THE GAZETTE Goward House 2495 Arbutus Road, Victoria, BC V8N 1V9 Tel: 250 477 4401 Website: E-mail: DEC and JAN 2014 2015 Editor: Mary Homer PRESIDENT MESSAGE You may have noticed in last month’s Gazette that Darc, our gardener for many years, is moving on. We wish him well and look forward to seeing him and other key supporters of Goward House at our Dec. 8th Christmas lunch. The new team of Ingrid and Thomas will take over the gardening. We welcome them as they get oriented in the next month and then take over the gardens completely in January. As this is the last Gazette for 2014, I am pleased to report that Goward House has had an excellent year. As well demonstrated by our recent wonderful Craft Fair it is evident that our Volunteers are key to our success. Whether in the kitchen, on the front desk, supporting special events, serving on the Board or helping in other areas, You, the volunteers, make it happen. Thank you! Of course, many thanks also to our staff people, Darc, Lyle, Mary and Elaine. Calling these folks ‘staff’ doesn’t really cover it as, without exception, they don’t just ‘do their job’. Rather they go beyond that and show their dedication by putting extra time and energy into what they do. We are grateful! Another thank you goes to all members who have generously donated to the President’s Appeal. (For those who may still wish to donate, the Appeal continues until the end of the year.) I could try and list all the reasons why I feel 2014 has been an excellent year for Goward House but instead I will just mention the one thing which, for me, is most important and which, I think, says it all. That is the warm, friendly, familylike atmosphere that I believe we all feel when we walk through the front door. This sets the tone and reflects everyone and everything that happens in Goward House. May that feeling of warmth and care be with you, at Goward House, and wherever you may be this Christmas, and through the year to come. David Eyles President GOWARD HOUSE HOLIDAY CLOSURES Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun December 24 – Closes at 12 noon December 25 – Closed (Christmas Day) SNOW December 26 – Closed (Boxing Day) PROTOCOL December 27 – Closed December 28 – Closed December 29 – Closed December 30 – Closed December 31 – Closed January 1 - Closed (Happy New Year) January 2 - Closed January 3 - Closed January 4 - Closed RE-OPENS: MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2015 OFFICIAL SNOW PROTOCOL IN CASE OF SNOW MEMBERS and VOLUNTEERS ARE ASKED TO PHONE 250 477 4401 TO ENSURE THE HOUSE IS OPEN FOR ACTIVITIES WE DO NOT WANT ANYONE DRIVING IN THE SNOW UNNECESSARILY DECEMBER and JANUARY ART SHOW November 28, 2014 – January 28, 2015 FREE Mon – Fri (9:00 am to 4:00 pm) ALL ARE WELCOME! The Studio of Harmonious Endeavours Chinese Brush Painting This group of artists share a common passion for Chinese Brush Painting. The studio was founded by the accomplished local artist, Nenagh Molson (who continues to share her wisdom and skills in occasional workshops) and now comprises about a dozen artists working at various levels. With a rich and ancient history, this intriguing art form poses endless fascination on many levels, for novice and formal artist alike. In weekly sessions we explore avenues inspired by local flora or fauna or other resources, practice techniques acquired in lessons, and share our individual pursuits. Our afternoons together promote mutual encouragement and skill-sharing, as well as a great 'harmony of spirit' so necessary to artistic development. All are welcome to drop in & meet the artists at the Artists’ Reception Sunday, December 7 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm RECEIVE A FREE PORTRAIT Tuesdays 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm The Goward House Portrait Group painters are seeking models. You do not have to be a GH member to model. Yes, you do get to keep your clothes on (unless you prefer to do otherwise). The volunteer models receive the portrait of their choice (free), in recognition of their donated time and effort in posing. If you would like to model, Art work by please phone: Elfreda Jim McFarland Schragen 250 477 8988 to schedule a Tuesday afternoon session. WEDNESDAY CRAFT GROUP Every Wed: Dec 3, 10, 17 and Jan 7, 14, 21, and 28 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm (Sequoia Room) This intimate and dedicated group of crafters welcomes new members to join them for fun and laughter. They are now working on their own projects and anyone interested in joining is welcome to “drop in” to visit the group. THURSDAY CO-ED (SOCIAL) BRIDGE Every Thursday: Dec 4, 11, 18 and Jan 8, 15, 22, and 29 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (in the Sunroom) This social bridge group welcomes players that are relatively new to the game and/or others that are seeking to brush the dust off their cards. Why not drop-in to try out the group? They are friendly and supportive! FRIDAY CO-ED (SOCIAL) BRIDGE Every Friday: Dec 5, 12, 19 and Jan 9, 16, 23, and 30 12:30 pm – 3:45 pm (in the Sunroom) This social bridge group welcomes players that are relatively new to the game and/or others that are seeking to brush the dust off their cards. Why not drop-in to try out the group? They are friendly and supportive! CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON & CONCERT Monday, December 8 Arrive by: 11:30 am Lunch: 12:00 noon Concert: 1:30 pm Following with tradition, we will be offering our annual Christmas Luncheon & Concert. After the luncheon we will have the opportunity to enjoy a musical performance by our Goward House Singers, which will take place in the Lower Hall at 1:30 pm. The Christmas Luncheon & Concert has proven to be very popular in the past, so we urge you to register and pre-pay your attendance as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Menu Stuffed Turkey Breast Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Peas Cranberry Sauce Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream or Pear Mince Tarts Cost: $20 members and guests $15 GH Singers SEATING IS LIMITED BOOK CLUB Tues, Dec 16, 2014 & Tues, Jan 20, 2015 1:30 pm (GH Theatre) At the Dec 16 meeting, the group will be discussing The Lost Garden by Helen Humphreys. The focus of the January meeting will be determined at the Dec 16 meeting. This group of avid readers meet once a month and always welcomes additional members to join them for fun and chatter. It is never too late to join in the fun! BRIDGE LESSONS Wednesdays (8 week course) 9:30 am – 11:45 pm January 7, 2015 – February 25, 2015 Defense in the 21st Century – “The Heart Series” – ACBL Course Outline January 7th – Opening Leads against Notrump Contracts January 14th – Opening Leads against Suit Contracts January 21st – Third-Hand Play January 28th – Second-Hand Play February 4th – Defensive Signals February 11th – Developing Defensive Tricks February 18th – Interfering With Declarer February 25th – Making a Plan Instructor – Jim Brackenbury is a Life Master and accredited ACBL teacher and Director. He has taught numerous bridge courses at Goward House. Costs: $80 course fee (pay to Goward House) $20 textbook (pay directly to instructor) Due to popularity, we ask that you register early to avoid disappointment. MONEY MATTERS FREE Thursday, January 22 ALL ARE WELCOME 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm and again at 7:00 – 8:30 pm Taxes: How effective Estate Planning can save you estate taxes! Guest Speaker – Dawn Tipton, Senior Manager, CA CFP from Grant Thornton Hosted by: Pam Katunar – Investment Advisor, TD Wealth Private Investment Advice Seating is limited. For the afternoon session, register your attendance with our front desk to avoid disappointment For the evening session, RSVP to Pam Katunar at 250-3564034 LINE DANCING – Basic Beginners’ Class Fridays – Dec 5, 12, 19 and Jan 9, 16, 23, and 30 1:30 pm Come and touch, tap, hook, scuff and stomp your way to fitness. This program is a fun way to exercise and meet others that share the enjoyment of moving to music! There is no cost for your “try it” first class. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS Avoid the January line ups and pay for your 2015 annual membership before we close for the Christmas holidays on December 24 (at noon). The annual membership cost remains at $60 per person. YOGA CLASSES – Gentle Yoga Fridays – Dec 5, 12 19 and Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Yoga promotes flexibility, which often creates the perception that one has to be flexible to practice it. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The Gentle Yoga program at GH is specifically designed for those of us who have lost the flexibility we once had. HELP US HELP YOU Please help us avoid additional price increases to our members by keeping our hydro costs down. This can be done by: o Being reasonable when setting the room temperature. The average room temperature under normal conditions is 21°C (70°F). If you prefer to be warmer, please wear a sweater. o Shutting lights off when exiting a room that you or your group has finished using; Turning off the heat when exiting a room that you or group has finishing using; Not running the heat when windows or doors are open. ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . A warm welcome to our new members: Yvonne Behn and Gerald King. Please introduce yourself and help to make them feel at home. TEA ROOM ANNOUNCEMENT – IMPORTANT! There will be no lunch service available in the Goward House Tea Room on December 22, 23, and 24. GH closes at noon on Dec 24. Coffee, tea and sweets will be available on the “Honour System.” 2014 TAX RECEIPTS for PRESIDENT’S APPEAL Anyone wishing to receive a tax receipt for their 2014 income tax return in connection with their donation to the Goward House President’s Appeal should ensure their donation is received prior to December 23. Goward House will be closing for the holidays the next day (at noon). Any donations after December 23 will receive a tax receipt for the 2015 taxation year. Tax receipts will be available for pick up from our front desk approximately 2 weeks after date of receipt. PURDY’S CHOCOLATES Purdy’s Chocolate orders will be available for pick up on: (Monday) December 1 to December 12 (Friday) o o VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Volunteers need only donate 6 hours per month. On-site training is provided. Can you help fill any of the following shifts, commencing in January 2015: KITCHEN VOLUNTEERS: - alternate (or all) Wednesday mornings(9:30 am–12:30 pm) - alternate Thursday afternoons (12:30 pm – 3:30 pm) We are also seeking volunteers willing to act as “spares” for times when our regularly scheduled volunteers are away due to vacation, illness or medical appointments. FRONT DESK VOLUNTEERS: The front desk is seeking volunteers willing to act as “spares” for times when our regularly scheduled volunteers are away due to vacation, illness or medical appointments. In particular, seeking spares willing to work on Wednesday afternoons, when needed. (before or after the Christmas Luncheon & Concert on Dec 8) Please contact Elaine Leonard at 250 477 4401 to volunteer. Thank you! A GOOD WAY TO RE-GIFT . . . At this time of year, many of us receive gift items that don’t suit our needs (for whatever reason). If you are the recipient of such a gift, please consider re-gifting by donating the item to Goward House. Such lovely re-gifted items can be used as door prizes. We are also accepting items for our White Elephant Table all year round for our 2015 Craft Fair. Thank you for thinking of us! DID YOU KNOW . . . that Goward House currently has raffle tickets for sale ($2 per ticket) Tickets are available from the front desk. PRIZES (on display at Goward House) are: 1st Original Watercolour by Vicki Stewart (value $300) 1st Kitchen Diva Basket (value $200) 2nd Christmas Gift Basket (value $100) Prize draws will take place on December 8 (following the Christmas Luncheon) THRIFTY FOODS - SMILE CARD FUNDRAISER We received $203.26 from Thrifty Foods representing funds raised in October from the Smile card fundraising program. Thank you to all who use their Smile cards! THRIFTY FOODS Smile CARD FUNDRAISER PROGRAM Shopping at Thrifty Foods is an easy way to support Goward House. It’s as easy a 1, 2, 3 . . . 1 Go to our front desk and ask for a Thrifty Foods Fundraising Smile card. 2 Take the Smile card with you to Thrifty Foods when you go grocery shopping. Ask the cashier to load any amount ($50, $100, $200, $500, etc.) you wish onto the card before paying for your grocery order. Pay for the Smile card load with cash, debit card or credit card.* You can re-load your card on a regular basis. 3 Anytime you grocery shop, pay for your grocery order with the Smile card. It’s that simple! *Thrifty Foods will donate 5% of the amount loaded on your Smile Card to the fundraising group. There is absolutely no cost to you. When the card is running low, load it again to continue to support your group every time you shop! Cardholder Frequently Asked Questions What if I do not have enough funds on my Smile Card to pay for my grocery order? The cashier can apply all available funds on the card to your order. The outstanding balance can be paid in cash, debit card, or credit card. Cashiers cannot load a Smile Card once a grocery order has been rung though the till. What if there are funds remaining on my Smile Card once I’ve paid for my grocery order? Use the funds to pay for purchases next time you shop at Thrifty Foods! Many customers will load an amount equal to their weekly, biweekly or monthly grocery budget on payday or at the beginning of the month and use the card for their next several purchases. How do I know the current balance of my Smile Card? Your grocery receipt will show the remaining balance of your Smile Card after each purchase or a cashier can swipe the card at the till and do a balance inquiry. LOOKING FOR A GIFT IDEA? Perhaps you know someone that would benefit from reading Lyndsay Green’s book: The Perfect Home for a Long Life: Housing Ourselves for the Future If so, this This book is available for purchase from the Goward House display cabinet. Please see our front desk person for purchase. Cost: $20 SERVICE PROVIDERS . . . book an appt for the benefit of your health FOOT CARE – Put your best foot forward The foot care nurse, Kelly, is now accepting appointments. at Goward House for Dec 1 (Mon) and Jan 5 (Mon). Please contact our front desk to schedule your appointment: Tel: 250 477 4401. Thank you! ACUPRESSURE SESSIONS December 3 and January 7 9:30 am – 3:30 pm GH Rate: $30 for 30 minutes or $55 for 60 minutes Low Introductory Rate: $10 (for first appointments only) Mary Leblanc (a GH member), who received her diploma from the Canadian Acupressure College in 2011, is now offering acupressure sessions at Goward House. What is it? It is a healing art that stimulates the body’s natural healing and self-curative abilities. Only finger and thumb pressure is used on key points on the body, effecting release of muscular tension and promoting circulation of both the body’s blood and vital energy. Why do it? Acupressure relieves aches, pains, tensions and chronic imbalances. Some experience great benefit immediately. More chronic conditions may need several sessions to improve and relieve symptoms. What happens? Wear loose, light clothing and lie comfortably on a softly padded massage table. The acupressurist puts gentle but firm pressure on key points for two to three minutes at a time, completing a pattern. Benefit: increase your blood circulation and promote the flow of your body’s energy. You become more relaxed; increased vitality and decreased stress. How do I book an appointment? Simply phone our front desk at 250 477 4401 to schedule your session. Bouquets OUR SINCERE THANKS to the wonderful volunteers that stepped forward to help with the Lyndsay Green Fundraiser Luncheon: Dean Sawyer Elfreda Chick Barry Mah Ming Susan Muir David Eyles Bill Muir Peter Bruce Lynn Peacey Barb Sawyer Nancy Lypkie Val Blume Jane King Esther Pomeroy David Langley Our special thanks to our sponsor, Heart Pharmacies, and to Lyndsay Green for her support. OUR SINCERE THANKS to the following volunteers for aiding us with our successful 5th annual Craft Fair: David Eyles Loree Hayes Janis Dunning Anne Croziersmith Carol Nuernberger Jim Brackenbury Pam Katurnar Mary Brackenbury Mary Howard Richard Wilson Joanne Wilson Penny van Citters Katherine Jones Penny Vandervalk Rosita Dworschak Arnold Mekelburg David Langley Barry Mah Ming Nessie Langley Cora Lyn Sears Joan Robinson Claude Campbell Patricia Dahlstrom Eileen Beal June Burley Gail Flitton Jane King Joe Girard Deanne Green Edna Steele Judy Max Ray Coutts Dave Smith Bob Tubman Vicki Stewart Henny Nyhof Barb Sawyer Wendy Gedney Nancy Lypkie Mark Rossi Carol Gray Dodie Clark Dean Sawyer Gord Hawkes Phyllis Duval Val Blume Katherine DeMille Elaine Daniel Harry Torno Gail Branton Kittie Ure Gladys Mather Tannis Wightman Al Kuhn Hal Gibbard Liz Milton Maureen Moffat Louise Manarey Peta Alexander Don Patrick Ivan Baggs Trisha Parker Bev Ashforth Mary LeBlanc Bob Isbister Rosemary Ward Lyndsay Green A BIG THANK YOU to the members of the two Goward House craft groups for donating their time and effort in creating the many items that adorned our craft table. ALSO OUR THANKS to the members that supported the craft fair by donating items, attending the craft fair, and promoting it to your family and friends. Thanks everyone! This event is a large fundraiser for Goward House and it could not take place without the support of our generous members and volunteers. We succeeded in raising over $6,000. Well done! DO YOU JUST BELONG? Are you an active member, The kind that would be missed, Or are you just contented That you name is on the list? Do you attend the meetings And mingle with the flock Or do you meet in private And criticize and knock? Do you take an active part To help the work along Or are you satisfied to be The kind who just belongs? Do you work for others In this there is no trick Or leave the work to just a few And talk about the clique? So come to meetings often And help with hand and heart, Don’t be just a member But take an active part Think this over, members You know what’s right from wrong Are you an active member Or do you just belong? Author Unknown Season’s greeting to all of our Goward House members, their families, and friends and best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! from your Goward House office staff Elaine Leonard and Mary Homer JANUARY 2015 DECEMBER 2014 MONDAY 9:00-10:00 9:30-4:00 10:15-11:15 11:30-12:30 1:15-3:00 1:30-3:30 TUESDAY 9:00-10:30 9:30-10:30 9:30-4:00 10:30-12:00 11:00-12:00 Noon-4:00 1:00-3:00 1:00-4:00 1:30-3:30 WEDNESDAY 9:00-Noon 9:30-4:00 12:30-4:00 1:00-4:00 1:30-3:30 2:00-4:00 THURSDAY 9:00-10:00 9:30-12:00 10:15-11:15 11:30-12:30 1:00-4:00 FRIDAY 9:00–10:30 9:30-10:30 9:00-10:15 9:30-4:00 10:30–12:00 11:00-12:00 12:15-1:15 12:30-3:45 1:30 – 2:30 Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] Billiards Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] Strength & Balance Goward House Singers Monday Craft Group Spanish–Level 1 Body Shapes – no class Dec 23rd Billiards French am–Intermediate Tai Chi Beginners (Sept 2014 – Dec 2014) Bridge, one table (closed) French pm–Advanced Level (Sequoia Rm) Portrait Painters Book Club – (3rd Tues of ea. Mo.) (GH Theatre) Drop-in Art Billiards Duplicate Bridge – arrive @ 12:15 Chinese Brush Painting Craft Group + Purls of Wisdom Knitting Mah Jong Players Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] Billiards Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] Strength & Balance Social Co-ed (drop-in) Bridge – arrive @12:15 Spanish–Level 1 Total Fitness Spanish–Level 2 (started: Oct 3) Billiards Spanish–Conversation – no class Dec 12, 19, 26 Tai Chi Beginners (Sept 2014 – Dec 2014) Gentle Yoga Social Co-ed (drop-in) Bridge – arrive @12:15 MONDAY 9:00-10:00 9:30-4:00 10:15-11:15 11:30-12:30 1:15-3:00 1:30-3:30 TUESDAY 9:00-10:30 9:30-10:30 9:30-4:00 10:30-12:00 Noon-4:00 1:00-3:00 1:00-4:00 1:30-3:30 WEDNESDAY 9:00-Noon 9:30-4:00 12:30-4:00 1:00-4:00 1:30-3:30 2:00-4:00 THURSDAY 9:00-10:00 9:30-12:00 10:15-11:15 11:30-12:30 1:00-4:00 FRIDAY 9:00–10:30 9:30-10:30 9:00-10:15 9:30-4:00 10:30–12:00 12:15-1:15 12:30-3:45 1:30 – 2:30 Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] Billiards Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] Strength & Balance Goward House Singers Monday Craft Group Spanish–Level 1 Body Shapes Billiards French am–Intermediate Bridge, one table (closed) French pm–Advanced Level (Sequoia Rm) Portrait Painters Book Club – (3rd Tues of ea. Mo.) (GH Theatre) Drop-in Art Billiards Duplicate Bridge – arrive @ 12:15 Chinese Brush Painting Craft Group + Purls of Wisdom Knitting Mah Jong Players Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] Billiards Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] Strength & Balance Social Co-ed (drop-in) Bridge – arrive @12:15 Spanish–Level 1 Total Fitness Spanish–Level 2 (started: Oct 3) Billiards Spanish–Conversation – restarts Jan 9 Gentle Yoga Social Co-ed (drop-in) Bridge – arrive @12:15 Line Dancing Line Dancing TOTAL FITNESS CLASS - TUES, DEC 23 IS CANCELLED MONDAY SPANISH CONVERSATION – FRI, DEC 12, 19, 26 – RESTARTS JAN 9 9:00-10:00 IS CANCELLED Tai Chi Club [On-Going Group] 9:30-4:00 Billiards (time available on Mondays)
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