December 01 2014 - Holy Ghost Lutheran Church and School

 DoveTales/ eTales December 8, 2014
Wheatfield, NY 14304
Holy Ghost Lutheran School
731-3030 / 731-9449
8 - Lutheran Academy event -6p @ St. Mark
17 - HG School Advent Program 7:00p
19- K-8 noon dismissal; Christmas break begins
Jan. 5 - Classes Resume
Chapel this week - Wednesday at 9:15a - join us
Leader - Mr.Gundell Offering - Local Needy Families
HG School Advent Program - Come and Worship the Newborn King!- Wed., December 17th at 7:00p.
Join us in worship as Holy Ghost students lead worship with a Advent Program, entitled, Comfort and Joy
Students are to arrive no later than 6:40p, and should wear Chapel style dress- thank you.
Comfort and Joy - items to give
Our Children’s Advent Program title is also the goal of a donation emphasis that HG will host this
Christmas season. As part of the program, we are collecting hats, mittens, and blankets to give to those in
need. These items will be present as part of the program and can be sent in to school at any time prior to
that day. Donations received will be shared with Salvation Army families.
You are invited - family style worship - this Wed. evening
HG church is hosting a family style Advent worship service on Wednesday, 12/10 beginning at 6:00p- held
in the school gym and including free dinner. Please join us - all school families are encouraged to attend
this family-friendly worship event as we observe the coming of our Savior.
Lutheran Academy - early registration event being held tonight
An Early Registration event is being held at St. Mark for the Lutheran Academy. Those interested in
learning more about this Christian high school option or those wanting to tour the facility or 8th grade
families ready to register for next fall- should attend. The event is being held on Monday, 12/8, at 6p.
Archery Club - for beginners to advanced shooters
Beginning after the New Year (1/6), HG students in older grades will be invited to join the Archery Club.
This club will meet on Tuesday afternoons at Doc’s Archery from 3 - 6p. The cost will be $5 per participant
per session and parent supervision is required for each student attending. Look for forms soon!
School Closings In the case of inclement weather, HG may close the school - this action will cancel all classes, programs,
and extracurricular activities. School Closings will be communicated via text message and posted on the
following media outlets: TV- channels 2, 4, 7; and Radio 930am
Hot lunch menu Monday- Hot Dogs/Tater Tots/Fruit
Tuesday- French Toast/Hashbrowns/Fruit
Wednesday- BBQ Chicken/Loaded Pot/Corn/Fruit
Thursday-Mac & Cheese/Roll/Fruit
Friday- Pizza/Salad or Carrots/Ice Cream
**new menu home today...due Thursday 12/11.
Single Dad’s Group - New Ministry Opportunity Update- Our first meeting is January 7th, here at
the school. Please RSVP to the office so we can make the appropriate plans.
Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who helped make this happen. We had a number of people
respond to our last minute requests for help and it made our annual event run smoothly. We were so
blessed to have Diane Stoelting chair the craft show and John Smyth (of John & Lonnie's Pizza and More
on Lockport Road in Sanborn) chair the kitchen for us. Everyone was impressed with the delicious food
and the organization of the event. It was wonderful to have so many families that are new to our school
come and volunteer. It was a great way to get to know some new people and really made the day fun.
Events like this one are not only fundraisers, but a wonderful opportunity for us to get together as a school
community and enjoy each others company - so thank you all for a great day!
Our SCRIP order forms were sent home last week and are due by this Wednesday, December 10th. The gift
cards will arrive by the beginning of next week.
If you are new to SCRIP, it is an easy fundraiser that costs you nothing that you wouldn't already be
spending. Holy Ghost is able to purchase gift cards from hundreds of retailers nationwide at a discount,
which you can then buy at face value. The difference is our profit. These are the same cards you would
purchase if you went to the retailer directly. If you will be giving gift cards this Holiday season, please
consider purchasing them through us. If you have any questions, or would like to purchase some of the gift
cards we keep on hand, please call (#260-0576) or email ( Laura Rohring. Visit for a complete list of the available retailers.
Upcoming event - Annual Christmas Luncheon for K-8 Students and Staff on Friday, December 19th.
Information about this Holy Ghost tradition will be posted on our Shutterfly Share Site soon. We will be
looking for volunteers to help prepare and serve this holiday dinner.
3’s - This week our class work is with the letter “Mm,” as well as, Christmas projects. Our Bible lesson is
about Jesus being born in a town called Bethlehem. The children are enjoying acting out The First
Christmas, which they will invite you to see at the Christmas party on Friday, December 19th at 11:30.
Mrs. Coble and Mrs. Sallach
4’s – We will continue with our Bible story on the Birth of Jesus. The Letter of the Week is “Ii” We will
play several fun Christmas themed games this week. We will also learn about Hanukkah and learn how to
play Dreidel. Show and Share is Thursday and Friday. Thanks to you and your generous $5.00 donation
Damien, Isabella and Noah will enjoy a wonderful Christmas. AND… then there's the Sing Along, thank
you so much for joining us - we had a great time!
Mrs. Crawford
Thank you to all the parents who brought their children to Sing-Along on Saturday. It
was great to see so many families. The kids did a great job singing and playing their
drums! We are starting preparing for our Advent Service on the 17th. Please make sure
your children are practicing their parts. There will be no memory verse the next two
weeks, just speaking parts for the Advent Service.
Theme - Advent / The Christmas Story
ELA -We are working on The Daily 5 this week. Your children will continue to work in small groups.
Math - This week we will be starting to work on the numbers 21-100. We will be working on recognition
of these numbers and being able to locate them on a hundreds chart.
Religion -This week we will be talking about Jonah and starting the Christmas Story.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me anytime at
Mrs. Meissner
This week’s Kindergarten Schedule:
MondayTuesday- Gym Class
Wednesday- Chapel / Art Class
Thursday- Gym Class
Friday- Fun Friday
Grades 1
Speaking parts for our Advent service (Dec. 17th) went home last week. Please continue to
have your child practice their speaking parts every night. Thank you.
I would also like to say thank you for your generous donations for the family in need that
1st grade adopted for Christmas. Because of your generosity this family will be able to
have a blessed Christmas. I would also like to say thank you to Sharon Kroening (Jacob’s
grandma) for doing the shopping for this family.
ELA - We will have a spelling unit this week. We will review short e, a and o words. We will also practice
using rhyming words.. We will be working in our reading groups as well as the Daily 5. New sight words
will be coming home on Friday. We are learning about organization in Six-Traits which will help us
become better writers. Reading logs should be coming back and forth to school. Please have your child
read every night and record what they read in their reading logs.
Math - This week we will be finishing up Topic 4 and having a test on Friday. The children will have
homework on Tuesday and Thursday.
Theme - Our theme for the month will be Christmas. We will be reading the Christmas story in detail.
Religion - This week our Bible story is about the Angel visiting Mary. We will be listening to the story and
also acting it out. Just a reminder that we will only have one memory verse per week. The memory work is
posted in our class newsletter, The Sock Monkey Sentinel.
Science - We will continue working on Habitats.
Social -We will continue learning about where people live.
Yours in Christ, Mrs. Stenzel Grade 2
Religion- This week, we will be learning about how Solomon built a temple to the Lord. We will also learn
about the prophet Elijah and how ravens helped him. Memory verses are recited on Wednesdays and
Fridays- be sure to practice at home. Please continue to practice your part for our Advent service on
Wednesday, December 17 at 7pm.
ELA- This week will be a review week. Spelling homework is due on Friday. Work with your child to plan
which nights they will complete each section. Please remember to read each night with your child and fill
out their reading logs. We will be starting to assess reading levels this week and will be reading a variety of
Christmas stories together.
Social- We will be reviewing for our test on Wednesday, Dec. 10. Social books and study sheets will come
home this week. We will also be starting Unit 3, Using Our Resources on Thursday and Friday.There will
be no Scholastic News this week due to our test as well as Advent program rehearsals.
Math- We will be working to add multiples of 10 and looking for patterns as we add. We continue to work
with mental math, so be sure to encourage this strategy at home as well Please continue to review math
facts with your child.
Science- We will be finishing up the chapter this week. There will be Tasting Tuesday this week!
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Carrier
Tues. -Gym; Tasting Tuesday; Practice spelling test
Wed. – Chapel & Offering; Math homework due; memory recitation
Thurs. -Gym; Scholastic News due
Fri.- Final spelling test; spelling & math homework due
Grade 3
Please encourage your child to review their Advent parts on a nightly basis. Thank you for
all of your generous donations that will help a family in need during this Christmas season.
ELA- We will start working in our Common Core Clinic books, focusing on “Ask and Answer Questions”,
“Character and Plot” and “Point of View”. In Writer’s Workshop, I am going to share a book that tells
about a person demonstrating a quality of heroism. Students will then create a poem or personal response
comparing the characters heroism to someone they know. Spelling homework-words in agenda due
Tuesday, Spelling sentences due Wednesday, Spelling story (7 words) due Thursday, test Friday.
Math-Test- Topic 6 Friday. Please continue to review multiplication facts with your child. (IXL is a great
tool for this)
Social Studies- Latitude and longitude will be our map and globe skill for this week
Mrs. Henderson
Grades 3/4
Religion- We are learning about Samson and the birth of Samuel. We only have memory work on
Tuesday. Please focus on learning your speaking part for the Advent program.
Science-We will be starting a new chapter on ecosystems.
Penmanship- Grade 3 will be learning lowercase cursive h,f,k, and r. Grade 4 is reviewing cursive
Grade 4
ELA-. The spelling unit is on r-controlled vowel sounds, spelled with ar and are. In grammar we will be
learning how to make sentences more detailed and will be learning about compound sentences and
conjunctions. The writing trait of organization will be our focus.
Math- Our topic test will be on Thursday. IXL homework is B3,B5, and C3. Please work a minimum of 15
minutes on each or until mastery.
Social Studies- We are learning about the Algonquians and the skills of problem solving and reading
data on tables to group information. The students will be receiving a study guide this week for a test
scheduled for next week.
Grade 5
Dear Parents and Students, thank you so very much for your generous donation towards our special
Christmas offering towards a family in need during this time of year. So many words from Jesus
come to mind in regards to acts of love towards those in material need and in spiritual need. God bless you
I am really excited as we begin another new novel entitled, “The Light at Tern Rock” by Julia L. Sauer.
Ms. Sauer earned a Newberrry Award in honor of this special Christmas selection. It is a gripping novel
with several powerful themes intertwined. The main character, Ronnie Morse lives with his Aunt Martha,
a widow that grew up in a lighthouse. Ronnie has the opportunity to see all that is involved in manning a
lighthouse during the Christmas season, but learns a mighty lesson when he and his Aunt Martha are
stranded in the lighthouse on Christmas Eve.
Writer’s Workshop Block this week will be challenging for the students this week, as we will write our
first Persuasive Essay. Students will choose an issue to focus on and argue one side of their issue while at
the same time offering evidence that supports a position on their chosen issue. I will model the
brainstorming, pre-write, and rough draft parts of the Writing Process on a sample issue with the students
0n the SmartBoard so they will feel comfortable in persuading their teacher and classroom peers.
The students have been curious about Angels and we are going to embark on several Bible studies this
week in Religion Class that will help enlighten us on these special creations from God.
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Gildersleeve
Math 5: We will focus on multiplying decimals this week. Test next Tuesday (December 16th)
Middle School
Math 6: We will apply our knowledge of ratios to percent problems. Quiz Friday!
Math 7: We will apply our knowledge of equations to solve inequalities.
Math 8: students will learn to solve systems of equations by using multiple methods
Integrated Algebra: We will describe real world applications of graphs, and analyze graphs.
Earth Science: We will focus on map skills, especially determining distances using map scales.
Physical Science: We will describe what happens to the particles of matter during state changes this
Middle School ELA and SS:
Spelling and Vocabulary lists have been shared with students. Spelling pretests are on Wednesdays,
corrections are due before their final test on Friday. Vocabulary tests are also on Fridays.
6ELA: We are continuing My Side of the Mountain. We will also continue our grammar lessons. We will
also be working in the Common Core books.
7ELA: We are continuing The Hobbit. We will continue grammar lessons. We will also be working in the
Common Core books.
8ELA: We are beginning a new book, Call of the Wild. We will continue grammar lessons. We will also be
working in the Common Core books.
6SS: We are having a chapter 4 test on Egypt on Tuesday.
7-8SS: We are having a chapter 3 test on colonizing North America on Tuesday.
Specific assignments and lesson plans have been shared with students via google docs.
If you ever have a question regarding an assignment or want an update as to how your child is doing. Don’t
hesitate to contact me at or by cell: 478-2018
Mr. Meissner
Grade 7: Students will finish Chapter 6 in Spanish is Fun and have a test on the chapter on Wednesday.
Grade 8: Students will finish reviewing Chapter 10 in Spanish is Fun and have a test on the chapter on
Please feel free to contact me at, if you have any questions or concerns regarding
your child.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Gilgore
Kindergarten is working on a paper Batik project. Grades 1 & 2 will create a “paper” glass bowl in the style
of Dale Chihuly. Grades 3-5 will continue working on a weaving project. Grades 6-8 have had to rework a
clay project! The clay didn’t quite work out for us - so we will use papier mache instead of clay to complete
our sculpture.
Mrs. Crawford
SKIP Choir (Singing Kids in Praise)- We are practicing Christmas music this week in preparation for the
Advent program on Wednesday, December 17. Mrs. Woodley
Instrumental Music LessonsContact me for more information.
Saturday, 12/13/2014 - NCMEA All County Tryouts at North Park Junior High School. Please wish Megan
Murray and Isabel Konopka best wishes. Both will be competing this coming Saturday at the All County
Tryouts. Students will be performing in the Advent Program on Dec 17, 2014 at 7pm. Anticipate further
information about this event. For best results please have your child practice 30 minutes every day.
PIANO: - Parents, please sign up for the Remind service to receive important updates regarding piano
lessons. Text @mrsforsey to (716)995-4381.
All sports season schedules are posted online at:
- enter the school site and find the Sports Calendar link in the left side bar
Tuesday: Normal practice schedule.
Basketball Games continue this week.
Thursday: JV girls vs Lewiston Porter @ St. James @ 5:00. JV boys @ St. John 6:00.
Friday: Varsity boys and girls @ St. Peter Sanborn 4:00. Boys will follow at 5:00.
Saturday: Bye
Players should arrive ½ hour before game time.
Girls Varsity Basketball
Practice Schedule
Tuesday, Dec.9 @ St. James 3-4:30pm
Thursday, Dec. 11 @ St. James 3-4:30pm
Tuesday, Dec. 16 @ St. James 3-4:30pm
Please be sure to sign up for the Remind so that I can contact you with any changes. Thank
you. You can sign in at 716-616-3707 and text @hgbball.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Carrier.
Remember, there is a $40 fee for basketball and a new medical form must be filled out. For
girls who wish to do both, cheerlead and play basketball it is $60.
Spirit Squad
Practice Wednesday, December 10th till 4pm.
Friday: We will not be cheering at a game this week.
Girls Cheerleading
Practice Wednesday, December 10th till 4:30pm.
Friday: The game on Friday is at St. Peters. The gym there is too small to accommodate our squad,
therefore we will not be cheering that day.
Please contact Mr. Meissner with any problems or concerns.
HG Extras
We are collecting canned goods and non-perishables to donate to local food pantries. This an ongoing
project, so please feel free to drop off items in front of Mrs. Gildersleeve’s room or the office.
Thanks for your generosity.
Campbell’s Labels/Box Tops for Education:
We are still collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s labels. Please continue to send them in. You can also go
online to for additional bonus points for our school. Check it out! Our last
submission was for $424.20 to Box Tops for Education. Campbells labels is having a million dollar
giveaway!! Go tp : to enter our school to win. You may enter daily until 12-31-14.
Thanks for your support!
Coke Rewards- Something new families can do to help our school is register Coke Rewards points on the
Coke website in the name of Holy Ghost. Just buy qualifying products, visit the website, and follow the
directions to credit our school. - school code- BUFF-GHOST
HG is registered with - simply purchase a deal and provide our school code and HG
will receive 10% of the proceeds.
Tops- Sign up on line and use your Bonus Card to earn money for our school.