Bulletin - Niceville United Methodist Church

214 Partin Drive S / Niceville, FL 32578 / 850-678-4411 / nicevilleumc.org
We also have a second campus - St. Mark UMC - located at 2250 P J Adams Pkwy, Crestview, FL
If you are a first-time guest, we hope that you feel right at home.
Friendly folks are available at our Information Desks to help you find your way.
December 20-21, 2014
6:00 p.m. EXCHANGE
Community Life Center
Rev. Jeremy Smith
Rev. Rurel Ausley
Rev. Rurel Ausley
9:32 a.m. CONTEMPORARY* Community Life Center
11:00 a.m. TRADITIONAL
Community Life Center
Rev. Jeremy Smith
Rev. Jeremy Smith
Rev. Rurel Ausley
*Signing interpretation is offered at the 9:32 a.m. service in the Community Life Center.
Our Mission: “To build a community where people can come as they are,
meet Christ, grow in their faith, and find a place to serve.”
Kathy Trawick (Exchange), Angie Williams (9:30),
Billy Russell (9:32, 11:02)
Worship Songs
Exchange, 9:30
“Joy to the World”
“O Come All Ye Faithful”
“The First Noel”
“O Holy Night”
9:32, 11:02
“Angels We Have Heard on High”
“Joy to the World”
“O Come Let Us Adore Him”
“The First Noel”
Lighting of the Advent Candles
Unwrapping Christmas: Part 4
Isaiah 42:1-4
Rev. Jeremy Smith (Exchange, 9:32)
Rev. Rurel Ausley (9:30, 11:02)
Exchange Worship Leader: Jake Wilders
9:32, 11:02 Worship Leader: Josh Walker
9:30 Worship Leader: Jake Wilders
Christmas Eve Services
Come share the warmth and keep the birth of Jesus
central to this year’s Christmas celebrations.
Wednesday, December 24
2:30 p.m. Children’s Christmas Eve Service, Sanctuary
(no communion or candlelighting)
3:00 p.m. Contemporary Christmas Eve Service, Gym
4:00 p.m. Traditional Christmas Eve Service, Sanctuary
4:30 p.m. Contemporary Christmas Eve Service, Gym
5:30 p.m. Traditional Christmas Eve Service, Sanctuary
6:00 p.m. Contemporary Christmas Eve Service, Gym
7:00 p.m. Traditional Christmas Eve Service, Sanctuary
7:30 p.m. Contemporary Christmas Eve Service, Gym
Childcare is provided for Pre-K and younger at all
services in both locations, except the children’s
service, which will provide care for 12 months
and younger.
8:00 & 11:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday of Advent
Gathering Music
Recorder Ensemble
Welcome/Big 5
Dr. Herstel Carter
David Hegerty
Toccata on “Adeste Fidelis”
Lighting of the Advent Candles
Dennis and Anne Samac (8:00)
Jim and Allison Sewell (11:00)
*Call to Worship
“Emmanuel, Emmanuel”
No. 204
*Responsive Reading
Dr. Herstel Carter
Isaiah 42:1 (NIV)
Leader: “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my
chosen one in whom I delight;
People: I will put my Spirit on him and he will
bring justice to the nations.”
*Worship in Song
“Joy to the World”
No. 246
“There’s A Song in the Air” (v. 1, 3)
No. 249
“He is Born” (v. 1)
No. 228
Affirmation of Faith
No. 889
Morning Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
*Moments of Fellowship
Reception of Members (11:00)
The Wesleyan Singers
“Carol of the Angels”
Allen Pote
Connection Card
Dedication of our Tithes and Gifts
Offertory Vivaldi
“Bassoon Concerto in E Major” Movement 2
Tennyson Strano, Bassoon
Alex Hencinski, Accompanist
*Doxology No. 95
Reuben Morgan/Arr. Wise
Unwrapping Christmas: Part 4
Isaiah 42:1-4
Rev. Rurel Ausley (8:00)
Rev. Jeremy Smith (11:00)
*Closing Song
”O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (v. 1, 6) No. 211
*Choral Response (8:00 only)
“We Wish You a Merry Christmas”
Larry Lord, Minister of Music
Bettie Downing, Organist Ann Jolly, Pianist
*Stand as abilities allow
Big 5
Congo Christmas
Since 2008, we have been challenged to cut our personal
Christmas spending in half and give the difference to the
Kingdom. Our Advent offerings have raised over $800,000
for Kingdom causes including over $200,00 for projects
in the Congo. Don’t forget our Congo Christmas offering
as you finish your Christmas planning and shopping this
year. Invest in an eternal gift for the Glory of God and the benefit of Christ’s body! To make your
gift to our Congo Christmas Offering, you can fill out the Congo Christmas envelope in your
bulletin, go online and click “give now”, or use our new SMART GIVING option by texting the
keyword CONGO to (850) 394-9463 along with your donation amount.
Holiday Giving
Thank you so much for giving! This year Niceville UMC gave over 1,400 shoeboxes to operation
Christmas Child, provided Christmas gifts for 144 local children through the star tree, and
donated Thanksgiving AND Christmas meals to 55 families. And that doesn’t even include Congo
Christmas and White Christmas! Great job being the Church!
Missionary Meet-n-Greet
Andrew and Marielos Griffin, who now live in Guatemala, will be here TODAY (Sunday) to say
hello! Stop in the Commission Café, Room 914 downstairs in the Community Life Center, from
10:30-11:00 a.m. and give them a hug!
Year End Giving
The business office will be open until 5 p.m. on December 31 for last minute year end giving.
Reminder: only items postmarked or physically delivered on or before December 31, 2014 can
be posted as 2014 contributions.
Ever wanted to be in one of our church videos?
Now you can be. We are putting together a short video for our rename weekend called
#BigChangeEvent that will feature you. All we want you to do is pull out your phone or tablet
and make a quick, 5-10 second, one-sentence video saying something like, “I’ve been changed by
Jesus/our church/worship/others/etc…” or “I’ve been transformed from this to this“ or however
you want to briefly say that and then upload it to youtube and send the link to Jake Dillard at
jdillard@nicevilleumc.org. Be creative and put your own spin on it, but keep it to that basic
message. We are looking forward to seeing all that God has done!
Christmas Holiday Closures
Are You Missing It?
The Children’s building will be closed from December
22 through January 2. All Monday-Friday programming is
cancelled. Nursery, birth through preschool age, will be
provided for the December 20-21, Christmas Eve, and
December 27-28 worship services. Student and adult
Sunday School and groups will not meet Sunday,
December 21-Friday, January 2. The church offices
will be closed December 24 and 25 and January 1.
Celebrate Recovery will meet on Fridays as usual.
If you haven’t been in the Children’s Building
recently, then you’re missing the excitement. More
kids are coming every week. We invite you to our
programs to see all that’s new. You’ll be blessed and
perhaps sense God calling you to our Children’s
team. We have Sunday and Wednesday volunteer
needs that might be a great fit! Contact us: 6784411 ext. 187 or children@nicevilleumc.org.
Pick up our new
Christmas Album!
We are blessed with so much musical talent at
our church! That’s why we are really excited
to be releasing a new Christmas album by our
Contemporary worship team called Unwrapping
Christmas, featuring many of the songs we are
singing during this Christmas season. The album
is available by donation in the Gathering Areas of
the Community Life Center and the Sanctuary, and
you can also check it out on iTunes by searching
Unwrapping Christmas.
Upcoming Featured Events
December 24
Christmas Eve Services
Community Life Center
Closed for Recreation
Christmas Holiday
Offices Closed
Tuesday dinner and activities
are cancelled
Wednesday dinner and
activities are cancelled
Connection Card
(12/20-12/21, 2014)
The poinsettias in our
Sanctuary and Community Life Center
today are given in honor or in memorial of loved ones.
Please see the insert in this bulletin.
Please complete one card per household; list names of
each household members in attendance today
NAME(S): _______________________________________
q Please update the church database.
Address ___________________________________________
City____________________ State ______ Zip____________
Home Phone _______________ Work Phone _____________
Email _____________________________________________
You have the opportunity to sign up for flowers to be placed in our worship
services in honor of or in remembrance of a loved one or special occasion.
Visit the bulletin board in the hallway near the church office to sign up.
q Exchange q 8:00 q 9:30 q 9:32 q 11:00 q 11:02
q 1st-time Guest(s)*
q 2nd-time Guest(s)* Our Ministry Staff
q Regular Attender(s)
q Member(s)
How did you hear about us?_________________________
Age Group: q 5 & under q 6-12 q Youth (Gr.____)
q Adult (Circle Age): College 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s+
q Single q Married
Pastoral Staff Ministers
Rurel R. Ausley, Jr.
Lead Pastor
Lisa Ausley, Deacon in Residence
George Boles, Assistant Minister of
Herstel Carter
Stephanie Case, Group Life Minister
Congregational Care Deanna Eddy, Church Counselor
Pamela Ellisor, Minister to Singles; Minister
Edward Chandler
of Hospitality
Church Counselor
q Notify the church regarding my deployment...
Leonard Goldman, Church Counselor
Meghan Gordon, Culinary Director
List name, date you are leaving/returning, the service you attend: Tyler Fuller
Mission Pastor
Matt Hasty, Middle School Minister
James Jetton, Recreation Minister
q Comments, Praise, or Prayer Request:
Greg McKinnon
Larry D. Lord, Minister of Music
q Please share this request with all who visit the Prayer Chapel. Executive Pastor
John Macon, Outreach Minister
If not checked, requests will only be shared with the Pastors and Upper Room volunteers.
Blane Pearson, Minister of Administration
Jeremy Smith
_______________________________________________ Teaching Pastor
Billy Russell, Student Minister
Mary Lou Sparks, Outreach Minister
Lew Wilder
Elizabeth Sullivan, Interim Minister of Hospitality
_______________________________________________Connections Pastor
Jeremy Thiess, Creative Arts Director
Kathy Trawick, Early Childhood Minister
Josh Walker, Worship Music Director
Barbara Wilder, Minister to Active Adults 50 Plus
Jake Wilders, Worship Leader
Angie Williams, Minister to Children
Please silence cell phones and pagers.
is provided at the 9:32 Worship Service.
Ear plugs are available in the Community Life Center services.
Hearing assistance devices (for Sanctuary) and
TUESDAY large print copies are available.
There is a “Parenting Room” available at the back of the Sanctuary
where you may quiet your child while being able to hear/view the service.
2 Announcements marked with this symbol have corresponding
flyers or brochures located in the hallways outside the organ and piano
exits of the Sanctuary, and also the “Important Information” row in our
brochure racks.
Connect Notes/Message Outlines are available from an usher and online.
Visit our website at www.nicevilleumc.org to watch/hear our weekly
messages. Our website also offers information on all of our ministries
and activities, calendar, and more!
Online giving is possible through our website. Simply
browse to nicevilleumc.org and click on the “GIVE NOW”
icon on the “popular points” section of the home page.
Or you can use this QR code.
Message Notes l December 20-21, 2014
Unwrapping Christmas: Part 4
Isaiah 42:1-4
Did you know that message outlines with “Connect” study notes are available
at the Information Desks or from an usher, as well as online?
Our pastors would love to hear
how God touched your heart today...
Decision Response Card
Mission of the Week
Name ____________________________
Address ___________________________
Phone (if you’d like a call)______________
I made a decision today that I would like to
let the pastors know about:
Please hand this to an usher, a pastor, the
information desk, or to the church office.
Pray: For our efforts to bless kids who are in need of
loving families by partnering with the United Mehtodist
Children’s Home.