. How can you be expected to eat the right thing you’re your life is filled with the unexpected? Together we will explore some ways to stay on the right path, control your urge to skip meals, and pick up some tips on making good choices while you are away from home. This presentation concludes with an interactive activity for all participants. A Focus on Children in Poverty Wilsey Hamilton The workshop is designed to increase awareness of factors that impoverished children face. In addition, it will offer some insight on how to build and maintain working, loving relationships between the adult and the child in an effort to glean lasting results from the child/student in an educational setting or abroad. Setting Goals Elizabeth Napolitano, CEOE Believe in yourself and you can do almost anything you set your mind to do. Find the keys to success and learn how to set goals to achieve it. Communication Skills Annarose Ingarra-Milch Whether we are dealing with parents, students, teachers, colleagues, or supervisors, our success depends on our ability to effectively communicate. This highly interactive program will help you understand the fundamentals of communication and how miscommunication happens, build self-awareness of your communication style and how to adjust your style in order to have more productive conversations, as well as assist you in identifying a practical and proven strategy that you can immediately apply to improve your skill set. Lead From Where You Are Andrew Barbone We will explore how there is a leader in all of us that can innovate, contribute, and help raise our organization higher than we think. Have you ever thought, "If they asked me my opinion, I know my contribution would improve things" or "Why can't we just do it this way? It would make so much more sense". Come prepared to discuss, laugh, and receive ways to return to your workplace motivated to participate in your organization's rise to excellence! Feel free to bring an electronic device, although it is not necessary! Google Forms Amanda Dobson Do you need a way to collect information from multiple sources? Do you need a way to share information without emailing individuals over and over? Google Forms will show you easy ways to collect all of that data that you need on a daily basis without filling up your inbox or going through piles of paper responses from teachers and kids. Please make sure to bring a laptop and a Gmail address to get you started. 2015 SCAEOP ANNUAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort 10000 Beach Club Drive, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 29572-5304 Contact Hotel for reservations: 1-800-876-0010 Date Rec’d:_______________ February 27 - March 1, 2015 Expiration Date ___________ Member #_______________ Registration Deadline: January 30, 2015 Early Bird Special: Registra ons postmarked on or before January 16, 2015 will be entered into a drawing for $100. Winner will be chosen Sunday morning at closing breakfast. Mail registration with check payable to SCAEOP to: Pauline A. Alford, CEOE, 212 SW Fieldsedge Dr., Moore, SC 29369-9270 Name:_______________________________________________________________________ (CEOE)______________________ Please check CEOE if applicable) Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip Code:_____________ Home Phone:___________________________ Work Phone:__________________________ Cell:____________________________ County:_____________________________________ District #:________ Email:________________________________________ Is this the first SCAEOP annual conference you have attended? Yes_______ No_______ Job Title: ____________________________ Membership Fee (Complete membership data form on back) @ $30 Conference Registration: Member @ $150 $_____________ Non-Member @ $180 Retiree @ $125 Late Registration Fee (All registrations postmarked after January 31, 2015 add $50 late fee) $_____________ $_____________ (All meals are included for the registered participant.) Additional meals requested Extra guests for Friday Afternoon Break_____ @$15.00 $_____________ Extra guests for Lunch Saturday _____ @ $30.00 $_____________ Extra guests for Installation Banquet _____ @ $44.00 $_____________ Extra guests for Breakfast Sunday _____ @ $23.00 $_____________ TOTAL $_____________ Workshop Registrations: Please indicate workshop choices below by first (1), second (2), and third (3) choices for Friday & Saturday (both sessions). Registrations are on a first come, first served basis. We will make every effort to give you your first choice however we may be unable to accommodate you because of physical constraints. Friday Topic Saturday ____ First Timers 8:30—9:45 8:30—10:30 ____ PowerSchool—Advanced 1:30—2:45 ____ SC Retirement System ____ PowerSchool-Intermediate 10:00—11:15 ____ PSP ____ When Generations Collide ____ More than An Executive Assistant Topic ___ Communication Skills ____Focus on Children in Poverty ____ Retirees 3:00—4:15 ____ Setting Goals ____ Google Forms ____ Data Destruction ____ Sharpening the Saw ____ Healthy Living in a Supersized Society ____ Lead from Where you Are WE DO NOT ACCEPT PURCHASE ORDERS OR CREDIT CARDS. SCAEOP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/NEW OR RENEWAL Date Rec’d:________________ Member #_________________ Expiration Date ____________ New Member $30 Membership Renewal $30 Retiree $15.00 Name:________________________________________________________(CEOE)__________ Member ID (Last 4 of SSN):____________________ Date of Birth :___________________ Job Title:____________________ Home Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ Address Home Phone:_________________ City State Work Phone:______________________ Zip Code Cell: _______________________ County:______________________ District #:______ Email: _______________________________________________ School District/School:_________________________________________________________________ Business Address:____________________________________________________________________________________ Address Preferred Mailing Address: (circle one) City Home or State Zip Code Business FOR INSURANCE: Name of Beneficiary:________________________________ Relationship:_______________________________ OR ESTATE________________________________ Are you interested in serving as a state officer or a district director? Yes_______ No________ Are you interested in serving on a committee? Yes_______ No________ Are you a member of a local, district or county association? Yes_______ No________ If so, name of Association:____________________________________________________________________ Are you a member of NAEOP? Yes_______ No________ Are you enrolled in the NAEOP Professional Standards Program? Yes_______ No________ What PSP certificates have you earned? _____________________CEOE Year earned:__________ Recruited by: _________________________________________ Revised: 02/09, 3/2010, 3/2011, 11/2013, 8/2014
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