THE SHERBROOKE “BLUE” MEMO - Sherbrooke Community Centre

"We are the best place to live and work".
THURSDAY, December 18, 2014
Blue Memo News: The Blue Memo will not be published on Dec. 25th or January
1st. Next edition will be January 8, 2014. Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year from the Blue Memo Team – Reneé, Jill, & Brenda
Tumbleweed Christmas: Giftware, art, handcrafted gifts, food items, decorations,
on trend fashions and accessories for the holidays and all year ‘round. Note: During the holiday season
Tumbleweed will hold items for 48 hours due to the high volume of holds. After 48 hours the items will go
back into the store. Thanks for your support. Tumbleweed will be open Christmas Eve from 11:30 am –
2:30 pm only. Merry Christmas from Tumbleweed staff.
Thought of the Week: He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. ~Roy L.
Safety Corner: Remember workplace safety is everyone's responsibility.
Congratulations for winning the safety challenge for the month of
November! The following areas qualified - CDP, Occupational Therapy,
Physical Therapy, Recreation, Maintenance, Laundry, Housekeeping,
Food Services& Purchasing, and 1st Neighbourhoods. These areas
all met the criteria of having no new time loss injuries and holding all safety
meetings during the month. Thank you for working safely!
Parking Lot Safety for Pedestrians
- When leaving your vehicle watch where you step there might be an icy patch - the ground doesn't give your body might
-Wear footwear with good grips, walk carefully
-Use the sidewalk whenever possible
-Report slippery areas to maintenance and avoid walking in that area
Enjoy winter but be safe when walking and driving.
Parking Lot Tips for Winter:
 Please do not enter a section where snow is being removed until the machinery has cleared the area.
We appreciate your cooperation with this as it permits maintenance to complete their job but more
importantly ensures your safety.
 We realize the parking lot lines are not always visible in winter and therefore encourage you to park
reasonably and leave space so others can open their doors.
 As a parking guideline, two vehicles should be parked between each electric post.
Farewell to Larina: If you would like to contribute to a farewell gift and sign a card for Larina, please stop
by the Business Office by December 18th.
Wicihitowin Fundraiser: Tickets are available for a Christmas basket $2.00 each or 3/$5.00. If you
would like to purchase a ticket please stop by House 1. The draw will be made December 20th. Thank you
all and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Hide the Elf Fundraiser: December 1 to 19th watch for the clues of where our Christmas Elf is hidden at
Sherbrooke Community Centre. For just $2 you can take part in the search and enter your name and the
location of the elf into the draw box at the front desk. The elf will be hidden in different spots every
Monday and Wednesday so you can enter twice a week for the prize draw. On December 19th during our
Christmas Concert, one lucky name will be drawn and the winner will get the “Elf Prize Package”!
Register by paying $2 to either Judy at the front desk or from Lauren or Gabi (our iGen Students). Have
fun looking for the elf. New location clues will be put up next to the posters that are all over Sherbrooke.
Monies raised will go to adopting our Village in Sierra Leone.
New Year’s Ball: Come ring in the New Year with us on December 31st, 2014 in the Tawaw for our
Annual New Year’s Eve Ball! We will have entertainment by the Saskatoon Jammers, appetizers and
wine! See you there.
Merry Christmas Across the Miles: Though we remain apart this season, you are ever in my heart and
thoughts. For those of you who are unable to see your loved one in person this year, we have news for
you…. send your loved one an email to Attention: Elders name and we will
ensure that they receive it. Even better… if you would like to set up a video chat using Skype or
Facebook contact Carrie at 655-3656.
Pajama Day: Do you have trouble getting up in the morning? Not enough time in your day? On
December 19th you can save a step in your morning routine by wearing your pj’s to work.
Zumba: Classes will resume January 5th in the Tawaw just in time for your New Year’s resolution.
Thank You: To Gordon Millham for donating 7 homemade games “The Marble Game” for our residents
and CDP participants to enjoy.
Ugly Christmas Sweater Day: Is there a Christmas sweater from days gone by hanging in your closet or
hiding in a drawer? December 23rd has been declared Ugly Christmas Sweater day at Sherbrooke.
Sherbrooke Advent/Christmas
Ecumenical Worship Schedule 2014
Christmas Candlelight Communion Service: Wednesday, December 24 at 10:30 A.M.
Sherbrooke Carolling: Christmas Day at 2:00 P.M. Everyone welcome. Meet in Chapel.
No Catholic Service on December 26
50/50 Payday Draws: The WOW Committee will be doing 50/50 draws on paydays until
Christmas. Funds raised will be used to improve the Fitness Room.
Found: A single key on a jungle print lanyard. Please claim at the Business Office.
Found: A set of keys; one Chev auto and 4 others. Please claim in the Laundry.
English Language Part-Time Program WINTER 2015: Are you an international student, visitor,
temporary or permanent resident, or other community member? Improve your English skills for university,
employment, professional licensing or daily life. For placement testing, information or to register
contact the U of S Language Centre: Telephone:
306.966.4351 Email:
Food Safe Course: The next Food Safe Class will be held
January 19/20, 2015 1:00 – 5:00 PM at RUH Sasktel
Theatre. To register, please call Ida at 655-3642.
Food Safe Certificates: For Sherbrooke employees that
register through Sherbrooke and took their Food Safe
Course at The RUH Sasktel Theatre, please bring a copy
of your Certificate to Human Resources.
week unless date sensitive. If you wish to have your
article run for longer please request at time of submission.
Please remember we are limited for space & we wish to
keep our readers interested with the most up to date news.
Thank you, The Blue Memo Team. More copies of the
Blue Memo can be found at the Front Reception. Please
forward Blue Memo items by 4:00 PM on WEDNESDAY to or call Brenda
Craig at 655-3770.