Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 Temple Talk Congregation B'nai Emmunah 3374 Keystone Road, Tarpon Springs, FL 34688 (727) 938-9000 • E-mail: December 2014 –Kislev/Tevet 5775 A Message from the Spiritual Leader The Cantor’s Corner, December 2014/Kislev 5775 Shalom Chaverim! The month of Kislev is filled with happy expectations; Thanksgiving, Chanukah, New Year’s, and most likely, visiting friends and family. At CBE, we have a lot going on to celebrate the season, including Chanukah celebrations, the 25th Anniversary of CBE, and the dedication of the new Ner Tamid (December 20th). Always eager for outreach, we have many opportunities to perform the mitzvah of g’milut chasadim by donating toys, clothes and other items to the Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services, and The Shepherd Center of Tarpon Springs has invited us to come back to serve dinner to the needy on Xmas day. The past month saw special services like the Blessing of the Animals, which was well attended. Our Religious School is growing with new students Sam Haberman, Morey and Jorah Kurland, and Isabelle and Sophia Lyons. Our students will be participating at this year’s Menorah Madness on the 19th (bring your Chanukah Menorahs!) and we will be treated to Chanukah music by the Pittards. Our growing synagogue continues to grow in membership. A year ago at this time, we had approximately 45 family units. By the end of 2014, we will be welcoming five or six new families since Yom Kippur, bringing our numbers closer to 60 family units. As we continue to grow, Temple life becomes richer with what these new members bring to our Temple Family. Temple Talk – Page 1 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 A learning opportunity that targets nonJews and Jews who want to brush up on the basics is called A Taste of Judaism. The class/menu offers an appetizer, a choice of entree, and a dessert (Movie Night!). The classes begin on January 14th and is free of charge. Please RSVP to if you wish to signup. As the festival of Chanukah gets closer, we are asked to rededicate ourselves to our faith in Judaism. As a religion, Judaism offers rituals and laws that show us how to become closer to our G-d. The essence of religion is to facilitate a way in which to do that. No one can just sit down, close their eyes and instantly connect with G-d. We need a spiritual ‘WiFi’ in order to do that! How do we ignite our faith? Like the candles we light, ritual stands as a physical symbol of the fire that we must feed within us the light of our souls, and the light of hope and faith in our G-d, which guides us through the darkest times of our lives. Like the outward symbols of the Eternal Light and the Chanukah candles, religion inspires us to reach for blessings and a higher state of living, as partners with G-d in an everchanging world. The world may change, but the core essence of our spiritual being never changes. For me, one of the best things about Thanksgiving are the leftovers. My favorite thing to make is a turkey sandwich: a thick slice of turkey between two layers of cranberry sauce. I liken this sandwich to the core Jewish prayer, the Shema. In our liturgy, the Shema is sandwiched between two readings of love. The first talks about the ways that G-d loves us. The second is how G-d wants us to show our love in return. One represents the unique spiritual nature of man and G-d. The other represents the religion that will guide us there, like the traffic routes that will get us back home. The Shema connects these two, as we openly share the bond of ‘Oneness’ we experience when connecting with The Eternal One. I wish you a Chag Hachanukah Same’ach, a Joyous Chanukah! In the words of the Prophet Zechariah: ‘Not by might nor by power shall men live, but by my Spirit.’ ( Zechariah, 4:6). Shalom, Cantor Colman Reaboi President’s Message – December 2014 Shalom Members and Friends of B’nai Emmunah – Temple Talk – Page 2 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 November was a great month here at CBE. The highlight was Collin Easley’s Bar Mitzvah. He led portions of the Shabbat morning service, blessed and read from the Torah, and gave a wonderful D’var. This was the culmination of a lot of work for him and he and his family should be extremely proud of his accomplishment. The service was lovely and many of Collin’s family traveled to be with him and participate in the weekend’s festivities. It brought back many memories for me of my Bar Mitzvah as well as the B’nai Mitzvah of our two sons. Congratulations Collin on a job well done! And congratulations to Cantor Reaboi for his support of Collin during his preparation and celebration. Attendance at our Friday Shabbat services continues to increase. At the Family Service on November 14 we were pleased to be joined by the Kurland family, Brian and Anna and their children Mori and Jorah. They have subsequently joined our congregation and so we also welcome them as a new member family. Be sure to introduce yourself to them next time you’re at services. It’s this personal contact that makes CBE the friendly congregation that we are. Thanksgiving has always been a time for our family to get together in San Diego and this year was no exception. In addition to enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving meal this trip also gives us the opportunity to expose our grandchildren to Chanukah. Last year, of course, Chanukah fell on Thanksgiving Day. No such luck this year but we decided to go ahead and celebrate it early. Each day the kids read the story of Chanukah and, with some coaching from Gramma and Grampa, recited the blessings. It’s an experience that we all really enjoy. December is always filled with exciting activities at CBE. The year’s highlight will be the dedication of our new (to us) Ner Tamid (Eternal Light) scheduled for Saturday evening, December 20. Mark that date on your calendar as we expect the evening to be a gala event with press coverage and attendance by many people from our community. Judy joins me in wishing all of you a Happy Chanukah and a Happy and Healthy New Year. Ed ====================================================================================== Visit our Gift Shop Temple Talk – Page 3 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 Contact: Sheila Shear – (813) 598-6043 or Esther Peretz at Catalogs and special order PLEASE ‘FRIEND’ US ON FACEBOOK! The correct CBE website is: BUY YOUR NEW MAH JONGG CARDS FROM THE SISTERHOOD OF CBE Order your 2014 Mah Jongg cards by January 10, 2015. Make your check payable to CBE Sisterhood for $8.00 regular; $9.00 large Cards will be delivered directly to your home from National Mah Jongg League. Temple Talk – Page 4 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ # Cards __________ $ 8.00 ________ $9.00 _____________ Total ___________ Send to: Sheila Shear 10642 Ashford Oaks Drive Tampa, FL 33625 We Remember Them For the Month of December Yahrzeits Announced Friday, November 28th Hyman Altner Grandfather of Sid Altner Dec. 1st Jeffrey Farkas Nephew of Nanci Coller Dec. 3rd Daniel Ferrer Father of Alan Ferrer Dec. 3rd Heather Heath Daughter of Gary Brevoort Dec. 4th Kislev 12 Temple Talk – Page 5 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah Sylvia Kaiser December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 Mother of Babette Schoenfeld Dec. 5th Announced Friday, December 5th John Deckers Father of Linda Ferrer Dec. 6th Harold Kaiser Father of Babette Schoenfeld Dec. 6th Jonathan Preston Krieger Brother of Ronnie Mekler Dec. 6th Pearl Lasky Mother of Roberta Reed Dec. 6th Rae List Mother of Lorraine Barron Dec. 12th Kislev 20 Announced Friday, December 12th Jane Finlay Mother of Bernard Finlay Dec. 14th Kislev 20 Dora Cohen Mother of Reva Finlay Dec. 17th Kislev 25 Pat Rose Sister of Tom Rose Dec. 17th Kislev 25 Announced Friday, December 19th Malcom Glasser Brother of Sheila Shear Dec. 22nd Dorothy Seiderman Mother of Sharon Sussman Dec. 22nd Kislev 30 George Reed 2nd Husband of Roberta Reed Dec. 23rd Joseph Abramson Brother of Tonia Lanciano Dec. 25th Louis Finlay Father of Bernard Finlay Dec. 26th Tevet 4 Announced Friday, December 26th Irwin J. Buchwalter Husband of Sheila Buchwalter Dec. 28th Melchior Nove Father of Judy Brevoort Dec. 28th Tevet 6 Anniversaries Julius and Lorraine Barron Dec. 5th 55 years Jeffrey Pittard and Deborah Coppage Dec. 5th 33 years Temple Talk – Page 6 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 Vicky and Irving Benedon Dec. 18th 45 years Edward and Judy Ungar Dec. 29th 51 years Joel May and Kevin Kirby Dec. 29th 10 years Birthdays Jacalyn Rubin Dec. 1st Kevin Kirby Dec. 2nd Nanci Coller Dec. 5th Margrit Goodhand Dec. 5th Tonia Lanciano Dec. 7th Edward Zisman Dec. 9th Susan Rubin Dec. 13th Harry (Bo) Friedman Dec. 16th Sisterhood Update Shalom, It’s finally happening, the last stage of the Sisterhood Bema Beautification project, the installation of a gorgeous, antique Ner Tamid. On Saturday evening, December 20, at 7:00 P.M., a dedication ceremony will be held at the Temple, with coffee and dessert to follow. We will also be celebrating our 25th anniversary as a Synagogue. Rachel Myers, Special Projects Coordinator for the Institute of Southern Jewish Life will be here to participate in this event. L’Dor V’Dor, from generation to generation, our 25 years young synagogue will receive a ner tamid from a Mississippi Synagogue that is no longer active, rekindling their eternal light. What a fitting event for the last night of Chanukah. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temple Talk – Page 7 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 In other Sisterhood news, the next book to be read by our Book Club (open to men and women) will be The December Project, by Sarah Davidson. The discussion date will be January 11th, at my house at 1:00. Directions will follow next month. Thank you Tom and Dorcey Rose for hosting our last one. Elsewhere in the Temple Talk, you will find: 1) A flyer for our proposed visit to Solomon’s Castle on January 18th. 2) An order form for new Mah Jongg Cards. All orders must be in by January 15th. 3) An application to play in our next Mah Jongg tournament at Aston Gardens, set for Sunday, February 8th 4) An order form for Memorial Plaques and Tree of Life leaves. 5) Lastly, do not forget our Gift Shop and Sunshine Cards. Hope to see you at the December 20th Ner Tamid Dedication. Sheila Shear The Sisterhood of CBE Invites You to A Mah Jongg Tournament Sunday Feb. 8, 2015 9:00 am 3:30 PM At The Grand Ballroom at Aston Gardens 12951 W. LINEBAUGH AVE 1/4 MILE EAST OF RACE TRACK ROAD ONLY $35.00 per person, includes BOTH Continental Breakfast AND Lunch Door Prizes, Cash Prizes, 50 / 50, Boutiques Beginner table available if requested Space is limited, reserve early Questions? Call: Sheila Shear 813-926-7926 or 813-598-6043 Temple Talk – Page 8 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 Make checks payable to Sisterhood CBE and mail to: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheila Shear 10642 Ashford Oaks Drive Tampa, Florida 33625 Name _____________________________________________________ How Many Seats___________________Amount Enclosed__________ Address________________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________________ Work _______________________ Cell______________________ E-mail Address ______________________________ East? Y or N _____ CANTOR COLMAN REABOI FREE TO ALL*: A TASTE OF JUDAISM Been a while since you tasted Jewish Delights? Not Jewish, but curious? OUR MENU Appetizer: Judaism Versions 1, 2 and OU Jan. 14 6:30 P.M. Entrees: Spirituality Jan. 21 6:30 P.M. Torah and the Jewish Bible Jan. 28 6:30 P.M. History of the Tribe Feb. 4 6:30 P.M. Holidays: when and how Feb. 11 6:30 P.M. Dessert: Movie night! Feb. 21 6:30 P.M. RSVP: 727.938.9000 Temple Talk – Page 9 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 *Donations appreciatednd CANTOR COLMAN RE ________________________________________________________________________________ Congregation B’nai Emmunah’s Menorah Madness 2014 Friday, December 19th at 6:30pm Bring your Menorah’s and Appetite for an incredible night of Food, Music and Fun! Family Chanukah Shabbat - Potluck Lutka and Salad Dinner Dinner followed by Shabbat/Chanukah Service with Cantor Colman together with A Special Program of Chanukah music with the Pittards Temple Talk – Page 10 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 And then Another Awesome Oneg - Cookies, Donuts, Drinks & Sufganiyot RSVP: Please respond by email to Sue Park by Monday, December 15th letting her know how many are coming – what you can bring Lutka, Salad, Oneg and for how many Temple Talk – Page 11 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 Temple Talk – Page 12 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah December 2014- Kislev/Tevet 5775 SORROWS AND SIMCHAS We are better than Hallmark. All cards $5.00 Contact Bobbie Reed at (813) 962-3338 or If you are, or know of someone who is in need of a helping hand while recovering from, or going through an illness, contact Cantor Colman. We have volunteers in your temple family who can help you in your time of need. ====================================================================================== Support CBE by shopping We have created a very easy way for you to help CBE when making your purchases through Amazon's Associates Program gives CBE a commission when you click through to Amazon's site from the Temple site and purchase merchandise. It rewards associates like CBE for attracting customers to Amazon (if the visit results in a purchase). Use the link from our website ( to purchase gifts and merchandise on A percentage of your purchase (up to 10%) will automatically be routed to CBE, enabling us to fund various activities. There is absolutely no additional cost to you as a purchaser. We are merely a portal. Help us to raise funds to enable CBE to grow and continue to be a vibrant and inclusive community. Temple Talk – Page 13 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah June 2014 – Sivan 5774/Tammuz 5774 Congregation B’nai Emmunah MEMORIAL PLAQUES ORDER FORM “The memory of the righteous endures as a benediction forever.” (The Talmud) This Memorial Tablet will be a Permanent Sacred Fixture in our Sanctuary, now and through all the years to come. Kaddish for the names of your beloved departed who are recorded here, will be recited at the appropriate time in our Synagogue and the Memorial Light will be lit to honor their precious memory. Please reserve for me as follows: ____________ plaque(s) at a cost of $350.00 per plaque. (The cost of having a plaque moved from another location to CBE is $275.00) The inscription will read: ____________________________________________________________________ (The name of your beloved) The Hebrew date of your beloved’s passing: _____________________________________________________ (Please note: If you are not certain of the Hebrew date, the Spiritual Leader will calculate it for you from the English date.) The civil calendar date of your beloved’s passing: _________________________________ (Was the time of your beloved’s death before sundown?) ____ Y ____N Please send this form along with your check to: Congregation B’nai Emmunah 3374 Keystone Road Tarpon Springs, FL 346882028 Your Name: ________________________________________________________________ Your Phone Number: ________________________________________________________ Your Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _____________ Zip Code: ______________ Would you like to be present for the mounting of the plaque? ____ Yes ____ No Temple Talk – Page 14 of 16 Congregation B'nai Emmunah June 2014 – Sivan 5774/Tammuz 5774 Is there a specific date for mounting that you request? If so please indicate here: ____________ ~ December 2014 ~ ◄ November Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 7 PM – Yo chi January ► Thu 4 9 AM – Qi Gong 7 PM – Hebrew Reading Class Fri 5 8 9 10 9:30 AM – Religious School 7 PM – Yo chi 7 PM – Board Meeting 9 AM – Qi Gong 7 PM – Hebrew Reading Class 14 15 16 17 9:30 AM – Religious School 7 PM – Yo chi Light 1st Chanukah Candle 9 AM – Qi Gong 7 PM – Hebrew Reading Class 21 22 23 24 25 26 9 AM – Qi Gong Christmas 8 PM – Shabbat Service 31 Notes: 28 29 No Religious School 7 PM – Yo chi 30 6 8 PM – Shabbat Service 7 9:30 AM – Religious 7 PM – Yo chi School Chanukah Party Sat 11 18 12 13 7:30 – Family Shabbat Service 10 AM – Shabbat Morning Service 6:30 Chanukah Chavaruh 19 20 6 PM – Menorah Madness & Potluck Shabbat Service 9 AM – Qi Gong ` Temple Talk – Page 15 of 16 27 Congregation B'nai Emmunah June 2014 – Sivan 5774/Tammuz 5774 Temple Talk – Page 16 of 16
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