GSGF Newsletter December 2014 MEMBER OF THE MONTH - RESOURCES - EVENTS - MEMBER NEWS - HOTSPOTS - GO_SEES Words Word of the Executive Director Over the last month we have worked very intensively to pick up all the information, hints, suggestions, challenges as brought forward during our successful face to face meeting in Amsterdam during the European Utility Week. You will see further in this newsletter several important messages that were brought to the table by our members, which are key takeaways. In that meeting we also had two important speakers Mark McGranaghan, Vice President, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) “Developing a Framework for Evaluating “Integrated Grid Technologies” and James Matthys-Donnadieu CEO of Belpex “A perspective on European energy markets”. You can find the presentations on our website. After the success of the first three working groups, of which the reports are available (online - for a printed copy mailed to you, send an e-mail request) , we have launched three new ones: Cyber security (Driver: Reji Pillai) Flexibility (Driver: Laurent Schmitt) Storage (Driver: Hiroshi Kuniyoshi) On behalf of GSGF I wish them all success and I already thank the chairmen and the members for their hard work that is going to be put into it. On behalf of myself and the GSGF team I wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy 2015. See you – who knows where, who knows when – but certainly in June in Japan. [Read this online] Word of the Chairman: Electricity companies and COP 20 I am grateful to my colleague Paul Budde of Smart Grid Australia for the following thoughts on the COP gathering in Lima. At the COP20 event in Lima (the Conference of the Parties meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) the reality of climate change bit in. The delegates were no longer talking about climate change mitigation; they were talking about adaptation. Furthermore, at the last minute innovation was added to the final Declaration as a tool that will be counted in relation to how countries implement the changes. [More] Country Presentations from Amsterdam Board Meeting In Amsterdam a very interesting discussion took place aiming at the overall view of the members on the challenges for their local organizations with the aim to find out how GSGF could help to be the bridge for information exchange between them to address their main concerns. Overall, it was again found that the interactions within GSGF are very beneficial, and an efficient way to get to a global knowledge base. [Overview and presentations] The G20 Summit and Energy Efficiency The Global Smart Grid Federation welcomes the fact that the G20 Summit in Brisbane Summit was the first time that G20 leaders have had a session dedicated to global energy issues. Energy is now at the heart of the G20’s agenda and G20 Energy Ministers will meet for the first time next year to take this work forward. The G20 countries represent more than 80% of global energy consumption, 60% of oil and gas production and over 90% of coal production. Their combined effort will bring together most of the world’s biggest energy producers and consumers. [More] Member of the month The Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance Since 2012 The Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance has organized the DSOs and suppliers to the energy industry, research institutions etc. We have successfully established an alliance of 75 members covering the entire value chain of contributors to an intelligent energy system in Denmark. We work to enable integration of increasing amounts of renewables in the Danish energy system, through smart grid and smart integration of energy systems, through an enhanced market framework for a demand response market, activation of buildings in the demand response market etc. We focus on energy-efficiency as well as energy-flexibility, thereby we wish to cease the business opportunities of the intelligent energy system. [More] Resources How to organise future electricity systems with high shares of Renewable Energy Sources? Clingendael International Research Programme (CIEP) In October 2014, Clingendael International Research Programme (CIEP) published an essay titled “Reflections on coordination mechanisms for accommodating increasing amounts of wind and solar in the power market”. The aim of the essay is to discuss potential “coordination mechanisms”, focusing on policy and market tools to accommodate high shares of renewable energy in electricity generation. The starting point is the future European electricity system where 30-50% of the electricity demand is covered by variable renewable generation, i.e. wind and photovoltaics. Imbalance costs better managed by automatically shifting energy consumption of families Flemish Linear Project (= one of the ISGAN Award 2014 finalists) Smart household appliances can help energy suppliers and network operators respond better and faster to hard-to-predict output from renewable energy sources. With this approach, they can more easily avoid high imbalance costs, especially during the winter. This is one of the findings the Flemish Linear research project presented on December 9th in Brussels after five years of studying the technical and economic possibilities offered by controllable energy consumption for family dwellings in Flanders. [More] Vision of the US electric grid in 2030 Gridwise GSGF member GridWise Alliance released a report entitled "The Future of the Grid: Evolving to Meet America's Needs" that frames the ways in which the electric grid must evolve to meet the nation's economic, national security, and lifestyle demands. To facilitate the development of this report, the GridWise Alliance, in partnership with the Department of Energy's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (DOE-OE), conducted a series of Regional Workshops and a National Summit, during which over 400 industry stakeholders shared their vision for the "Grid of the Future," and the challenges that must be overcome to achieve this vision. These efforts included using a holistic approach to examining changes that will be needed to the utility business and regulatory models, as well as changes in consumer engagement. The report includes key recommendations to advance efforts by industry and other stakeholders toward achieving that vision as well as ways in which to navigate the transition over the next several years. [More] Adaptation to a changing climate DNV GL Business and society need to reduce our vulnerability and become more resilient: able to anticipate, absorb, accommodate, and recover from hazardous events. Adaptation will mean not only physical engineering solutions such as the hardening of infrastructure, but also new design criteria, emergency planning, and wider changes to decision making processes to make them more resilient in the face of an uncertain future. [More] European Energy Policy Outlook European Commission – Framework for Climate & Energy A presentation on European Energy Policy outlook by Eero Ailio, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Energy. It is a very comprehensive overview and well worth perusal. A few to note: At end of 2013, there were 459 smart grid projects in Europe at €3.15B; 26% R&D; 72% Demonstration and Deployment Switching rates for electricity in Ireland is running at around 15%. The EU range (removing two outliers) is 1% to 20% Customer satisfaction across the EU for electricity is well below the average for service providers Ireland has the second lowest renewables cost for electricity as a % of electricity prices Electricity costs in Europe are being increasingly pushed up by taxes and levies There is a huge investment challenge to modernise electricity grids (€600B in T&D by 2020) Flexibility is seen as key to market changes [More] Electricity networks and services: A deeper look at CHP COGEN Europe The high levels of renewables on the electricity network have given rise to an increased need for generators to provide supporting electricity network services to maintain reliable and secure supply. A European policy structure which delivers energy efficient services to the network is the clear intention of the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive1 currently being implemented in EU member states. This Position Paper highlights the advantages of prioritising high efficiency service providers such as CHP and demand response which can deliver high efficiency to the energy network as a whole. [More] Winter Outlook Report 2014/15 and summer review 2014 ENTSO-E ENTSO-E adopts and publishes on an annual basis the “Winter Outlook and Summer Review”. These short-term adequacy reports focus on exploring the main risks identified within a seasonal period, highlighting the possibilities for neighbouring countries to contribute to the generation/demand balance in critical situations. These reports consider uncertainties such as climatic conditions and outages, as well as other risks incurred by the system including the evolution of load, load-management, generation capacities, and stability issues. [More] Report to the European Commission on the implementation of the Inter-Transmission System Operator Compensation mechanism in 2013 ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) The ITC scheme, defined by the Regulation, was implemented on 3 March 2011. Under the Regulation, the ITC (Inter-Transmission System Operator Compensaition) fund was established by the ENTSO-E for the purpose of compensating transmission system operators (“TSOs”) for the costs incurred on national transmission systems due to hosting cross-border flows of electricity. [More] Recommendations for the assessment of electricity generation adequacy CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators) This document (C13-ESS-33-04) outlines CEER recommendations for the assessment of electricity generation adequacy in European countries. In the wider context of energy security of supply, the European community has a growing interest in the ways in which generation adequacy is ensured in electricity markets; notably with increasing shares of variable generation (e.g. renewables). In July 2013, the CEER the Electricity Security of Supply Task Force (ESS TF) undertook an investigation of the different ways assessments of generation adequacy are conducted. [More] Advice on Ensuring Market and Regulatory Arrangements help deliver DemandSide Flexibility CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators) In 2013, the Council of European Energy Regulators’ (CEER) Sustainable Development Task Force (SDE TF) committed to produce a report exploring the emergence of demandside flexibility (DSF) within the regulated electricity sector. Demand-side flexibility has the potential to offer a range of benefits, such as reduced system/consumption costs, enhanced generation adequacy and greater accommodation of intermittent renewable energy sources (RES). [More] Norway’s path to sustainable transport Institute of Transport Economics – Norwegian Center for Transport Research Thanks to the substantial purchase tax levied on new passenger cars, the Norwegian government has a quite powerful climate policy instrument at its hand. Continued application of this instrument may halve the greenhouse gas emissions from Norwegian cars within two or three decades. On account of the higher energy efficiency of electric motors compared to internal combustion engines, the total energy consumption of the Norwegian car fleet may decrease considerably, to the profit of society in general and consumers in particular. Six per cent of Norway’s hydropower output would be sufficient to operate the entire passenger car fleet, if completely electrified. [More] The Energiewende and Germany’s Industrial Policy Clingendael International Energy Programme The challenges and opportunities of the German Energiewende are in line with the German tradition of approaching industrial and energy policy as a unit. This paper advocates that Germany’s industrial interests are therefore a useful lens through which past, current and possible future developments of the Energiewende should be analysed. The Dutch Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP) is an independent forum for all parties interested in changes and developments in the energy sector. [More] Smart Metering deployment in the European Union European Commission The Commission issued the document “Benchmarking smart metering deployment in the EU-27 with a focus on electricity”, jointly drafted by DG ENER and JRC, as COM(2014)356. This report gauges progress in the deployment of intelligent metering in the EU Member States on the basis of economic assessments of long-term costs and benefits (CBAs) of electricity and gas smart metering prepared by Member States and submitted to the Commission in line with Third Energy Package provisions. It also provides summary information on received Member States’ deployment plans and highlights best practices and lessons learned. [More] Events This list is a selection of events GSGF finds interesting for its members, giving priority to our own member events. The full list of events can be found online. Do you organize or know of an event in your region that’s not in this list? Let us know about it at January 20-22, 2015 – Workshop on Cyber Security for Power Systems – India Smart Grid Forum February 17-20 – IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference ISGT 2015 March 3-7, 2015 - India Smart Grid Week – India Smart Grid Forum April 29-30, 2015 – Istanbul Smart Grid Conference – Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and Turkish Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources May 20-22, 2015 – Smart Cities India – Exhibitions India Group June 17-19, 2015 – Bi-annual Board Meeting of GSGF June 29 - July 2 – PowerTech Eindhoven, the Netherlands – IEEE Member news Do you have member news you want to share with GSGF? Send it to us at ISGF developing a standard framework for Smart Cities Although the idea of smart cities is an evolving concept of recent years, the Government of India has embarked on an ambitious program of developing 100 Smart Cities on fast track. While cities in the developed nations with reliable physical infrastructure (electricity, water, transport etc.) and minimal population growth in urban areas have the main focus of smart cities development in asset optimization, operations monitoring, data communications and analytics with the main objective of transition to a low carbon economy, developing countries where cities have inadequate physical infrastructure need to focus on building modern physical infrastructure that are scalable, intelligent and interoperable to build smarter cities. [More] Towards Australia’s Energy Future Smart Grid Australia (SGA) launched its Update to its vision document “Towards Australia’s Energy Future”. The Australian Alliance believes that to be successful the industry must attract investment, provide safe and reliable supply, and provide consumer choice and competition. To do this, an open and agile eco-system is needed together with an efficient industry that allows individuals, businesses and communities to gain increased value from the energy they consume. By realising this vision, the Australian electricity industry will develop a natural resiliency that will underpin the prosperity of the country and meet the lifestyle aspirations of Australian citizens. [More] Government of India launches 3 new schemes for providing 24x7 power for all On Nov 20 2014, the Indian Union Cabinet, under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced three schemes as its first steps towards 24x7 power supply for all: (1) Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) (2) Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DUGJY) and (3) North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project (NERPSIP). The IPDS is an extension of the ongoing R-APDRP program and carries forward the targets and outlays envisaged in the previous program. The scheme promises immediate sanctions and contracts for execution of projects and completion within 24 months from date of award of projects. [More] Hotspots Hotspots are links to interesting websites, articles, posts, images, films, … to be found on other websites than the ones of GSGF or the members. Do you also know of something interesting that you would advise the GSGF members to check out? Send it to A new energy policy for the new EU Commission? Manifesto by Jean-Michel Glachant Grid4EU, the biggest EU funded smart grid project, enters its final phase Go-sees Do you regularly check our website? We put new articles online almost every day A quick grasp of global smart grid news you might find at We can’t have water without energy, but how much energy do we need? Addressing grid losses Smart Grid Networking $30 billion market in ten years time Scotland’s renewable sector generated over 100% of residential electricity needs in October Off-grid German village banks on wind, sun, pig manure forward to a friend Copyright © 2013 GSGF, All rights reserved.
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